2023/24 Human Services Student Handbook

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Programs: Child and Youth Care Counsellor Early Childhood Education HumanServicesStudentHandbook 2023-2024 Onsite Vermilion Campus

Treaty Acknowledgement

Here at Lakeland College, we acknowledge that the land we gather on is the traditional homeland, hunting, and ceremonial gathering places of the First Nations, Métis and Inuit. The Plains Cree, Woodland Cree, Saulteaux, Blackfoot, Métis, Dene, and Nakota Sioux people have practiced their culture and languages on Treaty 6 and Métis Region 2 territories for generations and were the original caretakers of this land. Many First Nation, Métis and Inuit peoples call this land home today and have done so for millennia. We would like to acknowledge the history we have created together on this land, and to be thankful for the opportunity to walk together side-by-side in friendship, learning from our past, and promoting positive relationships for the past, present and future.

Table of Contents Human Services Faculty & Staff ..........................................................................................................2 Registration.......................................................................................................................................2 My Lakeland..............................................................................................................................................2 Course Registration 2 Dean’s Honours List ..................................................................................................................................3 Work Integrated Learning (WIL)/Practicum..............................................................................................4 Desire2Learn (D2L).............................................................................................................................5 Attendance........................................................................................................................................5 Guidelines .........................................................................................................................................6 Refunds .....................................................................................................................................................6 Academic Advising 6 Transfer Credit 6 Course Drop and Withdrawal ...................................................................................................................7 Participation & Communication..........................................................................................................7 Assignments & Examinations .............................................................................................................7 Academic Integrity....................................................................................................................................8 Format for Assignments............................................................................................................................8 Services to Students...........................................................................................................................9 Information Technology 9 Student Email and Microsoft 365 .........................................................................................................9 Printing Services....................................................................................................................................9 Accessing D2L 9 Accessing Microsoft Teams...................................................................................................................9 Financial Aid and Awards........................................................................................................................10 Bursaries, Awards and Scholarships ...................................................................................................10 Financial Services 11 The Commons .........................................................................................................................................11 Library (Centre for Information and Learning Resources)......................................................................11 Recreation 11 Student Services 12 Student Employment Centre ..................................................................................................................12 Health Services/Counselling ...................................................................................................................12 The Wellness Advisor 12 Indigenous Support Services 12 2023-2024 Academic Calendar..........................................................................................................13

Dear Human Services Student:

Welcome to our program! We have designed this Human Services Handbook to help you to develop a sense of belonging, acquire the information you need and get acquainted with the staff, curriculum, program expectations, regulations and procedures.

We believe that:

• Each person is a mighty learner who learns at a different time, rate and in a different way.

• All individuals and families are unique and have the right to be treated with respect and dignity throughout their lifespan within a non-biased, inclusive community in class and on social media

• Each student is responsible to follow the expectations, assignment due dates and guidelines for each course.

• Academic integrity is a fundamental value within our program areas, and students will refrain from plagiarism, copy and pasting, or compromising test platforms in any way.

• Students have different interests and abilities; therefore, a variety of activities/assignments will be provided.

• Individuals who work with people in human services settings need to know developmental expectations and provide for social, emotional, physical, creative, intellectual and spiritual experiences in a developmentally appropriate and holistic way.

• The key to success is having a positive attitude about life, work and maintaining good communication, including using active reading, writing and listening skills.

• Human Services students are flexible, accommodating and willing to overcome difficulties.

• Developing a lifelong learning model and keeping up to date on work-related issues is essential in any profession.

• Human Services students are able to demonstrate working with individuals utilizing an empathetic strength-based approach.

• Maintaining confidentiality is essential in the human services field.

• Advocacy is critical to the profession and necessary to raise awareness at a societal level.

We will endeavor to teach you the theory behind our beliefs and help you to make this knowledge your own.

We wish you the best of luck and please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.

Sincerely yours,

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Registration My Lakeland

Students have access to their registration and marks, timetable, transcripts, accounts, tax receipts, and personal information online at https://lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/my-lakeland.aspx

Students are responsible for keeping their telephone numbers, email and mailing addresses current using My Lakeland. The email you provide will be used as the primary communication method between yourself and the College.

*Faculty will use the D2L email system to contact you.

If you have not received your My Lakeland account information, contact us at myLChelp@lakelandcollege.ca.

Course Registration

Program requirements may be found at https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/.

Student Policies & Procedures and Rights & Responsibilities can be found on D2L.

Students are responsible for ensuring they have completed all required courses for graduation, meeting course prerequisites and maintaining a grade point average of 2.00 or better.

