Lamudi Bangladesh's - Property Now Issue #5

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April 2017

Is Real-Estate data transparency the next big disruptor?





From 3 decades in the army to the real-estate sector, we have a conversation with Maj. Gen. Syed Ahmed Roomy about his company ACME Technologies, the importance of technology in this industry, and the current state of the real-estate sector.



Bangladesh now stands in 44th place amongst the world’s economies and with 2017 now in full swing, we take a glance



back at Bangladesh’s market performance during 2016 in order

Architecture is a shapeshifter; reacting to the rapidly

to compare its progress with the past and attempt to predict

changing needs and preferences of the society in which it

trends for its future.

operates. The discipline which has brought masterpieces of functional efficiency to every city from Mexico to Jakarta is a global phenom.



The architectures of a country are the collective reflections of its past, its cultural influences as well as its present setting. They tell tales of its civilization’s journeythrough time, keeping some of the mementos from the past as it looks on towards the future.


5 KILLER REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MISTAKES Global investors face a time of much uncertainty. Read up on 5 errors not to make when investing in Real-Estate in these unstable times.



Today’s property seekers have so many more options than they ever had before. Property portals like are everywhere and


there is a lot of variety out there. Here’s a heads-up for 2017 and beyond.


Lamudi’s top 10 eco-friendly cities, in need of some fresh air? Most probably these are the city trips to take.



Buying property is usually the single biggest purchase a person will make over the course of their life. The process of searching for a new home is arduous and any prospective buyer will consume vast


quantities of information before tenuously making their final decision. How does data fit in this decision?



Struggling to sell your home? There might be a few things you haven’t thought about. Everybody knows about fresh paint, a freshly mowed lawn and baked bread, but what else should we know? Turn to page 32.


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BANGLADESH 2ND MOST POLLUTED CITY IN SOUTH-EAST ASIA Dhaka is the #2 of most polluted cities in South-East Asia. What does this mean and what can we do about it?


TIPS & TRICKS INVESTORS NEED TO KNOIW BEFORE INVESTING IN REAL ESTATE Why should entrepreneurs invest in the first place? The answer is: to have enough money to live off of when they no longer can or wish to work. The other ones? Go ahead and read on page 38.

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5 Welcome to Property Now: Evolution. We are very proud to present the 5th edition of the leading real estate Magazine of Bangladesh. The title of this quarter’s magazine suits this beautiful country more than anything, because it sums up why it has stolen my heart; change, progress and growth. I am typing this foreword from Berlin, the place where it all began for Lamudi. The heads of the 34 global offices have all gathered here to share their experiences and to think about the company’s future. It is exciting to be part of such a journey, invigorating to see the successes overseas and inspiring to hear the stories of growth. I am happy bringing all this with me back to Dhaka, and I’m excited to start putting some new ideas into practice. As we have just rounded off our annual market research, the timing could not be better to present a sneak preview of Bangladesh’s journey from a real-estate perspective. It’s been a rocky couple of years for the industry. However, we can take heart from the current economic conditions. Bangladesh is among the fastest growing countries in the world. Each year, an estimated 2mln people join the middle classes, creating a new source of demand for high-quality urban real estate. This increase in domestic demand is one of the drivers that brought the number of unsold houses down between ’15 to ’16, and hopefully even more this upcoming year. On a final note, also personal evolution has taken place in the last couple of months; taking my first steps down the Bengali language I am very enthusiastic about learning more. Settling in, witnessing the changing seasons, the celebration of International Mother Language Day and a proudly celebrated Bengali New Year. With that in mind I am very excited about the upcoming Ramadan and wishing you a very prosperous Eid Ul Fitr.

Anne Maria Hermans

06 / Lamudi Magazine Maj Gen Syed Fatemy Ahmed Roomy, psc, retd, Managing Director, ACME Technologies LTD. has served in the military for three decades, joining the armed forces at the age of 17. After retirement he set out to establish his own business venture. Maj Gen Fatemy Roomy admits it wasn’t an easy task by any means and there were many challenges that befell him. "But I took the challenges head on" said Mr. Fatemy as he loves helping and connecting with people. This phase of his life has been and still is 'one of the best', stated Mr Fatemy. ACME Technologies Ltd. is an ISO certified real estate development and construction company, operating from Mirpur DOHS and a committed member of the Real Estate and Housing Association of Bangladesh (REHAB). They have strict policies to comply

Maj. Gen. Syed Fatemy Ahmed Roomy, P.S.C, Rtd. Managing Director Acme Technologies Limited

with the rules and regulations imposed by

are compensated justly, on time and yearly

the government and are also quite sensitive

increment is made on the basis of individual

to the environmental and neighbourhood

performance. ACME shares its profits with


its employees and allemployees are given 4

Why choose ACME Technologies Ltd?

bonuses a year including the festival bonuses.

The reason for choosing ACME can be

with a proud smile on his face. They also have

expressed in one key word: Commitment.

internship facilities and usually recruit their

Sincerely caring about it’s clients, ACME

interns from universities like BUP, MIST and

Technologies Ltd. promises to deliver to their

BRAC University.

respective clients on time and honour their

Activities and Technology

agreements, a crucial feature for any successful company. Their flats sell at a moderately higher price than other competitors because of better architectural plan and workmanship. ACME even gets some clients from overseas, like Middle East, Europe, North America and Australia. “Punctuality is our strongest suit” said Mr. Fatemy. ACME Technologies Ltd. also maintains strong work ethics in their organisation. The workers

“They love working here” says Mr. Fatemy

ACME Technologies Ltd. is active in the social media scene, having their own pages on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Plus and Linkedin. They also undertake Bulk SMS marketing, which after being scrutinised sent out to prospective clients. Any one can reach them at, a nice and up to date dynamic website. They engage in various CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

07 / Lamudi Magazine

activities and donate adequately for social

Bangladesh Real Estate on a scale of 10, Mr.

improvements, provides charity funds and

Fatemy replied by saying that it would be

sponsor other activities.

unfair to rate the years on a scale. I believe that

ACME makes use of multiple softwares and Apps to enhance their business performance and every employee is required to make use of the necessary Apps. They currently use Trello, a project management App, and Base, a CRM (customer relation management) App, which

the years 2014-2016 were eye openers for the from these past years.eal Estate Industry. It was all about surviving against the tide. A majority of the developers were unable to cope. The ones with Smart-Skill better survived. We deďŹ nitely learned a lot

Resource Planning) software for their accounts,

What challenges does the sector face and how can these be overcome?

budget, inventory and payroll management.

