@ lamisstennkeyclub
@ LMTKeyClub
Hello LaMissTenn, Wow! Summer is already over and school is back in session, but this doesn't mean the fun stops here. With school just starting back up, that means a new Key Club year!! I’m sure your officers are planning so many great service projects for this new school year, and the entire district board is excited to hear about them. Starting up your Key Club can be a bit of a challenge, so in this issue we are sharing some tips that may help you. You will also hear from your Governor, Anna Kate Broussard and our new International Trustee, Jared Dutko. This issue is packed with so much information. I really hope you enjoy this issue, and it benefits your entire club! Yours in service Sebastian Canales District Bulletin Editor LaMissTenn District Key Club International
Hey Key Club! Shout out to all of the clubs who stayed active in their communities throughout the summer; I hope the start of the 2017-2018 school year finds everyone refreshed and motivated to take on another full year of service, leadership and fun!! We have a lot of new District Wide Projects coming up so get in touch with your Lieutenant Governor to find out how your club can become involved.
Freshmen, do not be afraid to get involved! High School brings many new opportunities to your fingertips that can help you make new friends and grow as a better person while having a lot of fun.
Sophomores, step out of your comfort zone and try a new service project. Join a committee and make new friends. Get to know the other members in your club as well as the Kiwanians who sponsor you.
Juniors, step up! Take the initiative and be a leader. We need you! The underclassmen are looking up to you and the seniors are trying to balance several dierent Senior events, AP classes, college applications, and more!
Seniors, this is our last year in Key Club...let us make it count! Wake up early on Saturday morning to go clean the park, and stay late after to eat pizza, I promise it will be worth it. Attend the rallies and District Convention, and show the underclassmen all there is to love about Key Club. Leave an impact on the organization that has left an impact on you.
Finally, in an eort to bridge the communication gap between Key Clubs and the District Board I am asking that each club take 5 minutes to fill out the following survey to help us better understand how we can better serve you and remain connected throughout the year. https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RJ3Z2XW
Yours in service, Anna Kate Broussard Governor of the Louisiana-Mississippi-West Tennessee Key Club District
Hello LaMissTenn Key Clubbers! My name is Jared Dutko, and I am so excited to be serving you this year as your
international trustee! In addition to LaMissTenn, I’ll also be serving the Carolinas and
Florida districts as their trustee— that makes these your sister districts for the year!
To give you a little background on me, I am going into my senior year of high school and
my fourth year as a Key Clubber (wow it feels weird to say that!). I’m part of the Illinois-
Eastern Iowa district, and in the past, I’ve served in the roles of club webmaster, the I-I
Major Emphasis chair, as well as a Robert F. Lucas Outstanding Lieutenant Governor.
Through serving on the club and district levels, I’ve learned many skills that will help me
to serve you best as an international trustee.
As your trustee, my job is to serve as a liaison between your district and the
international board— but I hope to accomplish much more than that this year. I hope
that throughout this term, I can build relationships with the Key Clubbers in the
LaMissTenn district that will last a lifetime. To do so, I want you to know that you can
consider me a readily available resource for the course of this year. I am always here to
answer any questions you may have, to help you with something your struggling with, or
even just to chat! As your trustee, I want to do all that’s in my power to set you up for
success! You can always feel free to reach out to me at any point by phone call, email or text!
I could not be more excited to work with all of you as your trustee, and I hope you’ll use me as a resource during the year!
Yours in caring, friendship, and service, Jared Dutko, Trustee Key Club International (815) 992-3330 jareddutko.kci@gmail.com
Sadly, summer is coming to an end! We will soon be starting back to school and to our meetings, which is exciting. With that in mind, there are several key factors to remember to ensure you have a great and successful meeting. One factor is that meetings are used to communicate with all the officers and general members. This allows a connection and it’s the best way to give out information about upcoming events. Another important factor, which can be done before your meeting, is to create an agenda. An agenda allows you to be more prepared, as you can plan out what needs to be discussed or disputed. It can be used to keep track of time and will help meetings flow much smoother. An agenda can even give officers a chance to be in charge of introducing new events, as it can provide them with an opportunity to feel more involved. A final essential factor is to have enthusiasm. Others will only be as excited as you. Having a positive attitude can send a boost of energy through the room and get everyone excited about upcoming events. Your enthusiasm, which can be shown through your conversations with others about Key Club, displaying informational posters around your school, and even providing snacks at meetings, can also be used to recruit new members to Key Club. Keeping these key factors in mind before each meeting and throughout the upcoming year will help to ensure positive outcomes and growth for your Key Club!
Summer’s almost over, but that just means another great year of Key Club is starting! Now, your club’s main goal would be to recruit more members. High Schoolers nowadays use social media, on average, 9 hours a day, and the best way to recruit them is to use social media! Having some type of Social Media Management Committee would be ideal, and many schools are doing this. Using Instagram, and using apps like Canva or Piktochart for graphics, is a great way to make your posts visually appealing and more attention grabbing. Using apps like GroupMe to communicate and develop relationships between your members, and to spread information with Remind, an app that lets you text every single person who signs up with you, can greatly increase your Key Club experience and membership count. Using these tips, just remember: “Don’t stop recruiting. Hold on to that feeling. Service, people…” That’s how that song goes, right?
