Kenya Ports Authority Handbook 2014

Page 1

Kenya Ports Authority Handbook 2014-15


03 Foreword

35 Salama Fikira

World-class port services

04 Introduction

Bright future ahead as master plan comes together

Mombasa is vital link in East Africa’s transport chain

08 Port Charter

PO Box 95009-80104, Mombasa, Kenya Tel: +254 (0)41 211 3999; +254 (0)41 211 2999; +254 (0)41 211 3497 Fax: +254 (0)41 211 1867 Email:;;

Sweeping changes improve port authority’s efficiency

13 Kenya Maritime Authority

Kenya Ports Authority Handbook 2014-15 is published by:

land&MARINE Land & Marine Publications Ltd 1 Kings Court, Newcomen Way Severalls Business Park, Colchester Essex CO4 9RA, UK

Port expands teu capacity to meet future needs

Container growth driving port development strategy

23 Operators

Private-sector operations boost port throughput

25 Equipment


28 Container Freight Stations

Behind-the-scenes dedication keeps port operating

Container freight stations take weight off Mombasa port

30 Grain Handling

No liability can be accepted for any inaccuracies or omissions.

Printed by Buxton Press.

32 Security

ISSN 1743-5056 © 2014 Land & Marine Publications Ltd

Infrastructure investments bring hope for improved cargo flow

Gateway to a perfect African experience

46 Lamu

Tel: +44 (0)1206 752 902 Fax: +44 (0)1206 842 958

The opinions expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of the editor nor of any other organisation associated with this publication.

42 Transport

Opportunities await in maritime sector

20 Containers

Performance figures underline port improvements

45 Cruise

16 Capacity

ICT upgrade prepares Port of Mombasa for e-port status

41 port performance

10 Location Kenya

Versatile group solutions for marine engineering and logistics clients

38 ICT

Port community charter underlines regional commitment

09 Kenya Ports Authority

Kenya Ports Authority

37 Southern Engineering Co LTD

06 Growth

High standards of protection in challenging situations

First-rate handling of bulk grain for East Africa

Port security upgrade gives boost to customer confidence

Work begins at Lamu on second transport corridor

49 Corporate Social Responsibility

KPA helps enhance life of local community

50 Staff

Dedicated workforce is KPA’s greatest asset

52 Dongo Kundu

Dongo Kundu development one step closer

54 United Nations

Mombasa is vital link in UN relief supply chain

56 Future

Period of change will bring greater security and prosperity

58 Port details 62 Company Directory




World-class port services W

ith the publication of this new edition of the Kenya Ports Handbook we stand at a turning point in the history of Kenya. As our cargo volumes grow year on year, we are transforming our infrastructure and processes to cope with the increased demand. The Port of Mombasa must be a seamless and congestion-free link in the transport chain and that is the goal of everyone in the Authority. We have already achieved much; but there is much more to come. In the last two years we have completed the dredging programme to enable larger vessels to call at our berths; we have opened Berth No 19 to increase our annual container handling capacity by a quarter of a million Twenty Foot Equivalent Units (teu); and we have started work on the Second Container Terminal and on the megaport project at Lamu. We have also completed the installation of an upgraded ICT system that now links us to the National Single Window. This, combined with the government initiative that all government bodies at the port are to be coordinated by the KPA, will mean that cargo will be cleared much faster than ever before.

More change is coming in the future: construction of the standard-gauge railway to Nairobi has started and will transform the efficiency of the port; construction of the southern by-pass will start soon and will open up the potential of the proposed Free Trade Zone at Dongo Kundu. I am very excited to be a part of this transformation and look forward to the challenges ahead, but also to watch as our working practices and infrastructure are reformed to provide the worldclass service to which we have aspired. This handbook informs you of the huge task we have already accomplished, but also of where we are going and what you can expect from the Kenya Ports Authority in the coming years. I can assure you that we will all continue to work hard to serve the maritime industry diligently and efficiently.

Gichiri Ndua, MBS Managing Director Kenya Ports Authority

Within the authority we have also spent time analysing where we can improve; and the Wajibika initiative that places collective responsibility onto our employees to improve performance and fulfil their potential is a great initiative that has brought everyone together in a show of unity and purpose.




