23 minute read
An Interview with Poetry Writer and Producer, John Cheetham - AKA - UK Bloke
We sat down and shared a chocolate bar or two with the inspiring John Cheethem, known as that UK Bloke in the music industry.
What made you want to become a poetry/song writer?
I didn’t plan to become a poet/ songwriter although, I’ve always been interested in music/songs from a lyrics point of view.
What accomplishments do you see yourself achieving in the next five to 10 years?
I hope to see one of my songs in the charts either, in the U.K. or USA. That would be wonderful.
What strengths do you have that you believe make you a great poetry/song writer?
I think that my strengths are that I listen. My incident gave me great patience.
Which instrument is your favourite to play?
The piano is the only instrument that I can play although, I’m not great. I was once given the opportunity to play Scott Joplin’s piano. My performance was not good! What is it about music that makes you feel passionate?

Words are emotional are I like the fact that simple words can awaken emotions either good or bad.
Describe your creative process when you write new music.
I write lyrics first. Then, try to add the melody. That is the strength of a good music partnership when, one partner is good at lyrics and one at melodies. Lennon & McCartney for example.
Who’s your ideal musician to collaborate with?
Chris Rea would be a favourite of mine to collaborate with, then Elton John and Bruce Springsteen.
Are there any musicians who inspire you? What qualities do you admire about them?
Elton John inspired me with “I’m still standing“ from his Too Low for Zero album.
As you know I was involved in a serious incident that, resulted in me being unable to walk for a long time. Elton’s “I’m still standing“ inspired me to try and walk again when four hospitals had said that I probably wouldn’t. It worked and, the song is still a favourite.

