H i g u y s ! I a m L u k e W a l s h t h i s y e a r ' s k e y c l u b e d i t o r . I ' m l o o k i n g f o r w a r d t o t h e r e s t o f t h e s c h o o l y e a r a n d w h a t i t h a s t o o f f e r . B e s u r e t o s t a y p o s t e d a n d i f p o s s i b l e , a t t e n d e v e n t s s p o n s o r e d b y t h e k e y c l u b . B e s u r e t o r e c o r d t h o s e s e r v i c e h o u r s t o o ! B e s u r e t o f o l l o w u s o n I n s t a g r a m a n d j o i n t h e r e m i n d i f y o u h a v e n ' t a l r e a d y . C a n ' t w a i t t o m e e t y a l l !
This Newsletter will illustrate a recap of September and what we're planning on doing in October while bringing warmth to the world and our community


Hey guys, I'm Luke Walsh this year's editor! This is my second year in key club and my first year being a part of the officer team Key club has been such a unique and fun experience for me because I have met new people and went place, I never thought I would go. Can't wait to see what's next in store for

Attendance: 46 members + officers

Even though I couldn't show up due to me being sick, from what I heard and from what I saw from the pictures it looks like we had a really good turnout. It's good to see that they're more people that joined Key club this year. From what I saw the class almost looked full. We still do need more people to be officers which will hopefully happen in the future. I am looking forward to the next key club meeting and seeing what will happen.
We are going to announce at this October meeting that we have opened up positions on the officer board for class representatives

k e y c l u b . l a m a r @ g m a i l c o m @ l a m a r k e y c l u b @ v f n d k e y 1 h t t p s : / / k e y c l u b l a m a r . w i x s i t e . c o m / l h s k e y

L o g y o u r H o u r s : h t t p s : / / t i n y u r l . c o m / v v 4 b v m v 4

C h a r i t y M i l e s : h t t p s : / / c h a r i t y m i l e s . o r g / Z o o n i v e r s e : h t t p s : / / w w w . z o o n i v e r s e o r g /

F r e e R i c e A P P : h t t p s : / / f r e e r i c e c o m /

P a y y o u r D u e s : h t t p s : / / t i n y u r l . c o m / 7 6 c u k e y 7
D o S o m e t h i n g . o r g h t t p s : / / w w w . d o s o m e t h i n g . o r g / u s

M r . T h a m e s a n d M r s S c o t t n t h a m e s @ a i s d . n e t n s c o t t @ a i s d . n e t


By answering trivia, our members helped the UN World Food Program donate rice to people in need.
Join our group on the FreeRice App or website! GROUP CODE: YCFUFCSL Members, please remember that you need to be in the group in order to earn hours. You can get 1 hour per 1,000 grains you donate (100 questions per hour 10 grains per question). We're capping it at 6 hours to encourage members to attend other volunteering events
Mission Arlington

YoucancomehelpoutatMissionArlington ItisonOct19thfrom4:30 6:30pm Youdonotneedtosignupforthisevent,justshowup Address:210WSouthSt,Arlington,TX76010
River Legacy Events
The date of the fall festival is on Oct 8th. Their are 2 available shifts from 10:30 4:30 or 4:00 10:00. You must sign up on their website. Will have to make an account to sign up. You must also fill out waiver if under 18. Location is at River Legacy Park.

Charity Miles

Join our group on the Charity Miles app or website! Our new group: LHS Key Club 21 22 Help raise money for charity by tracking your exercise! Members, please remember that you need to be in the group in order to earn hours. You can earn up to 6 hours ( 10 miles = 1 hour ).

