Creating Vibrant Communities Brochure

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C REATING O M M U N I T I 建设活力社区 E S


Firm Information

Table of Contents 公司简介.............................................1 服务 企业价值 历史 管理团队 构建全球联系 奖项 推荐

项目组合........................................... 13 研究 教育 娱乐 影院 图书馆 保健

可持续性........................................... 27 中国项目........................................... 35 成本结构........................................... 41 概述

英文翻译........................................... 43


公司简介 Fanning Howey通过创造出那些能够反映共同愿景与 目标的充满生气的场所来加强社区间的联系纽带。

公司简介 Fanning Howey国际是美国最大的建筑工程公

司之一。我们拥有170余名规划与设计专业人 士,我们的这些员工为遍及全球的社区提供 服务。 作为一家公司,Fanning Howey国际凭借其在 综合系统设计、可持续发展和先进科技应用 等领域的创新成果而闻名于世。2012年,我 们公司成为全球首个获得由美国国家环境保 护局颁发的年度“能源之星”合作伙伴奖的 建筑/工程类公司。 服务  建筑

 科技设计

 设施评估

 蓝图规划

 电气工程

 内部设计

 机械工程

 景观建筑

 结构工程

 可持续性设计

 土木工程

 建筑管理

Fanning Howey


企业价值 全球的社区都必须面对日新月异的变化, 无论这种变化来自城市化、新科技还是全 球市场。Fanning Howey国际致力于通过创 造出那些能够反映共同愿景与目标的充满 生气的场所来加强社区间的联系纽带。通 过制定创新且具有良好成本效益的规划与 设计,我们希望能够创造出一些场所,让 人们可以在此发扬他们的文化、提高技术 与能力并在全球经济环境下繁荣发展。


Fanning Howey

作为建筑师和工程师,我们用自己的 努力倡导联系的概念,以更好地服务 社区。我们非常尊重我们的客户和专 业合作伙伴,不断寻找互惠互利的解 决方案与合作体验。借助思想交流、 对创新的承诺以及对杰出业绩的关 注,Fanning Howey国际提供鼓舞人心 的实际方案,支持我们的客户实现其 最具挑战性的目标。

历史 Fanning Howey最初成立于俄亥俄州Celina

的乡村小镇,当时是一家小型工程公 司。Ron Fanning 和Clair Howey在1961年加 入了Ron父亲的小公司,并在六年后接手 了这家公司。 对Fanning Howey来说,接下来的五十年标 志着一个发展迅速、成绩斐然的时期。公 司从一个乡镇企业迅速拓展、新增办公室 与员工并成为一家服务完善的公司,主要 提供建筑、工程、现场设计、规划和室内 设计。在此期间,Fanning Howey因其创新 成果而闻名,成果是公司在二十世纪八十 年代初期在印第安纳州设计了第一所保护 土地的学校。 到公司成立五十周年的时候,Fanning Howey国际从一家小型乡镇企业发展成为 设施规划与设计领域的领导者,并在纽 约、华盛顿、芝加哥和底特律等主要的美 国城市以及菲律宾设有设计委员会。

在Fanning Howey国际庆祝其五十一周年之 际,我们以同样乐观的态度展望未来,并 不断追求创新。回顾1961年,正是创新指 引着我们的公司创始人不断向前发展。

Fanning Howey


管理团队 传统、忠诚与能力是Fanning Howey国 际管理团队的特点,由Dan Mader领导。 为维系与公司悠久历史间的关系, 公司最初的创始人Ron Fanning和 Clair Howey负责担任董事会顾问一职。 Daniel Mader, AIA, LEED AP

Dr. James Edoff

Fanning Howey国际的董事会为公司国

际项目开发部总监James D. Edoff博士提 供鼎力支持与指导,Edoff博士与我们 的国际客户紧密合作,用FHI杰出的资 源和技能满足他们的需求。

Ron Fanning


Fanning Howey

Clair Howey

企业创办人 五十年前,Ron Fanning和Clair Howey创 办了Fanning Howey公司,当时的企业 目标是成为“美国最大最优秀的设计 公司之一”。Ron和Clair现在依然是公 司的董事会成员,他们当初的愿景如 今已成为Fanning Howey公司每一位员 工努力实现的目标。

在Ron和Clair的带领下,Fanning Howey公司已经能够容纳各种新的思维方式,同时 也继续沿用长期以来的专业原则。最重要的是,我们把诚信的观点融入到我们为 客户和员工所做的每一件事情中。

