Page 1

Summary Instructions How to use this guide Symbols used in this guide General information

2 2 3

Quebec’s Tourist Region Access to the region Tourist information

3 3 4

Discover the region Regional map inside back cover Portrait of the region 6 King’s road and the Berthier islands 11

Local culture and flavours Valleys and foothills Forests and lakes

15 21 25

Visit and enjoy Events 30 Culture and Heritage 35 Antique shop and art galleries 36 Crafts 36 Historic buildings and sites 37 Museums 39 Concerts halls and theatres 40 Pilgrimages and religion 42 Guided cultural tours 42 Aboriginal tourism 43 Nature and outdoors activities 45 Canoes / kayaks / rafting 46 Cruises and excursions 47 Horseback riding 47 Golf 48 Parks 50 Carte régionale couverture arrière intérieure Public beaches 51 Portrait de la région 6 Climbing 52 Le Chemin du Roy et les Îles de Berthier 11 Karting 52 Water sport equipment rentals 52 Paintball 52 Parachuting and flying 53 Treetop and terrestrial adventures 53 Walking trails 54 Nature and ecological reserve 55 Reserves 56

ATV 56 Cycling 57 Zecs 58 Diving 58 Winter activities 77 Sliding 78 Dogsledding 79 Snowmobile 80 Skating 81 Downhill skiing 82 Cross-country skiing and snowshoeing 82 Local flavours 85 Pick your own 86 Bakers, pastry making, chocolate factories 88 Outlets for regional produces 89 Country meals 91 Au rythme des cultures 15 Sugar shacks 92 Des vallons au pied des montagnes 21 Cheesemakers 93 Des forêts et des lacs 25 Meat and game 94 Vineyards 96 Gardens and horticulture 98 Farm visits 100 Health centers, spas 103 and other activities Health centers and spas 104 Tourism services 106

Lodgings and restaurants Food services 108 Lodging 110 Outfitters 112 Campgrounds 114 Tourist homes 116

Bed and breakfast 118 Vacation centers 120 Alternative lodging 121 Hotels 122

Useful information Useful information


Alphabetical index


This guide is published by l’Association touristique régionale de Lanaudière in cooperation with Tourisme Québec. Should you have any suggestions and comments, please forward them to the addresses listed on page 5. © Tourisme Québec © Tourisme Lanaudière

Legal deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec, 2013 / ISBN 978-2-924112-05-2 Legal deposit – Bibliothèque et Archives Canada, 2013 / ISSN 1496-2632

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


How to to use use this thisguide guide 1 Each colour refers to a different category of the Summary section. 2 The symbols used in the guide are explained below. 3 The page

How to use this guide Comment utiliser ce guide number appearing in the margin beside a text

in bold refers to the page in the guide containing 1 Les Eachcouleurs colour refers to different of sont associées aux category différentes additional information onathe activity or attrac2 The2 symbols catégories du sommaire. Les symboles the Summary section. used 4 tion in question. Follow this pictogram in, 3 Theci-bas. utilisés dans ce guide expliqués the guide are the explained below. page located along side ofsont the road, to reach the 3 La page indiquée en marge d’un texte number appearing in the margin beside a text tourist establishment in question. en caractère renvoie une contai pagening du in bold refers togras the page in theà guide


guide contenant d’autres renseignements additional information on the activity or attracsur l’activité ou l’attrait mis en évidence. 4 Le 4 , tion in question. Follow this pictogram pictogramme indique les établissements located along the side of the road, to reach the touristiques signalisés sur les routes. The information in this guide was accurate as of autumn 2010. otherwise noted, include 2012. Unless Unless otherwise noted, prices prices do doinnot not include taxes. taxes. Prices Prices are are subject subject tourist establishment question.



to change without without notice. notice.The The next nextedition editionwill willbe beavailable availableininthe thespring springofof2012. 2014.

Symbols and pictograms used in this guide <

★ Regional Airport ( Permanent tourist office National Winner 2013 2010 10 information was étaient accurate exactes as? of autumn 2010. Unless otherwise noted, prices do include Prices are subject informations de guide ce guide àSeasonal l’automne 2012. Les prix excluent lesnot taxes, sauftaxes. si avis contraire et tourist office Hospitalin this to change without notice. The sans next edition willLabeprochaine inédition the spring of disponible 2012. sont sujets à changement préavis. sera au printemps 2014. Winner 2012 Tourist road sign Ç available National

The H HLes

Accessible to disabled persons

2 3 < H H

Symbols and pictograms used in this guide Symboles ettopictogrammes utilisés dans ce guide Entirely accessible persons with reduced mobility Partially accessible to persons with reduced mobility ★ Airport secondaire Permanent tourist office Nationalnational Winner 2010 Aéroport ( Lieu d’accueil permanent Lauréat 10 10 the company’s Web site at For more information, contact Kéroul at 514 252-3104 or visit Seasonal tourist office Hospital ? Lieu d’accueil saisonnier Hôpital www.keroul.qc.ca. Only establishments visited by Kéroul appear in this guide. Tourist road sign touristique Ç Signalisation

Tourist Roadsigns

Accessible to disabledà persons Accès aux personnes mobilité réduite 514 252-3104 Région touristique Look for blue signs! They will indicate the name of a region and the Vacations adapted for Lanaudière Entirely accessible to persons with reduced mobility Accès total aux personnes à mobilité réduite road to follow to reach tourist services, activities or attractions. Partially accessible to persons with reduced mobility people with restricted Accès partiel aux personnes à mobilité réduite For more information, contactez contact Kéroul or le visit company’s Web site at Pour plus d’information, Kéroulat au514 514 252-3104 252-3104 ou sitethe Internet The Rwww.keroul.qc.ca. oad.com physical abilityOnly visités www.keroul.qc.ca. establishments visited Kérouldans appear in this guide. Seuls les établissements par Kéroul sont by indiqués ce guide. Environment

2 3

Région Région touristique touristique Lanaudière Lanaudière

The networktouristique associations is doing its part to La signalisation surtourist les routes Tourist Roadsigns of regional

be environmentally-conscious. The tourist guided’indiquer you are le Surveillez les panneaux bleus! C’est la official façon, au Québec, Look for blue signs! They willpost-consumer indicate the name of afibre. region and the holding is printed 10% recycled nom d’une région et leon moyen de se diriger vers des services, des attraits roadShare to follow to reach tourist services, activities or attractions. it and recycle it! et des activités.

Environment Environnement 22

Theréseau network regional tourist associations is doing its se part to Le des of associations touristiques régionales (ATR) soucie be l’environnement environmentally-conscious. The official tourist guide est you are de ; c’est pourquoi le papier sur lequel holding is on 10% post-consumer recycled fibre. Visit our our Visit Website imprimé ceprinted guide touristique officiel contient 10at%: www.lanaudiere.ca de fibres recyclées Share it and recycle it! post-consommation. Avant de me recycler, faites-moi circuler!

18 and 22

General information 17

Québec’s Tourist Regions 14 1 Îles de la Madeleine

United States


18 and 22


quebecregion.com charlevoixtourism.com chaudiereappalaches.com

7 Mauricie

1 800 567-7603 mauricietourism.com

8 Eastern Townships

1 800 355-5755 easterntownships.org

9 Montérégie

1 866 469-0069 tourisme-monteregie.qc.ca

10 Lanaudière

1 800 363-2788 lanaudiere.ca

11 Laurentians

1 800 561-6673 laurentians.com

12 Montréal

1 800 363-7777 tourism-montreal.org

16 Côte-Nord | Manicouagan 1 888 463-5319 cotenord-manicouagan.com 2



10 20 9


1 800 265-7822 outaouaistourism.com 14 Abitibi-Témiscamingue 1 800 808-0706 abitibi-temiscamingue-tourism.org 15 Saguenay – Lac-Saint-Jean 1 877 253-8387 saguenaylacsaintjean.ca

15 14

19 12

2 tourismeilesdelamadeleine.com 1 tourisme-gaspesie.com

13 Outaouais 17



1 877 624-4437 3 5 71 8004463-0323 13 11 3 Bas-Saint-Laurent 1 800 563-5268 6 10 1 20 4 Québec 877 783-1608 19 9 1 800 8 667-2276 5 Charlevoix 12 6 Chaudière-Appalaches 1 888 831-4411 2 Gaspésie








Follow us on facebook.com/regionstouristiquesquebec

17 Côte-Nord | Duplessis

1 888 463-0808 tourismeduplessis.com

18 James Bay

1 888 748-8140 tourismebaiejames.com

19 Laval

1 877 465-2825 tourismelaval.com 1 888 816-4007 tourismecentreduquebec.com

20 Centre-du-Québec 21 Nunavik

1 888 594-3424 nunavik-tourism.com

22 Eeyou Istchee

1 888 268-2682 creetourism.ca

Access to the region

Saint-Michel-des-Saints Saint-Donat 87 123 628 736 240 310

Radar warning devices are forbidden in Quebec, even if turned off and only being transported in your vehicule. Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


General information Tourist information on Lanaudière Tourisme Lanaudière 3568, rue Church, Rawdon (Québec) J0K 1S0 Telephone : 450 834-2535 or toll free 1 800 363-2788 Website : www.lanaudiere.ca Email : info@lanaudiere.ca

Permanent Tourist Offices

Seasonal Offices

Joliette Office du tourisme et des congrès de la région de Joliette 500, rue Dollard J6E 4M4, 450 759-5013 / 1 800 363-1775 tourisme@ccgj.qc.ca / www.tourismejoliette.com ê Saint-Donat Municipalité de Saint-Donat 536, rue Principale J0T 2C0, 819 424-2833 / 1 888 783-6628 tourisme@saint-donat.ca / www.saint-donat.ca ê Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon Chambre de commerce de Brandon 151, rue Saint-Gabriel J0K 2N0, 450 835-2105 france.brisebois@qc.aira.com ê Terrebonne Tourisme des Moulins 5000, côte Terrebonne J6W 6J4, 450 964-0681 / 1 866 964-0681 bit@tourismedesmoulins.com / www.tourismedesmoulins.com é Saint-Côme Municipalité de Saint-Côme 1661-A, rue Principale J0K 2B0, 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 info@stcomelanaudiere.ca / www.stcomelanaudiere.ca é Saint-Félix-de-Valois Chambre de commerce de Saint-Félix-de-Valois 15, chemin Joliette J0K 2M0, 450 889-8161 ccst-flx@stfelixdevalois.qc.ca / www.stfelixdevalois.qc.ca é Saint-Michel-des-Saints Chambre de commerce de la Haute-Matawinie 521, rue Brassard J0K 3B0, 450 833-1334 chamhm@satelcom.qc.ca / www.haute-matawinie.com


ê Berthierville

Chapelle des Cuthbert 461, rue de Bienville J0K 1A0, 450 836-7336 bit.berthierville@live.ca / www.mrcautray.com ê Repentigny Parc de l’Île Lebel 396, rue Notre-Dame J6A 2T1, 450 657-9914 info@ccmrclassomption.ca www.ccmrclassomption.ca ê Saint-Lin-Laurentides Municipalité de Saint-Lin-Laurentides 704, rue Saint-Isidore, bureau 101 J5M 2V2, 450 439-2066 bureautouristique@bellnet.ca / www.saint-lin-laurentides.com é Rawdon Parc des chutes Dorwin 3102, 1re Avenue J0K 1S0 450 834-2551, bat@rawdon.ca / www.rawdon.ca é Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie Municipalité de Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie 350, rue Belleville J0K 2K0, 450 886-0688 stemelie@intermonde.net / ste-emelie-de-lenergie.qc.ca è Relais d’information touristique Municipalité de Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci 1931, route 125 J0T 2A0 www.municipalitenotredamedelamerci.com

Tourist information centre vocations Certified and recognized tourist information bureaus are identified with the “? “ pictogram on road signs and in tourist brochures. This pictogram also appears on a small sign outside each bureau’s main entrance. Centre Infotouriste are located at border crossing points, as well as in Montréal and Québec City. Complete tourist information is available at these centres for the entire province of Québec.

ê 4

Tourist Information Bureau (BIT) Employees offer information about a tourist region.

é è

Tourist Welcome Bureau (BAT) Employees offer information about a muni­ cipality, neighbourhood or arrondissement. Tourist Information Relay (RIT) Premises offer general information on a given territory; no employees present.

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

General information Tourist information for all Tourist Regions By phone :

Call toll free, 7 days a week, from 9 : 00 am to 5 : 00 pm from Montréal, from Québec, elsewhere in Canada and the United States.

By email :


By mail :

Tourisme Québec, Case postale 979, Montréal (Québec) H3C 2W3 Canada

In person :

Information according to schedules below. Schedule are subject to change. Please check bonjourquebec.com for updates.


Permanent offices (offering other tourist services and products)

Québec : Centre Infotouriste de Québec. 12, rue Sainte-Anne (across from Château Frontenac). From June 21 to August 31, from 9 : 00 am to 7 : 00 pm ; rest of the year : from 9 : 00 am to 5 : 00 pm ; closed December 25 and January 1. Montréal :

Centre Infotouriste de Montréal. 1255, rue Peel, bureau 100. From April 1 to June 20 : from 9 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm ; from June 21 to August 31 : from 9 : 00 am to 7 : 00 pm ; from September 1 to October 31 : from 9 : 00 am to 6 : 00 pm ; from November 1 to March 31 : from 9 : 00 am to 5 : 00 pm ; closed December 25 and January 1.


Centre Infotouriste of Rigaud. Highway 40, exit 12 in Québec (Highway 417 in Ontario). June 21 to August 31, 9 : 00 am to 7 : 00 pm. For the rest of the year, 9 : 00 am to 5 : 00 pm. Closed December 25 and January 1.

Rivière-Beaudette: Centre Infotouriste of Rivière-Beaudette. Highway 20 in Québec (Highway 401 in Ontario). June 21 to August 31, 9 am to 7 : 00 pm. For the rest of the year, 9 : 00 am to 5 : 00 pm. Closed December 25 and January 1.

514 873-2015 or 1 877 BONJOUR (266-5687)

Access to the region Airport

Pierre-Elliot-Trudeau international airport www.admtl.com

Autobus Montréal, Berri UQAM, Station centrale www.stationcentrale.com Conseil régional de transport de Lanaudière (CRTL) www.jembarque.com Car

514 394-7377 1 800 465-1213 514 842-2281 1 877 492-6111

Highway 25, 31, 40 Roads 125, 131, 138, 158

Train Via Rail Canada Joliette, L’Assomption, Le Gardeur www.viarail.ca

1 888 842-7245


1 877 787-7483

Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola / Sorel, www.traversiers.gouv.qc.ca

(ad. p. 73)

To lodge a complaint To lodge a complaint about the provision of tourism services in Quebec, call or email: Tourisme Québec Telephone : 1 800 463-5009 (North America) or 418 643-5959 Email : plaintes@tourisme.gouv.qc.ca Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


© Tourisme Lanaudière, Christian Rouleau

Portrait of the region

Enjoy the air in Lanaudière! Located almost on Montreal’s doorstep, Lanaudière is a region of numerous attractions, offering visitors a spectacular natural environment that still remains largely pristine and untamed. The territory is boun­ded by the St. Lawrence River to the south and the Laurentian mountain range to the north. It lies between the Laurentides region in the west and Mauricie in the east and is, in effect, a vast northsouth corridor some 250 km deep and up to 85 km wide, covering an area of 13,537 sq. km. Journeying along its full length, you’ll pass from quite densely populated areas to virtually uninhabited wilderness regions – the face of Lanaudière changes at every turn. Surrender to the charms of this magnificent region, where you’ll find a thousand things to see and do, and where nature and culture blend together in perfect harmony.

Yesterday to today, from river to mountain

the waterway. The seigneuries of Lanaudière were among the earliest established along the St. Lawrence Valley ; they included Repentigny (1647), Saint-Sulpice (1640) and de d’Autray (1637). Some of the officers of the Carignan Regiment obtained concessions to which they gave their names and which live on as town names : Berthier, Lavaltrie, La Noraye, etc. Villages sprang up along the river to harness its power for saw and flour mills. In 1820, Barthélemy Joliette built the town that today bears his name. This would become the archdiocese – in effect, the regional capital. In 1960, the name of his wife, Charlotte de Lanaudière, was adopted as the region’s identity. The final stage of settlement was the conquest of the upper Laurentians, led in large part by the curates Provost and Brassard in 1860. The Matawinie region was seen at that time as the gateway to the promised land of the North.


© Ville de Lanoraie

The history of Lanaudière is mainly a story of the great settlement movement along the St. Lawrence River Valley. For centuries, the river had been the only major highway for the indigenous Indians to cross the province. Today, the village of Manawan provides a reminder of those early days, an abori­ ginal reserve where a community of Atikamekw still lives. The 17th century legacy of New France is apparent in the geographical shape of the region: a long rectangle set perpendicular to the river, reminiscent of the shape of the seigneuries (lordly manors), laid out to facilitate access to Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

© Tourisme Lanaudière, M. Lafrenière

Portrait of the region

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Guy Hamelin

© MRC L’Assomption, Claude Mathieu

Parc régional des Sept-Chutes

A rich heritage to discover

Nature pure and simple

The traditional arrowhead sash, known as the L’Assomption sash, was used as a medium of exchange with local Indians during the fur trade era. Still woven by hand today, its striking pattern of flame and lightning symbolizes the energy and passion of the Lanaudois people. It became Lanaudière’s regional emblem in 1985. Visit www.lanaudiere.ca to learn more about the history of the region.

For a true wilderness experience, come explore one of Lanaudière’s seven regional parks, as well as the Sentier National (National Trail) and two wildlife reserves. More adventure awaits at Mont-Tremblant National Park, two-thirds of which lies within Lanaudière territory. Parks, page 50 / Wildlife reserves, page 56

Exploring on foot Lanaudière has an impressive range of hiking trails for you to explore, many running alongside scenic waterfalls. There are trails to suit all ages and levels, from easy to expert. Hiking, page 54

© SÉPAQ, Mathieu Dupuis

Sand and sun On a warm summer’s day, there are plenty of opportunities to head to the beach! Lanaudière has many fine sandy beaches for families to enjoy. Public beaches, page 51

Parc national du Mont-Tremblant Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Portrait of the region

Club de golf Le Versant

Réserve faunique Mastigouche

Au Canot Volant

Vignoble Le Mernois

A round of golf?

Sample some of our wine

The region has a number of impressive golf courses where you can perfect your swing. From beginner to expert, every game is a winning one in such magnificent surroundings. Golf, pages 48-49

The region’s rich fertile soil is well suited to wine growing, and Lanaudière has several successful wineries. Visit and sample their products, and learn a little about the business. Vineyards, page 96

Go with the flow

Agritourism and local flavours

Take a canoe or kayak trip at your own pace on one of our 10,000 lakes and waterways. A fascinating area to explore is the St. Lawrence and its labyrinth like river islands. Canoeing, kayaking and rafting, page 46

Many delicious discoveries await you throughout the Lanaudière countryside. Combine one of our Country Roads tours with samplings of our regional food specialties. www.cheminsdecampagne.ca Local flavours, pages 85 to 101

Hunting and fishing Lanaudière has many areas suitable for hunting and fishing, including ZECs, as well as a number of first-class outfitters offering all amenities. Outfitters, pages 112 / Wildlife reserves, page 56 / ZECs, page 58


Two-wheeled freedom Lanaudière region is the perfect place for a cycling adventure. Take to the back roads and discover the region’s charms and natural beauty at your own pace. Cycling, page 57 Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Portrait of the region

© Michel Julien

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Daniel Villeneuve

Îles de Berthier

Auberge du Lac Taureau

Relaxation redefined Pamper body and mind at one of Lanaudière’s health centres or spas. All types of care and treatment are available, in peaceful natural settings that enhance the experience! Health centres, spas and other activities, page 103

Welcome to Snowmobile Country

An all-season getaway Lanaudière is also gaining a reputation as “ATV country” with 1,085 km of summer trails and 821 km of winter trails, all well marked and maintained by the 6 regional clubs. ATV, page 56

© A. Garceau

Lanaudière is indisputably one of the world’s leading snowmobiling destinations, with 4,800 km

of safe well-groomed trails passing through some superb scenery. www.snowmobilecountry.ca Snowmobiling, pages 80-81

Montagne Noire, Saint-Donat Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


© TDL Michel Redmond

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Guy Hamelin

Portrait of the region

© Guy Hamelin

Festival Mémoire et Racines

Ski Mont-Garceau

Festival de Lanaudière

So much to do in winter

Where culture lives… and grows

There’s no better place for cross-country skiing or snowshoeing than the magnificent snowscapes of Lanaudière. And ice skating enthusiasts can really stretch their legs on the longest laid-out river rink in Quebec! Winter activities, pages 77 to 83

All year round, Lanaudière is a festive place and a celebration of culture : museums, art exhibits, music, festivals, shows, summer theatre, public and Christmas markets, and much more. Culture and heritage, pages 35 to 43

Get behind a dog team!

Lanaudière is the cradle of traditional music in Quebec, as well as playing host to the largest classical music festival in Canada : the Festival de Lanaudière. Events, pages 30 to 33

© Kinadapt

Explore the backwoods of Lanaudière in a diffe­ rent way – on a dog sled. Whether a short trip or major expedition, it’s an adventure you’ll never forget! Dog sledding, page 79

Music is in our nature


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Christian Rouleau

King’s road and the Berthier islands


n 1706, the Conseil Supérieur in New France made the decision to build a highway alongside the St. Lawrence River that would link Québec City to Montréal. This would be named Le Chemin du Roy (The King’s Road). Work began in 1731 and was completed in 1737, creating the first navigable road in Canada. Its important functions included mail delivery and transportation for the voyageurs. Today, Route 138 traces for the most part the original highway. From Repentigny to Saint-Barthélemy, the Chemin du Roy bears testimony to an important chapter in Quebec’s history. In addition to its fine scenery (magnificent views of the river), you will find at every turn a lasting heritage of mills, churches, ancestral homes and art galleries. Touring the highway’s length takes you through the six municipalities that touch on the Chemin du Roy; their histories are explained on infor­ mation and interpretation panels. The route also brings the visitor to one of the most beautiful natural and historical sites in Quebec : Îles de Berthier (river island archipelago). You can obtain a map of the Chemin du Roy tour at visitor information offices or booths in Lanaudière, or at www.lecheminduroy.com

© Ville de Repentigny

Maison Rosalie-Cadron

Moulin Grenier

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


King’s road and the Berthier islands Repentigny (Le Gardeur) population 83,431


(ad. p. 63)

L’Assomption County Repentigny was founded in 1670 by Jean-Baptiste Le Gardeur, son of the seigneur (lord), Pierre Le Gardeur. The first census, in 1677, showed just 30 inhabitants. For some 250 years, Repentigny was inhabited by a few hundred peasants who subsisted through farming. The first mayor was Benjamin Moreau, appointed in 1855, and his name is now borne by the bridge located at the entrance to the town. By 1920, Repentigny started to become known as a vacation destination for Montrealers, due to its 8 km-long beach. (The western point of the town was at one time called Repentigny-les-Bains because of the many summer residences owned by Montrealers.) Nowa days, vacationing has given way to suburban living. Situated at the eastern extremity of Montreal Island, at the mouth of the L’Assomption River and on the shores of the St. Lawrence, Repentigny is served by two major highways, Autoroutes 40 and 640, linking it to the main centres. It marks the beginning of the Chemin du Roy tourist route in Lanaudière. For a journey out of the ordinary, take La Route bleue des Voyageurs, a 155 km navigable route designed for small boats in shallow water, divided into sections of 20 kilometres. This shipping route ends in Lanaudière region and is accessible via Lebel-Island Park in Repentigny. The attractive stretch of river leads you to Saint-Sulpice. A farming village until the 1940s, Le Gardeur has become a city while preserving, in Rue Notre-Dame, a true gem of a heritage site. The town, situated on the banks of the L’Assomption River, is the birthplace of two great adventurers (and relatives), Salomon and Joseph Juneau, who went on to co-found the American city of Juneau.

Saint-Sulpice population 3,369

(ad. p. 63)

L’Assomption County The name Saint-Sulpice dates from the early days of the colonization of New France. In 1640, the territory was granted to the Associés de Montréal, then ceded in 1664 to the Messieurs de Saint-Sulpice de Montréal. In 1715, Saint-Sulpice possessed the only flourmill in the region Moulin du Père Gour). Wind-powered, it milled the grain for the local inhabitants and those of Le Portage (now L’Assomption). Around 1832, and for many years, the fishermen of Saint-Sulpice used to set out their catch in the mornings and sell fish at L’Assomption each Friday. Still today, agriculture, especially market gardening and dairy farming, represents an important part of the Saint-Sulpice economy. On Île Ronde, one of the islands of Saint-Sulpice, there is a magni­ficent vineyard and gîte (B&B) called La Seigneurie de l’Île Ronde. You can also take a river cruise with commentary provided. Croisière, Seigneurie de l’Île Ronde


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

King’s road and the Berthier islands Lavaltrie population 13,586

(ad. p. 60)

D’Autray County Birthplace of the famous architect and sculptor Victor Bourgeau, Lavaltrie has sensitively preser­ ved its rich architectural heritage. It was in this village, a neighbour to Lanoraie, that author and journalist Honoré Beaugrand chose to set the story of the miscreant loggers in his famous tale, La Chasse-Galerie (The Flying Canoe). Lavaltrie has many tourist attractions to offer visitors, inclu­ ding art galleries, restaurants and gîtes (B&Bs), as well as some historical sites. Cyclists can enjoy good river views along the Route verte (Green Route), which is located on the Chemin du Roy. And for all visitors, there are many charming Victorian or stone houses to appreciate, as well as a number of antique shops.

Lanoraie population 4,554

(ad. p. 60)

D’Autray County Two renowned authors, Honoré Beaugrand and Louis-Joseph Doucet, are natives of this village ; like Lavaltrie, it is situated alongside the river. Here you’ll find one of the few ecological reserves in Québec that is accessible to visitors! The Lanoraie peat bog delta bears witness to our natural history. In 1850, the village saw the arrival of the railroad ; five years later, shipbuilding began to take off in the area, making Lanoraie an important rail and shipping terminus for the region’s forestry industry. Today, Lanoraie still preserves its rural character, as well as its urban heart beside the river. You can visit some fine vineyards along the way.

Berthierville population 4,140

(ad. p. 60)

D’Autray County The rich commercial and industrial past of Berthierville is reflected in the opulent houses along Rue Frontenac and Rue Montcalm, and at the site of the former marketplace. Not to be missed are the Cuthberts chapel, the Gilles-Villeneuve Museum and the conservation trails administered by SCIRBI! Boaters are always welcome at Berthierville. And you’ll also find the largest forestry nursery in North America here : the Pépinière de Berthierville. A little further to the west, at Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier, you’ll come to the Grandchamp covered bridge, the oldest “town” type bridge in Québec, spanning the Bayonne River. The town also boasts one of the most beautiful churches in Québec, classified as an historical monument. Berthierville is well structured to accommodate travellers and tourists. It provides basic services like food, gasoline. 365 days a year, and the bakery of Délices d’Antan is well worth a visit.

© Nerrivik Aventure



Îles de Berthier Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


King’s road and the Berthier islands Berthier Islands (Les Îles de Berthier) Across from Berthierville can be seen an outstanding geographic feature : the Berthier Islands. Along with the Sorel Islands (shore south of the river), they make up the largest part of the Lac Saint-Pierre archipelago. In the year 2000, the lake and its 103 islands were officially designated as the Lac Saint-Pierre Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. Two municipalities on the islands share three quarters of the archipelago : La Visitation-de-l’Île-Dupas, a picnic good spot, and SaintIgnace-de-Loyola, on the north shore. This area has remained 90% natural and accounts for half of the wetlands of the St. Lawrence, with 27 species of rare plants, 79 species of fish and 288 species of birds, including 12 that are considered endangered. The islands are also the most important stopover on the waterfowl migratory route and the largest nesting-grounds for herons in North America. The area comprises a magnificent labyrinth of channels, marshes and water grasses. Cruises can be taken through the archipelago. You can also tour this ecological wonder of fragile beauty by cycle or motorcycle. A regular ferry service from Sorel takes visitors to Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola. Cyclists can cross by ferryboat from Île-Dupas to Saint-Barthélemy.

Saint-Cuthbert population 1,856 D’Autray County Take Rang Nord de la rivière Chicot and stop off in the village centre to visit the church, the presbytery (classified as an historical monument), the convent and some of the older houses. This was the birthplace of Chevalier de Lorimier, one of the most prominent and active patriots in the 1837-1838 rebellion ; he was sentenced and hanged in Montreal in 1839. In Saint-Cuthbert is a cheese maker, an organic meat and wildfowl farm and one gite (B&B). Adventure seekers can get their thrills at Amazone Paintball.

Saint-Barthélemy population 1,915 D’Autray County Last stop on the Chemin du Roy in Lanaudière. A true farming village, it is surrounded by immense fields stretching to the St. Lawrence River. South of the village, the original Chemin du Roy ran alongside the north tributary of the river. Spring flooding forced the authorities to create a detour of the original road via Rang York, then onto Route 138. This small town, with its heritage church, imposing presbytery and shaded square, has preserved its village character in a way that is rarely seen today. It has all the authentic charm of a bygone rural world, with Rang York being a particularly good example. Here, from mid-April to mid-May, you can observe on the flooded land, some 15,000 snowgeese, hundreds of Canada geese and more than fifteen different species of ducks at their migratory stopover. It’s a breathtaking sight!


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Local culture and flavours

Terrebonne (Lachenaie et La Plaine) population 108,830

© Tourime Lanaudière, D. Villeneuve

his tour takes you to the heart of a fertile agricultural plain whose history and heritage are felt everywhere – well worth a visit. Be sure to get a copy of our Country Roads map, specially designed for agritourism. Follow its recommendations and explore some of our region’s most beautiful countryside while enjoying a host of interesting and delectable experiences! (


Les Moulins County Just 20 minutes from Montréal, the city of Terrebonne is considered the main gateway to southern Lanaudière. It is one of the richest heritage sites in all of Québec, winning the hearts of tourists every year with the magnificent architecture of its 18th and 19th century seigneurial buildings and many cultural and sports events. As you explore the districts of Terrebonne, Lachenaie and La Plaine in greater Terrebonne, you’ll meet friendly, welcoming people and find many sights and activities to enjoy. Among these are : a huge network of cycle paths (including the TransTerrebonne, a 41.1-km multi-use path in a stunning natural setting) ; skiing and sliding centre ; theatre ; resorts ; cultural sites with guides ; more than 90 parks and green spaces ; and a good choice of golf courses, some considered among Québec’s finest. Step into the past in the heart of Vieux-Terrebonne (Old Terrebonne). This historical quarter includes the highly popular Île-des-Moulins historical site, a remarkable collection of buildings from the pre-industrial era, with many fascinating things to see and do. Also, the Théâtre du Vieux-Terrebonne stages top-quality shows and performances (in French) by leading Québec and international artists. There’s plenty of good eating too, at bistros in lovely settings along­side the Mille-Îles River. These can be reached via the navigable route La Route bleue des voyageurs, which takes you up to Repentigny from where three waterways meet des Prairies River. This onetime farming village gradually became a suburban commu­nity by the end of the last century. The first colonists began settling the territory, then known as La Chesnaye, in 1673 under the seigneur Charles-Aubert de La Chesnaye (1632-1702). Then, in 1855, the municipality of Saint-Charlesde-Lachenaie parish was created, also in his honour. The name was shortened to Lachenaie when

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Local culture and flavours city status was acquired in 1972. For a long time, Lachenaie has been proud of its magnificent oak trees, which is why the oak occu­pies a special place in the city’s coat of arms and motto. In 1830, while the seigneurs of Terrebonne and Lachenaie were constructing the Chemin de la Grande-Ligne (now Boulevard Laurier), the town of La Plaine (today a district of Terrebonne) was being created from parts of the cities of Mascouche, Sainte-Anne-des-Plaines, Saint-Lin– Laurentides and Terrebonne. In 1877, the new railroad brought a great stimulus to the local economy, giving birth to the village of Saint-Joachim, which became La Plaine in 1920.

Mascouche population 44,424 Les Moulins County This fast-growing city has many attractive historical features, including some charming old houses, a manor and mill on the banks of the Mascouche River. The principal tourist sites include : Vieux-Mascouche (Old Mascouche) and the Parc de l’Étang-du-Grand-Coteau. Cultural attractions include the Festival de peinture de Mascouche. Here you can also hike, cross-country ski and golf. In all four seasons, Mascouche offers much to do and see.

Charlemagne population 5,844

(ad. p. 63)

L’Assomption County This small town was created around a sawmill in 1870, although the site, at the junction of the L’Assomption and Des Prairies rivers, has been occupied since 1699. Charlemagne is one of the main gateways to Lanaudière. It is also the birthplace of global superstar Céline Dion, and in the town centre is a globe in honour of Mrs. Dion’s world-conquering achievements. There is also a 5.03-km cycle path that forms part of the Route verte (Green Route) network.

