Lamudi Bangladesh's - Property now issue #11

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November 2018 | Issue #11

FUTURE Looking Beyond The Horizon: Vision 2021

A Silicon Valley Of Bangladesh’s Own

Bangladesh's Nr.1 Real Estate Partner


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Anne Maria Hermans Co-Founder & Regional MD

V o l u m e 1 , I s s u e 11 Dear Reader, Winter is coming, and with it comes the conclusion of another exciting 12 months. With over 80,000 leads created, has been at the center of connecting home seekers to home owners, and we couldn’t be prouder. We look forward to these two last months to come and hope to reach the total number of 100,000 before the year ends. We are looking forward to not just this last quarter, but have our minds fixed on the long-term vision of this beautiful company in this thrilling, ever-changing country. We decided there could not be a better topic for this issue of Property Now than: “Future”. I welcome you to jump on this journey with us and browse through the pages to see what kind of progress Bangladesh has in sight. Firstly, I would like to give a heartfelt congratulation to Engineer Tanveerul Haque Probal on being awarded the honor of being a CIP (Commercially Important Person) for the 3rd time in his illustrious career. We value your time and effort in providing us an unwavering perspective of the real estate industry. Your knowledge has proven to be endless, and we thank you for your incredible contribution to this issue of “Property Now”. Furthermore, it warms my heart to read of the announcement that Founded By: Lamudi Bangladesh

Bangladesh will receive official ‘Developing Country’ status by 2024. As

Publisher and Managing Director: Anne Maria Hermans

Digital Bangladesh is on its way to change from slogan into reality.

Editors: Tonima Ahad Shadman Hossain Staff Writers: Tonima Ahad Shadman Hossain Graphics Designers: Muhammad Shaher Al Rahman Ahmed Tazeem Tanha

such, positive economic status is one indicator of a prosperous future. To build on the existing backbone of the tech industry is something I believe in strongly. This sector holds endless opportunities, and through innovations allows entire generations to skip and jump ahead. The saying “Technology is the traction of a forward moving nation!” does apply so much. I cannot wait for winter, to be nestled in warmth in the midst of a misty chill and muse about the footprints of a prosperous future we should leave behind of our next generation; a brighter Bangladesh. Once more I thank you, and hope this edition of our magazine will open

Public Relations: Moshiur Rahman

doors to the Bangladesh we all want to see.

Marketing: Sharaf Nawar Brishti

Kindest regards,

Special Thanks to CIP and Engineer Tanveerul Haque Probal

Anne Maria Hermans






Looking Beyond The Horizon:



















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very period in history is defined by the mark it leaves behind. The scientific revolution mushroomed roughly during the 16th century. The late 1700s birthed the

industrial revolution, and if the ripples of time surge straight

and true as it has been now, then the 21st century will become synonymous to technological progress. Technology is the ensuring traction of the future a progressive nation can hope for. So why is it important for Bangladesh to have its own technological valley? These technologically centered arenas or tech hubs serve as the future of a country’s growth, particularly at a time period when nations are on the verge of true digital progression.

08 / Property Now The Silicon Valleys of the USA and other prospering countries

Have The Tech Scene In Bangladesh Progressed Over The Past Number Of Years

are fully dependent on the tech



focused boom. Bangladesh, still he idea behind a tech startup (Silicon Valley) is to build on existing ideas which can

further help with progression of a current state e.g. Bangladesh. The tech valley of Bangladesh could help with innovations

developing under economic indexes, has to implement their “Silicon Valley“ as a modified improvisation on the exisitng concept to benefit the structure of Bangladesh as a whole.

and tech progress to tackle domestic issues of the country - as a result, the

in comparison to the generic idea of a

silicon valley of Bangladesh could for

technological hub. The Silicon Valley of the

its first phase tackle issues that revolve

USA and other prospering countries are

around innovative barriers of Bangladesh;

fully dependent on tech focused boom.

helping the country progress further

Bangladesh, still developing under economic

as a nation, particularly in Asia, and in

indexes, has to implement their ‘silicon valley’

retrospect, the rest of the world.

as a modified improvisation on the existing concept to benefit the structure of Bangladesh

Problems and domestic issues Bangladesh

as a whole. In other words, tech innovations

is facing can be tackled in the long run

would have to benefit the economy and the

by tech hub startups. For example: traffic

people as a collective. Venture capitalists,

issues. The traffic solution is vital for

angel investors are always seeking prospective

Bangladesh, particularly major cities

innovative ideas to capitalize on, and with the

like Dhaka. A private public venture

growing prospect tech scene of Bangladesh,

could solve the issue by providing fully

and the number of startups on the rise

automated services of traffic control. A

domestically, the need to attract investors

New York based startup company founded

from foreign communities to build a better

by 4 Bangladeshi students called Gaze

Bangladesh is vital.

Technology Inc. (a Canadian-Bangladesh innovation startup) created a new AI

As a result, the prospect of the tech scene in

technology which could monitor vast

Bangladesh has a promising future. According

amounts of data in very little time frame.

to Bangladesh Population Census, 60% of the majority is under the age of 24, meaning

The profound beneficial platform

young people add up to the future workforce

Bangladesh can avail by creating its own

of the country. A tech hungry nation, the

technological valley solely focused on

boom of the internet generation has been

an innovation hub is by having all major

met with affluence which has been longed for.

startups and tech companies in one

This in turn can raise the prospect of further

singular location. Areas such as Gazipur,

investments in the country’s overlooked tech

Rangamati or Rajshahi, powered by


technological proliferation which could serve as the true future Bangladesh

Despite the tech startup scene remaining

requires for evolving up from being

relatively quiet, Bangladesh has experienced

dependent on agricultural cultivation

a latent internal growth of innovative ideas

to an innovative tech dependency.

which have attracted the big fishes to swim

Irrespective of this interpretive approach

out and look for prospective investment.

to Bangladesh’s hypothetical rise in the

E-commerce was the first to experience

future, technology could also aid and boost

and layout a potential boom in the country

the agricultural arena of the country.

which as a result caught the attention of big multinational companies such as Alibaba

The Silicon Valley of Bangladesh however

and Amazon, with the latter slated to start

has to be contrasting in minor differences

operations within 2021.