Fanning Howey


构建全球联系 Fanning Howey致力于将世界级的建造环境带到全球的每一个社区。我们的合作 包括与教育设施专业人员国际理事会之间开展的广泛工作,这是一家世界范围 的专业协会,其唯一使命是改善儿童的学习场所。我们的全球联系包括了在洪 都拉斯、海地和菲律宾等地的工作。


Fanning Howey

Fanning Howey


奖项 2012年,Fanning Howey获得美国环境保

Fanning Howey设计的建筑近期荣获了

护局颁发的年度“能源之星”合作伙伴 奖。该奖项旨在表彰那些为资源保护与 可持续发展作出突出贡献的机 构。Fanning Howey是全球获此殊荣的首 家建筑与工程公司。


作为一家公司,Fanning Howey凭借其杰 出的设计成果荣获了170多个奖项。2002 年,我们成为连续获得三项著名国家大 奖的首家公司 - Crow Island 奖、Caudill Citation奖和Shirley Cooper 奖。Fanning Howey仍是获此殊荣的首家 建筑与工程公司。

 俄亥俄州发展部授予的住宅与社区 开发优秀理事奖

 《学校规划与管理》的教育设计展 大奖  优秀奖 – 美国绿色建筑委员会国 家首都地区所授予的年度学校项目

 新墨西哥州能源工程师协会授予的 年度能源项目奖  美国学校行政人员协会和国际教育 设计规划委员会颁发的杰出成就奖  《美国学校与大学》教育内部展颁 发的金奖  国际教育设计规划委员会颁发的杰 出项目奖


Fanning Howey

 在《学校规划与管理》可持续发展与 创新奖中获得评委推荐的节能高效奖  在全国校董联合会学校建筑展上获得 嘉奖  《设计学习》授予的出版社推荐奖  《设计学习》授予的杰出成就奖  在《美国学校与大学》教育内部展上 获得Crow Island奖  《学校规划与管理》和国际教育设施 规划委员会颁发的学习影响奖  在《学校规划与管理》的教育设计展 上获得杰出项目奖  北印第安纳州美国建筑师学会授予的 成就奖

Fanning Howey



“Fanning H owey is on e of the best architectura l design firm s in the country. Alt hough the co mpany has won many prestigious a wards, its greatest trib utes are the b uildings it designs for communitie s like ours the way it in and volves peop le in the process.”

of the nniversary a th gnize 0 2 e ud to reco brate th ro le e p c is e w A “As R gram, EP RGY STA STAR pro 2012 ENE ENERGY e th vider h it ro P duct wey w o ro H P g d n in a n Fan – Service GY STAR f the Year our ENER ll a d n a Partner o g owey promotin anning H e way in th g Award. F in d a re Dr. Joe DeL ners are le ices that a uca, Retired iency serv award win ic ff , e s ie y Superintend il rg m Eaton Comm ve ene our fa ent ti f c o e ff h e lt ta unity Schoo s e h co e th , ls te a m li c our good for ture.” and our fu istrator n Agency son, Admin l Protectio Linda Jack ta en m n o tes Envir United Sta “I’ve never worked in a more beautiful environment than the Bloomfield Township Public Library. It inspires me to be as professional as I can humanly be and to be very proud of where I work.” “Our tim elines w ere tigh and our Betsy Fletcher, Library Volunteer & Community Member t budgets e v e n tighter b ut throu gh your efforts a wey nd those g Ho n of your i n organiza n tion tion, we ay Fa orma f w n i e h h e ave t ith h been ab with and t le to ach ing w d k s r e e s o v s l ieve e facility g are w emse impr oals tha at we led th very h d s t i t n m e t a ost thought ve h to m ” clien were im ows. es ha clear “The v i s possible t i a t t ce sh I n . n e e .” d s r e e e repr Dr. Tere rovid e diff sa Einem ave p gners. Th h y a n e , te th Superinte esi ssocia A ndent tch d e o v n i top Crown P xecut oint Com ing, E m m m e unity School C es D ional orporatio Charl ernat t n n I Y HEER 10