Arlington Public Library Events

Our club also participated in Arlington Public Library events. Come join us at the Arlington Public Library every month to work on crafts for the Books on Wheels projects. This counts as sponsored service hours :) It it at 3:30 5:30 or 4 6pm in the Young Adult Area on the second floor It's the first wednesy day of each month, use this link to sign up: https://tinyurl.com/62drfr5w Address: 100 S Center St, Arlington, TX 76010 For online volunteer opportunities, book/movie recommendations will be accepted. These recommendations will go into the APL Teen newsletter that is sent out every other week There should be at least two copies of the recommended item in the system 2 recommendations for 1 hour and you can only submit 2 recs/month. Here's the link OR you can scan the QR code on the right! https://tinyurl.com/cywvmnk6
Want to write a HOTO Article?

write a brief description about yourself and your Key Club experience and what it means to you. Include at least 400 words and some pictures of yourself. Message us on Remind or email us by the 20th of October to claim your spot for the month of October! October HOTOs will be due on Halloween (31st).

Membership Membership
One of the most important things about Key Club is commitment
It is easy to want to join Key Club to expand or enrich your resume, or just because your friend wants to and it seems cool during VikingFest our school's club fair Our requirements help encourage members to keep going, to continue serving until they find that fire in their heart to help those around them

Our basic requirements are meeting attendance and volunteering hours We encourage members to:

attend 5 meetings throughout the year we have meetings every month, so that should be easy! volunteer for 25 hours every year minimum 15 of those should be sponsored hours. sponsored hours are from volunteering opportunities shared in meetings and are on the website and instagram sign in during meetings and log your hours both on the google form and the hour sheet
The volunteering chord is green and can be earned:
50 total hours across organizations, which means that you can have 25 from Key Club and 25 from NHS
The Key Club stole can be bought for graduation if you fulfill the following requirements:
5 hours from Junior and Senior Year 30 of those hours must be Key Club Sponsored
If you are a senior and it's your first year in Key Club earn 30 hours. If you are a freshman this year, obtain 80 KC hours 60 must be sponsored) Serving in an officer position for senior year

BY SARA LIM Photo:SaraLimattheW.A.T.E.R Festival
This month was the first full month of school and Key Club We had many service opportunities lined up in September We had our first general meeting on September 7th where we introduced the club and all that it has to offer We informed all the members about dues, hour requirements, grants, scholarships, and most importantly service opportunities. We had a great turn out with 47 people in attendance. Our first service event of September was the River Legacy W.A.T.E.R. Festival where we got to inform people about our ecosystem, specifically about water They had a ton of booths set up around River Legacy such as temporary tattoos, watercolor, and origami
The next service event that we had was at Mission Arlington Mission Arlington is a nonprofit organization that betters the community We partnered with Mission Arlington since they work for a better cause and rely on us volunteers to sustain their organization. Every 3rd Wednesday of the month, our club goes there to volunteer for 2 hours after school. This month we were tasked to sort the donations from the drive thru pile It was quite amazing how much people donated and it warmed my heart to see all the amazing donations
The next service opportunity or event that we had was the River Legacy Privet Patrol event This event was to spread awareness to the community about invasive wildlife species. We were able to garden and weed out many different species of invasive plants on the RIver Legacy grounds. Although it was hot outside, being able to garden with the fellow Key Club members was both therapeutic and lots of fun! Upcoming events that we will have is another event at River Legacy called the Fall Festival. We will be putting on Halloween events for the community. We will also be collecting candy for a local elementary school, Wimbish, for their annual trunk or treat We were also given the opportunity to set up a trunk at their Halloween event Additionally, we volunteer at the local public library once a month doing various things such as writing cards, making tote bags, and much more An opportunity that we are trying to coordinate is partnering with a local Animal Shelter If we can find one to work with, we can hold a toy drive to bring in items that we can donate to the shelter as well as volunteer at the animal shelter I think that this is a good service opportunity because it is fun for everyone and we help animals that are less fortunate. Animals bring joy to us, so we should take some time out of our day to shine a little light on them too!
Club Changes
By Luke AndersonElaborate on the changes you are planning to implement into your club this year. This year, our club at Lamar plans to make some substantial changes. Some things we have been talking about for a while and now we’re finally getting a chance to implement them. All of our officers are definitely pumped for what’s to come and I’m sure that our members and the community as a whole will benefit from these upcoming changes. Though last year we started to host socials for everyone in the club, this year we’re making them a bigger deal. We are going to host them more frequently in hopes that our club forms a tighter community. This will help members meet new friends and members will even have the opportunity to invite their non member friends. As a club, we strive to be open to everyone and these socials might also recruit folks to join our club. We plan to host socials bimonthly and especially around holidays such as Christmas and Thanksgiving. Some ideas that we are going to pursue are scavenger hunts, board game times, and simple food hang-outs.
We’ve also changed up our leadership lineup this year to keep the program fresh and invigorated. The beloved Mr. Thames has been called in to be one of the core Key Club sponsors this year. After Mrs. Conners, the long-time head sponsor of Key Club, retired in 2023, there was a large void to fill and Mr. Thames stepped up to the plate. Mr. Thames is a man who leads by example, joining the team despite his heavy time commitments such as being the head of the English department for Lamar. He serves with a consistency hitherto unrealized in all of his engagements, as is obvious to anyone who has taken his class. However, if you have taken his class, you will note his capacity for creativity as well. From assignments involving felines in outer space to disguising as a feline with his face, Thames sure knows how to keep things fresh and will be a great addition to the Lamar Key Club. Since the pandemic era has passed, we have stopped heavily promoting our online volunteer options. Now our focus is back on in person events. These events are so impactful for the community and even our members because by participating, they grow and get closer to each other. I’m confident that with this new direction that our club is headed in a great direction. There are so many amazing changes to look forward to. Some have even already occurred such as our two legged friend joining the leadership team. We look forward to many great changes in the future.

