2022/23 Health Care Aide Student Handbook

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Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 2022-2023

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 1 2022 2023 Table of Contents Welcome to the Health Care Aide Program 2 Program Faculty and Staff ............................................................................................................................ 2 Services for Students 2 Lakeland College Student Rules, Regulations, and Forms and Policies and Procedures ........................... 4 Student Discipline ............................................................................................................................ 4 Student Grievance Appeal Process .................................................................................................. 4 Academic Probation and Suspension 4 Health Care Aide Program Policies and Academic Regulations .................................................................. 5 Outcomes of the Health Care Aide Program 5 Attendance Policy ............................................................................................................................ 5 Student Conduct ........................................................................................................................................... 6 Laboratory Requirements ................................................................................................................ 6 Clinical Placement Experiences 6 Clinical Placement Expectations ...................................................................................................... 6 Client Safety and Confidentiality ..................................................................................................... 7 Inappropriate Language ................................................................................................................... 7 Drug and Alcohol Use....................................................................................................................... 7 Cell Phone, Computer, and Other Messaging Equipment Use ........................................................ 8 Travel in Inclement Weather 8 FOIP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy) 8 Academic Progress and Evaluation .............................................................................................................. 8 Course Credit ................................................................................................................................... 8 Prior Leaning Assessment and Recognition 8 Transfer of HCA Course Credits ....................................................................................................... 9 Withdrawal and Refund Guidelines ................................................................................................. 9 Withdrawal from College ................................................................................................................. 9 Withdrawal from a Course ............................................................................................................. 10 Examination Policies and Regulations ........................................................................................... 10 Grading System 11 Graduation Requirements 11 Learning Plans ................................................................................................................................ 11 Information Technology ............................................................................................................................. 12 Lakeland College Account Access Information .............................................................................. 12 Accessing MyLakeland ................................................................................................................... 13 Printing Services ............................................................................................................................. 13

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 2 2022 2023

Lori Mennie (Wainwright) lori.mennie@lakelandcollege.ca

Financial Aid and Awards

Welcome to the Health Care Aide Program

Health & Wellness faculty and staff offices are located in BK200. All faculty and staff can be reached by email at firstname.lastname@lakelandcollege.ca

Students have access to financial aid and awards, bursaries, and scholarships. A complete listing of the awards available at Lakeland College can be found in the College calendar on our website at https://lakelandcollege.ca/current students/financial aid and awards

Contact financialaid@lakelandcollege.ca to discuss what types of assistance you might qualify for. The Commons The Commons offers academic assistance to ALL Lakeland College students at no charge. If you are experiencing difficulty in a course or you would like to raise your GPA even more, visit The Commons (https://lakelandcollege.ca/current students/teaching and learning commons )

Regular office hours are from 8:15 am to 4:30 pm, Monday to Friday. Statutory holidays are observed. Staff Email Janice Aughey, Dean janice.aughey@lakelandcollege.ca Deb Minish, Chair deb.minish@lakelandcollege.ca

Tiffany Skinner, Administrative Assistant tiffany.skinner@lakelandcollege.ca

Program Faculty and Staff

The Health and Wellness Department faculty and staff welcome you to Lakeland College. We look forward to our educational partnership throughout your journey. We encourage you to seek our assistance and support as well as other College resources in achieving your goals.

Faculty Email Sarah Laboucane (Lloydminster) sarah.laboucane@lakelandcollege.ca

Services for Students

Congratulations on your decision to pursue studies in Health and Wellness. We welcome you to the Lakeland College Health Care Aide program and wish you success in reaching your goals.

. You can also contact the Administrative Assistant at 780.871.5482.

Peer Tutoring Program contact kirstine.bertoia@lakelandcollege.ca

For help to overcome the challenges currently impacting your mental health so you’re able to have the best experience as a Lakeland College student, you can access these free, confidential services

The library has a variety of resources, including e books, audiobooks, print books, DVDs, and streaming videos. Students can access and search for these resources by title/author/subject through the Library Catalogue at https://lakelandcollege.ca/current students/libraries

Accessibility Advisor, Tami Smith tami.smith@lakelandcollege.ca

Leaner Success Strategist, Karen Harris karren.harris@lakelandcollege.ca

To purchase your textbooks and have them sent to you, please call 780 853 8525 or email bookstore@lakelandcollege.ca or visit in person on the Lloydminster campus, Monday to Friday, 8:30am to 4pm. Indigenous Support Services For more information, please contact Rikki at 780 871 5444 or email rikki.ducharme@lakelandcollege.ca


Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 3 2022 2023

Search Hoopla for e books and audiobooks only. Download the Hoopla App or go to hoopladigital.com and set up an account. Magazine/journal articles are also available through a variety of electronic databases available on the library database page.