Fanning Howey

“The jury b elieved this project bala form and p nced pure ure functio n exceptionall The archite y well. ct has create d an attract functional v iv e and enue for stu dents in ca technical ed re e r and ucational p rograms.” National Sch ool Board A ssociation Ju for Fanning ry comments Howey-desig ned Romeo E Technology ngineering & Center

ork. tic w ok to s a t fan o lo ng does s need t y e anni F t w c e o i r k H li st ning lists ol di ar in “Fan nia scho n specia the b e s r i g i a fo gn.” l des nually r Cali desi i iona t t d a n n c o edu ho c ing a ey w ty plann w o t H cili dent istric ol fa ol D inten r o e h scho p c e, Su ary S in Le Element v l e Dr. K eek Joint Cr Dry

It is a collage mance building. f rm erfo -p gh hi e, tiv va ol is an inno


nd High Scho “V. Sue Clevela l plan.” esigned ithin a thoughtfu Fanning Howey-d e flexible spaces w th g sin ai pr , lio fo rchitectural Port & University’s A ol ho Sc an ic er m Jury for A High School V. Sue Cleveland “From a partn ership been t standp h e a b oint, F s o o e l ute be the ma anning Rom r e e s h t t t n o n e d f n e p Howey C t e i a r y s r i i t g n n v o e l w e r o s v h p has and yo ich yo resent echn “I ha T u e & u d e a r g h d a s t n d k i g r h i r r l t e e l e i e ss you at dev and staff b Engin t the elopm lked w work h oth yo ent exp ou tha and ta u a y t s n l e l g e m f t a o nd old g r more erience and I can amon . For a , we ar for ou ts, and ment l l e e n r t y e p i p o c e l d l e u x e v u a i a e t s h st s e a a e d d e v d n r e b for you y your done a sm a the c a i s s a r n u f t l r e l s d d h iendsh t amwo e esign e ent rk, and ip.” studen xcellen ts, as w r n o e f d t u n please ce, the st d with ronme Christi res is n envi o u e u t p r u o f a n r i E. Jahr and or the ling, V Turner pare f ice Pre Constr to pre sident u c .” t i d o & Gen e n h c t eral M unma e t anager a t S n r a e g , i m h r c o i F , M r , e t c stri Palm i n D a i h r t 6 B e, 3 entativ tatives Repres epresen R f o e Hous Fanning Howey


“这不是一种个人行为、一座单独建筑。你必须为 你的客户考虑。只有这样你才能创造出伟大的建 筑。” - I.M. Pei





如今的社区在应对人口增长问题或不断变化的人口 统计及经济趋势时,都需要不断地创新。Fanning Howey公司可提供全面的规划服务,帮助客户为设 施建造、革新或设备重组开发行之有效的短期和长 期项目。