09 / Property Now

The following trend came at the


hands of ride-sharing startups such as Pathao. These modern tech startups

Silicon Valley Of Bangladesh Can

did not introduce something new to

Also Support The Real Estate

the market, but rather acted upon


providing solutions to the archaic structures which already existed

The establishment of a Silicon Valley in

in Bangladesh. As a result, foreign

Bangladesh can also benefit the real

investors have started looking and

estate sector of the country. Spectra

bought stakes in local ride-sharing tech

Engineers Ltd. has already helped with


the construction of the Bangabandhu Satellite Ground Station. If the

IT Sector Prospects In The Long Run

government were to take initiative of a private-public joint venture in creating

There are numerous startups in

a ‘silicon valley’ for Bangladesh, it

Bangladesh with the potential to

would give real estate developers,

bring out venture capitalists or angel

including its sub-sectors a boost which

investor’s attention to the developing

would go well beyond just constructing

economy. These success stories are

housing buildings.

valid reasons for which Bangladesh needs to start focusing on creating

Location Suitable For A Silicon Valley

an innovative tech center, while also financing the education sector,

Prominent Silicon Valley startups

particularly the tech division. The

or locations are always centered in

IT industry of Bangladesh is one

proximity of tech-based universities.

such technological sector with vast

As it happens, Rajshahi is one such

prospects of pushing the country

location which could be the perfect

towards true digitization. According

candidate for a future silicon valley

to a report from the Everest Group,

in the country. Also considered the

IT/ITES (IT-enabled services) industry

educational center of the north, a

in Bangladesh has a five-fold growth

prestigious public tech university

prospect to reach USD 4.6 to 4.8

(Rajshahi University of Engineering &

billion by 2025. Furthermore, the

Technology) already exists. Investing

IT sector already produces over

in existing and future tech based

3000 professionals and with the

universities, centered around a tech

implementation of a Silicon Valley in

hub could help young professionals

Bangladesh, the number could grow,

and create employment opportunities,

boosting employment in the long

boosting the economy.

run with multitude of employment


10 / Property Now



ver the recent years, the rise of modernism has been introducing newer architectural movements. We are leaving behind the traditional building

methods and slowly shifting to better and evolved mediums. It is no longer just about sustainability or art. A number of questions arise but the most important one is how can we build a structure that is useful on a daily basis but also connects culture,


So, what can we expect from the architecture industry in the upcoming years? Here are some insights from renowned architects and how the structures surrounding us will change our ways of living.

society and science?

11 / Property Now

Experimenting With Unusual Materials For instance, nanomaterials. They are highly complex, still mostly experimental but they will be further developed in the future. The goal is to use high-tech materials which in turn will make our buildings durable, easy to construct and eco-friendly. On the other hand, we are constantly picking up on better innovative ways. For instance, instead of concrete, steel, masonry and timber, repurposing old materials are in. New materials like soilbased structures and using recycled materials like plastic not only saves money and energy but they definitely also have an aesthetic appeal to them. Soon enough, we will start using these materials for mainstream use. Is There Space For Public Domain? The public space vs. private space debate stems up from this question. Over the years, architecture has been

Biophilic Architecture This method of construction is gaining wide popularity these days. Biophilic architecture creates a strong bond between the nature and manmade environments. Studies show that working and residing in similar spaces made people more productive, encouraged children to study better and made hospital patients get a faster recovery. As our lives continue getting urbanized, we tend to lose our touch with nature and light. Biophilic designed structures help us to eliminate the gap between people and the nature and therefore, build a productive and sustainable habitat.

In the big picture, Architecture is the art and science of making sure that our cities and building fit with the way we want to live our lives.

- Bjarke Ingels

recognized as a collaborative concept. So now when a building is under construction, the welfare of the society is also taken into consideration. More thought is put into how the public will be benefitted, i.e. open spaces; maybe there will be parks and recreational facilities built into a condominium complex. This is how the lines between the public and private will fade away and the result will be a peaceful coexisting space. Community-Driven Designs At this day and age when a building is made, the design team includes social anthropologists and environmentalists who work together to create a sustainable, peaceful environment. In the future, we will be able to implement laws and policies and the sole purpose of its application will be to build sustainable nations and provide a better quality of life for the people.

Holistic Designs Holistic approaches enable architects to built structures in a way that is interconnected with the larger part of the world. Not only does it benefit our mental and physical health but it has the ability to make a positive impact on our spirituality as well. The power of architecture is that the way people can be directed by it. It raises questions like, ‘does this building enrich the lives of its residents? Does it make the others want to interact with it somehow?’ Tranquility, balance and the relationship with our surroundings are what holistic architecture is about. By supporting our inner and outer senses, we can improve our earthly links instead detaching from it.

12 / Property Now







164.6 million

55.1 million

Capital City



Size of the Country GDP per capita

147,570 km² $1,400

676,578 km² $1,300

GDP growth



Trade Balance



he science behind economics is structurally uniform; statistically complex and diverse, the frame work is used for measuring a country’s economic condition. Bangladesh, a small gem, tucked away at the clasp of the South Asian belt where the Bay of Bengal lies, remains an economic clandestine which is progressively transitioning into a future

giant. Myanmar in contrast, is the neighboring contender which is also moving towards advancement. As these nations rise against the tides towards development, here is a comparative overview between the two aspiring underdogs.


angladesh’s tremendous growth over the past 3 years have been surprising for many experts, who claim a


yanmar on the other hand, having finally come off post-militia rule in 2016 and now operating under a

country, riddled with political instability, poor

neutral government, has been facing economic

infrastructure and a growing overpopulation

barriers similar to that of Bangladesh. The

issue, has been progressing gradually in

developing nation cannot seem to overcome

certain economic indicators. However, in

and gain positive economic indicators needed

spite of such economic barriers, Bangladesh

for growth. Irrespective of the much needed

has prospered and is triggered to be one

reformed internal policies and stronger

of the upcoming rising economies of Asia,

foreign relations, Myanmar holds decent

particularly in hindsight of its independence

prospects as an agricultural and tourist

just 47 years ago.

attraction country.

13 / Property Now

Comparison Of Social Growth

merchandise exports. The Bangladesh government is already drafting policies

This is the one sector area where

to attain a $5 billion export target by

Bangladesh is growing exponentially


in contrast to most South or South

Myanmar however is on the verge of

East Asian countries. Coming in 47th

experiencing shutdowns within the

position among 144 countries in 2017

leather industry. According to reports,

as per The Global Gender Gap Report,

due to frequent changes in government

Bangladesh has instilled the concept of

policies, low productivity resulting in

empowering women to achieve steady

declining purchase orders from foreign

progress in gender equality. On the

countries are making it difficult for

other hand, women in Myanmar still

shoe and leather factories to survive.

face many social challenges, including discrimination, sexual harassment,

Thus, the staple of growth first

Geographically situated to be scaled

gender-based violence, education

begins with nurture, and as the

on the central-scaled theory, both

inequality, employment, as well as

seeds begin to form, nature will do

Bangladesh and Myanmar have the

marginal representation in politics and

the rest. Two neighboring nations,

geological advantages of being a

at decision-making levels.

