ON THE COVER Clear Branch Ranch Presented By Burgher-Ray Ranch Group Fall 2022


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Learn More on Page 14 3,268 Acres CORYELL COUNTY, TEXAS Property ID: 12316286 With Hillcrystallineabundant,water,Countrybeautyandan ideal Central Texas location, the 3,268± acre Clear RanchesRanchBranchisararity.ofthisqualityandsizearebecoming harder and harder to find, especially in proximity to the burgeoning I-35 corridor. CLEARBRANCHRANCH

2 | LEGENDARY LIVING Land 21 SPOTLIGHT Blanket Springs Ranch 24 SPOTLIGHT INSERT T&C Ranch (Following Page 24) 25 SPOTLIGHT Rancho Agua Grande 29 SPOTLIGHT Sugaree Ranch 48 Just Landed Profile 36 Khoa Le: A Gratifying Adventure On The Cover 14 Clear Branch Ranch With abundant, crystalline water, Hill Country beauty and an ideal Central Texas location, the 3,268± acre Clear Branch Ranch is a rarity. Ranches of this quality and size are becoming harder and harder to find, especially in proximity to the burgeoning I-35 corridor. Lifestyle 42 WILDLIFE TWA + TALT: Better Together Market 8 Top 10 Sold First Quarter 10 Texas Land Market Report 14 In This Issue Fall 2022 29 36 42

Bluestem Ranch Group 33, 50 Bosque County Properties Real Estate 174 Bownds Ranches 20, 48 Braune Realty 173 Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty Inside Back Cover Burgher-Ray Ranch Group | Briggs Freeman Sotheby’s International Realty Cover, 12, 68 Campbell Farm & Ranch 150 Chas. S. Middleton and Son LLC 126 Compass - Ulterre Group 166 Coldwell Banker Land & Ranch | Austin Northwest Office 172 Coldwell Banker Land & Ranch | Mark Campbell & Associates 160 DBL Real Estate 153 Dullnig Ranch Sales 41, 76 Ebby Halliday 170 eXp Realty 161 Foster Farm & Ranch Real Estate 130 Fredericksburg Realty Group | Texas Ranch Realty Team 148 Future Real Estate 175 Gillispie Land Group 176 GovernmentAuction.com 13 Hayden Outdoors Real Estate 56, 146 HomeLand Properties 155 Hood Real Estate Inc 24, 62 Icon Global 28 JLUX Homes Realty Group 168 Keller Williams Broken Bow Realty 175 King Land & Water LLC 54, 114 Land InvesTex, LLC 142 Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales and Appraisals 49, 167 Meek Ranch Sales 152 Moreland Properties 165 Ranch Connection, LLC 169 Ranch Investments 134 Ranchland Real Estate 156 Red Stag Real Estate, LLC 171 Republic Ranches, LLC 58, 84 Riley-McLean Land 154 Russell Cain Real Estate 174 Scott land Co. Ranch and Farm Real Estate 157 Steve Grant Real Estate 164 Texas LandMen 138 Texas Ranch Brokers 144 Texas Ranch Sales, L.L.C. 60, 100 Texas Ranches For Sale 45, 108 The duPerier Texas Land Man 46, 120 Tigtig Realty-RE/MAX Fine Properties 162 Topper Real Estate 163 Turner Country Properties 158 TX Rec Land Real Estate 159 West & Swope Ranches 9 Whitetail Properties Real Estate 51, 52, 92 Brokers

I t was a hard week, one of those where the news just seemed too dark and heavy to bear. In fact, it was the day after the senseless school shooting in Uvalde in late May. Honestly, I wanted to stay home and put my arms around my kids instead of navigating the late afternoon traffic between Boerne and Austin en route to an awards ceremony. I’d promised a colleague that I meet her there. She’d already driven to Austin from the opposite direction. I’m a man of my word, so, despite my reluctance, I went to the 26th Annual Lone Land Steward Award celebration hosted by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department—and I’m glad I did.
With 95 percent of the land in Texas under private ownership, the conservation and stewardship efforts of landowners are of vital importance to all Texans. The awards were launched back in 1996 to draw attention to that fact and showcase their ongoing contributions. Funding from the awards supports TPWD’s Private Lands Program, enabling the agency’s field staff and partners to strategically apply habitat conservation on private lands. As you might imagine, the night was filled with memorable quotes. One of my favorites came from Kelli Ebel, who along with her husband Karl, and their two school-age sons, manage the largest tract of tallgrass prairie remaining in Texas in Hopkins County, which is in the Blackland Prairie ecoregion.
And so can we, as landowners and citizens. Of course, the impact of our individual actions isn’t limited to conservation, we have the ability to change whatever we set our minds to…. We can leave our land—and our world—better for everyone. TOM ALEXANDER Publisher talexander@land.com
This year’s awardees included the Wuest family whose property spans the border of Comal and Bexar counties in the Edwards Plateau and includes the wonder that is Natural Bridge Cavern. The family settled in the 1860s and their stewardship of the surface has protected the underground environment that has struck awe in hundreds of thousands of ecotourism guests since the 1960s. As another example, this one from the High Plains near Hereford, the Grotegut family is transitioning from heavily irrigated farming to a grazing operation that reinvigorates and restores the native rangelands, allowing the family to “live within in its water means.” They manage the land to protect the playa lakes which provide crucial layover habitat for millions of migrating waterfowl and serve as the primary means of recharging the Ogallala Aquifer, a crucial, but rapidly dwindling resource.
In 2022, there were seven ecological region winners as well as the Texas Leopold Award Winner, the state’s highest honor for private land stewardship, bestowed by the Sand County Foundation. The John Bunker Sands Wetland Center and Rosewood Ranch earned that esteemed recognition for the on-going care of almost 2,000 acres located near Seagoville on the East Fork of the Trinity. Beginning with a unique vision, the late-John Bunker Sands created a series of man-made wetlands that not only scrubs former wastewater, which is then piped back into Lake Lavon to supply the needs of a growing urban population but serves as important wildlife habitat for more than 200 species. In addition, the center is a hub of conservation education for thousands of students and the public.
Sometimes you just need to be in a room of full of visionary optimists who are working to shape the future of Texas through land stewardship and conservation. Hailing from across Texas and representing the various ecoregions that provide such diversity within our borders, the Lone Star Land Steward honorees are real people with real passion.
Tallgrass prairies are important not only for their biodiversity, but for their ability to sequester carbon. Of the original 20 million acres of this ecosystem, less than one percent remains today. She said, “The legacy I hope to leave for our boys is that even one percent matters. They can have an incredible impact on the environment by their individual actions.”
The land stewards’ stories and contributions— especially as they’re captured and told by the agency’s talented videography team—are inspired and inspiring. (If you want to see them for yourself, check out the Lone Star Land Stewards YouTube Playlist. Complete video collections go all the way back to 2013, but there are some “singles” that were made even earlier.)


and an appointment as Adjunct
Find out more at Texas-Wildlife.org
of Real Estate program in the Mays School at
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currently holds an appointment as a
of Finance teaching real estate investment analysis for the
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78701. Information provided to CoStar Group is deemed reliable but not guaranteed. The publisher will not be responsible for any omissions, errors, typographical mistakes or misinformation within this publication. Measurements and figures are approximate. Properties are subject to errors, omissions, prior change or prior sale. The real estate advertised in this magazine is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 and it’s amendments. This magazine will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. Dwellings advertised in this magazine are available on an equal opportunity basis. Printed in the USA. on LAND.com + in LAND Magazines Learn more at Land.com/magazines/contribute LEAD THE CONVERSATION & BECOME A CONTRIBUTOR Letters + Comments Tom Alexander, Publisher talexander@land.com Subscriptions + Information land.com/magazines or email magazines@land.com Writer & Communication Specialist LORIE A. WOODWARD lwoodward@land.com Senior Account Manager & Editor SUSAN SIDES ssides@land.com Creative Director & Production Manager KATIE GORDON kgordon@land.com Designer & Copy Editor JEHAN GLAZE jglaze@land.com SALES PRODUCTION Senior Account Executive ROB KOSTANICH rkostanich@land.com Publisher TOM ALEXANDER talexander@land.com CHARLES GILLIAND
that serves
and its habitat, while protecting property rights, hunting heritage and the conservation efforts of those who value and steward wildlife resources. TWA focuses its mission on private landowners and their ethical relationship to the land, and TWA concentrates on issues relating to private property, hunting and hunter rights, and conservation of our natural resources. The
CRAIG KAISER Craig Kaiser is the President and co-founder of LandGate. He is the former Owner and Chairman of Kamara Kaiser Mining Company. He is also a former executive in Alaunt Exploration, private equity (Warburg Pincus) backed exploration company focused on energy assets in Colorado and Wyoming. Craig has worked for Anadarko Petroleum, Newfield Exploration, and Lion Mountain Mining Co., among other energy companies serving in areas of focus ranging from greenfield exploration to fullscale project development. Find out more at LandGate.com 2022 Austin, TX
CoStar Group. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without written permission from the publisher. LAND Magazines are published by CoStar Group, 100 Congress Ave, Suite 1500,
Dr. Charles Gilliland grew up on a cattle ranch and graduated from Regis College in Denver, Colorado. He Research Economist the Real Center in the Mays School Associate Professor Agricultural Economics at Texas A&M University. Gilliland a Helen and O.N. Mitchell Fellow of a Clinical Professor Master Texas A&M University. Texas Wildlife Association is a statewide membership organization Texas wildlife organization’s headquarters office located New Braunfels, Texas.

Buy Trees Direct From the Tree Farm Blanket Creek Tree Farm specializes in container-grown trees and will sell at wholesale prices to Texas landowners Contact Steve Dutton at 210-602-9926 to order Our species for your Texas property include: Southern Live Oak • Shumard (red) Oak • Chinquapin Oak • Bald Cypress Big Tooth Maple • Mexican White Oak • Texas Red Bud • Cedar Elm Bur Oak • Chinese Pistache • Montezuma Cypress • Lacebark Elm UTO P I A • T E X AS

8 | LEGENDARY LIVING Top 10 Sold SECOND QUARTER 2022 Panhandle & South Plains Far West Texas West GulfNortheastTexasTexasCoast–Brazos Bottom South Austin-Waco-HillTexas Country Source Top 10 Sold information is pulled exclusively from LandsofAmerica.com and does not represent top sales in general. MARKET Dullnig Ranches/Kuper Sotheby’s Robert Dullnig, Director/Broker Assoc. Reported Sold Price: 6,243$30,000,000Acres Mason County 1 10 2 Texas Ranch Brokers, LLC Drew Colvin & Mike Bacon Reported Sold Price: $27,000,000 1,105 Acres | Bell County 3 RE/MAX Signature Properties James ReportedDolezalekSoldPrice: $23,000,000 319.62 Acres | Grayson County 4 Longhorn Realty - A Texas Land Brokerage Don Honeycutt, Broker/ALC Reported Sold Price: $20,219,592 337 Acres | Travis County 5 Dullnig Ranches/ Kuper Sotheby’s Robert Dullnig, Director/Broker Assoc. Reported Sold Price: $19,500,000 2,804 Acres | Mason County 6 Riley McLean Land Riley McLean Land Jared Capt, Broker Assoc. Reported Sold Price: $18,889,850 609 Acres | Caldwell County 7 Sphere Realty Tom ReportedSlowbeSold Price: $17,655,782 193 Acres | Dallas County 8 Monning Ranch Group I Compass RE Wright ReportedMonningSoldPrice: $16,250,000 3,500 Acres | Brown County 9 Williams Ranch Group LLC Richard ReportedWilliamsSoldPrice: $14,276,497 9,845.86 Acres | Hutchinson County Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales and Appraisals Lee, Lee & Puckitt Ranch Sales and ReportedAppraisalsSold Price: $14,000,000 3,999.88 Acres | Kinney County

Land ContinuesMarketto Soar! As 2022 unfolded, the first quarter annualized volume of sales fell 7.67 percent to 8,166 compared to the first quarter 2021. First quarter of 2022 quarter-only totals dropped from 2,839 in 2021 to 1,950 in 2022, a 31.31 percent slide. However, the 2021 first quarter annualized total was a 28.21 percent increase over the pre-pandemic 2019 volume. Reported preliminary sales annualized volume for the second quarter suggest that it will be the third straight quarter with declines in activity. However, brokers report a brisk level of business despite rising interest rates and volumes continue to exceed 2019 totals. Continued interest in rural properties drove preliminary second quarter prices up 22.64 percent to $4,257 per acre statewide. That represents a reduction from the 27.12 percent rate posted in the first quarter and a retreat from the recent high of 29.05 percent in 2021 quarter four. The slowdown in the rate of increase suggests that price pressures may have eased slightly in 2022. The preliminary total dollar volume at $3.508 billion exceeded 2021 levels by 23.22 percent. That total will increase when the final reports are Preliminaryrecorded.acreage reports totaled 824,180 acres, even with the 2021 second quarter total. However, final numbers will represent an increase in acreage. The typical size expanded 9.69 percent to 1,297 acres. All regions posted strong price increases except for Far West Texas where prices declined. In addition, the Panhandle and South Plains, Far West Texas, and West Texas regions posted substantial increases in total acres sold. 2022
MARKET BY CHARLES E. GILLILAND PH.D Research Economist Real Estate Center, Texas A&M University 3020100 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q2-2022 Percent Change Changes in Rural Land Prices: 2010–2021 3,0004,0004,5002,0001,0000 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 Q2-2022 Texas Rural Land Prices: 2010–2021 RealNominalorDeflated
South Texas Sales activity flagged in the region south of San Antonio, falling 20.50 percent to 671 sales. Acreage receded 21.98 percent to 69,887 acres. Prices grew 18.24 percent to $5,069 per acre. This activity drove total dollar volume down 7.74 percent to $354.3 million. Final reports will soften the volume declines. Austin-Waco-Hill Country Prices in central Texas topped 2021 prices by 39.43 percent, rising to $6,645 per acre. In addition, dollar volume inched up 6.78 percent to $820.6 million. Total acres sold dropped 23.42 percent to 123,489 acres.
5 67
Source Real Estate Center, Texas A&M University
11FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Panhandle and South Plains Prices rose 19.21 percent during the second quarter to $1,384 per acre and total acres moved up 28.85 percent to 198,835 acres. The number of sales dropped 21.95 percent to 441 sales. Total dollar volume was up 53.59 percent to $275.2 million. Far West Texas Activity remained sparse with only 26 reported sales in this region. However, those sales pushed total acreage up 48.57 percent to 43,161 acres. Prices slipped down 30.19 percent to $1,096 per acre. Few sales at historically very high prices makes it difficult to establish reliable market-wide pricing information. West Texas Sales activity declined 28.54 percent to 874 sales, but prices rose 20.76 percent to $2,135 per acre. Total acreage increased 22.50 percent to 272,066 acres. At $580.9 million, total dollar volume increased 47.93 percent. Strong demand fueled higher prices. Northeast Texas Volume declined 37.25 percent to 1,910 sales with prices increasing 27.88 percent to $7,435 per acre. Total acreage declined 38.64 percent to 69,344 acres. Rising prices were not enough to prevent total dollar volume from declining 21.53 percent to $515.6 million. Final reports will reduce the declining volume statistics. Gulf Coast–Brazos Bottom Volume also dropped in this region, down 27.85 percent to 935 sales. In addition, total acres dropped 7.12 percent to 47,397 acres. Prices increased a substantial 20.79 percent to $9,099 per acre. The high price sent total dollar volume up 12.19 percent to $431.3 million. 21
The Future The explosion in the volume of transactions in rural property appears to have slowed from the feverish pace last year as Federal Reserve interest rate increases and general inflation reduced disposable incomes. In addition, prospective buyers find few properties for sale. Investors, a throng of buyers motivated by the desire to own rural retreats, and farmers and ranchers continue to compete for a limited supply of available properties. Observers report evidence that the number of listings is increasing while the number of transactions has slowed. The coming months will likely see robust demand but a more relaxed pace of sales. Prices should continue to increase.
° 34 1 2 3 4 7 5 6
CLAY BEBEE c: cbebee@briggsfreeman.com512.422.8276 DAVID BURGHER c: dburgher@briggsfreeman.com214.213.8715 HARLAN RAY c: hray@briggsfreeman.com214.908.7770 CONNOR HUNT c: chunt@briggsfreeman.com214.850.1515 DAVIS WALKER c: dwalker@briggsfreeman.com512.962.6952 BURGHERRAY.COM Don't just dream it. Live it. Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated.

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3,268 Acres in Coryell County, Texas PRESENTED BY BURGHER-RAY RANCH GROUP

W ith abundant, crystalline water, Hill Country beauty and an ideal Central Texas location, the 3,268± acre Clear Branch Ranch is a rarity. As more people discover the majesty of the Lone Star State, ranches of this quality and size are becoming harder and harder to find, especially in proximity to the burgeoning I-35 corridor. Nestled in Coryell County, one of the state’s most sought-after locales, Clear Branch Ranch, which sits just north of Highway 84 and fronts on County Road 267, offers plentiful elbow room close to the heart of metropolitan Texas. The ranch is minutes from the historic small-town charm of Gatesville, about 30 minutes from Waco, and about two hours from both Austin and Dallas. San Antonio is just under three hours away, while Houston is just over three hours.

