2012 Basketball Handbook
Valid as of 1st September 2012
Article I.
INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................................... 3
Article II.
PAYMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Article III.
THE GAME ................................................................................................................................................ 3
Article IV.
BASKETBALL COURT ............................................................................................................................ 4
Article V.
COURT EQUIPMENT .............................................................................................................................. 7
Article VI.
TEAM .......................................................................................................................................................... 8
Article VII.
UNIFORMS................................................................................................................................................ 8
Article VIII.
PLAYING REGULATIONS ...................................................................................................................... 8
Section 1.01
Each team shall consist of: .......................................................................................................................... 8
Article IX.
PLAYERS EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................................ 10
Article X.
AAL POLICIES AND PROCEDURES ................................................................................................. 10
Section 1.01
Use of Tobacco/Alcohol/Drugs Products .................................................................................................. 10
Section 1.02
Medical Clearance ..................................................................................................................................... 11
Section 1.03
Program Violations .................................................................................................................................... 11
Article XI.
PLAYERS INJURY ................................................................................................................................. 11
Article XII.
CAPTAIN: DUTIES AND POWERS .................................................................................................... 12
Article XIII.
COACHES: DUTIES AND POWERS .................................................................................................. 12
Article XIV.
DISQUALIFICATION CRITERIA .......................................................................................................... 13
Section 1.01
Unsportsmanlike Conduct ......................................................................................................................... 13
Section 1.02
Fighting ...................................................................................................................................................... 13
Section 1.03
Zero Tolerance........................................................................................................................................... 13
Article XV.
EVENT OPERATING RULES............................................................................................................... 13
Section 1.01
Game Lengths ............................................................................................................................................ 13
Section 1.02
Tie breaker................................................................................................................................................. 14
Article XVI.
TEAM/PERSONAL FOULS................................................................................................................... 14
Article XVII.
TEAM/PERSONAL TECHNICAL PUNISHMENT .............................................................................. 15
Article XVIII.
FREE THROW ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Article XIX.
GAME LOST BY FORFEIT ................................................................................................................... 16
Rule Book & Regulations ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article I.
________________________________________________________________________________________ These rules and regulations are made and forces by All-Sports Athletic League Here after know as AAL and Laloma Inc. Any changes can be done by AAL or Laloma Inc., but will be given to all teams in the event as well as being posted on the AAL website. This league has grown and due to the fact of that growth this league has become a traveling league. If you can not travel or is not willing to travel you should not join this league. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article II.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9)
Full payment and all forms must be completed in full at least 3 weeks before the Season starts. Any team joining after due date will be charge a late fee. Any Return check will be an additional fee All your team games will be cancel until payment is clear and your team will receive a lost for each game that is not played. There will be no check accept 2 weeks before any season The amount of Payment for each team will cover the following: Jersey/Pants, Referee fee, Gym Rental. If you order a jersey and it does not fit your player you will be charge $30 for a new one. Coaches or contact person is in charger of the payment. AAL and Laloma inc. will not be able to give a break down of which player pay. We only will know which team pays. There is no full or partial refund of any kind.
Article III.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Basketball game Basketball is played by two (2) teams of five (5) players each. The aim of each team is to score in the opponents' basket and to prevent the other team from scoring. The game is controlled by officials, table officials and a commissioner, if present. 2. Basket: opponents'/own The basket that is attacked by a team is the opponents' basket and the basket which is defended by a team is the team's own basket. 3. Winner of a game The team that has scored the greater number of points at the end of playing time shall be the winner.