Bangladesh and Myanmar, and their

strong agricultural economy. Despite Myanmar’s land mass area being vastly

respective economies of present Overview Of Industry Prospects

bigger than Bangladesh, the former

and the prospects of the future lay in the nurturing of the policies which

has not been able to properly utilize

The leather industry of Bangladesh

shapes the economy. Statistically,

the nation’s economic stronghold

is being touted as the next cash cow

Bangladesh is strategically ahead of

to progress further as a country.

for the nation. In terms of export

Myanmar in terms of most economic

Bangladesh however, over the last few

development, the leather industry

indicators. If going by these statistics

years have gained various economic

holds virtuous promises. In 2017, the

can hypothesize the future, then

growth statuses and in continuing

collective value of leather and leather

Bangladesh, surprising as always, will

doing so, have reflected success very

based products from Bangladesh

be the future face of Southern most

little developing nations do so in little

garnered $1.2 billion, which accounts

Asian countries, and maybe even all of

span of time.

for the 3.54% of the country’s total

Asia, and eventually the world.


FLAT SIZE 1800 SFT FOR SALE +8801796520050 +8801796520051 Plot- 333 | Road- 17 | Block- E | Bashundhara Residential Area | Dhaka

16 / Property Now




17 / Property Now


his issue of Property Now is all about gazing beyond the

horizons and towards the future. For the last decade, Bangladesh has been drafting the nation’s new face, and it has all come together in the Vision 2021. Over the past 3 years, Bangladesh has slowly gained international recognition showcasing significant growth

Bangladesh’s unexpected but much needed economic prosperity comes with a vision. By 2021, the country plans to complete 12 points vested in their economic growth proposal.

and prosperity. According to Forbes, Bangladesh is expected to cross even one of the mightiest of economic giants in terms of GDP; the US.

How Close Is Bangladesh To Achieving The Perspective Plan 2021 By 2024, Bangladesh is slated to officially achieve the “Developing Country” status. If and when Bangladesh achieves their prospective vision plan, the

The Need For Further Progress

growing urgency will become a regiment for the nation’s socio-economic strife. Bangladesh, in fact has already received international recognition

Bangladesh is not a giant when compared

when it came to women empowerment and tackling poverty. Over the last

with the likes of China and India, or most

5 years, the internal growth of Bangladesh, particularly in the nation’s rise

other Asian countries. Traffic, pollution

in proper infrastructure has eased the standard of living, only if by little.

and off-putting government regulations

Should the government play a role in subsidizing the other industry such as

are holding back the truest potential

leather and fisheries, Bangladesh could be looking at the next cash cow for

Bangladesh can achieve in the next decade.

the economy.

In spite of specific negative economic indicators, Bangladesh has progressed

Having achieved these indicators, Bangladesh has formidably and

quite well in some sectors, particularly in

unexpectedly grown and ticked off most of the proposed plan ideas from

terms of Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

the prospective plan of Vision 2021. Though there has been skepticism

Having set in motion and implementing

from experts across various industries if the 12 point vested plans can be

the Perspective Plan for the next 3-4 years,

completely achieved within the next 3 years, statistically, Bangladesh has

Bangladesh has been set on the road to

the potential to grow beyond the 2021 plan proposed by the government.

transform itself into a socio-economic

As emerging market economies persistently drives global growth,

atmosphere, particularly in regards to

Bangladesh is one such market, specifically in Asia. Statistical study and

being a middle income nation by the said

reports conducted by PWC (PricewatershouseCoopers) shows Bangladesh

date and time.

by 2030 could be one of the top 10 economies in the world.

47 years since its independence, Bangladesh has fallen relatively behind in economic fallacy in contrast to some of the neighboring countries. In 2017, according to an international economic census conducted by Business Inquirer, Bangladesh ranked the lowest in terms of countries in Asia “worst for doing businesses” in. Irrespective of these setbacks, Bangladesh, for surprisingly obvious reasons on some economic indicators, seems to be excelling, most notably when it comes to Gross Domestic Product and Women Empowerment.


But how does this perspective end up in Bangladesh’s future prospects

18 / Property Now

Key Areas Where Bangladesh Is

10.4% of Bangladeshi bank accounts


are having been dormant, compared to

across the sub-sectors of the respective industries further is imminent.

nation particularly in Asia, the need to increase female labor force participation

In spite of Bangladesh’s growing recognition for being a women empowering

that of 48% of Indian bank accounts. According to the index created by the

Bangladesh’s indispensable investment

World Economic Forum, Bangladesh

in ICT sector of the economy is

has ranked 47th as per the Global

gradually beginning to show. Along

Gender Gap Report amongst 144

with the recent launching of the

countries in 2017, far ahead of

country’s first satellite into space,

neighbors India, Sri Lanka, Nepal,

Bangladesh is on the verge of a

Bhutan and Pakistan; countries which

technological uprising.

remain at 108, 109, 111, 124 and 143 positions respectively. At least

Key Challenges Bangladesh Faces

half of the population in Bangladesh

Ahead Of Their Long Term Economic

consists of women and their economic


contribution is growing. Bangladesh has also introduced

As of present, Bangladesh has quite

poverty reduction in their 2021

a long way to go in terms of apt

Perspective Plan. The national poverty

economic growth. Despite hitting

rate has gradually fallen in both rural

positive indicators on key factors

and urban areas. Over the last 16

which promotes a country’s growth,

years, the rate of poverty has fallen

Bangladesh still faces socio-economic

from 50 to 10%. Though Bangladesh

barriers which could hinder the

continues to reduce its poverty rate,

country’s long term growth.

the speed of reduction was much

According to the Bangladesh

slower in urban, largely because of

Development Update report by the

slower rates of poverty reduction

World Bank, the country needs to

in Dhaka and increasing poverty in

further develop infrastructure project

Chittagong. This is due to the increase

management, strengthen and maintain

in urban population, particularly in the

regulatory structure, in order to


improve business environment.

Earlier in October, it was reported that Bangladesh is taking the initiative

In doing so, Bangladesh can break

in introducing ATVMs for the railway

into new markets by creating

express. These machines will only be

employment opportunities to cater

used as information booths for the first

to the two million young people

phase. The passengers are expected

entering the job market every year.

to get to know about a train’s location,

Moreover, Bangladesh needs to

ticket prices, and seats, as well as other

create more products and develop

relevant information, which includes:

the latent industries, to boost the

Bangladesh Railway and train services,

sub-sectors in the country. In creating

buses, hotels, and restaurants. This

a distinctive economy, Bangladesh

initiative goes to show Bangladesh’s

can subsequently earn an estimated

desire in paving the way for proper

5 billion dollars from export just

digitization which neighboring

by the ICT sector. However, there

countries, particularly in Asia, like Japan

seems to be a lacking when it comes

and China have already implemented.

to skilled human resources and the

Furthermore, a data released by the

gap between educational institutions

World Bank shows Bangladeshi adults

and the industrial sector. Additionally

with bank accounts accounted for

Bangladesh has to also tackle the

34.1% digital transactions in 2017, in

banking sector’s poor risk practices

comparison to the average rate of

through firmer supervision and

27.8% for South Asia. Moreover, only

improve the legal and financial

19 / Property Now

framework for loan recovery and

be undertaken by Bangladesh. The

the past as to Bangladesh’s direction,

assistance. 57% of Dhaka city’s middle

country has yet to appropriately

there should not be as of present.

income and lower middle income

introduce carbon taxes, tobacco taxes,

True, Bangladesh has socio-economic

population are forced to stay out of

and rationalize tax incentives and

difficulties to deal with in order to put

the housing market since financial


rest to internal strife, but in retrospect,

institutions are reluctant to provide

which country doesn’t. It is neverthe-

them monetary assistance.