© MRC L’Assomption, Claude Mathieu

L’Assomption population 20,781


(ad. p. 63)

L’Assomption County An historic city whose streets are lined with fine old houses, L’Assomption has been well known since the 1830s for its famous college. It was almost made into a bishopric in the 19th century. L’Assomption is considered the birthplace of the famous arrowhead sash, a hand-woven textile pro­ duct unique to the region. Other points of interest include the Oasis du Vieux Palais and the Théâtre Hector-Charland. Close by are the Pépinière Villeneuve and the Seigneurie des Patriotes, a multi-purpose agricultural enterprise. Not far from Montréal, this is the ideal place to enjoy some quiet relaxa­tion at two health centres and spas offering a wide range of superb treatments. Also, a wonderful selection of delicious products awaits you at the La Chocolaterie Le Cacaoyer! During the holiday season, L’Assomption’s Christmas Market is a delight for people of all ages. L’Assomption

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Local culture and flavours L’Épiphanie population 8,788

(ad. p. 63)

L’Assomption County This village has for a long time borne the name of the river that virtually gave birth to it : the L’Achigan. L’Épiphanie is best known, in fact, for cigar making. In 1895 the Bourdon family settled here to produce cigars, and the business prospered, creating employment for many local people. Of interest to visitors is the Parc du Barrage, a good place in summer for canoe touring and pedalboating, and for skating and cross-country skiing in winter. The snowy season also features the Lanaudière International dog-sledding race. L’Épiphanie has some attractive art galleries and an antique dealers, as well as a golf club.

Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan population 5,018 Montcalm County In a wonderful natural setting where farming lives in quiet harmony with other activities, SaintRoch-de-l’Achigan offers a way of life that is both charming and filled with interest. This commu­ nity has preserved its finest assets : its history, heritage and distinctive village character. You can learn about the historical buildings, including the Château Lamarche, at Patrimoine Culturel Québec. Also, make a stop at Au Moulin Bleu, a buckwheat flourmill dating from 1860. Another place worth visiting is the cheese-makers La Suisse Normande. Enthusiasts of a different sort can enjoy karting at Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan, which features the only FIA-sanctioned kart track in North America.

Saint-Lin–Laurentides population 18,324


Montcalm County Situated on the banks of the L’Achigan River, Saint-Lin– Laurentides is the birthplace of Sir Wilfrid Laurier, one of Canada’s greatest Prime Minister (1896 to 1911). You can visit the national historic site established in his memory and attend one of the many festivities that take place here. The town is also a gateway to the region, via Route 158. Make a stop at the L’Achigan river park for canoeing, pedalboating, skating, or you might take in a show at the Salle Opale, which often stages summer theatre. Also, the whole family will be delighted to discover the herds of fallow deer and highland cattle at Les Museaux d’Écosse farm. Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Local culture and flavours Saint-Esprit population 1,942 Montcalm County In Saint-Esprit, a proudly traditional farming village, you’ll discover something unique : 20 ancient block-houses. This old-world type of housing, rare in Eastern Canada, links up the various farm buildings with the residence. The arrangement was once common in Western Europe and can be found principally in the rural part of this municipality. As Saint-Jacques, this is a village endowed with many maple groves and flower gardens. Here you’ll find some of the most beautiful lanau­dois countryside, with sleepy country roads and charming small farms. Stop and buy some fresh local produce at farm stands along Route 125 and follow the “route des fleurs” (highway of flowers) by car, bicycle or on foot. There is also summer theatre in Saint-Esprit – and a parachuting school!

Saint-Alexis population 1 400 Montcalm County The village of Saint-Alexis is located on the upper St. Lawrence plain. The area is known for the fertility of its soil, which is especially suited to market gardening and grain crops. The forested areas consist almost entirely of maple, making this the perfect place to shop for maple-based products. Visit the Domaine des Trois Gourmands, a maple grove offering high quality country-style dining. Take the two roads called Grande-Ligne and Petite-Ligne and discover a number of ancestral homes that were built facing south, a local characteristic. These fine houses reflect a heritage that is typical of Lanaudière. Among them is the charming gîte Le Passerin Indigo, which is well worth a stop.

Saint-Liguori population 1,984 Montcalm County The two rivers that run through Saint-Liguori (Ouareau and Rouge) and the excellent soil were the reasons that settlers were originally attracted to the area. Here, in the heart of New Acadia, the village’s main claim to fame is the magnificent Club de golf Montcalm, with its two 18-hole courses. Also worth a visit is the Stavropoulos domain and winery, where you can buy their famous olive oil, La Belle Excuse. Outdoor enthusiasts can experience the thrill of dog-sledding with Les Aventures Liguoriennes.

Saint-Jacques population 4,069 Montcalm County This village was founded by Acadians who came to Québec in 1755 following their expulsion from Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Saint-Jacques is the heart of New Acadia, a centre of Acadian settlement in Lanaudière. Visit the church and enjoy the gardens, farms and many sugar shacks in the area. In summer, don’t miss the chance to pick your own strawberries or to attend the gastronomic event, Les Fêtes gourmandes de Lanaudière! Another interesting stop is the innovative pig farm, Cochon cent façons, where you can learn about a different approach to sustainable pork production.


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Local culture and flavours Sainte-Marie-Salomé population 1,177 Montcalm County The territory of Sainte-Marie-Salomé was originally colonized by Acadians who came from Le Portage (now L’Assomption). An interesting historical footnote: this small village gave birth to the second butter-making facility in Québec, just a few months after the law on butter-making was passed in March 1883.

Crabtree population 3,934 Joliette County Edwin Crabtree established a mill here in 1905, becoming a pioneer in paper making in the region. This town is still known for its paper industry today. Crabtree has a good golf club where golfers can spend a delightful day.

Saint-Paul population 5,398 Joliette County Follow Route 158 to the pretty village of Saint-Paul, where you’ll find a charming rustic ambiance. Admire the church, classified as an historical monument. Spend time in the Parc de la Place de l’église, and if it’s a Tuesday in August, listen to a free performance.

Joliette population 19,958


Joliette County An industrial, cultural and service centre, the city of Joliette was founded by Barthélemy Joliette in the 1820s. On becoming a bishopric in 1902, it was made the regional capital, already with is on college and courthouse. Place Bourget, in the city centre, welcomes visitors to the many events held there. Today, the cultural heritage of the Clerics of Saint-Viateur, first administrators of the college, lives on in events such as the Festival de Lanaudière, and in institutions such as the Musée d’art de Joliette (Art Museum). Visit the magnificent cathedral, with its permanent exhibition of the works of Ozias Leduc. Stroll through the Parc des Dalles or the Parc Louis-Querbes. In summer, go canoeing on the L’Assomption River, and in winter skate on it – the longest river skating track in Québec! Don’t miss the Festi-Glace (Ice Festival) on the L’Assomption River, where there’s fun for the whole family. And complete your visit with a show at the Cultural Centre, following a fine meal at one of Joliette’s excellent restaurants!

Saint-Charles-Borromée population 13 204 Joliette County A farming village for very many years, Saint-Charles-Borromée is today mainly residential. Pay a visit to the Antoine-Lacombe house, a cultural centre classified as an historical monument, and stroll through or pause for a while in its magnificent, inspiring gardens. Stop awhile at the Saint-Jean-Bosco Park, site of many events, notably the Festival Mémoire et Racines. In summer at the park there’s a beach and pétanque (a type of bowling) is played ; and in winter there are slides to enjoy. If you love steak, try the Restaurant La Chaumière Bifteck… unmissable!

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Local culture and flavours Notre-Dame-des-Prairies population 9,252

© Ville de Notre-Dame-des-Prairies

Joliette County The town’s name of course derives from the plain that is the main feature of the local landscape. A geographic attraction is the rural roads known as Première Chaloupe and Deuxième Chaloupe, due to the rowboat (chaloupe) shape formed by their meeting in two places. They are more than 200 years old. Follow the rustic trail by foot or bicycle in summer, or on skis in winter – an 8 km round trip. From Notre-Dame-desPrairies, you can also reach the famous skating track on the L’Assomption River – a 9 km round trip. In summer, stock up on some delicious local produce at the Régis Farm. Passerelle Inter-Rive

Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes population 2,705 Joliette County This is one of the smallest and youngest municipalities in the region. At the end of Rang SainteRose, the river meanders so much that in one spot you can see it flowing in two directions, known as Pointe-à-Neuf-Pas (Nine Steps Point). At Parachutisme Voltige, you can do a parachute jump accompanied by their experienced team. From up there, you might see some popular sites used to film videos and movie scenes (Agaguk), as well as the former tobacco fields, now conver­ted to market gardening use. Be sure to visit the cheese-maker Champ à la Meule, home of the famous Victor and Berthold cheeses and consider a stay at the charming gîte (B&B), Louis-Philippe II.

Sainte-Élisabeth population 1,561 D’Autray County In the 19th century, this farming village was an important industrial site. It was once known as SainteElisabeth-de-Bayonne, reflecting the importance of the Bayonne River in the area’s development. Make a stop at La Courgerie (squash and pumpkin farm) and learn the secrets of this interesting type of agriculture. At the Comptoir du cerf, you can also discover deer meat and the many ways to cook it. For a good night’s stay, there is one welcoming gite (B&B) in the village.

Saint-Thomas population 3,262 Joliette County Once Québec’s tobacco-growing capital, the village of Saint-Thomas possesses a sandy soil that favours this very specialized crop. The tobacco farmers have since converted their fields to other types of cultivation. Today, the production of asparagus, berries and wine grapes has taken root here. Experience the Mediterranean-style charm of the Vignoble Le Mernois and visit the Calvaire Harnois pilgrimage site.


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Valleys and foothills © TDL, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

here, between plain and mountains, you can drive along winding roads where nature and culture blend harmoniously together. In this hilly region, the cultivated valleys and hillside dazzle in shades of green and the landscapes are among the most varied in Lanaudière.

Saint-Calixte population 6,127 Montcalm County The present-day Saint-Calixte was originally colonized by Irish settlers and bore the name Kilkenny Township. Then a large influx of immigrants from Eastern countries during the two world wars contributed to the municipality’s growth. Here, in the heart of L’Achigan River country, SaintCalixte’s story has always been linked to forestry. Since then, the generations who worked in the forests have been succeeded by vacationers, and today recreation is an important part of the eco­nomy. For some authentic local flavour, consider spending a few nights at Camping du Circuit.

Sainte-Julienne population 9,652 Montcalm County Settled by farmers from Lachenaie and Saint-Sulpice, this municipality was known as Village Beaupré until 1870, named for its founder, Louis-Joseph Beaupré. He was the uncle of a famous giant by the name of Beaupré. Saint-Julienne was at one time a stop on the railroad connec­ting Joliette to Saint-Jérôme. Once dependent on agriculture and forestry, the village now focuses on vacationing and services. The present-day population includes a sizable Laotian community. Stop awhile for a picnic at the attractive picnic site. In spring, the maple trail leads to some delicious eating.

Rawdon population 10,626


(ad. p. 68)

Matawinie County This municipality was first created by Irish squatters, then Scottish, English, Loyalist and FrenchCanadian settlers. From the 1840s on, French speakers have become the majority. The 1920s saw the arrival of various Slavic ethnic communities – Russians, Poles, Ukrainians and others have settled here to form a unique mosaic, second only to that of Montreal. In recognition of this reality, there is a public “multicultural square” and a multiculturalism festival. The many churches (Catholic, Anglican, Orthodox, etc.) are well worth visiting. Rawdon is one of the main vacationing centres of the region and, due to the nearby Rouge and Ouareau rivers, is well known for its falls and waterways. Visit the Parc des Cascades and the Dorwin Falls, and learn about the fabulous legend of the witch, Nipissingue. This is where the Laurentian foothills begin, with the Ski Montcalm family ski centre not far away. Make a stop at La Source Bains Nordiques, a unique and magni­ ficent place of true relaxation. Also awaiting you here are a beach, treetop trekking, golf club, skating, horseback riding, dog-sledding, resorts, kayak excursions and campsites. Make sure you stop at La Terre des Bisons, where you can learn all about these impressive animals.

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Valleys and foothills

Lac Morgan, Camp Mariste

Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare population 3,869 Joliette County Some worthwhile stops in Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare include Nect’Art de Fleurs, a bee farm and crafts shop. Sample the many home-made products and learn the secrets of beekeeping at their interpretation centre. Good place to stay include Champs Gourmand. In the village, the main street has some very charming older houses. On leaving, take Rang 5 (Rue Principale) toward some interesting farms, some of which you can visit. Here you’ll find the Bergerie des Neiges sheep farm and an interpretation centre.

Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare population 1,572 Matawinie County The change in altitude here between plain and foothills encouraged the building of several watermills. Today, the village is a renowned crafts centre with, notably, Boutique Transparence and its selection of glass creations. Also, the gourmet food store of Simon Turcotte Confiturier, not to mention the Festival des artisans. Pay a visit to the old church (1897), which was used for location shooting of a popular film.

Sainte-Mélanie population 2,931 Joliette County Sainte-Mélanie, a village perched high on a hill, was the location of a highly popular and longrunning television series. Visit the church or stop and learn about bee-keeping at the Miel de Chez-Nous interpretation centre. This is also one of the gateways to the Parc des chutes Monte-à-Peine-etdes-Dalles. On leaving the park, follow the small country road to Sainte-Béatrix and explore the lovely landscapes of the Champs Vallons.


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Valleys and foothills Saint-Félix-de-Valois population 6,102


Matawinie County The municipality of Saint-Félix-de-Valois, located just 15 minutes from Joliette along Route 131, is one of the gateways to Matawinie County. As you pass through this area, you’ll see ancestral homes of various styles, sawmills, flourmills and rivers criss-crossing roads that bear the names of the early English, Scottish and Irish settlers. Saint-Félix-de-Valois sits on an immense plain at the start of the foothills. This municipality was one of the first in Lanaudière to develop poultry production, and for many decades had the largest concentration of poultry farms in the region. Hence its nickname, the Poultry Capital! Re-energize body and mind at l’Accalmie Spa nordique, in the heart of nature, beside the L’Assomption River.

Saint-Cléophas-de-Brandon population 279

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Daniel Villeneuve

D’Autray County In the Bayonne River valley, in the heart of a landscape dotted with hills and plains, sits the village of Saint-Cléophas-de-Brandon. Visit and discover a charming main street that is typical of Québec. In 1888, the first travellers and visitors began coming by train from Montréal, arri­ving initially at Saint-Gabriel-deBrandon. Later, Saint-Cléophas-deBrandon built a hut that originally served as the train station. It was only in 1915 that the new, more spacious station was constructed. Thirty years later, the train service came to an end.

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Valleys and foothills Saint-Norbert population 1,031 D’Autray County Saint-Norbert extends along a wide plain between Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier and Saint-Gabrielde-Brandon. As you leave the village, heading towards Saint-Gabriel, the plain changes into a magnificent landscape alternating between fields and valleys. When you visit this village, you’ll understand why the famous singer/writer Jean-Pierre Ferland decided to set up a small farm here.

Saint-Didace population 591

(ad. p. 61)

D’Autray County Saint-Didace is also located in the area known as Brandon. Head along Rang du Grand-Portage for some spectacular views of the narrow Maskinongé valley. Les Jardins du Grand-Portage has, for more than 30 years, opened its extensive ecological gardens of vegetables, herbs and flowers to the public. Here visitors can delight in the English and Oriental inspired setting.

Mandeville population 2,068


(ad. p. 61)

D’Autray County Mandeville used to be called Saint-Charles-deMandeville. A former forestry-based village, it is still a gateway to the Mastigouche reserve and to the ZEC des Nymphes (protected area). This village was for years the location of the highly popular Québec television drama, Un homme et son péché. Local attractions include : the new Chutes du Calvaire regional park ; the waterfalls at Patoche. For a completely relaxing experience, visit the Spa Natur’Eau.

Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon population 5 616


(ad. p. 61)

© Courant Marin, Pierre Bourgeault

D’Autray County With its gorgeous setting on the banks of Lac Maskinongé, this village emerges from the plain like an oasis. For years, visitors and vacationers have been drawn by the lake, the beach and the lively hotels, making it one of the top recrea­tional spots between Montréal and Trois-Rivières. The surrounding countryside is equally appealing. Here you can enjoy snow mobile and ATV touring (site of the famous women’s ATV rally) as well as hiking, cross-country skiing and snow shoeing on the Brandon Trails. Make a short detour to the goose-breeding farm L’Oie d’Or, or to the charming winery of Vignoble Saint-Gabriel. Accommodation includes the hospitable gîtes (B&Bs) and inns of the area. Plage municipale de Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon


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Forests and lakes

© Tourisme Lanaudière

his itinerary takes you into the wild natural landscapes of Lanaudière, past imposing mountains, glistening lakes and vast territories that are now protected as these pristine wilderness areas become ever scar­ cer. Mont-Tremblant National Park, Lac Taureau, The National Trail, wildlife reserves, ZECs, outfitters… there are so many natural riches to experience!

Chertsey population 4,903 Matawinie County The village of Chertsey was founded by the parish priest Curé Paré of Saint-Jacques-de-Montcalm. Today it is a vacation area with many lakes and creeks converging on the Ouareau River, where logs used to float downstream until the 1950s. The scenery here is especially beautiful. Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French writer/aviator and author of the famous book The Little Prince, was supposed to have stayed here in a cabin close to the Boute-en-Train camp. You may wish to stop for prayer and reflection at the Marie-Reine-des-Coeurs sanctuary, in a beautiful forest setting. A few kilometers further on, you can take to the trails of Ouareau Forest Regional Park.

Entrelacs population 914 Matawinie County The municipality of Entrelacs is a charming, quiet village for 4 season vacationing, set among several magnificent lakes, at the eastern end of Lanaudière. There’s so much to do here : a public beach, picnic site in Parc des Nénuphars on the Jean-Venne River, close to a covered bridge ; tennis courts ; hiking and cross-country skiing trails with outstanding views ; and in winter, a skating rink and access to the Trans-Québec snowmobile trail 43. Entrelacs is also a proud partner of Ouareau Forest Regional Park.

Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci population 990

© SDPRM, Maryline Lafrenière

Matawinie County On the banks of the Dufresne River, Notre-Damede-la-Merci is the perfect spot for outdoor activities. A unique experience awaits you at the Kabania ecotourism lodging site, in the heart of the Ouareau Forest Regional Park, where you can hike, snowshoe or cross-country ski. Alongside the Ouareau River, explore a log riders’ trail. Mont-Ouareau (680 metres) offers some magnificent views. Consider staying in a real wilderness setting at a campsite or in a cabin. Route 347 to Saint-Côme takes you through some spectacular scenery.

Parc Régional de la Forêt Ouareau Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Forests and lakes Saint-Donat population 4,152


(ad. p. 70)

Matawinie County Saint-Donat is a former logging town that has become one of the region’s top vacation spots. Its outstan­ding features include two large lakes – Ouareau and Archambault – an attractive town centre and main street, inns, outdoor cafés, a public square (concerts and spectacles in summer), historical tour and attractive beach. Saint-Donat is an outdoor recreational paradise! In summer, you can hike, swim, golf and cycle. A bike path now links Saint-Donat to Saint-Agathe-des-Monts in the Laurentians region. Or take the beautiful panoramic route, Le Massif des Tremblantes, by car, motocycle or bicycle to Mont Tremblant village (north face). Saint-Donat also marks the start of the National Trail (Sentier Trail). As well, the area is known for its two ski centres : Ski La Réserve and Mont-Garceau. Other popular winter activities include snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, ska­ting on the 1.85-km ice ring and snowmobiling.

Saint-Côme population 2,269


Matawinie County This village, one of the first to be settled in the area, has a winding main street, which is decorated with spectacular ice sculptures during the winter festival, Saint-Côme en glace. Close by is the L’Assomption tourist booth, gateway to Mont-Tremblant National Park. And not far away is Val Saint-Côme, one of Québec’s top ski centres. At the foot of the slopes, you’ll find the Auberge Aux Quatre Matins. Saint-Côme is also a major centre for snowmobiling and a good starting-point to explore the Chute-à-Bull Regional Park and the Swaggin Trail, and for canoeing and kayaking trips on the L’Assomption River. The Père-Lindsay Music Camp, located in a delightful setting, welcomes talented youngsters each year. Try the alternative lodging site of Chez Roger l’Ermite for a night among the trees. Station touristique Val Saint-Côme

Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez population 3,160 Matawinie County A choice destination for recreo-tourist and cultural activities in the region, Saint-AlphonseRodriguez was shaped by the contours of the foothills and its 32 lakes. The village is a popular vacation spot, with its many different trails (hiking, mountain-biking, cross-country skiing and snowshoeing). You can also enjoy water sports and, in winter, ice skating on certain lakes. The village centre has the look of an old-time parish, with various interesting heritage houses. Parc des arts is the site of a number of socio-cultural events and Bonsaï Gros-Bec is a fasci nating place for horticultural enthusiasts.


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Forests and lakes Matawinie County Like all the villages of the foothills, this is a former forestry-based community that has adapted to tourism. Here the L’Assomption River has carved a dramatic canyon in the granite and Sainte-Béatrix is also an entrance to the Regional Park of Chutes Monte-àPeine-et-des-Dalles. You can enjoy a wonderful time with the family at the recreational centre, Le Havre Familial.

© Tourisme Lanaudière, M-O Guilbault

Sainte-Béatrix population 1,889

Parc régional des chutes Monte-à-Peine-et-des-Dalles

Saint-Jean-de-Matha population 4,408

© Michel Julien

Matawinie County Saint-Jean-de-Matha is the village where Louis Cyr, the world’s strongest man in the 19th century, lived out his final years. An interpretation centre recalls his exploits. This is where the foothills begin, and in the distance you’ll see the Pain de Sucre (sugarloaf) mountain, near Lac Noir. For excellent views, even as far as Montréal, make the climb to the lookout at the Auberge de la Montagne Coupée : breathtaking! Saint-Jean-de-Matha is also an entrance to the Regional Park of Chutes Monte-à-Peine-et-des-Dalles, reached via Route 337. For a real thrill, visit the snow-slide centre, Super Glissades Saint-Jean-de-Matha. The area also boasts one of the top cross-country skiing centres in North America : the Centre touristique de la Montagne-Coupée. Golf, fine dining, summer theatre and even duck-raising are among the attractions making up a memorable visit.

Auberge de la Montagne Coupée Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Forests and lakes Saint-Damien population 2,005 Matawinie County Saint-Damien sits in the valley of the Matambin River, which runs through the foothills of the Upper Laurentians. Notable among the many natural sites that dot the area are Chemin des Cascades (“waterfalls road”) and the Coulée du Neuf. Complete your visit with a hearty meal at the Fumoir Saint-Damien (smokehouse), which offers a range of maplewood-smoked products.

Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie population 1,638


Matawinie County This flower-filled village is close to the entrance of an ancient former glacial valley through which the Noire River once rushed. Here is the start of a branch of the Matawinie trail, which runs along the edge of a forest that seems limitless in size. Also, the closest outfitters to Montreal can be found here. Other attractions include a public beach, the National Trail (Sentier national), Lac Koël hiking trail, snowmobile trails, outdoor recreational centre, inns and gîtes (B&Bs). For superb panoramic views, take Rang de la Seigneurie, which brings you to Saint-Jean-de-Matha.

Saint-Zénon population 1,243 Matawinie County The village of Saint-Zénon is one of the highest localities in Québec, founded in 1866 by Abbé Provost, a pioneering leader in the conquest of the North. Here in days gone by, the forest was more important than the land, but today tourism has taken over as the main industry. Before you enter the village, take the hiking trail in Sept-Chutes Regional Park. In the village, you can enjoy a fine view of the Coulée Pourvoirie Trudeau des Nymphes from the lookout point behind the church. With its panoramic vistas, far horizons, protected forest, ZECs and wildlife reserve, Saint-Zénon is indeed a special place. This is the heart of the Matawinie region and Québec’s snowmobiling capital! It’s also a favourite spot for fishing, in both summer and winter, due to the large number of outfitters.

Saint-Michel-des-Saints population 2,451


Matawinie County Founded in 1863 by the parish priest Curé Brassard, this village is today both industrial and a tourist destination. Situated on the banks of the immense Lac Taureau (90 km2), it features a number of resorts, charming inns including Auberge du Lac Taureau, beaches, islands and one of the most beautiful bodies of water in the region. Saint-Michel-des-Saints is also a paradise for water sports and winter sports – the area is well known for snowmobiling and dog sledding. Just under 100 kilometers to the north is the Atikamekw (aboriginal) village of Manawan. Close by is Lac Kempt, one of the largest lakes in Québec. In the distance on the far horizon can be seen the beginnings of the far north, a whole new experience…


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Forests and lakes Manawan population 2,400

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

© Tourisme Manawan, Mayoke

The community of Manawan is located 89 km north-west of SaintMichel-des-Saints and its people speak both Atikamekw and French fluently. Manawan is on the shores of Lac Métabeskéga, surrounded by stands of black spruce, birch and aspen, in a region of many lakes dotted with small islands. The community’s name derives from the Manouane River, whose sources are nearby. According to 19th century documents, the site was once called Metapeckika, meaning “a savannah or marsh coming out from a Bay.” In Atikamekw, the word Manawan means “a place where you pick up eggs.” The Atikamekw dialect is part of the Algonquian family of languages. It has similarities to Cree and Montagnais. Up to the present day, the language has been passed down orally from one generation to the next without interruption. That is why Atikamekw is known to all in the community and is the language of everyday communication. The culture, traditions and way of life of the Manawan people are governed by the six seasons that determine activities and movements within the territory. In each season, there is a main activity and the campsites differ. The relationship with nature changes according to the season. The Manawan reserve was created in 1906. Combined with compulsory schooling, the establishment of reserves put an end to the community’s nomadic way of life.


Events Join the celebration! This tourist guide covers a one-year period but the calendar refers to the period between April 1, 2013 and March 31 of the year 2014. Therefore we suggest that you carefully check the exact dates after this period. Consult our Website, where information is updated regularly.

May 26, 2013

(ad. back cover)

Open Door Day at Île-des-Moulins

July 12 to 14, 2013

Festival Chasse-galerie

Terrebonne, 450 471-0619 www.iledesmoulins.com / info@iledesmoulins.qc.ca

L’Épiphanie, 450 588-6828 www.ville.lepiphanie.qc.ca / ppicard@ville.lepiphanie.qc.ca

As part of the Museums Day celebrations, Île-des-Moulins opens the doors of its exhibitions and offers activities highlighting important characters in local history. Be there from 1 pm to 5 pm. It’s free!

The Parc du Barrage is well known as the site of the Chassegalerie canoe circuit (intersection of Routes 339 and 341). Once again this year, it will welcome thousands of visitors for a parade marking the 14th edition of the Festival Chassegalerie. The lively program, different each year, offers a variety of activities to stimulate all the senses.

June 1 and 2, 2013

Saint-Alphonse Tout en Art Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez , 450 883-2264 / www.munsar.ca

In a wonderfully festive setting, you are invited to meet our artists and artisans and share their passion for their craft. An exhibition that showcases the dynamism of our regional arts and culture.

June 9, 2013

Cyclo sportive Saint-Donat Saint-Donat, www.cyclostdonat.com / info@cyclostdonat.com

Cyclo Saint-Donat is the gathering-place for cyclists in summer. Take the Vélomag challenge and choose your course : 40 km or 80 km.

June 28 to 30, 2013

Exposition agricole régionale Rive-Nord Sainte-Julienne, 450 836-2509 exporivenord@bell.net / www.expoduquebec.com

Judging of animals, evening entertainment, super spit roast and various contests for the public. On site : animals, agricultural machinery dealers and agrifood exhibitors. All are welcome for a visit that will be interesting, educational and fun.

July 5 to 7, 2013

Mon festival culturel pour les familles et les ados Repentigny, 450 470-3001, poste 3487 www.monfestival.ca / info@monfestival.ca

This major event for young people aged 2 to 16 years takes place in the Parc de l’Île-Lebel in Repentigny, and is a unique opportunity to participate in a variety of entertainments and activities.

July 5 to 7, 2013

Le Mondial du Grill Saint-Calixte, 450 222-2782 / 1 888 571-3173 www.mondialdugrill.com

Flavors from the fire! Come celebrate grilling in all its forms and sample different beers and food products from the region. Tastings, shows, presentations and the Quebec BBQ Championship. Just 45 minutes from Montreal. Whatever the weather!


Downtown Joliette, July 24 and 25, 2013 Bosco Park: July 26, 27 and 28, 2013

Festival Mémoire et Racines

Saint-Charles-Borromée / Joliette 450 752-6798 / 1 888 810-6798 www.memoireracines.org / festival@memoireracines.org

The Festival Mémoire et Racines invites you to come celebrate the traditional arts of Quebec and elsewhere. More than 150 artists of song, music, storytelling and dance will share five unforgettable days with you, in a unique atmosphere!

From August 8 to 11, 2013

Festival Tout Pour La Musique Berthierville, 450 836-6227 www.festivaltoutpourlamusique.com / tplm90@yahoo.ca

A festival of shows featuring different musical styles : blues, classical, rock, jazz, folk, pop, as well as a cultural exhibition

August 9 to 11, 2013

Festival Hors-Route, Salon VTT & Salon 4x4 Saint-Esprit / Sainte-Julienne, 514 566-6934 www.festivalhorsroute.ca / info@festivalhorsroute.ca

Join us for our 11th edition. Be part of the largest gathering of off-highway vehicles in Canada with 20,000 visitors and more than 300 competitors. Check out our competitions that are open to amateurs and professionals of 4x4, ATV and Side-by-Side (Mud Drag, Mud Bog, Drag, Skill, Rock Crawling, etc.). Enjoy presentations, entertainment, family activities, exhibition area and a campsite with 200 spaces. For outdoor recreation enthusiasts, this is not to be missed!

August 9 to 11, 2013

Festi-Force Louis-Cyr Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Centre culturel et sportif, 450 886-0599 www.chambrematha.com / info@chambrematha.com

For the 13th consecutive year, Saint-Jean-de-Matha celebrates human strength as visitors relive the legendary exploits of local strongman Louis Cyr, as well those of Donat Gadoury. Performances, competitions, firefighter contests, horse-pulls, vintage cars, horse parade, auction, kiosks, amusement rides and open air mass. Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Events August 10 and 11, 2013

August 9 to 11, 2013

Terrebonne, 450 471-0619, www.iledesmoulins.com

Saint-Côme, 450 883-2730 www.stcomelanaudiere.ca / info@stcomelanaudiere.ca

Le Festival des vins de Terrebonne In the delightful setting of Île-des-Moulins, enjoy tastings of local and international wines. The most important wine event of the summer in Quebec!

July 13 to August 11, 2013

Festival de Lanaudière

(ad. p. 67)

Joliette, information and tickets (mid May to August) : 450 759-4343 / 1 800 561-4343 www.lanaudiere.org / festival@lanaudiere.org

The largest festival of classical music in Canada, offering symphonic, choral and chamber music, with soloists of international renown.

August 4 to 11, 2013

Festival acadien de la Nouvelle-Acadie Saint-Liguori, 450 834-6981, poste 229 www.nouvelle-acadie.com / info@nouvelle-acadie.com

On August 10, Le Tintamarre celebration in Saint-Liguori loudly recalls the Acadian roots of the four villages of Nouvelle-Acadie : Saint-Alexis, Saint-Jacques, Saint-Liguori and Sainte-Marie-Salomé. Each village, decorated in Acadie colours, stages cultural and festive events throughout the week. August 15 is also celebrated at the Acadian monuments in each community.

Three days of music of various styles. Come discover many local and regional artists and enjoy the professional artists who travel the roads of Quebec to reach Saint-Côme. Daytime shows and entertainment for the whole family.

August 16 to 18, 2013

Les Fêtes gourmandes de Lanaudière presented by the SAQ, Saint-Jacques, 450 582-5739 www.fetesgourmandes.ca / gourmandes@videotron.ca

Under the big tent, come meet the greatest chefs and best agrifood artisans of Lanaudière and Quebec. A chance to learn about the biofood industry by experiencing the flavours and riches of our regional gastronomy in a festive setting with an educational aspect. Country-style market under canvas, gastronomic meals and gourmand packages.

August 16 to 18, 2013

Fiesta des Caraïbes de Lanaudière Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, 450 835-7200, ext. 2503 le-st-gab@voyagehone.com / auberge-le-st-gab.com

Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon is hosting the Lanaudière Caribbean Fiesta for the second time in 2013. A festival that will really give you the flavour of Mexico, Cuba, Jamaica and the Dominican Republic! On the program : music, dance, wine tasting, information, talks, crafts, Voyage Hone travel agency. An event with something for everyone, on Rue Dequoy, opposite the Auberge St-Gab. Admission : free.

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Guy Hamelin


Festival Ma Rivière en Chanson

Festival Mémoire et Racines Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Events Qualifying : August 23 and 24, 2013 Tournament : August 25 to 31, 2013

Les Internationaux de tennis junior Banque Nationale Repentigny, 450 581-8470 www.tennis-junior-repentigny.com internationauxjuniors@videotron.ca

In 2013, the 28th Edition of the National Bank International Junior Tennis Tournament will be held at Park Larochelle in Repentigny. Celebrate the event with us, and join in the many activities on offer. The tournament features world-class tennis. Come see the stars of tomorrow. Admission free.