The lake record for bass is almost 12 pounds. According to the owners, it is not uncommon for them and their guests to land up to 20 good size bass on any given afternoon of actionpacked angling. When the creek was dammed, it also created spectacular wetlands habitat adjoining the lake. The wetlands teem with their own unique species including waterfowl. During the season, waterfowl hunting at the convergence of the lake and the creek is superlative.
The Improvements
The Water Water is life, enabling agricultural and ecological productivity. On Clear Branch Ranch life is good. The ranch takes its name from the Clear Branch of Coryell Creek, which courses through the ranch for 1.5 miles. Both banks lie within the ranch’s boundaries giving completely private access to its clear, liquid bounty and the opportunities it provides.
The three-bedroom, two-bath main house, built about 10 years ago, epitomizes comfortable, country living. The metal-roofed ranch house is crafted from limestone in the vernacular of the Hill Country. It looks as it were born of land. High ceilings, plentiful windows and warm wood create a welcoming atmosphere. The living and dining areas are designed for entertaining. A limestone fireplace anchors the living room creating a focal point for gathering. Granite countertops lend their unique, functional beauty to the kitchen.
Pecan trees line the banks of the creek. The shaded creek bottoms beckon. The dense canopy provides a respite from the sun and the ideal setting for creekside picnics and long afternoons spent splashing in the shallows.
The ranch’s second home can serve as a home for a full-time manager or as a guest house, depending on the new owner’s needs. Because Clear Branch Ranch is a working outfit, it features three sets of cattle working pens. One is located on the west side; another is centrally located while the third is on east side. Their strategic locations simplify the process of gathering and working cattle. Ranch infrastructure is rounded out by two multi-use barns. The barns house equipment, tools and implements.
The creek has been dammed to create a magnificent 35± acre lake, which is an oversized treasure on private land. The lake, which can accommodate anglers casting from a bass boat or fun seekers throwing rooster tails with wave runners, has an excellent substructure for maintaining an abundant fishery. The lake has been stocked with bass, catfish and perch.
In addition, waterfowl enthusiasts can set up at one of the 20± stock ponds scattered across the ranch that also attract the migrating birds. Of course, the stock ponds also provide wellplaced water for livestock and wildlife. Four water wells support the improvements throughout the ranch. The Land Diversity is the watch word at Clear Branch Ranch. Within its fence lines, the elevation rises from 779± feet above sea level near the main entrance on the south end to 956± feet on the north end. The changing elevation provides the big, sweeping views that beg to be savored. True to the character of the Edwards Plateau, the land is marked by tree-covered canyons and massive rock outcroppings. Despite its civilized location, parts of the ranch are accessibly rugged.
Historically, Clear Branch Ranch has been used as a livestock operation. When conditions are right and the vegetation resources managed properly, the land, which is cross fenced, can carry about 300 momma cows. Over the past decade, the current owners have diversified by high fencing the perimeter and introducing exotic wildlife. Today, cattle and wildlife, including whitetail deer that have been managed with a MLD Level 3 permit, thrive side by side. While there are pockets of improved grasses such as Coastal Bermuda, most of the ranch is native range. Native grass, brush and trees are nature’s buffet for wildlife. Wildlife gravitates to the thick stands of brush scattered strategically throughout the ranch. The hardy natives also stand the test of Texas’ periodic droughts, providing sustenance for wildlife and livestock in tough times.

The Opportunity As Texas continues to grow, the opportunity to own an oasis of peace, quiet and natural beauty encompassing the size, scope and diversity of Clear Branch Ranch is becoming increasingly rare. Ranches of this quality within an easy drive of major metro areas are rare jewels indeed, especially those that offer equal measures of recreation and productivity. With abundant water, eye-catching vistas, hardy native range and habitat that supports livestock and wildlife, the Clear Branch Ranch is in a class by itself. Don’t miss the opportunity to claim its unique bounty for yourself, your family—and your future. °

19FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND 3,268 Acres CORYELL COUNTY, TEXAS Property ID: 12316286 “The opportunity to own an oasis of peace, quiet and natural beauty encompassing the size, scope and diversity of Clear Branch Ranch is becoming increasingly rare” Harlan Ray 214-908-7770 • HRay@BriggsFreeman.com David Burgher 214-213-8715 • DBurgher@BriggsFreeman.com

1,060± Acres in Utopia, Texas PRESENTED BY BOWNDS RANCHES UniqueAmong the RanchesBlanket Springs Ranch SPOTLIGHTUtopiaON

When you step onto this ranch, it feels like you’re stepping into a different world. Highly picturesque landscapes, lush green towering hardwoods, cool clear natural streams and only the sounds of nature. Multiple springs run strong within the ranch pumping like a heart beat contributing to the life of Blanket Creek, which stretches the entire width of the ranch. Everything around you is amplified by transitory elements of nature, such as weather conditions, lighting and diverse geology from one end of the valley to the other; lending itself to cooler temperatures, cleaner air and pureBlanketwaters.Springs Ranch gives great opportunity to epic outdoor experiences. Try your hand at canyoneering. Set up for a great Trophy Hunt. Explore the boundless miles of empty land that stretches as far as the eye can see. Hike the mountains and seek the unknown. Load up the offroad vehicles and delve into the withered trails waiting to be traveled. Every ranch has a different story to tell. Blanket Springs Ranch is a blank canvas, rich in history, waiting for the artist in you to create your story and build a family estate that will give in return for many years to come. °
An astounding visual surprise. A four season destination. L ocated just West of Utopia, in Real County, Blanket Springs Ranch is a jewel that’s been held in the hands of the same family since right after World War II. An incredibly rare opportunity to own, explore and tailor this laid-back luxury ranch to your liking. If you’ve been waiting for that truly one-of-a-kind ranch, Blanket Springs definitely delivers.

23FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND 1,060± ACRES REAL COUNTY, TEXAS $6,600,000 Brandon Bownds, Broker 830-966-6111 • Info@BowndsRanches.com BOWNDSRANCHES.COM

Hood Real Estate Inc. is a premier farm and ranch real estate brokerage located in the heart of the Texas Hill Country. In 1992, Howard W. Hood founded Hood Real Estate Inc. with aspirations to turn his core family values and passion for real estate into a business legacy. Over the past 30 years, he has established a specialty in premier, live water farms and ranches across the state of Texas, though he has also represented buyers from around the world. Howard’s son, Conner W. Hood, and brother, Jeffrey C. Hood, are also a part of the family business, enabling Hood Real Estate Inc. to expand and continue providing unparalleled customer service to clients around the globe. If you are looking for expertise, diligence, and world class customer service, Hood Real Estate Inc. is the best in the business.
& Ranch Real Estate Brokerage in the Heart of Texas
830 896

T&C Ranch Edwards and Kinney Counties 5,698± Acres $15,950,000 the destination of a lifetime

Situated where the Hill Country meets the Brush Country, the 5,698± acre T&C Ranch in Edwards and Kinney counties provides complete privacy in a ruggedly beautiful setting. Neighbored by large ranches and nestled in the expansive elbow room between Rocksprings, Brackettville and Barksdale, the ranch is a secluded oasis of tranquility that boasts star-studded night skies and superlative wildlife habitat.
Ranch Infrastructure
The primary ranch entrance provides access via a private easement road. The second entrance fronts on Cedar Creek Road, which is a county road. The T&C Ranch has a 4,000x75-foot paved runway for those who prefer to travel by air. In addition, there is a grass landing strip and a lighted, concrete helipad with tie-downs.
Other ranch infrastructure includes a covered game processing area with running water and walk-in coolers, a double-wide mobile home used as the manager's house, a mobile home for additional house staff, an equipment barn, a workshop, an overhead grain storage bin with separate compartments for both corn and protein, and two-grain buggies, two overhead fuel tanks, a set of livestock working pens, a two plus acre chain link dog kennel, three gun safes and three large ice makers.

The majority of the ranch is high-fenced, but a few select sections have been low-fenced to maintain eligibility for inclusion in Boone & Crockett Club records. Native white-tailed deer, historically managed under an MLDP 3 permit, and Rio Grande turkey are plentiful. Freeranging exotics, including elk, Auodad, and red stag as well as Addax antelope and Axis, Fallow, and Sika deer are spotted regularly.
Nine water wells (one solar and eight electric) with varying production and several stock ponds are scattered throughout the ranch. During wet years, Sycamore Creek and Little Sycamore Creek run through the property.
The ranch's terrain is diverse, encompassing bottomlands, majestic bluffs with views "to the end of the world," and Indian Mountain, the area's highest peak that rises more than 2,100 feet. One of several caves that exist on the ranch has been explored. Native Americans etched pictographs into the rock in at least one location to record their history.
Cedar has been strategically removed throughout the ranch, opening space for native grass, forbs and nutrition-rich brush. Several varieties of oaks as well as elm, sycamore, Texas persimmon and other native species dot the land, providing shade and shelter for the game.
In recent years, T&C Ranch has been managed solely for wildlife and management efforts include a protein feeding program. Approximately 24 box blinds, each seating two or three hunters, are set up on the ranch in close proximity to timed corn feeders. Currently, a Fortune 500 company holds a year-round lease and uses the property as a hunting and entertainment destination.
To make the most of the views, three observation decks are placed at prime locations throughout the ranch. One of the decks is roofed and outfitted for skeet shooting, giving guests an opportunity to hone their marksmanship while soaking up the scenery. Most of the ranch roads are improved, providing stress-free access throughout the property.

The master bedroom flooring, made from imported African wood, is just one of the unique touches that elevate the home beyond the ordinary. The well-appointed kitchen boasts two sinks, custom cabinetry, and top-of-the-line appliances. The master suite includes an oversized copper tub, ideal for soaking away the day's exertions, as well as a luxurious walk-in shower. It also is home to a stone fireplace and an oversized walk-in closet.
$15,950,000 • Property IDs: 14753605 • 14877657
The rock house was sited to provide a panoramic view of the unfolding landscape, and to make the most of the awe-inspiring vistas, the home boasts multi-level decks, including a hot tub deck. From the decks, the sunrises, sunsets and velvet night skies surpass anything ever created for the big screen.
In addition, the saloon boasts a commercial kitchen, a pool table, shuffleboard, poker tables, and jukebox as well as a merchandise room for souvenirs of their stay. If guests would like to travel without packing a bag, they can move to the trophy room, which is spacious enough to accommodate life-size mounts of the game from around the world. A world map adorns a portion of the ceiling and the wine grotto invites guests to sip vintages from around the globe. To continue the international journey, guests can step outside to the African Palapa. Its thatched roof, carved wood and Europeanstyle mounts of African game transport guests to the Serengeti.
At night, pole-mounted kerosene lanterns illuminate the outdoor paths with a lustrous glow. Built from rock, large windows, high ceilings, and warm woods define the livable space of the lodge. A towering stone fireplace anchors the Great Room, which sets off the eye-catching mesquite furniture arranged throughout. The lodge features a fully equipped commercial kitchen as well as a media room, office, utility room and walk-in cooler. After a day in the field, guests can secure their belongings in one of 16 custom wooden lockers, before gathering in the 8,500± square foot saloon, a well-designed haven for fun. The focal point is an antique-style bar that hearkens back to the Old West and is equipped with beer taps and beer and wine coolers. Guests can sit at the bar or on the custom mesquite furniture in the room. From every vantage point, they can see the bandstand.
Built to catch the breeze, it's the perfect evening destination.
The four-bedroom/four-bath main house with a sleeping loft is a short drive on a paved road from the headquarters compound.
Lodging, Living and Entertaining While the T&C Ranch is a haven for those who love wildlife and the outdoors, its amenities make the time spent indoors as enjoyable as the time spent afield. With nine bedrooms and four baths, the lodge, which anchors the headquarters compound, is set up to accommodate large groups of hunters, family, and friends. Expansive covered porches invite guests to sit and enjoy one another's company, as does the rock patio with a fire pit in sight of the burbling waterfall in a parklike setting. A barbecue area with a wide assortment of grills and pits is nearby.
For those gatherings where the number of guests exceeds the lodge's capacity, T&C Ranch boasts three freshly painted cabins and two recently remodeled. Each has a kitchen, living area, bed and bath, and porches for relaxing. In addition, the ranch has an RV park complete with five full hook-ups.

5,698± Acres • Edwards and Kinney Counties • $15,950,000 • Property IDs: 14753605 • 14877657 For those who want to enjoy the best of the Hill Country and South Texas in one expansive, breath-taking package, the T&C Ranch is the destination of a lifetime. Howard W. Hood , Broker • 830 739 3815 • Howard@HoodRealEstateInc.com Learn more at HoodRealEstateInc.com

17,132 Acres in Uvalde, Texas PRESENTED BY HOOD REAL ESTATE INC. Home to Big Water and Big OpportunitiesRancho Agua Grande SPOTLIGHTUvaldeON

27FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND 17,132 ACRES KINNEY AND UVALDE COUNTIES, TEXAS Property IDs: 13250520, 13250517 • $150,000,000 Howard W. Hood Broker 830-739-3815 • Howard@HoodRealEstateInc.com HOODREALESTATEINC.COM —HOWARD HOOD Hood Real Estate, Inc. “Rancho Agua Grande is one of the largest live water ranches for sale in Texas today.”


1,300± Acres in Athens, Texas PRESENTED BY ICON GLOBAL Blank Canvas of Opportunities Sugaree Ranch SPOTLIGHT ON Athens

W ith direct access to the Athens Airport Jet Strip, the sky is literally the limit on the 1,300± acre Sugaree Ranch, located just off US-175/Loop 7 near the smalltown southern charm of Athens, Texas.
The 4,000± square-foot main residence sits on the edge of a private lagoon. The water reflects the colors of the sky at the day’s beginning and end, providing an ever-changing exhibit of Mother Nature’s art. A new shop rounds out the Plentifulinfrastructure.wateralso means plentiful wildlife. Waterfowl abound. Feral hogs frequent the property, and the deer herd, which has not been actively hunted, is increasing. A skeet range ensures that hunters’ marksmanship skills will be honed to a razor-sharp edge. If the new owners want to further expand the vast opportunities offered by Sugaree Ranch, several contiguous parcels are available. Again, the sky’s the limit at Sugaree Ranch. Embrace its vast opportunities—and soar. °
In addition, Sugaree boasts two spectacular clearwater fishing and swimming holes. The natural clay-lined pools, one of which is the azure-turquoise of a Caribbean cove, invite guests to lay aside their rods and their worries and just float the day away.
To make the offering even more appealing, up to three commercial, hangar lot options are included. Sugaree is just as accessible by land as it is by air. Located just under an hour’s drive from Tyler, the region’s hub, and just over an hour’s drive from Dallas, Sugaree is ideally positioned to be a recreational getaway or a year-round homestead. Although the landscape is characterized by hardwood trees such as post oaks, the perimeter, composed of more than 70,000 pine trees, creates a towering curtain of privacy.
“To have direct, private access to an airport that is completely paid for by someone else is an unprecedented value and convenience,” said Bernard Uechtritz, founder of Icon Global who represents this exclusive property and recently sold the 800+ acre Pine Mountains Lake, also in Henderson County listed for $12.9 million. “In all my years of handling, high-end realty, this is the first ranch that I’ve ever encountered with this outstanding amenity.”
According to the current owner, “The ranch has a little bit of everything—productive hay meadows, native pastures, timber, abundant water, plentiful wildlife and good fishing—that makes East Texas special and it’s all on one place.”
Over the last 10 years, the current owners have invested in improving the land and the lakes. They’ve tackled a variety of projects including replacing fencing, improving roads, repairing dams, liming and fertilizing the pastures to increase productivity, and restocking the fisheries, so the next generation owners can concentrate on the finishingBecausetouches.ofthe land’s topography, Sugaree could continue to be used and enjoyed as singular family ranch or it could be developed into an exclusive membership resort in the tradition of Coon Creek, Barefoot Ranch or the Reserve at Sulfur Bluff. Of course, it could become a superlative residential or ranchette community. The Athens area is known for its freshwater angling and is in fact home to the Texas Freshwater Fisheries Center operated by the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department. Sugaree, and its plentiful water, is the perfect site to test anglers’ skills. While the ranch is home to numerous springs, soaks, nine ponds and both Gum and Coon creeks, it also has five lakes. Two of the lakes, one that is 20± acres and the other 30± acres, could be combined to create a single behemoth encompassing 50± acres.

ICON GLOBAL 214-855-4000 • Info@Icon.Global WWW.ICON.GLOBAL 1,300± Acres HENDERSON COUNTY, TEXAS $15,500,000 • Property ID: 11098643 —BERNARD UECHTRITZ Icon Global “Sugaree is a versatile investment opportunity on a blank canvas, from a prime private ranch to a prime public development, allowing for everything and anything in between.”

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1,200± Acres in Sandia, Texas PRESENTED BY BLUESTEM RANCH GROUP Legacy South Texas Ranch with Unique OptionalityLago Vista Ranch SPOTLIGHTSandiaON

When it comes to water, Lago Vista boasts five domestic wells and one irrigation well supporting a 30-acre center pivot. Currently, the pivot system irrigates a 35-acre coastal Bermuda patch that provides hay for the ranch or potentially for sale. In addition, there are two stock ponds that not only deliver water for wildlife and livestock but offer exceptional dove hunting during the fall season. To experience Lago Vista Ranch, contact John Lynd with Bluestem Ranch Group at (830) 4466145. The ranch is listed for $5,500 per acre.°
T he 1,200±-acre Lago Vista Ranch, located in southeastern Live Oak county just an hour from the beaches of Corpus Christi, is a rare jewel. Within its well-maintained low fences, you’ll find every desirable facet of South Texas living— Brush Country habitat with large mesquite, elm, and a few live oaks as well as native browse such as cenizo and guajillo, plentiful wildlife including whitetails, turkey, quail and dove, an irrigated field and productive native pastures for livestock. With four different entrances, access to the ranch, situated about 20 miles west of Mathis, is easy. The main entrance is off Carmel Drive, which like all the other access points, is a paved, county-maintained road. Additionally, Lago Vista includes more than one and a half miles of private frontage on Lake Corpus Christi that encompasses high bluffs, stunning, unobstructed views of deep water, two private coves and several sandy beaches.
A 52±-acre, heavily wooded point juts into the lake, offering an incredible homesite with unsurpassed privacy, enviable elevation and one-of-a-kind views. For more than 35 years, Lago Vista has operated primarily as a family-run cow-calf operation and a recreational hunting ranch. In addition, the owners have built the foundation for valuable future development. In the late 1980s, they platted more than 60 lakeview and lakefront lots, ranging in size from half to one and a half acres each. While the owners did not market Lakeshore, the plans for the platted and restricted subdivision are grandfathered in, offering an undeveloped asset. Lago Vista has the necessary infrastructure as a working and recreational hunitng ranch, and maintains its agriculture tax valuation. (The 120head herd of cattle and ranch equipment are available through a separate bill of sale.) The ranch is cross fenced into 10 separate pastures, each with a water source to allow for wellmanaged, rotational grazing. Its minimal structural improvements include two hay barns measuring 200'x40’ and 50'x75', a 40'x75' equipment barn with a concrete floor, and a set of working pens complete with a chute. In addition, there is a small block house currently occupied by the manager.