Wellness Advisor and Counsellor

Wellness Advisor, Sarah Popil sarah.popil@lakelandcollege.ca or 780 871 5722 Counsellor, Chantel Walker chantel.walker@lakelandcollege.ca or 780 823 8583 Bookstore

The library is a member of TAL, which means that, as a Lakeland College student, you have access to a number of member libraries, maybe even the one in your town. Librarian, Ben Harrison ben.harrison@lakelandcollege.ca

Students who register at Lakeland College agree to abide by the rules and regulations of the institution and are expected to conduct themselves in a forthright and honest manner. Please follow this link for Rules, Regulations, and Forms: https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current students/rules regulations and forms

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 4 2022 2023 Lakeland College Student Rules, Regulations, and Forms and Policies and Procedures

Please follow this link for Policies and Procedures: https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current students/student policies and procedures

Student Discipline (Policy and Procedure 5.57)

All students should conduct themselves in accordance with College policies, regulations, and procedures. Apprenticeship students are also subject to the rules and regulations as set out by Alberta’s Apprenticeship and Industry Training department. In cases where student misconduct occurs, discipline will be applied in a manner consistent with the Student Discipline Policy. Consistent application of this policy ensures that students are aware of the range of disciplinary actions that may be applied by the College.

 Discuss with Instructor and/or Chair or Registrar within five working days

 Decision is given to student within one working day

 If not resolved, move on to the Formal Student Grievance and Appeal Process

Lakeland College students must satisfy minimum standards of academic performance and adhere to standards for behaviour and attendance. Probation is a method of alerting students that they are not meeting these standards and that improvement is necessary for successful program completion. Students who are placed on academic probation are not considered to be “in good standing.” Good standing is necessary to be eligible for awards or bursaries or to participate in college athletics Studentsprograms.who have concerns about their academic performance are encouraged to speak to their instructors, the Academic Advisor, or Department Chair and to use the resources available such as tutorials, peer tutoring, or the Learning Commons. In order to avoid academic penalty, students should officially withdraw themselves from courses within the stated time frame.

Academic Probation and Suspension (Policy and Procedure 5.63, 5.78)

Students receiving academic or nonacademic disciplinary decision may appeal those decisions that have an adverse personal or academic impact. A copy of the “Student Grievance and Appeal Process 5.58” is also available from Student Services, the Students’ Association, or the Department Chair Appeal Process for Academic and Non Academic Issues

Student Grievance Appeal Process (Policy and Procedure 5.58)

The following policies are in effect in the Health Care Aide Program. Outcomes of the Health Care Aide Program

Graduates of the HCA Provincial Curriculum will meet the following program learning outcomes (PLOs) which will help them to:

Work with the collaborative care team to set and achieve common care goals.

Complete ongoing self reflection to continuously develop HCA competencies.

Learners will have met the theory requirements and laboratory skills (practice and assessment) before they are permitted in the clinical setting.

Provide ethical person centered and culturally competent care to support, promote and maintain the health and well being, safety, independence, and comfort for the client across the lifespan in all health sectors.

Communicate effectively with the collaborative care team.

Perform skills competently according to evidence based guidelines across a variety of care settings for clients with various health needs and conditions.

Respond appropriately by recognizing, acting, reporting, and recording while integrating knowledge, practice, and experience to provide quality care.

Demonstrate professionalism, accountability, and responsibility as a HCA within a collaborative care team.

Perform competently within the roles and responsibilities as a HCA within the Alberta and the Canadian health care system.

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 5 2022 2023 Health Care Aide Program Policies and Academic Regulations

Maintain safety of self, client, and environment by following government legislation, agency policy and procedures.

Apply foundational theory, principles, and evidence based practices to provide holistic care for clients across the life span and across all health sectors.

Attendance Policy A student is expected to attend all classes, all laboratory times, all examinations, and all practicum practice shifts. Absences are recorded. Vacation must be taken when classes and clinical placements are not in Professionalsession.practices are expected. Punctuality is very important. Each instructor has confidential voicemail available. If a student will be absent from a class, lab, or clinical placements, the student must inform the instructor before the class time, lab time, or practicum shift time if he/she will be absent.

Absences for any reasons are not permitted and students will not be allowed to continue to the next course.