August 30 to September 1, 2013

Festival Rythmes et Saveurs Saint-Donat, 819 424-3148 / 1 877 424-3148 www.rythmesetsaveurs.com / evenements.st-donat@bellnet.ca

A festival that showcases rhythms and music of all types with indoor and outdoor performances. Also includes a significant street arts component and a gathering of exhibitors of Lanaudière products, filling the centre of beautiful Saint-Donat village.

August 31 to September 2, 2013

Rendez-vous du Festival de peinture (ad. inside back cover) à Mascouche 450 474- 4133, ext. 2730 www.festivalpeinturemascouche.com info@festivalpeinturemascouche.com

Presented in the majestic Parc du Grand-Coteau and the Pavillon du Grand-Coteau, this must-see event for all art lovers will be held for the 25th time. Expo-competition, solo exhibit from a guest artist, animation, demonstrations and master classes.

September 8, 2013

Vintage Car Exhibition Terrebonne, 450-471-0619 www.iledesmoulins.com / info@iledesmoulins.qc.ca

September 21 and 22, 2013

Les Cucurbitacées

Sainte-Élisabeth, La Courgerie, 450 752-2950 www.lacourgerie.com

A painting symposium in living colour! Inspired by the thousands of multicoloured gourds and squash on our land, artists from all over Lanaudière transform the farm into an art gallery!

September 21 and 22, 2013

Festival des Artisans

Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare, 450 883-2241 www.festivaldesartisans.com / info@ste-marcelline.com

The 15th Festival des Artisans welcomes you to its enchanting setting. Come stroll through the village centre and see the work of a hundred artisans set up under tents. An unmissable event, and a treat for the eyes and taste buds!

October 5 and 6, 2013

Mandeville en fête

The theme for 2013 : La ruée vers l’art Mandeville, 450 835-5718 www.mandevilleenfete.com / info@mandevilleenfete.com

Our 18th annual exhibition, showcasing the talents and creativity of more than 35 artisans. Witness superb quality and diversity in painting, jewellery, knitting, ceramics, sewing, weaving and much more. A real pleasure for the eyes!

October 3 to 6, 2013

Festival Blues de Joliette Joliette, 450 753-7405 www.festivalblues.com / www.centrevilledejoliette.qc.ca sdcj@centrevilledejoliette.qc.ca

Groove to the rhythm of the Joliette Blues Festival. This is the blues, and nothing but the blues, with more than 30 shows in 20 restaurants, bars and other venues in downtown Joliette. This intense program will surely make you a blues fan for at least a weekend! The Festival Blues Festival de Joliette – the blues at its best!

This must-see event is back for a 16th consecutive year on Île-des-Moulins. From 10 am to 4 pm, come admire hundreds of collectible cars and rare vehicles, and enjoy performances by rockabilly artists.

September 6 to 8, 2013

Oktoberfest des Québecois Repentigny, 514 767-9339 www.oktoberfestdesquebecois.com info@oktoberfestdesquebecois.com

Set alongside the St. Lawrence River in Île-Lebel Park, the festival brings together microbreweries, regional products, family activities and Bavarian dance and music for the 7th year to celebrate good taste and good humour. A wonderful chance to experience the era of Old Munich!

Marché de Noël de L’Assomption


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Events October 12, 13, 19, 20, 26 & 27, 2013

January 25 & 26, and February 1 & 2, 2014

Terrebonne, 450-471-0619 www.iledesmoulins.com / info@iledesmoulins.qc.ca

Terrebonnne, 450 471-0619, www.iledesmoulins.com

Halloween at l’Île-des-Moulins (ad. inside back cover) To celebrate Halloween, Île-des-Moulins has concocted three weekends of activities. Participate in a family pumpkindecorating contest, to be exhibited in the pumpkin attic. Come have fun with your children and listen to a tale in a spooky place. Also back : our night time tour Les morts nous ont conté and the March of the Zombies. Chills guaranteed!

From November 30 to December 23, 2013

L’Assomption Christmas Market L’Assomption, 450 589-7102 www.marchedenoeldelassomption.ca sauriol.laporte@sympatico.ca

The L’Assomption Christmas market is inspired by the great European Christmas markets. A prestige event, it invites visitors to experience the magic of Christmas in the company of some 40 artisans and farmers of the Lanaudière region and surrounding areas.

December 5 to 22, 2013

Joliette-Lanaudière Christmas Markets Joliette, 450 753-7405 www.marchesdenoeljoliettelanaudiere.com info@marchesdenoeljoliettelanaudiere.com

The Joliette-Lanaudière Christmas Markets... what a festive treat! Lots of surprises await you in an enchanting setting : choirs, house of Santa Claus, artisans’ and farmers’ village, horse-drawn carriage rides, mulled wine and the little Santa Claus parade! Also, a multimedia show by La Grande Carte blanche and the wonderful downtown illuminations are a dazzling sight.

Carnaval Glisse et Glace de Terrebonne Outdoor activities for the whole family. Come skate on the lock of the mills and enjoy shows, animation, evenings with invited artist and lots of other winter fun!

January 31 to February 2, and February 8 & 9, 2014

Festi-Glace de la rivière l’Assomption Joliette, 100, rue Fabre, 450 755-1651 www.festiglace.ca / info@festiglace.ca

Come have tons of winter fun with your parents and friends on the 9 km ice trail along the L’Assomption River, and enjoy our festive program of dance, music and entertainment.

January 25 to February 9, 2014

Saint-Côme en Glace

Saint-Côme, 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 www.stcomelanaudiere.ca / info@stcomelanaudiere.ca

Come admire some 50 ice sculptures along the main street. Entertainment, ice slides, exhibitors, traditional music, performances, mascot, sleigh rides, fishing pond. Saint-Côme on ice, a must-see in Lanaudière!

January 15 to March 15, 2014

Village sur glace

Saint-Zénon, 450 884-5759 www.st-zenon.org / municipalite@st-zenon.org

A 1 km rink, many games, outdoor mass, ice golf tournaments. On weekends : shows in a heated tent. Ice fishing tournament with prizes, murder mystery day, forest contest and fireworks to open the event.

January 25 & 26, 2014

Lanaudière International Dog Sled Competition L’Épiphanie, 450 588-6828 www.ville.lepiphanie.qc.ca / ppicard@ville.lepiphanie.qc.ca

This famous international competition, which brings together more than 100 dog teams, will return in 2014 for the 11th time. There’s lots of fun and partying for the whole family on the varied and dynamic program, as you cheer on the best mushers from North America and elsewhere. Come say hello to Ponpon, our friendly mascot, at this captivating outdoor event.

February 2014

Festival Feu et Glace Repentigny, parc de l’Île-Lebel, 514 688-4723 www.feuetglace.com / info@feuetglace.com

Come enjoy winter in the park, with a 180 metre long zipline, ferris wheel, snow and ice sculptures, and walking and skating trails alongside the St. Lawrence River. There’s lots of family fun, with tube slides, sleigh rides and pony rides. Enjoy outdoor shows at Place Loto-Québec and a spectacular fireworks display over the river! Festival Feu et Glace Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Culture and Heritage Lovers of history, art, music or theatre... Lanaudière will tempt you all year round with a wealth of cultural diversions and celebrations of every kind. Here traditional music seems to spring from the soil and is kept very much alive by perfor­ mers like La Bottine Souriante, among others. Lanaudière was also the setting for the famous tale La Chasse-Galerie (the best known folk legend in French North America), with its miscreant loggers and flying canoe. Fans of music, story-telling and folk dancing will especially enjoy the festival called Mémoire et Racines, held annually in Saint-CharlesBorromée. We also host the most important classical music festival in Canada: the Festival de Lanaudière, an original musical experience unequalled anywhere.


© Tourisme Lanaudière, Guy Hamelin

The Lanaudois people love theatre, too. The Théâtre de VieuxTerrebonne, the Théâtre Hector-Charland in L’Assomption and the Joliette Cultural Centre regularly offer programs to compare with those of larger cities. In addition, major topquality summer theatre productions are presented each year during the warmer months.

Lanaudière proudly showcases its many ancestral homes: fine old buildings and sites classified as historical – a splendid religious and rural heritage. This legacy is well preserved in our various museums, like the famous Joliette Art Museum, the most important regional art museum in Quebec, and in the many interpretation centres, art galleries and antique shops. Consider also taking a guided historical tour. Journey back into our past in the cultural capital of Joliette; learn about the heritage of the Clerics of Saint-Viateur; visit Terrebonne, with its popular Île-des-Moulins historical site; and L’Assomption, with its Oasis du Vieux Palais; or take a heritage tour along the endlessly fascinating Chemin du Roy (King’s Road) to really get to know about Lanaudière’s past. Some other municipalities also offer historical tours. To download the map, visit the official website at: www.lecheminduroy.com

Île-des-Moulins Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Culture and Heritage C ¡ Antique Shops and Art Galleries 3

Galerie Archambault Lavaltrie, 1303, rue Notre-Dame 450 586-2202, www.galeriearchambault.com

This gallery, winner of a Prom’Excel tourism award, has been in operation since 1977. It is located in a heritage house in the heart of the town of Lavaltrie. The 8 exhibit rooms open to the public display more than 400 paintings, sculptures and photographs created by renowned artists. The second Sunday of September is always devoted to a major exhibition that attracts hundreds of people. Open : Tuesday to Friday, 12:00 noon to 6:00 pm ; Saturday and Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5 pm. Price of admission : a smile.

Galerie Archambault

£ Crafts Scrapbooking et Céramique & Cie L’Assomption, 378, boulevard l’Ange-Gardien 450 589-5005, www.scrapbookingceramique.com / info@scrapbookingceramique.com

Our shop is a unique concept in Quebec! Bring the family to enjoy a special experience of two fascinating crafts : scrapbooking and painting on ceramics. Free the artist in you : paint a single piece or create a project, such as a mini family album. Everything is supplied, in addition to our valuable advice. No reservations required! Our company was also a winner of the Creative Business Award in Lanaudière, at the 2008 Concours québécois en entrepreneuriat.

L’Arbre et la Rivière, Pottery Store / Workshop Saint-Damien, 6757, rue Principale 450 835-3686, gboudreault@live.ca

The artisan pottery L’Arbre et la Rivière offers tours of its workshop, country pottery shop and outdoor wood-burning oven operation. Come and witness this unique baking process with its crackling fires! L’Arbre et la Rivière is a very special place, the perfect setting in which to learn about this fascinating art. Open : from June to September, Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. From October to May, by appointment.

Martine Buczkowski Pottery Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 256, rue Sainte-Louise 450 886-3260, mpoterie@hotmail.com

The Martine Buczkowski Pottery invites you to visit its showroom in a charming century-old house. Here you’ll discover beautiful utility pieces crafted on a potter’s wheel and given a modern look and feel. We will be happy to answer your questions about the ceramics craft, which has been practiced by this artisan for more than 30 years.

Artisanat Bellerose Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 402, rue Brassard 450 833-6647, artisanatbellerose@satelcom.qc.ca

Artisanat Bellerose is the small Amerindian and québécois handicrafts shop located in front of the church. We have jewellery, pipes, dream catchers, baskets, soapstone, sculptures, dolls, knife collections, snowshoes, mukluks, moccasins, leather and fur items, skins of bear, caribou, wolf, fox and coyote, Atikamekw art and various souvenirs. Open : December to March, 9:00 am to 8:00 pm ; in April and May, flexitime ; from June to November, 9:30 am to 6:00 pm. On call at any time.

Boutique Transparence Sainte-Marcelline-de-Kildare, 290, rue Principale 450 883-5576, www.boutiquetransparence.com / info@boutiquetransparence.com

Come discover something unique and original in our large selection of glass works in warm, vibrant colours. Featuring blown and hand-painted glass. Exclusive designs, table items, decorative and useful plates, paraffin lamps, vases, fish, candleholders, etc. Open : Monday to Friday, 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and from 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm ; Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Culture and Heritage à Historical Buildings and Sites

Ç3 Chapelle des Cuthbert

Berthierville, 461, rue de Bienville 450 836-7336 (en saison), www.lachapelledescuthbert.com

Built in 1786 by James Cuthbert, the chapel is the oldest former protestant church in Quebec. Classified as an historical monument, it is enlivened all summer long by guided tours and exhibitions. Tourist information office and picnic area on site. Open : daily, June 1 to Labour Day, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm. Minimum length of tour : 15 minutes. Free admission .

L’Oasis du Vieux Palais de L’Assomption L’Assomption, 255, rue Saint-Étienne 450 589-3266 / 1 866 559-3266 www.vieuxpalais.com / oasis@vieuxpalais.com

Built in 1811 and classified as an historic monument by the Government of Quebec in 1973, the old Palais de Justice de L’Assomption has become a cultural centre where you’ll find a former court of justice, a B&B, a reception/performance room with patio bar. Many activities take place, including conferences, exhibitions, weddings, dinner trials, shows, theatre, filming and guided tours with demonstration of the traditional arrowhead sash.

Maison Rosalie-Cadron

(ad. p. 60)

Lavaltrie, 1997, rue Notre-Dame 450 586-1575 / 1 877 586-1575 / 450 586-0361 (en saison) www.maisonrosaliecadron.org / info@maisonrosaliecadron.org

Birthplace of Rosalie Cadron-Jetté (1794-1864), mother of 11 children and founder of the Sisters of Mercy. Come and learn about her history and family life in the 1820s. Period furniture and gardens, old-fashioned games, handicrafts, local produce, bread oven. Visit the “The Domestic Arts” exhibition and workshop: weaving, knitting, embroidery, carpets, etc. Schedule : June 24 to September 4, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm ; closed on Monday. By appointment only from May 15 to June 23 and from September 5 to October 15. Admission : adults $5 ; seniors $4 ; students over 6 years $2 ; groups $3.50.

Maison Rosalie-Cadron Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Culture and Heritage Moulin Grenier Repentigny, 912, rue Notre-Dame 450 470-3400, www.ville.repentigny.qc.ca

The Grenier mill, built in 1820 by François Grenier and classified as an historical monument in 1976, is open to the public. Guides will be happy to take you on an interactive tour, from St. Jean Baptiste Day to Thanksgiving. The excellent state of the original mechanism is one of the main points of interest. Contact us for detailed schedule.

3 Maison Antoine-Lacombe

Saint-Charles-Borromée, 895, rue de la Visitation 450 755-1113, www.maisonantoinelacombe.com / maisonantoinelacombe@videotron.ca

The Maison Antoine-Lacombe was built in 1847 and is classified as an historic monument. A cultural showcase of Saint-CharlesBorromée, it presents permanent exhibitions of art works. In addition, presentations of music, poetry, theatre and lectures contribute to its regional influence. Explore the house’s lovely gardens, with their fountains and sculptures. Schedule (house) : open year-round, (except January), Wednesday to Sunday, 1:00 pm to 5:00 pm. Free admission, except for groups. Gardens : free access all year round.

3 Lieu historique national de Sir-Wilfrid-Laurier Saint-Lin–Laurentides, 945, 12e Avenue 450 439-3702 / 1 888 773-8888 www.pc.gc.ca/laurier / parcscanada-que@pc.gc.ca

This national historic site invites you to learn about the remarkable life and times of the first French-Canadian Prime Minister of Canada (1896-1911). Visit a charming heritage house, evocative of its era. Family activities. Schedule and admission : visit our Website.

Ç3 Île-des-Moulins

(ad. inside back cover)

Terrebonne, 866, rue Saint-Pierre 450 471-0619, www.iledesmoulins.com / info@iledesmoulins.com

Come explore this important 19th century preindustrial complex, which includes a seigneurial office, a former bakery, former flour, saw and carding mills, and the Maison Bélisle. Guided tours, talks, outdoor shows, pontoon boat tours and a historic quest in Old Terrebonne. Three major exhibitions to see : The Mills of Terrebonne, the Power of Water; Tales of a Seigneury; and Once Upon a Time in… Terrebonne. Summer exhibition : Colle, papier, ciseau. Schedule : June 24 to September 2, Wednesday to Sunday, 1:00 pm to 9:00 pm. Off season : upon reservation. Admission : free access to the site. Visit packages : ranging from $3 to $15.

Maison Antoine-Lacombe


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Culture and Heritage Ü Museums Musée Gilles-Villeneuve Ç 2

(ad. p. 60)

Berthierville, 960, avenue Gilles-Villeneuve 450 836-2714 / 1 800 639-0103 www.museegillesvilleneuve.com / museegillesvilleneuve@bellnet.ca

The year 2013 marks the 25th anniversary of the founding of the Gilles Villeneuve Museum – a wonderful opportunity to stop and see what’s new. Relive the exploits of Gilles Villeneuve and his career path from Berthierville to Maranello, home of Ferrari in Italy. We have race cars, an F1 simulator, a shop, themed exhibitions featuring the Villeneuves, Gilles and Jacques! A must-see for racing fans. This year, the legend lives on in Berthierville. Opening hours : 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission (taxes included): adults $10 ; seniors $7.50 ; students $6. Family and group packages available.

Ç3 Musée d’art de Joliette

Joliette, 145, rue du Père-Wilfrid-Corbeil 450 756-0311, www.museejoliette.org / info@museejoliette.org

The Musée d’Art de Joliette (MAJ) is the largest regional art museum in Quebec. Through its extensive collection, it presents an outstanding panorama of art from the 14th century to today. Open year round, the MAJ offers a variety of temporary and permanent exhibitions in addition to a wide choice of cultural and educational activities intended for audiences of all ages. Schedule : Tuesday to Sunday, noon to 5:00 pm. Admission : adults $10 ; seniors (60 and over) $8 ; students $8 ; children (6-12 years) $6. Free for MAJ members and children under 6. Special rates for groups. From 2013, the MAJ will be temporarily closed to the public to begin the largest building project in its history! To learn more, visit our calendar at www.museejoliette.org

2 Musée Louis-Cyr

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 185, rue Laurent (At rear of 180, rue Sainte-Louise), 450 886-1666 www.museelouiscyr.com / museelouiscyr@bellnet.ca

In the heart of the village of Saint Jean de Matha, this intriguing museum is dedicated to the strongest man the world has ever seen. Get to know his family and circus and see his records. Guided tour, duration 20 minutes minimum. Schedule : in summer Thursday to Sunday, in winter Friday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Groups upon reservation. Admission cost : at the visitor’s discretion.

Musée Louis-Cyr

Musée Gilles-Villeneuve Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Culture and Heritage S Concert Halls and Theatres

Festival de Lanaudière

Ç3 Festival de Lanaudière

(ad. p. 67)

Joliette, 1500, boulevard Base-de-Roc Ticketing : 450 759-4343 / 1 800 561-4343 www.lanaudiere.org / festival@lanaudiere.org

From July 13 to August 11, 2013. The Lanaudière Festival is the most highly acclaimed classical music festival in Canada. Under the roof of its outdoor Amphitheatre, music lovers flock to hear large symphonic orchestras and internationally renowned soloists. Concerts and a variety of tourist activities are offered from mid-July to mid-August. “Canada’s most ambitious series is surely the Lanaudière Festival.” (The Globe & Mail)

2 La salle Rolland-Brunelle

Joliette, 20, rue Saint-Charles-Borromée Sud 450 759-6202, spectaclesjoliette.com / info@spectaclesjoliette.com

La Salle Rolland Brunelle is one of the most important entertainment venues in Lanaudière. Each year it welcomes 85,000 visitors and presents 170 performances in various configurations : Italian (856 seats), cabaret (700 seats) and studio-theatre (100 seats). A varied theatrical program is offered : song, humour, variety, music, shows for the young, etc. Schedule : open year round.

Ç3 Théâtre Hector-Charland

L’Assomption, 225, boulevard l’Ange-Gardien 450 589-9198 / 1 877 589-9198 www.hector-charland.com / hcharland@hector-charland.com

The Théâtre Hector-Charland, a must-see theatre in Lanaudière region, is located in the heart of the town of L’Assomption. More than 300 shows are presented each year. The theatre offers a cross-cultural program combining music, dance, theatre, song, comedy and film, as well as summer theatre and musical revues in the warmer months. The quality of its facilities, the calibre of its staff and the diversity of its programming have made the theatre rightly famous. Its air-conditioned 664-seat hall is both comfortable and intimate.

Les jeudis Musik’Eau Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, parc des Champs-Élysées 450 759-7741, www.notre-dame-des-prairies.org / prairies@notre-dame-des-prairies.org

On Thursdays in August (August 8, 15 and 22) at 7:00 pm, outdoor musical concerts are presented in the enchanting setting of Champs-Elysées Park. Discover “lanaudois” talent performing in a variety of musical styles. Complete program will be posted on the town’s Website.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Culture and Heritage Les Doux jeudis sous les étoiles Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, 101, rue de la Plage 450 883-2264 / 1 877 883-2264 www.munsar.ca / info@munsar.ca

You are invited to “Sweet Thursdays Under the Stars” at Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez. Attend free musical performances at 8:00 pm, under the stars on the stage of Parc-des-Arts, right in the centre of the village. In case of rain, performances will take place inside the church. Schedule : Thursdays, from mid July to mid August, 2013.

Un été tout en culture à Saint-Donat Saint-Donat, 473, rue Principale 819 424-2833 / 1 888 783-6628 www.saint-donat.ca / loisirs@saint-donat.ca

At Saint-Donat, nature and culture come together beautifully throughout the summer. Free shows are presented in the heart of the village, at the beach in front of the Church, and at the Parc des Pionniers, beside the enchanting Lake Archambault, in addition to a few movie evenings. Schedule : Saturdays, from June 29 to August 17 ; and Thursdays, from July 11 to August 8. Admission : free.

CRAPO de Lanaudière (Centre régional d’animation du patrimoine oral) Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 187, rue Sainte-Louise 450 886-1515, www.crapo.qc.ca / info@crapo.qc.ca

The CRAPO is a lovely small 70-seater hall, situated in the former rectory of Saint-Jean-de-Matha. Year round we present high-quality shows and entertainment featuring music, songs and traditional tales from Quebec and around the world. There are also other musical styles to enjoy : see our Website for complete program. And we sell self-produced CDs of traditional music unavailable elsewhere, and the talking book On a du plaisir nous autres! about passing-on oral traditions in Lanaudière. Bar service, espresso coffee and free wireless Internet access. Schedule : variable. Admission : variable.

2 Salle L’Opale

Saint-Lin–Laurentides, 510, rue Saint-Isidore 450 439-3434, i.tessier@saint-lin-laurentides.com

Situated in the heart of Saint-Lin-Laurentides, 25 minutes (30 km) north of Montreal, the Salle L’Opale is a warm, intimate space that presents shows and is a venue for receptions. Summer theatre in July and August. Three rooms with capacity for 200 persons and one 600-seater room.

Les mardis d’août Saint-Paul, Parc Amyot, 150, rue Royale 450 759-4040, ext. 28, www.municipalitestpaul.qc.ca

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Guy Hamelin

Every Tuesday in August (6, 13, 20 and 27) 2013, come discover Quebec artists performing free outdoor shows. Performances last from 60 to 90 minutes, starting at 7:30 pm. Bring lawn chairs! In case of rain, performances will take place in the Complexe communautaire at 20, Brassard Boulevard, in St. Paul.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Culture and Heritage » Pilgrimage and Religion

Ç Centre marial Marie-Reine-des-Coeurs

Chertsey, 1060, avenue du Lac-Beaulne 450 882-3065, www.smrdc-chertsey.com / pelerinages@smrdc-chertsey.com

Come meditate on the mountain and on our trails. Whether you visit alone, with your family or in a group, the space and tranquility are yours to appreciate. Our pilgrimage route takes you over the mountain to the five chapels. The Virgin Mary welcomes you and leads you to Jesus. Come pray to God in all the beauty of His creation. Souvenirs, picnic sites, cafeteria from June to September. Schedule : open year round. Pilgrimages from May to October. Free admission.

Ç Abbaye Val Notre-Dame

(ad. p. 68)

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 250, chemin Montagne-Coupée, 450 960-2889 www.abbayevalnotredame.ca / communaute@abbayevalnotredame.ca

The Abbaye Val Notre-Dame is situated at the foot of the Montagne Coupée, on a forested plateau overlooking the L’Assomption River, in Saint-Jean-de-Matha. Since 2009 it has been home to a community of 24 Cistercian monks from the Abbaye d’Oka. Schedule : church open to all, from 4:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Abbaye Val Notre-Dame

Guided Cultural Tours La Maison des contes et légendes de Lavaltrie

(ad. p. 60)

Lavaltrie, 1251, rue Notre-Dame 450 586-2921, www.ville.lavaltrie.qc.ca / mgoulet@ville.lavaltrie.qc.ca

In an attractive neo-Victorian heritage house, relive the art and culture of local artists and artisans. The second floor exhibition room features the seven chapters of the legend, La Chasse-galerie. Another room is dedicated to Lavaltrie’s living heritage. The room of mirrors invites children to experience the legend, with fun costumes. On the third floor, the tales and legends interpretation centre of Lanaudière is full of surprises! Discover the soul of our region through stories, tales and legends. A wonderful experience for the whole family! Free admission.

Services touristiques Sylvie Gagnon Mascouche, 2603, rue Daudet 450 474-6419 / 1 866 489-0229 www.decouvertelanaudiere.com

“Discover Lanaudière in a group!” Turnkey one-day packages in the region for organized groups, combining heritage, cultural and agritourism themes. Planning of guided tours : site visits, activities, meals and talks with a costumed historical character accompanying you throughout. Choose from : Madame de Lanaudière, Jeanne Fleuricourt (New France settler), Mademoiselle Constance (teacher), Mademoiselle Philomène (secretary) and Blandine and her children (1950). Request our brochure or visit our website to browse the selection of packages. We can also customize a tour according to your preferences or different themes. For example : religious or horticultural tour, or a halfday tour and meal that you can add to a local theatre or festival visit. Tours available in English. Schedule : year-round. Rates : upon request.

Maison des contes et légendes de Lavaltrie


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Culture and Heritage SODAM Mascouche, 2906, chemin Sainte-Marie 450 417-1277, www.sodam.qc.ca / info@sodam.qc.ca

Heritage walking tour, with audio guide, of the heart of Mascouche village. Lasting 45 minutes, this circuit tells the story of the pioneers of the village through its architectural heritage. Get your free audio guide at the Tourisme des Moulins tourist information office or at Éco-Boutique Un Monde à Vie, located at 1075, montée Masson, in Mascouche. Or download it from www.sodam.qc.ca/audioguide

Circuit touristique Ville de Saint-Lin–Laurentides Saint-Lin–Laurentides, 704, rue Saint-Isidore, bureau 101 450 439-2066, www.saint-lin-laurentides.com / bureautouristique@bellnet.ca

On scooter or on foot, come explore the town of Saint-Lin-Laurentides, formerly Saint-Lin-de-Lachenaye (1807), born of the merger between Saint-Lin municipality (1836) and Ville-des-Laurentides (1883). Discover our history and heritage buildings that have known some of Canada’s key historical figures. Cross the bridge over the river and let us tell you about the legend of “the Mermaid of the Achigan River.” Duration 55 minutes. Schedule : By scooter, every Saturday from May 25 to October15 (weather permitting), at 9:30 am and 1:00 pm (duration : 2 1/2 hours). On foot, upon request, from July 2 to August 31, from 9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Free admission.

Circuits patrimoniaux de Saint-Michel-des-Saints Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Information : Chambre de commerce de la Haute-Matawinie, 521, rue Brassard 450 833-1334, www.haute-matawinie.com / infocchm@satelcom.qc.ca

Discover the history of our municipality on two heritage tours. To help guide you, obtain a copy of the Saint-Michel-des-Saints Heritage Tours brochure. Its history is yours to discover during your visit. “Our History” Tour by Madeleine St-Georges, self-taught painter, resident of Saint-Michel-des-Saints. Research and works completed over seven years. Canvases relating to the history of the village based on themes relating to the site, displayed in 14 businesses or public spaces. Free (except for site #1). Packages and guided tours by the artist ($) available upon reservation, or free self-guided tours based on opening hours of sites. “Historic Placards” Research and texts by Gilles Rivest, Professor of History, native and resident of Saint-Michel-des-Saints. These describe the history of the village and certain buildings. Some twenty of them are located outdoors in various locations throughout the village. Cost : free.

Aboriginal tourism Tourisme Manawan Manawan, 819 971-1190 www.voyageamerindiens.com/ info@voyageamerindiens.com

© Mayoke

Tourism Manawan, whose mission is to develop authentic, fair tourism highlighting the rich culture of the Atikamekw, offers 2-night stays at a traditional site, including many outdoor activities with professional Atikamekw guides. The Matakan site, located on an island in the vast 61-km-long Lake Kempt, invites those seeking unique travel experiences and interactions to stay in a teepee. Schedule : from May to October and from January to March each year.

Tourisme Manawan Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


© Tourisme Lanaudière, Michel Julien

Nature and outdoor activities You don’t need to leave Montreal far behind to see drama­ tic changes in the scenery as you head into Lanaudière. This kind of natural setting and untamed wilderness is increasingly rare in proximity to large cities, but happily Lanaudière is well preserved due to the loving care of its population. In no time at all, the wide-open spaces greet you. Lanaudière has seven regional parks – all of them beautiful. Delightful scenery awaits you at every turn and everywhere there are waterfalls, like the Sept-Chutes falls, the Monte-à-Peineet-des-Dalles, the Calvaire, Parc des Cascades, Bull and Dorwin falls. Especially outstan­ding is the Forêt Ouareau Regional Park, as well as the vast Lac Taureau Regional Park (90 sq. km.) and the National Trail (Sentier national) running from Saint-Donat to Saint-Zénon (170 km). In addition, most of Mont-Tremblant National Park is within the Lanaudière region – you can enter it at the two tourist welcome booths at Saint-Côme and Saint-Donat. Finally, Lanaudière’s wildlife reserves and ZECs (protected areas) offer more opportu­ nities for exploration and adventure. The northern part of the region is excellent for touring by car or motorcycle, with magni­ficent scenery all the way. Here, in the heart of the mountains, beautiful landscapes are constantly unfolding.

And of course Lanaudière is a land of lakes and rivers, with countless places where you can enjoy canoeing, kayaking, cruising, or just having fun on a beach. There is also ex­cel­ lent fishing, with everything supplied by the many outfitters. The southern and central areas of Lanaudière are equally attractive natural playgrounds, thanks in large part to the Berthier Islands. These form part of the Lac Saint-Pierre archipelago in the St. Lawrence River, and have been classified as a Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO. This unique and special place can be explored at your leisure by boat, or on foot on well-organized nature trails. Lanaudière is a region of great rustic charm, with lovely countryside and splendid gardens and nurseries where you can appreciate nature on a smaller scale. There are so many original and interesting things to see and do: hiking on a variety of trails; water sports; horseback riding; nature observation; treetop trekking, go-kart courses; test-driving circuits... not forgetting the outdoor recreational centres and resorts for children and families, and the wealth of excellent golf courses. You won’t be bored! For more information and help in planning your outdoor activities, visit www.lanaudiere.ca

Arbraska, la forêt des aventures Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Nature and outdoor activities  7  ‰ Canoeing, kayaking and rafting Circuit canotable Chasse-galerie L’Épiphanie, 260, rue Notre-Dame, 450 588-6828 www.ville.lepiphanie.qc.ca / loisirs@ville.lepiphanie.qc.ca

Drawing its name from one of the most famous legends of French-speaking North America, the Chasse-galerie canoeing circuit offers visitors a true nature experience, just a few kilometres from Montréal. Take an 8 km trip by canoe, kayak or pedal boat on the L’Achigan River, starting from the dam (intersection of Routes 339 and 341) in the heart of L’Épiphanie. Rent boats by the day, half-day or hour. Rest stop with amenities and picnic tables also provided. Schedule : June to September. Cost : Visit our Website for details on schedule, rental costs and special group rates.

Au Canot Volant Saint-Côme, 2058, rang Versailles, 450 883-8886 www.canotvolant.ca / info@canotvolant.ca

Come celebrate our 10th anniversary by bringing the whole family for a canoe, kayak or rafting adventure on the clear waters of the L’Assomption River! Guided or independent river descents, canoe-camping, picnic areas, lessons in canoeing and sea kayaking. Come and play in the water with us! Schedule : Weekends from April to mid-June and in September and October (after Labour Day) ; every day from mid-June to Labour Day. Reservations recommended. Cost : adults from $22 ; children from $6.

Nerrivik Aventures Postal address : 7, rue Normandie, Saint-Charles-Borromée 450 867-1899, www.nerrivikaventures.com / info@nerrivikaventures.com

Join the adventure with Nerrivik! Enjoy a unique sea kayaking experience in Lanaudière on a guided excursion or expedition on the wonderful waterways of the region. The Berthier Islands, the St. Lawrence River and the majestic Lac Taureau at SaintMichel-des-Saints are among our favourite playgrounds. Whether you come for a quiet family trip or an expedition of several days, our guides will introduce you to the best of nature and some of the fascinating history of the region.