35FALL 2022 І TEXAS LAND 1,200± Acres LIVE OAK COUNTY, TEXAS Property ID: 15086029 • $5,500 Per Acre John Lynd , Broker 830-446-6145 • John@BluestemRanchGroup.com BLUESTEMRANCHGROUP.COM “Whether you’re seeking a private allaround ranch, an un-tapped opportunity, or both, Lago Vista Ranch will prove to be a valuable addition to your asset portfolio.” JOHN LYND Bluestem Ranch Group TM

While the adventures on the family’s “microranch” don’t involve pursuing big game or wandering the unfamiliar streets of a foreign city, they are equally memorable.
W hen COVID-19 prompted a worldwide lockdown, outdoor enthusiast and globe-hopping traveler Khoa Le sought out a new adventure.
He found what he was looking for himself— and his family—on six acres just outside Liberty Hill, Texas, dubbed Le Ranchito
“Our land allows me to quench my thirst for adventure without leaving home,” said Le, who shares the ever-changing homestead with his three children, ranging in age from 11 to 16, and his girlfriend Kaleigh Wagner.
“Before the pandemic, there were times I was on planes every week traveling to a different country,” said Le, an Austin-based global design strategist for IBM. “When everything stopped, I decided that if I couldn’t enjoy adventures abroad then I wanted them at home.”

“If you have a passion for improving the land, then the hard work isn’t as hard as it can be, especially if you have people to share the experience with” LE
Le, a proud University of Texas graduate, could not wait to have his own Longhorns. As soon as the family completed the mettle-testing job of installing a perimeter fence in Hill Country limestone, he had two bovines—one burntorange-and-white cow and one burnt-orange steer yearling—delivered to the property.
He continued, “The Longhorns are just one more piece of Texas that we get to care for—and the stories make them that much more special.”
The former ad agency creative director was so excited to have Longhorns that he bought them before he had an on-site water supply for them. For a while, he dragged a 275-gallon portable tank to a carwash near his suburban home in Cedar Park, filled it with water and hauled it to the property every three or four days. Just in case the livestock’s arrival wasn’t auspicious enough, one of them almost immediately jumped out of the temporary corral built. Of course, she waited until the experienced Longhorn wrangler who delivered her had left the ranch. In that moment, Le quit dreaming about being a cowboy and became one. He grabbed a bucket loaded with cattle feed known as range cubes and pursued the escapee. Eventually, her urge to indulge overcame her urge to roam and she followed Le back to her new home. According to Le, the wanderer was content to stay put until his family hosted a party to introduce their extended family and friends to their land and livestock. After the guests arrived, the free-spirited Longhorn took flight again. Le, by this time, was non-plussed by her escape artistry and athleticism.
“I feel like a whale trainer at Sea World,” said Le, laughing. “Now, when I put cubes in the bucket, she just jumps back over the fence.”

A Long Journey Home Le, a first-generation American, has been a Texan since the early 1990s when his father, who immigrated from Vietnam, was transferred from IBM in New York to the Austin office. The family settled in Round Rock. “I grew up in a typical, middle-of-the-road, middle class, cookie cutter subdivision,” Le said. “My friends and I stayed outside all the time, but our upbringing certainly wasn’t rural or agrarian. For some reason, though, the idea of living on the land appealed to me.”
After his college years, Le’s career in advertising and marketing took him to TracyLocke in Dallas. There the lifelong suburbanite became an urbanite, living near Love Field. As his family grew and the kids got older, the constraints of city life began chafing. The public schools in Dallas didn’t offer the educational environment, Le wanted for his children. The cost of private or charter schools for three youngsters was prohibitive. The only affordable houses were older fixer-uppers that required extensive renovations and ongoing maintenance. The sirens of suburbia began to sing. Le was seriously considering relocating to Plano or another bedroom community in DFW, when Austin-based companies began reaching out with a variety of job opportunities. Le’s parents and his sisters still live in the Austin-area, which only increased the attraction. “If I was going to move to the suburbs anyway, I thought it would be great to be closer to family,” Le said. While he never expected to be part of the “family business,” he joined IBM about six years ago to help the technology behemoth launch its design arm. Le chose to relocate to Cedar Park, a once small town turned quick-growing suburb about 16 miles northwest of Austin. In Cedar Park, Le purchased a recently constructed house, enrolled his children in good schools, and settled into typical suburban lifestyle. Like many American families, their life included overbooked calendars, restaurant meals and the incessant hum of modern hustle and bustle. “Our life was good, but at the same time I craved excitement, adventure and living in touch with the land,” Le said. Long before Le answered the call of the country, he answered the call of the wild. His childhood was colored by stories of the hunting and fishing adventures his father and uncles had shared with his grandfather in their native Vietnam and beyond. His favorite childhood memories are visits to his uncle’s home where Le spent long summer evenings sitting beside his sisters as they ate candy, laughed and stared at lines baited for catfish. As he got older, Le continued hunting and fishing with friends. Now, his kids are his companions in the field. It’s a tradition that binds the generations. “My grandfather is gone now, but I do feel a connection with him when I’m out hunting,” Le said. “Plus, when I’m hunting, I feel like I’m in a different country. As I move through the land, it’s as if I have to assimilate into a different environment.”
The price-point realities of the high-demand land market around burgeoning Austin ultimately downsized the property, but not the adventure. In fact, the 6-acre micro-ranch, like Baby Bear’s bed, turned out to be “just right.”
Grounded Lessons Land, regardless of the acreage, is nature’s school room. Caring for it not only instills lessons of ecology, biology and economics, but life lessons that shape character and relationships. “I wanted to be engaged in a rural lifestyle and introduce my kids to it,” Le said. “And when they’re grown, they can look back and say, ‘Hey, we had a unique upbringing—and learned a lot along the way.’”
“Our ranchito is the perfect size for us,” Le said. “We don’t have the experience or the time right now to manage more acreage. We get to live a rural lifestyle on a small scale—and that makes us insanely happy.”
As soon as Le closed on the property in September 2020, the immediate family began investing sweat equity into their new spread. While a contractor would build their new home, they committed to doing all the land workThethemselves.fencescame first. Le and Wagner learned to build H-braces, necessary for installing corners, gates and providing reinforcement for long stretches of fencing, by watching YouTube videos. “With technology, there are a lot of avenues for learning,” Le said. “For me, it’s enjoyable to do research and figure out how to do whatever we’re doing.”
The Promised Land When Le began to search for property in June 2020, he hoped to be able to purchase enough acreage to manage white-tailed deer and other wildlife. Ideally, the property would be unrestricted by an HOA or other regulatory body, so the family could hunt, and it would contain a stock pond that could provide water for wildlife andBecauseangling. of its size and use, Le’s dream property would qualify for an agricultural or wildlife tax valuation. The ideal property would be far enough away from Austin to isolate it from development, but close enough to make reaching the city’s creature comforts as well as the children’s Cedar Park schools easy.
The duo, who doesn’t own a tractor or skid steer, quickly discovered that driving t-posts into limestone by hand can be a shirt-drenching, muscle-cramping, hand-blistering experience. A friend, who grew up on a ranch in the Pineywoods of East Texas, suggested they rent a skid steer and use it to tamp the metal posts into the ground. The plan was a good, except for one oversight, which Le quickly discovered. From the seat of the rented skid steer, he watched as the first metal post that he attempted to install bent like overcooked spaghetti when the machine’s bucket struck it. As the plan was hatched, no one had considered that the sandy, loamy, clay soils of East Texas are much softer than the Hill Country’s calcareous, hard pan limestone. Over time, the fencing technique was perfected. As Le and Wagner installed the posts and H-braces, the kids rolled out the wire alongside. Everyone pitched in to stretch and attach the wire. The day they completed the perimeter fence was a high watermark day.

Extended family, who used to just pop in and out for quick visits, now come and stay. They seek out reasons to gather and celebrate one another in the relaxed, slower-paced rural setting.
For those who are considering buying property, but aren’t sure that they have what it takes, Le suggests embracing the adventure.
“It’s just so gratifying to see the people I care about enjoying the land that we all care about— and care for”
The Rich Rewards Stewarding their piece of Texas has added the richness of new experiences and deeper connections.
“Owning land has changed the way we interact 100 percent,” Le said. Nightly dinners steeped in conversation have replaced hurried restaurant meals. Trips to Winkley’s General Store to pick up 1,000-lb. hay bales for the cattle are a family affair as are daily chores and land-based improvement projects. A well-placed deer feeder attracts the family’s wild neighbors, making watching deer and other critters a part of most days. The kids have a place to run with the family’s two dogs and roam on the ATVs. When they step outside at night, the family is awash in a sea of stars and bathed in the sounds of nature.
“Of course, we’ve still got more fencing I want to install, so I consider it an on-going project,” Le said. “But man, it felt good to get it done for a season.” As Le can attest, land ownership comes with an ever-changing, ever-growing to-do list.
“Eventually, I want to get a place where I can preserve a slice of Texas as it’s meant to be, uninterrupted by development,” Le said. “Trying to enhance land that you own is an indescribable experience.”
Uncooperative weather, beginning with the big freeze of 2021 that reduced seedstock, has put plans to reestablish native grass and wildflower meadows on hold. A chicken coop is on the drawing board. The family raised chickens at their suburban home, where they developed a taste for home-grown, free-range eggs. They’re looking forward to adding a feathered flock to the menagerie. Since the house was completed in November 2021, they’ve installed a water-wise landscape featuring a mix of cacti, hardy Texas natives and deer-resistant grasses. As an homage to their beloved Trans Pecos, the family is transforming an unsightly, rocky berm at the back of the property into a showcase for a collection of yucca, prickly pear and ocotillos. Eventually, the “desert scape” will form the backdrop for a cowboy-pool made from an oversized water trough, providing a place to soak away the day’s labor and soak up one another’s company. “If you have a passion for improving the land, then the hard work isn’t as hard as it can be, especially if you have people to share the experience with,” Le said. “If you’re fueled by passion and enjoy the outcomes, the rewards outweigh the dirt, sweat and pain because it makes for a richer life.”
Even with the challenges of driving t-posts into limestone in 100°F heat, Le would do it all again—and on a bigger scale. At some point, he’d still like to acquire enough land to manage for white-tailed deer and other wildlife. He is confident the experience he is gaining from micro-ranching will translate into positive results on a larger landscape.
“Having others to enjoy the land with just adds another layer of richness to the whole incredible experience,” Le said. “It’s just so gratifying to see the people I care about enjoying the land that we all care about—and care for.”
“Don’t be too intimidated by what you don’t know,” Le said. “As long as you have enthusiasm, passion, a good attitude, a willingness to learn and people to share it with, even the worst day on the land is a good one.” °
In addition, to fence building, the family has installed raised garden beds. Summer arrived early this year and the hot, dry weather has kept the vegetables from thriving, but the family has grown a bumper crop of dill and basil.


“Without working lands, Texas, which is 95% privately owned, would have almost no wildlife habitat,” said Justin Dreibelbis, CEO of the Texas Wildlife Association (TWA). “Without habitat, Texas would have no wildlife. Of course, we wouldn’t have food, fiber, clean air or water, carbon sequestration or a host of other lifesustaining ecological processes either.”
These realizations prompted TWA, along with Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers Association and Texas Farm Bureau, to cofound the Texas Agricultural Land Trust (TALT) in 2007.
TWA + TALT In the face of explosive population growth and increasing land fragmentation, private landowners need access to every available conservation tool to keep their farms, ranches and forests open and working.

“A single family on 100 acres requires fewer services than 100 families on 100 acres because cows don’t go to school, songbirds don’t call 9-1-1, and crops don’t require the ‘jaws of life’ in the wake of a Saturday night smash up on the freeway,” Langford said.
During that meeting a paradigm shift occurred. Fitzsimons and Langford realized that their problem with conservation easements wasn’t with the legal document itself, but with their perception of how it was being used.
Rewind « At the time of TALT’s founding, many in the landowning community viewed conservation easements with suspicion. The memory of the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s ill-conceived attempt in the mid-1990s to name portions of 33 Texas counties in the Hill Country and Central Texas as critical habitat for the golden-cheeked warbler and black-capped vireo still loomed large in landowners' minds and rankled. “During the ‘bird wars,’ it appeared as if a ‘coalition’ of environmental groups and land trusts were going to ‘save’ the endangered species by permanently wresting control away from private landowners either by taking it or purchasing it at fire sale prices from landowners who found themselves in a financial fix,” said retired TWA CEO David K. Langford, who was heavily involved in TALT’s founding. “Their tool of choice was a conservation easement. Their goal, as least as it was perceived, was to manage natural resources by removing virtually all human activity.”
In the beginning, Langford was firmly in the anti-conservation easement camp. Thanks to a series of events, he—and others like him— became converts. First, after one of Texas’ periodic oil and gas industry busts, state leaders decided to diversify the state’s economic base. They made it clear that Texas was open for business, especially technology, and touted the state’s lack of an income tax and business-friendly regulatory environment. Businesses responded. As a result, Texas entered an unprecedented growth period. In 1990, population was almost 17 million. By 2005, it had surged to 22.8 million. In rural counties where developments sprang up, the growth was initially heralded as a boon, but it came with a hidden cost. As studies conducted by the American Farmland Trust between 1990 and 2000 revealed, while new residents brought new tax dollars, they also required more services. According to the American Farmland Trust studies, the cost of providing those public services far exceeded the amount of tax revenue provided by residential taxpayers. In comparison, agricultural and open space land, even with lower tax valuations, generated more tax money than they required in public service costs.
“Everyone understood that this new land trust couldn’t be an add-on to any organization’s existing mission,” Dreibelbis said. “TALT had to be a strong, standalone organization that could partner with landowners and hold conservation easements in perpetuity. Forever is a long time.”
“Sometimes you just need a little help from your like-minded friends,” Dreibelbis said. Representatives from these three groups and other stakeholders, along with long-time TWAmember and land advocate Blair Fitzsimons, who became TALT’s founding CEO, created a unique land trust. Unlike many land trusts dedicated to conserving picturesque places or land in a specific area, TALT was formed “by farmers and ranchers for farmers and ranchers—and hunters too” to keep working lands open and productive.
In Bexar County’s case, researchers found the county’s agricultural and open space land generated nearly six times as much revenue as the county spent on those lands in services. The American Farmland Trust reported that for every dollar agricultural and open space land generated in taxes, the county spent only 18 cents to provide those lands with services. Residential development on the other hand, required $1.15 in services for every dollar it contributed from property taxes, sales taxes and other revenues. The results were similar for studies in Hays and Bandera counties as well as the 110 other counties surveyed across the nation. Although the results were surprising, they made sense.
Second, Fitzsimons and Langford attended a Partnership of Rangeland Trusts meeting in Billings, Montana in 2005. For the first time, they encountered land trust proponents who understood agriculture from a first-hand perspective. These people, who operated in the American West amid federal lands and those attendant challenges, were forming land trusts to conserve their land, their legacy and way of life.
“As we came to see, a conservation easement is a tool like any other, so the way it’s used
At that time, American Farmland Trust conducted a Cost of Community Services survey in Bexar County. In the early 2000s, Bexar County still had rural areas even though San Antonio was already America’s ninth largest city.
“The founders were wise enough to know that TALT couldn’t be perceived as a land trust for farmers or ranchers or wildlife managers, but it had to be seen as a land trust for everyone who worked the land, understood its challenges and wanted to conserve working land as their legacy not only for their families, but for Texas,” Dreibelbis said. Land trusts exist to conserve land and water resources in partnership with private landowners or other entities by holding conservation easements. Conservation easements are perpetual restrictions that prohibit development and commercial non-agricultural uses, while allowing agricultural producers and wildlife managers to continue doing what they do, whether it is grazing, row crop farming or hunting.
“We shared a passion for helping families perpetuate their legacies, codify their love of the land and protect it forever,” said Fitzsimons, who served as TALT’s CEO until June 2020 when she retired. “Everyone involved was willing to do what was hard because we all knew it was right. It took a lot of people with a lot of grit.”
“We need to identify and develop other income streams that allow landowners to keep their working lands intact,” Ellis said. “Conservation carries a price tag. Developing markets for ecosystem services makes the public important partners in progress.”
While the relationship to land is personal, the commitment to conservation binds organizations. According to TALT’s bylaws, its Board of Directors is made up of five representatives from each of its co-founding organizations as well as five landowners who have conservation easements, and three board members at large. Several TALT staff members serve on TWA’s Board of Directors not by policy, but by choice. The interwoven strands make both organizations stronger.
Of course, to keep producing public benefits on private lands, landowners need a wide variety of tools in their kits. While conservation easements are now tried-and-true, ecosystem services are now next generation conservation tools. TALT is on the leading edge of this emerging marketplace, which seeks to place a financial value on natural resources such as water and ecological processes which include carbon sequestration.
“When it comes to conservation, Texas is better forever when we all work together,” Dreibelbis said. °
WILDLIFE For more information about TALT For more information about TWA
“The government, state or federal, can’t—and shouldn’t—own much. A conservation easement allows landowners to voluntarily conserve their land while continuing to manage it in a way that they see fit. By keeping the land open and productive, these stewards are benefiting the public at their own expense.”
For instance, Steve C. Lewis, who served as TALT’s first Board Chair and is currently a co-chair of its campaign to endow the Forever Texas Fund, is also a former TWA President and current President of the TWA Foundation. Lewis is a rancher, banker and philanthropist. He, and others like him, bring a front lines perspective to both organizations. “I appreciate the value and need for open space land in Texas,” Lewis said. “Being able to drive down a country road and see cattle grazing on open land is important to me—and I want my grandchildren and great grandchildren to be able to see them, too.
determines whether it’s detrimental or beneficial,” Langford said. As they flew back to Texas, which by this time was losing agriculture land faster than any other state in the nation, they decided an ag-oriented land trust might just work at home. Soon after, the duo reached out to representatives from Texas and Southwestern Cattle Raisers and Texas Farm Bureau and began identifying common ground.
TWA and TALT know the power of partnerships. The organizations recently combined forces to host “The Wild West of Ecosystem Services.” The daylong seminar was the most recent installment of TWA’s Private Lands Summit. Through the collaboration, the groups leveraged their assets and expertise to guide landowners through the new frontier.
Concerted conservation efforts are crucial. Texas hasn’t stopped growing. Since 2005, the state’s population has increased by 7.1 million people and is now home to 29.9 million people. An estimated 1,800 people move to Texas each day, in turn increasing demand for natural resources.
Fast Forward » In just 15 years, TALT has become Texas’ largest home-grown land trust and one of the largest in the nation. By partnering with 37 families across the state, TALT has protected more than 250,000 acres with the potential to double that amount in years to come. Ultimately, TALT’s impact can be measured by more than the number of acres conserved. In 2020, the organization held easements on 236,000 acres. At that time, it was estimated that the protected acreage helped net Texas 180,000 acre feet of water, enough to supply the city of San Antonio with drinking water for 200 years. “Our value as an organization, like the value of the state’s land stewards, extends far beyond the fencelines,” TALT CEO Chad Ellis said. “Our efforts serve as a bulwark against encroaching pavement and as a beacon for conservation progress.”
At the same time, Texas is losing about 640 acres of working land each day, a rate still outpacing any other state. In fact, the American Farmland Trust has identified Texas’ agricultural land as the most threatened in the country. “How each of us helps save Texas’ wide open spaces and precious natural resources depends on our own personal relationship with the land,” Fitzsimons said. “Each of us has to examine our relationship with the land and ask ourselves how can we get involved in vital efforts to conserve it.”