Manish Kumar Arora is a renowned KP Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot Reader & Vastu Consultant. He has been rendering
professional advice to clients with a reasonable degree of success. He has been conferred with the title of ‘Jyotish Varahamihir’ and ‘Jyotish Aryabhatt.’ He has been writing monthly astrological columns for many international magazines.
ARIES: (21 Mar - 19 Apr)
This month is good for bringing new, more creative energy to your daily life, or the work you do and services you provide. You may find that career dealings go smoother than usual. You get and give advice, you learn about lots of new things, you get lots of new information, and your mind is going fast. You also come across well publicly. You’re more affectionate with others, and you feel more romantic and flirtatious. You come across as fair, wanting to be compromising, a good mediator, and concerned with striking a balance in your life. Favourable Dates: Oct 3, 6, 12, 15, 21, 24 Favourable Colours: Blue & White
TAURUS (20 Apr - 20 May)
Exciting surprises may be in store that expand your mind and experience, but be aware that delays or troubles while travelling, or with new initiatives, could be part of the picture. If you have any creative projects to work on, you do them well. If you have to deal with your boss or a parent, you can win them over. If single, you could meet someone through your career. Depending on your current age, it may be a time when you feel your age, or it is a time when you see your body more clearly. Favourable Dates: Oct 5, 6, 14, 15, 23, 24 Favourable Colours: Blue & Green
GEMINI (21 May - 20 Jun)
This is also a good period for career advancement and connecting with people who help you to feel more confident about reaching your goals. You could also be reassessing your feelings and attachments, or current pursuits. While you could be wrestling with some decisions, you can in fact be a real dynamo with a little extra solitude and time to yourself. You also feel bogged down by your values. You want security, but you don’t feel as though it’s possible for you right now because of all of your responsibilities or issues that need to be addressed. Favourable Dates: Oct 5, 9, 14, 18, 23, 24 Favourable Colours: Yellow & Blue
CANCER (21 Jun - 22 Jul)
You keep your thoughts to yourself, don’t want to share your ideas, and are more focused on your imagination. You may see things unravel, secrets come out, old issues come back, and things that you thought were dead and gone suddenly alive and kicking your butt. People in your life can be draining your energy now, and you’ll need to work out a plan that helps you to better divide your attention between self-care and attention to others. You may derive enjoyment from getting in touch with your roots or family traditions. Favourable Dates: Oct 7, 8, 16, 17, 25, 26 Favourable Colours: Yellow & White
LEO (23 Jul - 22 Aug)
You are encouraged to find your creative voice, to seek out activities that you truly enjoy, and to discover and share your unique talents. There are plenty of rewards for you here. You continue to look for ways to improve your life experiences and increase your knowledge and wisdom this month. You could also decide to devote yourself to a cause and do something good for people or the planet. You can confront deeply held issues with less anxiety and fear. This is also a good time for dealing with your joint finances, debts, loans, taxes, or inheritances. Favourable Dates: Oct 7, 8, 16, 17, 25, 26 Favourable Colours: Yellow & White
VIRGO (23 Aug - 22 Sept)
The month brings some hurdles to jump. It will be important to work on a solid plan for organizing your money. You can be working especially hard for your earnings these days, but you’re also finding ways to inject routine work or daily life with more excitement. You’ll also want to deal with some of the trickier elements of your relationships instead of letting problem areas grow. Desires that have been buried or left unacknowledged can emerge now. Combining your resources or talents with someone can be beneficial for reaching a goal. Favourable Dates: Oct 1, 5, 10, 14, 19, 23 Favourable Colours: White & Grey
LIBRA (23 Sept - 22 Oct)
You’ll be less impulsive and impatient, and this can point to a more enjoyable experience of this creative, romantic, and sexy combination. You are attracting strong and intelligent people into your life, and you’re also taking more pride in your close relationships. This motivates you to put forward a solid effort when it comes to relating in positive, rewarding ways. You’re less competitive and want to do things on your own, feeling like you have better energy by yourself, and that other people drain you. Favourable Dates: Oct 1, 9, 10, 18, 19, 27 Favourable Colours: Green & Yellow
SCORPIO (23 Oct - 21 Nov)
You’re encouraged to play with new ideas for work, and you can find much to enjoy in the process. . If you’ve been working hard for something with your career, you could finally get there. Conversely, if you’ve been doing things wrong, you could have setbacks, delays, or other problems. You could find yourself in the public eye for some reason. You are called upon to strike a balance between your own needs for security and comfort and the same needs of other people, likely those of a significant other. Favourable Dates: Oct 1, 3, 10, 12, 19, 21 Favourable Colours: Red & Yellow
SAGITTARIUS (22 Nov - 21 Dec)
You can be strongly motivated to take action that helps boost your feelings of security as well as your comfort as the month begins,. You have wonderful support from the cosmos for these efforts. It’s a great time for bringing creative flair to business endeavours, discovering new ways of earning more, and making your home life more enjoyable and comfortable. You’re more emotionally tied to your possessions, and you may shop for something just to make yourself feel better. You come across as more charming and beautiful, and people are attracted to you. Favourable Dates: Oct 1, 7, 10, 16, 19, 25 Favourable Colours: Red & White
CAPRICORN (22 Dec - 19 Jan)
This can also be a time for discovering, developing, and putting to better use of your natural talents. You’ll be finding fabulous new ways for using the resources you already have to your advantage now. It’s a great time for getting the support you need, but perhaps more importantly, making things happen on your own. You feel like beginning something new, feeling more adventurous and pioneering, and you have the energy you need to embark on a new journey. You’re positive about your chances, and you forge ahead. Favourable Dates: Oct 3, 9, 12, 18, 21, 27 Favourable Colours: Red & Blue
AQUARIUS (20 Jan - 18 Feb)
This is a strong time for simplifying and structuring your life, and this can involve boosting your faith in a higher plan to your life You closely identify with your values, and you want other people to have the same values as you do. You prefer to spend time around people who come from the same background or have the same beliefs as yourself. You also feel like letting loose and having fun in a way and engaging in your hobbies and may feel more inspired, creative, and artistic, as well as flirty and romantic. Favourable Dates: Oct 2, 8, 11, 17, 20, 26 Favourable Colours: White & Blue
PISCES (19 Feb - 20 Mar)
It’s a great time to pay special attention to your income, how you spend your money, and your valuables. You’ll have great ideas for how to improve your bottom line, as well as how to better make use of the resources you have. Exciting surprises may be in store that expand your mind and experience. Pleasure-seeking activities, recreation, and amusement are increased. You are far less inhibited when it comes to expressing yourself creatively, and you are a lot more fun to be around. Favourable Dates: Oct 2, 9, 11, 18, 20, 27 Favourable Colours: Red & Yellow
Manish Kumar Arora, 91-9871062000 | K.P. Astrologer, Numerologist, Tarot Card Reader & Vastu Consultant F www.facebook.com/manishastroconsultant | E manish@manishastrologer.com