In spite of Bangladesh’s growing recog-

less a wonder Bangladesh, despite all

Furthermore, measures to ensure

nition for being a women empowering

such odds, continues to break visionary

revenue buoyancy, by improving

nation particularly in Asia, the need

barriers step by step, in pursuit of im-

proper administrative processes,

to increase female labor force partic-

maculate economic prowess, in hopes

increased caution on the monetary

ipation across the sub-sectors of the re-

of achieving their vested perspective

policy stance needed on growing

spective industries further is imminent.


concerns for rising inflation must

If there was any shadow of a doubt in


20 / Property Now


21 / Property Now


n the edge of the

Overview Of The Padma Bridge

between the two regions. On the

infamous Mawa bank,


south west region of Bangladesh, ports and factories are already being

where the rocky

rubbles greet the majestic

As of June 2018, the construction of the

constructed without easy access to

Padma River lays the heart of

Padma Bridge was 56%, according to

the capital. The port at Payra, where

Bangladesh’s answer towards

project director Md. Shafiqul Islam of

a shipping and deep-sea port is being

a bold perspective; The Padma

Padma Multipurpose Bridge. The 6.5

constructed will boost the trade of the

Bridge. The Padma Bridge

bridge construction was inaugurated to

country in the long run. As of present,

is more than just a mere

begin by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina

due to non-connectivity between the

bridge providing long needed

to be the one the biggest infrastructure

south western regions and the north

connectivity between the north

mega projects in Bangladesh’s history.

western regions, domestic trade route

and south. It is a bridge which

The Padma Bridge is a multipurpose

undertaken by services tend to incur

will connect Bangladesh’s

road-rail bridge built across the Padma

high transportation costs. As a result,

economy to the prospective

River which aims to connect the south-

this specific trade route will serve as a

future it hopes to achieve.

west of the country, to northern and

cost-cutting component for industries.

eastern regions. Travel routes across these locations have been dealt with

Future Impact Of The Padma Bridge

through in-land water passageways

On Real Estate

through cargo ships and road routes. The completion of the bridge will

The completion of the Padma Bridge

provide a great economic boost and

will benefit the real estate industry

easier mobility between regions.

heavily and impact the future of property market across both regions. The connectivity will open up real

Economic Benefits Of The Padma

estate across the Padma River,


particularly for real estate developers looking to invest in regions where

The mega project is said to transform

trade will be bolstered by the economic

the economic outlook of the regions,

projects being developed.

and in hindsight Bangladesh for the

Economic zones being established in

better. Provided that the Padma Bridge

the south-west are expected to create

is completed in due time as set out by

newer employment opportunities

the government, the southern region

in the region. When successfully

will become an economic zone after

implemented, more and more


industries will begin to grow and as a direct result, further housing

According to reports, the government

options will become a necessity. The

is optimistic about the chances the new

Padma Bridge thus will open up real

mega structure could provide; boosting

estate across the south-west and give

the GDP of the country by 1.2% when it

developers more opportunities to

is completed. When the two regions are

expand investment in the said regions.

linked, this will lead to the creation of

In addition to the creation of economic

economic zones and newer industries.

zones, more jobs and employment

Bridges create and increase cash flow

opportunities will be created, which will

for the economy. In Bangladesh, the

positively affect all sectors including its

connectivity will mean the movement

sub-sectors. If the long run implications

of goods from one place to another

of the completion of the bridge results

and providing consumers accessibility

in a rise in employment rate and

to regional businesses.

purchasing power in those specific regions, the real estate sector could

This is significant considering

expand its operations beyond the

Bangladesh’s dire need of accessibility

Padma River.

22 / Property Now


WITH CIP ENGINEER TANVEERUL HAQUE PROBAL Inside the mind of a true visionary lies the unbridled wonder of progressive thinking, and only with such thoughts can a person alter the facets of society. Former REHAB President and present Managing Director of Building for Future Ltd,

Engineer Tanveerul Haque Probal is one such visionary, who continuous to be a pillar behind the incessant success of the real estate sector. Having being nominated and awarded the CIP for the 3rd time in his career this year, Lamudi gets up close and exclusive with one of the most esteemed corporate figures of Bangladesh.

23 / Property Now

aid us in this department, I think we would be

Evolve In Bangladesh?

able to complete projects a whole lot faster.

I believe the future of real estate in

Do You Think The Real Estate Sector Has

Bangladesh has good prospects, particularly

Been A Contributing Factor To The GDP Of

because everything is being gradually

Bangladesh And How?

decentralized. A lot has changed in a very short span of time. Infrastructure

If there is a crash in the real estate market,

development is on the rise. Elevated express

then the entire economy will crash. See, the

ways, metro rails and train services are being

real estate sector comprises of many sub-

transformed for the better.

sectors in the economy. It is aided by various

In light of these developments, the commute

industries like cement, rod, brick, tiles, paint,

will become easier and as a direct result,

glass, sanitary wares, electrical fittings and

real estate will grow and stretch out beyond

so on. There are multitude of sectors which

Dhaka city to the outer districts. Supporting

has direct ties to ours. Moreover, these sub-

sectors of the real estate industry will also

sectors employ a good portion of the labor

mature. Furthermore, the electricity sector is

force in the economy. So yes, I do believe

being developed, and when power reaches

that the real estate sector has always been

beyond the outskirts of Dhaka city as it is

a contributing factor to the Bangladesh

now, people will become more confident

economy. Real estate sector is the only sector

about investing in real estate outside Dhaka.

which guides all the sectors.

What Challenges Do You Foresee For The Real

Registration Fees On Buying Homes Have Been

Estate Sector Going Forward And How Do You

Constantly High Over The Past Several Years In

Think They Can Tackle It?

Bangladesh. What Kind Of Impact Does It Have On The Market Overall?