Bright future ahead as master plan comes together K

enya is embarking on the most farreaching development programme the region has ever seen. At the centre of this huge investment programme is the Port of Mombasa and its operator, the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). The Port of Mombasa is a vital link in the transport network of both Kenya and the wider region. Up to six other countries have come to rely on their cargo being shipped through Mombasa – the only major seaport on Africa’s east coast between Tanzania and the Red Sea – so there is a huge responsibility for Kenyan authorities to provide effective, reliable and efficient maritime services. Transit trade to Uganda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo, South Sudan, Tanzania and Rwanda accounts for some 30 per cent of the port’s throughput; and this is growing by up to 10 per cent each year. The Port of Mombasa also handles all the maritime traffic for Kenya itself; and, since Kenya is one of Africa’s fastest-growing economies, these are significant volumes. In 2013 the port handled some 22.3 million tonnes of cargo, including some 900,000 teu of containerised cargo, of which about 13 million tonnes was imports. It is this growth that has prompted an investment programme spanning Kenya and much of East Africa. Timely and efficient delivery of goods has become a priority for Kenya’s port and transport authorities. The major investments include:


n Opening of extended container terminal in Mombasa in 2013 n Construction of a Second Container Terminal, to be phased in by 2016 and 2018 n Dredging of the harbour and berths to handle larger vessels n Construction due to start in 2014 of a southern by-pass for Mombasa linking the south and north coasts n Construction begun in 2013 of a new standardgauge railway linking Mombasa with Nairobi, Kampala and other hinterland destinations n Construction begun in 2013 of a new megaport in Lamu n Work begun in 2013 on a new northern transport corridor, including rail, road and pipeline services, linking Lamu with South Sudan and Ethiopia. n Free trade zone and industrial areas at Dongo Kundu

The building of a narrow-gauge railway between Mombasa and Kampala prompted the first harbour facilities with a jetty in Kilindini Creek, thus allowing oceangoing vessels to discharge cargo directly to dedicated shoreside facilities. The railway was an ambitious project that transformed Mombasa into the region’s shipping hub. Halfway to Kampala, a supply depot was built where the track passed through an area of uninhabited swamp that later became Nairobi.

n Improvements to the road network n Huge investment in IT and computerisation of the clearance process through the National Single Window n Centralisation of all authorities in the Port of Mombasa under the KPA to improve efficiency.

Vital role Mombasa has played a vital role in the region’s transport and logistics chain for centuries. The Port of Mombasa has been handling cargo since 1895; but it also has a long history as a dhow harbour and slave-handling centre. The Portuguese first arrived in 1498 and controlled Mombasa until it came under the suzerainty of the Sultanate of Oman in 1698. It was a British protectorate from 1824 to 1826 and then Omani rule was restored until 1887 when administration passed to the British East Africa Association. Mombasa was formally handed over to the British in 1898 although Kenya’s coastal strip remained under Zanzibari sovereignty until Kenya’s independence in 1963.

It was not until after the First World War, in 1926, that the modern-day port began to take shape. Two deepwater berths were constructed and a further three were added in 1931. The Shimanzi Oil Terminal and another two berths were completed during the Second World War. More berths were opened in the 1950s and 1960s as trade continued to grow and as independence from the UK was achieved. After being administered briefly by the East African Harbours Corporation under a trinational association with Tanzania and Uganda, the Kenya Ports Authority was established in 1977 to run the port. The first containers arrived in 1975, leading the KPA to convert existing facilities into dedicated container berths. Later, inland container depots were opened in Nairobi, Kisumu and Eldoret.

Future The history of the Port of Mombasa has largely been one of adapting to growth – growth that has been led mainly by the development of industries and national economies far away in the hinterland. The KPA is committed to serving these economies by improving productivity and efficiency and offering a world-class service to its customers. The investment programme it has embarked upon will double its capacity in the short term; and, when Lamu is fully open, will more than quadruple its ability to serve the region.




Mombasa is vital link in East Africa’s transport chain T

he Port of Mombasa’s vital role in the transport network of East Africa cannot be over emphasised. It serves a region of over 120 million people and handles transit cargo to South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Tanzania. The vast majority of foodstuffs, raw materials, vehicles, iron, steel and petroleum products that are imported or exported in the region are handled through the Port of Mombasa. Its throughput is growing by as much as 10 per cent each year, so extensive measures have been and are being taken to improve the capacity of the existing infrastructure as well as enhancing transport links to carry the cargo away from the port as quickly as possible.