Political Instability: Overcoming this challenge is

They plan to incorporate 'Sage Business

a challenge on its own. Only better politics by

Solution' software (an ERP) to enhance

the political stakeholders can ensure political

business performances in the near future.

stability. It is hard to say if much will change

The Managing Director believes that without

over the next years. Companies must maintain

connecting to the virtual world and by

contingencies and move accordingly', he says.

help with the collaboration of their employees and clients. They use Tally9, an ERP (enterprise

extension with a bigger part of the world, their business may not be able to survive in the long run.Mr Fatemy, an avid fan of Mr Joseph Nye, a Harvard teacher and a political scientist insists on the notion that it is all about the balance between Soft-Skill (Soft-Power) and Hard-Skill (Hard-Power), which in turn manifests

Education & Skill: Knowledge is power, and it seems to be lacking in various circumstances. Polytechnic Institutes providing diploma certiďŹ cate are unable to provide quality education. Even students with engineering degrees from some of the universities seem to

Smart-Skill (Smart-Power) that will give

be much below the standard. This has become

competitive edge over others in future. When

a serious challenge to the entire industry across Â

asked to rate the past two years in regards to

its length and breadth. Government must

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small country like Bangladesh, where the only

How do you think 2017 will go and what are you most optimist about?

way left to grow is vertical.

“I have mixed feelings about the next year. The

focus on quality education at these institutes. Accommodating the growing population in a

This requires expert planning and proper subsurface infrastructure which most of our cities don't have. In many cases, the existing

general feel is that the Real Estate sector is picking up. But, the way I see it, yes, the sector's downturn has stopped, it took-off a little but flying level. It is difficult to say whether it will

structures are not sufficient to accommodate

gain altitude or stall. With the National Election

larger residential buildings, and the developers

coming up it is hard to tell what this year or the

have to come up with temporary solutions.

next shall deliver us. However, I believe that

What initiatives should the government introduce to stimulate the sector?

the companies who maintain quality, keep commitments and integrate technologies with their business process shall do well in the coming days".

The government can introduce a system that

ACME looks forward to become one of the top

circulates wealth more evenly. Our Economy is

10 Real Estate Developer by 2021. They

performing well, but the gap between the rich

targeted 2021 as they shall be a decade old by

and poor is becoming greater. To stimulate any

then and it shall be the 50th year of our

sector, it is important to distribute opportunity

independence. The plan is to maintain quality

and wealth equally to minimise the gaps. “It is imperative that the government educates every citizen on the importance of sustainable development.”

and commitment to make 'Life better with ACME'. The product will speak for itself and everyone will know 'why ACME is like no other in the industry'.

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Sneak Preview: Lamudi White Paper 2017 Bangladesh now stands in 44th place amongst the

figures of 11.09% and 6.25% growth respectively;

world’s economies, having faced isolated

the main reasons for this expansion are, as a

skepticism from some economists, on the basis of

financial analyst has indicated: growing wages in

purchasing power parity (PPP). With 2017 now in

the service sector (notably in public

full swing, we take a glance back at Bangladesh’s

administration, education, and health) and

market performance during 2016 in order to

development in large scale manufacturing,

compare its progress with the past and attempt to

construction, and transport. This news, coupled

predict trends for its future. [1]

with the World Bank report suggests that in the

Bangladesh is the 2nd fastest growing economy in

fiscal year 2015-16, real estate played a key role.

South Asia of 2016, a leap of three places from

As REHAB have stated, the 22,000 unsold flats in

2015. The Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS)

2014 have diminished to 8,000; a result of

announced on the 25th October that the economy

property price corrections and lower interest rates

had grown by more than 7% during the last fiscal

on home loans.

year, with GDP growth of 7.11%. This is an

Economists suggest that entrepreneurs feel

impressive figure compared to the last 6 years

confident enough to invest and initiate new

when the average was a 6.32% increase. The

business ventures resulting from the recent

income per capita this fiscal year is US$ 1,465,

political stability and price reductions of various

which stood at US$ 1,316 in 2014-15 fiscal year. [2]

capital machinery in the international market.