 适应性再使用研究

 能源研究

 设施评估

 可行性研究

 人口统计预测和分析

 执行层面设想

 现场评估

 利益相关者的便利

 项目评估

 战略规划

Fanning Howey


EPA研究与管理机构 北卡罗莱纳州三角研究园

这个占地110万平方英尺的实验室与办公室综合建筑荣获了美国能源 部总统奖,以表彰其在联邦能源管理中的领导能力。与HOK共同投 资设计。

研究 14

Fanning Howey

Apex研究实验室 北卡罗莱纳州Apex

该研究实验室占地45056平方英尺,包括实验室与办公空间。 作为WW研究实验室设计竞赛的一部分而建。

研究 Fanning Howey


V. Sue Cleveland高中 新墨西哥州Rio Rancho

获得十项设计奖,其中包括国际教育设施计划委员会颁发的杰出项 目奖。

教育 16

Fanning Howey




获得十一项设计奖,设有太阳能电池组、风力发电机和地热循环, 将资源消耗水平降低了26.9%。

教育 Fanning Howey


罗密欧工程科技中心 密歇根罗密欧

获得由国际奖项程序设计分享颁发的公认价值奖。该设施提供了一 个中学与高等教育学习机会的结合体。

教育 18

Fanning Howey

福特社区与表演艺术中心 密歇根迪尔伯恩 Fanning Howey负责人 John Davids的个人经历,AIA

最初落成时,福特社区与表演艺术中心是北美同类建筑中规模最大 的市属建筑。该建筑荣获了由《娱乐管理》杂志所颁发的创新建筑



娱乐 Fanning Howey


多湖区娱乐与水上运动中心 密歇根迪尔伯恩


娱乐 20

Fanning Howey

创意与表演艺术学校 俄亥俄州辛辛那提

该座新设施位于人口密集的城市地带,由三个主要表演区组成。 该设计获得了由国际教育设施规划委员会颁发的杰出项目奖。

剧院 Fanning Howey


雅典娜剧院 俄亥俄州雅典市

该电影院位于俄亥俄州立大学的校园中,获得了《美国学校与大 学》杂志颁发的杰出设计奖。

剧院 22

Fanning Howey

布莱姆菲尔德镇公共图书馆 密歇根布莱姆菲尔德山

通过翻新与拓展项目对现有建筑的90%进行改装,在为期三十个月的 装修期内仅对图书馆的使用造成了42个小时的中断

图书馆 Fanning Howey


切尔西区图书馆 密歇根切尔西

完成Fanning Howey设计的为期两年的翻新与拓展项目后,切尔西 被《图书馆期刊》称为“美国最佳小型图书馆”。

图书馆 24

Fanning Howey

县联合镇属区域医院 俄亥俄州Coldwater

该医院是俄亥俄州唯一一所在急诊室中配备有Dash 4000 Pro病人监 护仪的医院。

保健 Fanning Howey


零售商场和多功能设施 Fanning Howey具有零售商场、多功能设施、娱乐场所、及综合开发项目的规划经

验。我们的项目包括学生公寓、老年公寓、影剧院、表演艺术中心和演讲厅。我们 能够协调和管理零售商场及综合开发项目的所有方面,包括初步设计、零售专家顾问 的确认和选择、团队管理以及项目协调。


Fanning Howey


可持续性 在Fanning Howey,创造一个充满活力且可持续 发展的未来始于大家的相互合作。我们是美国 绿色建筑委员会成员和能源之星®合作伙伴。 我们的内部LEED认证程序将来自各个学科与机 关的专业人士联系在一起,共同促进对可持续 发展问题的理解,并鼓励在此领域内不断创 新。我们被《工程新闻报道》提名为“绿色设 计公司一百强”之一。我们与客户一起实施各 种可持续性与可再生能源战略,并将重点放在 保护珍稀资源和降低运营成本上。

Fanning Howey


地能加热/冷却  利用地能为建筑提供清洁、高效、可持续性加热与冷却功能。  大大降低了加热成本,同时降低了对电网的需求与漏检。  自2005年起,中国就在生产与利用地能进行加热的领域中成为了全球领导者。

通过在停车场下方设置640个地热井为著名的V. Sue Cleveland高中提供加热与冷却功能。这将节省 自然资源,同时提供环保、可调控的温暖舒适度以及长期的成本节约。


Fanning Howey

太阳能/加热  太阳能加热方案使用安装在屋顶或墙壁上的热量收集器将水存储在一个水 缸中,然后通过一个热交换器将热水输送到建筑中。  太阳能在光电系统的管理下为整个建筑提供电力。  该系统能够提供高效清洁的热源与电源。

新的Colonel Smith中学综合楼将被设计成为美国亚利桑那州第一所净零学校,也就是说,学校将 制造出比自身运转所需能源更多的能源。该建筑将包括一个200到250千伏安的光电系统,用以制造 能源和进行太阳能加热。

Fanning Howey


风能  将风能转变为清洁高效的电能, 为建筑供电。  风力发电厂可以使用风力发电机 来收集足够的电能,从而大大降 低运营成本以及来自电网的电力 消耗。  风力发电厂也可位于海边,以最 大程度地利用大面积水域上空所 产生的风速。



Fanning Howey

土地路肩/活动墙壁  使用周遭土地或植被作为蓄热体,以降低热损量,为室内空间提供冷却效果。  降低维护与运作成本,无需额外电力来提供一个持续阴凉的室内环境。  降低空气渗透,与严峻的室外环境相隔离。


Fanning Howey


净零建筑 Fanning Howey近期完成了新的Colonel Smith中学综合楼的建筑设计。该建筑采

用了净零设计,预计将会成为亚利桑那州 第一所净零学校。可持续发展战略包括一 个光电系统、日光收集器和太阳能板,用 于加热生活用水和收集雨水。该学校建筑 每年的能耗预计为每平方英尺15 kBtu。