Real estate like many other products and services has challenges to overcome. See,

Yes, registration cost is a very important

real estate is like a machine; raw materials

issue and has a bad impact on this market.

go in, and come out as a product or in

This cost varies from 14% to 20 % or even

other words, an apartment. I perceive raw

more depending on the location and nature

materials as the biggest challenge when

of the product. The components of this cost

it comes to real estate and the basic raw

consists of stamp cost, registration fee, VAT,

material of real estate is “land”. If you don’t

gain tax, local government fee etc. When the

have land, what are you going to do with

size of an apartment is more than 1600 sq.

cement, what are you going to do with rods

ft., the registration cost increases compared

and so forth.

to smaller flats. Also the registration cost is

The government has already declared that

different and higher in case of commercial

you cannot develop housing on plantation

spaces. Furthermore, for a lease hold land

areas, yet you see across the country the rule

like Uttara, Banani, Gulshan etc., there is

is not being followed. So in order to tackle

another cost called “transfer fee” which also

this problem, a Detailed Area Planning is

adds with the registration cost. If we compare

required on a macro-scale perspective.

these costs with other countries of the world,

If we delve deeper, on a micro-scale, a

our cost is very high. Even in the neighboring

challenge which still exists for developers

SAARC countries this registration cost is

is that they have to go through many

within single digit. To encourage the real

departments before starting a project.

estate sector, earlier in Sri Lanka the cost was

There is no one stop service centers by

kept nil for some time.

the government which makes it difficult to

Another very import issue is the secondary

complete the project, particularly when we

market which is not growing due to high

have to go through all 12 departments. So if

registration cost. When we buy an old and

the government were to take an initiative to

used car its registration cost will be much


How Do You See The Future Of Real Estate

24 / Property Now

lower than that of the new one. But if we buy an old and previously registered apartment from a buyer, the


registration cost is same as before. This is a big hindrance against growing a secondary real estate market.

Do You Think The Real Estate Sector Can Help The Government Achieve Environmental Sustainability As Part Of Their Vision 2021? In all honesty, there is a stigma over the media that the real estate sector, particularly developers, when they create the buildings they somehow damage the environment. See in 2010, there was an initiative by the

How Do You Think The Real Estate

Market Overall Will Be Affected In The Long Term If Construction Materials Costs Keep Rising?

There is no doubt that construction

cost is high and increasing, and we are

all facing its impression. When we take on a new project, we do the necessary

design & drawings, take approval from the authority, do the estimate based

on our design and soil condition and

government called FAR (Floor Area Ratio). When it was implemented, the country did achieve a sense of sustainability. However high you go, the area of construction has to be the same. As a result, it provokes better planning of air passageway throughout the buildings. The value of FAR depends on the size of land and the width of front road. The higher the value of FAR, the more will be the construction area irrespective of how many floors we construct.

Aside from that, I believe that LEED buildings need to be implemented and certified. These buildings are expensive to construct. So if the government can encourage the builders by subsidizing the yearly taxes and by giving reduced rates for the utility services etc. for the developers, I believe we can aid the government in creating a sustainable environment.

afterwards fix a price of the product. The construction period varies from

24 months to 48 months depending on the volume of the project. The prospective customers book their shop/flat/office space and keep on paying their installments according to the agreement. But during that

construction period, if for whichever reason the cost of any material

increases, the estimate changes as well as the price. But the developer can


he Real Estate sector is the only sector that guides all the sectors

hardly go for a revised price where they already took the booking and receiving

Because the price of land is very low

projects, Motjheel can recover its

installments from the purchasers.

for the government, they could further

status again.

So, a sudden price increase of

lower the price. In case of private

construction materials is a very

developers, we have no access to

On A Scale Of 10, As How Would

dangerous issue for any developer

cheaper lands and thus our price per

You Rate The Real Estate Market

which is not desirable.

square feet is much higher.

Performance For The Present Year In

What the government can do is

Comparison To 2017?

From The Perspective Of A CIP, What

develop the road connectivity, install

Kind Of Initiatives Can The Government

necessary utility services and offer the

In my personal opinion, in comparison

Provide In Stimulating The Real Estate

private developers a reasonable price

to 2017, it is somewhat better. But

Sector, Which In Turn Can Benefit The

for the land. In this way the real estate

as the upcoming elections are on the

Economy As A Whole?

will grow. There was once a time when

horizons, the sector could face a fair

Motijheel was the major commercial

share of stagnancy. In my experience

Firstly, the government should make

hub. But due to the development of

from what I have observed, whenever

land availability and acquirement

other commercial areas like Mohakhali,

there is a stable government and

formalities easier for the developers.

Karwan Bazar etc. Motijheel lost its

political environment, the real estate

The government has undertaken a

commercial character. However the

sector will be good.

project in Uttara where the price per

good news is due to the up-coming

square feet is BDT. 5,000 to BDT. 6,000.

elevated expressway and metro-rail

26 / Property Now


magine a future of green clean prosperity, where progress is powered by an eco-friendly atmosphere. In the age of development and innovation, the world is beginning to shift towards green sustainability in all aspects of life. Bangladesh, the developing tiger of

South Asia, can be the next country to experience the sprouting gem of indoor gardening, or what the experts are now deeming as Nano Gardens.

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What Is A Nano Garden? The concept behind a Nano Garden was first conceived during the 80’s when chefs would construct their own micro garden to cultivate vegetation to be used in the kitchen. Over the decades, the practice of growing one’s own vegetation through micro gardening has evolved. Over the course of the early 21st century, scientists have implemented modern techniques to revolutionize the indoor gardening methods through devices which can benefit home dwellers. The real perk of owning your own micro garden is that it gives you the freedom and control of growing herbs, vegetable and flowers. In 2014, SproutsIO, a conception of founder Jennifer Broutin Farah is the brainchild of modern indoor gardening. Throughout the decade, many startups have come up with their own form of micro gardening setup. A group of companies, Hyunjung Lee, Jaeyong Park, Changjin Shon and Seulki Park of Hyundai Engineering and Construction in South Korea; and Ill-wong Kwoon of Gromo, took micro-gardening to the next level with Nano Garden, a micro gardening unit which is about the size of a refrigerator and fits inside every kitchen, in every home. How Nano Gardens Work? The process behind a Nano Garden is very simple in terms of operation. The device or pod where the plants will be set is built to an automated light source which can be controlled from the smartphone. Features are provided to ensure quality control over size and even taste over the produce. The built in light and watering system complete environmental control over the garden.


ow can Nano Gardens Be Implemented in Bangladesh? Nano Gardens or Micro Gardening has been gaining tract in the western world, particularly over the

last 5 years. Its practical applications can be beneficial to the people of Bangladesh not just in adopting the green lifestyle but health-wise most importantly. By micro gardening, Bangladeshi citizens have the potential in adopting a healthy lifestyle, particularly when it comes to food habits. Being an agricultural country, vegetation is plentiful. However, the underlying issue of spraying vegetation with formalin as means of preservation is in the long term an unhealthy situation for the people of Bangladesh. The introduction and implementation of Nano Gardens thus can prove to be the best long term solution Bangladesh needs for the future generations. The ability to grow and control one’s own desired vegetation could be the best solution for a healthy lifestyle. For a healthy heart, and healthy living, the seeds of growth should begin at home. The concept of Nano Gardens is just the solution Bangladesh needs to adopt a green and healthy lifestyle. In doing so, growing the vines for a fertile future begins with adoption and at the heart of a green revolution lays Bangladesh’s evolution.