Exploration Nature Québec Postal address : 1101, rue De Nevers, Repentigny 514 266-8984, www.exnq.ca / jeanpierresimard1961@hotmail.com

Saint-Michel-des-Saints has plenty of wild, breathtaking lakes and rivers. This is the destination for adventure! EXNQ offers all-inclusive canoe-camping packages. Accompanied by a passionate, experienced and qualified guide, take the opportunity to finally experience this ancient means of transport. You’ll feel like a “coureur des bois” exploring unknown parts of the continent centuries ago. What you can expect : wilderness, safety, comfort, hearty meals... plus guaranteed fun and more. Schedule : June to September, upon reservation. Cost : Visit our site for packages and group rates.

Au Canot Volant


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Nature and outdoor activities All operators of motorized pleasure craft must have proof of competency aboard.

+ Cruises and excursions Croisières du Lac Archambault Croisière Saint-Donat is the largest cruise company north of Montreal. Welcome aboard the bateaumouche Evelyne II cruising the vast Lac Archambault in Saint-Donat. Join us in exploring more than a dozen islands on a 90-minute cruise with music and captain’s commentary. Departures from the dock of the Hôtel Manoir des Laurentides at 290, rue Principale, in Saint-Donat. Schedule : June to November, departures at 10:30 am, 1:30 pm, 3:30 pm and sunset cruise at 7:30 (to be verified). Cost : adult, $19 ; child 6-12 years, $10 ; 5 years and under, free. Family package available. You can charter the boat for : weddings, promotional activities, meetings, catered dinners, birthdays and anniversaries, cocktail receptions, etc.

Ç Seigneurie de l’Île Ronde

© Tourisme Lanaudière, M-O Guilbaut

Saint-Donat, 290, rue Principale 819 424-2555 / 514 269-6679

Croisières du Lac Archambault

Saint-Sulpice, Île-Ronde, cell: 514 833-2550 www.ileronde.com / info@ileronde.com

Cruises with commentary in the Îles de Verchères archipelago, with a stop at Île Ronde for lunch at the seigneury (liquor permit), followed by an historical presentation from 1709 to the present ; 3 km of trails. Trip duration : 4 hours. Boarding at SaintSulpice on the wharf opposite the Church, or at the Verchères municipal wharf. Cost : adults $49.95; children (8 and under) $34.95. Private charter cruise on request (minimum 10 people). Unstructured excursions to Île Ronde, walking, swimming, beach, relaxation, picnic, light meal (liquor permit). Cost : adults $15 ; children 8 and under $10. Schedule : Thursday to Sunday.

Q Horseback riding

Ç Les Écuries Forget

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 200, rang Guillaume-Tell, 450 886-5143

Located at the foot of Montagne Coupée, crisscrossed by the l’Assomption River and nestled in a forest that is home to many small wild animals, Écuries Forget is the ideal place to enjoy a getaway on the mount of your choice. In the winter season, horse-drawn sleigh rides are available, by reservation only. And when you’ve fulfilled your horseback riding dream for both summer and winter, and may be thinking of acquiring a horse of your own, talk to Écuries Forget about the possibility of buying an animal and renting a stall. Schedule : weekends, May to October, with reservation. From June 24 to Labour Day, every day, with or without reservation.

Équisynergie Saint-Zénon, 501, rang de l’Arnouche 450 884-1220 ou 514 829-1966 www.equisynergie.com / equisynergie@bell.net

Personal and professional development workshops facilitated by horses. Discover your real self and your true aspirations, during the year or during your vacation, in an enchanting setting where horses are free to graze in a herd over ten acres of land. Come and learn the language of horses : by understanding and communicating with them, you’ll communicate better with others! Therapeutic riding for special-needs children. On rides adapted for children, the horse calms and helps them in their physical, social and intellectual development, with joy and fun and in complete safety. Schedule : upon reservation

Écurie Kalin Sainte-Mélanie, 670, 2e Rang, 450 803-5193 www.ecuriekalin.com / kalin_equitation@yahoo.ca

Come explore the special closeness that exists between humans and horses in a place where dreams meet reality. Your hosts Karine and Jean reserve a warm welcome for you. Their “just for you” style of service will delight. Here you can enjoy various activities on horseback in a safe, family-oriented setting. Schedule : upon reservation. Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Golf gg Rates (for one adult without taxes)

Accessibility R : reservation required Weekend P : reservation recommanded and holidays Services

} = Voluntary classification


Golf cart rentals

Number of holes Par


Weekend and holidays

Club rentals


Dining Lenght (yards)

Proshop Lessons

Driving Putting Range Green

Berthierville, Club de golf de Berthier Ç1480, Grande-Côte

27 36 6800

• • • •





Crabtree, Club de golf de Crabtree Ç1039, chemin Archambault

18 72 6000

• • • •





18 72 6800

• • • •





Club de golf Le Portage 18 72 6871 1020, chemin du Golf, 450 589-5687 admleportage@hotmail.com www.leportage.com

• • • •





• • • •





• • •





• • • •





73 5926

• • • •





72 6303

• • • •





• • • •





450 836-4811 / 1 877 836-4811 martin@golfberthier.com www.golfberthier.com

450 754-2662 / 1 800 363-1799 www.golfdecrabtree.com

Joliette, Club de golf Joliette 221, chemin du Golf 450 753-7459 www.golfjoliette.ca



, ÇL’Assomption Le Centre de golf de Lanaudière

27 36 3510 900, chemin de la Presqu’île, 450 654-4653 36 3325 info@golf-lanaudiere.com 35 3218 www.golf-lanaudiere.com

L’Assomption, Golf de la Presqu’Île Ç935, rue de la Presqu’Île, 450 589-2882

18 65

L’Épiphanie, Club de golf L’Épiphanie Ç200, chemin du Golf, 450 588-2234 }}}}

18 72 6671


mdesrosiers@golfdelapresquile.com www.golfdelapresquile.com

nathalie@golfdelepiphanie.com www.golfdelepiphanie.com

Rawdon, Club de golf Rawdon 18 Ç3999, Lake Shore Drive, 450 834-2320 Saint-Donat, Golf Saint-Donat 18 Ç92, route 329, 819 424-2658 / 1 888 424-2658 golfstdonat@cgocable.ca www.golf-st-donat.com (ad. p. 70)

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, CVC - Lanaudière 18 72 5232 ÇClub de golf Saint-Jean-de-Matha }}}} 6163

2650, route Louis-Cyr (route 131) 450 886-9301 / 1 866 391-9301 info@cvc-lanaudiere.com www.cvc-lanaudiere.com


Visit our our Website Website at at :: www.lanaudiere.ca Visit

g Golf

Golf g

Rates (for one adult without taxes)

Accessibility R : reservation required Weekend P : reservation recommanded and holidays Services


Golf cart rentals

Number of holes Par


Weekend and holidays

Club rentals


Dining Lenght (yards)

Proshop Lessons

Driving Putting Range Green

, Club de golf Montcalm 36 72 6523 ÇSaint-Liguori }}}} 72 6306 1800, chemin Nadeau

• • • •





• • • •





, Club de golf Terrebonne 36 72 6795 ÇTerrebonne 3555, chemin Martin, 450 477-1817 6564

• • • •





, Le Golf du Boisé ÇTerrebonne 689, chemin du Coteau, 450 492-5239

• • • •





3450 834-6981 / 1 800 363-2772 info@golfmontcalm.qc.ca www.golfmontcalm.qc.ca

, Centre de golf Le Versant 72 ÇTerrebonne 2075, côte Terrebonne, 450 964-2251

3info@golfleversant.com www.golfleversant.com (ad. p. 64)

72 7103 72 6832 70 6088 54 1908

info@golfterrebonne.ca / www.golfterrebonne.ca

18 72 6755

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

info@golfleboise.com / www.golfleboise.com

Club de golf de Berthier Need 49 1 help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section). Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Parks Lodging :


: Tourist road sign

CH- cabin A- inn C- camping R- refuge Y- yurt


Winter Activities Other Activities

: Seasonal access

Activities on water

I : Interpretation only (e.g. : panels) G : Interpretation with guide

Cross-country skiing Snowshoeing


Hicking trails (km)

Canoeing, canoe-camping

Services Restaurant Boat rental

M : Mountain biking C : Cycling trail

Sailing Swimming Fishing


Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau 2007, chemin du Massif Info : 819 424-1865 / 1 866 484-1865 Reservation : 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 parcregionaux.org parcsregionaux@matawinie.org (ad. p. 69)




, Parc des cascades 0 • • • Ç Rawdon 6669, route 341

450 834-2596, www.rawdon.ca (ad. p. 68)

Rawdon, Parc des chutes Dorwin Ç 3074, route 337 (1 Avenue)

3 450 834-2596, www.rawdon.ca (ad. p. 69)








Parc régional de la Chute-à-Bull Acces by road 343 and rang des Venne 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 www.stcomelanaudiere.ca info@stcomelanaudiere.ca (ad. p. 69)


Parc national du Mont-Tremblant L’Assomption  sector: Acces by road 343, Saint-Côme 18 km North of village 819 688-2281 www.sepaq.com parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com (ad. p. 71)






Parc national du Mont-Tremblant • • • I-G 27,8 M • La Pimbina sector : Acces by road 125, Saint-Donat, 11 km North of village 819 688-2281 www.sepaq.com parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com (ad. p. 71)




Parc régional du Lac Taureau Reservation : 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 parcsregionaux.org parcsregionaux@matawinie.org (ad. p. 69)



régional des Sept-Chutes Ç Parc 4031, route 131, 450 884-0484




• •


parcsregionaux.org parcsregionaux@matawinie.org (ad. p. 69)

50 50

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

ATV rentals. Organization of group excursions. Accommodation available at the inn and in cabins. Discovery package including room, breakfast, dinner and ATV. Guided tours of 1 to 5 days, from Northern Lanaudière in the Haute-Mauricie. Schedule: June 23 to October 16.

l Public beaches Monitored

These beaches participate in the bathing water quality monitoring program of the Québec ministry of the environment and are supervised by qualified lifeguards. All other beaches are unsupervised.

Launching Ramps

Admission fee

Equipment Rentals A- windsurfer B- pedal boat C- watercraft D- rowboat E- canoe/kayak

, Municipal beach $0-5 • E Ç Rawdon 3304, 8 Avenue, 450 834-2596 e


Chalet host, washrooms, picnic, volleyball, parking

info@rawdon.ca / www.rawdon.ca (ad. p. 68)

Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Municipal beach

Free • 250, avenue Lac-Pierre Nord 450 883-2264 / 1 877 883-2264 info@munsar.ca / www.munsar.ca

Picnic site, beach volleyball, parking

Saint-Charles-Borromée, Plage Maria-Goretti and plage Bosco

Play area, picnic site, water games, free parking

Free • • 249, chemin du Golf Est, 450 759-3362 info@st-charles-borromee.org / www.st-charles-borromee.org

Saint-Donat, Municipal beach, parc des Pionniers

Free • • A-B-E Play area, picnic site, free parking, Lac Archambault toilets, free outdoor shows on Thursday 14, chemin Hector-Bilodeau night 819 424-2833 / 1 888 783-6628 tourisme@saint-donat.ca / www.saint-donat.ca (ad. p. 70)

Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, Municipal beach

Free • • A-B-C Restaurant, picnic site, parking ($) Access by avenue du Parc, 450 835-2105 D-E france-brisebois@qc.aira.com / www.ville.stgabriel.qc.ca (ad. p. 61)

Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Parc régional du Lac Taureau $6 Toilets, parking, dressing room, picnic site, Plage de la Pointe-Fine, 450 833-1334 boat rental nearby. www.parcsregionaux.org (ad. p. 69) Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Parc régional du Lac Taureau $6 E Camping secteur Baie-du-Milieu, 450 834-7750 www.parcsregionaux.org , Havre Familial - Centre de plein air $8-12 • B-D-E Ç Sainte-Béatrix 1085, rang du Havre-Familial 450 883-2271 / 1 888 883-2271 havre@havrefamilial.com www.havrefamilial.com (ad. p. 68)

Restaurant, playground, picnic area, badminton, volleyball, water slide, water craft (free), hiking, fishing ($), mini-golf ($), games room, iron, petanque and free parking.

Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie, Municipal beach

Play area, picnic site, volleyball, parking.

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

Free Parc de la rue Robillard, 450 886-3823 stemelie@intermonde.net / www.ste-emelie-de-lenergie.qc.ca

Parc régional du Lac Taureau Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Nature and outdoor activities È Climbing Club Escalade Lanaudière Repentigny, 207, rue Bonnard, 514 973-2052 www.escaladelanaudiere.blogspot.com / escaladelanaudiere@hotmail.com

Come and discover the sport that we love passionately. Organize a group of 3 to 6 people and enjoy the adventure of climbing on natural surfaces. Bring your lunch, dress appropriately, and don’t forget your good mood – all essential to enjoying the great adventure of climbing. Schedule : upon reservation on weekdays, or one weekend in two. Rock climbing in summer; ice climbing in winter; mixed climbing other months; rappelling year-round.

Ó Karting

Ç SRA Karting international

Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan, 270, rue Ludger-Rochon 450 588-5622 / 1 888 772-4522, www.srakarting.com / info@srakarting.com

Outdoor, lighted 1.2 km karting track, rentals for individuals and groups, driving school, races, sales of karts and accessories. Reservations necessary for groups. Schedule : every day for rentals, 1:00 pm to 10:30 pm. Must be at least 12 years old.

Ë Water sport equipment rentals Courant Marin Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, 356, rue Nadeau, 450 835-7175 www.courantmarin.net / courant.marin@sympatico.ca

Water sports centre and estate located directly on the municipal beach at Lac Maskinongé in Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon. This beautiful lake, 20 km around, has many sandy beaches. Rent water sport equipment and take lessons, one-off or as part of a package with activities that can include : stand-up paddleboard (SUP), canoe, pedal boat, kayak, windsurfing, sailing, motor boat, water skiing or wakeboarding tours. Spend an unforgettable week and stay in one of our cabins with room for 2 to 6 people, campfire wood included. Take advantage of our family package with all activities included. Schedule : from June to September, every day from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

Ç Gîte du Lac Taureau

Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 100, chemin Saint-Benoît, 450 833-6006 www.gitedulactaureau.com / info@gitedulactaureau.com

Located on huge Lac Taureau, the Gîte du Lac Taureau offers rentals of pontoon boats (by the day), rowboats (by the day) and personal watercraft (from 2 hours to one day). Come and sail on the lake and discover its magnificent beaches and wild nature. Lodging in rooms or cabins. Packages available. Schedule : available upon reservation. Rentals subject to some conditions.

Marina au Soleil Couchant Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 145, chemin du Lac Taureau, 450 833-5571 www.marinaausoleilcouchant.com / annyemond@live.ca

Discover the majestic Lac Taureau, a huge lake with 54 islands and beautiful white sand beaches. Come enjoy fishing, camping, various water sports, rentals of rowboats, pontoon boats, canoes and docks. Rates by the day and season ; gasoline sold onsite ; permits and fishing tackle.

Paintball Amazone Paintball Saint-Cuthbert, 100, chemin Du Maquis 450 944-2350, www.amazonepaintball.com / info@amazonepaintball.com

Within an hour of Montréal and close to Autoroute 40, Amazone Paintball is a great place to enjoy a really exciting time! Come share an adventure with us!


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Nature and outdoor activities ú Parachuting and flying ALM Par Avion - Pilot school Mascouche, 3415, rue de l’Aéroport, door 3 450 474-0975, www.almparavion.com

Is it a business or a flying club? With ALM Par Avion, labels don’t matter! It’s all about the passion of flying! Students and pilots alike feel at home at ALM Par Avion. There’s a great team spirit in this flying club. People come here for the activities, the atmosphere and the friendship. ALM Par Avion created the concept of “Pilot for a Day” introductory courses more than 15 years ago! The course, which is suitable for any beginner, is led by an experienced team and will familiarize you with basic flying techniques.

Ç École de parachutisme Voltige

Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes (Joliette), 4680, rue Principale 450 752-0385 / 1 877 865-8443 www.voltige2001.net / info@voltige2001.net

Guillaume Lemay-Thivierge invites you to come share the thrill of parachuting at Voltige, in Joliette. Tandem jumping is the ideal way to start parachuting and experience an adrenaline-filled free fall. Fly to 4,000 m (13,500 ft.) and enjoy great views of the magnificent Lanaudière scenery. Schedule : open daily, 8:00 am to 6:00 pm

Ç Parachute Montréal

Saint-Esprit, 29, route 125 450 839-1111 / 1 877 727-2685 www.parachutemontreal.ca / info@parachutemontreal. ca

For parachuting at its best and a true adrenaline rush, Parachute Montreal welcomes you to its location, just 30 minutes from Montreal on the North Shore at Saint-Esprit. Your first experience? Try a tandem jump. Just 20 minutes of preparation and you’re there, 4,000 m up (13,500 ft.). Attached to the harness of your instructor who takes care of everything, all you have to do is immerse yourself totally in the experience! There’s nothing like it! Schedule : daily, May to October. Cost : $250 to $280.

École de parachutisme Voltige

P Treetop and terrestrial adventures

Ç Arbraska, la forêt des aventures

(ad. p. 67)

Rawdon, 4131, rue Forest Hill, 450 834-5500 www.arbraska.com / info@arbraska.com

Arbraska Park is an adventure destination that will meet your highest expectations! With more than 120 games to enjoy in the trees, you can try many activities including zipline, rope bridges, climbing nets and great Tarzan style lianas. Arbraska is an entire world in the treetops! Also, try our Via Ferrata or our GPS Rally. Schedule : daily from March 1 to November 30. Opening hours according to season. Reservations strongly advised. Cost : from $18.70 to $33.05 plus taxes, depending on category (family, individual, corporate group, school group).

Géomission Rawdon, 3854, chemin du Lac-Morgan 450 834-8300, www.geomission.ca / judy@pclinformatique.com

Géomission invites you to refine your senses of orientation and observation to undertake secret missions that only you can solve. Combining both the outdoors and GPS technology, Géomission turns you into a private detective and send you roaming through the streets of Rawdon in a quest for mysteries, puzzles and treasures. Schedule : every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Reservation required. Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Walkinget trails & air Nature plein E Outdoor parking x Campground q Panorama  3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility 2 Full wheelchair accessibility

Pet welcome

Source : Fédération québécoise de la marche, Répertoire des lieux de marche au Québec, available at www.fqmarche.qc.ca Degree of difficulty

● Beginner ■ Intermediate ◆ Advanced ◆◆ Expert


Picnic area







Total lenght of trail network in km Degree of difficulty

Certify trail by Quebec Walking Federation

Hunting season

Entry fee

Business hours


L’Assomption, Pépinière Villeneuve 2 l Ç 951, rang de la Presqu’Île, 450 589-7158

May to October info@pepinierevilleneuve.com 9 a.m. to www.pepinierevilleneuve.com 5 p.m.


10 l • Year round E q ó Âh 3 Société de Conservation, d’Interprétation et de Recherche de Berthier et ses Îles Access to trails via Route 158 (rue Bienville) on leaving Berthierville toward Sorel/Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola 450 836-4447, info@scirbi.org / www.scirbi.org

La Visitation de l’Île-Dupas, SCIRBI -

Mandeville, Municipalité de Mandeville E q ó Âh 162, rue Desjardins, C.P. 60, 450 835-2055 mandeville@intermonde.net / www.mandeville.qc.ca (ad. p. 61) Réserve Faunique Mastigouche 47,7 l • May to October • Parc régional des chutes du Calvaire 2 l • Year round • Sentiers du Lac en Cœur 10 ln • Year round • MRC de Matawinie

Parcs régionaux de la Matawinie (SDPRM) Campground and refuges booking : 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 parcsregionaux.org / parcsregionaux@matawinie.org (ad. p. 69) Information: Sentiers national/Forêt Ouareau : 819 424-1865 / 1 866 484-1865 Parc régional de la Chute-à-Bull : 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 Parc régional des Sept-Chutes : 450 884-0484 Sentier national en Matawinie Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau Parc régional des Chutes-à-Bull Parc régional des Sept-Chutes Parc régional du Lac Taureau (Sentier de la Baie-Dominique)

180 lnu • Year round 120 lnu • Year round 6 lnu Year round 12 nu May to October 6 n Year round

• • • • • • • •

, Camp Mariste 20 ln Year round • • Ç Rawdon 8082, chemin du Lac Morgan, 450 834-6383

Exõ  q hÂó Exõ  q hó Eõ  q hÂó E  q h Exq hÂó E õh q hó

admin@campmariste.qc.ca / /www.campmariste.qc.ca


Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Multipurpose trails

37 lnu • 100, rue de la Plage, 450 883-2264 / 1 877 883-2264 info@munsar.ca / www.munsar.ca

June to November


Saint-Côme, Parc national du Mont-Tremblant 7,4 ln Mid-may to • • Ex q hõh L’Assomption sector: 819 688-2281 October www.sepaq.com / parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com p.72


27,8 lnu Mid-May to • • La Pimbina sector: 819 688-2281 first snow www.sepaq.com / parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com (ad. p. 71)

E x q hõ  hó

Saint-Donat, Municipal trails

EõÂtoilets q ó

Saint-Donat, Parc national du Mont-Tremblant

819 424-2383 / 1 888 783-6628 www.saint-donat.ca / tourisme@saint-donat.ca (ad. p. 71)


38,6 lnu •

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visitez notre site Internet : www.tourismeduplessis.com ou communiquez avec nous au 1 888 463-0808

Nature et plein air & Walking trails

& Randonnée pédestre E Outdoor parking x Campground q Panorama  Pet welcome ó Snowshoeing 3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility 2 Full wheelchair accessibility Source : Fédération québécoise de la marche, Répertoire des lieux de marche au Québec, available at www.fqmarche.qc.ca


Picnic area





Total lenght of trail network in km

Degree of difficulty

● Beginner ■ Intermediate ◆ Advanced ◆◆ Expert

Degree of difficulty

Certify trail by Quebec Walking Federation Entry fee

Hunting season Business hours

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Sainte-Béatrix, Sainte-Mélanie, 17 ln Ç Régie intermunicipale du parc régional des chutes (ad. p. 69)

May to


q xEhÂ

November 3 Monte-à-Peine-et-des-Dalles 450 883-6060, www.parcdeschutes.com / parcdeschutes@bellnet.ca 3 entrances: Saint-Jean-de-Matha : 440, rang Sainte-Louise Sainte-Béatrix : 561, rang des Dalles Sainte-Mélanie : 60, chemin Champs-Vallon

Nature and ecological reserves Beauréal Réserve Naturelle Sainte-Julienne, follow blue signs for Beauréal 450 831-4267, www.beaureal.ca / info@beaureal.ca

4 Visitez notre site Internet : www.tourismeduplessis.com ou communiquez avec nous au 1 888 463-0808 Parc régional de la chute-à-Bull Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

On this protected natural site, you’ll discover : the Beauréal lookout and its observation point 218 metres up ; a family fun trail in the trees (low height) ; the Halte des Pins (rest and picnic area) ; as well as interpretive and puzzle trails. Get back to nature, on your own or with the family, on our protected territory! Schedule : year-round from 8:00 am to sunset.

Reserves Type of water feature: Lodging: Fishing: Hunting:

Reserves L- lake K- reservoir F- river CH- cabin A- inn C- camping R- refuge A- speckled trout B- rainbow trout C- grey trout D- bass E- brown trout F- walleye G- pike H- atlantic salmon I- moose J- bear K- waterfowl small game L- Whitetail Deer M- pheasant N- guinea-fowl

: Tourist road sign Ç Ç

Winter Activities Cross-country skiing Services

Other Activities


Hunting Activities on water Canoeing Canoe-camping Sailing Swimming

Walking trails (km)

Lodging Restaurant Boat rental Fishing licences available

M: Mountain biking C: Cycling trails



Mandeville and Saint-Zénon

• • A-C F-G-I 8 M Réserve faunique Mastigouche 819 265-2098 / 1 800 665-6527 mastigouche@sepaq.com www.sepaq.com


Réserve faunique Rouge-Matawin • Access by Saint-Michel-des-Saints 819 688-2325 / 1 800 665-6527 rougematawin@sepaq.com www.sepaq.com



• •


• •

ä ATV Association Quad Region Lanaudière Association Quad Region Lanaudière is a grouping of the 6 ATV clubs in the area: these clubs maintain more than 1,200 km of trails for ATV-ers. Club Quad Moto M.A.N. Inc. (Sainte-Julienne, 4 season club) 450 839-3324 Club Quad Méga-Roues de Joliette Inc. (Joliette, 4 season club) 450 755-2604 Club Quad Matawinie (Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 4 season club) 450 833-5467 Club Quad Saint-Zénon (Saint-Zénon, summer club) 450 884-0087 Club Quad Ouareau (Saint-Donat, 4 season club) 819 424-3772 Club Quad Les Randonneurs (Mascouche, 4 season club) 450 838-8547

Moto Ducharme Joliette, 761, chemin des Prairies, 450 755-4444 www.motoducharme.com / vente@motoducharme.com

We are a family business at your service since 1961. We offer recreational products such as Honda, Kawasaki, Polaris and Victory. We also offer previously-owned vehicles, trailers, clothing, parts, service, accessories and rentals. Located at the intersection of Routes 131 and 158, also accessible via ATV and snowmobile trails. Opening hours: Monday to Wednesday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm. Thursday and Friday, 8:30 am to 9:00 pm; Saturday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm (closed Saturdays in summer). Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca 56 59 Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

Nature and outdoor activities Y Cycling Cycling and hiking paths - River crossing at Notre-Dame-des-Prairies Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, 225, boulevard Antonio-Barrette 450 759-7741, www.notre-dame-des-prairies.org / prairies@notre-dame-des-prairies.org

Bring your bicycle or hike the bike paths of Rang Sainte-Julie, which bring you to a network of cycling routes leading through towns and country. Explore the rural trails and discover a surprising view by crossing a bridge over the L’Assomption River, accessible from Des Clercs and Des Jonquilles Avenues.

The Green Route in L’Assomption County Repentigny, 435, rue Notre-Dame 450 654-6488, www.cldmrclassomption.qc.ca

Ride a 36-km stretch of the Route verte (Green Route) – a great cycling tour from Repentigny to Saint-Sulpice via L’Assomption. Pedal at your own pace through urban spaces, interesting sites and picturesque villages. We also offer a circuit from the river to the back-country through some lovely landscapes. Come visit!

Société de Récréotourisme Pôle Berthier

(ad. p. 60)

Berthierville, 550, rue Montcalm, bureau 500, 450 836-0990 / 1 877 777-0990 www.sadc-autray.qc.ca / npanneton@ciril.qc.ca

Crisscrossing Saint-Ignace-de-Loyola, La Visitation-de-l’Île-Dupas, Saint-Barthélemy, Maskinongé, Saint-Cuthbert, SainteGeneviève-de-Berthier and Berthierville, the cycling circuit of Îles de Berthier (Berthier Islands) offers cyclists some 80 km of great riding through the countryside and villages of the region. Schedule : The ferry, La Traverse des îles, is available to cyclists from June 24 to Labour Day. It links Île-Dupas and Saint-Barthélemy from Wednesday to Sunday inclusively, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Departs hourly to Île-Dupas and half-hourly to Saint-Barthélemy. Also, Mondays and Tuesdays for groups going to Îles de Berthier.

La TransTerrebonne

(ad. inside back cover)

Ville de Terrebonne, 450 961-2001, www.ville.terrebonne.qc.ca

The TransTerrebonne is a 22.5 km multipurpose trail, unique in Quebec, designed and organized for the enjoyment of cyclists, hikers and cross-country skiers. Part of an 88.5 km urban cycling network, it offers everyone a sports experience in harmony with the environment. The city, nature and you!

Groupe Plein Air Terrebonne Terrebonne, 1150, côte Boisée 450 471-1933, www.gpat.ca /gpat@gpat.ca

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Christian Rouleau

For more than 25 years, Groupe Plein Air Terrebonne has offered everyone the opportunity to learn about outdoor sports in affordable and user-friendly ways. This non-profit organization operates summer and winter, serving people of all ages. Come visit us, and enjoy year-round fun and exercise!

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Zecs Type of water feature: Lodging: Fishing: Hunting:

ZECs L- lake K- reservoir F- river CH- cabin A- inn C- camping R- refuge A- speckled trout B- rainbow trout C- grey trout D- bass E- brown trout F- walleye G- pike H- atlantic salmon I- moose J- bear K- waterfowl small game L- whitetail deer M- pheasant N- guinea-fowl

Ç : Tourist road sign Winter Activities Cross-country skiing Services

Other Activities


Hunting Activities on water

Walking trails (km)

Canoeing Canoe-camping

Lodging Restaurant Boat rental Fishing licences available

M: Mountain biking C: Cycling trails

Sailing Swimming



Saint-Félix-de-Valois, Zec des Nymphes •

• A-B-D-F

Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Zec Boullé •

• A-C-F-G F-G-I

Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Zec Collin •



• •



• •



• •

• • • A-C-F-H F-G-H-I 32 • 541, rang de L’Arnouche Sans frais : 1 866 753-4624 info@zeclavigne.com / www.zeclavigne.com Entrance : Saint-Zénon : 450 884-5521 Saint-Côme : 450 883-8648 Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci : 819 424-3168 Saint-Michel-des-Saints : to come**


• •

123, rue de la Station 450 889-8796 / 1 877 889-8796 zecdesnymphes@qc.aira.com www.zecquebec.com Entrance kiosk : Mandeville : 450 835-1240 Zénon, Saint Zénon : 450 884-5478 Champagne, Saint-Zénon : 450 884-5709 2371, chemin Manawan, 450 756-4761 zec.boulle@sympatico.ca www.zecquebec.com

• A-C-D 8370, chemin Brassard F-G-H 450 833-5195 / 1 866 753-4624 collin@satelcom.qc.ca http://www.zecquebec.com


3 Saint-Zénon, Zec Lavigne

** The entrance office of Saint-Michel-des-Saints will be connected to the telephone network in spring 2013.

o Diving

Ç Camp Mariste

Rawdon, 8082, chemin Morgan, 450 834-6383 www.campmariste.qc.ca / admin@campmariste.qc.ca

Lac Morgan is a paradise for anyone who loves diving. With its dock, cliff and calm waters offering good visibility and depths of more than 25 metres, it attracts hundreds of divers each year. Less than an hour from Montreal. Cost : $10 per diver. Rentals of well-equipped cottages available. Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca 58 61 Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

© Tourisme Lanaudière, M-O Guilbaut

Nature and outdoor activities

Lac L’Assomption, parc national du Mont-Tremblant Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Place Desjardins Lavaltrie

Mondor vineyard

Maison des contes et légendes Lavaltrie

Cycling circuit

des îles de Berthier

Maison Rosalie-Cadron Lavaltrie

Gilles-Villeneuve Museum


5 vineyards

MRC de D’Autray

Les promenades de Lanoraie

www.mrcautray.qc.ca/tourisme 60




, -Gabriel, vineyard Vignoble Saint e-Brandon int-Gabriel-d


events rti à la plage, abriel

Ville Saint-G

lvaire Regi Chutes du Ca ville Park, Mande


ach Municipal be riel ab

Ville Saint-G

, and-Portage Jardins du Gr int-Didace Sa s, en rd ga


Natur’Eau sp Mandeville

For further information about the Brandon region and it’s treasures : Tourist information center Ville Saint-Gabriel 450 835-2105 www.mrcautray.qc.ca/tourisme


A great Motel near Montreal! Welcome to the best Motel in Repentigny! Nestled on the Lanaudiere region moments away from Montreal, MOTEL CAPRI & SUITES is an ideal accommodations choice for business and leisure travelers. Great accommodations, unbelievable rates and convenient services and amenities – all just minutes away from Highway 40 and Highway 640! With a total of 50 guestrooms and unique luxury suites, MOTEL CAPRI & SUITES offer you a variety of choices, smoking or non-smoking, for a short-term visit or longterm stay. Small pets are welcome.






Repentigny L’Assomption, L’Épiphanie Charlemagne, Saint-Sulpice


Come a region of

ambience! ; ) C








Visit our website

www.cldmrclassomption.qc.ca 63


We are here!

1155, Avenue Yves-Blais Terrebone J6V 0A9


For reservations

1 450 582-8288



• • • • • •

Full continental breakfast with hot waffles Indoor pool with mega waterslide, water game, spa Local call Wireless highspeed internet in each room Newspaper Parking

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High-speed wireless Internet access.


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450 756.0588 65

The calm between 2 storms

Dry sauna Steam bath Aromatherapy 2 hot tubs and 1 nordic bath Massotherapy and beauty treatments Healthy bistro

1691, rang des Forges Ouest, Saint-Félix-de-Valois 450 889-1515 | 1 877 481-1515 | spalaccalmie.com

Guaranteed fun at Hotel Château Joliette!