Hello LaMissTenn, it is now August and while Key Clubbers across the district are getting back into the school routine, your lieutenant governors are hard at work planning your fall rallies. Regional rallies are events put on by LTGs for the clubs in their division. These rallies are very informative and are a great start to a new year. Rallies will include officer training among other forums, icebreakers, and a speaker to encourage Key Clubbers to take action and meet their community’s needs head-first. Fall rallies are taking place on Saturdays from September to October throughout the district. Your LTGs have worked very hard to create an exciting session for you filled with ways for your club to mingle with your neighbor divisions. If you are a new officer unsure about your elected position or a key clubber who wants more ideas about how to serve the community, there will be something for everyone to take away and bring back to your clubs. As a rally attendee as well as a past lieutenant governor, I could see the need for officers to have a safe space to ask questions about their position and tips on how they could improve as president or even secretary. I saw new members who were confused about this club coming out of the Key Club 101 forum or the DCON forum with smiles and excitement on their faces. No matter what kind of member you are, everyone can benefit from the opportunities of growth and knowledge that come from going to rally. Divisional rallies serve as a chance for club members to get a feeling of just how large this district is and can appreciate the feeling of being surrounded by teenagers who love to serve their homes, schools, and communities. I hope to see you all there!! Kari Stephens District Secretary Treasurer
Key Club was founded on the principle of community service; obviously community service is one of its primary goals of its members. With each school, a variety of different service projects are planned every year. The amazing thing about key club is that each school adapts to its community and their unique needs. Key Club unites, motivates, and cultivates the future of a community What you do contributes to over 12 million hours of service being done every year! An amazing way to find helping opportunities is contacting your local city’s outreach department. If you’re like me, you didn’t know each city holds lots of events that depend on us to volunteer. Service Projects give you the chance to give back and meet the people from all over your community. Many schools also have yearly large projects. Key Club International has partnerships with March of Dimes, Unicef, and Thirst Project. With each of these charities, there are easy guidelines to show how you can help. For example, they raise thousands of dollars every year through “Trick-or-Treat for Unicef”. Sometimes, it's hard to know how or what service project that you want to do. I found that through the Key Club website, other key clubs, or searching on the Internet, all sorts service project ideas are available. Working with your school, your club can sponsor a Dress-up day like paying a dollar to wear a color to support breast cancer. Doing service does not just help your local community. Lifelong friendships form with Key Club. The service that you do today, impacts an unimaginable number of people tomorrow.
I hope you all have had an amazing start to the 2017-2018 school year. This marks LAMISSTENN's 75th year of bringing service with spice to our communities. As a part of the Kiwanis family, most clubs spend a tremendous amount of their time and talents working with the children of their communities. What better way to keep our Key Club legacy alive and well in our mighty district than to start this school year off by providing aid to school children in your communities??
The statistics regarding school aged children in this country should concern all of us: 36% of the nation's children have risk factors that are likely to prevent them from graduating high school, 1 in 4 child in America does not have enough food to eat and over a million children in the United States do not have a permanent home.
What can your club do? Key Clubs can serve as mentors to younger children, tutor at elementary schools, hold school supply drives, work with Kiwanis to provide food backpacks for children, read at their local library, work with a Boys and Girls Club, hold food drives, sponsor a Builders or K-Kids club, and hundreds of other projects that can help support the next generation of Key Clubbers.
In other words: Keep on living the dream by making caring your way of life!
Hello Key Clubbers! Well, summer break is over. That means it is time to (ugh!) go back to school, but it also means it is time to (yay!) go back to service! This is a great time to get your club together to plan "back to school" projects. Plan to welcome your fellow students and and recruit them to join your club. Plan to welcome your teachers and staff and let them know some of the fantastic things you will be doing during the year. Visit your Kiwanis Club and invite them to be involved in your new year plans.
Have a great year filled with fun service projects that make a difference in your community. The "Quarterly Service Projects" from your Governor will help you come up with ideas for new projects to keep your members engaged and enthused. They will also help you be a part of making a larger impact as you add your efforts to those of clubs around the district. So, get out there, be innovative, and have fun as you improve your world. See you at rally!
14A &14B Divisional Rally 4A, 4B, 4C, & 7B Divisional Rally
Theme: Blast from the Past,
Service Never Gets Old â?ł
Theme: Krewe of Service đ&#x;Ž
Theme: Once Upon a
6, 9, 11, & 12 Divisional Rally
Theme: Falling Through
8A, 8B, 7A, & 15 Divisional Rally
the Hole of Service đ&#x;?° â?ą
Theme: Global Aair, Service Around the World from Old
1A, 1B, 1C, 2, 10 Divisional Rally
Hollywood đ&#x;ŒŽ
Theme: Service Under the
13A & 13B Divisional Rally
Big Top đ&#x;ŽŞ
EMAIL: governor.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division7b.lmtkc@gmail.com
Secretary-Treasurer – KARI STEPHENS
EMAIL: sec.treas.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division8a.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: bulletineditor.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division9.lmtkc@gmail.com
Division 10 - SHIELDS HAIRE
EMAIL: webmaster.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: shields.haire@gmail.com
Division 12 – ALI ALI
EMAIL: briraihamp0623@yahoo.com
EMAIL: division12.lmtkc@gmail.com
Division 13A – KASSLYN PUGH
EMAIL: samefort@ut.utm.edu
EMAIL: division13a.lmtkc@gmail.com
Division 1C - Andrew Bendell
EMAIL: Division1c.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division13b.lmtkc@gmail.com
Division 4A – TYLER C. SANCHEZ
Division 14A – ESMOND TSANG
EMAIL: division4a.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division14a.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division4b.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division14b.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division4c.lmtkc@gmail.com
EMAIL: division15.lmtkc@gmail.com
Division 7A – BROOK COVELL EMAIL: division7a.lmtkc@gmail.com
Can you get to the key in one try?