28 / Property Now

© Jakob Montrasio



ome may not have been built in a day, but the greatness it evoked was the staple of a strong foundation when the city was established eventually. The gargantuan city may now lie in epidural ruins and is the center of tourist attraction, however, it was once the largest and greatest of cities in the entire world.

Bangladesh has the potential to build and house cities greater than the ones as of present, and the time to start building is now!

Dhaka has always been the center

Over the decade, despite multitude

Purbachal New Town, a community

of Bangladesh, both literally and

of infrastructure ranging from

created right outside of the Dhaka,

figuratively. Created before the

road connectivity to flyovers and

is aimed to help solve the problem

nation’s Independence, Dhaka

mega-gated communal projects

of limited housing in the area. The

has eventually evolved to be the

having been transpired, Dhaka city

area’s most singular aspect is the

unplanned mega-city of economic

has had unplanned aspects across

government’s initiative to turn

robustness. The population rate

various sectors of the city. However,

Purbachal New Town a completely

has risen and geographical area

Bangladesh has taken an initiative

pollution-free community, while

remaining unchanged, with hundreds

to test the boundaries of the future

maintaining all the kinds of urban

of thousands coming in every day,

phase of planned cities to come, with

amenities home owners and seekers

Dhaka has become a clustered city.

Purbachal New Town.

will look for.

29 / Property Now

How The Future Cities Of

progress of time, population rate

Bangladesh Should Be Like

will eventually rise. Hence planned cities should be constructed to tackle

Urban planning on a mega scale

population rate which could become

is essential if Bangladesh is to

an issue in the long run.

Property Now has always

house the next generation. Cities

Planned cities should also embody

should be structured and planned

the soul of a sustainable ecofriendly

been about the current

in accordance to the mobility

atmosphere. The physical condition

of the citizens who will be living

of a city impacts the people living in

there. Constructing proper road

it. By shaping the future cities to be

infrastructure with a long term

sustainably ecofriendly, the healthy

planning, which will not hinder other

atmosphere will have a long term

projects will become a vital necessity

effect on the people and also the

when it comes to the cities of


building the foundations

when constructing a new city, the

Furthermore, by establishing distinct

of a better Bangladesh,

planning should be made for at least

neighborhoods with a city center,

50 years in advance.

designed to emulate the sense of

implement future cities which will

tomorrow in Bangladesh. As a result,

community and safety amongst the Future cities in Bangladesh should

citizens, planned cities can beneficial

also be shaped to house a specific

to the efficiency citizens brings to the

number of the population. Over the


scenario of real estate and as of present, we should all be looking forward to

which begins with a definite planned city.

30 / Property Now



ehind every vision lies a blueprint of a big idea

thought up to shape the society for the better. If someone told you that in the world of real estate,

the picture perfect frame of the concrete mega-city holds no visionary undertaking, someone told you wrong. At the heart of Bashundhara, across International Standard School (ISD), Union Properties Limited has not only envisioned a blueprint of an idea but made it a reality.

We are talking about The Union

You might wonder as to why this

blend of perspective and approach

Tower; a turquoise jewel of

particular structure is accounted

has established it as a landmark in

constructions in Bangladesh. This

differently to every other building.

the vicinity.

bold and state-of-the-art commercial

To start off, Union Tower takes

project by Union Properties Limited

care of the most common problem

The forward thinking approach

is a fresh take on innovation

in Dhaka city; Car Parking! Union

and vision of the team has been

which sets it apart from any other

Tower has over 125 Car Parking

encapsulated by the internationally

developments in the real estate

in 4 Basements which is a rare

acclaimed Architect Prof. Anil Kumar


combination even in Gulshan and is

Sharma who has built over 100

the first in Bashundhara. The perfect

renowned projects worldwide

31 / Property Now

in diversified fields such as hotels,

Yes, The Union Tower amasses a

Regulators (AVR) to prevent power

commercial buildings, embassy

formidable collection of forward

fluctuation related accidents, the Union

buildings, industrial buildings,

thinking features and amenities. To

Tower is actually a profound project of

sports building, and multi-family

start with, Union Tower takes care

deeper principles.

dwelling units. His portfolio includes

of the most important thing for any

notable structures like Radisson

building dweller; Fire & Life Safety. The

Blu, Le Meridian, Marriot, Holiday

Union Tower is completely compliant

Inn, Sheraton, Hyatt, Hilton & much

with The National Fire Protection


Association (NFPA) which is a United States based rating system for Fire

The Union Tower is completely

& Life Safety. The fire exits, lifts and

Leadership in Energy and

building shafts has a fire rating of 3

Environmental Design (LEED) compliant

hours which ensures that neither fire

Union Tower also ensures the

which is one of the most popular green

nor smoke can travel from one floor

quality of air that the inhabitants will

building certification programs used

to another. The pressurized water

breathe inside the building with the

worldwide and helps building owners

storage in the building is sufficient to

incorporation of Treated Fresh Air (TFA)

and operators to be environmentally

douse any fire. From the ultra-modern

Unit which ensures that every part of

responsible and use resources

Fire Prevention and Firefighting

the building is supplied with sufficient


technologies, to the Automatic Voltage

fresh air.

The façade is designed with the

is something unheard of in other

Anil Kumar Sharma was able to instill.

incorporation of unitized, double

constructs of Bangladeshi architecture.

Designated areas for specific type of

glazed, low emission heat resistant

When buildings are constructed, does

edibles are allocated throughout the

glass. The Low-E coating reflects heat

everyone really take into consideration

floors of the food court, in equilibrium

back to its source so it helps buildings

of the staff who will also live and

to that of famous Singaporean

stay cooler in the summer and warmer

work in those areas? The facilities

shopping malls.

in the winter. The coating won’t scratch

Management System is an area that

As for the location, the grand

off because it is applied to the inside

the Union Tower has taken special

commercial project is situated

of the glass. It also helps protect the

care of as the sustainable quality of

strategically to cater to the inhabitants

inhabitants and furniture against UV

this building can only be ensured

of Dhaka city. The Union Tower stands

radiation. Furthermore, the commonly

through proper management.

tall just opposite an international

used Sound Reduction Capacity (SRC) in

Dedicated areas have been designed

standard school and a renowned

other buildings is 15 decimals, whereas

and designated for the building staffs

hospital in Bashundhara. It is in close

Union Tower uses 25 decimal SRC. This

including drivers, with proper locker

proximity to all kinds of stakeholders

thickness of the glass ensures bare

areas, change rooms, shower areas,

that any business needs.

minimum sound for inside occupants,

wash room, prayer room, dining

Designated zones are made exclusively

to spare them of the disturbance of

area, etc. The idea is that the staffs

for the working professional, the VIP’s

external noise pollution, along with up

need proper facilities to perform with

and the service staff. The thought

to 30 % less energy consumption.

dedication and to stay motivated.