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Staff Office E-mail Phone Number Joanne McDonald, Chair AL209F joanne.mcdonald@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8641 Nina Barrett AL208B nina.barrett@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8509 Pam Carpenter AL208D pam.carpenter@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8638 Amanda Sargeant AL208C amanda.sargeant@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8786 Tami Smith AL208A tami.smith@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8809 Janice Aughey, Dean AL209G janice.aughey@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8460 Susanne Martin, Administrative Assistant AL209H susanne.martin@lakelandcollege.ca 780-853-8618
Letter F D D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+ Percentage 0-49 50-52 53-56 57-59 60-64 65-69 70-74 75-79 80-84 85-89 90-94 95-100 Points 0.0 1.0 1.3 1.7 2.0 2.3 2.7 3.0 3.3 3.7 4.0 4.0

You might also see the following grading symbols on your transcript.

Grade Name Description

IN Incomplete

Academic performance satisfactory, but course requirements not completed. A temporary grade awarded in special circumstances to students who require a specified amount of extra time (maximum six months) to complete course requirements. No credit earned. Not calculated in GPA. Incomplete will be changed to failing grade of F if course work not completed by prescribed deadline.

MD Mark Delayed

P/F Pass/Fail

Awarded as an interim grade in situations where mark submission is delayed.

Awarded as final grade in practicum courses as stated in the course outline. Credit earned for Pass grade. Not calculated in GPA.

RW Required to Withdraw Suspension from a course. No credit earned. Calculated as failing grade in GPA.

TC Transfer Credit

Awarded to students with prior formal learning experience.

W Withdrawal Student officially withdrew from the course prior to the prescribed deadline. No credit earned. Not calculated in GPA.

WF Withdrawal with Failure Student withdrew from the course after the prescribed deadline. No credit earned. Calculated as a failing grade in GPA.

Dean’s Honours List

The Dean’s Honours List recognizes students with a GPA of 3.5 or higher in a term. Students must have a 60% course load to be eligible. Students who qualify will be sent a letter from the Dean.

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Work Integrated Learning (WIL)/Practicum

Students are required to present a clear vulnerable sector check, which must be current within the last six months and clear of all criminal charges when presented to the Human Services practicum site. Some sites may also require students provide an IRS (Intervention Record System) from provincial Children and Youth Authorities. The required documents must be presented prior to starting practicum. We need to see your criminal record check and IRS check before placing you on practicum.

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Classes are presented using Desire2Learn (D2L), a learning management system, which includes content, online discussions, as well as assignments and quizzes. Please be sure to remember confidentiality and be objective when posting comments online. If your comments are personal in nature, you would be best to email your instructor. Access to the course begins the first day of the course.

• Step 1: Access Lakeland College website https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/index.aspx .

• Step 2: Select D2L (top).

• Step 3: Log in using your username firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca. Your password will be LLC! plus the last 4 digits of your student number. You will be prompted to change your password the first time you log on.

• Step 4: Read through the Student FAQ’s and Announcements.

• Step 5: Select your course (i.e., HS 114, etc.) by clicking the cube .

• Step 6: Choose Content from the top menu. Content will provide you access to weekly readings, lectures and videos.

• To participate in Discussions, click on the topic and then on Start a New Thread. Compose your message, spell check if necessary and click on post to add your message to the discussion board.

• To submit an Assignment, it must be in Word or PDF format. You are required to complete assignments and upload them to D2L before the due dates. They are submitted directly to your instructor and are not accessible to your classmates. Grades and Quizzes can also be found from the top menu.

• The Calendar will help you to keep track of your assignments.

• Email , located within the top notifications panel, enables you to email your instructor.

**The Pop-Up blocker might appear when you click on a link in D2L. You need to answer yes to download the content. If it asks if you want only secure content, you need to answer no.**

If you are using Google Chrome, you may need to right click on the shield in the top right corner of the URL bar. Then click load unsafe script to view all of the content.


Regular attendance at classes, labs, workshops and seminars is expected of all students as it is essential for success in any course. Students are required to inform their instructors if they are going to be away. Marks for participation are at the discretion of the instructor.

Students receiving Government specific funding must adhere to the attendance requirement set out by their funder

Absence for any reason does not relieve a student of the responsibility of completing course work and assignments to the satisfaction of the instructor. In cases of repeated absences due to illness, the student may be requested to submit a medical certificate. Frequent absences may result in the student being placed on probation or being required to withdraw. See Student Procedure 5.63, which can be found on D2L.