Bolton Bolton
By Megha Seth
Bolton Town Hall

Bolton has a rich history when it comes to the textile industry. The town has had a name for being the centre of production for textiles since the 14th century. Flemish weavers had settled in the area around this time introducing a wool and cotton-weaving tradition.
The Industrial Revolution mainly contributed to the urbanization and development of the town, with the introduction of textile manufacturing. It was regarded as one of the largest and most productive centres of cotton spinning in the world. The town’s history, and a flourishing one, goes a long way indeed! THINGS TO DO IN BOLTON
Bolton Town Hall With industry in its veins, Bolton was founded as a small hamlet location known as Bolton le Moors. Bolton has a rich history when it comes to the textile industry. The town has had a name for being the center of production for textiles since the 14th century. Flemish weavers had settled in the area around this time introducing a wool and cotton-weaving tradition. The Industrial Revolution mainly contributed to the urbanization and development of the town, with the introduction of textile manufacturing. It was regarded as one of the largest and most productive centers of cotton spinning in the world. The town’s history, and a flourishing one, goes a long way indeed! Things To Do In Bolton

The grand architecture of the Bolton Town Hall will draw you towards the site like a magnet. It creates a great impression on the pedestrianized Victorian Square. The most eye-catching feature of this grade II Neoclassical Building is the Corinthian portico. The portico nestles a neo-Baroque tower that is bejeweled with the Town Hall clock that chimes every quarter of an hour.
Bolton is a vibrant city brimming with colours and character. Its beautiful industrial heritage is visible around the borough and inhabited by canals, cotton, coal, railways, and the people.
You’re in for an enjoyable ride when in Bolton! Here is a curated list of places to visit and fun activities that you can do in the city.
The grand architecture of the Bolton Town Hall will Bolton is a vibrant city brimming with colors and ch draw you towards the site like a magnet. It creates a great aracter. Its beautiful industrial heritage is visible around the borough and inhabited by canals,impression on the pedestrianized Victorian Square. The cotton, coal, railways, and the people. You’re in for an enjoyable ride when in Bolton! Here most eye-catching feature of this grade II Neoclassical is a curated list of places to visit and fun activities that you can do in the city. Building is the Corinthian portico. The portico nestles a neo-Baroque tower that is bejewelled with the Town Hall clock that chimes every quarter of an hour.
Bolton Museum, Aquarium, and Archive The Bolton Museum is a 15th-century building that houses various timeless artifacts, displays of local history, paintings, and decorative art. The Bolton Aquarium is an underground aquarium that has changed very little over time and exhibits over 70 exotic endangered species of fish. Bolton Steam Museum
The Bolton Museum is a 15th-century building that houses various timeless artefacts, displays of local history, paintings, and decorative art. The Bolton Aquarium is an underground aquarium that has changed very little over time and exhibits over 70 exotic endangered species of fish.
These engines were the main source of power for the vast textile industries. A very Bolton Steam Museumremarkable fact about the engines is tha more than a century old. t most of the machines are functional despite Bolton Market being

One of Bolton’s oldest industrial giants, where the mighty Atlas Mill once stood, has now been revamped into one of the fascinating museums in the vicinity. The museum houses an engrossing and delightful assortment of stationary steam engines. These have mainly been salvaged from industrial facilities near and far- around Lancashire, Yorkshire, Manchester, and Wales.
These engines were the main source of power for the vast textile industries. A very remarkable fact about the engines is that most of the machines are functional despite being more than a century old. Turton Tower
A stunning iron and glass Victorian-style building, Turton Tower Bolton Market is located in the centre of town on Originating a style that in is the Middle Ages, the unique to the North o Turton f Engla Tower nd. Th was initially e tower has raised been c as a fortif onstantly ied Pele adapted Ashburner Street. When the Bolton Market was first completed, it was the largest in the UK. It was restored in tower, with passing time. It was revamped to a plush country house in the 16th century. The wattl the 1980s and again in the 2000s.e and daub walls seen inside are witness to the Tudor architectural style. The Tower was again restored in the 19th century during the Victorian era. Now, the tower encapsulates the f The architectural splendour makes it a must-visit, ine fusion of both Tudor and Victorian architectural splendor. irrespective of the shopping. Its Cathedral like proportions The tower accommodates the finest collections of period furniture. It has a gallery of t and the highest point of the roof which rises to 34 meters, he best paintings in North West England, encapsulating the cultural and artistic glory of the makes it a visual feast to devour.periods it has borne witness to. The kitchen has been turned into a tearoom quite famous and loved for its home-baked cakes and bread. The terrace is a summer glee. There is also an The Lifestyle Hall is an ideal place for spending some adventure playground for youngsters. leisure time. It houses a coffee roster, patisserie, a real ale bar, tropical florist and has various international dining options to choose from at the food court.
Rivington Pike If you’re an outdoor enthusiast who loves to be at one with nature, then six miles northwest of Bolton City center lies a mesmerizing trek to Rivington Pike. The summit gives a clear view over Lancashire Plain to the West and the Great Manchester to the south. It happens to be amongst the best lookout points in North-Western England. There are several walks to the top. If you choose a bright, sunny day then you can take in the view of Blackpool Tower, Lake District, the mountain of Wales, and the Isle of Man on your way up. Near the top lies the Pike’s Tower which was built in 1733, adding a historical and a dreamlike element to the peak.
Rivington Pike