Janice, a longtime Oklahoma rancher, recently asked me, “What can I do with these wind payments?” She didn’t want to sell her property, but she was garnering payments from six wind turbines that had been erected on her ranch. She was interested in selling the cash flow generated by the wind energy infrastructure and purchasing more land that she could lease for solar energy development. My response? “You should have sold it yesterday.” As the renewable energy industry continues to expand, more and more landowners throughout the US are beginning to earn significant revenue from solar, wind, battery storage and electrical vehicle charging stations. Most landowners are oblivious to the financial implications of these opportunities. They won the lottery, right? This is mailbox money, the same as mineral royalties generated by having an oil and gas well or mining on their property, right? Wrong. These cash flow payments are rarely, if ever, in the form of a royalty payment. The vast majority of solar farm and wind turbine payments are fixed rent payments that extend for 30+ years in most cases. Working through LandGate, Janice connected with a qualified land professional who explained exactly what her wind payments really are. . .and what they are not. Thanks to the expert guidance, she soon understood why she needed to sell her wind payments and keep her land:
4. Sought-After Commodity: Currently cash flow payments from solar, wind, battery storage and electrical vehicle charging are a highly soughtafter commodity. Purchasers are currently buying these cash flow streams at rates never seen in any energy industry. At the moment, prices are very, very good for sellers.
5. 1031 Exchange: The proceeds from selling cash flow payments can be used, as Janice did, to buy more property utilizing a 1031 exchange. One of LandGate’s qualified land partners connected with Janice and listed her cash flow, but not her land. Within weeks Janice had several cash offers that were all structured in a way that allowed her to utilize a 1031 exchange to buy more property.
1. Inflation: Her payments are fixed rent payments that typically escalate from one to two percent. The current inflationary environment means her cash was losing anywhere from six to eight percent depending on who you talk to. In a nutshell, her cash stream was losing money.
3. Income Not Guaranteed: Janice assumed that her 40-year wind lease meant she was guaranteed to get paid for that long. Wrong. In reality, the lease terms for solar and wind are not guaranteed, and the projects can be terminated at any time depending on the project’s economic viability.
At the same time, the LandGate professional used LandGate’s proprietary software to identify several listed properties located in very high-value solar potential locations. Janice now owns a full section of land in southern Colorado that sits in one of the region’s highest-value solar areas. She still owns her original property in Oklahoma which will be free and clear of any encumbrances once her original wind lease expires. °
2. Land Appreciation: Her land was increasing in value. She didn’t want to sell it and she didn’t have to.
You Should Have Sold It Yesterday
Landowners: LandGate provides free data for landowners to help determine the value of your land when it comes to solar farm potential, wind farm potential, minerals, carbon credits, or any other resource. Find your land values at LandGate.com.
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49FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND FFT Sutton County Ranch 3694.65± Acres • Sutton County • Texas $6,262,436 • Lee, Lee & Puckitt Associates, Inc. • LLPRanchLand.com

Hidden Covey Ranch 1,719 Acres • Brooks County • Texas $4,684,275 • Bluestem Ranch Group • BluestemRanchGroup.com Just Enjoy a first look at these properties that just landed on the L and.com Network. ed

Pin Oak Ranch 174.22 Acres • Hill County • Texas $2,100,000 • Whitetail Properties Real Estate • WhitetailProperties.com FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND

53FALL 2022 | LAND #CONSERVATIONLEGACY Conservation Legacy was at Brenham Junior High today hosting the first Land, Water & Wildlife Expedition Program Teacher Workshop! Teachers are being introduced to new TWA lessons and working with CL staff to choose the best lessons to incorporate into their classroom. Texas Wildlife @texaswildlifeassociationAssociation#POLL Community Poll :: What have you found to be best for fly control? Campbell Farm & @CFRLandRanch #BIRDSEYEVIEW That look when you find your colleague on the same flight! Yoann Hispa and Benjamin Valley are heading to a conference! Safe Travels! To get a bird's eye view of your property, find it on our map here to discover the worth of each of your resources for free! @landgate_resourcesLandGate #COMMUNITY Always an honor to represent West and Swope Ranches in supporting the Boerne community through the Boerne Chamber annual Golf tournament! #yourboernechamber#chamberofcommerce#boernechamber #luxryranches #legacyofland West and Swope @westandswoperanchesRanches #INTHEFIELD We always recommend taking physical maps and downloading Avenza Maps from the App Store when you are showing your client a property or scoping out new potential listings. Most of our properties do not have physical addresses, especially when it is raw land. . .Make sure you and your real estate representatives are prepared next time you are in the field! HomeLand Properties, #TEXASFARMING@homelandpropertiesInc.What should you tell a cow that says she gives almond milk? You must be nuts. #agcredit #landloans #rurallending #ruralland #farmloan #ranchloan #texasagriculture #texasag #texasfarming Texas Farm @texasfcsCredit Featured land trends, top brokers, properties and more from the Land.com Network community. let's get social Insider

Baeza Ranch $16,634,475 | 27,495± Acres in Culberson County, TexasthroughoutandandtogetherBringingbuyerssellersofranchesuniquepropertiestheStateof Texas info@KINGLANDWATER.COMKingLandWater.com(432)426-2024•FortDavis|(512)840-1175• Austin

#TEAM Team Retreat 2022 in Austin, TX! We had a great time getting the whole team togetherfrom across the country - to celebrate another incredibly successful year. Good food, margaritas, golf and live music made for an unforgettable weekend celebrating the Republic Ranches team! Republic @republicranchesRanches Featured land trends, top brokers, properties and more from the Land.com Network community. #MEETING We had a blast at our Agent meeting held at the OX Ranch! Foster Farm & @fosterranchsalesRanch #LANDLIFESTYLE It’s a dangerous job being a ranch broker! #dullnigranches #huntingproperty #texasranches #texasland Dullnig #FATHERSDAY@dullnigranchesRanches Happy Father's Day to all the wonderful dads in the world! Whitetail Properties @whitetailpropertiestexasTexas #TEXASDEER Heyyy girl! Mating season is right around the corner. The soft velvet skin nourishing bucks’ growing antlers will soon peel away. Then things get real. Photo Credit: @weekley_bill #BetterOutside #TexasWildlife#TexasDeer #WhiteTail #TexasHunting #igTexas #Texas Texas Parks and @texasparkswildlifeWildlife let's get social #WILDLIFE Its HOT out there! Texas is notorious for scorching Summer heat waves. Water quality and quantity is important for the well being of livestock and wildlife on the ranch! Bownd's @bowndsranchesRanches Insider 54 | LEGENDARY LIVING

ONXMAPS The most comprehensive hunting tool you'll own. OnX Hunt empowers hunters by displaying detailed information, land boundaries, access opportunities, ownership info, trails, personalized markups, and much more. OnxMaps.com BOTANICAL HARVEST BIRDDINNERSTONEWAREPLATES Featuring four different designs, this distinctive dinnerware brings the feel of fall to your table. Each plate is rendered in exquisite detail, showcasing a unique bird at its center surrounded by fall botanicals. Finished with a gold rim, these plates have heirloom appeal that you’ll want to enjoy year after year. PotteryBarn.com in any garden. Anthropologie.com SHOALIE KAYAK The Shoalie combines paddling performance and platforms with systems designed specifically for fishing. These systems help anglers efficiently manage their rods, paddles, tackle, electronics, and comfort on the water. CrescentKayaks.com Featured products to enhance your life on the land. for the land 57FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Insider

BRAMFORD Minimalist leather shoes that look great and don't hurt your feet. Most designer shoes have a narrow toe-box which are bad for your feet and toes. At the same time, most "barefoot" shoes are just ugly. Bramfords combine the best of both worlds. A comfortable sneaker made with the softest full-grain American leather available. Birchbury.com
land 59FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Insider
BEESWAX SPIDER PILLAR This Halloween enjoy the natural, sweet, honey-like fragrance infused straight from the hive into the wax. As they burn, the shapes and designs illuminate and beautify any setting. This sculpted candle is designed in-house and hand-crafted using only the purest ingredients and highest quality beeswax.
PUMPKIN SALSA Invite Mrs. Renfro's Pumpkin Salsa to your dining table this Thanksgiving to complete your special turkey dinner. This medium-heat, gluten-free gourmet salsa with no high-fructose corn syrup is perfect for everybody. RenfroFoods.com
PET PORTRAIT CHARM Imagine a photograph of your dog, cat, horse or other animal friend being transformed into a custom, pet portrait charm. The carefully carved crystal quartz charms with hand-painted animal portraits are set on Mother of Pearl or abalone and finished with gemstone accents. IreneNeuwirth.com
SOUTHERN(BUTTERMILK)CUSTARDPIE B is for Butermilk Sky Pie. Smooth, mild, and sweet, the buttermilk filling is like a cross between a chess pie and a custard. ButterMilkSkyPie.com
Featured products that are sourced from the land. from the

Two Creeks Ranch has four water wells: an Edwards Aquifer irrigation well; a high-flow domestic well that can support irrigation; and two domestic wells. Rights to 60 acre-feet of Edwards Aquifer water transfer with the ranch’s sale. Two center pivots cover between 50 and 60 acres each. Two Creeks has been managed primarily for doves, but whitetail deer, feral hogs and freeranging exotics call the low-fenced ranch home. Guests can sharpen their shooting skills at the fivestand skeet range outfitted with six movable trap houses, and then congregate at the 945± squarefoot Gun Room. A nearby 1,850± square-foot covered porch area allows the party to move outside. Two identical 3,130± square-foot dogtrot lodges, each sleeping up to 12 people, serve as the main compound’s focal point. The downstairs includes four bedrooms with private baths; the upstairs features two king suites with private baths.
Two Creeks Ranch 727.9 Acres a perfect retreat.
Previously used as a corporate retreat to entertain up to 24 people per weekend, it is equally suited as a private family getaway or a rental property. Income can be generated from wildlife and agriculture, including a 500-tree irrigated pecan orchard.
Medina County Two Creeks Ranch, 727.9± acres located just 30 minutes west of San Antonio in Medina County, is a live-water destination designed to make people feel right at home in natural Texas.
Year-round Verde Creek courses through the ranch for about one-half mile on the east, providing private access. Hondo Creek runs along the south border for more than half a mile. The seven-acre stocked lake is also a prized swimming hole.

The Party Barn, a well-designed 11,600± squarefoot facility, puts entertainment, dining, storage and work space under one roof. The dining hall and the custom commercial kitchen can accommodate up to 50 guests. An outdoor passthrough transitions into a 3,600± square-foot work barn with a gym and loft storage area. In addition, there are three small apartments with private baths. The Party Barn has a 3,000± square-foot covered porch appointed for outdoor entertaining. Two Creeks’ second compound, with two homes and a large storage barn, is just a short drive to the west. The newly renovated, two-story, two-bedroom, three-bath Casa Verde House encompasses 2,000± square feet with the bonus of a wrap-around porch. The nearby threebedroom, two-bath Ranchero House includes a kitchen, office, laundry room, and more.
$16,500,000 • Property ID: 8335380 Other improvement include: 800± squarefoot Laundry Building, 3,000± square feet of covered parking; 5,900± square-foot Maintenance Barn with a covered game cleaning station, a walk-in refrigerator, freezer, restrooms and additional storage; and the 22,500± square-foot Hangar Barn.
Howard W. Hood , Broker 830 739 Howard@HoodRealEstateInc.com3815

In addition, two 10± acre tracts—one in the north part of the ranch and the other in the south— have been cleared to provide additional forage for cattle and wildlife. The areas surrounding the two ponds have also been “cleaned up” to create an oasis for angling if the new owners choose to stock them with bass, catfish, perch, or other suitable freshwater species.
The Whitford Ranch is a rare chance to have it all for those seeking country living with easy access to the world beyond.
Fayette County Whitford Ranch offers the best of texas. Located just off the Bastrop/Fayette County line near the tiny community of Cistern, the 92± acre Whitford Ranch offers the best of Texas. Fronting Highway 95, the property supplies plenty of elbow room within easy reach of small-town hospitality and metropolitan amenities. It is tempting to stay at home on a ranch like this. Like most in Texas’ “other Hill Country,” the land rises and falls gently. An ideal home site sits near the center of the ranch, offering ultimate privacy. Electricity from Fayette Electric is readily available. The best-positioned tie-in pole has already been identified. Preliminary arrangements have been made with a water well driller to site a well at the new owners’ preferred location. Recent selective brush clearing has heightened the land’s natural beauty. The well-planned work created a mosaic of pastureland and brush that not only showcases legacy oaks and majestic cedar elms but provides plenty of habitat for wildlife. As part of the brush management efforts, the perimeter has been completely cleared, making it easy to see the neighboring farms and ranches.
The ranch, which has been used primarily for livestock, maintains an agricultural tax valuation and is home to white-tailed deer and feral hogs. Turkeys, doves, and waterfowl frequent the property as well. It could be easily transitioned to a wildlife tax valuation if the new owners are inclined.
$1,750,000 • Property ID: 14416886 PRICE REDUCTION 92.83 Acres

For hunters, exotic game enthusiasts, and western equestrians, the 292-acre Rockin’ S Ranch, located three miles south of Menard on highway 83, is the destination of a lifetime. And while the ranch feels a world away from the metropolitan hustle and bustle, the newly constructed, customdesigned main entrance, which features an electric gate, is only a two-hour drive from San Antonio and just about two-and-a-half hours from Austin. Live oak mottes and small clumps of cedar dot the rolling terrain. The brush has been carefully sculpted so that patches of wildlife habitat provid ing food and cover are interspersed with an open, native range. The game includes native whitetailed deer and free-ranging Axis. Whether you’re looking to get away for the weekend or embrace the rural lifestyle full-time, the Rockin’ S Ranch is a worthy place to stake a claim. 830
65FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Menard County
928 Conner@HoodRealEstateInc.com2317 HoodRealEstateInc.com Rockin’ S Ranch 292 Acres exotic game paradise. $1,989,500 • Property ID: 13534786 PRICE REDUCTION
Conner W. Hood , Broker Associate

$1,955,000 • Property ID: 11799878 complete with a sprawling deck perfect for soaking up the sun and the views, is located near the main house. The second house, suitable for guests or staff, includes three bedrooms and two bathrooms and encompasses 1,700± square feet.
Looking for your own glorious piece of the Hill Country? Look no farther than this 154± acre ranch, located just five minutes from the Hunt Store in the river-crossed heartland of Kerr Hunt,County.Texas,
When it comes to ranch infrastructure, the ranch boasts a traditional “big, red barn,” a pole barn with nine horse stalls, as well as two water wells.
the tiny community located at the confluence of the north and south forks of the Guadalupe River and just 15 minutes from Kerrville, is arguably the Hill Country’s most sought after address. The Hunt-area, which has plenty of rural character and elbow room, is an easy drive from San Antonio and Austin.
Used as a recreational ranch, the high-fenced property is home to a host of exotics including Aoudad sheep, blackbuck antelope, and Corsican rams. White-tailed deer and other native game also roam the ranch. The topography has hills, covered with a mix of oak, juniper and native brush, rise, flatten and then fall into the draws below. The 3,000± square foot main house features three or four bedrooms, two full baths and two fireplaces. An expansive swimming pool, Kerr County Hunt, Texas 154 Acres just right topography.