Countless activities await you: Golf, kayak, biking, skating, hiking… Lanaudière’s musical festival, museums and shows… • Rooms and suites • Gourmet cuisine • Bar and entertainment

450 752-2525 I 1 800 361-0572 www.chateaujoliette.com



22, chemin Natur'Eau, Mandeville 1 866 697-4864 natureau.com


Visit our church and then come to our store to buy chocolates, caramel spreads, fruitcakes and peanut butter, all manufactured by monks from our Abbey. We also offer a wide selection of Quebec food products, as well as religious books and devotional articles. 8 km of walking paths, in a splendid natural environment, are available for free throughout summer.

Magasin de l’abbaye 220, Chemin de la Montagne-Coupée Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Québec J0K 2S0 450 960-2891 • 1 877-960-2891 abbayevalnotredame.ca

Come visit us! During your summer vacation, enjoy our wonderful nature parks. Dorwin Falls Park, Cascades Park and the Municipal beach. In winter, come and slide at the beach and skate on Rawdon Lake.

Information: 450 834-2596 / www.rawdon.ca 68



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Regional delights

Food services


✓ ■ ✓ ■ ✓ ■ ✓ ■

A collection of 20 official Quebec tourist guides Suggested itineraries Full details on attractions, events and accommodation Everything you need to plan your stay!

Consult the list of our information centres es on page 4, or look for these roadside signs: 74

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

Our network of tourist information centres offers you


Winter activities

Hungry for some out of the ordinary thrills? Explore the vast territories of northern Lanaudière and experience an exci­ting adventure aboard a dog sled taking you through pristine white landscapes. The more adventurous can try their hand at being a “musher” on a guided dog sledding excursion. Lanaudière’s geographic diversity, varying altitudes and oustanding snow conditions all add up to a longer winter season. And given the proximity of the Laurentian Mountains,

downhill skiing is a natural for us. Mont-Garceau and Val Saint-Côme, situated on the highest peaks in the area, have impressive vertical drops. Bring the family for sliding thrills and fun on the mountain at Super glissades Saint-Jean-­deMatha. Enjoy a unique winter winter experience at this vast snowy playground. Fans of cross-country skiing and snowshoeing are well served with many top-quality services and centres in Lanaudière. In January and February, attend one of the many snow and ice festivals. Lanaudière is a wonder ful place for skaters too: you can enjoy an incredible 9 km round-trip skate on Québec’s longest river skating rink at Joliette. This has been the location of the famous Festi-Glace de la rivière l’Assomption for over than 30 years. Throughout the region, numerous natural skating rinks, on lakes and rivers, are well maintained for your enjoyment. And finally, winter in Lanaudière is the perfect time to expe­ rience the pleasure of ice fishing at one of our northern outfitters, where the trout season is long, or on a frozen river. For more information and help in planning your outdoor activities, visit www.lanaudiere.ca

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

Parc régional de la chute-à-Bull © Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

The physical diversity of Lanaudière and its varying altitudes and snow conditions bring a longer winter season and more winter sports and recreational options. Lanaudière is rightfully famous as “Snowmobile Country.” The region has been ranked Number One in the world by Supertrax International Magazine for the quality of its 4,800 km of well-groomed trails, as well as the wonderful scenery and warm welcome that snowmobilers receive. The fantastic choice oftrails attracts snowmobilers from far and wide – from across Canada, and the United States and Europe, too. The vast trail network, infinite touring possibi lities, great meals, comfortable lodging… all contribute to making Lanaudière an indisputable world leader. ATV is also a big sport yearround in Lanaudière with 821 km of winter trails.

Centre la Montagne-Coupée Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Winter activities

Super Glissades de Saint-Jean-de-Matha

8 Sliding Slide on tube at Bosco park Saint-Charles-Borromée, 249, chemin du Golf Est 450 759-3362, www.st-charles-borromee.org / info@st-charles-borromee.org

Come tube sliding in beautiful St-Jean-Bosco Park for only $2.50 per person. An ideal activity for a school or family outing, and an experience you will never forget. Many other activities also available free of charge. Bring your equipment and come skate, or slide on our natural slopes, or enjoy snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and skate skiing. Schedule : Weekends, school breaks and public holidays, from 10 am to 5 pm. School groups : from Wednesday to Friday, upon reservation.

Ç Super Glissades de Saint-Jean-de-Matha

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 2650, route Louis-Cyr 450 886-9321, www.glissadesurtube.com / info@glissadesurtube.com

Our 27 trails await you at the Glissades : the first slope has tube slides for the whole family, including tots. The second slope is for the more daring, with its Rafting, Cyclone and High-speed Train trails. In addition, we have 66 km of crosscountry ski trails, snowshoe trails and carousels for the little ones. You can also skate and enjoy a horse-drawn sleigh ride. See our Website for accommodation and rentals of cottages and condos. Open : Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 4:00 pm ; Friday and Saturday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm ; Sunday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm. During holidays and school break, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm. Admission : 13 years and over, $29 ; four to 12 years, $23.

Ç Havre Familial, centre de plein air

(ad. p. 68)

Sainte-Béatrix, 1085, rang du Havre-Familial 450 883-2271 / 1 888 883-2271 www.havrefamilial.com / havre@havrefamilial.com

Come try one of our two tubing slopes in a beautiful natural setting. With the family or in a group, Le Havre Familial guarantees you hours of fun! Other activities available in winter : free skating, hockey, broomball, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing and hebertism on snow. Schedule : daily, 9:30 am to 4:30 pm. Admission : 12 years and over, $11 ; age 4 to 11, $7. All the above-mentioned activities are included in the admission price.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Winter activities F Dog sledding

Ç3 Kinadapt - Training centre

Rawdon, 1800, chemin Laurin 450 834-4441, www.kinadapt.com / kinadapt@bellnet.ca

Just 50 minutes from Montreal, learn with our Alaskan huskies how to become an effective pack leader leading a dog team through the mountains and woods as you explore a wonderful part of this region. Participate in various activities throughout the seasons with our certified guides and trainers : sled dogs, skijöring, canicross, cross-country skiing, mountain biking, hiking, flora and fauna interpretation. Reservations required.

Les Aventures Liguoriennes Saint-Liguori, 161, 5e Rang, 450 834-1387 / cell. : 450 750-2305 www.aventuresliguoriennes.com / aventuresliguoriennes@hotmail.com

In the heart of Lanaudière, at Saint-Liguori, we invite you to come and experience winter another way : dog sledding! Accompanied by an expert guide and in complete safety, let us drive you, or drive your own team of Alaskan huskies along our trails. Enjoy a ride of 25 to 40 km, day or night, through some beautiful landscapes.

Évasion Nature / Expéditions K9 Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 1160, rue des Aulnaies 450 833-1462, www.evasionnature.com / evasionnature@msn.com

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

Let our dogs bring out your spirit of adventure as you glide along the many kilometres of wild and scenic trails in Lanaudière. Go for a few hours or for several days – it’s completely safe for the whole family with our qualified guides.

Kinadapt Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Winter activities n Snowmobiling Snowmobiling Clubs (visit www.snowmobilecountry.ca) Association Coureurs de Bois St-Alphonse

Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, 450 883-5490, lescoureursdebois@hotmail.ca

Club motoneige Saint-Donat

Saint-Donat, 819 424-7988, www.motoneigestdonat.com / tourisme@saint-donat.ca

Club de motoneige régional Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon (S.G.B.L) Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, 450 835-2600

Club motoneige Bon-Air

Saint-Lin–Laurentides, 450 439-3105, www.clubbon-air.qc.ca / info@clubbon-air.qc.ca

Arctic Aventure / Toute L’Aventure Entrelacs, 3160, chemin Entrelacs 450 228-3181, www.2amis.com / www.toutelaventure.com / tla@citenet.net

We have been organizing snowmobile expeditions for 17 years. All are guided to ensure safe and successful excursions. Instruction on private trails. Quiet touring for beginners or adventure touring to the northern borders for real enthusiasts. Option of customized packages. ATV (quad) rentals year-round, with or without guide. Open : every day.

Location Mastigouche Mandeville, 991, rang Mastigouche 450 835-1767, www.locationmastigouche.com / robert.brunel@sympatico.ca

Rental of snowmobiles, ATVs and side-side vehicles, with easy access to the trails of Mastigouche Wildlife Reserve and the ZEC des Nymphes. To ensure your safety, guides are available.

Grégoire Sport Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes, 2061, route 131 450 752-2442 / 1 800 791-2442 www.gregoiresport.com / info@gregoiresport.com

Arctic Cat and Yamaha dealer. Two locations to serve you. Sales, parts and accessories, service. Certified technicians. Day rentals available. Open : Monday to Wednesday, 9:00 am to 5:30 pm ; Thursday and Friday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm ; Saturday, 9:00 am to 3:00 pm ; Sunday, closed.

Lapointe Sports Notre-Dame-des-Prairies (Joliette), 576, route 131 450 752-1224 / 1 800 754-8899 www.lapointesports.com / info@lapointesports.com

The largest Bombardier Recreational Products centre in Lanaudière with an indoor showroom of 150 new and used vehicles. Sales of snowmobiles, personal watercraft, Spyders, ATVs, side-by-side vehicles, fishing boats, pontoons, trailers, outboard motors, parts, clothing and accessories, maintenance and repair, Spyder rentals. Opening hours : Monday to Wednesday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm ; Thursday and Friday, 8:30 am to 9:00 pm ; Saturday, 8:30 am to 3:00 pm.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Winter activities Évasion sports Québec Saint-Côme, 1597, rue Pricipale 514 730-8766, www.evasionsportsquebec.ca / info@evasionsportsquebec.ca

Rentals of BRP 600 Grand Touring. Snowmobile excursions with professional guides, tours from half a day to several days. Multi-activity experiences including dog sledding, ice fishing, trapping, snowshoeing and even a night in an igloo, cabin or 4-star inn.

Sport et Marine MV

(ad. p. 70)

Saint-Donat, 1108, rue Principale 819 424-3433, www.st-donat.com/mv / smmv@st-donat.com

Rentals of Yamaha snowmobiles (almost 40 machines available). Also, sale of used snowmobiles, parts and service. Specializing in Yamaha products.

Sports St-Donat

(ad. p. 70)

Saint-Donat, 681, rue Principale 819 424-2244, www.st-donat.com/skidoo / bombardier@st-donat.com

Rentals of Bombardier snowmobiles, located directly on the trail. Parking and gasoline available on site. Sales, repairs and service of snowmobiles and ATVs. Authorized Bombardier dealer.

Les Motoneiges Géro Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 2050, route Louis-Cyr 450 886-3362, www.motoneigesgero.com / gero@sympatico.ca

Rentals and sales of Bombardier snowmobile products. Located directly beside the Trans-Quebec 63 trail. We have the most modern repair shop in Quebec, and the largest parts inventory in Lanaudière. More than $300,000 worth of original Ski-Doo parts in stock.

Location de motoneiges Haute-Matawinie Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 190, rue Brassard 450 833-1355 / 1 800 833-6015 www.locationhautematawinie.com / locationhautematawinie@qc.aira.com

With a fleet of 600 Ski-Doo snowmobiles, updated each year, Location Haute-Matawinie, pioneer and world leader in snowmobile rentals, offers a unique experience to its thousands of customers. We are situated in northern Lanaudière, with direct access to the trails.

f Skating Anneau de glace au Lac Pierre Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, 101, rue de la Plage 450 883-2264 / 1 877 883-2264 www.munsar.ca / info@munsar.ca

A 3.5-km ice trail is set up on Lac Pierre, right in the heart of the village. Come stroll or skate in a magical setting and enjoy the winter beauty of Saint- Alphonse-Rodriguez. A skating rink is also available close by for hockey enthusiasts. Free admission.

Patinage en forêt à Saint-Donat Saint-Donat, 17, chemin Hector-Bilodeau 819 424-2833 / 1 888 783-6628 www.saint-donat.ca / loisirs@saint-donat.ca

At Parc des Pionniers, close to Lac Archambault, come skate in our enchanted forest with its breathtaking landscapes. A pavilion is available in the park 7 days a week to put on your skates and warm up. Come enjoy some winter fun!

Ç Île-des-Moulins

Terrebonne, 866, rue Saint-Pierre 450 471-0619, iledesmoulins.com / info@iledesmoulins.com


As soon as Mother Nature permits, the lock of the Terrebonne mills turns into a magnificent natural skating rink. Atmospheric music and heated changing rooms. Carnaval Glisse et Glace on January 25-26 and February 1-2, 2014. Schedule : Monday to Friday, 12:00 noon to 10:00 pm. Saturday and Sunday, 10:00 am to 10:00 pm. Rink is open whenever weather permits – please call ahead before setting out. Free admission.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


skiing a aDownhill Downhill skiing Services Equipment rental


Snow park

Total number of trails (lighted) Vertical drop (m)

Ski lifts A Chairlift B Ski tows C T-bar D Gondola E Magic carpet Degree of difficulty

Half pipe Restaurant Babysitting service

The longest trail

● Beginner ■ Intermediate ◆ Advanced ◆◆ Expert

FS : weekend R : upon reservation Boutique

Ski lifts Snow making



, Ski Montcalm 24 150 1000 Ç Rawdon 3294, rue Park (route 125) 450 834-3139 / 1 800 387-2038 info@skimontcalm.com / www.skimontcalm.com

A 5 • B 2 E 1

Saint-Côme, Station touristique Val Saint-Côme Ç 501, chemin Val Saint-Côme

36 300 2800 A3 • (8) B1 (ad. p. 72) E1 info@valsaintcome.com / www.valsaintcome.com

3 450 883-0701 / 1 800 363-2766

Saint-Donat, Ski Mont-Garceau 25 305 1996 Ç 190, chemin du Lac Blanc

A2 • E1 819 424-2784 / 1 800 427-2328 (ad. p. 70) ski@skigarceau.com / www.skigarceau.com

Saint-Donat, Centre de ski Mont la Réserve 37 305 1609 Ç 56, chemin du Mont-La-Réserve

A2 • E1 819 424-1373 / 1 877 424-1373 (ad. p. 70) info@skilareserve.com / www.skilareserve.com

l 7 • • n 11 u 6

l 9 n 15 u8 uu 4

• •

l 8 n7 u8 uu 3

• •

• FS •

l 8 • • • FS • n 8 R u 12 uu 8


snowshoeing r ó skiing & & snowshoeing rCross-country ó Cross-country skiing


Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section). BC : Backcountry Difficulty : ● easy

■ intermediate ◆ advance

Lodging: CH- chalet A- inn C- winter campsite R- refuge Y- yurt

Cross-country skiing trail Snowshoeing trail Total Length (km)

Services Equipment rental (S) ski (R) snowshoes Heated refuge

Total Length (km)

Ski waxing room

Total number

Total number





L’Épiphanie, Chez Ti-Jean ski de fond 34 7 Ç 825, rang Petit Saint-Esprit 450 588-5980, www.erablieredautrefois.com

Rawdon, Camp Mariste 5 2 20 6 Ç 8082, chemin du Lac Morgan, 450 834-6383


l n






l 7 n


l n u

admin@campmariste.qc.ca / www.campmariste.qc.ca


12 3 27 10 Aux 4 sommets 1400, route 343, 450 499-1400 www.aux4sommets.com / info@aux4sommets.com

Saint-Côme, Municipal trails

30 4 13 9 Information : Tourist Office 1661-A, rue Principale, 450 883-2730 1 866 266-2730, www.stcomelanaudiere.ca info@stcomelanaudiere.ca


l 3 n4 u5

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Cross-country skiing & snowshoeing ró r ó Cross-country skiing & snowshoeing BC : Backcountry Difficulty : ● easy

■ intermediate ◆ advance

Lodging: CH- chalet A- inn C- winter campsite R- refuge Y- yurt

Cross-country skiing trail Snowshoeing trail

Services Equipment rental (S) ski (R) snowshoes Heated refuge

Total Length (km)

Total Length (km)

Ski waxing room

Total number



Total number



Saint-Donat, Parc national du Mont-Tremblant 21 5 33,5* 5 l R • • La Pimbina sector, 819 688-2281, www.sepaq.com n parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com (ad. p. 71) u Saint-Donat 19 5 50 4 l Saint-Donat, Sentiers municipaux n 819 424-2383 / 1 888 783-6628 u www.saint-donat.ca / tourisme@saint-donat.ca Saint-Félix-de-Valois, Municipal trails 600, chemin Joliette, 450 889-5589 www.st-felix-de-valois.com municipalite@st-felix-de-valois.com



16,5 5 50 11 3 220, chemin de la Montagne-Coupée, 450 886-3845

l 2 n8 skimontagnecoupee@hotmail.com u1 www.skimontagnecoupee.com

Ç Sainte-Béatrix Havre Familial - centre de plein air



Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon 6 8 22 5 l 4 Les Sentiers Brandon n1 1726, rue Dequoy, 450 835-5872 paparazzi-jm@hotmail.com www.sentiersbrandon.centerblog.net

Ç Saint-Jean-de-Matha Centre la Montagne-Coupée

R-Y CH *Backcountry skiing


12 9 30 6 l 1 1085, rang du Havre-Familial n2 450 883-2271 / 1 888 883-2271 (ad. p. 68) u3 havre@havrefamilial.com / www.havrefamilial.com






Parcs régionaux de la Matawinie

450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 parcsregionaux.org / parcsregionaux@matawinie.org (ad. p. 69) Sentier national in Matawinie 819 424-1865 / 1 866 484-1865



Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau 35 n/a n/a 26 l 819 424-1865 / 1 866 484-1865 n u Parc régional de la chute-à-Bull 6 n/a 450 883-2730/ 1 866 266-2730




Need 83 86 help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section). Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Local Flavours where you can enjoy a host of experiences that will connect you to the land. Local farmers are ready to welcome you along the way and introduce you to their many products. Lanaudière is especially renowned for its dining pleasures, among others its cheeses, wines, unusual livestock (Highland cattle, venison, geese, etc. ), strawberries that you can pick yourself, and maple products. The region has one of the largest concentrations of maple groves in Quebec. On these tours you can sip some good local wines, see bison close up, learn about sheep farming, get to know bees, pick your own produce, discover new ways to cook squash, savour delicious jams and pastries, or get better acquainted with garden plants and flowers… the Country Roads tours introduce you to so many lanaudois treasures. Our Country Roads map won a Bronze Award in the Tourist Services category at the Grands Prix du tourisme québécois 2008. To download the map – and also to see complementary, themed tours like “Wines and Cheeses” and “Meats and Delicatessen” – visit:


© Tourisme Lanaudière, Maryline Lafrenière

As one of the leading agricultural regions of Québec, Lanaudière has earned the nickname of “the green region.” This verdant plain sits in Québec’s mildest climatic zone, where the lowlands of the St. Lawrence River Valley are at their widest and the soil is extremely fertile. The rare combination of topography, soil and climate makes Lanaudière ideal farming country, complemented by beau­ tiful scenery in a wonderful harmony of colours. Often called “Québec in miniature” for its great variety of land scapes, the region is also famous for its fresh, tasty and abundant produce. Lanaudière is especially noted for cheeses, wines and liqueurs, strawberries (pick your own), livestock bree­ ding and maple products. Here you’ll find a great concentration of maple groves and lots of friendly familyrun sugar shacks. Great food and dining year-round! You can obtain a map called Country Roads with recommended agricultural tours from Tourisme Lanaudière in collaboration with the Conseil de développement bioalimentaire de Lanaudière (which oversees regional development of agriculture and agritourism). This is the best way to explore the true rural heart of Lanaudière and enjoy its produce. The scenic routes take you through some beautiful landscapes

Domaine des Trois Gourmands Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Local flavours Regional delights Agrotourism: Agritourism is a tourist activity complementary to agriculture, which takes place on a farm. You’ll have the chance to discover all aspects of agriculture and its production through the hospitality and information offered by your hosts, the farmers.

Regional delights: Looking for home-grown products with a regional taste? Are your interested in local crafts? You’ll find some of the finest local products at the follo­wing establishments.

A Pick your own Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products


Berthierville A unique activity in Lanaudière! • • • • Late August to mid-October : (Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier) Come and pick your own table Thursday to Monday, 10 am

Vignoble du Vent Maudit 690, rang Saint-Esprit (route 347) 450 803-2503 jf_chausse@hotmail.com www.ventmaudit.com

grapes : seedless red, blue and green. You will be surprised by their delicious, sweet taste. As well as the vineyard, we have a stand offering sweet corn, garden vegetables, processed products and grapes already harvested. Cash only.

L’Assomption, Ferme André Cormier 160, rang de l’Achigan 450 589-5019 info@fermecormier.com www.fermecormier.com

Our kiosk offers a wide variety of • • • • • • • From May to September, daily, fresh fruits and vegetables, as well 8:00 am to 8:00 pm. In as home-made produce  : pies, jams, October, Thursday to Sunday, conserves, etc. Self-picking straw- 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. berries and, in October, pumpkins.

Ç L’Assomption Bleuets & Framboises Janson

871, rang Point-du-Jour Nord 450 589-4183 sue_gagnon@xplornet.com www.bleuetsetframboisesjanson.ca

Come visit our berry fields at your own pace (blueberries and fall raspberries) in the lovely Lanaudière countryside. You can take a short wagon ride to reach the fields. Cash only please.

• •

to 5 pm. Visit our Website for the official opening date.

See our Website for schedule.

Lanoraie, Bleuetière Asselin Ç 296, rang Saint-Henri

For an unforgettable family activity, • • • • • • From around July 10 to come pick your own blueberries August 31, Monday to Friday, 450 887-1983 and raspberries in an enchanting 8:00 am to 8:00 pm ; Saturday info@bleuetiere.com Lanaudière setting! Also, enjoy our and Sunday, 8:00 am to www.bleuetiere.com home-made produce : jams, pies, etc. 5:00 pm. In case of rain, call before heading out.

, Fraises Gaétan Roy Ç Lanoraie Corner chemin Joliette and rang Saint-Henri 450 887-0893 info@fraisesroy.com www.fraisesroy.com

86 90

Come discover over berries in • • • • • Early June to mid-September, summer and fall! Available June- daily, from 10:00 am to October for purchase or self-picking. 6:00 pm. Our varieties of strawberries and raspberries are sure to please. Also available on site site : blueberries and corn. Cash and debit.

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Pick your own Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area

, Bleuetière Point du jour Ç Lavaltrie 330, rang Point-du-Jour Sud 450 586-0598 www.petits-fruits.com



Come your own autumn blueberries, • • • • raspberries and fall strawberries while relaxing in the countryside, or buy them already picked. Super antioxidant foods. Produce sales : jams, frozen products. Year-round with appointment.

Blueberries : July 10 to September 6 Raspberries : July 5 to October 10 Strawberries : June 20 to September 30. Daily, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Rawdon, Ferme Guy Rivest Ç 1305, chemin Laliberté

Experience the pleasure of picking • • • • • • • Strawberries : about June 24 your own strawberries and rasp- to July 20. Raspberries : about 450 834-5127 berries with the family, as well as July 20 to August 10. Call for info@fermeguyrivest.com a picnic and tractor ride. more information. www.fermeguyrivest.com

, La Ferme Perron Ç Saint-Jacques 2477, rang Saint-Jacques 450 839-6706 lafermeperron@gmail.com www.lafermeperron.com

Saint-Jacques, Ferme J.L. Leblanc 2235, rang du Bas-de-l’Église Nord 450 839-2956 jeanlucleblanc@videotron.ca

La Ferme Perron invites you to come pick your own raspberries and strawberries. From our stand : fruits, vegetables, corn, homemade produce, honey, maple syrup.

The J.L. Leblanc farm has been welcoming visitors to its stand for more than 50 years. Have fun picking your own berries in a friendly family atmosphere.

• •

Mid-June to October

Mid-June to October

Saint-Sulpice, Les Jardins Urbains, Come pick your own produce with • • • votre producteur-épicier-jardinier family or friends! Many popular 1637, rue Notre-Dame vegetables – lettuce, cucumbers, 450 589-7814 fines herbes, etc. – and other less info@lesjardinsurbains.ca well-known : black tomatoes, www.lesjardinsurbains.ca dragon-tongue beans, etc. Also, pick you rown spices! Guided tour for individual and groups with reservations.

Ç Saint-Thomas Ferme Lareault - Les Fruits des champs 260, rang Saint-Charles 450 756-8914 fermelareault@videotron.ca

Strawberries, raspberries, • • • • blueberries.

Self-picking and guided tours, April to November, daily, from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ; December to February, retail sales only. Visit our Website for more information.

During the harvest season, daily, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm

, Bleuetière Royale Ç Saint-Thomas 511, rang Brûlé

Come pick your own berries – • • • • Blueberries : July 10 we’re not far away! Fill your to September 6 450 756-6569 container while relaxing, seated Raspberries : July 5 bleuetierepdj@hotmail.com on a small bench. Produces sale : to August 20 www.petits-fruits.com jams, frozen items. Year-round with Strawberries : June 20 appointment. to September 30 Daily, 8:00 am to 8:00 pm.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

91 87

Bakers, pastry making, chocolate factories Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products


Berthierville Potato donuts, our own pies ; • • • • • Monday to Wednesday, Boulangerie Délices d’Antan chicken, Acadian and salmon pâtés 9:00 am to 5:00 pm ; Thursday 446, rang Bayonne Sud, 450 836-0540 and a variety of tourtières ; country and Friday, 9:00 am to boulangerie@delicesdantan.ca produce, cheeses, honey, jams and 9:00 pm, Saturday and www.delicesdantan.ca gift shop. Sunday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Joliette, Chocolaterie Choco Chocolat Small family business offering pure • • • 69, rue Saint-Barthélemy Sud chocolate delights made on-site in 450 755-5535 the artisanal way (fine chocolate, chocochocolat@videotron.ca bars, seasonal shapes, homemade www.chocochocolat.ca marshmallows, etc.). Now, a visit will let you see the chocolatières at work. Welcome! , Ç L’Assomption Chocolaterie Le Cacaoyer

Unique artisanal chocolate. Visit our

• •

From June 24 to September 9 Tuesday to Saturday, September 10 to June 23 ; Monday to Saturday. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm Thursday and Friday from 9:30 am to 9 pm Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm Sunday from 12 pm to 5 pm.

• Year round, Monday to Wednesday, 8:00 am to 7:00 pm ; Thursday and Friday, Explanatory visits with demonstra- 8:00 am to 9:00 pm, Saturday tions and tastings available for and Sunday, 8:00 am to groups upon reservation. Ice cream 6:00 pm. and sorbet made on-site.

interpretation 2 1111, boulevard de l’Ange-Gardien Nord chocolate-making center and see our artisans at work. (route 343) 450 589-9990 contact@lecacaoyer.com www.lecacaoyer.com

Saint-Donat, La Boulangerie St-Donat Wide selection of pies, cakes, whirl-

• • • pools, “pets de soeur” and other treats based on local recipes. Also, artisanal breads, pastries and cho- colates, original sandwiches to enjoy on-site or take-out, as well as regional products. 20 seats inside, 20 outside.

Monday to Thursday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm ; Friday, 8:30 am to 7:00 pm ; Saturday, 8:00 am to 5:30 pm ; Sunday, 8:30 am to 5:30 pm.


Artisanal workshop of spice bread • • • • • products, interpretation centre, bio and fair-trade counter, charitable organization dedicated to quality education for all children.

Summer daily. Low season, from Wednesday to Sunday. From 9 am t o 5 pm.

413, rue Principale 819 424-2220 poste 1 info@boulangeriestdonat.com www.boulangeriestdonat.com

La Maison du pain d’épices - coopérative de solidarité 2181, route Louis-Cyr (route 131 nord) 450 886 2542 paindepice@xplornet.ca www.paindepice.org


91 Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Outlets for regional produces Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products


L’Assomption, Plantation Nasenka 160, montée Sainte-Marie 450 588-2970 dionisios07@aol.com

The Nasenka farm invites you to its • • • • • Daily from 8 am to 5 pm. Scottish Highlands retreat. Visit our shop for : antlers, skins, bones for the dog, Scottish salsa stew, chili, various cuts of meat. Looking forward to welcoming you!

Lanoraie, Outdoor country market 57, rue Laroche, 450 887-1100 info@lanoraie.ca www.lanoraie.ca

Outdoor country market with over • • • Open on alternate Sundays 20 different vendors : fruits and vege- from June 29 to September 8, tables, wines, meats, homemade 11 am to 4 pm. products, honey, cheese, etc. Varied program, events for families and food-lovers.

Ferme Régis 40, rang de la 2e Chaloupe 450 755-4905 fermeregis@videotron.ca


La Ferme Régis specializes in the • • • April to October, 8:00 am sale of fruits and vegetables, cold to 10:00 pm (subject to meats, cheeses, Québec micro- change) brewery beers and local Lanaudière produce and game.

Rawdon, Les Sucreries des Aïeux 3794, chemin Kildare, 450 834-4404 gleveille.bro@hotmail.com http://membres.lycos.fr/aieux

Maple butter, candies, caramel, • • • • Jelly, chocolate, soft breads, firm breads, sugar and maple pies, maple taffy.

Rawdon, Ferme Guy Rivest Ç 1305, chemin Laliberté, 450 834-5127 info@fermeguyrivest.com www.fermeguyrivest.com

Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm ; Saturday, 10 am to 4 pm, closed on Sunday. Please call ahead.

Strawberry and/or raspberry wines, • • • • • • • June 1 to September 15, daily, jams, jellies, syrups, marinades, 8 :00 am to 6 :00 pm. Rest of molecular and other cuisine. the year, by appointment only. Regional products.

Saint-Alexis Ç Domaine des Trois Gourmands

Uncooked or processed farm • • • • • From May to September products, including guinea fowl, from 9 am to 5 pm or call 293, La Petite Ligne Highland beef, rabbit, maple the rest of the year. 450 831-3003 / 514 513-3329 products and other regional game info@3gourmands.com and produce. www.3gourmands.com


de Fleurs Ç Nect’Art 1020, chemin Kildare (route 348)

450 752-2218, miel@qc.aira.com www.nectartdefleurs.com


Aux saveurs de Laurie-Rose 4631, rue des Oliviers 450 889-8763

We make all of our own produce : • • • caramels, chocolates, jams and pickled products. Tasting in-store and recipes. Petting farmyard. Picnic area available (with or without meals, for groups).

Daily, 10 :00 am to 5 :00 pm. Interpretation centre on bee culture, June 24 to October 10.

Ready-to-eat artisanal delicatessen • • • products from entrée to dessert, made from farm products. Ideal place for camping, a picnic or a more elaborate meal. Our dishes are vacuum packed. Visitors can taste our beef, duck, seafood, rabbit, pork, chicken and trout, not to mention our jams, rillettes, sausages, foie gras, pâtés, meat pies, etc.

Open year-round. Summer season : June 23 to Labour Day, daily from 10 am to 6 pm, closed on Wednesday. Schedule for rest of year : Thursday and Friday, 3 pm to 6 pm ; Saturday and Sunday, 11 am to 6 pm.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

91 89

Outlets for regional produces Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products


de l’Abbaye Val Notre-Dame 2 Magasin 220, chemin Montagne-Coupée 450 960-2891 / 1 877 960-2891 magasin@abbayevalnotredame.ca www.abbayevalnotredame.com (ad. p. 68)


Our store offers products made at the Abbaye (caramel, peanut butter, chocolate, cakes) as well as products from other abbeys and a selection of local produce. Also, religious items and religious bookshop. Hiking trails : 15 km.

• Year round


Orchard, maple grove, makers of • • • • • • Variable according to the oils and mayonnaise. Farm shop season. Call or visit our featuring our own products (first- Website. press oil, juices and apple byproducts, maple products, natural mayonnaise). Group tours upon reservation. Tasting at any time.


Discover the culture of the vine • • • • and our delicious extra virgin olive oil that we produce on our lands in Greece. Shop featuring our products and their derivatives.

Cuisines Poirier 291, rang Saint-Guillaume 450 886-1504 cuisinespoirier.ca mayo@cuisinespoirier.ca Domaine et Vignoble Stavropoulos 1430, rang Lépine, 450 760-2855 info@labelleexcuse.com www.labelleexcuse.com

Open every day from the National Day to Thanksgiving between 10 am and 5 pm. Outside of these hours, on call.


Alimentation D.M. St-Georges 110, rue Brassard, 450 833-1313

Food market located in Saint-Michel-des-Saints

Year round.

Saint-Roch-de-l’Achigan Buckwheat flour, flour for bread • • • • June 24 to August 31. Au Moulin bleu and pastry, with spelt, kamut, rye, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am 420, route 341 quinoa, hemp. to 5:00 pm; Saturday & 450 588-2660 / 1 877 512 2660 Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; info@aumoulinbleu.com September 1, 2011 to June www.aumoulinbleu.com 23, 2012, Monday to Friday, 8:00 am to 5:00 pm; Saturday & Sunday, 9:00 am to noon. Saint-Thomas, Miel Morand Ç 510, rang Saint-Charles, 450 755-6178

You’ll be enchanted with our fine • • • honey-based gourmet products : info@mielmorand.com pure non-pasteurized honey, www.mielmorand.com vinaigrettes, caramel and honey based dark chocolate, mustards and more. Discover a multitude of flavours and recipes and enjoy our variety of Lanaudière country produce.