Motivation Motivation Motivation
by Zac bHattendorf y Zac bHattendorf y Zac HattendorfMotivation is a concept that most people struggle with. Ranging from not wanting to go to school, to feeling like staying home instead of working out, and everywhere beyond and between. But when it comes down to it, a lack of motivation stems from the activity being repetitive, uninteresting, or seemingly useless. This is why the proper motivation of our club’s members has been a concern of the Lamar High School Key Club officer team for many years

Very excitingly, this year is on track to be more promising than our previous years in terms of membership. Our first meeting club meeting filled an entire classroom beyond the number of chairs we had set out and harbored many members excited to serve our community. This is a good sign for motivation because it means we can have a greater amount of different types of events. Simply put, with more people comes more personalities and diversified interests. In a previous year, an event at an elementary school may have been appealing to only one person while an event at the Arlington Public Library was appealing to seven people. Obviously, the club would hold the event at the Arlington Public Library and not at the elementary school due to the demand. Now considering the club’s increased numbers, we have nine who are interested in the library and six interested in the elementary school, so we can hold and promote both events. This is useful to keep our club members motivated because it differentiates our available service opportunities and allows them to experience new ways to serve the community. Another way that we promote going above and beyond is by distributing cords for members who meet certain hour requirements. While this tactic seems simple, it is because it is. We applied the basic concept of rewarding a task well done to encourage members to get those few extra hours each month. Our community is helped, members get an extra cord at graduation, and everyone has a great time, making it a win-win-win. While diversifying events and rewarding our members are both useful tools in motivating the club, competition is one of the most important ways we boost morale and incentive. For context, at every monthly meeting, we display a total of each class’s hours to inspire a friendly rivalry between the classes. If the sophomores want to stick it to the seniors, they need to attend more events and log more hours. If the juniors want to put the freshman in their place, they must outdo their opponent in helping those around them.
While there are a few more tactics that are employed to boost the Lamar High School Key Club participation rate, they are applicable to fewer situations and can be few and far between. Speaking for the whole club, we love what we do and can’t wait to see you at the next event!
MediahaveintheKey MediahaveintheKey Club? Club?
BByKaidencheng yKaidenchengWhat role does social media play in Lamar's Key Club? First, its platform allows you to connect without relying on old innovations such as phone books or email. When social media wasn't universal in the early 2000s, I often waited in line to make an emergency call or checked my email to look for out-of-school activities. While there are disagreements about the general use of social media, I find it a helpful aspect of my life. Like being able to message someone if you don't have their number to check what the next big event is. However, if misused, Social media can be dangerous. It's similar to most additions in life; you can create an addiction or an unhealthy habit. But if used correctly, it can speed up the progress of tasks. Throughout the past four years at Lamar Key Club, social media has played a significant role in our success. Key Club uses social media to connect with fellow key club members.
I vividly remember volunteering at River Legacy. When I saw the post about it on Instagram, I was elated. While waiting at the front entrance, I wasn't sure if I'd enjoy the activity. It was the first volunteer event I attended as a key club member. My friends and I helped with the fall festival activities (hay rides, carnivore games). It was a fun event; the kids were amazing; they were delighted to be there, and I was glad to serve them. Also, social media plays a vital role in our Club because students can message the officers when they have a question, which is more interactive than a group message. We can use reels and posts to show a student their progress and reminisce about their service opportunities. Without social media, I feel students wouldn't be granted the opportunity to serve the community because of the lack of communication.
What role does social media have in the key club?