P. Bode Ranch opportunity
The P. Bode Ranch offers Hill Country living on a scale that is increasingly hard to find. Although most Hill Country ranches of this size are far off the beaten path, access to the P. Bode Ranch is easy, with the entrance being six± miles from the intersection of I-10 and US-290. The ranch is within easy reach of the small-town amenities of Fredericksburg, Junction and Kerrville, and both Austin and San Antonio are 90± minutes away. The gently rolling hills, covered with native grasses, live oak and cedar, provide a blank canvas of opportunity. Stunning views abound. While it has been used primarily as a cow-calf operation, the ranch is home to a variety of native wildlife. A water well with an electric pump and a concrete holding tank serve the needs of livestock and wildlife. For those looking to create a one-of-a-kind life against the beautiful backdrop of the Hill Country, the P. Bode Ranch offers the opportunity on a rare scale. on a rare scale.
67FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Jeffrey C. Hood , Broker Associate 830 431 Jeff@HoodRealEstateInc.com1177 HoodRealEstateInc.com
$2,644,044 • Property ID: 12465498 Kimble County388.83 Acres

CLAY BEBEE c: cbebee@briggsfreeman.com512.422.8276 CONNOR HUNT c: 214.850.1515 chunt @briggsfreeman.com DAVIS WALKER c: 512.962.6952 dwalker@briggsfreeman.com DAVID BURGHER c: dburgher@briggsfreeman.com214.213.8715 HARLAN RAY c: hray@briggsfreeman.com214.908.7770 3131 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 400, Dallas, Texas 7521968 | LEGENDARY LIVING Brock Vista Ranch 691 ± Acres | Parker County | $14,250,000 | Property ID: 12324096 UNDER CONTRACT

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/57415 BURGHERRAY.COM | RANCH.BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM 69FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND 12324096 Peninsula Ranch at Lake Tawakoni 542± Acres | Hunt County | $12,500,000 | Property ID: 12735229

CLAY BEBEE c: cbebee@briggsfreeman.com512.422.8276 CONNOR HUNT c: 214.850.1515 chunt @briggsfreeman.com DAVIS WALKER c: 512.962.6952 dwalker@briggsfreeman.com DAVID BURGHER c: dburgher@briggsfreeman.com214.213.8715 HARLAN RAY c: hray@briggsfreeman.com214.908.7770 3131 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 400, Dallas, Texas 7521970 | LEGENDARY LIVING Dolce Vita Ranch 130± Acres | Parker County | $7,600,000 | Property ID: 9208344 NEW PRICE

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/57415 BURGHERRAY.COM | RANCH.BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM 71FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND C7 Ranch 67± Acres | Johnson County | $6,984,000 | Property ID: 11382950

CLAY BEBEE c: cbebee@briggsfreeman.com512.422.8276 CONNOR HUNT c: 214.850.1515 chunt @briggsfreeman.com DAVIS WALKER c: 512.962.6952 dwalker@briggsfreeman.com DAVID BURGHER c: dburgher@briggsfreeman.com214.213.8715 HARLAN RAY c: hray@briggsfreeman.com214.908.7770 3131 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 400, Dallas, Texas 7521972 | LEGENDARY LIVING Switchgrass Bottom Ranch 1,262± Acres | Navarro County | $5,000,000 | Property ID: 12283725 Hords Creek Ranch 740± Acres | Coleman County | $4,600,000 | Property ID: 13770674

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/57415 BURGHERRAY.COM | RANCH.BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM 73FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Each Office is Independently Owned and Operated. Ranch at Pine Mountain 180± Acres | Anderson County | $4,500,000NEW LISTING

CLAY BEBEE c: cbebee@briggsfreeman.com512.422.8276 CONNOR HUNT c: 214.850.1515 chunt @briggsfreeman.com DAVIS WALKER c: 512.962.6952 dwalker@briggsfreeman.com DAVID BURGHER c: dburgher@briggsfreeman.com214.213.8715 HARLAN RAY c: hray@briggsfreeman.com214.908.7770 3131 Turtle Creek Blvd., Suite 400, Dallas, Texas 7521974 | LEGENDARY LIVING Black Walnut Ranch 153± Acres | Wood County | $2,695,000 | Property ID: 13744708 Indian Creek Ranch 197± Acres | Comanche County | $2,500,000 | Property ID: 14645882 UNDER NEWCONTRACTLISTING

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/57415 BURGHERRAY.COM | RANCH.BRIGGSFREEMAN.COM 75FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Lucky D Ranch 213± Acres | Montague County | $1,795,000 | Property ID: 14950627 Chatfield Ranch 445± Acres | Navarro County | $1,869,000 | Property ID: 14649890 NEW LISTING

Robert Dullnig • Broker Associate DULLNIGRANCHES@GMAIL.COM DullnigRanches.com • (210) 213-9700 VIEW ALL PROPERTIES: LANDSOFAMERICA.COM/MEMBER/5122 This grand tract of land has remarkable Live Water and is amazingly convenient to metropolitan San Antonio. 2,269± ACRES IN KENDALL COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 13933012 Less Ranch

77FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Enjoy great privacy and luxury plus live water just minutes from historic Boerne or metro San Antonio. 138± ACRES IN KENDALL COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 14235188 Arroyo Vista Ranch

Robert Dullnig • Broker Associate DULLNIGRANCHES@GMAIL.COM DullnigRanches.com • (210) 213-9700 VIEW ALL PROPERTIES: LANDSOFAMERICA.COM/MEMBER/5122 BarnettRanchBranch A premier location and natural beauty is only 1 hour from Austin but offers ideal seclusion. 1,116± ACRES IN LLANO COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11914876 7 Canyons Ranch This spectacular turn-key ranch is set up for ultimate enjoyment with live water and income potential. 420± ACRES IN BANDERA COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14733151 Contigo Ranch Historic and modern improvements, live water, wildlife, pastureland and current income potential. 300± ACRES IN GILLESPIE COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14425897 Little Montana Ranch Springs, live water Little Creek, plus both a newer home and an 1860s rock home make this ranch unique. 163± ACRES IN BANDERA COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14563233

79FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Rancho Anejo Optimized for every type of sport from bass fishing to wing shooting or deer hunting. 5,700± ACRES IN MAVERICK COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11374919 Goofy Lake Ranch A turnkey outdoorsman’s paradise offers whitetail deer, quail, dove, turkey plus waterfowl and bass. 2,355 ± ACRES IN MAVERICK COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 13179627 Le River Ranch Enjoy a hunting and fishing ranch with guest housing, river frontage, tanks, ponds and native wildlife. 1,050± ACRES IN MAVERICK COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14655589 El Indio Cage Ranch This heritage cattle and hunting ranch has been owned and operated by the same family since 1939. 15,963± ACRES IN MAVERICK COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11758395

Robert Dullnig • Broker Associate DULLNIGRANCHES@GMAIL.COM DullnigRanches.com • (210) 213-9700 VIEW ALL PROPERTIES: LANDSOFAMERICA.COM/MEMBER/5122 LivingRanchWaters Beautiful lodge overlooks 7,000± feet of crystal clear, year around Nueces River. 705± ACRES IN UVALDE COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 13911558 Coleman Farm Productive land has three pivots, multiple irrigation wells plus the unique water of the Leona River. 295± ACRES IN UVALDE COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 13442783 Leona River Ranch Owned by the same family for over 70 years, this blank canvas includes Leona River frontage. 5,000± ACRES IN FRIO COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 12323612 Newsom Ranch Owned since 1881, this ranch is near San Antonio and offers several miles of San Miguel Creek. 1,903± ACRES IN FRIO COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14383883

81FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND Alta Vista Ranch This generational ranch offers spectacular views, ancient Live Oaks and San Antonio River frontage. 1,630 ± ACRES IN GOLIAD COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11937303 SpringRanchCreek A spectacular cattle and hunting ranch boasts year-around live water and subsurface water. 1,787± ACRES IN BEE COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 13490979 Lady J Ranch An exciting opportunity in the College Station-Bryan metro area with recreational improvements. 2,695± ACRES IN LEON-ROBERTSON COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 13399041 Shipp Lake Ranch An amazing ranch with a private 100± Acre lake and picturesque homes minutes from Austin. 417± ACRES IN BASTROP COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14133703

Robert Dullnig • Broker Associate DULLNIGRANCHES@GMAIL.COM DullnigRanches.com • (210) 213-9700 VIEW ALL PROPERTIES: LANDSOFAMERICA.COM/MEMBER/5122 Rocky Lake Ranch A tremendous amount of water with lakes and irrigation features in a diverse hunting ranch. 3,972± ACRES IN DIMMIT & ZAVALA COUNTIES PROPERTY ID: 11468863 SoledadRanchCreek Rare historic land has been owned by the same family for over 120 years. 3,840± ACRES IN DUVAL COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 12573026 Jaral Creek Ranch This ranch provides opportunity for both the wildlife enthusiast and the livestock rancher. 2,450± ACRES IN WEBB COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11283490 Pendencia Ranch Superb habitat for big whitetail deer plus quail, with great roads and water distribution. 2,242± ACRES IN DIMMIT COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11699025

83FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND PantherRanchPeak Captivating Big Bend /Trans Pecos country with an astounding array of native wildlife. 2,300± ACRES IN PECOS COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14938080 Big LozierRanchCanyon First time on the market in over 60± years, this land has abundant use for ranchers, hunters and explorers. 10,500± ACRES IN TERRELL COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 9283238 Texas Farm Patch A highly productive, organic produce farm has established distribution and revenue. 380± ACRES IN ATASCOSA COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 11165437 Farm HeadquartersPatch Greenhouses, hoop houses, warehouse and office infrastructure on an income-producing farm. 105± ACRES IN ATASCOSA COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14626097

















108 | LEGENDARY LIVING COLORADO BEND RIVER RANCH 2,020± Acres in Burnet County | $37,500,000
A special live-water ranch situated amongst a remarkable Hill Country setting—The Colorado Bend River Ranch is a premier live-water property featuring two± miles of Colorado River frontage and multiple springs. The ranch displays spectacular views and has an abundance of wildlife. A nice three-bedroom/three-bathroom ranch house sits at its headquarters. The ranch is located in between Lampasas and Burnet, with paved county road access. Truly a must-see property, as ranches of this size and in this caliber are rarely available in the Texas Hill Country.

109SPRING 2022 | TEXAS LAND TexasRanchesForSale.com | Ken Hoerster, Broker Info@TexasRanchesForSale.com | (830) 249-9339 | View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/1000 HIGHVELD RANCH 4,365± Acres in Real County | Property ID: 14299243 | $21,690,000 The Highveld Ranch is an elite Tecomate Signature Property! First and foremost, Highveld Ranch is an exceptional hunting ranch located in the sought-after Texas Hill Country. Notable improvements to the ranch include a 6,900± square-foot newly-renovated lodge, a newly-renovated foreman’s home, a game processing facility with a walk-in cooler, and a deluxe rifle range. This high-fenced ranch is a hunter’s paradise with phenomenal whitetail, turkey, and exotic populations!

11,610± Acres in Sutton County Property ID: 14359362 | $28,950,000
The L5 Ranch encompasses 11,671± acres and is truly a hunter’s paradise. The main house is approximately 6,318± square-foot and sits on top of one of the higher points on the ranch. The headquarters with two houses, barns, and working pens are close to the main home. The ranch has 14 water wells that supply numerous water troughs and tanks that provide water to the wildlife and livestock.
Pure secluded beauty with stunning views—The Dragoo Draw Ranch comprises 11,610± acres. The gentle roll of the land accents its captivating views. Plentiful hardwoods and native grasses encompass the pastures. The property also has multiple improvements, including a 4,000± square-foot main house, a 3,000± square-foot lodge, a manufactured home for the foreman’s quarters, a hunter’s house, and two fully-enclosed barns with multiple sheds.
L5 RANCH 11,671± Acres in Sutton County Propert y ID: 13634027 | $26,785,000

Three Waters Ranch presents a park-like atmosphere with stunning Honey Creek as its centerpiece. A beautifully detailed, German-built around the turn of the century, two-bedroom/two-bathroom home overlooks Honey Creek and is situated in this remarkable Hill Country setting. Endless possibilities exist for this unique property, such as a permanent residence or a weekend getaway, a vineyard, or a winery. CREEK RANCH 105± Acres in Bandera County | Property ID: 14749792 | $7,950,000
| View All
TexasRanchesForSale.com Ken Hoerster, Broker 249-9339 Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/1000 WATERS RANCH 195± Acres in Gillespie County | Property ID: 12157957 | $7,850,000
Tranquil and one-of-a-kind—The Madrona Creek Ranch features live water and an abundance of native and exotic wildlife. Complete with a stunning 4,450± square-foot Hill Country-style main house with great views, a 1,700± square-foot guest house, two barns, and a luxurious pool with water features – The Madrona Creek Ranch is a rare opportunity in the highly desirable Texas Hill Country.
Info@TexasRanchesForSale.com | (830)

DARMA RANCH 333± Acres in San Saba County Property ID: 14542334 | $2,750,000 Located just north of Richland Springs—Darma Ranch is an idealsized property that offers excellent hunting. The ranch features gently-rolling terrain with plentiful hardwoods providing good wildlife cover. Improvements include a 2,500± square-foot (per San Saba CAD) four-bedroom and four-bathroom home with an attached garage/shop, a 35± acre Bermuda coastal field in the middle of the ranch, and one water well.
SALINE CREEK RANCH 413± Acres in Kimble County | $3,295,000 A rare find in Kimble County—Saline Creek Ranch offers picturesque valleys and hilltops with long-range views that make this property exceptional. The ranch has 1,150± square-foot access to both sides of the clear-flowing Big Saline Creek. Improvements include a 2,400± square-foot fullyfurnished three-bedroom/three-and-a-half bathroom home, a rock with concrete barn, and working cattle pens.
TILT’D C RANCH 52± Acres in Kendall County $1,775,000 Hilltop views that command attention—Tilt’d C Ranch is 52.27± acres of multiple hills, valleys, range land, and abundant wildlife. A three-bedroom and two-bathroom home has been methodically placed on a hilltop with a large deck to admire the view.

VALLEY VIEW RANCH 20.04± Acres in Gillespie County Property ID: 14725812 | $609,000
BARNES RANCH 100± Acres in Kerr County Property ID: 14199026 | $1,950,000
The Guadalupe River Ranch features awesome river frontage, backdropped by a stunning rock-faced bluff, hilltops, and towering cypress trees. The cover on the property is thick with varying upand-down topo. The ranch can provide a multitude of enjoyment for outdoor enthusiasts from kayaking, swimming, camping, great hunting, and plenty of room to explore on recreational vehicles.
The Valley View Ranch is located in the highly sought-after Texas Hill Country. The ranch features gently-rolling terrain with remarkable views. Valley View Ranch is a blank canvas providing its next owner with several potential build sites that would take advantage of the beautiful views. The ranch is located in Scenic Oaks, a private and gated community.
The Barnes Ranch is a tremendous opportunity to own a highfenced hunting and recreational ranch, conveniently located 20± miles northwest of Kerrville and 30± miles west of Fredericksburg. The ranch is in a category of its own with a charming threebedroom/one-bathroom home, large equipment barn, two Tifton 85 Bermuda fields, and a beautiful rolling landscape. Properties of this size in this location do not come on the market very often. RANCH 303± Acres in Frio County Property ID: 13489088 | $1,842,240 Well located northwest of Pearsall and south of San Antonio—
113SPRING 2022 | TEXAS LAND TexasRanchesForSale.com | Ken Hoerster, Broker Info@TexasRanchesForSale.com | (830) 249-9339 | View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/1000 GUADALUPE RIVER RANCH 72± Acres in Kendall County $2,650,000
The K Ranch is an ideal size turnkey game-fenced South Texas hunting ranch. It features easy access, lots of elevated hunting blinds, and a good-size hunting cabin that is sufficient as is or may be handy to utilize while you are building.

Dagger Flats Ranch has a variety of habitats and improvements which start on the north at Tres Hermanos summit on the Shely Peaks at 5,210 feet down into a wide scenic valley where you find the live water section of San Francisco Creek that is cottonwood lined for over five miles. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acre contiguous block of land for sale.
Property ID: 11213889
Far Flung Outdoor Center is listed for sale as a turnkey, complete business opportunity to own, manage and expand on one of the leading outdoor adventure businesses in the state of Texas. The combination of real estate, location, cabins, conference center, pool, infrastructure, adventure equipment, vehicles and a reputable brand known across the country creates an investment opportunity to live the dream but also to own a profitable dynamic business. Property ID: 12090252
This working cattle and hunting ranch set within the vast scenic landscape of Far West Texas. The majority of the ranch consists of gently rolling high-desert grasslands, draws and flats with several mountain ranges and rock outcrops creating spectacular views. Improvements include a three-bedroom ranch house with three sets of working pens with loading chutes and scales. Property ID: 13430524
Lagarto Ranch is one of the top hunting properties in the state of Texas featuring world-class bobwhite quail and white-tailed deer hunting. Lagarto Ranch is 9,446± acres of a highly improved, high-fenced hunting ranch with a focus on wild bobwhite quail, dove, turkey and deer hunting. This is a turnkey sale with an opportunity to walk right into a ranch from day one that has literally been transformed into a hunting paradise and enjoy the decades of meticulous hard work and planning from the previous owners. Property ID: 12592180

Matthews-Law Ranch is a combination of two historic ranches and has over 4.5 miles of the Santiago Mountain ridgeline cascading down into Santiago Flats. Rugged, wild, secluded and amazing are just a few words to describe this true mountain ranch. Santiago Peak is just off the north boundary of the ranch and is a sentinel that can be seen from all over the ranch. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acre contiguous block of land for sale.
Property ID: 11214584
Dove Mountain Ranch is a massive contiguous cattle and hunting ranch at the gateway to Big Bend National Park to the south and is home to a wide array of natural features. If there is one thing that makes this ranch stand out, it is the availability of desert big horn sheep habitats as well as the availability of permits by TPWD. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acre contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 11213445
Property ID: 14279647 New Listing
Property ID: 7598290
Located a 30-minute drive from the Gage Hotel in Marathon, the gateway to Big Bend National Park. Horse Mountain Ranch is a wide valley between the Pena Blanca Mountains, Horse Mountain and Twin Peaks creating an expanse called Lightning Flat where the headwaters of Horse Draw and Pena Blanca Draw are located. The headquarters is located adjacent to the Historic Reed Spring which makes a beautiful cottonwood tree lined lake. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acre contiguous block of land for sale.
Bringing together buyers and sellers of ranches and unique properties throughout the state of Texas TAMMY KING, BROKER Tammy@KingLandWater.com JAMES KING, AGENT James@KingLandWater.com | (432) 386-2821 HARRISON KING, AGENT Harrison@KingLandWater.com | (432) 386-7102 115FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND
31 miles south of downtown Marfa on paved Casa Piedra Road, you turn east past the Alamito Creek bridge onto a private deeded easement road for five miles to the front gate of Ocotillo Ranch. The ranch is comprised of 9,957 acres of vistas, plateaus, mountains, canyons, igneous outcrops, and sweeping grasslands, making for excellent hunting opportunities. Sell will convey 50 percent of minerals owned.

