Entertaining this summer is as easy as one, two, rosé. WO R D S BY C H R I ST I N A WA L L ST R E I T P H OTO G R A P H Y BY M A R I S SA D E L A TO R R E
> We all spent 2020 entertaining ourselves. This year, we may finally get to entertain others, and keeping it easy breezy is key. Here, some simple summer recipes and tricks that will have you spending less time in the kitchen and more time with your guests.
THE DÉCOR Don’t worry if you’re behind on your landscaping. Blowing up a few simple pool toys adds color and flair to your yard, regardless of your floral situation. No pool? No problem. Inflatables are a simple solution for outdoor furniture too. Set some up on your lawn and use them as loungers. Trying to fill out a large table? Instead of numerous arrangements, opt for one statement-making one. Repurpose baskets or other accessories (the one shown here is from Anthropologie and was meant to hang in a tree with a candle) as unexpected floral holders. We love Trader Joe’s for an easy array of colorful blooms. When it comes to outdoor plates, mix and match colors and patterns. Those leftover pastel paper plates from Easter will look great mixed in with a more vibrant pattern for summer.
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