Dena Land News Dec 2009

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Keep the Home Fires Burning Page 5

Linda Lane-White “Singing” Realtor ® CA Lic #01091347 Notary Public (626)786-1231

Though it’s been a tough year for many of us, I still wanted to wish you the many joys of the holiday season It's time to put aside concerns about the world, the economy and work, at least temporarily. Fortunately, the worst American recession since the 1930s appears to be slowly healing. It's time to celebrate. The holidays are here. The birth of Christ, the menorah's promise of light, and the winter solstice lifting of our spirits. In December, our diverse people celebrate in different ways but everyone can feel the wonder of the holiday

season. Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ on December 25 with its traditions and customs, including the appearance of Santa, that jolly old elf. Hanukkah celebrates the lives of a people who refused to give up. The Festival of Lights commemorates the Jews' rededicating the Temple of Jerusalem after a great battle. The lights of Christmas and Hanukkah come as a welcome relief since by Dec. 21, the winter solstice brings the shortest, darkest day of the year. Yes, in December, ob-

serve the ecumenical wonders of the Jewish menorahs, the Christian traditions, and sparkling garlands for all. This year, December 18 also marks the beginning of the Islamic New Year. This movable feast is marked quietly with prayers, readings and reflection. We may celebrate holidays in different ways, but in our work we are one group, unified and determined to prevail and succeed. I wish you the joys of the season and thank you for being the good friends and co -workers you have proved to be. Linda Lane-White ..

7 Steps To Keep Christmas Spending Under Control One survey shows that 35 per2) Make a list of everyone you cent of consumers plan to spend less for absolutely have to buy for. Then whittle Christmas gifts this year. The percentage is just a little higher than the 25 percent who reported last January that they spent too much. That percentage will probably decrease when consumers are surveyed in January 2010. The recession has been a wakeup call for everyone. Even profligate spenders are planning to cut back and charge less to their credit cards. Here's how to do it: 1) Calculate exactly how much down the list. you can spend from current income plus 3) If you have a family gatherwhatever you saved ahead for gifts. ing where everyone buys for everyone

else, suggest a gift exchange instead. Draw names so everyone only buys one gift. 4) Negotiate with relatives so only the kids get presents this year. But couples without children who buy for others' kids should be gifted. 5) Once your list is finalized, decide how much of your calculated money you will spend on each individual. 6) Shop with a list that includes the amount to spend on each person. Try not to exceed it. 7) Consider buying used vintage books, sheet music, or bookends for those who would appreciate them.

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