Y.E. Mesa is an elevated high mountain volcanic structure sitting high over Big Bend National Park’s north entrance and includes 10 miles of the Santiago Mountains that form Persimmon Gap to the south. Rugged, wild, secluded and amazing are just a few words to describe this true mountain ranch. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acre contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 11214568
The 4M Ranch is a world unto itself with an incredible suite of worldclass improvements including a 5,000-foot paved airstrip, crushed rock roads and headquarters complex. Set miles away on a limestone perch sits a truly remarkable 10,000-square-foot home with infinity pool peering down at the four miles of accessible Lower Pecos River frontage below. Property ID: 9569427
This ranch has some of the best all-around hunting opportunities in the West Texas area as it combines the mountain habitats with the grassland and desert habitats. Abundant mule deer, herds of pronghorn, whitetail deer, mountain lion and occasional elk can all be found here. Property ID: 8062130
Tesnus Ranch is a cattle and hunting recreation ranch just 45 minutes from Marathon, Texas, and the Gage Hotel yet feels amazingly secluded. This vast, private area is bounded by the towering House Top Mountains on the north and east and Shely Peaks Mesa, where you can look off over San Francisco Creek valley into Mexico, with a series of wooded canyons, mountains, valleys and draws. Tesnus is sunset spelled backwards, a creative name for a historic railroad town established in 1882 on the Southern Pacific Railroad. This ranch is part of a 424,000± acre contiguous block of land for sale. Property ID: 6996904

outbuildings, and hunting
of history and
by vehicle. This is a turnkey
with feeders.
Property ID: 7684861 TERRELL7,410±$3,149,304ACRESCOUNTY H
and wildlife.
is rich in history, habitat, geology and modern conveniences. Property ID: 13431082
with a restored
Bringing together buyers and sellers of ranches and unique properties throughout the state of Texas TAMMY KING, BROKER Tammy@KingLandWater.com JAMES KING, AGENT James@KingLandWater.com | (432) 386-2821 HARRISON KING, AGENT Harrison@KingLandWater.com | (432) 386-7102 117FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND
Desert Mountain Ranch name says it all. Tucked away the solitude of the Chihuahuan Desert of Brewster County just north of Big Bend National Park and Black Gap WMA. The ranch
The Eagle Mountain/Carrizo Mountain Ranches are actually two nearby distinct properties that are connected by an improved caliche county road and miles of a paved/concrete private easement road linking the ranches with easy access. Similar to the Davis Mountains and the Chisos Mountains of the Chihuahuan Desert, this mountain range functions as a sky island habitat, with intermountain ridge lines and valleys serving corridors wildlife migration. BAR H RANCH “West of the Pecos,” a region full natural habitat Rolling hill country and rugged wild canyon country. miles frontage on Rio Grande accessible ranch historic home, blinds Seller MOUNTAIN RANCH
will convey 25 percent of minerals owned. Property ID: 7269910 HUDSPETH76,185±$74,280,375ACRESCULBERSON&COUNTIES$10,722,73120,424±ACRESBREWSTERCOUNTY DESERT
Located west of Van Horn, Texas, in the fifth-highest mountain range in Texas, the Eagle Mountains, the ranch is easily accessed by two county roads. The ranch is a mere 1.5 hours from El Paso International Airport and just 30 minutes from Van Horn Airport which can land jet aircraft. Large, well-established landowner neighbors and excellent game management programs makes Piñon Ranch the perfect grazing, hunting and recreation property. Ranching heritage abounds as the Overland Trail passes through this ranch where stagecoaches used to stop at Eagle Spring.
Property ID: 8126796

Located six miles west of Bertram Texas, same family since 1898. Working mixed livestock ranch with excellent hunting. Small camp house overlooking meadow with year-round tank. Two Cedar Elm lined creeks, wooded pastures, fronting on paved County Road 252. Only 45 minutes from Austin. Seller is the listing broker. Property ID: 13326484
Dripstone Ranch is uniquely located in the geographic transition area between the rugged Hill Country Balcones Fault, the Chihuahuan Desert and the topography of the South Texas Brush Country. Ranching and nature come together here, with areas of wildlife habitat and river combined with agricultural areas designed into improved pastures, amazing ranch infrastructure and the famous karst limestone caves found on the ranch. Property ID: 10489862
Comprised of some of the most well-cared-for acreage in Far West Texas. With sweeping vistas, plateaus, mountains and canyons, abundant grass and water, this is Chihuahuan Desert hunting land at its best and a nature lover’s dream. This ranch has it all. 60 miles south of Marfa. Property ID: 9407466
50 miles south of Marfa, the “Art Hub” of West Texas, and just north of Big Bend Ranch State Park, where the east and west branch of Casa Piedra Road divide, there is an iconic mountain towering over the Chihuahuan desert called San Jacinto. This volcanic geologic landform is the iconic centerpiece of a 49,723± acres ranch that is “national park” quality with all of its canyons, rock formations, rims, caves, grasslands, and desert plants. Property ID: 14099116
14,502±$13,414,350ACRESPRESIDIOCOUNTY Sold Sold

TAMMY KING, BROKER Tammy@KingLandWater.com JAMES KING, AGENT James@KingLandWater.com | (432) 386-2821 HARRISON KING, AGENT Harrison@KingLandWater.com | (432) 386-7102
Cooks Creek Ranch is scenic with tremendous views down into Indian Creek and Cook Creek with rolling hills and limestone cliff canyon banks. Water on the ranch is distributed in a variety of wells, pipelines, water storage, and water troughs. Recent use and management have been focused on improving and growing both mule deer and whitetail deer populations. The population is about 50/50 for these two deer types and some of the best Blue Quail hunting in Texas. Property ID: 11632070 Listing Price Reduced
Bringing together buyers and sellers of ranches and unique properties throughout the state of Texas
Located 25 miles south of Marfa, Texas off paved Casa Piedra Road (FM 169). Alamito Hills Ranch is wide-open rolling grass and scrubland surrounded by rugged mountain ranges which can be seen from most places on the property. This vast area lies in a narrow elevation range between 3,750 and 4,200 feet, allowing for mix of vegetation, providing excellent habitat for game and non-game animals. Property ID: 14804695
Price Reduced
Maravillas Creek Ranch has recently had a major overhaul of roads, fences, wells, water troughs, dams, tanks and a new private building site up in the hills with electricity. The ranch terrain varies from a nice combination of overflow flats next to igneous rolling hills. The ranch is embedded in a landscape of public lands creating unlimited hunting and recreational opportunities. Property ID: 10766014
3,400± ACRES TERRELL COUNTY FLYING BUCK RANCH Flying Buck Ranch is situated directly across U.S. Highway 90 from the Terrell County Airport (6R6) creating a rare fly-in hunting experience along the transition zone of the western Hill Country into the Trans-Pecos region of Texas, an area rich with history and wildlife. Being three miles west of Dryden, Texas, between Del Rio and Sanderson, the ranch is easily accessed by car from central and South Texas. Property ID: 11535523 Sold ALAMITO HILLS RANCH











The Seminole Ranch has miles of water infrastructure, a wellmaintained road system, and a diversified game population. Over the past years, clearing and other brushwork has been a priority and provided open space for game and livestock. $3,373,650 ACRES IN KINNEY COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14523013
This majestic ranch spans nearly 10,000 acres of land, offering the best in south Texas wing shooting and trophy Whitetails and exotics. Its rich, fertile sandy loam soils, numerous water sources, and some strategically placed quail strips create that perfect habitat for any quail aficionados while supporting vast numbers of wildlife and cattle. Located near McAllen/Edinburg, in the center of the Rio Grande Valley of Texas, the Arrowhead Ranch has hosted many foreign and domestic dignitaries over the years. $29,750,000 9,780± ACRES IN HIDALGO COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 14536420 RANCH
The Kennedy ranch is a high-fenced outdoorsman’s paradise only a few miles outside Uvalde, Texas. This well-maintained ranch has everything you want in a recreational and investment property. A 4,000-squarefoot barndominium is the highlight of the ranch. $4,548,600 ACRES IN UVALDE COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 14109077

CHAD H. FOSTER JR., BROKER • 830-776-3605 106 N. EAST STREET, UVALDE, TEXAS 78801 All Properties: L andsofAmerica.com/member/9982 2022 TEXAS
This 60-acre hill country high fence ranch comes turnkey and ready to hunt this coming hunting season, with the blinds and feeders conveyed in the sale. The ranch has been developed into an all-year-long compact hunting ranch, with most of the wildlife being exotic deer. $550,000 60± ACRES IN MEDINA COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 14311685
COW CREEK RANCH Eleven miles southwest of Bracketville, the vibrant 2,963-acre Cow Creek Ranch is the perfect combination of native brush and agriculturally productive irrigated farmland. This high-fenced ranch will serve the needs of both the sportsman and Ag producer. The property conveys 2,940 acre-feet of permitted water rights. $7,407,500 2,963± ACRES IN KINNEY COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 13829088
This ranch offers exceptional hunting and recreational opportunities. The land layout is perfect for utilizing the 142 acres in totality. The river within the ranch is lined with incredible mature cypress and pecan trees, providing a shaded canopy over the river. $1,420,000
The Camp House ranch will make a great weekend ranch or a full-time resident, located 14 miles west of Brackettville off of FM 334. At 542 acres, this ranch provides ample space to enjoy evening buggy rides or sit in a deer blind. This is a low-fenced, free-range ranch that is covered in wildlife. $1,815,700

This ranch features over 900 feet of Medina River frontage as well as 170± high fenced acres. Located on the northern end of the property is a two bed/two bath house with views off the front porch that last for miles! Dont miss out on this beautiful live water ranch located in the transition zone of South Texas and the Hill Country! $3,499,000 ACRES IN MEDINA COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 14791618
The Knolle Ranch is a 120-acre oasis 30 minutes from Sugarland in the impressive Needville School district. A beautiful stocked tank, newly renovated home, wooded area, and 60 acres of successful hay production make this one-of-a-kind ranch the ultimate suburban living alternative. $1,850,000 ACRES IN FORT BEND COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 12788736
Owned and operated by the same family for decades, Kite Farms offers 716 acres of primarily tillable income-producing dry land. There are five water wells on the farm from 200-400 feet deep with electric pumps. The excellent fertile soils on Kite Farms consist of clay loam. The current owner rotates crops annually from milo, wheat and sesame. $1,754,200 ACRES IN ZAVALA COUNTY PROPERTY ID: 12830878
Great South Texas high-fenced ranch. The property has excellent access and is conveniently located just out of town. The ranch home, located on the highest point, provides beautiful views to watch the wildlife or enjoy a beautiful sunrise or sunset. Contact for Pricing. ACRES IN DIMMIT COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 10758279

This angler’s paradise has over a mile of Powderhorn Lake frontage and is a nine-mile drive to Port O’Connor, known for its beaches, first-rate dining scene, and outstanding deep-sea fishing. Harvest native deer and hogs, catch redfish off the shoreline and enjoy the finest duck hunting in Texas. $5,408,000 1,352± ACRES IN CALHOUN COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 12717232 SUGAR VALLEY RANCH Sugar Valley Ranch is prime country living near the city, 47 miles from Sugar Land and eight miles from Bay City in the impressive Van Vleck school district. Fully equipped for profitable cattle or horse operations, a stocked fishing tank, plentiful amounts of native wildlife and fully fenced and crossed into grassy pastures of flat wooded and open land make this Texas gem the perfect suburban alternative. $1,800,000 94± ACRES IN MATAGORDA COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 12838641
RANCHO LA GLORIA Located in the center of Deep South Texas Brush Country by the ranching community of La Gloria, this beautiful property has been in the same family for over 150 years. Completely high fenced, this rolling ranch was stocked with Whitetail genetics and Audads many years ago. Just an hour and 20 minutes away from the McAllen-Edinburg area and only 35 minutes from Rio Grande City. $780,000 ACRES IN STARR COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 13155845
FOSTERFARMANDRANCH.COM CHAD H. FOSTER JR., BROKER • 830-776-3605 • 106 N. EAST STREET, UVALDE, TEXAS 78801 View All Properties: L andsofAmerica.com/member/9982 133FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND
THE NUECES RIVER RANCH Nueces River Ranch encompasses all of the beauty and practicality of a prosperous Texas Hill Country Spread with over a halfmile of idyllic, crystal clear Nueces River frontage, outstanding topical diversity and near-city accommodations. $5,340,000 ACRES IN EDWARDS COUNTY • PROPERTY ID: 12813438

RANCH INVESTMENTS SINCE 1982 John Ed Stepan, Principal • (800) 447-8604 134 | LEGENDARY LIVING MAX RANCH This South Texas ranch located in Big Wells is as good as it gets in recreational and hunting property. It supports all the wildlife that South Texas is known for. With its good water features, irrigation well and center pivot, this property will provide the family or corporate business with plenty of recreation, hunting, fishing, and outdoor enjoyment. The high fence borders are in excellent condition. 548 ACRES IN DIMMIT COUNTY • $1,972,800 Property ID: 14900915

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/168 UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE IN FARM AND RANCH SALES RanchInvestments.com • Info@RanchInvestments.com 135FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND Property ID: 13413092 ROLLING OAKS RANCH Conveniently located just over an hour NW of Austin, Rolling Oaks Ranch offers the perfect weekend retreat from the city or private oasis for your everyday escape. Stretching across acres of untouched land, Rolling Oaks Ranch features ranches ranging from 10 to 35 acres. Sensible deed restrictions and access to municipal water and utilities allow residents to build the hill country home of their dreams while maintaining the land’s natural state and allowing wildlife to prosper. 10-35 ACRE TRACTS IN MILLS COUNTY • PRICE FROM $119,900

RANCH INVESTMENTS SINCE 1982 John Ed Stepan, Principal • (800) 447-8604 136 | LEGENDARY LIVING Property ID: 12429049 Property ID: 12489925 RANCHMOUNTAINTRACTS The final phase of Mountain Ranch. Stake your claim to your private ranch with 40-mile westward views from the highest ridgeline in the county. Largely undeveloped for almost 70 years, Mountain Ranch is a near-pristine tract of natural Texas Hill Country, where wildlife remains abundant, sunsets are spectacular, and horizons are wide. Located minutes from Marble Falls and Burnet, off Highway 281. 15–25± ACRE TRACTS BURNET RANCHROSANKYCONTACTCOUNTYFORPRICINGTRACTS Located in the southern part of Bastrop County, Rosanky Ranch Estates is a great property for a home site, recreation, retirement, cattle or horses. We are offering seven tracts in this area ranging from 20 to 35 acres. This ranch is covered with large hardwoods and pretty grassy meadows. A couple of the tracts will have surface water and a seasonal creek. The pretty wooded areas provide excellent wildlife habitat. Rural water available. 20–60± ACRES IN BASTROP COUNTY CONTACT FOR PRICING

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/168 UNMATCHED PERFORMANCE IN FARM AND RANCH SALES RanchInvestments.com • Info@RanchInvestments.com 137FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND Property ID: 10954420, 11294054, 11443219 & 11293560 Property ID: 13523446 CROSSINGENCINO Spacious privacy within a new gated acreage community. Easy convenience of a short 25-minute commute to downtown San Antonio. Abundant Live Oak and Hardwood trees. Single Family Residential. Sensible Covenants. Electricity is available at each lot. Encino Crossing is the spacious and pristine gated Texas Hill Country community you’ve been waiting for. 10± ACRE TRACTS IN MEDINA COUNTY PRICE FROM RANCHWILLOW$161,900CITYESTATES These tracts are located in the pristine area of Willow City with direct access off paved Ranch Road 1323. This sought-after area brings you within 15 minutes of the quaint town of Fredericksburg. If you are looking for a great tract of land in a peaceful country setting, this is a good one to look at. This tract would be an excellent home site, recreational or horse property. 24–68± ACRE TRACTS GILLESPIE COUNTY CONTACT FOR PRICING

Property ID 13794998
Property ID 10694810
Indian Creek Kerr County 44± Acres Close to town, down a quiet paved county road. Enter the electric gate to a large field on the left and a park-like setting with both sides of Indian Creek on the right. Upon the hill is the gorgeous custom home with incredible views. 44± acres with the perfect mix of live water, hills, fields, manicured trees, old oaks and rustic cover for the blackbuck. High-fenced border. The home includes cathedral ceilings, a large fireplace, a full-length back porch, an upstairs balcony, open-concept, hardwood floors, and beams believed to be from an old train depot in St. Louis.
(830) 755-5420TexasLandMen.com 138 | LEGENDARY LIVING
Property ID 12053910
Historic Medina Estate Bandera County 37.5± Acres
Within the Medina River Valley lies 37.5± pristine, horse-ready acres with private access to the Medina River. First built in the late 1800s, the restored 4,300± square-foot Hill Country manor has four bedrooms and three baths. Other improvements include an eight-stall barn with side cover, a round pen, five paddocks with shade trees and water, a dressage arena and swimming pool as well as a seasonal pond, a spring, three wells, electric gated entrance, the ability to hunt and a private bird shooting area license that allows quail hunting year round.
Dimmit County Ranch
Dimmit County 1,750± Acres Dimmit County Ranch comprises 1,750 mostly high-fenced acres, located eight+ miles southwest of Carrizo Springs, Texas, in the heart of the Golden Triangle. Boasting gently rolling terrain, good native brush diversity, and a history of extensive land management, this ranch offers a well-balanced variety of habitats for the wildlife.