Course 5 Clinical Placement Experience 1 is instructor led. Under the direction of a regulated health care professional, learners will work in a continuing care setting, such as supportive living, designated supportive living (DSL), senior lodges, long term care, or group homes, providing person centered care and support for clients and their families.

 Students must be prepared for all clinical assignments on practicum. Prior to clinical placements, students must submit all program requirements. Students will not be allowed to attend practicum if these requirements are not met.

Clinical Placement Experiences

Learners will have met the theory requirements and laboratory skills (practice and assessment) before they are permitted in the clinical setting.

The HCA Curriculum has a requirement of 320 minimum clinical hours and a maximum of 360. The clinical placement component consists of three separate courses designed to give the learner the opportunity to incorporate the theoretical and practical knowledge gained in the HCA Program within a clinical setting. Clinical placement courses are outlined as follows:

Students are required to: Come prepared for all skill labs. Wear uniforms for specified labs as indicated by instructors. Seek out an instructor for assistance as needed. Successfully demonstrate skills learned in the lab setting of the course during guided practice. Students must also practice documenting findings and participate in reflective practice during the lab sessions.

Attendance and participation are mandatory for all labs in order to pass the course.

If a student does not pass the skills component of a course, he/she will be required to repeat the course.

Clinical Placement Expectations

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 6 2022 2023

Student LaboratoryConductRequirements

Course 8 Clinical Placement Experience 2 is instructor led. Under the direction of a regulated health care professional, learners will work in a health care setting such as continuing care or acute care, providing person centered care and support for clients and their families.

Course 9 Consolidated Clinical Placement Experience. Under the direction of a regulated health care professional and buddied with an unregulated health care professional (i.e., HCA), students will work in a variety of health care settings such as continuing care or acute care, providing person centered care and support for clients and their families.

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 7 2022 2023  Students must make up missed time (at the discretion of the instructor and the Chair of the Health Care Aide Program).  Students must wear scrubs.  Shoes must be predominately white, clean, and in good repair.  Uniforms are not to be worn outside the practicum site.  Nails must be clean and trimmed. Artificial/gel or long nails are not allowed.  Perfumes and colognes should not be worn. Cosmetics should be worn in moderation.  Hair must be clean and controlled. Long hair must be pulled back and put up. Beards and moustaches must be clean and neatly trimmed or the face must be cleanly shaven.  Tattoos must be covered.  *NOTE Only a plain, flat wedding band and small stud earrings may be worn.  A watch with a second hand sweep is part of the dress uniform and may be worn on the uniform or wrist. Client Safety and Confidentiality Students must provide for client safety and confidentiality at all times. Safety Violations include:  Unsafe performance of skills.  Failure to report sudden deterioration in a client’s status.  Verbal/physical abuse of clients.  Dishonesty.  Inappropriate/lack of documentation. Evaluation  If students are unable to perform skills identified as critical to practice in a clinical practicum, they will receive an unsatisfactory practicum evaluation.  If students are unsuccessful in their practicum, they will be required to meet with the Chair of the Health Care Aide program, prior to repeating the course. Inappropriate Language Inappropriate language (i.e. foul language) will not be tolerated in classrooms, labs or on clinical placements. Drug and Alcohol Use Students are not to be under the influence of illicit drugs or alcoholic beverages during classes, labs, or while on practicum/clinical assignments. Penalties such as suspension or expulsion may be issued if this regulation is not followed.

 Previous employment, including a job description, totaling 600+ hours within the past three years as an HCA or personal care provider.

Students will keep messaging equipment turned off and in their backpacks/book bags in the classrooms, labs, exam rooms and practicum sites.

 English Language Proficiency requirement (see HCA program admission requirements)

Cell Phone, Computer, and Other Messaging Equipment Use

FOIP is provincial legislation with which Lakeland College must comply. Lakeland College supports the right of the public to access information about the College and the right of individuals to the privacy of their personal information. If students have any questions about the collection, use, or disclosure of personal information or on any matters of access or privacy, they should contact the Registrar’s office.

Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition To obtain your Health Care Aide (HCA) certificate, you must obtain credit for nine courses (6 theory and 3 clinical). As an experienced HCA, you may be eligible to obtain course credit through Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR) and full coursing. To be eligible for the HCA PLAR, you need to provide proof of the following:

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 8 2022 2023

Academic Progress and Evaluation Course Credit Laboratories are PASS/FAIL. HCA students must achieve a minimum final grade of 70% in each course exam (which comprises the course mark).

