Lavender farms perfect summer destination
17.5 MM
Karen Thornton
fter my visit to a lavender farm, I was very excited to try my hand at planting my own lavender garden. I hand tilled a very small area of soil, added mulch mixed with sand and dirt, and prepared my starter pots of lavender. I had only purchased four 6” starter pots. Within a couple of months they were spreading quite nicely. You would have never have guessed Missouri off ers at least 10 lavender farms (one in the Lake area) with new farms cropping up unexpectedly. Many of the lavender farms sell products and their lavender at local farmer’s markets as well as off er a selection of lavender in their own shops and online. Some have restaurants or cafés, and host festivals and events. Visiting a lavender farm is a delightful way to celebrate summer and most certainly should go on the calendar for your annual outing. Check online as season hours for each venue change.
SPECIALS Sunday Funday Crabby Ol’ Monday Tequila Tuesday Wine-O Wednesday Raw Deal Thursday
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Backwater Jacks Award Winning Sushi is BACK!
The Lake’s only poolside sushi bar! GETTY IMAGES
Friday 9th: The Mixtapes Saturday 10th: ChristiAna Sunday 11th: Beyond Unplugged Monday 12th: James Clay Wednesday 14th: Marcus Words Thursday 15th: ChristiAna Friday 16th: The Zeros Saturday 17th: The Zeros Sunday 18th: Marcus Words Monday 19th: James Clay Wednesday 21st: Wyldecat Magnum Thursday 22nd: Phat Mike & the Bartenders Friday 23rd: Chuck Briseno
4341 Beach Drive, Southbound on Osage Beach Parkway from Hwy 42 exit to Beach Drive
573-348-6639 JULY 9 - 22, 2021 | VACATION NEWS | 45