Fanning Howey

Fanning Howey



中国项目 贵州乡村学校改造(美德村学和皮林村学) Fanning Howey承诺将持续建立全球联系和服务 我们所管理的社区作为该持续承诺的一部 分,Fanning Howey国际公司已与一家领先的中 国微型金融机构在贵州当地的合伙人进行了合 作,以便为贵州省偏僻的农村社区免费制定并 提供学校改造设计方案。 野生100中国乡村学校设计 自从为美德村学和皮林村学制定初步改造设计 方案以来,Fanning Howey还为中国境内面临当 地地形挑战的乡村地区制定了新学校建造定制 设计方案。这些设计可被应用到地形复杂的场 所,其考虑到对光线和气流的最大限度利用, 以减少公用事业费用。我们的目标是与地方政 府合作,以便在中国乡村地区和贫困地区开始 建造类似的学校。

Fanning Howey


平潭岛总体规划提案(福建平潭) 应平潭县地方政府邀请,Fanning Howey 就综合性港口开发制定并提交了一份总 体规划提案。该设计将中国风水因素和 平潭的自然环境因素相融合,并在所有 的结构设计中采用预制混凝土策略,从 而提高施工效率,并降低总开发成本。


Fanning Howey

Fanning Howey


香河:与自然住宅群重新结合 Fanning Howey为一家香河实业 发展公司 提供了一份住宅群 设计提案。该设计模仿海贝的 自然形状,凹形阳台设计使得 每个单元都能得到最大程度的 光照和新鲜空气,同时又确保 不会受到邻居的干扰。


Fanning Howey

Fanning Howey





成本结构 Fanning Howey国际与客户合作,共同就每 Fanning Howey的构思设计、草图设计与 设计文件的典型成本结构(相较于总项 目成本)

个项目达成一个双方同意的合理费用。我 们的目标是制定一个大家都能从中获益的 成本结构,为所有者提供一个合理的价 格,以获得我们最高品质的工作。 就像我们的设计可以满足每位客户所需一 样,我们的定价结构也是这样。我们可以 在任何地方工作,从圣劳伦斯岛到菲律 宾,我们有能力适应本地环境和公认的商 业惯例。 过去,Fanning Howey国际为客户提供的定 价结构是基于每平方米的价格、总建筑成 本的一个百分比或预先协商好的总额。


无论采取哪种方案,我们都将我们的费用 视为我们与客户之间合作关系的延伸与代 表。为达到此目的,最终费用必须尽可能 为所有者提供最佳价值。

Fanning Howey国际设计费 本地设计公司费

Fanning Howey


Fanning Howey国际非常荣幸能够在此展

示我们的能力,我们对此表示感谢。我 们希望能够和您建立互惠互利的合作关 系,并希望有机会在不久的将来为您提 供服务。


Fanning Howey


English Translation TABLE OF CONTENTS Company Profile Services Corporate values History Management team Building Global Connections Awards Endorsements Portfolio of Projects Research Education Recreation Theater Libraries Healthcare Sustainability Projects in China Cost Structure Overview TAB 1 Company Profile Fanning Howey helps to strengthen connections within communities by creating vibrant places that reflect a sense of shared vision and purpose.

Fanning Fanni Fa nni ning n Howey ng Howeyy

43 3



Company Profile

Corporate Values

Fanning Howey International is ranked among the

Communities across the world are dealing with

largest architectural and engineering practices in

rapid change, whether it be from urbanization, new

the United States. Our staff of more than 170

technologies, or the global marketplace. Fanning

planning and design professionals serves

Howey International is committed to strengthening

communities throughout the world.

connections within communities by creating vibrant places that reflect a sense of shared vision

As a firm, Fanning Howey International is known

and purpose. Through innovative and cost-effective

for innovation in the areas of integrated systems

planning and design, we seek to create places that

design, sustainability, and the application of

allow people to embrace their culture, grow in skill

advanced technologies. In 2012, our company

and ability, and prosper in the global economy.

became the first architecture/engineering practice in the world to receive the ENERGY STAR Partner

As architects and engineers, we embrace the

of the Year Award from United States

concept of connections in our own efforts to better

Environmental Protection Agency.

serve communities. We hold our clients and professional partners in the highest esteem and


always seek to develop mutually beneficial

 Architecture

solutions and collaborative experiences. Through

 Facilities assessments

the spirited exchange of ideas, a total commitment

 Electrical engineering

Howey International offers inspired and practical

 Mechanical engineering

solutions that support our clients' most challenging

 Structural engineering


 Civil engineering


 Technology design  Master planning

History Fanning Howey began as a small engineering

 Interior design

practice in the rural town of Celina, Ohio. Ron

 Landscape architecture

Fanning and Clair Howey joined Ron's father's

 Sustainable design  Construction administration 44

to innovation, and a focus on excellence, Fanning

Fanning Howey

small practice in 1961 and assumed ownership of the firm six years later.

