What is Flipped Classroom? (PPT)

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FLIPPED CLASSROOM janki.somani@iitms.co.in



What is Flipped Classroom? A flipped classroom is a type of blended learning where students are introduced to content at home and practice working through it at school. This is the reverse of the more common practice of introducing new content at school, then assigning homework and projects to be completed by the students independently at home.

Why Flipped Classroom ? 1. To make the classroom an active learning environment. 2. To enable students to learn at their environment 3. To give the instructor more time to teach each student individually, rather than the class as a whole.

Teacher’s role: A guide on the side LECTURE TODAY Reading and questions due tomorrow ACTIVITY performed can be watched online later also. Students watch lectures at home at their own pace, communicating with peers and teachers via online discussions Concept clarification by teacher Engagement takes place in the classroom with the help of the instructor

Traditional Classroom vs Flipped Classroom Traditional Classroom 1. Instructor prepares material to be Delivered in class. 2. Students listen to lectures and other Guided instruction in class and take notes. 3. Homework is assigned to demonstrate Understanding.

Flipped Classroom 1. Instructor records and shares lectures outside Of class -Students watch/listen to lectures before Coming to class. 2. Class time is devoted to applied learning activity and more higherorder thinking tasks. 3. Students receive support from instructor and peers as needed

Pros: 1. Students have more control Provide student access to content, potential for family support, emphasis on student self-direction, ongoing access to content for all students (review, student absences, etc.) 2. It promotes student-centered learning and collaboration Lessons and content are more accessible

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Management of class room easier Aid the teacher Automatic marking of attendance No proxy Record of all the data

More efficient

Help in better understanding of the concept as students our grasping at their own pace .

Audio visual guidance Opportunities for teachers to teach through video and then clarify the next day in person

How mastersoft solution can help to implement flipped classroom? MasterSoft Solutions is a leading software company in the edtech sector, striving always to make the process of automating tedious tasks easier. With the help of MasterSoft’s Learning Management Software integrated with the best E-LEARNING tools, you can implement a Project-Based learning strategy in the class.

MasterSoft’s Software can help you – 1. Provide schedule of the events and classes . 2. Checklist of students available. 3. Audio visual content – support, provide, save ( to be used latter ) 4. Assignments archived can be uploaded .

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