Moreover, according to the BBS both the industrial

According to the latest balance of payment (BOP)

and service sectors show an upward trend in their

figures released by Bangladesh Bank, net FDIs




Official language

Capital City

Main Religion

Bengali Dhaka Islam

People's Republic of Bangladesh

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$2.001 BILLION FDI in 2015-16


IN 2016


11.09% & 6.25% GROWTH



Growth Rate in Mobile Banking



in the last fiscal year 2015-16 stood at $2.001

significant growth, reaching a new height in 2015

billion, up by 9.34 percent from the previous fiscal

with 53% growth year-on-year, amounting to Tk.

year, flowing in mostly due to major constructions

15,777,333.1 million in transactions through

such as Padma Bridge and various flyovers.

mobile phones -- the amount being more than half

Bangladesh’s power, gas, and petroleum sectors

the country's national budget, Recently, the

($574 million in FDI), which saw FDI of a meager

according to a report by the Bangladesh Bank, and

$50 million in 2014 have managed to surpass the

in 2014 transactions were worth Tk. 1,031,553.7

textile industry ($443 million in FDI),

million. According to a new survey, a third of the

telecommunication saw $255 million and banking

Bangladeshi population have access to mobile

$310 million in FDI. [3]

banking as of 2016, due to a 150% increase in

Internet penetration in Bangladesh has gone up in 2016, with a 13.2% penetration (surpassing 60 million users), a promising figure compared to the 12.1% and 9.6% in 2015 and 2014 respectively.

mobile telephone usage, from 2014 to 2016. 2,088 mobile money agents were surveyed in March 2016 and this yields a very prosperous future for the sector, as seen from the increasing number of

Though modest when compared to global

digital financial service providers and agents. [5]

markets, e-commerce in Bangladesh is definitely

The popular tourist destinations of Cox’s Bazar

on the rise. Currently, 1000 e-commerce sites

and the port city of Chittagong show promise as

operate in the country, and there was Tk.10000

alternative real estate investments. With half the

million worth of transactions this year (85% of

land purchase rates of Dhaka, these two locations

these were on a cash-on-delivery basis), averaging

offer very lucrative business opportunities for

Tk. 30 million per day. [4]

developers, since they are the next locations to

Mobile banking in Bangladesh is showing signs of

undergo massive urbanization after Dhaka city.

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13.2% Internet Penetration

9.34% Increase IN FDI

35% Youth Population

There is also a rise in the demand for green

There are still negative indications in the fields of

buildings (green construction or sustainable

Global Hunger Index (GHI) and General Economic

building), indicating a move towards the

Division (GED) indicating poverty is still prevalent

preservation of the landscapes in these locations,

and a recent move by the government to impose a

with more and more developers opting for

4% VAT on e-commerce from the 2015-16 fiscal

eco-friendly structures.

year shows an incoming burden on the nascent

Chinese President Xi Jinping visited Bangladesh

industry (although the FBCCI has strongly

(the first 30 years ago, in 1986 when President Li

requested the government to rethink this move).

Xiannian visited Dhaka), with the visit ending with

Bangladesh has shown very promising strides in

the promise of greater cooperation from China.

its endeavors to improve its overall conditions.

He said: “Bangladesh is China’s important partner

With a 35% youth population, the Bangladesh

in the South Asian and the Indian Ocean region,

future looks to be headed in a positive direction.

and the visit will be a milestone for the


China-Bangladesh relationship”. [6] The countries have signed 27 deals and a memorandum of understanding (MoUs), totaling US$25 billion. They include financing agreement for infrastructure, energy, information, and communication projects, and the two countries

Footnotes 1.The Financial Express 'A launching pad for economic take-off ' 2.The Independent bd 'Economic growth and poverty eradication' 3.Dailyasianage 'FDI to Bangladesh crosses $2b mark' 4.Mobile banking reaches one-third Bangladeshis

have agreed on bolstering their counterterrorism

5.Europe.chinadaily 'Xi: China considers Bangladesh important partner in South Asia'

partnership as well.

6. The Daily Star 'Adolescents and young people of Bangladesh'

16 / Lamudi Magazine

Architecture is a shapeshifter; reacting to the

Like everything under the umbrella of the

rapidly changing needs and preferences of the

construction industry, architecture has witnessed

society in which it operates. The discipline which

fundamental changes in response to the evolution

has brought masterpieces of functional eďŹƒciency

of information technology and the rapidly

to every city from Mexico to Jakarta is a global

globalizing economy. Pressure is coming from

phenomenon. Aesthetically pleasing buildings was

manic population growth, bigger cities, and tighter

once the sole domain of developed nations, the


costs involved deemed unnecessary for developers in the emerging markets. As internet

“In most of the thirteen countries we operate in

penetration enabled global knowledge sharing the

architects are aected by downward cost

technical know how to create works of art became

pressure,� said Paul Philipp Hermann, managing

widespread. But what does the future hold for

director of Lamudi—the global property


platform.�The natural response is to build smarter and take inuence from international thought leaders,� Paul said.

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MORE THAN A BUILDING The next ďŹ ve years we will see architects paying


more attention to the opportunity presented

In the future, we will see consortiums of architects

when people gather in one space. Employers will

and engineers who work together on the same

seek to design their sta campus in a strategic

project but who are not necessarily employed by

manner. For example, the Apple Campus

the same ďŹ rm. It makes more sense that the

2—Spaceship Campus— which will open in April

discipline will be more consultative where sta

2017 has around six kilometers of glass inspired

cooperate and network to provide a better service

by the idea of a London square where houses look

for clients. In this way, the traditional work

out onto a large outdoor park. Sta morale is

process can be compartmentalized into smaller

becoming more important than ever as top tech

segments where the architect can charge a

ďŹ rms try to recruit the top executives and a large

separate fee for his part .

part of that is making people feel at home.

PUBLIC AND PRIVATE SPACES The future architect will hold a holistic view of the construction; he will ask himself not only how this building will beneďŹ t its private users but how the general public can beneďŹ t also. What you will see is ďŹ rms oering sections of their building to the public. It might be a case of a piece of art in the foyer or a sculpture that catches people’s attention, but expect more uidity between the once rigidly divided private and public spaces.

FINANCIAL ACUMEN As budgets shrink and developers try to cut costs, architects that have the economic skills to cope with the complex, globalized economy will thrive. Having core ďŹ nancial literacy will become an integral part of an architect’s knowledge set. Included in the new must-have auxiliary skills, is IT. Firms that have functioning IT systems that can cope with cutting edge technological advancements will gain an advantage.