The next five decades marked a period of

Fanning Howey International’s Board of Directors

exceptional growth and accomplishment for

provides its full support and guidance to Dr. James

Fanning Howey. From the rural practice, the firm

D. Edoff, the firm’s Director of International Project

quickly expanded, adding additional offices and

Development. Dr. Edoff works closely with our

staff, and becoming a full-service practice offering

international clients to match their needs with

architecture, engineering, site design, planning,

FHI’s exceptional resources and skills.

and interior design. Along the way, Fanning Howey became known for innovation, as

Company Founders

evidenced by the design of the first earth-sheltered

Fifty years ago, Ron Fanning and Clair Howey

school in Indiana in the early 1980s.

established Fanning Howey with the goal of becoming, "one of the largest and best design firms

By our firm's 50th anniversary, Fanning Howey

in the United States." Ron and Clair still serve on

International had grown from a small rural firm to

the firm's Board of Directors, and their original

a leader in facility planning and design with design

vision is embraced by each of Fanning Howey's

commissions in major United States cities such as


New York, Washington, D.C., Chicago, and Detroit, as well as in the Philippines.


As Fanning Howey International celebrates our

With Ron and Clair's guidance, Fanning Howey

51st year in business, we look to the future with the

has been able to embrace new ways of thinking,

same sense of optimism and commitment to

while continuing to apply time-honored

innovation that guided our founders in 1961.

professional principles. First and foremost, we bring a perspective of integrity to all that we do,


with clients and with employees.

Management Team


Tradition, loyalty, and competence are the hallmarks of Fanning Howey International’s

Building Global Connections

management team, led by Dan Mader. To preserve

Fanning Howey seeks to bring world-class built

our link to the firm’s rich history, the Board of

environments to communities across the globe. Our

Directors is advised by the firm’s original founders,

partnerships include extensive work with the

Ron Fanning and Clair Howey.

Council of Educational Facility Professionals International, a worldwide professional association whose sole mission is improving the places where children learn. Our global connections include work in Honduras, Haiti, and the Philippines. Fanning Howey



 Energy Project of the Year from New Mexico Association of Energy Engineers

Awards In 2012, Fanning Howey received the ENERGY STAR Partner of the Year Award from the United States Environmental Protection Agency. This award recognizes organizations for exceptional contributions to resource preservation and sustainability. Fanning Howey is the world's first architecture and engineering firm to be so honored. As a firm, Fanning Howey has received more than

 Citation of Excellence from American Association of School Administrators and the Council of Educational Facility Planners International  Gold Citation from American School & University Educational Interiors Showcase  Project of Distinction Award from the Council of Educational Facility Planners International PAGE 9

170 awards for design excellence. In 2002, we became the first firm to receive three prestigious

 Judges' Choice, Energy Efficiency &

national awards—the Crow Island Citation, Caudill

Conservation Award from School Planning &

Citation, and Shirley Cooper Award—in

Management Sustainability & Innovation Awards

succession. Fanning Howey is still the only architecture and engineering firm to ever achieve this honor. Fanning Howey-designed buildings have recently

 Citation Winner from National School Boards Association Exhibition of School Architecture  Publisher's Commendation Award from Learning By Design

received the following honors:

 Citation of Excellence from Learning By Design

 Grand Prize from School Planning & Management's

 Crow Island Citation from American School &

Education Design Showcase

University Educational Interiors Showcase

 Award of Excellence - School Project of the Year

 Impact on Learning Award from School Planning

from the U.S. Green Building Council National

& Management and the Council of Educational

Capital Region Chapter

Facility Planners International

 Director's Award for Excellence in Housing and Community Development from Ohio Department of Development

 Project of Distinction by School Planning & Management's Educational Design Showcase  Merit Award from American Institute of Architects, Northern Indiana Chapter


Fanning Howey

PAGE 10-11



EPA Research and Administrative Facility Research Triangle Park, North Carolina


1,100,000-square-foot laboratory and office complex

Portfolio of Projects “It is not an individual act, architecture. You have to consider your client. Only out of that can you

received a US Department of Energy Presidential Award for Leadership in Federal Energy Management. Designed in joint venture with HOK.

produce great architecture.” -I.M. Pei




Community Planning Communities today are required to be increasingly

Apex Research Lab Apex, North Carolina

innovative when addressing the challenges of

Research lab with 45,056 square feet of laboratory

growth or changing demographic and economic

and office space. Developed as part of design

trends. Fanning Howey offers comprehensive

competition for WW Research Labs

planning services that enable clients to develop effective short- and long-term programs for facilities construction, renovation, or reconfiguration.