Originating in the Middle Ages, the Turton Tower was initially raised as a fortified Pele tower, a style that is unique to the North of England. The tower has been constantly adapted with passing time. It was revamped to a plush country house in the 16th century. The wattle and daub walls seen inside are witness to the Tudor architectural style. The Tower was again restored in the 19th century during the Victorian era. Now, the tower encapsulates the fine fusion of both Tudor and Victorian architectural splendour.
The tower accommodates the finest collections of period furniture. It has a gallery of the best paintings in North West England, encapsulating the cultural and artistic glory of the periods it has borne witness to. The kitchen has been turned into a tearoom quite famous and loved for its home-baked cakes and bread. The terrace is a summer glee. There is also an adventure playground for youngsters.
Bolton Market A stunning iron and glass Victorian-style building, Bolton Market is located in the center of If you’re an outdoor enthusiast who loves to be at one town on Ashburner Street. When the Bolton Market was first completed, it was the largeswith nature, then six miles north-west of Bolton City t in the UK. It was restored in the 1980s and again in the 2000s. centre lies a mesmerizing trek to Rivington Pike. The The architectural splendor makes it a must-visit, irrespective of the shopping. Its Cathedr summit gives a clear view over Lancashire Plain to the al like proportions and the highest point of the roof which rises to 34 meters, makes it a vis West and the Great Manchester to the south. It happens ual feast to devour. to be amongst the best lookout points in North-Western The Lifestyle Hall is an ideal place for spending some leisure time. It houses a coffee ros England.ter, patisserie, a real ale bar, tropical florist and has various international dining options to choose from at the food court. Smithills Open Farm The Smithills Hall and Open Farm is a wonderful way to spend your first half of the day. Th Hall is an awe-inspiring Medieval manor house that originates back to the 1300s which has held on to its original plan from that specific period. Just beside Smithills Hall lies the Smithills Open Farm, where you can enjoy the charm of open countryside living. Being a working farm, adults and children can learn quite a bit about where some everyday www.lancmag.com produce comes from. There is also a daily “ Old Milking Demo” , especiallyLANCASHIRE & NORTH WEST MAGAZINE educa13 tional whe you step outside of the cityscape to expand your horizon. It is always an enjoyable time at the pets corner interacting with animals, especially kid goats, lambs, pigs, rabbits, llamas,

There are several walks to the top. If you choose a bright, sunny day then you can take in the view of Blackpool Tower, Lake District, the mountain of Wales, and the Isle of Man on your way up. Near the top lies the Pike’s Tower which was built in 1733, adding a historical and a dreamlike element to the peak.
Smithills Open Farm
The Smithills Hall and Open Farm is a wonderful way to spend your first half of the day. The Hall is an aweinspiring Medieval manor house that originates back to the 1300s which has held on to its original plan from that specific period. Just beside Smithills Hall lies the Smithills Open Farm, where you can enjoy the charm of open countryside living.
Being a working farm, adults and children can learn quite a bit about where some everyday produce comes from. There is also a daily “ Old Milking Demo”, especially educational when you step outside of the cityscape to expand your horizon. It is always an enjoyable time at the pets corner interacting with animals, especially kid goats, lambs, pigs, rabbits, llamas, deer, and some other exotic species as well.
Moses Gate Country Park

