Screen time
How to stop being a slave to your
Smartphones have revolutionised our lives, but are they also taking them over? If you want more ‘me’ time than screen time, Jahazi has some tips on streamlining your smartphone use.
There are lots of reasons to use Facebook such as article sharing, friend tagging and keeping up with your clubs, but the news feed rarely has anything positive to offer beyond whatever Facebook’s algorithm thinks will keep you clicking. To take back control, whenever you see a post from someone that annoys you, click or tap the three little dots in the top right corner of the post and select Unfollow to stop seeing their posts in your News Feed. You’ll keep them as friends, and they won’t get any kind of notification that you’re not following them. Their stuff just stops showing up in your feed.
If there are certain subjects you know are going to trigger some upset or will plunge you deep in a scroll hole, then you can mute them. It could be mentions of a particular TV show (you might be trying to avoid spoilers) or celebrities that annoy you. From the Twitter menu on desktop or mobile, choose Settings and privacy, followed by Privacy and safety, then Mute and block, and Muted words. You can add new words and phrases via the Add button.
Whenever we get a notification on our phones through Instagram Direct we are tempted to open the app to see who ‘likes’ our latest photo or that meme a friend sent. So, turn off those notifications and then check them all at once when you mindfully decide to open the app. Tap Settings in the top left of your screen. Tap Notifications. Tap Push Notifications. Tap next to Off below the type of notification you want to remove (such as Reminders, Comments, Likes).
Restrict your news feed
Mute words from your timeline
Turn off notifications