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Dogs in sp

• Issue: 51•

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Newcastle C the comm ity Council has invi un te a strategy ity to have their say d to improve ex to on infras isting do tr g areas for th manage dog off-le ash fenc ucture, including pr park e next 10 ye ing, drin ars. More than king wat oviding pathways. 1000 peop er and to a Counc le responde il to help de survey earlier this ye d A 10 year actio velop the ar n pl es an ta bl ha stra is identifies ways in w tegy, which priori hed, with potentia s been l works tised by ne off-leash hich existin ar ed. and where eas can be improv g There are ed cu op rr portunities en facilities ex for new areas in Newca tly 17 off-leash ist. stle. In were almos Among ot t 45,000 do 2016 there hers, Lam with Counc gs register bton Park Adamstow ed il. an n’ have been s O’Connell Reser d The stra tegy is identified ve on exhibi as future si as Lambt until Mon tion on te day, Aug demand fo residents expres s document us sed can be vi t 27. The r a dog ewed in ha Adamstow copy at the City n resident park, while rd Adm dissatisfact Centre, New s expres se ion with castle City inistration facility. their curr d Wallsend L ib rary an ent L viewed on ibrary. It can also d The strate lin be gy also lo nsw.gov.au/ e at www.newcast oks at w le. community ays .

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•July 20 18 •

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