Permission to use any electronic device for video or audio recording must be sought for the instructor for the course for privacy reasons. Travel in Inclement Weather Absences due to weather and road conditions will be reviewed by the instructor. Students should use discretion. Students can call the department to check if classes have been cancelled.

FOIP (Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy)

The use of cell phones, blackberries, and other messaging equipment is prohibited in the classroom, labs, exam rooms, and practicum sites.

To provide an opportunity for students to practice proper decorum and courtesy for workplace use of cell phones, computers, and other messaging machines (and to prevent distractions in the classroom), Lakeland College enforces the following policy to restrict their use:

Students will restrict their computer work to only authorized use in the classroom and exam rooms. Authorized use is dictated by coursework and instructor guidance. Unauthorized use includes checking email messages, playing games, blogging, and opening software that is not required at the time for the class, lab, practicum, or exam.

Withdrawal and Refund Guidelines

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 9 2022 2023

Transfer of HCA Course Credits

Students who are suspended from College forfeit any right to a refund.

The decision to waive a financial or academic penalty will be made by the Registrar.

Up to 50 per cent of course credits or hours can be transferred from one HCA Program to another.

Where students do not enroll on Registration Day (no show), a full refund of tuition and mandatory fees less the tuition deposit will occur automatically.

Credit card payments will be refunded to that credit card within six months of payment. All other refunds will be paid by check.

Unless otherwise stated, the Refund Period occurs within the first 20% of the scheduled delivery.

The sponsoring agency will determine the refund payee in the case of a sponsored student.

 Any outstanding balances, fines and costs of unreturned college property will be deducted from refunds.

All post secondary institutions offering the Government of Alberta HCA Provincial Curriculum will allow transfer credit on a course by course basis from other post secondary institutions offering the Government of Alberta HCA Provincial Curriculum.

Once you have applied to the HCA program and the application has been reviewed, you will receive notification of your acceptance status via email. Directions on your next steps will be given in these Pleaseemails.discuss options for PLAR with your Instructor.

 Registered students are responsible for completing the appropriate paperwork for withdrawal and refund. Missed deadlines due to personal circumstances will be considered on an individual basis.

Refunds will be returned to government student loans where the student is a loan holder.

 After the Withdrawal Period has ended, “WF” grades will be assigned where no final mark is available. No refund.

There will not be any refund if students continue in the semester beyond the above point and then choose to withdraw after their third or fourth class in the semester.

Withdrawal from College (most full year programs)

The normal application of tuition refund is 20% of the way through the semester, which would be after the first weekend course. Because of the way HCA program is structured the College will give students an extra weekend, until immediately after their second weekend (the Monday 4:30pm), to withdraw and have a full refund of the remaining courses they have yet to do. Students wishing to withdraw must submit a completed Withdrawal from College form. It is important in this context that students know that they have only two years to complete the program so it they quit early and want to come back, they will need to finish their second year. (If students are not completely done the second course, ie, they still have an exam to write or an assignment to get in for that course, the College will expect them to finish that exam or assignment and the College will evaluate it, or they will fail that course.)

Withdrawal from a Course (most semester-based enrolments)

 After the Refund Period but during the Withdrawal Period a “W” grade will be assigned to the student’s enrolment in the class. No refund.

Failure to notify an instructor in advance of an absence from an examination will result in a zero exam grade.

Instructor will provide any extra paper required by students during exam.

In the event the student is unsuccessful (less than 70%) in their examination, they will be required to complete a rewrite examination. The rewrite exam will be written at a mutually agreed upon time. If the student is unable to achieve a 70% on the second attempt, the student will have the choice to apply for a supplemental evaluation (Student Procedure 5.90) through Student Services or withdraw from the program.

Examinations are used to evaluate mastery of course content in all theory and theory/lab courses. Course outlines specify the examinations students are required to write and the passing grade required to meet course requirements.

Items not allowed in examination area are: backpacks, jackets, hats, pencil cases and electronic devices (including cell phones, laptops, calculators, iPads, etc.) unless authorized by your instructor, Students are to leave these items at the front of the examination room at their own risk.

If a student is ill, he/she is advised not to write a scheduled examination; however, the student will be required to submit a medical certificate to verify the illness. Students should notify the instructor and the Chair of the Health Care Aide Program prior to the start of the exam and ask for a deferment.

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After the Withdrawal period has passed a grade of “WF” will be assigned if no final grade is available.

You may communicate only with the instructor. Copying or exchanging materials between students is not allowed. Only books and resources that are permitted by the instructor are allowed in the exam room.