_______________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Article IV.
1. Playing court The playing court shall have a flat, hard surface free from obstructions (Diagram 1) with dimensions of twentyeight (28) m in length by fifteen (15) m in width measured from the inner edge of the boundary line. 2. Backcourt A team's backcourt consists of its team's own basket, the inbounds part of the backboard and that part of the playing court limited by the end line behind the team's own basket, the sidelines and the centre line. 3. Frontcourt A team's frontcourt consists of the opponents' basket, the inbounds part of the backboard and that part of the playing court limited by the end line behind the opponents' basket, the sidelines and the inner edge of the centre line nearest to the opponents' basket. 4. Lines All lines shall be drawn in white color, five (5) cm in width and clearly visible. OFFICIAL BASKETBALL RULES 2012 Rule Two – Court and equipment 5. Boundary line The playing court shall be limited by the boundary line, consisting of the endlines and the sidelines. These lines are not part of the playing court. Any obstruction including seated team bench personnel shall be at least two (2) m from the playing court. 6. Centre line, centre circle and free-throw semi-circles The centre line shall be marked parallel to the endlines from the mid-points of the sidelines. It shall extend 0.15 m beyond each sideline. The centre line is part of the backcourt. The centre circle shall be marked in the centre of the playing court and have a radius of 1.80 m measured to the outer edge of the circumference. If the inside of the centre circle is painted, it must be the same color as the restricted areas. The free-throw semi-circles shall be marked on the playing court with a radius of 1.80 m measured to the outer edge of the circumference and with their centers at the mid-points of the free-throw lines (Diagram 2). 7. Free-throw lines, restricted areas and free-throw rebound places The free-throw line shall be drawn parallel to each endline. It shall have its furthest edge 5.80 m from the inner edge of the endline and shall be 3.60 m long. Its mid-point shall lie on the imaginary line joining the mid-points of the two (2) endlines. The restricted areas shall be the rectangular areas marked on the playing court limited by the endlines, the extended free-throw lines and the lines which originate at the endlines, their outer edges being 2.45 m from the mid-points of the endlines and terminating at the outer edge of the extended free-throw lines. These lines, excluding the endlines, are part of the restricted area. The inside of the restricted areas must be painted in one color. Free-throw rebound places along the restricted areas, reserved for players during free throws, shall be marked as in Diagram 2.
8. Three-point field goal area The team's three-point field goal area shall be the entire floor area of the playing court, except for the area near the opponents' basket, limited by and including: • Two (2) parallel lines extending from and perpendicular to the endline, with the outer edge 0.90 m from the inner edge of the sidelines. • An arc of radius 6.75 m measured from the point on the floor beneath the exact centre of the opponents' basket to the outer edge of the arc. The distance of the point on the floor from the inner edge of the mid-point of the endline is 1.575 m. The arc is joined to the parallel lines. 9. Team bench areas The team bench areas shall be marked outside the playing court limited by two (2) lines as shown in Diagram 1. There must be fourteen (14) seats available in the team bench area for the team bench personnel which consists of the coaches, the assistant coaches, the substitutes, the excluded players and the team followers. Any other persons shall be at least two (2) m behind the team bench. 10. Throw-in lines The two (2) lines of 0.15 m in length shall be marked outside the playing court at the sideline opposite the scorer’s table, with the outer edge of the lines 8.325 m from the inner edge of the nearest endline.
11. No-charge semi-circle areas The no-charge semi-circle lines shall be marked on the playing court, limited by: • A semi-circle with the radius of 1.25 m measured from the point on the floor beneath the exact centre of the basket to the inner edge of the semi-circle. The semi-circle is joined to: • Two (2) parallel lines perpendicular to the endline, the inner edge 1.25 m from the point on the floor beneath the exact centre of the basket, 0.375 m in length and ending 1.20 m from the inner edge of the endline. The no-charge semi-circle areas are completed by imaginary lines joining the ends of the parallel lines directly below the front edges of the backboards. The no-charge semi-circle lines are not part of the no-charge semi-circle areas
Article V.