process behind including these

Another interesting fact is that the

Waste management is an area that

features as a social responsibility goes

quality of drinking water at Union

the Union Tower has taken special

to show what is missing in our creative

Tower is compliant with the standards

care of. Dedicated waste management

ideals of corporate constructs.

set by The World Health Organization’s

areas have been designed as per the

(WHO) Guidelines for Drinking-Water

internationally acclaimed three bin

In additional to such complex yet

Quality (GDWQ). This guideline will

waste management system which

fascinating features, including a

ensure the safety of drinking water

guides users to separate dry, wet and

Rooftop Helipad, the Union Tower is

supplies through the elimination, or

toxic waste as the contact of different

the first ever commercial development

reduction to a minimum concentration

types of waste can result in unpleasant

in the vicinity to use Rotary Piling

of constituents such as micro-

odor, bacteria and other germs.

technology for construction.

organisms, metals, chemicals etc. in

The building also

drinking water that are known to be

comprises of

The Union Tower is not just a

hazardous to health. Apart from this,

office spaces,

building. It is a formidable

used water is recycled and treated

a mega mall

through an onsite ETP plant to reserve


thinking which Ar. Anil

water usage. There are 3 forms of


Kumar Sharma has

water filtration systems installed

local and

physically executed into

throughout the building. Disposable

representation of forward

reality. It is a unity of

water, particularly for hand washing


will be lead and filtered towards use in

brands and

ideals accumulated in

the lavatory, while the drinking water

a food court in

filtration system works completely

the first four floors

differently. This approach of saving

with outdoor and indoor

and reshaping those very principles

water and using it in an efficient

seating arrangements. What makes it

to break perceptive barriers and

manner for water-waste management

stand out is the design which Ar. Prof.

contemporizing the future.

physical manifestation; a way of breaking the limitations of traditional thinking

34 / Property Now


angladesh, despite its land mass, holds enormous prospects when it comes to molding a strong and sustainable future. 47 years short of Independence, Bangladesh has a long way to go in terms of development, particularly when it concerns adapting

an eco-friendly infrastructure. As the future lies in the hands of the next generation, let us view as to the approaches Bangladesh can take to shape the nation towards a green and prosperous direction.


hy We Should Adapt Eco Friendly Atmosphere For The Future Generation

The AQI is a tool for reporting daily air quality of any city or country. It tells how clean or polluted the air is, and what associated health effects might be a concern for public. According to the Air Quality Index (AQI) early of this year, Dhaka, the capital of Bangladesh has been quite polluted. If the air quality in Dhaka keeps falling, the quality of unhealthy breathable air will have physical implications on the citizens in the long run. It is not just one factor contributing to Dhaka’s growing pollution. There are multitudes of factors which collectively add up to Bangladesh’s overlooked concern.

35 / Property Now

Sustainable Scenarios Bangladesh

particularly during rainy seasons.

Dhaka or other cities in Bangladesh.

Should Be Looking Into

Furthermore, green roofs acts like

The “Smog Free Tower” in Beijing

a blanket for the building and helps

is just the version which could be

Construction in Bangladesh,

keep them insulated, which could

easily adapted to Bangladesh’s

particularly Dhaka city generally

theoretically lower expenses behind

infrastructure. This other air purifying

utilizes communal spaces by allotting

air conditioning costs for home

futuristic device sucks up 30,000

every area to cater to housing


cubic meters of polluted air per hour,

demands. Should the developers

cleans it at the Nano level (the PM2.5,

approach constructive methods

China has been experiencing an

PM10 particles) and then releases

with an eco friendly method, future

overbearing of pollution problems.

the clean air back into the city and is

builders will also follow suit.

In China as of present, air pollution

solar powered simultaneously.

In Bangladesh, several real estate

kills an estimated 1.1 million people

developers are approaching their

a year. China’s answer? Building

At the root of all things lies

projects in an eco-friendly manner.

the world’s biggest air purifier. An

“Education”. By educating the future

Bangladeshi real estate developers

experimental tower over 100 meters

generation of the importance of

in general have yet to fully utilize

(328 feet) high in northern China has

sustainability and adaptation of

and implement “Green Roof”

brought a noticeable improvement in

green eco-friendly approaches,

approaches to their projects. The

air quality, according to the scientists

Bangladesh can create a mindset

concept of a green roof is a perfect

who are leading the project, the

of sustainable requirements

tool to fight against climate change.

tower can be used in ways to tackle

for the future generation. By

Green roofs clean the air and store

the nation’s chronic smog problem.

implementing firm stances on

carbon, while providing an important

Bangladesh can similarly adapt such

proper waste management and

habitat for bird life and insects.

technologies to tackle the country’s

green sustainability programs

During storms, green roofs slow

air pollution issues. Though it would

through primary schooling system,

down rainfall runoffs which could

not have to be 100 meters high as

Bangladesh can create future leaders

help prevent flooding and sewer

the towers implemented in China,

to bring about positive impact in the

overflows, something necessary

the towers could be miniscule


for Dhaka’s intercity condition,

versions designed specifically for

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38 / Property Now



hange is the only consistency that we can rely on. And with something as flexible as interior design industry which happens to be one of the most creative and

ever-changing out there, adaptability is everything. Over the recent years, the interior trends have been taking shifts and turns quickly. Part of the reason is the cross-culture practices which does not only bring an aesthetic appeal in a house but also implements bits of tradition. Below we have talked about the on-the-rise trends which we predict will take over in the upcoming years.

Everything Tech Over the years, interior design has not only been about decorating a space. Now before we implement a design on a room, we try our best to align it with our personal aesthetic so that the looks of our homes resonate with us. In the upcoming years, modern tech aesthetic will take over as we move towards development every second. Minimalism with a hint of digital trends will become a norm for us which will lead us into adapting to a lifestyle that is heavily dependent on improved technology. Adjusting to this way of life will cast a shadow on our tastes and preferences as individuals as well as our home’s personality. Soon enough, it will depict how we choose to decorate our personal spaces.

39 / Property Now

The Home Office Will Be The Focal Point Of Our Homes This trend is already taking on. We spend about one fourth of our lives working. In a space where we will be spending at least 8 hours a day, it is important to personalize it as much as we can. And because of the turn in professions and lifestyle, i.e. freelancing or working from home, it is a must that form and design follows function. In order to create a productive atmosphere, more hybriduse spaces will pop up adding comfort and homely character.

Minimalism As time passes by, the overall population will keep increasing but the world isn’t getting any bigger which is going to hamper our living situations. The affects are already showing and because of this, simple interior styles like minimalism and Feng Shui is encouraged. Co-living and micro living are two relatively newer trends that has been recently introduced (and received well, too!). Forget about big, chunky furniture! Most people in the future will own less and make use of those items at their peak efficiency.