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Attendance in class is an expectation to demonstrate professionalism. Students who are experiencing difficulties attending class will be placed on academic probation; therefore, jeopardizing their ability to be placed on practicum.



Refunds are calculated based on your official withdrawal date from Lakeland College. Students must follow the proper withdrawal procedure through the Registrar’s Office.

• 100% refund of current semester fees (less tuition deposit) if you withdraw in the first 14 days following the term start date [See Term Dates schedule (https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/programsand-courses/human-services/child-and-youth-care-counsellor-important-dates.aspx#2023-2024)]

• No refund of current semester fees if you withdraw after the 29th day following the term start date.

Students who are required to withdraw do not receive a refund.

Academic Advising

Chair will assist students with course selections, timetabling, course withdrawals, and transfer information. Students who qualify may be recognized for Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR). PLAR is a type of assessment that is used to evaluate skills and knowledge that occurs outside of a formal learning environment. Transfer credit is also an option for students who have studied at a public post-secondary institution.

Transfer Credit

Students must be accepted to the program to apply for Transfer Credit.

Students with prior post-secondary learning experiences from a recognized public Canadian institution may apply for transfer credit by completing the Transfer Credit form. Lakeland College requires that an official transcript be sent from the issuing post-secondary institution. Depending upon the time of year, students should allow a minimum of a month for processing of these requests. Your form and transcripts will be reviewed by the Chair.

There is no limit on the amount of course work a student can transfer in for graduation; however, the final practicum must be completed with Lakeland College.

Contact your Instructor or Chair for help with transfer credit.

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Course Drop and Withdrawal

Students wishing to drop a course or withdraw from a course must contact the Chair or refer to the following link at https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/programs-and-courses/human-services/child-andyouth-care-counsellor-important-dates.aspx#2023-2024 within the prescribed timelines.


Professional conduct is expected at all times in classroom discussions with respect to confidentiality and appropriate disclosure. In order to maintain a professional learning environment, students must ask permission from their instructors before bringing guests.

Cell phones are not to be used during class unless the instructor gives permission This includes text messaging (See Student Procedure 5.96, which can be found on D2L.)

Attitudes are demonstrated through behaviors and these behaviors are both observable and measurable.

Behaviors, which are identifiable, are:

• interacting appropriately; that is, speaking on topic, empathetic statements.

• responding sensitively to peers/instructors.

• learning cooperatively rather than competitively.

• taking responsibility for your own learning.

• willing to risk initiating discussion of a problem you need help with.

• maintaining confidentiality.

• listening supportively and responding appropriately through paraphrasing, interpreting, and questioning on topic.

• respecting yourself and others.

• accepting alternate opinions.

• exhibiting caring behavior to other students.

• completing assignments as required.

• to be in class and attentive before class starts.

This includes discussions outside of class on learning management systems and on social media.


Assignments are to be handed in according to the guidelines announced by the instructor. Electronic copies will be accepted if the course is delivered through Desire2Learn. Please install Microsoft Office Suite on your computer by using your Edu account. You can get this free.

To request an extension to complete an assignment, you are required to send an email at least two days prior to the due date to the instructor seeking approval. Should you not receive approval or miss the

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deadline to submit an assignment, late assignments will be penalized 5% per day to a maximum of five consecutive days after which a mark of “0” will be assigned.

When assignments are given back in class, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain the assignment from the instructor.

Academic Integrity

Students must cite sources. See next section on Format for Assignments.

In accordance with Procedure 5.12 (located on D2L), academic integrity is expected at all times. Copy and pasting of information that is not cited will result in disciplinary action on the part of the College.

While AI programming tools can provide support, they do not replace your independent learning and engagement with course materials. Any use of ChatGPT or other AI tools must be cleared with your instructor prior to utilizing these tools for any course related work. Instructors will determine specific criteria related to the use of any tool. Academic success is based on your own efforts, understanding and original work.

For exams written on D2L, the times specified by the instructor must be adhered to. The exams are written individually, and collaboration is not allowed. Outside sources cannot be accessed during the writing of the exam unless specified by the instructor

Absence from exams or tests without a medical certificate or prior instructor approval will be awarded a zero (0).

*If a student fails a course, the student may redo one assignment or exam per course through a supplemental evaluation process. There is a $200 fee.

Please refer to the Supplemental Evaluation Student Procedures 5.90 and 5.91 for more information, which can be found on D2L.

Format for Assignments

All work is to be referenced in APA format unless otherwise indicated by the instructor. The Library offers regular tutorials regarding APA.

