yellow bike road Accra has some new vehicles on its car-clogged streets, but, rather than adding to the capital’s notorious traffic issues, the Go City Cycles fleet of yellow bicycles – equally identifiable at night illuminated by neon tubing – has been introduced to lead a movement towards cleaner city travel. FLYafrica speaks to the start-up’s co-founder, Mark Boadi.
ark Boadi knows very well
hire or for group tours in the city from
the toll Accra’s transport-
its base in the Ako Adjei neighbour-
related air pollution takes
hood, but there are plans scheduled
BIKE HIRE A Go City Cycles yellow bike
form of transportation in Ghana, in so doing many people like her would not have to suffer from illnesses
on its residents. His mother has
for late 2021 to increase the fleet to
because of Co2 emissions. The goal is
asthma, a condition exacerbated
three figures and introduce a mobile
to make and enforce cycling culture
by vehicle exhaust fumes, and “has
phone app-operated bike-sharing
in Ghana in general, seeing 50 per
been in and out of hospital more
scheme across the country.
cent of the country cycling and in
times than I can count”, he says. While Ghana’s government has led
Boadi has grand aims for the project that go beyond the personal
the way on the continent in intro-
and the plight of his mother. He says:
ducing standards for motor vehicle
“I decided to create an alternative
so doing [drive] demand for cycling TOURS ON TWO WHEELS Exploring Accra
lanes here.” While Boadi is convinced of the manifold benefits of cycling – for the
emissions and imported fuels, Boadi
environment and the cyclist – he is
felt huge improvements in the city’s
equally aware of the obstacles that
air quality could be made by reducing
stand in the way of its widespread
the reliance on car travel and nurtur-
adoption in Ghana beyond the
ing a cycling culture.
absence of infrastructure such as
Grand aims
cycling lanes. He says: “Cycling is a great cardio-
The 27-year-old entrepreneur, who
vascular exercise and riding in Accra
has a track record of ventures with
you get to see the city in a way that
an eco-friendly remit, co-founded Go
is not in a rush, experiencing more
City Cycle in 2018 with his business
than travelling in a car or tro tro can
partner Kevin Apeku. Currently, the
give you. You are also contributing to
project has 25 of its distinctive bright
reducing and reversing Co2 emissions
yellow-framed bicycles available for
and the negative impact fuel cars