________________________________________________________________________________________ The following equipment will be required: • Backstop units, consisting of: ▬ Backboards ▬ Baskets comprising (pressure release) rings and nets ▬ Backboard support structures including padding • Basketballs • Game clock • Scoreboard • Twenty-four (24) second clock • Stopwatch or suitable (visible) device (not the game clock) for timing time-outs • Two (2) separate, distinctly different and loud sound signals • Score sheet • Player foul markers • Team foul markers • Alternating possession arrow • Playing floor • Playing court • Adequate lighting
Article VI.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. A team member is eligible to play when he has been authorized to play for a team according to the regulations, including regulations governing age limits, of the organizing body of the competition. 2. A team member is entitled to play when his name has been entered on the score-sheet before the start of the game and as long as he has neither been disqualified nor committed five (5) fouls. 3. During playing time, a team member is: • A player when he is on the playing court and is entitled to play. • A substitute when he is not on the playing court but he is entitled to play. • An excluded player when he has committed five (5) fouls and is no longer entitled to play. 4. During an interval of play, all team members entitled to play are considered as players. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article VII.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
All players must wear jerseys to play the game The uniform of the team members shall consist of: • Shirts of the same dominant color front and back. All players must tuck their shirts into their playing shorts. 'All-in-ones' are permitted. Each team member shall wear a shirt numbered on the front and back with plain numbers, of a solid color contrasting with the color of the shirt. The numbers shall be clearly visible Players on the same team shall not wear the same number. Any advertising or logo shall be at least five (5) cm away from the numbers During the game a player may not display any commercial, promotional or charitable name, mark, logo or other identification including, but not limited to, on his body, in his hair or otherwise
Article VIII.
Section 1.01 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Each team shall consist of:
Each team has the max of ten (10) team members entitled to play, including a captain. Each team has the min. of five (5) team members entitled to play, including a captain. All players/teams must register in full with a team in order to play. A team must have a coach and, or an assistant coach. Team roster can not be change after 4 played games If a team loses a player/players you may add one player. A new player can not be anyone already registers nor has played in a different team. New player can not be added 1 game before playoffs. No teams can not dismiss a player just to place a new player in his/her place 8
10. 11. 12. 13. 14.
All schedules will be posted on the AAL Website ( and may also be given on request Five (5) players from each team shall be on the playing court during playing time and may be substituted. A substitute becomes a player and a player becomes a substitute when: The official beckons the substitute to enter the playing court. During a time-out or an interval of play, a substitute requests the substitution to the scorer.
Section 1.02
Playing time, tied score and extra periods
1. The game shall consist of four (4) periods of nine (9) minutes. 2. There shall be an interval of play of ten (10) minutes before the game is scheduled to begin. 3. There shall be intervals of play of two (2) minutes between the first and second period (first half), between the third and fourth period (second half) and before each extra period. 4. There shall be a half-time interval of play of fifteen (5) minutes. 5. An interval of play begins: • Ten (10) minutes before the game is scheduled to begin. • When the game clock signal sounds for the end of a period. 6. An interval of play ends: • At the beginning of the first period when the ball leaves the hand(s) of the referee on the jump ball. • At the beginning of all other periods when the ball is at the disposal of the player taking the throwin. 7. If the score is tied at the end of playing time for the fourth period, the game shall continue with as many extra periods of three (3) minutes as is necessary to break the tie. 8. If a foul is committed when or just before the game clock signal sounds for the end of playing time, any eventual free throw(s) shall be administered after the end of playing time. 9. If an extra period is required as a result of this free throw(s) then all fouls that are committed after the end of playing time shall be considered to have occurred during an interval of play and the free throws shall be administered before the beginning of the extra period.
Section 1.03
Time out
1. Each time-out shall last one (1) minute. 2. A time-out may be granted during a time-out opportunity. 3. A time-out opportunity begins when: • For both teams, the ball becomes dead, the game clock is stopped and the official has ended his communication with the scorer's table. • For both teams, the ball becomes dead following a successful last or only free throw. • For the non-scoring team, a field goal is scored. 4. A time-out opportunity ends when the ball is at the disposal of a player for a throw-in or for a first or only free throw. 5. Two (2) time-outs may be granted to each team at any time during the first half; three (3) at any time during the second half and one (1) during each extra period. 6. Unused time-outs may not be carried over to the next half or extra period.
Article IX.