Only one unmarked water bottle will be permitted no food unless permission is given by the instructor. No student will be allowed into the exam room more than 30 minutes after the exam has begun, without acceptable and legitimate reason for the lateness.

Deferred exams must be written within ten days of the examination date unless a longer extension is approved by the Chair of the Health Care Aide Program.

Examination Policies and Regulations

 Unless otherwise stated, the Refund Period and Withdrawal Periods follow the same times as stated above.

Students must submit a completed “Course Selection Change” form to the Office of the Registrar. During the Refund Period the student’s enrolment will be removed from the class list. 100% of applicable fees will be refunded to the student’s account.

A final examination is held in each course, unless otherwise stated in the official course outline. During an exam, students are expected to follow these department rules:

Do not touch the exam or exam papers until instructed to do so.

Final examinations are retained by the College for a period of one year. Grading System Letter F B B B+ A A A+ Percent Range 0 69 70 74 75 79 80 84 85 89 90 94 95 100 Points 0.00 2.70 3.00 3.30 3.70 4.00 4.00

Graduation Requirements

Violation of any of the above rules will lead to expulsion from the exam, with a mark of zero on that exam, and possible expulsion from the College. Scheduled dates and time for all exams will be adhered to. Failure to attend a scheduled exam without a legitimate excuse will result in a zero grade.

A student must fill out an Application to Graduate in order to graduate. Even if you do not attend convocation ceremonies, you must complete the form. Learning Plans The written Learning Plan is used to aid both student and instructor to identify areas of concern. The instructor may work with a student to develop this action plan to identify potential obstacles to learning and discuss strategies for overcoming those obstacles.

HCA students must achieve a minimum final grade of 70% in each course, receive a pass in all lab and clinical placement experiences, as well as pass the provincial HCA Examination to graduate from the HCA Program and receive the Government of Alberta HCA Provincial Curriculum Certificate.

 The goal of the Learning Plan is to outline any areas of concern, steps to be taken in order to address those concerns, dates for reassessment and persons designated to reassess progress, as well as resources available and the consequences of not meeting the course/program objectives. It is the student’s responsibility to follow through on the commitments made when building the Learning Plan. Please note that a case conference may be initiated at any time in order to address either academic or behavioural concerns.

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 11 2022 2023 

Once you complete the exam and leave the room, you are not permitted to re enter the room until all other students are finished the exam. You may not leave the room during the examination period without permission of the instructor. Any student may be asked to leave before completing the exam if suspected by the instructor of dishonesty in the exam.

Reasons for a Learning Plan: failed assignment(s) or exam(s);  tardiness three times; lab concerns (attitude, lack of professionalism);

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 12 2022 2023  safety violations;  student conduct concerns (inappropriate language);  practicum professionalism issues (late for practicum two times, dress code violations).

When you log in the first time, the system will prompt you to change your password. Your password has the following requirements: Minimum 7 characters Capital letter Special character (@!#$%^&*) Neither your first nor last name

Remember to bring your student ID card with you when coming for assistance. We require photo identifications to make changes to student accounts.

The password will be LLC!1234 (the last 4 digits will be the last 4 digits of your unique student ID Example:number) Student ID 50001234’s password would be LLC!1234

The account will be yourfirstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca

Lakeland College Account Access Information

Information Technology

Your Lakeland College EDU account is how you gain access to your Lakeland email account, onsite WIFI access, D2L course material, and free Microsoft Office software.

After your first successful log in, you will be required to set up MFA (Multifactor authentication) and self serve password reset to secure your account and allow you to reset your password on your own. After this is complete, you will now have access to Lakeland computers and WIFI (LLC BYOD)with your username and selected password.

IT (Information Technology) is located in Room 2067 beside the Library on the Lloydminster campus to assist you Monday to Friday 8:15 am to 4:30 pm.

Once you set a unique password and set up MFA, you will have access to Lakeland Learning platforms, D2L and Microsoft Teams.

If students have difficulty activating their account or have forgotten the password, they should email the Help Desk at myLChelp@lakelandcollege.ca


Accessing MyLakeland

Printing Services

Lakeland students can access their student records online to verify enrolment in classes, pay tuition and residence fees with a credit card, check grades, and update personal information in real time and on their own time with the launch of the self serve portal, MyLakeland. Access it at https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current students/my lakeland?_mid_=66957

You start the year with $5 in printing credits on your account. You may use these when printing from the computer labs and library computers. Additional credits may be purchased from the bookstore. These credits are non refundable so be sure not to buy too many at a time.

Health Care Aide Program Student Handbook 13 2022 2023

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