Transit Some 30 per cent of cargo handled is transit cargo and this is expected to grow at an everfaster rate in the coming years as Kenya’s neighbours develop and improve their economic outlook. Over the five years to 2013, transit

trade grew at an average rate of 7.1 per cent, with containers forming most of this growth. In 2013 the Port of Mombasa handled just over 6.6 million tonnes of transit cargo, up from 5 million tonnes in 2010. The transit trade to South Sudan has been growing fast and in 2013 it became the secondlargest transit country after Uganda. Uganda accounts for about 70 per cent of the transit trade market share. This share is reducing, even though volumes are increasing, because of other growing economies in the region. In 2012 South Sudan had a 12 per cent share, followed by DRC at seven per cent and Rwanda at four per cent. Kenya is attempting to reclaim much of the lost transit trade to Burundi, although its neighbour, Rwanda, is one of the fastest-growing transit destinations. To reflect this and to better serve its customers, the KPA opened a new liaison office in Kigali, Rwanda, in 2013. There is also a liaison office in Kampala and another office was opened in Bujumbura, Burundi on January 31, 2014. The Rwanda office will act as a coordination point for the KPA’s activities in the country.


Rwanda transit trade has been growing at a rate of nine per cent each year and in 2012 it accounted for 260,000 tonnes. Transit trade is benefiting from two government measures to improve the flow of cargo from the Port of Mombasa: all cargo clearance activities by various government agencies will now be coordinated by the KPA; and all customs decisions will now be finalised in Mombasa rather than being referred to Nairobi.

Corridors Much of the transit trade is currently transported by road; but with construction under way of a new standard gauge railway linking Mombasa with Nairobi and Kampala – and eventually Rwanda and Burundi – transit times will improve significantly. Closer integration between East African countries in the form of trade agreements and joint co-operation is also helping to strengthen economic links across the region. In recent years Kenya’s neighbours have shown a growing interest in the development of its transport infrastructure; and various leaders have attended opening or ground-breaking ceremonies in order to show their support. Reports indicate that the competitiveness of the region is improving. As transport corridors improve efficiency and bureaucracy is reduced, the costs come down.

Vibrant Kenya’s economy is vibrant as a result of widespread investment and development. It is predicted that in five to 10 years the region

will be a very different place, with new wealth and a huge increase in trade. The Port of Lamu, under development, will handle a lot of this new trade, especially the predicted oil exports from Uganda and South Sudan. Oil drilling activities in Uganda are increasing and South Sudan needs a more reliable route for its oil exports. All of this will require huge volumes of project cargo. The project to build a new port at Lamu will attract the bulk of this trade, but not for many years until the transport corridor is completed. However, peace in the region is a major determining factor in economic growth. If peace can be maintained, then most barriers to growth are removed. But the troubles in South Sudan in 2014 may have further implications not yet foreseen.



P o r t c har t e r

Port community charter underlines regional commitment L

eading stakeholders and players in the Mombasa port community are committed to improving communication and cooperation between agencies to facilitate trade in the local region by creating the Mombasa Port Corridor Charter. Acting as secretariat, Kenya Ports Authority will coordinate all the activities of the port community. Other signatories to the charter are the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), Kenya Railways Corporation (KRC), Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA), Kenya Trade Network Agency (Kentrade), Kenya Maritime Authority (KMA), Kenya National Police Service and Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS).

best practice In addition, several private-sector organisations will be involved in the promotion and communication of best practice. They include the Kenya Ships Agents Association, Kenya Private Sector Alliance (KEPSA), Kenya National Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KNCCI), Kenya Shippers Council (KSC) and Kenya International Freight and Warehousing Association (KIFWA). The port community charter is a response to the huge investment by KPA in infrastructural

and capital developments at the port and is seen as essential to address the current challenges affecting hinterland trade in terms of capacity, productivity and operational efficiency. From now on, rather than working to individual timescales and programmes, the community will work in concert with shared objectives. The principal objectives of the charter are: n To establish a permanent framework of collaboration that binds the port community together to specific actions, collective obligations, targets and timelines. n To complement the individual services charters to address the challenges to improve seamless trade facilitation through a holistic approach. n To introduce, educate and publicise to other players and the public best practice to influence acceptable behaviour by all. n To develop and implement a self-monitoring and evaluation mechanism. The port community will seek to benchmark itself against other successful operations worldwide. It has set ambitious, but achievable, long-term goals that include streamlining operations, increasing capacity and changing cargo flows. Perhaps more importantly, a major objective is to integrate the systems of all port community members into the Kenya National Electronic Single Window System by December 2014. The charter represents an important step forward for Kenya’s shipping and transport agencies because, for the first time, they will be working in harmony with one common goal.