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EVOLUTION OF DHAKA The architectures of a country are the collective

all the way back to 7th century CE with accounts of

reflections of its past, its cultural influences as well

urbanized settlements. Dhaka still embraces the

as its present setting. They tell tales of its

reminiscence of mosques, tombs, forts,

civilization’s journey through time, keeping some

caravanserais and bridges from the 1610 to 1717

of the mementos from the past as it looks on

Mughal periods, which it became part of during

towards its future.

the rule of Akbar The Great. Later the British rule

Home to 14.54 Million people and the largest city of Bangladesh, Dhaka has seen a multitude of transformations since the country’s liberation in

evoked new areas with new buildings and the city grew in importance as an administrative, educational and commercial centre.

1971. Political turmoil in a post independent

The beginning of the twentieth century marks for

Bangladesh hindered the country’s advancements

the bulk of colonial architectures still existing in

and set the nation back by at least a decade.

Dhaka city. Following the Partition of India on 15

Despite the challenges faced by a war ravaged

August 1947, Dhaka (then Dacca) was the

country along with numerous political upheaval,

provincial capital of East Bengal (later came to be

the city now is one of the busiest in the world and

called East Pakistan). Bangladesh gained

the 3rd most populous cities of the world.

independence 1971 and Dacca became Dhaka in

Dhaka boasts a heritage of more than 400 years of


her history. The city gained eminence with the

Over the course of time Bangladesh, especially

dawn of the Mughals in Bengal, but there are

Dhaka, saw growing urbanizing. The capital is in

traces of architectural ruins which prove her

forefront of such a shift to the point of

existence prior to the Mughals.

overpopulation. With the growing urbanization and modernization, Dhaka’s architectural form

The history of the region that is now Dhaka trails

gradually turned into modernity

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EVOLUTION OF DHAKA Dhaka’s architectural form gradually turned into modernity covering a wide range of Bangladesh’s heritage and tradition.

covering a wide range of Bangladesh’s heritage

dozen in this height range and several dozens

and tradition. If we look into the forms, styles and

more under construction. There are of course

characters of architectures of Bangladesh we will

many more in the 10 to 20th range. Currently the

find a wide variety of architecture, with each

tallest building in Dhaka is City Centre Bangladesh,

portion of Dhaka slowly (but surely) turning into

37 stories tall (561 feet) built in 2012. More

an urbanized area. From modern buildings with

significant than building heights are the numbers

blunt lines and endless windows to archaic

and density of these buildings. Not so long ago,

mounds of structured earth, from low-rises

private homes were not uncommon, but

speckled around city to high-rises shooting

now-a-days, high cost of land and high population

towards the skies. The opportunities for

density (Dhaka is second only to Hong Kong)

architectural sightseeing are virtually endless.

makes high-rise apartment living increasingly the

Admittedly, the architectural styles in many

middle class norm. There are many inhabitants

buildings were lacking in diversity and uniqueness

who would call this city a “concrete jungle”,

till the early 2000’s, more recent builders took the

although not unlovingly. A city of Dhaka’s

hint and evidently a lot of new structures are very

magnitude, is frequented by traffic bottlenecks,

different from their neighbors.

gravely affecting the day-to-day functioning of its populous. In an effort to contain the immense

Before the 1990’s, Dhaka high-rises were primarily

flow of daily traffic in Dhaka, the construction of a

concentrated in one area, Motijheel.

number of flyovers as well as bridges ensued.

Now the city is much more decentralized, with areas like Gulshan, Dhanmondi, Uttara housing at

And it has been proven effective; despite the

least half a dozen or so important clusters of

random long stretches of traffic, the overall

high-rise Commercial offices. Taller buildings in

connectivity of the city’s roads and areas has

Dhaka are typically 20 to 30 stories, with several

increased. There are a total of 7 completed in and

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around the city and 2 under development and 5

Church built during the 17th-18th century, are the

under procurement, with the first being built on

names of just a few of these historical remnants.

November 2004 in Mohakhali. Several bridges

All of these and more are located in Old Dhaka, a

were also constructed to better lubricate the

place vibrant with the history of the land. In fact,

busier parts of the city, and most recently the

Old Dhaka is a must-see tourist location in Dhaka.

Hatirjheel lake underwent such a transformation. Encompassing an area of 302 acre and accumulating a total of BDT 19.71 billion, the bridge linked several busy parts of the city; not surprising since Hatirjheel happens to lie in the city center. Not only has it made life much easier for the people, but it has done wonders for the aesthetics of the area. The night time visage of the bridge is magnificent to behold, making it a popular attraction for the people.

Dhaka may not have had the best start off since a long time, given the upheaval caused by the war, the flood or the earlier political instabilities, the seeds of which still remain to this date. The socio-cultural aspects of the country may still be recuperating from the harsh and uncaring lashes of fate inflicted on the land. But the ray of hope still remains and the city has remained resolute throughout her strifes. There was probably a time when its citizens could not even imagine the

Although the city has evolved through the ages

possibility of a modern and better Dhaka, but

into a megacity, Dhaka has not shed its ancestral

those days of pessimism are behind us. The city is

skin as there are still some of the remains of its

moving on, and taking long strides towards a

earlier inhabitants.

better tomorrow.

In Old Dhaka lies some very renowned monuments and structures that are at complete contrast with the skyscrapers of new. Dhakeshwari Temple, Lalbagh Fort, Armenian

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FIVE KILLER REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT MISTAKES Global investors face a time of much uncertainty. The president of the United States is a man that is capable of anything. It’s ‘America First’ and what that means for investors across the world is still unclear. With so much uncertainty, fund managers are encouraging their clients to turn to real estate again. As one of the few safe havens remaining, real estate particularly in the emerging markets is back on the radar. Countries like Bangladesh, the Philippines, and Pakistan are again enticing propositions according to analysts at Lamudi—the global property platform. But, there remains many pitfalls for budding property tycoons: five of which every investor should be aware of.