Daily, 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

91 Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Outlets for regional produces Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products



Fine gourmet artisanal jams, fine • groceries, local produce, fair-trade coffee, fine teas, chocolate. Guided tours, upon reservation, tasting included. Picnic site at village pond.

Sainte-Mélanie, Miel de Chez-Nous 1391, rang Pied-de-la-Montagne 450 889-5208 info@miel.qc.ca / www.miel.qc.ca

Country shop, hive observation, • • • • • • • Wednesday to Sunday, from interprétation centre (in a century- 10:00 am to 5:00 pm old house). Products : honey, honey caramel, chocolate, vinaigrettes, ketchup, fruit honey. Free tastings. Unguided tour anytime, guided tour upon reservation.

Simon Turcotte, confiturier 531, rue Principale, 450 883-8893 info@confiturier.ca / www.confiturier.ca

• Year round.

Country meals

Country meals

Minimum and maximum of persons accomodated Upon reservation only Average price of table d’hôte meal $ : 20 $ and under $$ : 20 $ to 30 $ $$$ : 30 $ to 40 $ $$$$ : 40 $ and over Bring your own wine Fully licenced Payment method V : Visa MC : Master Card A: Amex I : Interac C : Cash Menu

, La Seigneurie des Patriotes 3 L’Assomption 573, montée Sainte-Marie

10 • $$$ • C-V 300 $$$$ MC 450 588-7206 A-P seigneuriedespatriotes@hotmail.com www.seigneuriedespatriotes.qc.ca

Ç Saint-Alexis, Domaine des Trois Gourmands

2 • 293, La Petite Ligne, 450 831-3003 / 514 513-3329 175 info@3gourmands.com / www.3gourmands.com

$$ $$$

Savour the flavours of our localy-grown produce. Four air-conditionned rooms and a marquee tent are a tour disposal in an intimate rustic setting. Meal tour and theater packages from July 12 to September 1.

V-MC Country-style menu with 3 to 5 courses, according P-C to your preference, from May to September.

Saint-Sulpice 35 • $$ • V-MC Brunch or spit-roast (3 meats buffet style).

de L’Île Ronde 140 $$$ C Ç Seigneurie Île Ronde, 514 833-2550

All meals served by the Filles du Roy. Follow and historical and archeological trail. info@ileronde.com / www.ileronde.com Ferry to island. Daily from June to October, upon reservation.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

91 91

Sugar shacks shacks S S Traditional meals Country-style meals Fully licensed Seating capacity

Bring your own wine Activities available

, Érablière Les Femmes Collin 350 • • Ç Saint-Esprit 248, rang des Continuations

Mini farm, horse-drawn sleigh rides, hiking trail, tour of maple syrup 450 839-6105 / 1 800 230-6105 works, maple produce shop, talks, info@collin.ca / www.collin.ca music, dancing.


February 28 to May 1 ; weekdays with reservations ; weekends from 11:30 am to 7:30 pm

, Cabane à sucre des Sportifs 700 • • Ç Saint-Esprit 204, rang Montcalm, 450 839-3283

Traditional food, giant slides (flying Weekly lunch from saucer and rocker), wagon tours of 11:30 to 1:30, week-end info@cabaneasucredessportifs.com dairy farm, tours of maple syrup dinner from 11:30 to www.cabaneasucredessportifs.com works, pitching machine, music 1:30, super from 4:30 and dancing. to 7:30 pm

, Cabane à sucre Constantin Grégoire 500 • • Ç Saint-Esprit 184, rang des Continuations

Mini farm, children’s swing and Maple sugar time. Visit face-painting, horse-drawn sleigh our Website for schedule. 450 839-2305 / 1 877 839-2305 rides, taffy on snow, singer on info@constantin-gregoire.qc.ca Saturday nights. www.constantin-gregoire.qc.ca

3 Saint-Lin–Laurentides

72 • • • Meals entirely made on-site, Sucrerie du Rang Double 2 services per day to enjoy 1782, rang Double, 450 439-7830 at your leisure in a very friendly sucreriedurangdouble@hotmail.com atmosphere. Tour of maple grove and production facilities, shop selling homemade maple products, folk music, carriolle ride pulled by horses.

, Au sentier de l’érable 280 • • • • Ç Sainte-Julienne 440, rang Montcalm

Taffy on snow, music and dancing at all times, guided tour of the maple grove for groups (Monday info@ausentierdelerable.com to Friday, 11:00 am to 4:00 pm), www.ausentierdelerable.com wagon or tractor rides, children’s games and mini farm.

Looking forward to welcoming you! Cash, MasterCard, Visa. Upon reservation, open at all times from 11:00 am to 4:00 pm and from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm; Sunday to Thursday, 11:00 am to 2:00 pm; Friday and Saturday, 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

3 450 831-2472 / 1 888 831-2472

March and April, upon reservation at any time.

96 92

Visit Visitour ourWebsite Websiteat at :: www.lanaudiere.ca www.lanaudiere.ca

Cheesemakers Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area

Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes Ç Fromagerie Du Champ à la Meule

3601, rue Principale, 450 753-9217 info@champalameule.com www.champalameule.com


Fromagerie Il était une Bergère 2280, rue Principale, 450 836-2582 info@iletaitunebergere.com www.iletaitunebergere.com



Enjoy our famous Victor & Berthold, • • • • Le Fêtard, The Métayères and many other surprises. Cheeses of high reputation made from Lanaudière Holstein cows milk.

Tuesday to Saturday : 9 am to 5 pm

Experience our delicious semi-firm • • • • • • Thursday to Sunday, and feta cheeses, made from ewe’s 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. milk, as well as our tasty lamb raised right here at the farm.

Ç LaSaint-Roch-de-l’Achigan Suisse Normande

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Guy Hamelin

Artisanal cheeses made from the • • • • Monday to Wednesday, milk of goats and cows. Observe 10:00 am to 5:00 pm; 985, rang Rivière Nord, 450 588-6503 cheese making in a tour of our Thurdays and Friday, lasuissenormande@live.ca small shop, and even taste some! 10:00 am to 6:00 pm; www.lasuissenormande.com Local produce. Unguided tours of Saturday, 10:00 am to goat farm. 5:00 pm; Sunday, 12 (noon) to 5:00 pm. From January 1 to April 30, closed from Sunday to Wednesday.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

91 93

Meat and game Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products


Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez Belgian butchers, offering delimeats, • • • • • La Maison Staner dried sausages, meals cooked on 856, route 343, 450 883-5544 site, imported and Québec cheeses, maisonstaner@hotmail.com local produce, bakery, catering www.maisonstaner.ca service.

May to October, Monday to Thursday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm; Friday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm; Saturday, 8:30 am to 6:00 pm and Sunday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm


June 1 to October 31, Thursday through Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. November 1 to May 31, Friday and Saturday from 10 am to 5 pm, and by appointment.

des Neiges Ç Bergerie 1401, rang 5 (rue Principale)

450 756-8395 info@bergeriedesneiges.com www.bergeriedesneiges.com

Lamb is our passion! We have been • • • • • raise lamb, processing and selling it on our family farm since 1985. In our beautiful Victorian shop you’ll discover : vacuum-packed 100% lamb cuts and deli meats (terrines, rillettes, merguez, sausages) and a lamb-themed gift shop (wool, wool quilts, recipes, etc.). (See also Farm Visits)

Saint-Cuthbert, Fermes Saint-Vincent Certified organic business, speciali- •

• •

zing in raising organic livestock such as cattle, chickens, turkeys, ducks, geese, guinea fowls, quails and rabbits. Different cuts available, vacuum fresh or frozen. Visit our farm, facilities andriding school.

Saint-Damien, Fumoir St-Damien

Come visit our shop, featuring • • maple wood-smoked products. Fish, meat, game with that great old-time flavour, jerky, bacon, smoked meat, smoked trout pâté, smoked rosemary duck magret, smoked trout marinated – unique of its kind!

Thursday to Sunday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm

Come and meet Angèle! Grain-fed • • chicken, organic turkey, as well as 450 839-2499 / 1 877 839-2499 guinea fowl duck, chicken pâtés, info@volaillesdangele.com tourtières, confits, sausages, www.volaillesdangele.com rillettes.

Thursday to Sunday, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm.


Year round, Thursday to Sunday inclusively, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, or by prior appointment.

7155, chemin Montauban 450 835-0004

Saint-Esprit, Les Volailles d’Angèle Ç 36, rang Rivière Sud

Ferme L’Oie d’Or 1851, rang Saint-Louis, 450 835-2977 info@fermeloiedor.com www.fermeloiedor.com


Year round

1171, rang nord de la rivière Chicot 450 836-2590 info@saint-vincentbio.com www.saint-vincentbio.com

Raising quail, guinea fowl, ducks • • • • • • • and geese without medication or growth hormones and offering 50 processed products : confits, sau- sages, tourtières, terrines, rillettes, prepared meals and, of course, foie gras. Come have a feast!

91 Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Meat and game Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee Picnic area Products


, Cochon cent façons Ç Saint-Jacques 2555, rang Saint-Jacques (route 341)

Pork meat, deli, prepared meals, • • • • Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, retail cuts, gourmet cuts. Saturday and Sunday, 450 839-1098 9:00 am to 5:00 pm; info@cochoncentfacons.com Thursday and Friday, 9:00 am www.cochoncentfacons.com to 6:00 pm.


As producers of duck foie gras, • • • • we invite you to visit our farm and discover the secrets of our craft, from the rearing of ducklings to the making of our unique products : foie gras, confits, terrines, magrets... and more!

June to August : Wednesday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm. September to November : Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 6 pm. November to December : Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm.


Artisanal farm raising animals eco- • • • • • • logically, lovingly and hormone-free. We sell cuts of lamb, goat, grain-fed veal. Prepared foods, rillettes, 100% meat sausages, sugar pie and much more. At the farm’s snack bar, treat yourself to burger and lamb poutine, French fries cooked in the “swif” and more. Come visit!

May to Thanksgiving : Thursday to Sunday from 10 am to 7 pm. July 18 to August 11, daily from 10 am to 7 pm. October to Christmas : Friday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. And by appointment from January to May.


Specialized in the breeding of red • • • • • • • Year-round, Tuesday to deer since 1996, Comptoir du Cerf Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. offers a top quality meat. Without antibiotic, hormone-free, rich in iron and protein, this healthy meat suitable for any meal, BBQ or special occasions. Discover a wide variety of meat cuts and processed products.

Maurel-Coulombe Ç Canards 1061, rang Sacré-Coeur, 450 886-2544 maurel_coulombe@yahoo.ca www.domainemaurelcoulombe.com

Ferme de l’Art à la table 15, rang Saint-Guillaume 514 867-9261 roger.fortin1@sympatico.ca www.delartalatable.com Comptoir du Cerf Ç 3041, rang du Ruisseau

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Audrey Rivest

450 756-8592 info@comptoirducerf.com www.comptoirducerf.com

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

91 95

Vineyards Agritourism producer Production observation Interpretive activities Guided tours Sale of products Tasting: ($) fee


Vignoble aux Pieds des Noyers 71, Grande Côte Est (route 138) 450 887-1050 vignobleauxpiedsdesnoyers@hotmail.com www.vignobleauxpiedsdesnoyers.com


A truly remarkable wine business, • • • • • producing unique wines from noble grape varieties. High-quality by-pro- ducts, all complemented by gourmet meals and a unique catering service. Just one visit will convince you!

May 1 to October 30, Thursday to Saturday ; June 24 to September 15, Wednedsday to Sunday. Off season, please call first.

Lanoraie, Vignoble Carone 75, rue Roy 450 887-2728 info@carone.ca / www.carone.ca

Carone is a high-quality winery • • • • • • with only a limited production, currently offering its wines under four different labels : Venice, Double Barrel, Bin 33 and Classico. From the vine to the glass, our obsession with perfection and innovation is the engine that propels our team to produce wines that are among the most powerful and avant-garde in Quebec.

June 24 to September 15 : Thursday to Sunday, 12 noon to 5 pm. Off season : upon reservation.

Lanoraie, Vignoble Mondor 137, rang Saint-Henri 450 887-2250 vignoblemondor@gmail.com www.vignoblemondor.com

Vineyard Mondor borrowed the • • • • • • • name of a company that once cultivated high-quality tobacco here. Their fertile lands filled with local history, are working again to provide you with excellent wine and related products. Guided tours upon reservation.

June to late October : Wednesday to Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm. Tours offered. For group tours, reservations by phone is recommended. November to late May : it is best to confirm your visit by phone.

Rawdon, Ferme Guy Rivest Ç 1305, chemin Laliberté, 450 834-5127

Strawberry and/or raspberry wine • • • • June 1 to September 15, and strawberry mistelle. Free tasting. daily, 8 am to 6 pm. Rest of info@fermeguyrivest.com the year, by appointment www.fermeguyrivest.com only.

Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon Ç Vignoble Saint-Gabriel

In a lovely setting, 29,000 vines, • • • • • • • table grapes, red, white and rosé wines, all certified organic by Ecocert Canada. Free wine tasting, unique wine cellar with oak barrels, patio, guided tours of the vineyard, antique tractor museum, rentals of reception room (up to 90 people).

Saint-Thomas Ç Vignoble Le Mernois

Established on former tobacco- • • • • • • • Open all year : growing lands, Vignoble Le Mernois Saturdays and Sundays invites you to come taste its range from 13 am to 5 pm. of unique and distinctive wines Summer Season : derived from rustic grapes. Whether June 24 to September 15, rosé, white, red or forti fied, the Wednesday to Sunday names evoke the local and regional 10 am to 5 pm. history. Honours won 2 years ago reflect the hard work and patience of the owners. Group tour reservation (buses), room hire (50 people).

2190, rang Saint-David (route 348) 450 835-3726 info@vignoblesaintgabriel.com www.vignoblesaintgabriel.com (ad. p. 61)

1090, rang Sud 450 759-8228 / 450 752-2195 annie_pronovost@yahoo.com www.vignoblelemernois.com


May 1 to December 31. Groups welcome upon reservation. Interac and Visa accepted.

91 Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Vignoble Mondor

Picnic area Products

Local Flavours á Gardens and Horticulture Association forestière de Lanaudière Berthierville (Sainte-Geneviève-de-Berthier), 1700, Grande-Côte 450 836-1851, www.aflanaudiere.org

The Forestry Association of Lanaudière was the first nursery forest in Quebec, founded in 1908. We offer guided walking tours of our beautiful site. Interested in learning more about nature? Sign up for our practical training : mushrooms, tree nuts, navigating by maps and compass or GPS, culinary and medicinal plants. Also, forest rally for groups. Open : tours of nursery forest on weekdays, minimum 12 people, $10, duration 2 hours ; practical training on weekends ; forest rally, minimum 12 people, adults $10, under 18 $5, duration 1 hour. Reservations required.

Ç Pépinière Villeneuve

L’Assomption, 951, rang de la Presqu’île 450 589-7158, www.pepinierevilleneuve.com

Larger than life! You’ll be dazzled by the scale and beauty of the site. Browse our beautiful landscaped gardens and fields of flowers. In the heart of a maple grove, stroll along the theme trails : 5 circuits including the very popular “Alice in Wonderland.” Complete your visit at the mini-farm and gift shop. Put more gardening in your life! Schedule : May to October, every day from 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Unguided tours : free. Group tours : $5 per person, upon reservation (10 people and more). Cash, Visa, MasterCard and Interac accepted. English-speaking guides available (on request).

2 Arômes & Lavandes

Lanoraie, 93, rang Saint-Henri 450 887-1873, www.aromesetlavandes.com / info@aromesetlavandes.com

Arômes & Lavandes is a grower and distiller of lavender, located just off Autoroute 40. We offer guided tours explaining the history of the farm, cultivation of lavender, method of extracting the essential oil of the plant and artisanal soap-making.

La Lavande à Soi Saint-Alexis, 7, rang de la Grande-Ligne 450 916-7903, www.lalavandeasoi.com / soizic@lalavandeasoi.com

We welcome you to our lavender-growing farm. Come stroll through the fields of lavender, enjoy the beautiful colours and smell the wonderful fragrance. Interpretation panels explain all about production. Visit our shop and pick up some homemade and other related products. Open : June 24 to Labour Day, Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. During flowering, open daily from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. From Labour Day to Thanksgiving, open weekends only, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission : reservations required for groups. See our website for schedules and events. Cash only.

Les Jardins fabuleux de Saint-Calixte


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Local Flavours

ÇBonsaï Gros-Bec

Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, 40, rue Imbeault 450 883-1196, www.bonsaigrosbec.com / info@bonsaigrosbec.com

Picturesque greenhouses filled with bonsai, and a zen garden on a rocky promontory with mountain views make Bonsaï Gros-Bec well worth a visit. A place of education and discoveries, it has all the elements to provide visitors with a unique and unforgettable experience. Interpretation centre and exhibition on the art of Japanese bonsai and Chinese penjing. Courses, sales and shop open year-round. Open : garden tours from May to mid-October, Wednesday to Sunday, from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission : $6 per person. Interac, Visa, MasterCard or cash.

Les Jardins fabuleux de Saint-Calixte Saint-Calixte, rue Bourbonnais, access by road 335 (rang 10) 514 251-9608, jardinsfabuleuxst-calixte@bell.net / www.jardinsfabuleux.com

Come visit our unusual and innovative gardens, designed and sustained with an unorthodox approach. Spectacular ornamental gardens where the presentation of flowers and vegetables is based on flavours, colours and intoxicating scents. More than 300 varieties of vegetables and herbs are grown ecologically. On our Sentier Indigène (Native Trail), discover the unsuspected beauty of the flora and macrofauna. Schedule : June 24 to Thanksgiving, Thursday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 6:00 pm (vegetable sales, surprise basket, artistic photos, night-time events). Group tours upon reservation (school and public). Admission : adults, $9.00 ; under 18 years, $5.

Jardins de la Maison Antoine-Lacombe Saint-Charles-Borromée, 895, rue de la Visitation 450 755-1113, www.maisonantoinelacombe.com jardinslacombe@videotron.ca

Two gardens, one English style, the other French, are open for visits. Our English flowerbeds feature rare and exotic plants. The French garden extends through 8 thematic gardens, including an arty “Déco Style” section. More than 600 identified species and varieties of plants await you, complemented by fountains and sculptures by local artists. Theatre under the stars is staged in the gardens from July 20 to August 4, Friday to Sunday. Schedule : always open. Free admission, except for open air theatre. Guided or group tours upon reservation.

Les Jardins du Grand-Portage

(ad. p. 61)

Saint-Didace, 800, chemin du Portage 450 835-5813, www.jardinsdugrandportage.com / info@jardinsdugrandportage.com

For 30 years, our vast ecological gardens of vegetables, herbs and flowers with their English and oriental inspiration have delighted all who visit. Still setting the standard for ecological horticulture in Quebec! Open : July 14 to September 3. Admission : adults $ 8 ; guided tour (Sunday 11 am) $ 12 ; children free. Cash only please.

Le Jardin de la Passion

Jardins de la Maison Antoine-Lacombe

Saint-Jacques, 2590, route 341 450 839-3872, www.membres.lycos.fr/jardinlabri / jardinlabri@yahoo.ca

A wonderful flower garden to visit in a delightful country setting. Walk along one of our many trails and discover the secret garden! Follow the perfumed trail and enjoy the enchanting decorations. A rustic and artisanal place, created with love and passion. Pretty shop on site. Open : June 20 to September 1, Monday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. Admission : adults, $7 ; children 12 and under, free. Cash only please.

3 Fleurs et Délices Terrebonne, 1575, chemin Comtois 450 707-0987, www.fleursetdelices.com / info@fleursetdelices.com

Our mission : to help you discover the world of colours and flavours offered by edible flowers, through guided tours and tastings in our gardens. Take advantage of your visit to relax in our picnic area. Discover horticultural and gastronomic secrets. We welcome children and groups (upon reservation). Schedule : June 16 to September 30, Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Workshops, shop and interpretive centre open year-round. Free admission for shop and picnic area ; $8 for tour & tasting ; children 6 and under free ; children from 6 to 12 years, $4. Guided tours at 11:00 am and 2:00 pm, or upon reservation. Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Local Flavours

Terre des Bisons

Ú Farm visits

Ç Terre des Bisons

Rawdon, 6855, chemin Parkinson 450 834-6718, www.terredesbisons.com / info@terredesbisons.com

A young dynamic enterprise that has been in the bison breeding business since 1994. Come visit our farm and obtain some meat at our stand. We also offer our trademarked product, TARTIN™. Bison wool on sale at the stand. Make a detour and come photograph the young bison and pet our tame female, Buffy. Open : stand open year-round, Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. On other days, it’s best to call ahead. 45-minute guided tour with ride and tasting, with reservation : Saturday and Sunday at 3:00 pm, for anyone visiting. Admission : adults $10; children $6. Group rates negotiable for 20 or more persons.

L’Arche de Noé Rawdon, 4117, chemin Greene 450 834-7874, www.archedenoe.ca / info@archedenoe.ca

In a delightfully peaceful setting, enjoy a visit to our friendly farm with its 15 or more species of animals living semi-wild. Picnic tables, hiking trails and much more. Open : May 1 to November 1, daily, 9:00 am to 5:00 pm. Admission : $6 per person ; family of 4 persons, $20 ; child under 1 year free ; 20 persons and more upon reservation only.

Ç Domaine des Trois Gourmands

Saint-Alexis, 293, La Petite-Ligne 450 831-3003 / 514 513-3329 www.3gourmands.com / info@3gourmands.com

At this magnificent site, observe our Highland beef cattle and farm birds in their natural habitats, as well as various other farm animals. Come taste and purchase our products ($) ; explore our hiking trails. Schedule : May to September, upon reservation only (24 hr. notice). Admission : 12 years and older, $6 ; 5 to 11 years, $4 ; 0-4 years, free.

L’âneOdière Saint-Alexis, 329, Grande-Ligne 450 839-2105, www.laneodiere.blogspot.com / laneodiere@gmail.com

Come and discover our farm where we raise donkeys and produce donkey’s milk. Know nothing about donkeys? We’re here to get you acquainted with them. In our shop, we sell handmade soaps made from our own donkeys’ milk. Our ancestral home is also worth a visit. Open : farm visits from May to October, Wednesday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and by appointment the rest of the year. Shop open year-round. Cost : guided tour : adult $5, child free.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Local Flavours

Ç Bergerie des Neiges

Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare, 1401, rang 5 (rue Principale) 450 756-8395, www.bergeriedesneiges.com / info@bergeriedesneiges.com

Voted the Public’s Favourite for Agritourism in the 2012 awards of excellence of a prestigious agritourism and food tourism association. Visit our enchanting, authentic livestock farm and meet two generations of dedicated farmers. Share some of their know-how and hear their inspiring story at your own pace, whatever the weather. Various breeds of sheep and other farm animals, picnic area and on-site shop. Open : shop and unguided tours : from June 1 to October 31, Thursday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. From November 1 to May 31, Friday and Saturday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm, and by appointment. Group guided tours (with or without tasting) year-round, upon reservation (min. 10 pers.) Cost : adult $6 ; child $4 ; family $15 (2 adults and 2 children). Cash, debit or Visa.

Les Museaux d’Écosse Saint-Lin-Laurentides, 1579, route 335 450 302-3246, www.museauxdecosse.com / lesmuseauxdecosse@hotmail.ca

Our family farm invites you to spend a pleasant time on its premises. Observe up close our herds of fallow deer and Highland cattle. Picnic area (food hampers available onsite), interpretive panels, guided tours, butcher shop, store and souvenir photos. An unforgettable experience. All are welcome! Open : June 15 to September 15, Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. Admission : rates vary

Panier Nature Saint-Lin–Laurentides, 1172, rang Double 450 439-3654 www.paniernature-lanaudiere.companiernature@gmail.com

The educational farm Panier Nature offers a variety of activities promoting ecological culture. We practice permaculture. Come explore our thematic gardens, small farm and forest trails. The shop offers various home-grown products, including fruits and vegetables. Also, garden centre, local produce, herbs, basketry, pottery and more. Open : June to September, unguided or guided tours, Thursday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Outside these hours, by appointment. Shop open year-round by appointment. Admission : guided tour, $5 ; children under 6 years, free ; cash only, voluntary contribution appreciated for free visit.

La Comtoiserie, bergerie laitière Sainte-Élisabeth, 2740 rang, Du Ruisseau 450 755-6268, lacomtoiserie.ca, info@lacomtoiserie.ca,

Come feed our lambs and visit our cozy shop selling agrifood products (cheese, yogurt), woolens (socks, scarves) and cosmetics (creams, soaps), etc. Learn more about sheep and sheep’s milk, which is recommended for people who suffer from lactose intolerance, osteoporosis or cholesterol. Open : June 23 to September 2, Thursday to Sunday, 10 am to 5 pm. Check our Website for the rest of the year, or call before setting out. Cash only.

Ç La Courgerie

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Christian Rouleau

Sainte-Élisabeth, 2321, Grand rang Saint-Pierre 450 752-2950 / 1 800 711-2021 www.lacourgerie.com / info@lacourgerie.com

Visit a unique farm, where beauty and taste harmoniously co-exist! Discover our hundreds of varieties of squash and other related produce, as well as thousands of pumpkins. Come share our passion for delicious, healthy cooking amid a fabulous setting! Pick your own produce and take a guided ride through the fields. Open : August, September and October, from Thursday to Monday inclusively, 10:00 am to 5:00 pm. Free admission ; guided tour ($).

La Courgerie

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Health centers, spas and other activities Lanaudière is a dream destination for families, children, young people, groups and schools. There are so many things to see and do for everyone: outdoor excursions, shows, festivals, fruit picking, farm visits, guided tours, etc. Looking for somewhere to bring the family, or parents, friends or a school group? Come to Lanaudière! There’s no end of fun and stimulation!

To organize your stay, you can use the services of travel agencies who can tailor a trip just for you. Why not include a tour – on foot or perhaps even in the air – accompanied by an experienced guide-interpreter? There are so many different ways to see and experience Lanaudière! www.lanaudiere.ca


Or you could give yourself the best treat of all: total relaxa­tion at one of our many health centres and spas. Experience different treatments for body and mind in a quiet and soothing setting. Results guaranteed!

Massage with hot shells, treatments in a yurt, a teepee or outdoors, maple wrap, relaxation on zero-gravity chairs, a night in an igloo… just a few of the unique relaxation experiences that await you in Lanaudière!

L’Accalmie spa nordique Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Health centers, spas and other actvities ­­­p Spas and Health Centres

Ç Spa Santé Corps & Âme

(ad. p. 62)

L’Assomption, 831, boulevard l’Ange-Gardien Nord 450 589-8885, www.spasante.ca / info@spasante.ca

At our spa you’ll find a variety of packages and treatments and learn more about taking care of yourself, all in a friendly and luxurious atmosphere. Our centre is certified by Spas Relais Santé, your guarantee of quality based on the highest industry standards.

Détente à la source SPA L’Assomption, 2951, route 343 450 588-4233, www.detentealasourcespa.ca / detentealasourcespa@videotron.ca

A dream-like place for relaxation! If you love nature, Détente à la source Spa is the ideal spot, less than 30 minutes from Montreal. Here you’ll discover a peaceful, welcoming and relaxing centre, offering treatments of all kinds. Enjoy high-quality esthetic and body care, including several types offered in the open air in summer. A floating bath, sauna, spa, 4-season swimming pools and lush gardens are the backdrop to the total relaxation that awaits you. Schedule : Saturday to Monday, 9:00 am to 6:00 pm ; Tuesday to Friday, 9:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Ç Spa Natur’Eau

(ad. p. 66)

Mandeville, 22, chemin Natur’Eau 450 835-1300 / 1 866 697-4864, www.natureau.com / info@natureau.com

Among the mountains and scenic beauty of Mandeville, Spa Natur’Eau offers total regeneration of body and mind. Awaiting you are a Finnish sauna, Turkish bath, Nordic waterfall, three outdoor whirlpools and a new area relaxation – “the Yurt” – as well as our health bistro. Complete your visit with a body treatment (massage therapy, beauty care, etc.). In addition, we organize several special activities each month, such as hiking, parent-child days and evenings.

Ç La Source Bains Nordiques

(ad. back cover)

Rawdon, 4200, rue Forest Hill 450 834-7727 / 1 877 834-7727, www.lasourcespa.com / info@lasourcespa.com

Located in Rawdon, just 60 minutes from Montreal, we offer a special space of your own that includes three hot baths, two cold baths, a natural pond, relaxation grotto, steam bath, dry sauna, indoor and outdoor relaxation environments and incomparable massage therapy services. La Source Bains Nordiques is a soothing spot in a natural setting, open 365 days a year, whatever the weather. Schedule : Monday to Wednesday, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm ; Thursday to Sunday, 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Spa La Victorienne du Lac Rawdon, 4857, promenade du Lac 450 834-8384, www.spalavictoriennedulac.com / info@spalavictoriennedulac.com

Make a booking for exclusive use of the site! Imagine a spa just for you! Treat yourself to a moment of relaxation beside Lac Pontbriand in Rawdon, with lovely views of lake and mountain. Choose one of our packages to reserve an indoor spa, a good meal and excellent care in complete peace with your friends or guests. We offer professional massage therapy and physiotherapy treatments, as well as the superb Vinotherapy Caudalie Paris body treatments. Come experience the unique character of Spa La Victorienne.

Ç Auberge aux Quatre Matins

Saint-Côme, 155, avenue des Skieurs 450 883-1932 / 1 800 929-1932, www.auxquatrematins.ca / info@auxquatrematins.ca

In an enchanting, natural setting, our inn offers a range of massage and full body care services, including : Swedish massage, hot stone massage, exfoliation, body wrap, facial, reflexology and many others. Our spa-relaxation complex includes hot tubs, Nordic baths, Finnish sauna and a relaxation area with fireplace (packages and gift certificates available).

3 Centre de santé Le Rituel

Saint-Côme, 1421, rue Principale 450 883-0335, www.centrelerituel.com / info@centrelerituel.com

Located on the outskirts of L’Assomption at Saint-Côme, our friendly, rustic centre is a place of regeneration, with massage therapy, esthetic treatments, pressotherapy, balneotherapy and reflexology. Spa, sauna, fireplace and river swimming for your pleasure. Lodging in an igloo or teepee. Groups of 8 may book exclusive use of the spa, from $20 per person. Several packages available. Schedule : open Monday, Tuesday, Friday and Saturday. For groups : any day upon reservation.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Health centers, spas and other activities

La Source Bains Nordiques

Ç L’Accalmie spa nordique

(ad. p. 66)

Saint-Félix-de-Valois, 1691, rang des Forges Ouest 450 889-1515 / 1 877 481-1515, www.spalaccalmie.com / info@spalaccalmie.ca

The Accalmie spa nordique in Saint-Félix-de-Valois offers thermotherapy and relaxation in a setting that is in complete harmony with nature. Let yourself be pampered by the expert hands of our therapists. Massage therapy, body care, face care, hand and feet beauty treatments are all offered at the spa. Schedule : Sunday to Wednesday, 10:00 am to 8:00 pm ; Thursday to Saturday, 10:00 am to 9:00 pm.

Ç Auberge de la Montagne Coupée

(ad. p. 66)

Saint-Jean-de-Matha, 1000, chemin de la Montagne-Coupée 450 886-3891 / 1 800 363-8614, www.montagnecoupee.com / info@montagnecoupee.com

On a mountain peak, enjoy peace and quiet, the restorative effect of nature and a special degree of comfort with a stay that is sure to revive you. We offer a wealth of body treatments including massage therapy, lymphatic drainage, seaweed wrapping, exfoliation, hot stone massage, esthetic treatments and much more. Our highly qualified staff are ready to serve all your needs. Schedule : care available every day, from 8:30 am to 5:30 pm, or according to availability.

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Health centers, spas and other actvities Tourist Services Connexion-Lanaudière Joliette, 165, rue Lajoie Sud 450 759-0066, www.connexion-lanaudiere.ca / info@connexion-lanaudiere.ca

We are responsible for the Lanaudière regional portal, your window on the latest cultural, economic and social activities involving businesses and organizations in Lanaudière. Offering direct links, press releases and articles by well-known writers and culture critics, the portal is your best source for organizing a visit or finding a service. Come visit!

Chambre de commerce de la Haute-Matawinie Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 521, rue Brassard 450 833-1334, www.haute-matawinie.com / infocchm@satelcom.qc.ca

We warmly invite you to join in the many activities available year-round in Haute-Matawinie (Manawan, Saint-Michel-des-Saints and Saint-Zénon). Visit our Website to learn more about the various event and tourist services offered by our members, or call us. Open : every day.

La Revue de Terrebonne Terrebonne, 231, rue Sainte-Marie 450 964-4444, www.larevue.qc.ca / larevue@larevue.qc.ca

© Michel Julien

Auberge du Vieux-Moulin © Tourisme Lanaudière, Michel Julien

Quebec’s largest independent free weekly, La Revue, supports Tourisme des Moulins, Île-des-Moulins, Théâtre du VieuxTerrebonne, Moore Gardens, GPAT and SODAM. As well as promoting Destination Lanaudière magazine, the Guide Gourmand des Moulins and the gift-certificate shop www.boutiquelarevue.com, we are all-round supporters of tourism in Lanaudière. Hours of business : Monday to Friday, 8:30 am to 5:00 pm.

