DeZign - Introduction

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DeZign Introduction 乐迈设计简介 updated 2014.12.02

Presentation Overview 提纲 • What is DeZign Flooring Architecture? 乐迈设计是什么?

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Projects Highlights 项目亮点 Partners 合作伙伴 What We Offer to You 我们提供给你的产品 Contact Info 联系我们

DeZign Flooring Architecture specializes in providing INNOVATIVE and UNIQUE stylish wood materials to DESIGNERS and ARCHITECTS to design imaginative and creative spaces for all kinds of projects 乐迈设计专用自然美学木材为设

计师们和建筑师们创造 生产富有个性化和设计 感的木质产品

Great Designs Need Great Materials 优秀的设计源于优秀的地板



Project Highlights 重点项目

Lakeville Regency by 方唯 Fang Wei

Perkins + Will by EDG

Sinodis by JYOM Newell Rubbermaid by EDG

Westing by Dariel Studio

Sinodis Office, Shanghai Sinodis is a French company that supplies Carrefour’s imported food across China Their office is designed by

JYOM Architecture In keeping true to the French style, the flooring used is our Altanta collection

Atlanta is our laminate flooring, which depicts elegant Oak impressions. It is composed of HDF core (high density fibreboard) and laminated décor paper

法国风格. 强化地板





Westing Office, Shanghai Their office is designed by

Dariel Studio

“I tried to balance the heavily-loaded image of industry that people commonly have with a design inspiring elegance, purity and pleasure at work” says the designer

Thomas Dariel The main lobby and upstairs hallway is highlighted by our engineered wood Safari collection and solid wood Herringbone collection


优雅波浪水纹处理 The wavy texture on the surface of SAFARI is elegantly hand-crafted which inspired Thomas Dariel

FLOOR/WALL/CEILING 地板/墙壁/天花板 To achieve the unity of one form and one colour all is decorated with our solid wood HERRINGBONE collection

门和墙壁 The emphasis of this part of the project is the meticulous work demonstrated on the door seam on the wall

地板多用途 The refined woodwork of HERRINGBONE on the wall exemplifies the limitless applications of flooring virtually in any spaces of the interior

Newell Rubbermaid Office, Shanghai Newell Rubbermaid is a marketer of commercial products such as Rubbermaid storage, Parker pens, Graco/Aprica baby products, and many more Newell Rubbermaid office is designed by edg

For this project, the designer specifically selected our waterproof Luxury Vinyl flooring because the project scoped for FloorScore

certified flooring material. It must have no formaldehyde and low-VOC emission

高级防水地板. 安全无有害物 质认证. 无甲醛. 低VOC排放


Zero formaldehyde and very low VOC emission

防水地板 Waterproof flooring B1 fire rating material


Perkins + Will, Shanghai Perkins + Will is globally recognized as a top architectural firm that highly focuses of LEED green building projects The design of an addition to the P+W office is commissioned by edg P+W aims to apply for the LEED Silver rating for their office and, thus, decided to go with Lamett DeZign flooring. All because our engineered wood flooring has formaldehyde release of <10µg/m3  one of LEED requirements

绿色建筑项目. 甲醛释放 <10µg/m3. 实木复合

Contributes to LEED green projects 绿色建筑项目

Certificated B1 fire rating B1防火等级标准

室内环境安全质量 Qualifies for LEED Material & Resources and Indoor Environmental Quality credits

Lakeville Regency, Shanghai Lakeville Regency, located in the heart of downtown Shanghai, is a high-end condominium overlooking XinTianDi This villa is designed by

Fang Wei 方唯

Designer Fang has chosen to decorate the wall and floor with our high-end STP collection

Walnut wood tile

西班牙进口地板.高端. 方块

WATER RESISTANT feature helps to protect the flooring from liquid

防水实木复合 地板

Create designs with combination of



Partners 合作伙伴

What we offer to you 我们提供给你的产品 Multilayer Engineered Flooring 多层实木复合地板

Solid Flooring 实木地板

Sustainable 可持续发展 High grade resistance 高等级耐磨度 Strong/ durable 磨性非常强

Installation is Click 锁扣扣型 Certified PEFC, FSC 认可 Laminate Flooring 强化地板

Reusable material 可再利用材料

EIR Real Wood Feel 仿木纹技术 FSC HDF 可持续认可高密度板 Waterproof 防水功能

LVT Flooring LVT高级塑胶地板

LVT Flooring LVT高级塑胶地板

VISIT US 参观展厅 Address: Suite A302, 2452 Wanhangdu Rd. 200051 Shanghai, P.R. China Website: Contact: Tel/Fax: +86 21 51786749 Opening hours: 9.00AM-17.30PM

地址:上海市长宁区万航渡路2452号DOHO创意园A302室,200051 网址 邮箱地址: 座机:+86 21 51786749 营业时间:午09:00-下午17:30

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