The idea that by investing in real estate you can

In real estate, you are reliant on other

become an overnight property tycoon is a fallacy

professionals for support. Without at least a

fuelled by so-called ‘gurus’ on infomercials and

suitable real estate agent, an appraiser, a home

radio stations. They write books like How to Make

inspector, and a closing attorney you will be up

a Million before you’re 30. By following their

against it. When it comes to the value-adding

step-by-step guides, they promise that you will be

remodeling phase of the business, you are reliant

rich in a short amount of time. The reality is

on having top plumbers, electricians, and general

something entirely different. Unless you are one

handymen to put the place together. If you are

of the lucky few, real estate takes time, patience,

trying to do all of this yourself, it will take you a

and a lot of hard work.

very long time to complete even a small project.

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There’s an adage in property circles that once

Moving quickly on a transaction can be the

you’ve done all your homework, double the

difference between making a ten percent margin

amount of time, then double the amount of

or just breaking even. “The pitfall that a lot of

money you first estimated. If you can still reach

investors fall into is signing off without extensive

that target and see a profit in sight, then it’s a

research,” said Nicolas Le Borgne—head of

good deal.

business development and business intelligence


at Lamudi. “You see it happening all the time with

Running out of cash is the end of the road. As an

next thing they realize that the house has

investor with no cash reserves you face

structural problems, and they are faced with

bankruptcy, and not many business people can

expensive remodelling bills.”

ever recover from that. If you plan to buy, hold and rent properties you need to stockpile enough cash to cover maintenance costs. It takes on average 90 to 120 days before a property is leased out and the owner has to cover the mortgage, the taxes, the advertising, and homeowner fees; a huge expense that requires deep pockets.

young investors rushing head first into big deals,

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Today’s property seekers have so many more options than they ever had before. Property portals like are everywhere and there is a lot of variety out there. New technology companies are also driving change. A number of brand new platforms have proved themselves to be incredibly innovative. Some of these recently launched platforms boast specialist search facilities, new pinpoint mapping, and alternative services for particular kinds of property. With impressive features like these, 2017’s property portal landscape is more exciting than ever! Here are some of the best ones.

2-year-old Californian startup Opendoor has a

Having started in 2009, São Paulo real estate

mission to “empower people with a simpler, more

marketplace Viva Real has been Brazil’s leading

thoughtful approach to selling their house and

property portal for some time now. This an

buying their dream home”. They buy the property

impressive accolade, especially given Brazil’s huge

online and sell it online. Fast. Opendoor provides

population of over 200 million people. Viva Real’s

a full inspection report by an independent home

success has been driven largely by excellent

inspector, informing them and guiding them

search engine optimisation and a well structured

before they purchase. This makes the process of

business model. The company operates all over

buying and selling more honest and more

Brazil and has local offices in 16 of the country’s

straightforward for all parties, and on top of all, it

major cities. Although now well established, Viva

promises to give buyers a 30-day refund on their

Real still considers itself to have the qualities of a

new purchase if they don’t like the home afterall.

lively startup. It operates as an innovating space

Despite being so new to the market, Opendoor

and is now making waves in terms of its corporate

has received a lot of attention from investors and

social responsibility (CSR).

an impressive USD $210 million funding. So keep an eye out for Opendoor, an innovating company that is bringing online real estate transactions in line with other types of e-commerce.

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Virtual reality (VR) is the biggest game changer that

Forward-thinking commercial property platform,

real estate has seen in a long time. Rather than

Equiem, brings a new dimension to tenant

simply seeing images of a property, property

engagement. Commercial and retail landlords can

viewers can now tour the property of their choice

use the platform to interact with those working in

from the comfort of their own home. With over

their buildings. Through improving

250,000 virtual reality image maps, immersive

communication between landlords and those

media technology company Matterport is driving

working in their spaces, productivity can be

the real estate VR trend forwards.

improved, and everyone wins. Equiem strives to build communities in workplaces with its modern

Since its launch in 2011, Matterport has been

customer driven approach. With expert knowledge

building 3D media solutions which can be used by

on the kinds of spaces that create great work

real estate professionals to showcase their

environments for office employees, Equiem

properties through virtual reality. This technology

provides tenant engagement plans which are

is changing the way individuals and industries

tailored to its clients’ business objectives.

interact with physical spaces. Matterport’s teams have built “the first end-to-end media platform allowing users to easily create, modify, navigate, and build on digital representations of real places”.

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Denmark has built a solid reputation for its eco-friendliness. Cyclists are looked after, swimmers can enjoy city center paddling, and local ethical fashion designers are favored over factory produced branded clothing. Impressively Copenhagen has ambitions to become the ямБrst carbon-neutral capital city by 2025.

27 / Lamudi Magazine The United Nations published a climate change report in the journal Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics and their conclusions are startling, they expect many feet of sea-level rise, a halting of major ocean circulatory currents, and an outbreak of super storms. They predict that we will face these major threats most likely this century. Global leaders need to take immediate action, and much can be learned from the world’s greenest cities. 2. Vancouver Canada’s west coast has it much easier than most cities being located steps away from rolling British Columbia mountains and the Pacific Ocean, but it makes the most of its natural blessings; its use of renewable energy and hydropower make the air pure and clean. Urban living is emphasized in the city, and the city’s 200 parks make it easy for locals to breath fresh, healthy air.


3. Amsterdam Amsterdam is presently drafting a new sustainability masterplan which will transform the city center into a green, pedestrian-friendly environment. The city center will have new parks, food markets, smart transportation and urban farms and will take strides to reduce the impact of the many droves of tourists and dense traffic.