Additional information is provided in the Introduction of each course on D2L.

For more information, please consult the Lakeland College Library resource: https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/citation-guides.aspx#APA-Style

Penalties will be assessed against any assignments, which do not adhere to this format. The amount of the penalty will be at the discretion of the individual instructor. Please see Student Procedure 5.12, which can be found on D2L.

* Students may be asked to revise assignments if the format is unacceptable to the instructor.

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Information Technology

IT (Information Technology) is located in The Commons in Alumni Hall on the Vermilion Campus and Room 2067 beside the Library on the Lloydminster Campus to assist you Monday to Friday 8:15 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.

Remember to bring your student ID card with you when coming for assistance. We require photo identification to make changes to student accounts.

When using a Lakeland computer, please remember to save all your work to either your Microsoft OneDrive or to external storage, such as a USB stick. Anything saved to the computer’s hard drive is erased when you log off the computer. This includes areas, such as the C drive and Desktop.

Student Email and Microsoft 365

Before accessing the Computers or WIFI (LLC-BYOD), you will have to log in with your Lakeland College student email account, which was created for you already when you signed up to be a student.

• The account will be firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca

• The password will be LLC! followed by the last 4 digits of your student ID number. (Example: Student ID 00001234’s password would be LLC!1234)

After you log in the first time, the system will prompt you to change your password. Your password has the following requirements:

• Minimum 7 characters

• Capital letter

• Special character

• Neither your first nor last name

You will also have the opportunity to set up “Self-Service Password Reset” (SSPR). This enables students to reset and change their own passwords without contacting IT, 24\7. This uses an authenticator app, secondary email of your choosing or phone number to set up.

After this is complete, you now have access to College computers and WIFI (LLC-BYOD) with your username and selected password. Once you set a unique password, you will also have access to Lakeland Learning platforms, D2L and Microsoft Teams.

Printing Services

You start the year with $5 in printing credits on your account. You may use these when printing from the computer labs and Library computers. Additional credits may be purchased from the Bookstore in $10 increments. These credits are non-refundable so be sure not to buy too many at a time.

Accessing D2L

D2L is the main portal for all your course materials, content, resources, quizzes and instructor communication. https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/d2l.aspx?_mid_=45679

The login to D2L will be the same as your Teams and student email.

• The account will be firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca

• The password will be LLC! followed by the last 4 digits of your student ID number. (Example: Student ID 00001234’s password would be LLC!1234).

Accessing Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams is used for our Live lectures and recordings. Accessing Teams at Lakeland is a simple process.

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It starts by downloading and installing the Microsoft Teams App on your personal device (PC, Mac), which you can access here – https://www.microsoft.com/en-ca/microsoft-365/microsoftteams/download-app and on your iDevice or Android in the app store

The next step is logging in with your Lakeland College student email account.

• The account will be firstname.lastname@edu.lakelandcollege.ca

• The password will be LLC! followed by the last 4 digits of your student ID number (Example: Student ID 00001234’s password would be LLC!1234)

After you have successfully signed in, you can add yourself to your classroom Team using the Link or Team code your instructor has provided to you via your course on D2L. From that point on, you will use your Lakeland College Edu email to access your Teams live lectures and recordings through the installed program on your device.

Financial Aid and Awards

The Financial Aid and Awards Office handles applications and provides information and assistance for students applying for federal and provincial government student loans and/or grants. Student loan applications from Alberta and other provinces are available. Information on alternate bank loans and other financial resources may also be available. Students may also seek practical advice about budgeting, money management and the financial implications of post-secondary education. The Financial Aid and Awards Office also administers the Lakeland College student awards program.

Bursaries, Awards and Scholarships

Bursaries, awards and scholarships are an invaluable resource available to students in funding their education. These awards are presented according to a wide variety of criteria including academic excellence, leadership, athletics, provincial or regional residency, need or a combination thereof. The Lakeland College awards program is continually growing and developing to reflect the progressive and innovative nature of our institution. Many of the awards need no application, as selection is made by the Awards Committee or by recommendation from faculty. For those awards requiring application, forms will be available from the Financial Aid and Awards Office well in advance of the deadline.

Bursaries are funds provided by donors for distribution to students with financial need. Students must be maintaining satisfactory standing. Many of these bursaries are available by application only. Application forms are available from the Financial Aid and Awards Office by October 15 of each year. Deadline for submission of applications is November 15 of the same year. Final selections are made by the Awards Committee.