Auberge du Lac Taureau et ses condos


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Food services 3 Partially accessible to persons with reduced mobility µ Restaurant with live music † Licensed restaurant E Free outdoor parking X Outdoor pay parking Starting May 31, 2006, the Tobacco Act prohibits smoking in restaurants and other places where meals are served to the public, with the exception of openair terraces.

Type of meals 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Number of places (terrace)

Prices $ : 15 $ under - $$ : 15-30 $ - $$$ : 30-50 $ - $$$$ : 50 $ and over


Berthierville, Le Tusker resto-bar 492, rue Frontenac, 450 836-5060

Sandwiches, burgers, steaks, fondues, seafood, pasta, $$ thin-crust pizza

2 3

80 (80)


Grills, fish, seafood, pasta, table d’hôte, lunch buffet, Italian $$ and continental buffets (Friday), beef rib buffet (Saturday) Sunday brunch, superb terrace beside river.

2 3

200 (95)

†E µ

Fine gourmet dining, catering, reception rooms (one with $$ fireplace), tent, patios, natural island, packages during $$$$ Festival de Lanaudière. Wedding and corporate sector.

1 350 2 (130) 3


Joliette Trattoria Gusto 165, rue Saint-Paul 450 398-0888 trattoriagusto.net

Let Nicola and his son, Massimo, introduce you to their family’s $$ recipes, passed down from generations of Abruzzese cooks. $$$ As soon as you walk through the door, you’ll delve into a fascinating journey of culinary exploration. Come for supper and be Italian for day! And don’t forget to bring your own wine!

2 3

110 (30)



A restaurant with two distinctly different characters on its three $$ floors. Situated in a stone house dating from 1780 with an attrac- $$$ tive, hospitable ambiance. On the ground floor : restaurant-bar with wood-burning pizza oven, ideal for sports events or enjoying a drink in good company. On the other two floors : contemporary Italian cuisine – osso buco, tartar, pasta, filet mignon. Table d’hôte also available.

2 3

120 (25)


Lavaltrie Rôtisserie La Victorienne 1231, rue Notre-Dame 450 586-1337 info@lavictorienne.ca www.lavictorienne.ca

La Victorienne serves delicious spit-roasted chicken and succulent ribs, steaks and generous chicken kebab. La Victorienne is always a favourite! Two large rooms for groups.

$ $$

2 120 3 (145)


1 200 2 (100) 3


450 834-3444

$ $$ atmosphere.

Repentigny, Café Morgane Brien 467, rue Notre-Dame, suite 103 450 654-7267 www.cafemorgane.ca

Take a break at the Café Morgane and enjoy one of the most $ popular places in the neighborhood. Our friendly baristas welcome you with a finely prepared Italian coffee : espresso, cappuccino, caffe latte, etc., as well as a variety of ice cream specialties, with or without coffee. All in a warm and friendly atmosphere. Internet café and free wireless WiFi available.

1 2 3

150 (50)


To guarantee a true Italian flavour, we use only first-class $$ foods like our extra-virgin olive oil imported from Italy. Pasta, Italian-style grills and pizza.

1 2 3

150 (35)


Restaurant Moisson Dorée 463, rue Frontenac, 450 836-1244 info@moissondoree.com www.moissondoree.com

Joliette, La Distinction - L’Art de la table 3 1505, boul. Base-de-Roc 450 759-6900 info@distinction.qc.ca www.distinction.qc.ca

Restaurant Limoncello resto-bar 351, boulevard l’Ange-Gardien 450 591-0747 restaurantlimoncello@live.com www.restaurantlimoncello.com

, Resto-bar terrasse La Lanterne Restaurant service breaskfast all day, plus daily specials and 3 Rawdon 3630, rue Queen table d’hôte dinners. Great variety in a friendly family

Repentigny, Pacini Ç 85, boulevard Brien, suite 118

3 450 654-7260

pacinirep@bellnet.ca / www.pacini.ca

108 110

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Food services Type of meals 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Number of places (terrace)

Prices $ : 15 $ under - $$ : 15-30 $ - $$$ : 30-50 $ - $$$$ : 50 $ and over


Belgian cuisine with Lanaudière flavours. $$ 3 Specialties : mussels and French fries, bison lamb, duck confit, Belgian charcuterie, 80 kinds of Belgian beer. Summer : every evening from June 24 to Labour Day, from 6:00 pm. Winter : Friday sand Saturday, from 6:00 pm Upon reservation only.

20 (20)



Our specialty for 41 years : top-quality steak, prepared and $$ cooked in front of you over maple charcoal.



Saint-Côme, Au Plaisir des Sens

1461, rue Principale, 450 883-2477 clachance@qc.aibn.com

Health-oriented bistro in one of the oldest houses in $ Saint-Côme. Come sample our paninis, salads, house vinaigrettes and daily desserts. Where tasty goes with healthy!


Fine local gastronomic cuisine, popular menus featuring the


1 2 3



Restaurant Le Papillon is proud to offer you top-quality regional products, processed with refinement, from French and Italian classics to our famous veal kidneys and cutlets, rack of lamb, and some very tasty entrées. Bring your own wine, beer or port. Brunch on Sundays.

$$ $$$




le Cheval Bleu Ç Auberge 414, route 343

450 883-3080 / 1 866 883-3080 info@lechevalbleu.com www.lechevalbleu.com

Restaurant La Chaumière Bifteck 25, chemin du Golf Est, 450 753-4124 www.lachaumierebifteck.com

de la Montagne Coupée tastiest of Lanaudière produce. $$$ Ç Auberge 1000, chemin de la Montagne-Coupée 450 886-3891 / 1 800 363-8614 info@montagnecoupee.com www.montagnecoupee.com (ad. p. 66)

2 25 (35)


© Impéria Hôtel et Suites

Saint-Jean-de-Matha Resto Le Papillon 1990, route Louis-Cyr, 450 886-1119 info@restolepapillon.com www.restolepapillon.com

2 3

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).

109 111

Lodging Accommodation

Espace réservé au message de Tourisme Québec

The key to a successful stay Enjoy the air in

is to choose classified accommodation www.bonjourquebec.com/lodging

General information The Accommodation section provides details on the activities and services offered at and near the accommodation site (within 10 km). The information in this guide was provided by establishment operators. Tourisme Québec is responsible for regulating all tourist accommodation establishments. Please send any comments to: Direction de l’accueil et de l’hébergement touristiques Tourisme Québec 900, boulevard René-Lévesque Est, bureau 400, Québec (Québec) G1R 2B5 Telephone: 418 643-5959 or 1 800 463-5009 E-mail: etablissements.touristiques@tourisme.gouv.qc.ca An establishment’s classification is determined using a weighted evaluation system that looks at its facilities and services, while taking account of the specific features of each class of establishment. Classification levels of 0 to 5 stars or suns reflect the comfort and services offered by the establishment. For more information on classification programs, contact the Corporation de l’industrie touristique du Québec (CITQ) at 1 866 499-0550 or visit www.citq.info.

Classes of tourist accommodation establishments Hotel establishments: Establishments that offer accommodation in furnished rooms, suites or apartments that have kitchen facilities, including hotel services. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

Youth hostels: Lodging in rooms or dormitories. Meals or kitchen facilities and 24-hour surveillance included. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

B&Bs: Lodging in a private residence occupied by the operator. Breakfast is served on site and included in the package rate. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 suns

Educational institutions: Lodging in units that are not made available to the institution’s students. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

Tourist homes: Lodging in furnished apartments, houses or cottages, including kitchen facilities. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

Hospitality villages: Lodging in rooms in a group of private residences where each host receives a maximum of six people and accompanies his/her guests for the length of their stay. Hospitality or entertainment activities as well as breakfast and lunch or dinner are included in the package rate. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

Resorts: Centres offering accommodations, meals or kitchen facilities, entertainment and recreational equipment. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

Other accommodation establishments: Establishments that do not fit any other class. Classified on a scale of 0 to 5 stars

Only establishments with classifications of 1 or more stars or suns, or which are currently being evaluated, are included in this guide.

110 122

Visit ourwww.tourisme-monteregie.qc.ca Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our website:

Lodging Lodging x Classification of campgrounds and outfitters The Conseil de Développement du Camping au Québec (CDCQ) is responsible for applying the classification program for campgrounds. Classifications are based on the quality of the infrastructures and the presence of additional services and activities. Campgrounds listed in this guide are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars and are evaluated every two years. For more information on this program, contact the CDCQ at 1 866 252-0444 or visit www.guidecamping.ca. The Quebec Outfitters Federation (QOF) is responsible for applying the classification program for outfitters. The program is based on the level of comfort, and services and activities offered by an outfitter. Establishments listed in this guide are rated on a scale of 1 to 5 stars and are evaluated every two years. For more information on the classification program, contact the QOF at 1 800 567-9009 or visit www.pourvoiries.com. The Á symbol identifies establishments currently being evaluated. Camping establishments: Establishments that offer services and permanent sites to accommodate tents or recreational camping vehicles, motorized or not. Scale of 1 to 5 stars Outfitters: Establishments in a natural environment that offer accommodation in hostels, cottages and houseboats whit hunting, fishing and outdoor activities. Scale of 0 to 5 stars

$ Rates The price of a unit can vary according to the number of people, the season, the type of plan and the characteristics of the unit. This guide publishes the maximum price of the least expensive unit and the maximum price of the most expensive unit, for double occupancy. Note that the price for B&Bs includes breakfast. Prices are given as guidelines only and do not include taxes. It is always preferable to contact the establishment directly to find out prices in effect before making your reservations. Secure reservation online :

Membership of a chain / network GP-AP Gîtes et Auberges du PassantMD certifiés : 514 252-3138 HC

Hôtellerie Champêtre : 514 861-4024


Spas relais Santé : 514 842-1556


Bienvenue cyclistes : 514 521-8386 / 1 800 567-8356


Clé verte : 613 237-7149

the guide guide instructions instructions :: pages pages 22 to to55(blue (bluesection). section). Need help? Refer to the

113 111

Outfitters  Pet welcome E Gas ß Laundry © Ice n Snowmobile trails / Snowmobile relay station ÿ Wildlife observation º Fitness centre 9 Credit cards not accepted ª Convenience store Ë Boat rental @ Fishing l Swimming M Launching ramp ä Quad :Smoked fish & Hiking trails 0Seasonal establishment L Bedding s Sauna ¶ Restaurant o Computer hookups T Public phone FDog sledding 3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility i Indoor pool ïSnowmobile rental 7 Canoe ‰Kayak Î Ice fishing d Mountain bike trail î Nature interpretation ESnowmobile L Bicycle rental à Hunting Fishing: Species caught :

Lake (L), River (R), Reservoir (K), Daily (Q), Fly fishing (M) A- Bass B- Pike C- Walleye D- Muskellunge E-Speckled trout F-Atlantic salmon H-Lake trout I-Rainbow trout K-Brown trout

Hunting: Species hunted :

Crossbow / Bow (A), Firearm (F) Black powder rifle (P), Hunting dog (C) L- Woodcock M- Canada goose N- Duck O- Snow goose P- Bear Q- Moose R- Caribou S- White-tailed deer T- Wild turkey U- Ruffed grousse V- Lagopus

Accommodation type: Lodge (A), Houseboat (B), Cottage (C), Camp (K), Guest Lodge (P), Private residence (R) Convenience: o Cold water O Hot water T Indoor toilet D Indoor Shower 2 Indoor bathroom 5 Comfort station 4 Outhouse A Automatic heating system B Wood heating system E Electric lighting system : Tourist sign Ç 0 : Seasonal etablishment

1 Private outdoor bathroom G Propane lighting system

FPQ member


Lodging Convenience

Species Hunting Species

GPS location (Longitud Latitude)



Centre du Pourvoyeur Mastigouche }}} • L E-H Q-P-U A oO Ln @Ã ÿ n © ¶ E 10, Lac Lachute, 450 835-2533 Q C 2B GE www.pourvoiriemastigouche.com K


Saint-Alexis-des-Monts   Pourvoirie du Lac Blanc }}}}} • L E-I • Q-N-U A oO -73,1986 1000, domaine Pellerin, 819 265-4242 Q C 2 E 46,407 www.pourvoirielacblanc.com info@pourvoirielacblanc.com


E-I • N-P-Q-U C Pourvoirie Coin Lavigne 0 }}} to }}}} • L 5045, chemin du Parc Q K 450 883-1072 / 1 800 872-1072 coinlavigne.com / admin@coinlavigne.qc.ca


L E-F-H-I •



s ï: º@Ã ÿ n © n ä& i 7 ¶ E ‰Fîï

oO -73,8967 ª ï & nE 2E 46,384 : © @Ã ÿ  B E no oO2


Pourvoirie du Lac Croche } to }}} Q K 54 46,3106 Ç 1020, chemin du Lac-Croche, 450 883-6474 E T

9¶ &ÿ @à Î  ª L ©

BA www.pourvoiriedulaccroche.com Pourvoirie du Lac Saint-Pierre 0 }}} to • L A-B-C-D A oO -73,075 ª M 2309, rang Saint-Pierre }}}} F C E 2 46,1132 © ¶ 450 836-7506 / 1 877 836-7506 A lacsaintpierre.com / info@lacsaintpierre.com

‰ ÿ  @

Saint-Michel-des-Saints B  • L-P-Q-U A oO -73,8895 LE n  Auberge et chalets CanadAventure }}}}} • L 1, chemin de la Baie-du-Poste, 450 833-1478 C 2 46,8196 © ¶ www.canadaventure.net AE canadaventure@caramail.com

ä nFE 7@Ã ÿ d î


B-C-E • P A oO -74,1218 ª  n@ à ÿ Pourvoirie du Lac-du-Repos }}} to }}}} Q C 2 47,2321 ¶ © d ä7 A E Lac Lounays, 91 km nord, 819 971-1252 B GE www.pourvoirielacdurepos.com gaston.vincelette@hotmail.com DT

Saint-Michel-des-Saints • L


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Outfitters FPQ member



Species Hunting Species


GPS location (Longitud Latitude)

Saint-Michel-des-Saints Pourvoirie du Milieu 0 }}} to }}}} • L B-C-E • L-M-N C oO -73,9883 600, chemin Brassard Q F-H P-Q-U 2 46,8464 450 833-5335 / 1 877 933-5335 AB pourvoiriedumilieu.ca / info_milieu@bellnet.ca GE





Saint-Michel-des-Saints Pourvoirie Kanawata 0 }}} to }}}} • L B-C-E-H • N-P A oO -74,1436 Au nord de Saint-Michel-des-Saints Q C 2 47,5911 (Lac Manouane), 450 875-0977 K BA kanawata01@msn.com / www.kanawata.com E

 E ä&@à M L ÿ 7 n ©n o¶ Saint-Michel-des-Saints Pourvoirie Le Vent de la Savane 0 }} to • L B-E •  L-P-Q-U C oO -74,1493 9© &@à Lac Matawin, 450 803-7451 }}}} 2 G 46,7503 dä ventdelasavane@hotmail.com AB Saint-Michel-des-Saints }} to Pourvoirie Pignon Rouge Mokocan }}}} • L B-C-E-F • L-N-P A oO -74,0051 L9  n&d‰ 1, chemin du Lac-Mica, 450 833-5083 Q Q-U C 2 46,7832 Âï @à ÿ î www.pourvoiriepignonrouge.com P AB © n äF 7 pignonrouge@xplornet.com GE o¶ Saint-Michel-des-Saints }} to Pourvoirie Richard 0 }}}} • L P-Q • E C oO n/a 9  © &d 1410, rue des Cyprès, 450 833-5286 Q 21 @à www.pouvoirierichard.com BE pourvoirierichard@hotmail.com 45 Saint-Michel-des-Saints • L E-I C oO -73,8936 L n& d î  Pourvoirie, Auberge Kan-À-Mouche }}}} Q K 2 46,6366 ïL @ ÿ ä 7639, rue Brassard, 450 833-6662 P EA © n F 7‰ kanamouche.com / info@kanamouche.com o¶ Saint-Zénon }} to }}}} • L E-H-I-K • M-N-P-Q A oO -73,6677 Lï @Ãnÿ & Pourvoirie Au Pays de Réal Massé 0 Q C 2 46,4558 © n d7 ‰ 6000, chemin du Pays, 450 884-5502 K AE ¶ www.realmasse.com / info@realmasse.com TD Saint-Zénon • L E-I • P-Q C oO -73,6844 9 &ÿ@ Pourvoirie Pavillon Basilières 0 }} to }}}} Q 2 46,4085 © Ã7 3328, chemin Brassard, 450 884-0228 GA www.pavillonbasilieres.com



Pourvoirie St-Zénon 0 }}} to }}}} • L E-I • P-Q C oO -73,6995 9© & ÿ @Ã 111, chemin de la Pourvoirie, 450 884-5320 Q 2A 46,5043 www.pourvoirie-stzenon.com GE info@pourvoirie-stzenon.com E-I P-Q-U A oO -73,7399 Â © 4551, chemin Brassard }}}} Q • C 2 46,4989 o¶ 450 884-5432 / 1 800 293-5432 K GE BA www.pourvoirietrudeau.com info@pourvoirietrudeau.com

Saint-Zénon, Pourvoirie Trudeau }}} to • L

n@‰ î Ã& d ÿ


Pourvoirie Domaine Bazinet }}} to }}}} • L E-I • Q-U A oO -73,4402 ª n@ Ã& 3000, chemin Bazinet, 450 886-4444 Q C 2E 46,2208 ï © ÿ 7 ‰ l www.domainebazinet.com AB n o info@domainebazinet.com ¶E help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section). Need


Campground Campground  Pet welcome 4 Animation 9 Credit cards not accepted ß Laundry ª Convenience store « Propane gas © Ice g Golf ö Camping equipment rental L Bicycle rental Ë Boat rental _ Mini golf s Spa @ Fishing í In-line Roller Skating Y Bicycle trail e Pool l Beach b Body of water o Computer hookups M Launching ramp ] Playground with equipment & Hiking trails ¶ Restaurant # Community Hall j Game room T Public phone t Tennis È Climbing t Playground { Waterslide 3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility ä Quad Prices given are only guidelines and do not include taxes. They cover the period between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013. At all times, please contact the establishment. The owner of the establishment is responsible for ensuring the validity of this information.


= Tourist road sign

Sites Number of campsites


Percentage of shaded campsites (%) Shower / Toilets

Number of persons admitted Number of children admitted for rate mentioned

Trailer pump-out

Rates Minimum rate per day Maximum rate per day

Amperes Services

Activities OS: on site

5 Less than 10 km away } 50 50% • • 9 © Ë 2 2 Camping municipal du Lac Copping 3318, chemin des Lacs 819 424-3736 / 1 800 230-8293 municipalitendm@netaxis.ca www.municipalitenotredamedelamerci.com


Notre-Dame-des-Prairies ÇCamping Belle-Marée

}}} 99 80% • • 30A 117, avenue des Tournesols, chemin numéro 4 450 756-2542

9婧 2 3 # T

25 $ SP : l & 25 $

29 $ SP : l b 4t] 37 $ 5: gY

, Camping Québécamp }}}} 250 50% • • 30A ©߫¶ 2 2 ÇRawdon 3305, rue Park #T

40 $ SP : elb4]t 40 $ j@ 450 834-3113 / 1 888 832-3113 quebecamp@bellnet.ca / www.quebecamp.ca

}}} 610 70% • • 30A 6686, boulevard Pontbriand 450 834-6048 info@campingshamrock.com / www.campingshamrock.com Rawdon, Camping Shamrock

ª ©ß 2 2 ö«¶#T

27 $ SP : eb4t@ 32 $

, Camping du Vieux Moulin }}} 400 40% • • 30A ©ßË 4 0 ÇSaint-Barthélemy 2780, rue Buteau, 450 885-3591 «¶#T

26 $ SP : eb4]t 35 $ t@ www.campingduvieuxmoulin.com

Á 500 • • 50A 11155, route 335, 514 219-7662 15A info@campingfamilial.ca / www.campingatlantide.com

oª © 2 4 35 $ SP : eb 4jt{ ß#¶« 55 $ ]t& T 5: g , Camping du Circuit }}} 100 75% • • 30A o¶ © 2 2 25 $ SP : eb 4jtí ÇSaint-Calixte 4000, route 335, 450 222-5051 ßö# 34 $ 5: g Saint-Calixte, Camping Atlantide

info@campingducircuit.com / www.campingducircuit.com

}}} 120 60% • 30A ª ©ß 2 2 29 $ SP : eb4]t 2340, rang Versailles ö«#T 39 $ @ 450 883-1968 / 1 800 559-1968 info@campingsummum.com / www.campingsummum.com Saint-Côme, Camping Summum

Saint-Côme, Parc national du Mont-Tremblant }}} 81 80% • 5555, chemin du Parc, secteur L’Assomption 819 688-2281 / 1 800 665-6527 (ad. p. 71) parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com / www.sepaq.com

114 114

©ËöMT 6 0 ß«3

21 $ SP : b @& 27 $

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Campground Campings Campground Les Sitessites Nombre de sites Number total of campsites Taux de sites ombragés (%) (%) Percentage of shaded campsites Douches toilettes Shower / /Toilets Station de vidange Trailer pour les roulottes pump-out

Les tarifs Rates Nombre pour le prix indiqué Numberd’adultes of persons admitted Nombre Number d’enfants of childrenpour le prix indiqué admitted for rate mentioned

Ampérage Amperes Les Services services

Saint-Donat, Parc national du Mont-Tremblant }}} 247 80% • • Route 125 Nord, secteur Pimbina 819 688-2281 / 1 800 665-6527 (ad. p. 71) parc.mont-tremblant@sepaq.com / www.sepaq.com

©ËöTL 6 0 ªß«3#

, Camping Paradis }}} 199 50% • • 30A o¶ ©ß# 2 2 Ç Saint-Félix-de-Valois 161, chemin Paradis, 450 889-2512

Tarifs Rates Prix min. parrate jour per day Minimum Prix max. parrate jourper day Maximum Activités Activities SP : on sur site place OS: : À moins than de 10 10 kmkm away 55Less 21 $ SP : lb t@& 27 $

27 $ SP : 4 _]tjt 37 $

office@campingparadis.ca / www.campingparadis.ca


}}}} 375 15% • • 30A o¶ª ©ß 2 4 Domaine Sentinelle du Parc Campings 1410, route 131 50A «#s  T

40 $ SP : e4]tj 50 $ 450 889-2244 / 1 800 268-8892 info@domainesentinelle.com www.domainesentinelle.com


}} 146 85% • • 30A oÂ ©«T 2 3 Camping municipal du Lac Taureau 350, chemin du Lac Taureau, 450 833-1161 9 camping@saintmicheldessaints.com www.saintmicheldessaints.com Les sites

35 $ SP : lbt@ ä 40 $

Ç Sainte-Julienne, Camping Belle-Vie

Nombre total }}} 125 30% • de• sites 30A o婧 2 2 28 $ SP : ebt&4 Les tarifs 40 $ 5: gY 1630, rue Des Copains, 450 831-4167 ªö« Taux de sites ombragés (%) campingbellevie@live.ca / www.campingbellevie.com Nombre d’adultes pour le prix indiqué Douches / toilettes

pour , Camping Bernard }} 318 50% • • 30A o¶ªß 2 Nombre 2 25d’enfants $ SP : e4]tä Ç Sainte-Mélanie le prix40 indiqué rue Bernard, 450 756-2560 $ 5: gY Station de«©#T vidange Ç100, pour les roulottes info@campingbernard.com / www.campingbernard.com Tarifs

Prix min. par jour Ampérage }} 215 50% • 30A o妧 T 2 4 Prix33max. $ par SP jour : e4btj@ 300, rue des Campeurs, 450 889-2336 Les ©ö«#s 39 $ Activités 5: g p.68 siroislinda@hotmail.com / www.campingnadeau.com services M SP : sur place 5: À moins de 10 km

Sainte-Mélanie, Camping Nadeau

Rustic camping Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci / Chertsey p.68

Parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau 60 75% © 2 3 Secteur Pont-Suspendu, route 347, NDM Secteur Grande-Vallée, chemin Castor, Chertsey 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 www.parcsregionaux.org (ad. p. 69)

Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 2 3 Parc régional du Lac Taureau 310 75% • © 8000, chemin Manawan 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730 www.parcsregionaux.org (ad. p. 69)

Need Refer to ::pages 22to Besoin d’aide? Référez-vous auinstructions mode d’emploi du guide p. 2 àsection). 5 (section bleue). Need help? help? Refer to the the guide guide instructions pages to55:(blue (blue section).

21 $ SP : È b&d 21 $

21 $ SP : bl&@ 21 $

115 115

Tourist homes Tourist homes D Some air conditioned units s Smoking units “ Airport shuttle 3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility ô Babysitting service L Bedding Y Bicycle trail o Computer hookups b Body of water ¶ Restaurant S Concert hall ª Convenience store Ö Cooking facilities in all units 9 Credit cards not accepted r Cross-country skiing a Downhill skiing › Fireplace @ Fishing j Game room p Health Centre & Hiking trails Q Horsebacking riding à Hunting Î Ice fishing M Launching ramp ß Laundry d Mountain bike trail 8 No public telephone in units 0 Seasonal establishment E Outdoor parking I Indoor parking t Playground ] Playground with equipment  Pet welcome e Pool . Private bathroom in all units ø Public transportation s Sauna f Skating œ Ski centre shuttle n Snowmobile trails / Snowmobile relay station T Public phone ó Snowshoeing s Spa g Golf „ Summer theatre l Swimming t Tennis • Whirlpool bath ÿ Wildlife Observation µMicro-wave oven DDVD player C Television in all unit ß Safe storage for snowmobile § Safe storage for skis ◊ Safe storage for bicycles A Air conditioned in all units Prices given are only guidelines and do not include taxes. They cover the period between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013. At all times, please contact the establishment. The owner of the establishment is responsible for ensuring the validity of this information.

Ç }

Tourist road sign

Member of a chain hotel Number of units Capacity Rates Services in units Max. price least expansive unit Max. price most expansive unit Activities OP: on site Services 5: Less than 10 km away

}}}} 7 4-8 200 $ 3Âßq 100, rue des Mille-Feuilles 388 $ L Es◊ § 514 982-9797 / 1 877 982-9797 info@lacgrenier.com / www.lacgrenier.com Chertsey, Les Chalets du Lac Grenier

Ö › SP : fblrdn DC ÿ ó t& µ. 5: r„

}}} 5 4-12 182 $ ß L E q M 177, rue des Cèdres, 514 347-2422 262 $ ◊ § www.chaletsevasion.com / info@chaletsevasion.com

Ö›A SP : flb &r .oµ ÿ ó tn] DC s 5: g Mandeville, Chalets Beausoleil }}} 1 6 187 $ 9ß L E Ö› SP : fló @&n 11, chemin Lac Mandeville, , 450 835-4983 ◊ § ß .oµ ÿ Ã www.chaletsbeausoleil.com / info@chaletsbeausoleil.com DC 5: r }}}} BC 6 6-10 225 $ L E ø • Ö SP : flbdn ÿ ÇRawdon, Chalets des Pins 5749, chemin Vincent-Massey 450 $ ◊ § ß oDµ & 450 834-3401 / 1 877 834-3401 . › 5: graY info@chaletsdespins.com / www.chaletsdespins.com DC Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Chalets d’Émélie }}} BC 6 2-6 205 $ ÂßL E s Ö› SP : fl brd 521, avenue du Lac-Pierre Nord 275 $ ◊ § .oC n@ 450 883-1550 / 1 866 683-1550 µD 5: Yg Info@chalets-emelie.com / www.chalets-emelie.com s Entrelacs, Chalets Évasion


}}}} BC 1 15 450 $ ÂßIL Le Relais des champs 1290, 5e Rang ouest ◊ § ß 450 759-9421 / 1 888 759-9421 relaisdeschamps@hotmail.com / www.lerelaisdeschamps.ca

Ö › SP : ÿ j& .oC 5: g „r µD

}}} 3 8-12 300 $ Âß“ M 60, chemin du Lac-Élan, 1 877 560-8060 900 $ s s ELo info@chaletsarseneault.com www.chaletsarseneault.com

• Ö SP : fbldnÿ . › ÎójÃ@& oC 5: garY µD Ö›. SP : lnÿó& µD 5: garY C

Saint-Donat, Chalets Le Scandinave

}}} 1 6 135 $ ßEL 11, chemin Mont La Réserve 819 424-1373 / 1 877 424-1373 (ad. p. 70) hebergement@skilareserve.com / www.skilareserve.com Saint-Donat, Chalets Le Trappeur

, Cond’Eautels du Manoir }}}} 28 7 220 $ pßôM ÇSaint-Donat 290, rue Principale œ Eøq T 819 424-2121 / 1 800 567-6717 L◊ § ß info@manoirdeslaurentides.com ¶1 -3 www.manoirdeslaurentides.com (ad. p. 70)

116 116

• Ö SP : efb ltn › . jSt@ D µ 5: gar Y DC

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Tourist homes homes Member of a hotel chain Number of units Capacity Rates Services in the units Max. price least expansive unit Max. price most expansive unit Activities OP: on site Services 5: Less than 10 km away

}}} 1 30 1599 $ 9ÂL E Ö. SP : Q]jt 251, rang Guillaume-Tell ◊ § µDC 5: gr „ 450 886-2727 / 1 888 609-2727 info@aubergedesjoiesfleuries.com www.aubergedesjoiesfleuries.com Saint-Jean-de-Matha, Auberge des joies fleuries

}}} 7 5-8 185 $ q ELø T Ö› SP : b l n& 7820, chemin du Lac Kaiagamac 320 $ ◊ § ß .s 8 5: g 450 833-6714 / 1 877 833-6714 DCµ info@auptitgibier.com / www.auptitgibier.com Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Au P’tit Gibier

}}}} 1 17 450 $ ßELs Ö› SP : b l r ÿn 30, chemin des Quenouilles, 450 547-8978 ◊ § ß .o ójÃ@ info@aventureseltoro.com / www.aventureseltoro.com DCµ 5: gar Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Aventures El Toro


}}} 4 4-13 260 $ Chalets du Lac des Pins 0 100, chemin Saint-Benoît, 450 833-6006 400 $ info@gitedulactaureau.com / www.gitedulactaureau.com

MEL 8s •Ö› SP : b l r dn ◊ § ß .oµ ]ó ¶1 DC 5: g

Les Chalets d’Émélie Need Need help? help?Refer Referto tothe theguide guideinstructions instructions: :pages pages22toto55(blue (bluesection). section).

117 117

Bed Bed and and breakfast breakfast D Some air conditioned units A Air conditioning in all units 0 Seasonal establishment T Public phone Y Bicycle trail b Body of water o Computer hookups 9 Credit card not accepted r Cross-country skiing a Downhill skiing › Fireplace @ Fishing j Game room g Golf & Hiking trails M Launching ramp d Mountain bike trail E Outdoor parking q Panorama t Playground  ] Playground with equipment e Pool  Pet welcome ø Public transportation s Sauna f Skating s Spa l Swimming n Snowmobile trails / Snowmobile relay station C Television in all units N Television in some units „ Theatre ó Snowshoeing ÿ Wildlife Observation ¢ Computer • Whirlpool bath ß Safe storage for snowmobile § Safe storage for skis ◊ Safe storage for bicycles

Member of a hotel chain

Prices given are only guidelines and do not include taxes. They cover the period between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013. At all times, please contact the establishment. The owner of the establishment is responsible for ensuring the validity of this information.