Premier Texas Land & Ranches for Sale View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/31727 139FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND
Panther Creek Estates
Panther Creek Estates is located in Hunt, Texas, off HWY 39 between the Mystic Crossing and the Panther Crossing, fronting the banks of the South Fork of the Guadalupe River. An exclusive community of only eight properties ranging in size from 12 acres to 21 acres, six of which front the Guadalupe River, two of which front Bear Creek.
Frio County 915± Acres
This stunning lodge is built on the high point of the property, offering stunning views of the surrounding Hill Country. The main lodge offers large wrap-around porches to view both sunrises and sunsets. Improvements include a swimming pool, a small barn with a workshop and a newly constructed multipurpose building. The finish out in the lodge is highly customized and fits the property well. The great room has a vaulted ceiling with large windows allowing for the perfect entertaining area. Wildlife abounds on the property offering prime hunting opportunities.
Hill Top Estate Medina County 200± Acres
Kerr County 15± Acres
This property is an outdoorsman’s paradise with abundant wildlife, excellent hunting opportunities, and over one mile of Frio River frontage! Improvements include an excellent road system and two water wells. The ranch offers both native brush and giant hardwoods along the banks of the Frio River. The fencing is in good shape, and the pasture has been enhanced with seven brush strips adding forage for both wildlife and livestock.
Property ID 14360256 Property ID 13828955 Property ID 7317517
Frio River Ranch

(830) 755-5420TexasLandMen.com 140 | LEGENDARY LIVING MountainThunder Ranch Kendall County • 268± Acres This 268± acre ranch offers crazy views from the Kendall County landmark known as Thunder Mountain. This historic property was once owned by Hondo Crouch, The Luckenbach Legend. The ranch offers scenic hills, rich fertile valleys and tons of trees. The water on the property could easily be developed into a beautiful lake for both ranching and recreation. If you’re looking for a ranch where you never know what will show up at your feeder and is ready to go this next season, call Texas LandMen today and come see the Pequine Creek Ranch! Pequine Creek Ranch Jim Wells County 498± Acres Property ID 13288268 Property ID 10670096

Premier Texas Land & Ranches for Sale View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/31727 141FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND Triple 8 Trophy Ranch Live Oak County 602± ShinerAcres Ranch Lavaca County 52± Acres
Triple 8 Trophy Ranch has become known around the nation for its distinguished whitetail herd. Originally started from 12 deer off the famous King Ranch, Triple 8 Trophy Ranch has been carefully managed over the last 30 years and currently is a part of the MLD Level 3 and LMA Conservation Program. This ranch has been utilized for taking wounded veterans on hunting trips through the Patriot Warrior Foundation.
Located two and a half miles south of Shiner, Texas, off HWY 95, you’ll find the 52± acre Shiner Ranch. Known as the “Cleanest Little City in Texas,” the Shiner Ranch holds true to this expression and is in an ideal location for a vineyard/ winery or venue. Shaped in a rectangle, this property offers great possibilities for an end-user or investor eyeing an investment. The Shiner Ranch has scattered oaks, an abundance of grass for grazing with a gentle hilltop with mile-long views. The home site is tucked back in oak trees with a pond sitting about 380 feet away, allowing for easy access and the possibility of being transformed into a clubhouse. Property ID 12013057 Property ID 12330624
PWF has been able to showcase the freedom a ranch provides and the ability to give back to our men and women in uniform.

LandInvesTex.com | Jim Fuchs, Broker | (210) 901-1000 | info@landinvestex.com 142 | LEGENDARY LIVING
Mossy Oak Acres
| Property ID:
With the exception of a glimpse through the gated brick entry, the frontage on FM 1518 and Woman Hollering Rd gives no hint that hidden among ancient oaks, beautiful ponds, and native wildlife is a unique home with Bexar County Appraisal District showing 5,131 square-foot of living space and about 7,000 square-foot under roof overlooking a large pond. Country lifestyle with agriculture tax exemption within minutes of San Antonio and in the Schertz extra-territorial jurisdiction. Prime location for getting anywhere. It doesn’t get any better from a lifestyle and investment perspective. Shown by appointment only.oaks, beautiful ponds, and native wildlife is a unique home with Bexar County Appraisal District showing 5,131 square-foot of living space and about 7,000 square-foot under roof overlooking a large pond. Country lifestyle with agriculture tax exemption within minutes of San Antonio and in the Schertz extra-territorial jurisdiction. Prime location for getting anywhere. It doesn’t get any better from a lifestyle and investment perspective. County 12540014 $2,100,000
30.3 ± Acres | Bexar

200 Northcrest Drive, San Antonio, Texas 78213 | View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/60408 143FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND Development opportunity on about 66 acres with frontage on FM 1145 (Flax Plant Road) and Highway 181. Access to utilities. Will divide. Youre not going to find a better deal in Kenedy. Broker owner. 66± Acres | Karnes County | Property ID: 1754872 | $840,000 66-Acre Development Land in Kenedy Price Just Reduced! Family ranch is available for the first time in 100 years with about 1000 feet of Highway 16 frontage about two miles south of Loop 410 and just a few miles west of Toyota operations. Building sites 30 to 40 feet above a beautiful section of Leon Creek. Great for recreational use, development, cattle, or full time rural residence. Minutes to downtown San Antonio. 91± Acres | Bexar County | Property ID: 7752919 | $800,000 Leon Creek Ranch







View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/18739 150 І LEGENDARY LIVING Blue Goose River Ranch $13,562,500 | 7,750 ACRES KNOX COUNTY Listed by Boone Campbell, 940.282.5500
Diamond C Bow Hunting Ranch
Diamond C Bow Hunting Ranch is an established high-fenced exotic sporting ranch located 1.5 hours west of Fort Worth. This hunting outfit, TexasBowHunt.com, has been advertising for 14+ years, having a well-established clientele. Headquarters and guest lodge sit in the Breeding Pasture. The “Back 400” acres is the primary hunting pasture. A draw running through the entire pasture provides water and supplies a 2.6-acre bass pond before running to the Trophy Pasture. Diamond C Bow Hunting Ranch provides all ingredients needed for a profitable high-fenced operation, including a seasoned manager willing to stay and show the business strategy. Property ID: 14776440 Blue Goose River Ranch consists of flat, fertile farmland with mesquites on top breaking into deep cedar-covered gorges. Over 3.4 miles of the North Wichita River defines the county line as it splits the ranch. Large flocks of turkey and seasonal waterfowl are common. Headquarters lie in the northern 3,000 acres in Foard County. The southern 4,750 acres stretches into Knox County, butting up to Truscott Brine Lake. This cattle ranch is fenced with pens, farming, water meters, and road frontage on both sides of the river. Blue Goose River Ranch is available for the first time as one large ranch in an area of Texas known for vast tracts of land devoted to cattle and hunting. Property ID: 14678428
$4,950,000 | 560 ACRES STEPHENS COUNTY Listed by Boone Campbell, 940.282.5500

BOONE CAMPBELL , BROKER 940.549.7700 | BOONE@CFRLAND.COM Shawver Homestead is a well-manicured multi-use property with 100+ years of love by the same family. Ability to run cattle, grow crops and harvest wildlife create opportunities for self-sustained living. An excellent tract of land, to use as a hunting escape, cattle operation, or income-producing asset. Property ID: 14701111 Chalker Ranch is a complete sportsman’s package offering seclusion, panoramic views, manicured trails, unique landscaping, beautiful hardwoods, and excellent hunting. One pond makes up the surface water on the property, but a deep draw travels the backside of the land, offering added water potential. Property ID: 14488419 Woodard Farms is an operating cattle ranch with diverse terrain and many profitable characteristics. From lush hay fields to extreme elevation changes with large rock outcroppings, this land offers more than most. The fertile soil yields enough hay for a much larger operation. Mature post oaks covering the hills provide an abundance of acorns for the local wildlife. Woodard Farms supports the best native grasses Texas offers, including multiple bluestems, switch grass, and more. All owned wind, oil, water, and surface rights convey with this land! Property ID: 14769351 Woodard Farms $2,992,000 | 563.8 ACRES YOUNG COUNTY Listed by Boone Campbell, 940.282.5500 Chalker Ranch $799,950 | 91 ACRES STEPHENS COUNTY Listed by Travis Patterson, 254.246.5266 Shawver Homestead $1,020,000 | 364.13 ACRES ARCHER COUNTY Listed by Heath Kramer, 940.456.0575

152 | LEGENDARY LIVING (830)MEEKRANCHSALES.COM257-8881•INFO@MEEKRANCHSALES.COM VIEW ALL PROPERTIES: LANDSOFAMERICA.COM/MEMBER/5594 AXIS DRAW RANCH 285± Acres in Edwards County The Axis Draw Ranch is a premier hunting and recreation ranch. Just one hour from Kerrville and Junction, and two hours from San Antonio with paved-road frontage, large low-fenced neighbors, and ample herds of exotic and native animals, all on rolling terrain that is gentle enough for everyone to enjoy. Sensible deed restrictions allow the owner and seller to have confidence in the enjoyment and future value of the property. Marshall Burford, Broker-Associate. $1,149,950 • Property ID: 14503988 MEDINA COUNTYD’HANIS, TEXAS 95.3± Acres in Medina County D’Hanis, Texas. Located 45 miles west of San Antonio and five miles southwest of D’hanis, Texas. Excellent hunting retreat with great deer habitat and a great area for dove hunting. Located on CR 514 just west of Squirrel Creek Rd. 1,600 square-foot (MCAD) Stucco home and wildlife exemption in place. Scattered Oak trees and good soil. Mark Meek, Broker. $995,000 • Property ID: 7806983 RANCHENLIGHTENING 302.22± Acres in Kerr County
The Enlightening Ranch is suitable for cattle, horses, sheep or goats. Two hunting cabins are being renovated, and one submersible well supplements a stocked pond and water troughs. An intense cedar clearing project has been underway, and several Indian mounds have been located as the ranch borders. It has always been a highly desired area since the beginning of time. Water, wildlife, beauty, and seclusion, yet it is only 40 minutes from all the amenities of Kerrville, Texas. Bill Barton, Broker-Associate. $2,871,090 • Property ID: 14648168

Presenting approximately 10 percent open/ 90 percent wooded, various hard and softwoods, and underbrush for wildlife cover. Located between two major cities, about one and a half hours to Houston and about two hours to Dallas, this property is outside the busy city but close enough to make the trip for quiet weekends and holidays. ML# 8626585
DBLREALESTATE.COM Madisonville, Texas • (936) 348-9977 • DBLRealEstate@sbcglobal.net Don Hatcher, Realtor® • Beverly Hatcher, Broker • Lisa Hatcher Taylor, Broker Associate, SRES Zulma Cuevas, Realtor® • Tyler Yeager, Realtor® • Brittany Langley, Realtor® • Kristen Olney-Mata, Realtor® DBL REAL ESTATE • TEXAS LAND, TEXAS PROUD! View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/1732 153FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND 41.89± Acres in Burleson County $1,299,000 • Property ID: 13728268 Somerville, TX 77879 Burleson County Poultry Farm offers a unique opportunity to own your personal farm with unlimited possibilities. Featuring two mobile homes: The first is the main living structure builtin 2010 with 1,216 square feet, three bedrooms and two baths. The second is an older double-wide that needs some work. The property was previously used as a working poultry farm which is no longer in operation. The chicken house that remains is 21,000 square-foot (per CAD) which could be used as a workshop and/or barns for equipment or animals. The property features a covered carport and two ponds (one is stocked with catfish and perch) and presents approximately 60 percent open, and 40 percent wooded with various hard and softwoods. Make this your self-sustaining farm, raising the agriculture and crops you have dreamed of. Located approximately 10 minutes from lake Somerville and 40 minutes from Bryan/College Station. MLS# 81469283
Leon County Farmhouse
40 Acre Poultry Farm
14.58± Acres in Leon County $499,000 • Property ID: 14879247 Midway, TX 75852 Ready to make a move to the country? Here is a well-maintained three-bedroom, three full bathrooms farmhouse situated on 14.5± Wooded Acres in Midway, Texas, that would make a wonderful homeplace or weekend retreat. With 3,833 square feet of living space, this home boasts lots of space for entertaining. There are large dining and living areas, a mudroom, a primary bedroom downstairs, and two spacious bedrooms upstairs. The two side-covered porches overlook the rolling terrain covered by large trees and where abundant wildlife has been spotted.

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/135 TIM RILEY, BROKER TWR@RileyMcLean.com CARLOTTA MCLEAN, BROKER CCM@RileyMcLean.com 154 | LEGENDARY LIVING
ManorRanch113 Acre Farm 113.5± ACRES IN TRAVIS COUNTY | $13,430,900
| (512)
Cameron Duck Club 686± ACRES IN MILAM COUNTY | $2,750,000
Manor 113 Acre Farm is ideally located just 20 miles east of Austin on FM 1100 and Abrahamson Road. The property features a beautiful three-bedroom, two-and-a-half-bath, 2,497-square-foot stone house that was built in 2005. The house includes a study, laundry room, storage room inside an oversized garage, a metal roof installed in 2021, an automatic gated entry along a recently graveled road to the house as well as two extra shops behind the house, one 14x14 and one 16x20. Also included on the property is a 36x50 barn with a 24x32 addition and a 34x36 warehouse. The property features well maintained cultivated fields and a .8 acre pond with dock access. Manor 113 acre Farm is an ideal location for a personal property close to major cities, path of growth investment or development opportunity. Property ID: 14680015
RileyMcLean.com 960-4676
The Cameron Duck Club is a sportsman’s dream, conveniently located just three miles from Cameron and 74± miles from Austin. The property boasts over 2.5 miles of year-round Big Elm Creek frontage and six tanks designed by Ducks Unlimited to improve waterfowl habitat. Situated on a high point overlooking the property is a 2,900-square-foot hunting lodge. The land is protected under the NCRS Wetlands Reserve Program. In addition to waterfowl, the property has also proven productive for whitetail, hogs, predators and other small game. Property ID: 11274223
Long View Canyon
54± ACRES IN HAYS COUNTY | $3,500,000 Located just south of the Wimberley Square, this ranch is the perfect blend of close-in convenience, long-range views in a canyon setting and a rural, secluded feel. A property of this size and quality within Wimberley City limits is a rare investment opportunity. Enjoy distant vistas as you drive over picturesque canyon slopes and a mesa top with panoramic views over the Wimberley Valley. Experience the ease and convenience of living near the charming, relaxed pace of the attractions of Wimberley Square while being under an hour from both Austin and San Antonio. Property ID: 14464245

View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/2626 HomeLandProperties.com Andy Flack, Broker/ALC | Andy@HomeLandProp.com | (936) 295-2500 1600 Normal Park, Huntsville, Texas 77340 155FALL 2022 | TEXAS LAND 474±AcresPropertyID:12820573 ORANGE COUNTY | $775 PER ACRE Recreation at its core, this 474 acres is common for waterfowl, alligator and other estuary habitats. With Neches River frontage and associated backwaters, this coastal wetlands tract offers an affordable template for the recreational buyer. Remote and accessible only by boat. Conservation easement in place assuring habitat preservation. Property371±AcresID:8205031 POLK COUNTY | $3,700 PER ACRE US 59 frontage for this 1st time open market offering. Forested timberland over rolling sandy to loamy topography. Big recreation and high fence candidate. Several lake sites with creek drain breaks towards Piney Creek on southern boundary. Easy access for future development potential. Neches ConservationRiver OpportunityDevelopment 827±AcresPropertyID:11218890 WALKER COUNTY | $4,500 PER ACRE First-time open-market offering being in larger ownership for many years and used for production timberland. Excellent location and recreational tract with forestry potential. Fronting Rosenwall Road, a county-maintained road with internal woods roads for access. Minimal floodplain along creek drain on the east side. Rosenwall 261±AcresPropertyID:10077398 NACOGDOCHES COUNTY | $4,400 PER ACRE First-time market opening. Great location within six miles of downtown Nacogdoches. Vintage-style home located in the middle of the property on the crest of the hilltop. Quiet, country living. Includes partially wooded trees with undulating terrain and livestock pastures. Great for hunting, farming or recreational use. Endless Opportunities. Grandma’s Farm


Sand Arroyo Ranch 2,091.72± Acres IN UNION COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 1,771.72± acres Deeded, 320± acres State Lease, well-watered with three wells, two sets of steel pens. It is located in some of the best ranching countries in the southwestern part of the nation. This property is currently being used as a cow/calf operation but would also be ideal for a yearling operation. The ranch is located in some of the most sought-after ranchland in the continental USA and is located approximately 20 miles west of Clayton, New Mexico, on HWY 56. Property ID: 13272561
ElkCATTLEIDEALRANCHCanyon Ranch #2 3,880± Acres IN HARDING COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 3,880± acres ranch with older home and cattle pens. Elk Canyon Ranch has good grasses and fences and is one of the best small hunting, recreational and cattle ranches to come on the market in a long time. Property ID: 13272538 THE RECREATIONALHUNTINGBEST
Roadrunner Ranch 7,113± Acres IN TORRANCE COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 5,152± acres deeded, 1,961± acres state lease, well fenced and watered with good pens and a new barn. This is an excellent cattle ranch with highway access and just enough cover along with the draws for good deer hunting! Property ID: 11782744
Megado Creek Fork Ranch 1,488± Acres IN LINCOLN COUNTY, NEW MEXICO 250± acres with over a half mile of New Mexico 48 frontage. Elevations from 6,800 to 7,200 feet. Two springs along a creek. Ideal for future development or building your own getaway home. It is rare to find acreage of this size with such highway frontage and multiple uses close to the Alto/Ruidoso area. This ranch has development potential in the growing and desirous area of the Sacramento Mountains or would make an excellent estate property for a home in the mountains. Take a look at this spring-fed gem in the Southern Rockies! Property ID: 14136324 EXCELLENTESTATEPROPERTY

Jolly Ranch 6,640± Acres in Clay County
Located south of Electra and west of Wichita Falls. This is an outstanding large combination ranch with unbelievable hunting. Its entire south and most of the west boundaries adjoin the famous 550,000 acres Waggoner Ranch. The land is diverse with level to rolling mesquite pasture, large plateaus and ridges with deep ravines, heavily wooded bottomland with Short and Long Creek traversing the ranch, and 950 acres of tillable farmland. It has great access with frontage three sides. A great interior road system, several cattle working pens and numerous ponds. Equipment and cattle are negotiable. Property ID 13717202 Sold Sold
Prime cattle ranch with outstanding native and improved grasses, great working facilities, immaculate fencing, 56 stock ponds, rolling terrain with impressive views, minimal mesquites, hardwoods located along named and unnamed creeks, tons of road frontage with access to most pastures, good interior road system, numerous pens and traps, two different headquarters, log house, pool house, office, scale house, barn and shops. Equipment and cattle are negotiable. Property ID: 12812317
Stephen Turner, Listing Agent 940.636.7039 | Stephen@TurnerCountryProperties.com TurnerCountryProperties.com LIVING
Triangle T – East Jolly Ranch 4,972.54± Acres in Clay County
Swanson Ranch 7,085.56± Acres in Wichita & Wilbarger Counties $1,895 Per Acre
View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/66864
This is a prime ranch land located between Jolly and Henrietta, Texas, in Clay County. The land consists of rolling grassland with moderate mesquite coverage, over 550 acres of improved grasses, 12 pastures with several grass traps, 25+ stock ponds, outstanding interior road system, great fences, two sets of working pens, a brick ranch house, a windmill and rural water to the ranch house and main pens, minerals are available. Property ID: 9691863

99.49± ACRES IN WILLIAMSON COUNTY | $2,665,000 Property ID: 13166550
224.2± ACRES IN MILAM COUNTY | $4,484,000 Property ID: 14296898
A beautiful ranch in a great location! Located in a quiet, peaceful area 35 miles from Austin/Round Rock and 16 miles from Taylor and Samsung. A 1,561 square feet cozy white 2019-built stone home with two bedrooms, two baths, and a great kitchen, dining and living area is perfect whether you want a permanent home or a weekend getaway. Enjoy relaxing or entertaining on the shaded patio, complete with a hot tub and an additional storage building in place as well. This property is ag exempt, surrounded by good barbed wire and net wire fencing, and has steel cattle working and loading pens. It has open and wooded areas with many scattered oaks and other native trees, a large hill with great views, and two ponds for livestock, wildlife water and recreation. There is a wet weather creek near the front of the property, lined with beautiful large pecan trees and other native trees. Some stately, centuries-old pecan trees measure four feet in diameter and offer lots of cool, relaxing shade on hot Texas summer days.
Big Elm Creek ranch offers a getaway for the buyer that wants live water, privacy and a great location. At 224.20± acres, you've got plenty of room to stretch your imagination to make the property work for you. Big Elm creek traverses over one mile of western the edge of the property offering year-round water for fishing, duck hunting, and a great place for all sorts of wildlife to call home. This property offers excellent deer/hog hunting, thanks to this creek. Additionally, several sloughs hold water depending on the time of year. Two ponds are in place, the largest being about two and a half acres. This pond is well-established and should be enjoyable for fishing, wildlife, or watering livestock for years to come.