4. Stockholm Sweden is a trailblazer for eco-cities. The restaurant scene is thriving with locally sourced raw materials and freshly caught fish. Environmental studies regularly list Sweden as the world’s most sustainable nation, but it is not today or yesterday that it built that reputation. Meticulous and long-sighted plans were made to restructure the city. Green homes are typical, and recycling is encouraged—the government financially incentive recycling.


5.Singapore The remarkable Supertree structure in Asia’s cleanest city is one-of-a-kind. Each one is 50 meters tall and acts as a symbol of Singapore’s commitment to eco-change. Locally, it is typical to have access to a rooftop garden; the most famous of which is the 340- meter long SkyPark on the top of the Marina Bay Sands.


28 / Lamudi Magazine 6. Portland Consistently recognized as America’s greenest city, Portland uses 20 percent more renewable energy than the national average. It was one of the first cities to ban plastic bags and everything from recycling to carpooling are green activities that are encouraged.


7. Oslo Despite being the most populated city in Norway, Oslo still maintains its title as the greenest city. The city ranks low for greenhouse gas emissions and it is worth noting that 85 percent of their school children either walk or ride their bikes to school; those that commute use hydroelectric-powered public transportation.


8. Freiburg This city is unique because amazingly it is a car-free city. Call it old-fashioned or outdated but to be a truly green city cars are not welcome. Freiburg in Germany also boast of its many solar paneled buildings and plans to reduce its carbon emissions by 40 percent by 2030.


9. Reykjavik Iceland’s capital is a thought leader and pioneer of geothermal power—providing almost 90 percent of the city’s heating. The country is close to being energy independent and the government has set goals to achieve that in the next few years. The city plan has placed a priority on reducing pollution and preserving green spaces—90 percent of residents live just five minutes walk away from a green area.


10. Berlin


The public parks in Berlin are like a home from home; each tree is protected and many locals have an allotment garden to grow their vegetables. For many in Berlin, the bicycle has replaced the car and in DIY shops around the city residents are learning how to make furniture and clothing. The second-hand culture is active; placing less of a reliance on purchasing factory produced imported wares. Lamudi Bangladesh—the eco-conscious global property platform operates its thirteen country operations from Berlin; in a building that has energy-efficient lighting timers and where employees are encouraged to use the company bike for deliveries.

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IS REAL STATE DATA TRANSPARENCY THE NEXT BIG DISRUPTOR? Buying property is usually the single biggest purchase a person will make over the course of their life. The process of searching for a new home is arduous and any prospective buyer will consume vast quantities of information before tenuously making their final decision. The internet age has ushered a new epoch, where

available space. Transparency of data has

consumers have most of the power. When

completely disrupted other major markets

shopping for a house you can use Lamudi, the

recently, Uber being the classic example. So is

online portal that provides a prospector with

commercial real estate the next to change, change

numerous data points: recent sales in the area,


price fluctuations in the past year, average prices

Value Added

per square foot and even mortgage prices. This puts the customer in the driving seat when it

The value added is now in analysis and

comes to negotiations.

interpretation. Data transparency creates the

Although information is now readily available

platform for agents and investors alike to become

online for private real estate, commercial real

empowered but what they do with that data will

estate remains a different animal. It is still quite

also have a big impact. The experts in online tech

difficult to obtain information about lease and

will combine the democratised data with an ability

sales transactions and even in some cases the

to analyse and interpret.

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Better decisions In investment sales, access to data regarding potential opportunities has already created a more efficient market where previously a net-leased investor may have been constrained to a specific area for diversity in his portfolio, he can now search nationwide for comparable capitalisation rates (annual net operating income divided by the cost or value). The capitalisation rate is a very common ratio in commercial real estate. It can help an investor evaluate a potential investment property. Cap rates can also be helpful when you look at trends, for instance if the rates are decreasing it could signal that the market is heating up. It would now be possible for instance for an investor in Bangladesh to size up a property in Gulshan, one of the most expensive neighborhoods in Dhaka. Having this information available through open data sources is an invaluable string to a commercial real estate investor’s bow.

transparency that is available to them enables in-depth interpretation of information for clients; market growth analysis and forecasts are closer to reality

Value Added The value added is now in analysis and interpretation. Data transparency creates the platform for agents and investors alike to become empowered but what they do with that data will also have a big impact. The experts in online tech will combine the democratised data with an ability to analyse and interpret.

Emerging open data economy According to a report by McKinsey & Company, open data can create multi-trillions of value in the global economy. The new economies are online and the new data is free, open and available to all. Information is power and with ease of access to data, consumers have much more power in the market. When data is easily accessible, it is not only

Property investors have more data points at their

good for real estate, but also for all industries. Any

disposal to make more informed decisions, and

business model that relies on protected information

this is making the markets more efficient Agents

is going to struggle in the future. At some point all

are now in a strong position also. The data

information will be open to everybody.

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Struggling to sell your home? There might be a few things you haven’t thought about. Everybody knows about fresh paint, a freshly mowed lawn and baked bread, but what else should we know? We have scoured the internet to track down data that you need to know if you.

The Starbucks effect:

to remortgage their house to fund the

It turns out being beside the global

expenditure, so making sure you choose

coffee chain has a positive effect on

the right option is an important

your property value. Besides being

consideration. The worst value for

close enough to walk to get a good

money is the kitchen remodel while

brew, you are also more likely to be

basement enhancements also offer

able to sell your house for a higher

What do we learn:

price. In the United States, a house sold in 1998 would have sold for an average of $102,000, while a home close to a Starbucks would cost on average of $137,000. That is no small amount, in fact, it is 35 percent.

