7 minute read
BYE 2020 HELLO 2021 //
So here we are, it’s already November!
I can’t believe I’m even saying that, where has this year gone? I think It’s fair to say that it’s been a bit of a rollercoaster year, despite being stuck at home for a lot if it. With lockdown restrictions still in place for most of us and heading into what is the most festive time of year, I think it is more important than ever to just take a step back from everything that has happened and use this time to reset and refocus for the new year ahead of us. Ive heard a lot of people say that 2020 has been a complete write off, but it doesn’t have to be. For me, 2020 has taught me a lot of things, one being that nothing is ever set in stone, things can flip on their head in an instant. My personal training business was doing very well at the start of the year and now heading into the end of this year things are certainly a lot quieter for me. This is a familiar story for a lot of us, many have lost their jobs or are unable to work due to the pandemic. There is certainly a lot of uncertainty going forward and it’s very easy to feel a sense of negativity in our lives.
So what can you do about this?
Well, you can choose to either let it bog you down, or you can choose to pick yourself up, reset and start over. Now I know that’s easier said than done but taking time out to reflect on what has been a very tumultuous year for us all is a good starting point. So from here on in, I for one am going to start seeing things in a more positive light.
Christmas can be a joyous time for many with the joy of gift giving, seeing friends and family. Hopefully if all goes to plan, we will finally be allowed to see loved ones, reconnect and share stories of how our year has been. This thought alone is what I keeping me going. So I ask you, what is it that you are most looking forward to by the end of the year? Whatever it may be, even if its something really simple as long as it puts a smile on your face, its a really good start in creating a more positive mind set for yourself going forward. Now whilst on the topic of Christmas, I just want to bring attention to something that is gravely important at this time of year. This period for many can be a really miserable time. Spare a thought for anyone who may not have family or friends that they can go see. Or you may know someone who has lost a loved one recently. You have no idea how a simple text or phone call can make the world of difference to someone in that situation. Sometimes the smallest things can make the biggest impact, remember that! And if you find that you are the one who is struggling mentally, there is absolutely no shame in reaching out to anyone and simply asking for help! You might be surprised to see how many people really care about you and your wellbeing. And if you would rather it was kept anonymous, there are plenty of charities out there waiting to take your call so please don’t suffer in silence at this time of year. Your mental health is just as important as your physical wellbeing, so take care of it all the same!
And what about physical health during this time of year?
I know for many gyms are either closed or you are still nervous about going. (All perfectly understandable concerns) Well don’t be too hard on yourself either, I think most of us have added on a few pounds over the past 6 months and again that is to be expected. Priorities have changed this year and I know for many that fitness has slipped down the ladder on that list. But hey, let’s not let the year go completely to waist eh? ( See what I did there?… Yeah, Dad jokes.)
There is still a lot you can do from home, and at the very least try to get as many steps in as possible each day. If you have a bathroom upstairs, why not take to the stairs instead. Or if working at a desk, try to get up once every hour and move around for a bit just to get the blood flowing. Walk to the shops, and get out for some fresh air if you can. (Weather permitting) Filling the lungs with fresh air and walking for at least 30 mins a day has so many amazing benefits to your lung capacity and your head, I cannot stress that enough. You will be amazed at how much more focused you will be with work if you can get out and clear that head for a bit. Let’s talk about that diet also. Now, this is probably the absolute worst time of year to try and stay on the strait and narrow with your diet, with cakes, sweets and roast dinners coming at ye full pelt. Not to mention all the copious amounts of alcohol coming your way also. Now I am not going to say avoid all of this because who in their right mind would say no to a roast dinner 4 times a week, am I right? All I am asking is that you just be a bit more sensible with what goes down the ol’ gullet. If you find you are struggling with extra weight, try to have smaller portions if you can. Don’t sit with a tin of celebrations on your lap whilst watching Tv in the evening. Instead have a small handful of your favourite ones and then put the tin away. Out of sight, out of mind remember! And with alcohol, never underestimate how many calories are In drinks, just because it’s liquid. Instead of guzzling down those alcopops opt to have a spirit with sugar free mixer. It will still give you that sweet drink craving but with a lot less calories. Listen, I’m not trying to be a killjoy here, but with the right approach you can still enjoy all the things this time of year has to offer without putting on those dreaded excess pounds.
And what about those New Years resolutions?
people for the month of January as most of you will have the best intentions to get fit. “ New year, new me” and all that. But come, February the drop off from this is always apparent. So why not get thinking about it now, tell yourself that this year is going to be the year that you finally do it, and stick to it! And If you are lucky enough to receive a gift from a loved one this year, why not tell them to get you some snazzy new workout gear. You would be surprised to see how that alone will motivate you to get stuck into some training!
So, it’s Jan 1st and you are now thinking about stepping into the gym for what might be the first time in a while or ever. That is where I come in. I would absolutely love to help you on that journey by keeping you motivated to hit those goals you have always wanted but could never keep up due to lack of motivation and guidance. Lack of motivation is usually the deciding factor that prevents people from keeping up with their fitness programme. There is a perception that personal trainers are very shouty and scary, yes some are but the majority are not, me being one of them. Get in touch with me now as come January most PT’s are already booked up with enquiries and look out for my brand new training programme called “ Body Shy To Body Confident ” which is starting in the new year.
You can reach me via email: anthony_ cooley@icloud.com or on the social media apps if you search my name. I will be running new offers come the new year so a quick message can’t hurt to find out more right?
I will end by wishing you all a very happy Christmas and New Year and I very much look forward to seeing you in the gym in 2021.
Have a great one folks! Anthony.