1. All equipment used by players must be appropriate for the game. Any equipment that is designed to increase a player's height or reach or in any other way give an unfair advantage is not permitted. 2. Players shall not wear equipment (objects) that may cause injury to other players. 3. The following are not permitted: Finger, hand, wrist, elbow or forearm guards, casts or braces made of leather, plastic, pliable (soft) plastic, metal or any other hard substance, even if covered with soft padding. Objects that could cut or cause abrasions (fingernails must be closely cut). Headgear, hair accessories and jewelers. 4. The following are permitted: Shoulder, upper arm, thigh or lower leg protective equipment if the material is sufficiently padded. Compression sleeves of the same dominant color as the shirts. Compression stockings of the same dominant color as the shorts. If for the upper leg it must end above the knee; if for the lower leg it must end below the knee. Knee braces if they are properly covered. Protector for an injured nose, even if made of a hard material. Non-colored transparent mouth guard. Spectacles, if they do not pose a danger to other players. Headbands, maximum five (5) cm in width, made of non-abrasive, unicolour cloth, pliable plastic or rubber. Non-colored transparent taping of arms, shoulders, legs, etc. 5. During the game a player may not display any commercial, promotional or charitable name, mark, logo or other identification including, but not limited to, on his body, in his hair or otherwise. 6. Any other equipment not specifically mentioned in this article must be approved by the AAL. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article X.
________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 1.01 Use of Tobacco/Alcohol/Drugs Products 1. No coach, contestant or other personnel shall use any form of tobacco, alcohol or drugs product beginning with the arrival at the site of competition and ending with departure from the site of competition. Failure to adhere to this rule may result in disqualification or removal from facility and/or competition.
Section 1.02 Medical Clearance
1. A competitor who has been rendered unconscious during a tournament shall not be permitted to resume participation in that tournament without written authorization from a physician. 2. A competitor, who is bleeding, has an open wound or an excessive amount of blood on the uniform may not participate further until appropriate treatment has been administered. Section 1.03 Program Violations
1. Disciplinary action may be considered for any violations bringing discredit upon the WAL, including, but not limited to, passing “bad” checks, participation of athletes in an improper age division, or any violation of any part of this Handbook, WAL Code competition rules. 2. In instances of alleged violations, action may be taken against athletes, coaches, parents and/or clubs according to AAL code. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article XI.
1. In the event of injury to a player(s), the officials may stop the game. 2. If the ball is live when an injury occurs, the official shall not blow his whistle until the team in control of the ball has shot for a field goal, lost control of the ball, withheld the ball from play or the ball has become dead. If it is necessary to protect an injured player, the officials may stop the game immediately. 3. If the injured player cannot continue to play immediately (within approximately 15 seconds) or, if he receives treatment, he must be substituted unless the team is reduced to fewer than five (5) players on the playing court. 4. Team bench personnel may enter the playing court, with the permission of an official, to attend to an injured player before he is substituted. 5. A doctor may enter the playing court, without permission of an official if, in the doctor's judgment, the injured player requires immediate medical treatment. 6. During the game, any player who is bleeding or has an open wound must be substituted. He may return to the playing court only after bleeding has stopped and the affected area or open wound has been completely and securely covered. 7. If the injured player or any player who is bleeding or has an open wound recovers during a time-out taken by either team before the scorer’s signal for the substitution, that player may continue to play. 8. Players who have been designated by the coach to start the game may be substituted in the event of an injury. In this case, the opponents are also entitled to substitute the same number of players, if they so wish.
Article XII.
1. The captain (CAP) is a player designated by his coach to represent his team on the playing court. He may communicate in a courteous manner with the officials during the game to obtain information, however, only when the ball becomes dead and the game clock is stopped. 2. The captain shall, immediately at the end of the game, inform the referee if his team is protesting against the result of the game and sign the score sheet in the space marked 'Captain's signature in case of protest'. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article XIII.
