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[ MARKET] Everybody Calm Down! This Is NOT 2008 Recently, Realtor.com released the results of a survey that produced three major revelations: 1) 53% of home purchasers (first-time and repeat buyers) currently in the market believe a recession will occur this year or next. 2) 57% believe the next recession will be as bad or worse than 2008. 3) 55% said they would cancel plans to move if a recession occurred. Since we are currently experiencing the longest-ever economic expansion in American history, there is reason to believe a recession could occur in the not-too-distant future. No one can accurately predict when the next recession will occur, but expecting one could possibly take place in the next 18–24 months is understandable. It is, however, important to realize that the impact of a recession on the housing market will in no way resemble 2008.
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Brett Favre To Host Hayden Outdoors' "Life on the Land" TV Show In January 2020, Hayden Outdoors launches their new nationally-televised show titled “Life On The Land” on the RFD-TV network. With an emphasis on rural landowners, exclusive ranches and farms for sale and sporting excursions across the country, Hayden Outdoors set-out to find a host with an authentic tie to the great outdoors. “Brett Favre was the perfect fit,” said Dax Hayden. → HaydenOutdoors.com/TV-Show
[ C O N S ER VAT I O N ] Private Investors Protect Vast Forests in U.S. Coal Country Private investors have backed what is one of the largest conservation acquisitions ever in the eastern United States, offering a promising new model to protect land. The Nature Conservancy and partners now control almost 400 square miles of land in three states in the central Appalachian Mountains, traditionally heavily dependent on coal mining. → LandPortal.org/News
[ INDUSTRY] How Technology Is Reshaping and Reinventing The Real Estate Frontier Property technology, or “PropTech,” is a collective term used to define startups offering technologically innovative products or new business models for the real estate markets. PropTech could even alter who wins and who loses in the real estate profession. → PropTech101.com
[ POLITICS] Congress debates Bureau of Land Management move to Grand Junction In mid-July, it was announced that BLM will move its headquarters and 27 top staffers to Grand Junction. Supporters of the plan, led by Senator Cory Gardner, say it moves decision-making closer to the federal lands that BLM oversees. Critics say the real goal is to cut the size of BLM, effectively weakening the public lands agency. → DenverPost.com