Hey guys! I hope yall had a wonderful break. Let's make this year the best one so far. I hope yall reach yall goals and keep your new year's resolutions Aswell. Be sure to keep track of your ours and look out for events coming up. If you have any questions, you can ask any of the officers. Happy hunting!

What we anticipate accomplishing in 2022 HOTO Holiday Events

F R E E R I C E C H A R I T Y M I L E S Z O O N I V E R S E D O S O M E T H I N G . O R G K U N G F U T E A S O C I A L
December meeting slideshow

of events with them along the way as well. I would say that all the events I have done this year have been pretty good experience wise. I met a lot of new people, and did things I never thought I would do before, and made new friends in the process. I would say the place I have been to the most this year is definitely River Legacy park. River Legacy park is this park in north Arlington and there are always a lot of events that happen there. The ones I remember going to are the mulch patch event in the spring. In this event we helped with the paths by putting mulch on them. There was the privet Patrol event in the fall. In this event we helped remove privet, an invasive plant species from the park. I would say the biggest one by far though has to be the River Legacy fall festival. I did this one also in 2021 and this has to be the longest event I have ever done. While events usually last 1-2 hours this one lasts up to 6 hours. This one you volunteer for the River legacy fall festival and can apply for several positions like a game host, or concession stands. While that event was the longest it did feel like the most fun as well. I also did some events at mission arlington. Mission Arlington is a non profit organization around Arlington Texas. I remember my first event there was in the spring, when we helped paint with them. We first helped paint the walls of the place, then we went outside and helped paint the bookshelves. After that we helped sort out the books for the book shelves. The other event we did with them was when we helped out in the shelter. We went over to this store they had, and we helped with sorting out the shoes and clothes for the store. While we also helped bring out broken or not needed items as well. Those were the major events I remember doing last year. Now while I did do more those were the ones that stuck out to me the most. 2022 was pretty goods for me in the key club and reflecting back on it, I enjoyed it.

What we anticipate accomplishing What we anticipate accomplishing in 2022 in 2022
By Luke Walsh By Luke WalshWe as a club hope to accomplish a lot of things in 2023. I would say 2022 was a good year for us as a club. I believe we accomplished a lot that year and did a lot of good for the community as well. There were a lot of new things we did. More people joined as well, and there was just a good vibe all around. I hope we can do the same and even more for 2023. Now I am not the president of the key club for this semester, so I'm not 100% sure what she has planned. I know we are starting off this year with a Key club social. We will have this social event at a boba shop called Kung Fu Tea which sounds pretty cool. We will be recruiting more people to the key club, and more officers as well, we already have new officers too which is great! We do still need officers because we have missing spots, plus I need to bug more people about writing articles. I’m sure we will have more events with mission arlington. We will also have more events with River Legacy Park, because we always do events there every year. We will obviously do more meetings and socials. We will also probably do events at the UTA Public Library. That's what I believe we will be doing as a club in 2023. I do also have personal goals for the key club. My first goal for the club is to show up to more events, because I have to represent the club as an officer. I also need to do better with planning the Newsletters and articles, because it seemed like last year I was always in a rush to get it finished. I also need to encourage more people to join our club and recruit more people as well. That's what I hope to do for this semester of the year. Next semester I’ll be a senior and will have to focus more on college applications and other senior things. I’m not too sure what position I want next year, president seems tempting but also it is a lot of work as well. I might take a position as vice president or historian. I want to have a different role next school year but I don't want it to be too hard for me, because I want to do other things in my life. But those are the things we as a club and myself hope to accomplish in 2022.