Research PAGE 16


V. Sue Cleveland High School Rio Rancho, New Mexico

 Adaptive reuse studies

Received 10 design awards, including Project of

 Facility assessments

Distinction from the Council of Educational Facility Planners International.

 Demographic projections and analyses  Site evaluations


 Program evaluation  Energy studies  Feasibility studies  Executive-level visioning  Stakeholder facilitation  Strategic planning

Fanning Howey


PAGE 17 Phelps Architecture, Construction and Engineering High School Washington, D.C. Received 11 design awards and features solar arrays, wind turbines, and a geothermal loop to

Personal experience of Fanning Howey principal John Davids, AIA Architect of Record: TMP Architecture Recreation PAGE 20

reduce the level of resource consumption by 26.9 percent.

Lakeland Recreation and Aquatics Center Dearborn, Michigan

Education PAGE 18 Romeo Engineering & Technology Center Romeo, Michigan

The multi-use facility provides more than 100,000 square feet for student and community recreation. Recreation PAGE 21

Winner of a Recognized Value Award by the international awards program, Design Share.

School for the Creative and Performing Arts Cincinnati, Ohio

The facility provides of a fusion of secondary and

Located in a dense urban setting, the new facility

higher educational learning opportunities.

includes three main performance venues. The


design received a Project Distinction Award from the Council of Educational Facility Planners



Ford Community and Performing Arts Center Dearborn, Michigan


When it opened, the Ford Community and


Performing Arts Center was the largest

Athena Theater

municipally-owned building of its kind in North

Athens, Ohio

America. The building received an Innovative

Located on the campus of Ohio University, the

Architecture & Design Award from Recreation

movie theater received an Outstanding Design

Management magazine.

Award from American School & University magazine. Theater


Fanning Howey



Bloomfield Township Public Library

Retail and Mixed-Use Facilities

Bloomfield Hills, Michigan

Fanning Howey has experience with the planning

The renovation and expansion project reconfigured

of retail malls, multi-use facilities, entertainment

90 percent of the existing building, while resulting

venues, and mixed-use developments. Our

in only 42 hours of disruption to library service

portfolio includes residence halls, senior centers,

over 30 months.

movie theaters, performing arts centers, and lecture

Libraries PAGE 24 Chelsea District Library Chelsea, Michigan Two years after completion of a Fanning Howeydesigned renovation and expansion project, Chelsea was named “Best Small Library in

halls. We can coordinate and manage all aspects of retail mall and mixed-use developments, including preliminary design, identification and selection of retail specialist consultants, team management, and project coordination. TAB 3 Sustainability

America” by Library Journal.





At Fanning Howey, creating a vibrant, sustainable future starts with collaboration. We are a member

Mercer County Joint Township Regional Hospital

of the U.S. Green Building Council and an

Coldwater, Ohio

ENERGY STAR® partner. Our internal LEED

The hospital is the only one in the state of Ohio to

Accreditation program connects professionals from

have the Dash 4000 Pro Patient monitor for use in

various disciplines and offices to promote

its emergency room.

understanding of sustainable issues and encourage


innovation in the field. Named one of the "Top 100 Green Design Firms" by Engineering News-Record, we work with clients to implement comprehensive sustainable and renewable energy strategies focused on preserving valuable resources and lowering operating costs.

Fanning Howey



Geothermal Heating/Cooling

 Uses the earth's energy to supply clean, efficient, sustainable heating and cooling to the building  Drastically cuts down heating costs while reducing grid demand and omissions  China is the leader of the world in geothermal heat production and utilization since 2005


Wind Energy  Converts wind energy into clean, efficient electricity to power a building  Wind turbines can be used as part of a wind farm to collect enough electricity to drastically reduce operational costs and power from the grid  Wind farms can be also be located off shore to

Heating and cooling at the award-winning V. Sue

maximize the wind speeds present in large

Cleveland High School is delivered by 640 geothermal

bodies of water

wells below the parking lots. This saves natural resources, while providing green, controllable thermal comfort and long-term cost savings. PAGE 29