K e n ya P o r t s au t h o ri t y

Sweeping changes improve port authority’s efficiency T

he nature and working methods of Kenya’s main port and the authority that controls it are changing at a fast rate. The modernisation and expansion of the Port of Mombasa is being matched by a similar change in the administration and management structure of the Kenya Ports Authority. In addition to the Port of Mombasa, the KPA is the authority for several minor ports including the soon-to-be-developed Lamu.

private sector Until now the KPA has provided the infrastructure, facilities and stevedoring for all port operations. Several of Mombasa’s facilities are already managed and operated by private-sector partners and it is expected that more will follow suit in the years to come, including the second container terminal now under construction. There is a long way to go before Mombasa is fully transformed into a landlord port, but this objective is part of the government’s restructuring policy, as outlined in the Integrated National Transport Policy and the Economic Recovery Strategy for Wealth and Employment Creation (2003-2007). However, the current focus for the government and the port is to improve efficiency and reduce delays in cargo transport. After coming to power in 2013, the government took immediate steps to reform the port and cut unnecessary bureaucracy and red tape, largely in response to calls from its hinterland neighbours to improve transit times.

n Digitisation of clearance processes and a modernised system for weighing cargo n Key government agencies involved in port operations to be co-ordinated by the KPA, with the managing director being given direct control n Immediate disciplinary procedures against those who do not adhere to the rules n Commissioner of Customs to relocate to the Port of Mombasa to ensure fast on-site cargo clearance instead of referring to Nairobi n Clearing and forwarding companies within the port to be relocated away from the port to ease congestion n Clearing and forwarding companies and commercial banks involved in clearing must operate on a 24/7 basis n Construction of a dual carriageway from Changamwe to Jomvu to be given priority

These directives included:

n Removing all police road blocks and replacing them with enhanced highway security patrols

n Implementation of the National Single Window to be given priority

n Trucks are now weighed only once at entry and exit points.



L o c At I o n K e n YA




A109 Momb

asa R oad

to Nairobi



Changamwe d Roa




Chaani Moi International Airport

Makupa KPA Headquarters

Second Container Terminal (Under Construction)

19 18


16 O




Proposed location of Oil Terminal

5 4 3

Control Tower

2 1

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Kilindini Port

K3 K2













Fenced Port Area



Proposed Areas



KPA Land

Beacons & Buoys Roads






The Great Equatorial Land Bridge, Africa



Likoni Ferry

Don go K und u by

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Kizingo Mzimle



Fort Jesus



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Proposed location of LNG Terminal

Proposed Free Trade Zone (Dongo Kundu)

9 8

Port Reitz



10 N

Kipivu Oil Terminal



14 13 12 11


to Addis Ababa


Lokichogio ana Turk Lake










to Kisangani










Eldoret Kisumu


Archer’s Post



Lake Victoria



Lamu Kipini Ungama Bay









an Lake Tang




Lamu to Lokichogio

Murram Earth Roads

Mombasa to Malaba/Kisumu

Railway Line

Proposed high capacity KEY standard gauge railway network in Kenya and Fenced Port Area connections to the region Proposed Areas

Nairobi to Moyale

KPA Land

Rongai to Lodwa

KenYA PoRts AUtHoRItY HAndbooK 2014-15




K e n ya mari t im e au t h o ri t y

Opportunities await in maritime sector K

enya Maritime Authority (KMA) was established in June 2004 as the government agency for maritime affairs. Its key objectives are: For more information about the Kenyan maritime sector and available opportunities, visit:

Control. This ensures that ships comply with international safety and security standards as well as conventions on watchkeeping (STCW), safe manning and protection of the marine environment.

n Maritime safety and security n Marine pollution prevention n Preserving the marine environment n Coordinating maritime search and rescue n Promoting maritime training and education n Creating an enabling environment for trade n Maximising benefits in the supply and use of maritime transport services. Foreign ships calling at the Port of Mombasa are inspected by KMA port state control officers in accordance with the Indian Ocean Memorandum of Understanding on Port State

mandate As part of its core mandate, KMA runs the regional maritime rescue co-ordination centre (MRCC). The centre is also a piracy information sharing centre alongside Dar es Salaam, Tanzania and Sana’a in Yemen. The MRCC is equipped with a long-range identification and tracking system that can sight and track ships up to 1,000 nautical miles offshore. It provides communication services for vessels and seafarers in distress, in a large region covering Tanzania, Seychelles and Somalia. It also receives and responds to piracy alerts and requests for information or assistance at all times.