1. At least twenty (20) minutes before the game is scheduled to begin, each coach or his representative shall give the scorer a list with the names and corresponding numbers of the team members who are eligible to play in the game, as well as the name of the captain of the team, the coach and the assistant coach. All team members whose names are entered on the score sheet are entitled to play, even if they arrive after the beginning of the game. 2. At least ten (10) minutes before the game is scheduled to begin, each coach shall confirm his agreement with the names and corresponding numbers of his team members and the names of the coaches by signing the score sheet. 3. Coach shall indicate the five (5) players who are to start the game. The coach of team 'A' shall be the first to provide this information. 4. The team bench personnel are the only persons permitted to sit on the team bench and remain within their team bench area. 5. The coach and the assistant coach may go to the scorer’s table during the game to obtain statistical information only when the ball becomes dead and the game clock is stopped. 6. Either the coach or the assistant coach, but only one of them at any given time, is permitted to remain standing during the game. They may address the players verbally during the game provided they remain within their team bench area. The assistant coach shall not address the officials. 7. If there is an assistant coach his name must be entered on the score sheet before the beginning of the game (his signature is not necessary). He shall assume all duties and powers of the coach if, for any reason, the coach is unable to continue. 8. When the captain leaves the playing court the coach shall inform an official of the number of the player who will act as captain on the playing court. 9. The captain shall act as coach if there is no coach, or if the coach is unable to continue and there is no assistant coach entered on the score sheet (or the latter is unable to continue). If the captain must leave the playing court, he may continue to act as coach. If he must leave following a disqualifying foul, or if he is unable to act as coach because of injury, his substitute as captain may replace him as coach.
Article XIV.
________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 1.01 Unsportsmanlike Conduct
1. Unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated. Such conduct includes any conduct which is unethical or dishonorable, such as disrespectfully addressing an official, fighting, taunting, and criticism of another competitor and/or using profanity. The WAL specifically disapproves of any form of taunting which is intended or designed to embarrass, ridicule or demean others under any circumstances including on the basis of race, religion, gender or national origin. 2. This rule shall apply to all coaches, athletes and other Club and/or team personnel. 3. Engagement in unsportsmanlike conduct may result in disqualification from that event and/or further competition in the tournament. Disqualification of a coach or other personnel shall be from further involvement in the tournament. In addition, penalties that may be imposed include, but are not limited to: Suspension, expulsion, probation, reprimands, warning, or other penalties appropriate to the situation. Penalties may be imposed by WAL. Section 1.02 Fighting
1. If any coaches, athletes and other Club and/or team personnel get into a fight, they will be ejected from the game immediately and will also be suspended form the next game. If the same player fights again anytime/day after that he/she will be ban from the tournament. 2. Penalties may be imposed for violations of Williamsburg Athletic League (WAL) rules, ethical policies and codes. Penalties that may be imposed include but are not limited to, suspension, expulsion, probation, fines, reprimands, warnings, or other limitations or penalties. Section 1.03 Zero Tolerance 1. All-Sports Athletic League (AAL) is a Zero Tolerance Program. We encourage all Athletics Athletes to be drug free and to stress to everyone that drugs are illegal. 2. Violation of the participation rule may result in disqualification from further participation. 3. No coaches and or athletes can disrespect or address an official such as any referee or personnel of WAL. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article XV.
________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 1.01 Game Lengths 1. There will be 4 quarter a game with 9 minutes an quarter. 2. Time will only stop for foul shoot and time out. 3. Time will stop for every whistle under 1 mins in the 2nd quarter and 2 mins on the 4th quarter. 13
4. Ref/official can have the time stop before the 2 min warning. 5. There will be a 3 min quarter for each overtime 6. If a team is 5 mins late the clock will start and every min that passes 2 points will be ended to the opposite team. 7. If the clock end the quarter and the team is not ready they will forfeit the game and the win will be given to the opposite team Section 1.02 Tie breaker 1. In any situation where there are tied a point differential tie-breaker will be applied. 2. The point differentials of the teams involved are then ranked according to the sum of the point differential - with the highest number placing first, the second highest placing second. (The maximum that you can beat a team and still gain an advantage is 15 points.) 3. If two (2) teams are still tied after the application of the formula, go back to (a.) to break the tie. 4. The score of all forfeits shall be (-15) 5. If there is still a three way tie, three ways flip of the coin.