Moses Gate Country Park was initially an industrial landscape with mines and Victorian bleach and chemical works. But today it is a serene park sprawling across 700 acres. This park has visitors for orienteering, cycling, fishing, and horse riding. Rock Hall, an elegant Georgian mansion built in 1807 has been turned into the visitor centre that gives details about what can be found in the park.
The Nob End nature reserve gated inside the park has earned the status of a Site of Special Scientific Interest. The artificially alkaline soils make it feasible for certain flora to thrive in this part of the city, not found in other parts of Greater Manchester.
A vacation and an escapade are never really complete without the perfect place to crash at the end of the day. Bolton being a popular destination amongst tourists has various accommodations to choose from.
Wendover Guest House: It is a traditional family-run homily guesthouse of over 50 years, renowned for the hospitality provided and facilities like parking, WiFi, and more. Crossing half a century, this cosy little place never bids farewell to the guests without a satisfactory smile on their faces.
Exquisite Bolton Apartments: If you’re someone with a penchant for the modern living space then this is exactly what you’re looking for in a crash pad! Modern with all necessary amenities, situated in the centre of the city with easy accessibility to most places, the host of the apartment has quite the name for being a thorough professional and making your stay as comfortable as possible.
Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa, a collection of 17th-century farmhouses has spectacular Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa, a collection of 17th-views of the West Pennine Moors. The spa provides various luxury treatments, while the century farmhouses has spectacular views of the Last Drop Village Hotel & Spa, a collection of 17th-century farmhouses hashotel also has steam and indoor hydro pools. Bask in luxury as you take in tspectacularhe visual treat o West Pennine Moors. The spa provides various luxury views of the West Pennine Moors. The spa provides various luxury treatmethe beautiful Moors. nts, while the treatments, while the hotel also has steam and indoor hotel also has steam and indoor hydro pools. Bask in luxury as you take in the visual treat of hydro pools. Bask in luxury as you take in the visual treat the beautiful Moors. of the beautiful Moors.

Conquering The Palette Quest
Conquering The Palette Quest
Conquering The Palette Quest
An important element of exploring a place is to try a variety of dishes. Gourmets must be left with neither any space for regret nor a lot of space in their belly when it comes to food. The Northern: Located near the Bolton Town Hall, this is one of the restaurants that one must visit when in Bolton. With a plethora of happy clients to vouch for the service, taste, and quality, this traditional place serves absolutely delectable quality food. The Courthouse Restaurant and Bar is the perfect place to grab a couple of cocktails, also said to be one of the best in Bolton, while pleasuring your taste buds. The menu is wide and covers a lot of cuisines. From their amazing burgers to cold cut platters and cheese fondue, pork ribs to a steak that satisfies every glutton’s desire, and their beloved cocktails, this place is truly a delight for the one who loves to drink, eat and know things! Baker’s: Head to this cosy little cafe for a fulfilling breakfast. As the name goes, they are very well known for their baked delectables and also provide a variety of vegan and gluten-free options to choose from. Their ingredients are as fresh as their scones and Danish bread.
An important element of exploring a place is to try A visit to Bolton is always the blend of perfect a variety of dishes. Gourmets must be left with neither any space for regret nor a lot of historical and cultural elements that you take away from the place. From the architectural splendour to learning space in their belly when it comes to food. about the rich history of the town, enjoying in the lap of nature to exploring fun places to wine and dine, Bolton never fails to disappoint if you’re traveling to the city for The Northern: Located near the Bolton Town the first, second, or third time. Hall, this is one of the restaurants that one must visit when in Bolton. With a plethora of It’s great location, a strong sense of history and heritage, and passion for sports make it one of the happy clients to vouch for the service, taste, and quality, this traditional place serves abso best destinations in the Northwest.lutely delectable quality food. The Courthouse Restaurant and Bar is the perfect place to grab a couple of cocktails, also said to be one of the best in Bolton, while pleasuring your tastebuds. The menu is wide and covers a lot of cuisines. From their amazing burgers to cold cut platters and cheese fondue, pork ribs to a steak that satisfies every glutton’s desire, and their beloved cocktails, this place is truly a delight for the one who loves to drink, eat and know things!