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds and awareness for 170 member hospitals that provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the U.S. and Canada.

As part of the Elimin Trick-or-Treat for U Kiwanis Internation have joined forces t maternal and neona deadly disease that of nearly 31,000 inn and a significant nu women each year.

RREDCHARITIES nate Project, UNICEF, al and UNICEF o eliminate atal tetanus—a steals the lives nocent babies umber of

For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped millions of babies survive and thrive. Now they’re building on that legacy to level the playing field for all moms and babies, no matter their age, socioeconomic background or demographics.


Landscape Structures (LSI) has joined Kiwanis International as a vision partner to bring play to communities across the globe. LSI is proud to provide high quality commercial playground equipment and planning consultation services that reflect the high degree of integrity that Kiwanis clubs expect

Nickelodeon currently presents two major campaigns year round that encourage action in kids globally. Worldwide Day of Play reinforces Nickelodeon’s mission to make the world a more playful place by leading Play events across the country. Nickelodeon’s Get Dirty campaign seeks to educate kids, families, and teachers about what they can do to help protect the planet in a way that is mindful and fun

Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water. By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%- overnight! Clean water also plays an incredibly critical role in effectively treating and managing HIV/AIDS in rural communities.
TeleSquads provide Key Club members with affordable opportunities to complete community service hours while gaining hands ons international experience implementing projects that improve health and education outcomes for in-need communities. Each TeleSquad is a customized 1 9 week online course for groups of 8 or more Key Club members to build knowledge through skill based volunteering, build cultural competency through virtual immersion, and deliver real impact through our local team by participating in live community and professional exchanges.

The Army strives to strengthen local communities through service and to build character and leadership among youth such as Key Club members. Through the Kiwanis Speakers Army personnel can connect with Kiwanis family clubs at club

meetings, raising awareness of what today’s Army can provide and offer access to local Army support and resources. The Army also gives exceptional opportunities in higher education that can help young people throughout their lives.

Since 2014, Up with People and Kiwanis Interna members have teamed up to serve our communities, inspire youth and expand our impact in the world. that’s what Kiwanis International and Up with People share Up with People programs open a door to service and intercultural understanding whether it’s through a local show, leadership, and cultural workshops or providing service and travel experiences for young adults. Both organizations strive to ‘ serve the children of the world’ and ‘ empower youth to take action’ through our partnership
Register for one month of fitness, reach your health goals, and change lives. Join individually or create a team. Your involvement creates community, and it helps Project Happiness educate youth and people of all ages by providing proven tools for greater happiness and well being.
K Corps is Kiwanis International’s youth exchange program for Key Clubbers and Kiwanis family teens. It’s a great opportunity for youth connected with Kiwanis and for families and Kiwanis clubs as well.Through the program, clubs, families and youth develop strong global relationships and intercultural communication skills by attending meetings, experiencing fellowship, raising funds for various causes and participating in service projects.