Colors Of The Future

Modular Designs

Even though newer designs are going

The future generations are going to

to be introduced along with the retro

be digital nomads who will frequently

ones staying back, surprisingly there

travel from one place to another and

wouldn’t be any sort of restrictions

work on the go; meaning, the furniture

when choosing the right color for one’s

(along with every other aspects of their

home. Starting from bright Orange,

lives) will be movable and temporary.

Green, Yellow to shades that give off

The furniture will consist of diversified

subtlety such as White, Light Blue

materials that can be partitioned with

and more are going to coexist in the

walls; hence, perfect for dismantling,

upcoming generations (maybe not

too. It will be all about minimization

in the same color palate, though).

because settling down in a specific will

After years of plain beige and boring

not be an option anymore. The designs

whites, the future of design seems to

will be correlated with their lifestyle

be colorful with eclectic Violet and bold

which brings us to our next point.

motifs along with sleek lines, rustic looks and everything in between.

Sustainability Over Everything Else New materials will be introduced in order to incorporate safe practices to keep our environment safe and flourishing. Sustainable designs are already taking place in forms of upcycling furniture, hand-made products, using energy-efficient materials while making furniture, etc. Not only is it environmentally friendly, these types of furniture add a raw, personal touch in a home. The goal is to achieve highest quality of life that will leave the lowest environmental footprint, making sure that the longevity of your home enhances.

40 / Property Now



hen it comes to

How Can We Implement It On

There are a number of good

Our Economy?

reasons why installing solar

renewables, solar energy has been a trending

panels in rural regions would be In order to incorporate the

advantageous. Firstly, rural areas

topic for quite some time, however

usage of solar based systems

are usually less crowded than

like everything else it has its own set

in rural areas, people residing

cities. This means plenty of space

of pros and cons. Because of its high

there needs to have a clear

is available for solar panels’

demand, the technology surrounding

understanding about what it is.

installation. Moreover, dominant

solar systems has developed

Solar energy is abundant and we

economic sectors like agricultural

significantly, making the entire process

will never run out of it as long as

industries are generally situated

more efficient. Introducing this concept

we have the Sun. It is acquired

in those areas and they use a

in rural areas in Bangladesh means

from the Sun’s radiation and

massive amount of electricity

not only adopting green practices,

can be harnessed by installing

during the day, an electricity

but moving towards overall economic

solar panels which then extracts

demand that solar energy based

development which brings us to the

energy and converts it into

systems can easily cover.



41 / Property Now

Another prominent reason is entirely

plays a role in keeping our

Solar panels are still relatively costly

economical. Planting solar panels

environment benignant. Once

and hence, not a cure-all solution

would require a lot of expertise from

installed, solar based systems do

for solving rural problems. Farmers

people who understand how to do the

not require high maintenance.

and small business owners from

maintenance work (but once installed,

Furthermore, since energy is directly

the countryside are unlikely to be

they last for approximately 30 years!),

converted from the Sun, there is no

able to afford them. Apart from that,

meaning, this practice can provide

pollution created and the process

weather plays an important role in

jobs, thus providing a wide spectrum

is completely noise-free. Since it’s a

this equation. On the days that there

of possibilities and contribute to

direct process, energy losses from

will be little sunlight and especially at

the growth of a power grid based

the circulation and distribution may

night-time, backup system is required

solely on renewable energy – not

be reduced because solar panels

and solar energy storage is quite

fossil fuels. Solar energy is especially

produce electricity from where it is

expensive. Also, the batteries used to

suitable in remote areas; which is why


store energy for later are associated

it has become an important source of

But just like the perks, the system

with adding more pollution which

local employment.

has flaws, too. For instance, the initial

definitely defeats the purpose.

It is safe to say that solar regulation

capital cost of installation is a lot.


o, How Can We Bring Changes Then? Specific measures can be taken that is likely to encourage people to be more energy conscious. For

instance, if the government were to provide large amount of subsidy then the matter of affordability would be eliminated. Moreover, agricultural and rural development banks can make solar energy based systems eligible for loans. Other than that, if different sectors such as agricultural, health and education sections worked together to create and promote a sustainable market then the implementation of its uses would be further acknowledged. Although the installation is bit on the heavier side, the price is effectively compensated by the production of clean energy. With time, solar technologies have been constantly improving and as older models get replaced with the new ones, more versatile designs and additional features are showing up, adding more credibility to its user-friendly attribute.

42 / Property Now



hat do Google, Amazon, Microsoft, Apple and Facebook all have in common?

These modern day giants were once ideas; pet projects started by founders in the comforts of their respective abodes. Though such creations are often credited to the ingenious architects who were able to turn a seed into a forest, most overlook the fact that it was the environmental atmosphere which nurtured these minds. So imagine, a home, designed to emulate an environment which could nurture the next generation. A home which could configure the future minds of Bangladesh; a home created to be Smart‌

A Smart Home ecosystem can best be described as an environmental setup comprised of technologically powered devices and gadgets, all connected and communicating with one another, which can be controlled from a single device. Though tech smart devices like Wi-Fi, televisions and kitchen components already exists, let us look deeper beyond the existing parameters of smart home devices which can power the future homes of Bangladesh.

Every day is a journey and the journey itself is home - Matsuo Basho

43 / Property Now


Amazon Alexa Echo

A technology which is still in the works

Alexa is a voice-controlled Virtual

is the next generation of connectivity;

Assistant platform, which makes

Li-Fi. As a future source of power and

interacting with personal speakers

connectivity, Li-Fi is crucial to the ultra-

and other devices much easier. The

modern homes to be in Bangladesh.

benefit of a smart device such as

Li-Fi is essentially a wireless optical

Alexa is that through voice-control,

networking technology which uses

numerous devices can be controlled.

Light-Emitting Diodes (LEDs) for data

Moreover, Alexa Gadgets from Amazon

transmission, or in other words, using

combine the power of IoT (Internet of

light as a network. By using Li-Fi in all

Things) to make interactive learning

the lights in and around a building, the

more efficient and friendly. If the Alexa

technology could enable greater area

device could be configured for a sub-

of coverage than a Wi-Fi router, with

continental atmosphere of such as

more real life applications.

Bangladesh, making it language and

Li-Fi will replace not just Wi-Fi but all

cultural friendly for the native users,

wireless applications. In other words,

this one particular device, with the aid

light will be shining the way forward.

of Li-Fi technology could power not just

Light-Emitting Diode (LED) bulbs

homes but the minds of the future.

transmit data when they are switched on and off so rapidly in nano-seconds something which is invisible to the naked eye. Its practical applications in Bangladesh could be limitless. Using the power of light to replace wireless connectivity and power home devices faster and more efficiently could really shine the way on household functionality.

So, as the saying goes, Every

day is a journey and the journey itself is home, then the journey for a smart and prosperous future begins with a technologically infused home, and Bangladesh to be the first country in this region to adopt it.

Flat For Sale....!

Flat For Sale....!!

Celebrate Your Premium Lifestyle at Baridhara, Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Uttara & Banashree. Available size 1320 SFT-1650 SFT

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