If you don’t get the first photo right, the battle is lost, and the viewer will move on to the next listing. Hire a professional real estate photographer to take snaps of your property, they will choose the perfect time of day,

That is incredible:

with the most optimal lighting, to

And if the house was sold in 2012 that

ensure your listing is eye catching.

house would sell for $270,000 beside a

So, to summarise we recommend your

Starbucks or just $169,000 without one

ideal house should be the number 7,

in the neighbourhood. That gap jumps

next door to a chain Restaurant or

to 60 percent. So, it might as well be

Cafe, with a newly renovated bathroom.

worth getting out google maps and

A Japanese bathing tub might just be

locating your nearest Starbucks


before purchasing your next property.

Not all renovations are equal: It has been proven that the greatest investment in your house is buying amid-range bathroom remodel. For every BDT spent it will return 1.71 BDT. Renovations can be extremely expensive; in some cases, people have

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Seven swans a-swimming: While having a lake full of swans at your house would probably add value, that’s not what we mean here, but using the number seven could have a negative effect on the asking price. Homes with 777 as their address fetch on average 2.1 percent less than their estimated value. Even house numbers that include 777 for instance 12777, sell for 1.9 percent less. Nevertheless, houses with just 7 on their own can expect 1.8 percent more than the estimated selling price.

Listing photos: This may seem like an obvious one, but homes with high-quality photos get a significantly higher amount of money. It is estimated that listings with professional photos receive up to 47 percent higher asking prices per square foot. First impressions definitely count. According to an article ‘20 Seconds for Love at First Site’ in the Wall Street Journal, researchers tracked the eye movement of house-hunters and a total of 20 seconds is spent on photo number one, the exterior shot. After that point, the eye flits across with no extended focus.

Psychological pricing: In residential real estate, the asking price is more about psychology than reality. Most home buyers don’t realise

that setting an asking price is fundamentally a negotiating tactic. You set a price and you send a signal to the market. It really is a delicate balance. One of the biggest difficulties agents have is agreeing on a realistic opening price with their clients. There are many theories about how to set prices for example BDT 12, 795,475, indicates that the price is less negotiable than a round number like BDT 12,800,000. Precise figures exude an air of confidence. In addition, a price such as BDT 19,999,999 rather than 20,000,000 works at a subconscious level. The home may appear cheaper. The goal is really to make it stick in the buyer’s head that they are getting a bargain, when a buyer has to pay above asking price, the initial lower amount can offset some of the anxiety they feel about paying more in the end.

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As a startup company, there is no massive bag of capital

Dhaka’s startup ecosystem. He founded a common

at the start. Budget is tight and productivity must be

office space named HubDhaka in Mirpur on March,

high to withstand the overhead costs of operation. With


each passing day the rental rates of property go up as more and more startups and business pop up. This had led to people working from home or having to meet their clients in restaurants or coffee shops. But one day, someone at a similar conjecture said “Enough!”, and thus the trend of shared of workspace was born. Common workplace or more popularly known as co-working space, addresses the space crunch faced by startups, sales teams or individuals. The concept of coworking space is simple. Hire a workplace that suits your needs and location. Use free and high-speed Wi-Fi, have an appropriate ambiance and privacy to conduct your In Dhaka this emerged at the beginning of 2014. Much vexed about the lack of proper place for business meetings, Sajid Islam, a computer science graduate, who had years of experience in the Silicon Valley, thought of introducing the concept of shared space to build up

Startups are very commonplace nowadays in Dhaka, ranging from the modest food-cart hidden away in the nooks and crannies of Dhanmondi to full-fledged e-commerce sites. The expansion of these startups have been at an unprecedented rate, and are believed to increase productivity and performance. If your colleagues are an arm’s reach away, it at least can promote camaraderie and harmony in the workforce. Plus, space may be small, it necessarily doesn’t mean it has to be poorly designed. Rather designers are expected to show more creativity while planning these spaces. All of this contributes to this newfound culture in Bangladesh. Work doesn’t seem like work if it’s among friends and when there is vibe of constant collaboration among the employees, creativity will soar.

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A 2 nd So P ut ol m h- lu os Ea te t st D i As n ia

Every human being produces residual waste matter, they need vehicles that emit carbon monoxide, and they need products which require factories to add a little more to air pollution and so on. Now imagine 15 million people. How much pollution do you think their cumulative numbers contribute to? Dhaka city is the third most populated in the world and has a population density of 115,000 people per square mile. It is not a surprising factor that Dhaka has recently been ranked as the 2nd most polluted cities of the South-East. Evidently, the most polluted countries are amongst the most densely populated.

37 / Lamudi Magazine the PM (particulate matter) count of the city is 2.5, coming only after China and India

Dhaka city is the third most populated in the world and has a population density of 115,000 people per square mile.

Bangladesh air pollution is the direct cause of 122,400 human deaths annually

In 2014, Bangladesh was ranked the 4th most

industrial sites are major sources of air pollution.

polluted country in South-East Asia, and 2016 saw its

Bangladesh Road Transport Authority (BRTA) said some

capital city labelled as the 2nd most polluted cities.