Article XVI.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. Personal fouls include any type of illegal physical contact. Hitting, Pushing, Slapping, Holding, Illegal pick/screen -- when an offensive player is moving. When an offensive player sticks out a limb and makes physical contact with a defender in an attempt to block the path of the defender. 2. Flagrant foul. Violent contact with an opponent. This includes hitting, kicking, and punching. This type of foul results in free throws plus the offense retaining possession of the ball after the free throws. 3. Intentional foul. When a player makes physical contact with another player with no reasonable effort to steal the ball. It is a judgment call for the officials. 4. A Player need 6 personal fouls to get foul out of the game 5. It takes 7 teams fouls to go to a bonus shoot. (1 and 1) 6. It take 10 teams fouls to go to a double bonus shoot (2 shoot) 7. All teams fouls will reset after the end of the 2nd quarter 8. Swinging of Elbows A player shall not be allowed excessive and/or vigorous swinging of the elbows in a swinging motion (no contact). When a defensive player is nearby and the offensive player has the ball, it is considered a violation. PENALTY: Loss of ball. The ball is awarded to the opponent at the sideline, nearest the spot of the violation. If the violation occurs on a throw-in, the game clock shall not be started.
Article XVII.
________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. A player or a coach can commit this type of foul. It does not involve player contact or the ball but is instead about the 'manners' of the game. Foul language, obscenity, obscene gestures, and even arguing can be considered a technical foul, as can technical details regarding filling in the scorebook improperly or dunking during warm-ups. 2. You can receive a Tech or even ban from the game and possible ban from the tournament if you disrespect an official in anyway. 3. If the same athlete gets a Tech on the same case in a new game they will be ban from that and the next game. 4. If any athlete is caught being on the court the team and the athlete will received a warning. The second time the athlete will receive a Technical. The Third time the team and the athlete will receive a tech. 5. An Athlete that receives 2 techs will be ban from the game. 6. A Team that receives 2 techs will be ban from the game and will receive a lost for that game. ________________________________________________________________________________________
Article XVIII.
1. After the ball is placed at the disposal of a free throw shooter, his attempt shall be within 10 seconds in such a way that the ball enters the basket or touches 2. A player shall not touch the ball or basket while the ball is on or within the basket. 3. The free throw shooter may not cross the plane of the free throw line until the ball touches the basket ring or backboard or the free throw ends. 4. No player shall deflect or catch the ball before it reaches the basket or backboard on a free throw attempt. 5. No violation can occur if the ball is not released by the free throw shooter. 6. If the violation is by the offense, no point can be scored. The ball is awarded out-of-bounds to opponents at the free throw line extended. 7. If the violation is by the defense and the throw is successful, disregard violation; if the throw is unsuccessful, a substitute free throw shall be awarded. 8. In (e), if the violation is by the defensive team, the point is scored and the same player receives another free throw attempt. The additional free throw attempt is considered a new play. This can only occur when the ball will remain in play after the free throw attempt. If it occurs on the first attempt of multiple free throws, only the single point is awarded, and the second free throw shall be attempted.
Article XIX.
________________________________________________________________________________________ Section 1.01 Forfeit 1. A team shall lose the game by forfeit if: • Fifteen (15) minutes after the scheduled starting time, the team is not present or is unable to field five (5) players ready to play. • Its actions prevent the game from being played. • It refuses to play after being instructed to do so by the referee. Section 1.02 Penalty 1. The game is awarded to the opponents and the score shall be twenty to zero (20 to 0). Furthermore, the forfeiting team shall receive zero (0) points in the classification. 2. For a two-game (home and away) total points series and for Play-Offs (best of three), the team that forfeits in the first, second or third game shall lose the series or Play-Offs by 'forfeit'. This does not apply for Play-Offs (best of five). 3. If in a tournament the team forfeits for the second time, the team shall be disqualified from the tournament and the results of all games played by this team shall be nullified. Section 1.03 Art. 21 Game lost by default 1. A team shall lose a game by default if, during the game, the team has fewer than two (2) players on the playing court ready to play. 2. If the team to which the game is awarded is ahead, the score shall stand as at the time when the game was stopped. If the team to which the game is awarded is not ahead, the score shall be recorded as two to zero (2 to 0) in its favor. The defaulting team shall receive one (1) point in the classification. 3. For a two-game (home and away) total point series, the team that defaults in the first or in the second game shall lose the series by 'default