A complete listing of the awards available at Lakeland College can be found in the College calendar on our website at https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/financial-aid-and-awards.aspx. In addition, information received about external awards is made available to students at:




Don’t pass up on free money! Check out your opportunities and apply!

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Financial Services

The Financial Services Office administers payment of tuition and other mandatory fees, residence fees, parking fees, etc.

The Commons

The Commons offers academic assistance to ALL Lakeland College students at no charge. If you are experiencing difficulty in a course or you would like to raise your GPA even more, visit the Commons.

Library (Centre for Information and Learning Resources)

The Library has a variety of resources, including E-books, audiobooks, print books, DVDs and Streaming videos. Students can access and search for these resources by title/author/subject through the Library Catalogue at https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/libraries.aspx.

Search Hoopla for e-books and audiobooks only. Download the Hoopla App or go to hoopladigital.com and set up an account. Magazine/journal articles are also available through a variety of electronic databases, available on the Library database page.


Involvement in recreational activities is a great way to meet staff and students, provides an excellent outlet to relieve tension, and is a great source of fun. Lakeland College participates in the Alberta Colleges Athletic Conference (ACAC). A primary goal of the “Rustlers” athletic program is the development of excellence in women’s and men’s sports of volleyball, cross country skiing, crosscountry running, golf and curling. There are also competitive teams in rodeo and rowing. Intramural activities are organized on a weekly basis and include slo-pitch, soccer, football, volleyball, badminton, basketball, curling, “in-dorm” golf, and floor hockey. The Recreation Department also sets up special events throughout the year.

Students with a common interest are encouraged to form clubs. Past clubs have included ice hockey, floor hockey, outdoor recreation, badminton, archery, rodeo, cross country and alpine skiing, music, and drama. Facilities are available for unstructured, free activity during various time periods most days, evenings and weekends. A wide range of sporting and outdoor recreation equipment is available for use.

The facilities include:

• indoor swimming pool

• indoor racquet courts

• hot tub, sauna

• double gymnasium

• strength training centre

• football/soccer fields

• tennis courts

• Be Fit For Life fitness resource centre

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Student Services

The Office of the Registrar provides information on admission policies, procedures, deadlines, program requirements, and status of applications. Student Services staff also approves forms regarding courses added or deleted; change of major, non-standard course load; provides information on deferred exams, reexaminations and reappraisals; and determines if students have met requirements for graduation.

Student Employment Centre

The Student Employment Centre provides students and alumni resources and advice on resume writing, making employer contacts and interviewing success. Job boards advertise employment opportunities with additional information available from the Student Employment Centre. The Centre provides applications and material required for listed employment positions. Resume and cover letter writing, and interview assistance are available on an individual basis or through participation in workshops. Students may also inquire about job search techniques using a list of websites from the Internet. Many employers conduct interviews and recruit on campus. The familiar setting increases the chance of a successful interview.

Health Services/Counselling

A nurse and counsellor are located on the Vermilion Campus in Student Services to assist students.

The Wellness Advisor

This confidential service is offered free for students. For help to overcome the challenges currently impacting your mental health so you’re able to have the best experience as a Lakeland College student, please contact https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/wellness.aspx

Indigenous Support Services

For more information, please contact https://www.lakelandcollege.ca/current-students/indigenoussupport.aspx

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August 14

Fees due fall term

September 5 Registration Day

September 6

Classes begin for Semester 1

September 13 Last day to add courses

September 25

October 2

October 9

November 6

Last day to drop courses. Last day to withdraw from College with full refund

National Day for Truth and Reconciliation – College Closed

Thanksgiving Day – College Closed

Last day to withdraw from Semester 1 with “W” grade or change from “credit” to “audit”

November 9 Fall Break for Students

November 10

Remembrance Day – College Closed

November 20 – December 15 Practicum for Human Services programs

December 8 Fees due winter term

December 15 Last day of Semester 1

December 18 – January 2 Christmas Break for Students


January 3

Classes begin for Semester 2

January 9 Last day to add Semester 2 courses

January 24 Last day to drop Semester 2 courses. Last day to withdraw from College with full refund of Semester 2 fees.

February 19-23

March 13

March 25 – April 19

March 29 – April 1

April 19

Reading Week – Spring Break for students

Last day to withdraw from Semester 2 courses with “W” grade or change from “credit” to “audit”

Practicum for Human Services programs (dates vary depending on placement)

Easter Break – College Closed

Last day of Semester 2

May 31 Lloydminster Campus Convocation

June 7 Vermilion Campus Convocation

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