15,000 mostly reconditioned and second hand cars

These irrevocable facts should act as blaring sirens

were sold in Dhaka in 2008 - up 46 percent from 2007.

for the nation to start focusing on healthier living

In 2015 NASA stated that from 2005 to 2015, the


percentage of nitrogen dioxide in Dhaka city’s air shot

Thousands of people in Dhaka are dying prematurely because of air pollution, say health experts. Air pollution is a serious environmental health hazard affecting the populations of Bangladesh. Air pollution of Bangladesh is caused due to increasing population and associated motorization. Indoor air pollution is mainly associated with the use of biomass fuels during cooking with poor ventilation. Industrial emissions and automobiles are the principle sources of outdoor air pollution. An estimated 15,000 premature deaths, as well as several million cases of pulmonary, respiratory and neurological illness are attributed to poor air quality in Dhaka, according to the Air Quality Management Project (AQMP), funded by the government and the World Bank. The World Health Organization (WHO) says vehicular air pollution is a major cause of respiratory distress in urban Bangladesh. According to the National Institute of Diseases of Chest and Hospital (NIDCH), nearly seven million people in Bangladesh suffer from asthma; more than half of them children. Cases of children suffering from bronchitis and chronic coughs have also shot up in recent years, it said. According to the Department of Environment (DoE), old, poorly serviced vehicles, brick kilns (there are currently about 1,000 in and around Dhaka), dust from roads and construction sites, and toxic fumes from

up to 79 per cent. This excessive pollution was caused by unplanned constructions and development work, smoke emitted from the brick factories surrounding the city, and fumes from vehicles. Most harmful to the human body, the PM (particulate matter) count of the city is 2.5, coming only after China and India. This year Dhaka comes second to Delhi. Delhi has several coal-fired power plants which their Centre for Science and Environment says is the most polluting in the world. The report published jointly by the US-based Health Effects Institute and the Institute for Health Matrix and Evaluation also states that in Bangladesh air pollution is the direct cause of 122,400 human deaths annually. Inhaling polluted air is the cause of breathing and pulmonary problems, heart disease and cancer. It is not impossible to address this situation. Alternative technology must replace the use of coal in brick factories, dust particles in construction work must be controlled, and mass transportation like metro and trains must be made affordable. Use of personal cars must be restricted. Pollution at Narayanganj and Gazipur has created world records. If the forest areas, rivers and water bodies of these places can be restored, the air will be fresh and pure. The government must take stringent measures to cut down the rate of pollution and establish some fundamental guidelines to tackle such a gaping problem.

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uers n e r p e Entr now k o t d nee sting e v in e befor ate t s l a e in r

Why should entrepreneurs invest in the first place? The answer is: to have enough money to live off of when they no longer can or wish to work. To put that money aside, however, they have to accumulate enough to offset inflation and the taxes that eat away at savings. To tackle such erosion of our wealth, real estate is a powerful ammunition. The great thing about real estate is that even in a bad economy, it will usually fare better than stocks. Land, after all, is a finite resource. Real estate is really just a matter of supply and demand & will continue to appreciate despite occasional slow-downs in the economy. In fact, it's proven to be the best way to create wealth, and an investor need not be a genius or a millionaire to succeed. Here are some tips, then, for aspiring entrepreneurs on getting started and succeeding in real estate investments:

Be aware of the latest market trends The first thing that you need to do is understand the market. Before putting your step into the real estate, you must be well aware of what you may and will be facing in the market while investing. Evaluate the costs and the risks before making any investment. Take into account the purpose for investing in property, what your primary objectives are.

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Plan your financial goals

Do a thorough financial analysis

Analyzing before purchasing, is a vital requirement. Figure out what are your expectations from the investment or what your financial goals are.

Analyze your finances realistically. Look at different alternatives to determine which makes the most financial sense.

We often discuss the “Time vs. Money” concept:

less attractive terms than your analysis says made

The more you have of one, the less you need of

sense. Be wary of sellers that try to overestimate

the other to reach your financial goals. This means

the value of the property through estimated data.

that you shouldn’t shy away from taking the time

While you can certainly use an estimation data to

to understand your goals while making sure each

start the conversation, make sure you know the

investment is a step toward achieving them. If you

real numbers before closing. Look at previous

are unsure exactly how to create financial goals,

years’ tax returns, property-tax bills, maintenance

meeting with a financial advisor is an excellent

records, etc. to get a good idea of the real income

first step.

and expenses. Once you have understood these

And never buy property at a higher price or on

figures, you should have enough information to determine whether or not acquiring the property fits with your financial goals.

Know the difference between real estate investment and the business of real estate.

Look at plenty of properties

As an entrepreneur, you already have a business, and real estate investment is best used to support that business, not replace it -- unless that’s your intention.

Remember not to judge a book by its cover or

In other words, don’t get so caught up in executing

simply don’t just grab the first property you look at. Too many investors buy properties because they “look nice,” or the investors don’t want to put the work in to look at what’s really out there. Remember, you won’t be living there, so don’t make your investment decision based on your personal preferences. While you shouldn’t fall into the trap of analysis-paralysis, make sure you are thorough in looking through properties. Give yourself a wide range of options, then narrow them down based on the criteria (goals) you have set for yourself.

transactions that your core business falters. If that happens, you’ll be facing a bumpy road to get back to stability. Unless your business is itself real estate, or you’re looking to get into the business full-time, always remember that pursuing these deals is a means to an end, not an end unto itself.

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While these tips will come in handy there will be numerous pitfalls along your path to investing in real estate.

Don't spend a fortune on books, tapes and seminars, then just put all that information on a shelf.

Don't postpone starting your investment program because you’re waiting for that perfect deal.

You absolutely do need to learn some basics before venturing into investments So, make sure you conduct some research, but

Plenty of beginning investors suffer from “a better deal may be just around the corner” syndrome.

don’t let “buying and collecting” information

This can backfire in a big way, and you could

become your endgame. Again, having goals in

potentially let a good deal slip just because you’re

mind will make the process much more

holding out for something better. Your task may

straightforward. It’s easy to get so tied up in the

feel difficult if this is your first property, but you

“research” phase that you never actually take

must realize that the “perfect deal” rarely (if ever)

action. Instead, write down specific questions you

exists. Better to execute on a deal that meets most

want answered or goals you want to meet before

of your criteria than wait for another that may

delving into the latest book/seminar/etc.

never come.

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