Solar Energy/Heating Solar heating strategies use roof-mounted or wallmounted collectors which store water in a tank and pump it through a heat exchanger to delivery heating to building

Henry Ford High School includes helical wind turbines for power generation and use as a teaching tool. PAGE 31

Earth Berming/Living Walls  Use surrounding earth or vegetation as a thermal mass to reduce the amount of heat loss and provide cooling for the interior spaces  Reduce maintenance and operational costs, and require no added electricity to provide a

Photovoltaic systems harness the sun's energy to power the building The systems provide an efficient and clean source of heat and power The new Colonel Smith Middle School Complex is designed to be Arizona's first Net-Zero school, meaning that it will produce more energy than it needs to operate. The building will include a 200 to 250 kVA photovoltaic system for energy generation and solar heating. 50

Fanning Howey

consistently cool indoor environment  Reduce air infiltration and protect against harsh outdoor environments North Harrison Elementary was the first earth-bermed school in the state of Indiana.


Net-Zero Buildings

Wild 100 China Rural School Design Since developing preliminary renovation designs to Pi Lin and Mei De, Fanning Howey has also

Fanning Howey recently completed the

created a custom design for new school

architectural design of the new Colonel Smith

construction in China’s rural areas challenged by

Middle School Complex. The building is designed

their local terrain. The design can be incorporated

to be Net-Zero ready and is anticipated to be the

into geographically complex locations and allows

state of Arizona's first Net-Zero school. Sustainable

for maximum use of light and airflow to reduce

strategies include a photovoltaic system, daylight

utilities costs. Our goal is to cooperate with local

harvesting, solar panels for heating domestic water,

governments to begin constructing similar schools

and rainwater harvesting. The school building's

in rural, underserved areas across China.

energy consumption is projected to be 15 kBtu per square foot per year.



Pingtan Island Master Plan Proposal

Projects in China PAGE 35

At the invitation of Pingtan County local government, Fanning Howey developed and submitted a master plan proposal for a comprehensive harbor development. The design

Projects in China

incorporates elements of Chinese feng shui,

Guizhou Rural School Renovation

Pingtan’s natural surrounding environment, and

As part of Fanning Howey’s continued commitment to building global connections and serving the communities we operate in, Fanning

utilizes pre-cast concrete strategies in the design of all structures, improving construction efficiencies and lowering overall development costs.

Howey International has collaborated with a


leading Chinese microfinance institution’s local Guizhou partners to develop and provide free

Xianghe: Reuniting with Nature Residential Complex

school renovation designs to an isolated

Fanning Howey provided a Xianghe property

community in rural Guizhou Province.

development firm a design proposal for a residential complex. Designed after the natural shape of a seashell, the bowed-out balcony design allows for each unit to take in maximum exposure to the sunlight and fresh air while ensuring privacy from neighbors. Fanning Howey


TAB 5 Cost Structure A fair price for a quality product is the foundation

Typical Fanning Howey Cost Structure for Conceptual Design, Schematic Design, and Design Documents (Compared to Total Project Costs)

of any successful business venture.

Construction Cost


Fanning Howey International Design Fee

Cost Structure

Local Design Firm Fee

Fanning Howey International works with clients to arrive at a reasonable and mutually-acceptable fee


for each and every project. Our goal is to develop a

Thank you for the honor of allowing Fanning

cost structure that benefits all parties, providing

Howey International to present our qualifications.

the owner with a reasonable rate for the highest

We hope to establish a mutually-beneficial

quality work.

partnership with you and have the opportunity to

Just as our designs adapt to the needs of each

serve you in the near future.

client, so does our pricing structure. Having worked everywhere from St. Lawrence Island to the Philippines, we have the ability to adapt to

TAB 6 Translation

local situations and accepted business practices. In the past, Fanning Howey International has provided clients with pricing structures based on a

For more information contact:

price per square meter, a percentage of the total

Dr. James D. Edoff

construction costs, or a pre-agreed upon lump sum

Director of International Project Development


Whatever the arrangement, we view our fees as an

(in United States) 248.848.0123

extension and representation of our partnership with the client. To this end, the cost structure must benefit all parties, and the final fee must provide the owner with the best possible value.



Fanning Howey


欲知更多信息,请联系 James D. Edoff博士 国际项目开发总监 (美国) 248.848.0123

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