Enjoy a total of 77 acres of astounding views of all-natural beauty. Picture yourself enjoying coffee or whiskey from the house’s balcony to driving around the property in your pick-up truck. There is a 3,749 square-foot, two bedrooms, two bathrooms main house with an open concept great room and kitchen. Stand Alone bunkhouse bunk house, one large room, one bedroom and one bathroom—detached carport.Large covered front porch, horse arena, large steel shed with stalls. Property ID: 14401515
722 acres of high fenced rolling ranch land with great ratio of pasture for livestock and woods for wildlife. High fence recently installed—two brick homes on slab foundations. Electric water well and windmill on property, convenient pond also in place. Hunting will not disappoint with various deer species, hogs, and numerous exotic species, including American bison, audad, fallow, axis, blackbuck, and varieties of goats and sheep. Tree-covered hills and bottoms with mature oaks and cedars. Direct front gate access off FM 1241. Great location only 13 miles from Hamilton, 114 miles south of Fort Worth, 61 miles west of Waco, and 111 miles north of Austin. Solid ranch for hunting, livestock, or rural living, with more than enough room for family and friends. Property ID: 13170984 $6,750,000 All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/983914
722 Acres in Hamilton County, Texas
Patrick Serna and his Ranch Specialist Team cover ranch listings all over Texas- from Dallas/Fort Worth to the Rio Grande Valley, to El Paso to the swamps of East Texas. The Serna Dynasty of Ranch Specialists began with Patrick's father in 1965.
J. Patrick Serna, Ranch Specialist (210) 903-8092 | PATRICKSERNA.EXPREALTY.COMPatrick.Serna@EXPRealty.com
77 Acres in Brewster County, Texas

162 | LEGENDARY LIVING 10-17± Acres in Colorado County Choice Parcels start at $40,000 per acre Select Ranchettes start at $ $65,000 per acre Executive Ranchettes start at $80,000 per acre
Borden Creek Ranch, carved out of 400 of the most breathtaking acres in Colorado County, offers a unique opportunity to experience Texas at its finest. Centrally located between Houston, San Antonio and Austin, BCR is in the heart of the most popular growth region in the state. Borden Creek provides owner's the room to spread out, build the homestead of your dreams, and escape the hustle of the city all while being close and connected enough to enjoy modern world amenities. Live water, rolling hills, hundred year oaks, trophy fishing, equestrian trails, boardwalk and community nature space, wildlife galore. Borden Creek Ranch makes the Texas dream a reality. TIGTIG AT 832-260-3037 Kyle@TigtigRealty.com


View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/3206164 | LEGENDARY LIVING STEVEGRANT.COM STEVE GRANT, Broker | 903-675-3503 | SteveGrant@SteveGrant.com FIND YOUR SWEET SPOT IN THE EAST TEXAS HILLS 476± ACRES IN HENDERSON COUNTY | $7,490,000 • PROPERTY ID: 13902279
HICKORY HILL AT SKYE LAKE 84± ACRES IN HENDERSON COUNTY | $1,500,000 • PROPERTY ID: 14832449 East Texas Beauty is amplified on this gorgeous property! Come live the dream in this beautiful, wooded 84 acres with an approximate 18-acre spring-fed lake full of fish! The naturally flowing springs help maintain the lake’s level, making the water/land ratio 27 percent. The lake features a boathouse and pier west of the house, two additional piers on the north and east sides of the house, and a retaining wall of approximately 1,000 feet in the area by the house. The stucco home was custom built in 1998 and is in excellent condition. It boasts approximately 2,769 square feet, featuring two master suites, another guest bedroom and bath, a large den, a dining area with a wall of windows overlooking the back porch and the lake, and a wood-burning fireplace. The kitchen features granite countertops, custom cabinets, and a breakfast bar. There are many custom features such as high ceilings throughout, custom crown molding, and custom roll-out high-quality French windows and doors with transoms over most of them, providing extraordinary light and glorious views of the lake! The detached oversized two-car garage has two storage rooms and a 650-square-foot furnished apartment above with two bedrooms, a bath, a kitchenette and a living area. Be the next to own this East Texas treasure. You won’t regret it!
Surrounded by rolling hills, this pristine ranch boasts unrivaled vistas, fresh spring-fed waters and lakes, and a unique, refuge-like property. From the moment you enter the gate, the drive winds majestically through parts of the property to the main home. The completely renovated, four-bedroom, three-bath main home features new flooring, two wood-burning fireplaces, dining and living areas, a large open porch, and a covered porch. The home is easy to maintain and provides a comfortable place to relax and entertain. Four lovely, stair-stepped spring-fed lakes with approximately 60 acres of surface area provide an aesthetically pleasing focal point and a great place to fish or relax. The terrain is dotted with native hardwoods and coastal Bermuda meadows overlooking the main house, lakes, and hills. Almost spiritual in nature, this 480.32-acre sanctuary provides the best of country living combining a beautiful wildlife habitat with the feel of a working ranch. Located near Athens in Henderson County, Texas, this property has been meticulously preserved and enhanced to perfection!




Showing like the cover of Country Living Magazine, this Modern Farmhouse, with endless views of rolling hills and serene rippling water, sits atop a combined 83 acres located less than 30 miles north of the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex. The custom-built home, measuring 4,543 square feet, is accompanied by a newly renovated 23x44 shop with a bathroom and a rustic barn house featuring a twostory 980 square foot outfitted apartment with an attached stable and arena. Property grounds include a gated entry, paved private driveway, gardens, a small pond located towards the west entry and a breathtaking 20-acre stocked lake fed by Choctaw Creek. The primary residence features four bedrooms, three full baths and two half baths. First-floor highlights include hardwoods throughout all living spaces, a front study with a built-in bookcase, window seats and a tiled fireplace. The neighboring formal dining area offers sweeping views and a pocket door passthrough to the butler’s pantry. Open concept kitchen sports a white apron farmhouse sink, built-in refrigerator and Viking gas range with six burners, griddle and double oven. Spacious open dining flows into the cozy living room with a stone fireplace, flanked by built-in dual shelves, stylish light fixtures, and double french doors, which open fully to the extended flagstone outdoor living patio.Additionally, an adjoining pocket office with casement windows provides ideal flex space for all projects. Private downstairs Master Suite showcases incredible lake views with windows on nearly every wall, including the dedicated owner’s retreat seating area, spotlighted with large picture windows. Upstairs continues to impress with astounding lake views from the second-story East facing sunroom, which is a fantastic flex space for a gym, game room or home office. Also located up a large media room with a wet bar offering a dedicated entertaining space and three generously sized bedrooms with two full baths.
View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/3165379
JENEVIEVE CROALL, Realtor & Founder 817-823-7761 | hello@jluxhomes.com | JLUXHOMES.COM
168 | LEGENDARY LIVING HIGH POINT RANCH 83.25 Acres in Grayson County, Texas 930judgecarrrd.com | $2,500,000 | Property ID: 13879177


170 | LEGENDARY LIVING KARENMACKANOSLONG.EBBY.COM Karen Mackanos-Long, Realtor | 214-212-9195 | MackanosLong@gmail.com View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/3292965 Longhorn Creek Ranch 135.42 Acres in Ellis County, Texas $2,800,000 | Property ID: 13969463 Longhorn Creek Ranch offers the perfect private gated retreat on 135.42 cross-fenced acres. Beautiful custom updated home, with pool, spa and barn featuring tack room and full bath. Plenty of room to expand. Two tanks for livestock. Plenty of land for grazing or perfect for hay production. Lots of wildlife offers great private hunting in your backyard. Longhorn Creek Ranch is located 45 minutes outside of Dallas or Fort Worth! MLS# 20040486 3079 N. Trinity Road 10± Acres in Denton County, Texas | $1,820,000 10.323-acre horse farm offers eight stall barn with storage, professionally built covered and open arenas, reining chute, and your own well-on property! Beautiful, well-maintained, and updated five-bedroom home boasts an updated master suite, upgraded kitchen, and two home offices. Super flexible floor plan also offers a teen or inlaw suite upstairs. The shaded backyard includes a pool, spa and pool cabana. Well-established grasses for grazing or bailing. Located minutes from shopping, downtown Denton and two major universities. MLS# 20119194 Huge Reduction

171FALL 2022 TEXAS LAND Red Stag Real Estate, LLC 903-757-7824 (STAG) RedStagRE.com Dana King Broker • 903-316-5203 • Dana@Redstagre.com View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/718736 Dunbrokeus Ranch 79.931 Acres in Camp County, Texas Opportunity to own a beautiful, well-maintained ranch and cattle/hay operation. The property features three ponds, one over an acre and spring fed. A long driveway with pipe entry through the fertilized coastal hay field leads to the 2,232 square-foot main house and shops surrounded by pipe fencing and oak, magnolia and crepe myrtle trees. The property is about 10 miles east of Winnsboro and a short distance from Lake Bob Sandlin, Lake Cypress and Monticello. $1,700,000 • Property ID 15026562 Athens Horse Property 16.303 Acres in Henderson County, Texas This beautiful 16.245-acre horse property in Athens, Texas, is primarily open, improved pastures with scattered trees, pipe fencing, cross pipe fencing and a spring-fed pond. The three bedroom, two bathroom home has an open floorplan, newly renovated kitchen, two vehicle carport, and covered attached patio overlooking this rare find of a property. $860,000 • Property ID 15009949

The Los Mijos Ranch, located just 10 minutes south of George West, Texas, is a stunning ranch with so much to offer. Nestled back off the entrance is the gorgeous bandominium that has 3,744-square-foot of living area and a 1,200-square-foot shop/garage. There are three spacious bedrooms with two-and-a-half baths, going into an open floor plan with a full front wraparound porch. There are granite countertops throughout, a gas stove, two water wells, and just an overall enchanting place. As you ride down the hill from the main house, you come to a picture-perfect stock tank that is 35-foot deep and covers one-and-a-half acres. The tank is stock year-round. This brush-filled property is lively with birds and whitetail deer. There are senderos throughout to make every hunting experience successful! Call Peggy Braune 361-449-7770 $2,700,000 • Property ID 14494874
BRAUNEREALTY.COM Peggy Braune , Peggy@BrauneRealty.comRealtor361-449-7770

Located approximately eight miles south of charming Smithville, Mystic V Ranch is 169.3± acres of possibility. The low-fenced property, which fronts County Road 535 at the intersection of High Crossing Road, is an oasis of peace, tranquility, and space just 25 minutes from Bastrop and 50 minutes from the amenities of Austin. The native rangeland is pocketed with thick, mixed stands of oaks, cedar, yaupon, and other native species. Pine trees are scattered throughout. Historically, Mystic V Ranch has been home to livestock and maintains its agricultural valuation. Two stock ponds provide water for livestock andWhilewildlife.the land hasn’t been actively managed for wildlife, Bastrop County is home to white-tailed deer, feral hogs, and an assortment of small non-game animals such as rabbits and squirrels, as well as a host of birds. The patchwork of open pastures and wooded areas proffers the best of all ecological worlds. Mystic V Ranch, which has both electricity (supplied by Bluebonnet Electric Co-op) and water (supplied by Aqua Water), is a blank canvas. The relatively flat terrain offers a variety of potential building sites for someone looking to build a lifetime home or conveniently located weekend getaway. While it is the perfect size to be a private oasis, the property could be sub-divided or developed as a residential community if the new owners so desired. Peace, quiet and elbow room. Country living and small-town charm. Bright lights of the big city, not far away. Mystic V Ranch offers the best of Texas—old and new, now andToforever.explore the possibilities of Mystic V Ranch for yourself, contact Lesli Ray with Coldwell Banker Realty at (512) 574-1715. Mystic V Ranch is listed for $3.25 million.
Bastrop County, Texas $3,250,000
Lesli Ray , Realtor (512) lesli.ray@cbrealty.com574-1715

RussellCain.com RUSSELL CAIN, BROKER RC@RUSSELLCAIN.COM | (361) 552-6313 Country Living at its Finest A three-bed, two-and-a-half-bath farmhouse with a large front and back porch ideal for relaxing and gazing out on 160 acres of native pasture. The beautifully landscaped yard contains an in-ground Platinum pool, a chicken coop and a vegetable garden. There are two wells, two ponds stocked with humpback blue catfish, two barns and working pens with a cattle chute. Cattle and equipment can be purchased separately. 160± ACRES IN CALHOUN COUNTY $1,499,000 For more information, call Weston Gloff 254-253-1995 or visit BosqueCountyProperties.com Bosque County Ranch 460 ACRES • BOSQUE COUNTY • $3,910,000 Whether you are looking for a hunting property, cattle ranch, or a place with numerous homesites, this might be the investment you have been searching for. Only two and a half miles of paved road to and from Valley Mills, 100 feet in the change of elevation, and 10,000 feet of county road frontage make this property unique and desirable. The wildlife population is dense due to the attractive amount of tree cover and surface water. Property ID: 14695984

This 636-acre cattle ranch and pecan orchard are for sale in North East Texas. This ranch is designed to work over 250 AU's plus run stockers in the spring on the gain. The ranch consists of nine pastures, each with its own water source via the Red River, natural lakes, ponds, or water troughs fed by one of the five water wells. All pastures directly feed into the extensive lane system through the ranch. Located on the Red River. In some places, the fences are five, six, or seven strands of barbed wire or 48-inch field fences. About 75-80 percent of all fences are six years old or less. The shop, which has one solid side and a tool room with a concrete floor, is 80'x100' with a clearance of 20 feet. This building also has lights, electricity, air piped across the entire span and water. There are three homes on the ranch, the 8,750 square feet main home, and two employee homes. The main home has five bedrooms, four full baths, and onehalf bath and has a butlers pantry custom on the interior. $7,300,000
Rebekah Graham, Owner is a licensed NM Realtor Rebekah@FutureRealEstate.com•575-415-4039 FutureRealEstate.com
Property ID: 14878505 636 ACRES IN BOWIE COUNTY |
KELLER WILLIAMS PLANO Dawn Hibben | (580) DawnHibben@KW.com743-3174 View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/1496006 EACH OFFICE IS INDEPENDENTLY OWNED & OPERATED
38.5 acres in Otero County, New Mexico $1,599,000 | Property ID: 14073631 An oasis in the desert with a stream running through it is what you will find with this 38.5-acre piece of New Mexico paradise. The property sits at approximately 6,200 feet elevation at the foothills and borders the Lincoln National Forest. The main home is a newly remodeled charming farmhouse with four beds, three and a half baths, features two separate living areas, a split floor plan, a pellet and a woodburning stove, and ample natural light. There are three additional homes on the property, a one-bed, one-bath cottage, a two-bed, twobath barndotel, and a two-bed, one-bath cabin. The additional homes have been utilized as long-term and nightly rentals. The barn has two interior stalls and three fenced livestock runs. Substantial water rights with a spring-fed well, and one of the best features is the spring-fed stocked pond. Fruit trees are abundant, with an established apple and cherry orchard as well as plum, peach, pear and apricot trees. Enjoy Elk, Deer, and all of the beauty New Mexico has to offer.

Shawn Gillispie Broker | 806-922-5532 Marty Nicholson Sales Agent | 806-330-0057 GillispieLandGroup.com 4 Way Dryland farm is located north of Amarillo, Texas. A desireable farm with a stock well, barn pens, and excellent soil. Property ID 8417805 4 Way Dryland 632 acres in Moore County | $695,200 View All Properties: LandsofAmerica.com/member/268161 SPACOWFINDNEYOUR Subscribe Land.com/Magazines

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