HeymynameisLukeWalsh,Iamnowajuniorat LamarHighSchoolinArlingtonTexas Ihavebeenin theKeyclubfor2yearsnowandthisismyfirstyear asanofficer OtherthantheKeyclubIalsoamin NHSortheNationalHonorsSociety,andIamonthe swimteam RightnowIamtheKeyClubEditorandmyjobisto editthenewslettersandaskpeopletodo newslettersandHOTO’s.Whiletheprocessiskinda tiringandIfeelabitannoyedaskingpeopleto submitarticles,it’sstillfuninsomeaspects.Thekey clubhasstartedtomeanalotmoretomeastime wentonintheschoolyear. WhenIfirststarted,Iwasthinkingitwasgonnabe justanotherafterschoolactivity,butnowIrealize thatitismorethanthat Ihavegrowntolovebeinga partoftheKeyclubforalotofreasons,butthemain reasonisbecauseIlovehelpingotherpeopleout Helpingothersoutgivesyouthissenseof accomplishment,ifyouknowwhatImean Itmakes youfeelgoodwhenyouhelpothersout.Ihavealso metalotofpeoplethroughtheKeyclubaswell I havemadenewfriends,andlearnedalotabout otherpeople,throughthekeyclub

The key club and other clubs like it are a good way to connect and meet new people, and learn more about the world around you as well It is also nice to see that there are people willing to help out, and assist other people, the key club has also opened me up to that It made me better appreciate that most people are good, and just want to help around. I have also been to places I never thought I would go before.
For example, going to the river legacy fall festival was a really cool experience, before the Key club I never even heard about this, but now, I plan on going there annually to volunteer Or the mission of Arlington down by University of Texas at Arlington, Whenever I go there we are always doing something good, like picking out clothes for people in need, or even just painting some shelves so books can go in there for kids.
The most important to me out of all of these though, is the feeling of accomplishment of usefulness I get I think everyone wants to be useful and accomplished in life The Key Club helps a lot with that feeling of getting something done Have you ever worked on something, and you put effort into it, and you finally get it done, and you have that feeling? Don't you just love that feeling? Well I sure do. That's what the key club means to me, and how it impacts my life.
Holiday Events

One Holiday event I remember doing a while ago is the salvation bell ringing. We did this event December of 2021 for Christmas obviously and we did this for the salvation army. I think I took the first shift for this event which was from like 2pm to 4pm I believe. If you don't know what bell ringing is, it's where you stand outside the door of a store like Korger. Then you ring a bell and people will come over and donate money. Now this event took place at the Walmart next to the At&t stadium and I was dropped off kind of far because of the traffic up the road but it's fine ,because other members had to walk a lot further than me. When I got there I was greeted by a senior whose name was Moi, and a freshman whose name is joe. Later another senior came by her name was zoe. Now I was a sophomore at the time and this was my first time actually meeting them, so it was a bit awkward at first, but after some time we soon got over that. The thing was that there was a college football game going on or just ending, it was between Oklahoma University and some other college I forgot the name of. So there were a lot of people coming in and out of the walmart. In fact there were some fans fighting and arguing in the parking lot after the game, but nothing that bad after that. Even with a little trouble like that there were also some people that were donating to the box, more than I thought would if I am being honest. For most of the time though it was boring to just stand there and ring a bell for some time. So all of us ended up breaking the ice and talking to each other. We all talked about a lot of topics like what college we want to go to, what going on at school, and what we do outside of school. I even found out one of them shares the same birthday as me which is kind of crazy if you ask me. It did turn out to be fun though, to talk to people I never thought I would talk to when I see them at school. After I’d say like 2 hours our shift was over and the evening crew took over and we went home. But all in all I was say that event was pretty good.
Thirst Project is a nonprofit organization that works with the support of young people to END the global water crisis by building freshwater wells in developing communities that need safe, clean drinking water

By providing a community with safe drinking water, disease rates can drop by up to 88% virtually overnight! Child mortality rates can drop up to 90%overnight! Clean water also plays an incredibly critical role in effectively treating and managing HIV/AIDS in rural communities.
For 80 years, March of Dimes has helped millions of babies survive and thrive. Now they’re building on that legacy to level the playing field for all moms and babies, no matter their age, socio-economic background or demographics They advocate for policies that prioritize their health. They support radical improvements to the care they receive. And they pioneer research to find solutions to the biggest

Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF began 69 years ago as a way to help kids still affected by World War II. Since then, millions of children across the United States have gone door to door on Halloween with UNICEF collection boxes, calling out, “Trick-or-Treat for UNICEF!”

Through The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 31,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year.

Children's Miracle Network Hospitals raises funds and awareness for 170 member hospitals that provide 32 million treatments each year to kids across the U.S. and Canada.