Number of units

Restauration 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Rates for 2 persons (include breakfast)

= Tourist road sign

Max. price of the least expensive unit Max. price of the most expensive unit

Room with private bathroom Activities OS: on site 5 Less than 10 km away


Á GP 4 80 $ 9  EøoA C 1-2 1 SP : b & @ ÿ 980, rue de Montcalm, 450 836-6592 BC 100 $ §ß◊ 5: r gY info@gitedeloieblanche.com / www.gitedeloieblanche.com Berthierville, Gîte de L’Oie Blanche

\\\ 1 78 $ 9ÂE q Co 1 SP : l ó  & ÿ 1240, avenue du Lac Beaulne, 450 882-1372 78 $ §◊ 5: a r lamaisondeshuards@hotmail.com Chertsey, La Maison des Huards

Entrelacs, Le gîte des cascades

\\\ BC 2 75 $ ECo•§◊ 1 130, rue des Cascades, 450 228-1496 115 $ legitedescascades@bell.net / www.legitedescascades.com

SP : n 5: g r

L’Assomption, Aux 4 Vents \\\\ 3 73 $ 9ÂEøs 1 2863, boulevard l’Ange-Gardien Nord 73 $ 450 588-7913 / 1 866 281-3021 www.giteaux4vents.ca

SP : e Y 5: gr„Y


\\\\ GP 5 90 $ q Eo•›s 1 5 SP : fb l]nó Auberge Le Louis-Philippe II 5650, rue Principale 140 $ §ß◊N t& 450 753-5019 / 1 866 753-5019 5: g„r Y info@lelouisphilippe2.com / www.lelouisphilippe2.com Notre-Dame-des-Prairies, Villa des Tourterelles

\\\ 2 65 $ 7, rue de la Rive, 450 752-1919 65 $ proprios@sejours-eclectiques.com www.villadestourterelles.com

9  Eø¥o§◊ N

\\\\ GP 4 80 $ 100, Grande Ligne, 450 839-3482 90 $ info@gitelepasserin.com / www.gitelepasserin.com

9EoC 1 2 SP : ]ÿ §ß◊ 5: gr

Saint-Alexis, Le Passerin Indigo




5 95 $ 95 $

le Cheval Bleu ÇAuberge 414, route 343

1 5: rg„Y

Eo §ß◊ 1-3 3 SP : ebró &t C 5: g„

450 883-3080 / 1 866 883-3080 info@lechevalbleu.com / www.lechevalbleu.com

\\\\ GP 3 189 $ EoCD• 1 1051, rang du Boulevard, 514 591-5527 BC 369 $ §ß◊ manoirlarose@bell.net / www.gitescanada.com/10620.html Saint-Barthélemy, Manoir Larose

SP : eYnj 5: rY

\\\\ 2 78 $ 9  EqoC 1 1 SP : b]d ÿ 1510, 6e Rang, 450 835-5851 88 $ §ß◊ & louise@aujardindeden.com / www.aujardindeden.com 5: gr„Y Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, Au Jardin d’Éden

118 118

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Bed Bed and and breakfast Member of a hotel chain Number of units

Restauration 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Rates for 2 persons (include breakfast)

Room with private bathroom

Max. price of the least expensive unit Max. price of the most expensive unit

Activities OS: on site

Services , Gîte du lac Taureau 0 \\ 6 Ç Saint-Michel-des-Saints 100, chemin Saint-Benoît, 450 833-6006 info@gitedulactaureau.com / www.gitedulactaureau.com

, Gîte de L’Île Ronde 0 \\\\ Ç Saint-Sulpice Île Ronde, 450 589-2688 info@ileronde.com / www.ileronde.com

98 $ M Eo §◊s 1 1 SP : b]n 116 $ N ¢ 5: g

GP 2 145 $ q M E A C BC 145 $

Saint-Zénon, Gîte des Hauteurs \\\\ 3 6170, rue Principale 450 884-0008 / 1 877 884-0004 hauteurs@colba.net / www.gitedeshauteurs.com

5 Less than 10 km away


1 SP : b ÿ &

85 $ q E s C 1-2-3 3 SP : n & 85 $ 5: gr

\\\\ GP 3 95 $ Es  o•s›N 1-2-3 1 SP : e f 2232, rue Principale, 450 752-2650 135 $ §ß◊ 5: grY artsetpassions@hotmail.com / www.giteartsetpassions.com Sainte-Élisabeth, Gîte Arts et Passions


© Tourisme Lanaudière, Christian Rouleau

\\\\ GP 5 95 $ E qoND› 1-2-3 5 SP : e n & Gîte À la Belle Étoile 5: gr „ 31, chemin du Grand-Rang, 450 886-0478 120 $ •s §ß◊ info@alabelleetoile.ca / www.alabelleetoile.ca

Refer to to the the guide guide instructions instructions :: pages pages22to to55(blue (bluesection). section). Need help? Refer

119 119

Vacation centers Vacation centers 3Assisted wheelchair accessibility ô Babysitting service b Body of water o Computer hookups S Concert hall Y Bicycle trail ª Convenience store 9 Credit cards not accepted r Cross-country skiing LBedding N Television a Downhill skiing @ Fishing j Game room & Hiking trails Î Ice fishing M Launching ramp ß Laundry d Mountain bike trail f Skating  Pet welcome i Indoor pool t Playground ] Playground with equipment Q Horsebacking riding E Outdoor parking 0 Seasonal establishment n Snowmobile trails / Relay station s Sauna ó Snowshoeing s Spa g Golf j Game room œSki centre shuttle l Swimming t Tennis T Public phone ÿ Wildlife Observation ¢Computer in common areas ß Safe storage for snowmobile § Safe storage for skis ◊ Safe storage for bicycles = = = =

Number Restauration of units 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Tourist road sign Classification see page 110 Assisted wheelchair accessibility Full wheelchair accessibility


Activities OS: on site 5 Less than 10 km away

, Camp Boute-en-Train }}}} 256 1-2-3 9ßq E T¢ SP : fb lr]ÿ ó jt ÇChertsey 1640, rue Rochon, 450 882-2368 / 1 800 363-8659 N @& campboutentrain@bellnet.ca / www.boutentrain.com


Chertsey, Camp familial St-Urbain 0

5: a

}}} 44

1-2-3 9  ôßq E T SP : b l ]jt  @& 1651, boulevard Chertsey, 450 882-4719 / 1 888 882-4719 5: g info@campfamilial.org / www.campfamilial.org

, Camp Mariste }}} 101 ßq E T N ÇRawdon 8082, chemin du Lac-Morgan, 450 834-6383 admin@campmariste.qc.ca / www.campmariste.qc.ca

SP : flbr]ÿ tó & 5: r

, Domaine Sam-Calm }}}} 14 1-2-3 ÇRawdon 6125, chemin Vincent-Massey, 450 834-8388

ôßEL§ SP : Qlr]dój& o N 5: gar„ info@samcalm.com / www.samcalm.com

Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Camp De-La-Salle }}}} 141 1-2-3 ßMEoT Ç130, 1 Avenue du Lac Rouge Nord re

450 883-2022 / 1 800 961-2636 info@campdelasalle.qc.ca / www.campdelasalle.qc.ca

SP : flbr]dÿ ót


, Camp Papillon }}}} 357 1-2-3 2ª ôßE ÇSaint-Alphonse-Rodriguez 210, rue Papillon LœT N o

SP : fl b]dnjt@

, Centre plein air l’Étincelle }}}} 166 1-2-3 ÇSaint-Alphonse-Rodriguez 270, avenue du Lac-Long Sud

SP : fl br ] ÿ ój t@& 5: g„

450 883-5642 / 1 877 937-6171 namzallag@enfantshandicapes.com / www.enfantshandicapes.com

&óS ◊ § 5: gar

39ôßET ◊ § N 450 883-5376 / 1 877 932-6893 infos.etincelle@xplornet.com / www.cpaetincelle.com

, Camp musical Père-Lindsay 0 ÇSaint-Côme 100, rang Petit-Beloeil, 450 883-6024





SP : lb]&

cmuslanaudiere@bellnet.ca / www.campmusicallanaudiere.com

}}} 161 1-2-3 ßqEoT 1500, 7e Rang, 450 883-0721 / 1 866 983-0721 camp@villagedesjeunes.org / www.villagedesjeunes.org Saint-Côme, Camp Village des Jeunes

SP : f l br] ÿ ój

t@ & 5: rag , Havre Familial - Centre de plein air }}}} 78 1-2-3 3ßEo TN SP : fblr]óÿ jS ÇSainte-Béatrix 1085, rang du Havre-Familial ¢ t@& 450 883-2271 / 1 888 883-2271 5: g havre@havrefamilial.com / www.havrefamilial.com (ad. p. 68)


}}}} 20 1-2-3 ªßE T N Base de plein air Sainte-Émélie Ç606, rue des Mésanges

SP : flbr]jt&@

450 886-9139 / 1 866 886-9139 basedepleinair@hotmail.com / www.basedepleinair.com

120 120

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca


Alternative lodging

Yourte, parc national du Mont-Tremblant

Kabania Notre-Dame-de-la-Merci, 2244, chemin du Grand Duc 819 424-0721, www.kabania.ca

Kabania is an eco-tourism accommodation site located in Ouareau Forest Regional Park. Summer and winter, come enjoy a unique experience in the true heart of nature. Bordered by the Dufresne River, our cabins on stilts, 2.45 m (8 ft) high, offer comfort and privacy in an exotic setting.

Chez Roger l’Ermite Saint-Côme, 335, 48e Avenue Rivière de la Boule 514 993-3567, www.chezrogerlermite.ca / info@chezrogerlermite.ca

Much more than simple log cabins, Chez Roger l’Ermite offers you the unique experience of alternative lodging throughout the year. Our site located in Saint-Côme, in a beautiful part of Lanaudière region, offers rentals of attractively designed and appointed “ecogites.” Chez Roger l’Ermite adapts to your needs : whether you come to stay as a couple, alone, for a family getaway or a trip with friends... one of our magnificent ecogites awaits you!

Parc national du Mont-Tremblant

(ad. p. 71)

Saint-Côme / Saint-Donat 819 688-2281 / 1800 665-6527, www.sepaq.com

The yurt provides all the necessary equipment for a pleasant stay in the heart of nature. Here, in the National Park, you are close to all the services of Lac Provost in the Pimbina sector, where five yurts are available. Feel like a change of scene? Our four yurts on the shores of majestic Lac des Cyprès in the L’Assomption sector are just what you need! Also available : Yurt & Canoe Package!

Tipis du Sommet Saint-Félix-de-Valois, 1560, rang des Petites Forges 450 889-8810, www.nuitentipi.ca / info@nuitentipi.ca

Need to re-energize yourself? A night in a teepee will bring you really close to nature. While you’re here, explore the entire site, walk our trails and enjoy a magnificent view. Our teepees are cool in summer, very warm in winter and designed for your comfort. Come with the family, with friends, or as a couple, for a truly unforgettable experience.

Pourvoirie du Milieu Saint-Michel-des-Saints, 600, chemin Brassard 450 833-5335 / 1 877 933-5335, info_milieu@bellnet.ca / www.pourvoiriedumilieu.ca

Come explore the largest outfitter in the region of Montreal in an area of 240 ​​ km2. With its 10 shelters can accommodate up to 12 people. Possibility of ice fishing guide available on request. Accessible by ski, walk, snowshoe or snowmobile. There is a shelter that will satisfy the adventure lover in you. Schedule : December to March.

Parcs régionaux de la Matawinie, parc régional de la Forêt Ouareau, Sentier national, parc régional de la Chute-à-Bull (ad. p. 69) 450 883-2730 / 1 866 266-2730, www.parcsregionaux.org

For the “coureur des bois” in you, we offer rustic nature lodging in one of our isolated refuges, as part of a day of hiking. More than ten refuges of different sizes are available, with room for 1 to 20 people, year-round. Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Hotels Hotels D Some air conditioned units A Air conditioning in all units T Public phone ü Elevator E Outdoor parking — Business centre s Smoking units “ Airport shuttle 3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility q Panorama ô Babysitting service Y Bicycle trail o Computer hookups b Body of water S Concert hall ª Convenience store ¢ Cooking facilities in all units 9 Credit cards not accepted r Cross-country skiing a Downhill skiing l Swimming › Fireplace @ Fishing t Tennis j Game room p Health Centre & Hiking trails Q Horsebacking riding à Hunting Î Ice fishing M Launching ramp ß Laundry d Mountain bike trail 8 No public telephone in units t Playground ] Playground with equipment  Pet welcome e Pool i Indoor pool f Skating s Sauna , Private bathroom in some units ø Public transportation œ Ski centre shuttle n Snowmobile trails / Snowmobile relay station ó Snowshoeing s Spa º Fitness centre g Golf „ Summer theatre • Whirlpool bath ÿ Wildlife Observation µMicro-wave oven DDVD player FMini fridge C Television in all unit ß Safe storage for snowmobile § Safe storage for skis ◊ Safe storage for bicycles N Television in some unit ¢ Computer Prices given are only guidelines and do not include taxes. They cover the period between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013. At all times, please contact the establishment. The owner of the establishment is responsible for ensuring the validity of this information.


Member of a hotel chain Number of units Rates for 2 persons

Restauration 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Max. price of the least expensive unit Max. price of the most expensive unit

= Tourist road sign

In the units Activities OS: on site


5 Less than 10 km away

, Days Inn Berthierville }}} ÇBerthierville 760, rue Gadoury

CV 58 125 $ 3ÂôßE 1 o A• SP : n BC 165 $ ü ¢ C ¢ 5: gr Y 450 836-1621 / 1 888 367-6853 µD info@daysinnberthier.com / www.daysinnberthier.com Fs

Berthierville, Motel B.R. }} 5 65 $ ßq Eø o D SP : b]  n Y C 8 5: gr 801, Grande Côte (route 138) 65 $ ߧ ◊ 450 836-3277, motelb-r@persona.ca µF , Hôtel Charlemagne }}} 36 62 $ Eø ü 1-2-3 o A 5 : gr „ Y ÇCharlemagne 115, rue Chopin 120 $ ◊ •C 450 582-5933 / 1 888 430-4641 (ad. p. 62) µF info@hotel-charlemagne.com / www.hotel-charlemagne.com D

}}}} 89 125 $ Eqø ü— 1-2-3 o A 450, rue Saint-Thomas 195 $ § ◊ ¢ • C 450 752-2525 / 1 800 361-0572 (ad. p. 66) chateaujoliette@videotron.ca / www.chateaujoliette.com Joliette, Château Joliette

} 6 9, chemin de la Cabane, 450 835-0947 Mandeville, L’Auberge Rond

, Motel Mascouche ÇMascouche 2905, chemin Gascon, 450 477-8555

}} 50 (ad. p. 65)

, Auberge Laetus le Joyeux }}} 8 ÇRawdon 4333, chemin du Lac Brennan, 450 834-2364

SP : fb„r Y @ 5 : gY

9Âß E8 1-2-3 Ö s SP : fb]n ÿ Î § ◊ s µFN ó @& 70 $ E ø o  A• 5: „rgY 120 $ C s 110 $ 3ÂEß q 1-3 o8 SP : l b d ÿ ó& 125 $ ¥ 5: gar Y 75 $ 85 $

contact@laetus.org / www.laetus.org

, Restaurant Motel Tournesol }}} 22 75 $ E ø 1-2-3 oA• SP : n ÇRawdon 3217, 1 Avenue 125 $ ߧ ◊ Cs 5: gar „Y re

450 834-5411 / 1 866 834-5411 info@tournesol.com / www.tournesol.com


, Au Doc Motel }} BC 24 50 $ ß q E ø 1 A •¢ SP : e b ÿ @ Y ÇRepentigny 1424, rue Notre-Dame, 450 585-4211 / 1 800 560-0755 125 $ § ◊ ¢ ›C 5: gr „Y

oFD µs Repentigny, Le Capri motel et suites Á BC 50 90 $ q E ø◊ 1 A•C SP : Y 658, rue Notre-Dame 100 $ ›os 5: g r „ Y 450 581-2282 / 1 800 361-7476 (ad. p. 62) µFD info@audocmotel.com / www.audocmotel.com

information@motelcapri.com / www.motelcapri.com

122 122

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Hotels Hotels Member of a hotel chain Number of units Rates for 2 persons

Restauration 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Max. price of the least expensive unit Max. price of the most expensive unit

In the units


Activities SP: on site

5 Less than 10 km away

}} 15 91 $ ß E ø 1 A •¢ SP : Y 1435, rue Notre-Dame 153 $ ߧ ◊ ›Co 5: gr „ 450 585-6444 / 1 866 554-6444 µFD motelderfal@videotron.ca / www.motelderfal.com Repentigny, Motel Derfal

Á 25 140 $ E ô“q s 1-2-3 A•D SP : i blº@ t 324, rue du Lac-Long Sud, 450 883-8383 / 1 855 325-2473 300 $ ߧ ◊ Css frt] n& info@aubergesurlafalaise.com / www.aubergesurlafalaise.com oF› 5: gr Saint-Alphonse-Rodriguez, Auberge sur la Falaise

}} 22 55 $ E 2070, rue de la Visitation, 450 756-4518 125 $ kaifeng688@sympatico.ca / www.moteljoliette.com

A•¢ SP : e ›Cs 5: gr „ Y oµF Saint-Charles-Borromée }} 22 54 $ ÂEø A•C SP : e Le Classique de Joliette 83 $ oµ 5: gr „Y Ç Motel 310, rue de la Visitation, 450 756-0588 (ad. p. 65) Fs Saint-Charles-Borromée, Motel Joliette

info@motelleclassique.com / www.motelleclassique.com

, Auberge Aux Quatre Matins }}} AP 12 160 $ pq E 8 1-3 •¢› SP : ar d n ó Ç Saint-Côme 155, rue des Skieurs 230 $ ߧ ◊ s Co &

Dµ 5: „g FD Saint-Côme, Motel St-Côme }}} 21 88 $ ß E 1-2-3 D•› SP : ftnt 1597, rue Principale 149 $ Co 5: ar 450 883-3331 / 1 877 883-3331 Fs 450 883-1932 / 1 800 929-1932 info@auxquatrematins.ca / www.auxquatrematins.ca

info@motelstcome.com / www.motelstcome.com

, Auberge Val Saint-Côme }}} CV 30  149 $ pôß q E 1-2-3 oA• Ç Saint-Côme 200, rue de l’Auberge 249 $ œ§ ›C

SP : i far] dnÿ jS& 5: rg

}} 12 70 $ ßq Eü s 1-3 o• 350, route 329 140 $ ߧ s C 8 819 424-7504 / 1 888 870-0401 info@aubergestdonat.com / www.aubergestdonat.com

SP : ebl nt 5: gar„Y

450 883-0655 / 1 877 778-2663 info@aubergevalsaintcome.com www.aubergevalsaintcome.com (ad. p. 72)

Saint-Donat, Auberge St-Donat

, Hôtel Manoir des Laurentides }}} 71 101 $ ôßEq ø 1-3 • ¢ Ç Saint-Donat 290, rue Principale 114 $ œß§ ◊ ›C 819 424-2121 / 1 800 567-6717 info@manoirdeslaurentides.com www.manoirdeslaurentides.com (ad. p. 70)

oA µF

SP : efl bt] jS t@ n 5: gar Y

Saint-Gabriel-de-Brandon, Auberge le St-Gab }}} 7 95 $ ßTE 1-2-3 A ¢ , SP : „ 109, rue Dequoy / 450 835-3337 / 1 855 835-3337 145 $ ø ߧ ◊ Co 8 5: r le-st-gab@voyagehone.com / www.auberge-le-st-gab.com Fµ HC 47 150 $ pôßq s 1-2-3 A • Co RS 300 $ Eü“ BC ߧ ◊ D› 450 886-3891 / 1 800 363-8614 (ad. p. 66) RT info@montagnecoupee.com / www.montagnecoupee.com



Auberge de la Montagne Coupée Ç 1000, chemin de la Montagne-Coupée

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions :: pages pages 22 to to 55 (blue (bluesection). section).

SP : iº rtn

ój& 5: gr


Hotels Hotels D Some air conditioned units A Air conditioning in all units T Public phone ü Elevator E Outdoor parking — Business centre s Smoking units “ Airport shuttle 3 Assisted wheelchair accessibility q Panorama ô Babysitting service Y Bicycle trail o Computer hookups b Body of water S Concert hall ª Convenience store ¢ Cooking facilities in all units 9 Credit cards not accepted r Cross-country skiing a Downhill skiing l Swimming › Fireplace @ Fishing t Tennis j Game room p Health Centre & Hiking trails Q Horsebacking riding à Hunting Î Ice fishing M Launching ramp ß Laundry d Mountain bike trail 8 No public telephone in units t Playground ] Playground with equipment  Pet welcome e Pool i Indoor pool f Skating s Sauna , Private bathroom in some units ø Public transportation œ Ski centre shuttle n Snowmobile trails / Snowmobile relay station ó Snowshoeing s Spa º Fitness centre g Golf „ Summer theatre • Whirlpool bath ÿ Wildlife Observation µMicro-wave oven DDVD player FMini fridge C Television in all unit ß Safe storage for snowmobile § Safe storage for skis ◊ Safe storage for bicycles N Television in some unit ¢ Computer Prices given are only guidelines and do not include taxes. They cover the period between December 1, 2012 and November 30, 2013. At all times, please contact the establishment. The owner of the establishment is responsible for ensuring the validity of this information.


Member of a hotel chain Number of units

= Tourist road sign

Rates for 2 persons

Restauration 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Max. price of the least expensive unit Max. price of the most expensive unit

In the units Activities OS: on site 5 Less than 10 km away


}}} 41 130 $ ôEø◊ ¢ 1-2-3 D •› SP : eg frt n Ç Saint-Jean-de-Matha L’Auberge du Centre de Villégiature et des Congrès Lanaudière 295 $ C ¢o ó & 2591, route Louis-Cyr (route 131) 450 886-9301 / 1 866 391-9301 www.cvc-lanaudiere.com / infoauberge@cvc-lanaudiere.com

µs 5: „ D


}}} 23 99 $ ÂßE 1 A•› SP : n Hôtel La Porte de la Matawinie 891, route Louis-Cyr (route 131) 169 $ ߧ ◊ 3 CoD 5: gr „Y 450 886-0202 / 1 877 881-0202 µF info@motelportematawinie.com www.motelportematawinie.com Saint-Michel-des-Saints, }}} 9 85 $ q s s E 1-3 Co8 Auberge Au Pied de la Chute 134, chemin du Lac-Taureau 95 $ 450 833-1171 / 1 866 833-1171 aubergeaupieddelachute@hotmail.com www.aubergeaupieddelachute.ca

SP : bn@ 5: gr


}}}} du Lac Taureau et ses condos Ç Auberge 1200, chemin de la Baie-du-Milieu

HC 158 188 $ pª ôß 1-2-3 o D • SP : ifb lrt RS 343 $ q ss Eü— ¢›F ] d nÿ Îó 450 833-1919 / 1 877 822-2623 RT M ߧ ◊ Cµ jÃ@& info@lactaureau.com / www.lactaureau.com (ad. p. 72) 3 5: g

Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Hôtel-Motel Le Central }}}

32 60 $ 3 Eøs 1-2-3 o D • SP : i nj  S 510, rue Brassard 125 $ ¢C 5: gr 450 833-1331 / 1 877 833-1331 Fs info@hotelcentral.com / www.hotelcentral.com


}} 9 Au Vieux Moulin à Scie Ç Motel 340, rue Saint-Maurice Est, 450 833-6656 auxvieuxmoulin@hotmail.com / www.moulinascie.com

70 $ ÂEø 1-2-3 Co 75 $ F

}} 10 60 $ 180, chemin du Mont-Trinité 75 $ 450 833-5467 / 1 877 833-5467 montagnard@satelcom.qc.ca / www.motelm.com Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Motel Montagnard

124 122

Âq E oC ߧ ◊ Fµ

SP : b n& 5: gr SP : grdnt&

Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Hotels Hotels Member of a hotel chain Number of units Rates for 2 persons

Restauration 1 : Breakfast - 2 : Dinner - 3 : Supper

Max. price of the least expensive unit Max. price of the most expensive unit

}}} 34 72 $ 1260, chemin Centre Nouvel-Air 162 $ 450 760-5454 / 1 800 361-9626 www.matawinie.com (ad. back cover) Saint-Michel-des-Saints, Villégiature Matawinie

, Motel St-Thomas Á 12 Ç Saint-Thomas 1244, route 158, 450 755-3822 www.motelstthomas.com

In the units Activities SP: on site


5 Less than 10 km away

p ôß 1-2-3 ss q E T o

SP : i Qfrt ]nÎójt& 5: g

60 $ E ACo SP : n 68 $ Fµs 5: gr„Y

}} 30 108 $ E Tos 1-2-3 CFs SP : º b nÃ@ 4551 Brassard Sud (Route 131) 114 $ ø ߧ ◊ 8 &Îó 450 884-0250 aubergelaglaciere@hotmail.fr / www.laglaciere.com Saint-Zénon, Auberge La Glacière

, Auberge Le Cabanon }}} 58 84 $ ß ETo 1-2-3 CFs SP : i b l ]n Ç Saint-Zénon 1590, chemin du Lac-Stanislas Nord 170 $ ߧ ◊ 8 jt 450 884-5762 / 1 877 884-5762 aubergecabanon@xplornet.com www.aubergelecabanon.com

Sainte-Émélie-de-l’Énergie Auberge du Vieux Moulin

}}} 22 190 $ pôß“ 1-2-3 D • ¢ SP : ifb lr] 200, chemin du Vieux-Moulin 325 $ q s s ET ¢ ›8C d nÿ Îó jt 450 884-0211 / 1 866 884-0211 œß§ ◊ oµF @& info@auberge-lanaudiere.com / auberge-lanaudiere.com Ds 5: g , Impéria Hôtel et Suites Á 80 134 $ Ess üø— 1-2-3 A • SP : i º Y Ç Terrebonne 2935, boulevard de la Pinière 250 $ ¢ Co¢ 5: g„ 450 492-3336 / 1 888 472-3336 info@imperiahotel.com / www.imperiahotel.com


}}} CV 81 149 $ 3Âß Es 1 A • SP : i º 1155, rue Yves-Blais 350 $ ü ¢ Co 5: gYr 450 582-8288 / 1 866 863-6360 (ad. p. 64) µF info@super8lachenaie.com / www.super8lachenaie.com

© Michel Julien

Terrebonne, Super 8 Lachenaie

Auberge du Lac Taureau et ses condos Need help? Refer to the guide instructions :: pages pages 22 to to 55 (blue (bluesection). section).

123 125

Useful information Regional radio station M103,5 FM Municipals airports Mascouche, Mascouche Airport Saint-Ambroise-de-Kildare, Joliette Airport Saint-Donat, Saint-Donat Airport

514 702-6611 450 759-6252 819 424-2383

Credit card (lost or stolen, 24 hours service)

American Express MasterCard Visa

1 800 668-2639 1 800 622-7747 1 800 847-2911

Québec Anti-Poison Center

1 800 463-5060

Environnement Québec Emergencies (24 h / 7 days) 1 866 694-5454 Beaches

450 654-4355 / 1 800 561-1616

Transport Québec road conditions www.inforoutiere.qc.ca 511 SOPFEU (forest fires) Weather (Lanaudière) For Montréal and suburbs

1 800 463-3389

450 757-1410 514 283-3010 / 514 283-4006

Hospitals Emergencies (police, ambulance, firemen) Saint-Charles-Borromée, Centre hospitalier régional de Lanaudière 1000, boul. Sainte-Anne Lachenaie, Centre de Santé et des Services Sociaux du Sud de Lanaudière 911, montée des Pionniers Health-Info-Services 24 h / 7 days

911 450 759-8222 450 654-7525 811

Sûreté du Québec Provincial police (24 hours) - Emergency 310-4141 / Cell.: *4141 Use of a hand-held cell phone that does not have a hands-free function is prohibited while driving. From December 15 to March 15, all vehicles registered in Quebec have to be equipped with winter tires. CAA Québec - Emergency Roadside Service (24 hours) 1 800 222-4357 / Cell.: *222


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

Alphabetical index  A Access to the region................... 3 Accessibility for persons with reduced mobility................ 2 Advertising............................... 60 Aerial trails............................... 53 Agricultural tourism................. 85 Airports................................ 5-126 All-terrain vehicles (see also ATV)........................... 56 Ambulance.............................. 126 Anti-poison center................. 126 Antique stores and Art galleries.............................. 36 ATV rentals.......................... 56-80

B Bakeries..................................... 88 Bed and Breakfast.................. 118 Bed and Breakfast rating....... 110 Bicycle touring (see also Cycling)...................... 57 Boating (see also Cruises and excursions)....... 47-52 Bus service (see also Public transportation)................ 5

C CAA Québec........................... 126 Cabins (see also Tourist homes).......... 112-116-120 Campground rating program.. 111 Campgrounds......................... 114 Canoe and kayak rentals.... 46-52 Canoes/Kayaks.......................... 46 Cheesemakers........................... 93 Complaints (see also To make a complaint)................ 5 Concert halls............................. 40 Concerts, halls and theatres.... 40 Country fairs (see also Events).30 Country meals........................... 91 Country Roads (Les Chemins de campagne).... 85 Crafts......................................... 36 Crafts stores.............................. 36 Credit cards............................. 126 Cross-country skiing................. 82 Cruises and excursions............. 47 Culture and heritage................ 35 Cycle paths................................ 57 Cycling....................................... 57

D Diving 58 Dogsledding 79 Downhill skiing 82

E Emergencies............................ 126 Emergency roadside services. 126 Equestrian centres (see also Horseback riding)...... 47 Events........................................ 30 Exhibition halls (see also Art galleries, museums)...... 36-39 Exhibitions........................... 36-39

F Farm visits............................... 100 Ferries..................................... 5-73 Festivals (see also Events)......... 30 Firemen................................... 126 Fishing........................... 56-58-112 Flowers and gardens (see also Gardens and horticulture)....... 98

Local radio station.................. 126 Lodging information.............. 110

M Meat and game........................ 94 Member of a hotel chain....... 111 Motels (see also Hotels)......... 122 Mountain biking...................... 50 Municipal airports.................. 126 Museums................................... 39 Music (see also Concerts)......... 40

N National park...........50-54-82-114 Nature and outdoor activities. 45 Nurseries (see also Gardens and horticulture)...................... 98



Gardens..................................... 98 Gardens and horticulture........ 98 General information.................. 3 Golf........................................... 48 Guided tours............................. 42

Outdoor activities..................... 45 Outdoor recreational centers.. 120 Outfitters................................ 112


Paintball.................................... 52 Parachuting.............................. 53 Parks.......................................... 50 Pick your own........................... 86 Pilgrimages (see Pilgrimages and religion).42 Police....................................... 126 Portrait of the region................. 6 Public beaches.......................... 51 Public transportation................. 5

Health centers........................ 104 Heritage (see also Culture and heritage).............. 35 Heritage interpretation (see also Culture and heritage).............. 43 Hiking........................................ 54 Historical buildings and sites... 37 History of the region (see also Portrait of the region)............... 6 Horseback riding...................... 47 Horticulture.............................. 98 Hospitals................................. 126 Hotel rating............................ 110 Hotels...................................... 122 How to use this guide................ 2 Hunting......................... 56-58-112

I Info-Santé service................... 126 Inns.......................................... 122

K Karting...................................... 52 Kayaks....................................... 46 Kéroul......................................... 2 King’s Road............................... 11

L Lac Saint-Pierre archipelago.... 12 Local produce and game......... 94

Need help? Refer to the guide instructions : pages 2 to 5 (blue section).


Q Quebec’s tourist regions (map). 3

R Rafting...................................... 46 Ranches (see also Horseback riding)...... 47 Refuges......................... 50-54-121 Regional flavours..................... 85 Regional map...inside back cover Regional produce (see also Regional produce outlets)....... 89 Religious buildings (see also Pilgrimages and religion)......... 42 Restaurants............................. 108 Road conditions...................... 126

S Shows (see also Concerts)........ 40 Skating...................................... 81 Slides (tube sliding).................. 78


Alphabetical index T Snowboarding (see also Downhill skiing)........ 82 Snowmobile rentals................. 80 Snowmobiling.......................... 80 Snowshoeing............................ 82 SOPFEU (forest fire protection)........... 126 Spas (see also Health centers)........ 104 Sugar shacks............................. 92 Summary..................................... 1 Sureté du Québec (see also Police)...................... 126 Swimming (see also Public beaches).......... 51


Theatres and concert halls....... 40 To make a complaint.................. 5 Tour guides (see also Guided tours)............ 42 Tourist homes......................... 116 Tourist information offices........ 4 Tourist signposting..................... 2 Tours • Tours: Local culture and flavours. ...................................................15 • Tours: Forests and Lakes........ 25 • Tours: King’s Road and Berthier Islands.............. 11 • Tours: Valleys and Foothills... 21 Train service................................ 5 Treetop Trekking...................... 53

Useful information................. 126

PROJECT TEAM Marc-Olivier Guilbault (coordinator, advertising) France Lanoue (advertising)

PROOF-READING Sylvie Dufour Marc-Olivier Guilbault Audrey Lafortune

CARTOGRAPHY Dimension DPR inc.

EDITING (Editorials and Tours) Julie Beauséjour Sylvie Dufour Christian Morissonneau

CONTRIBUTORS ATR Associées du Québec Tourisme Québec

EDITING (other) Participating enterprises, in cooperation with Marc-Olivier Guilbault and Sylvie Dufour

GRAPHIC DESIGN Urbain communications inc.

V Vacation centers..................... 120 Vineyards.................................. 96

W Walking trails........................... 54 Water sports............................. 46 Wildlife reserves....................... 56 Wines........................................ 96 Winter activities....................... 77

Z ZEC............................................ 58

PRINTING Norecob FRONT PAGE PHOTO CREDITS National path, Swaggin sector, Societé de développement des Parcs régionaux de la Matawinie, Jonathan Lessage


Environment The network of regional tourist associations is doing its part to be environmentally-conscious. The official tourist guide you are holding is printed on 10 % post-consumer recycled fibre. Share it and recycle it!

© Tourisme Lanaudière, Marc-Olivier Guilbault

logo papier s.v.p.


Visit our Website at : www.lanaudiere.ca

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