‘Promoting gender equality and empowerment of women’. To this end, KMA hosts the Association of Women in the Maritime Sector in East and Southern Africa (WOMESA).

The KMA is ever mindful that the maritime sector plays a vital role not only in the national economy but also in the regional economy. One of its key activities is to draw the attention of policy makers and business communities in the region to the opportunities for investment in maritime education, shipbuilding and repair, transport logistics, ship supplies and other subsectors.

benefits The maritime authority also advises the shipping community on choosing the most favourable international trade terms so they can derive the maximum financial benefits from their transactions. One of the KMA’s greatest achievements was driving Kenya’s entry into the International Maritime Organization (IMO) White List on 14 May 2010. As a result, Kenya can now train and certify seafarers whose qualifications will be recognised throughout the world. Being posted on the IMO website as a White List country means that international crewing agencies can now source their seafarers from Kenya.

The authority has also developed comprehensive criteria for licensing service providers based on professionalism, ethical and financial responsibility as well as accountability. This is aimed at raising the professionalism of industry practitioners. By regulating and overseeing the orderly development of maritime and related industries, the authority aims to enhance the industry’s contribution and make a positive impact on Kenya’s economy.

framework Kenya’s maritime sector now has a framework for identifying opportunities for new business and entrepreneurship. Special attention is being paid to identifying opportunities for small and medium-scale enterprises in coastal shipping, sport fishing, shipyard contractors, logistics, inland shipping, port operation and port-related industries, among others. Through awareness campaigns, the authority is reaching out to potential investors in joint arrangements with local banks. Many financiers have expressed interest in this endeavour, which will be enhanced further as regulations become operational.

integrating women KMA is further committed to implementing IMO programmes aimed at integrating women in the maritime sector in response to Millennium Development Goal number three,



Capa c i t y

Port expands teu capacity to meet future needs D

emand has outstripped installed capacity at the Port of Mombasa for many years; but the situation has been greatly improved by a range of infrastructure and administrative investments that has resulted in more efficient and faster cargo flow. Investment in improved and new facilities has been a key part of the Kenya Port Authority’s strategy. A new development plan was put into place in 2013, focusing on a major expansion of capacity. Complementing this investment has been a step improvement in the authority’s ICT systems, which are now up to international standard. A steady rise in cargo volumes, combined with ever-larger vessels in service, prompted the KPA to invest in a major dredging and infrastructure programme to boost its capacity. From 2007 to 2012 the port’s main channel was deepened to 15.0 metres below the lowest water level and widened to 300 metres. Much of the dredged material was


used in the reclamation of land for a new, second container terminal, due for completion in 2016. The 15.0 metre depth line was extended up to the second container terminal, while depth at the existing container terminal was increased to 12.6 metres. The US$ 62 million programme was carried out by the Dutch company, Van Oord Dredging & Marine Contractors.

Capacity A major event for the port was the opening of Berth 19 in 2013. Representing the culmination of many years’ work, this berth increases the port’s capacity by some 250,000 teu a year. The expanded container terminal can now handle three panamax vessels of 250 metres length at the same time. Berth 19 is an extension to the Mombasa Container Terminal that adjoins Berths 16 to 18 and brings the total length to 840 metres. In addition, the new terminal has been equipped with three ship-to-shore gantry cranes, eight

new reach stackers and 27 terminal tractors. It has 120 reefer plugs and is lit by nine monopile floodlight towers. It is thought to be the only berth on the east coast of Africa to be built on reclaimed land. The new terminal is complemented by a 15 acre stacking yard. It is expected that the new terminal will cope with growth in the medium term; but for the long term, the KPA is building a second container terminal that will more than double the current capacity.

Second container terminal With the addition of Berth 19, the port’s capacity increased to 800,000. In fact, though, it is handling in the region of 900,000 teu each year, mainly through diligent planning and the off-port container freight stations, which greatly extend the port’s capacity.

ship-to-shore cranes and four rubber tyred gantry (RTG) cranes, supported by a 50 hectare stacking yard. Phases Two and Three will add Berths 22 and 23 of 320 metres and 350 metres and will extend capacity to 1.2 million teu with about eight ship-to-shore cranes and 20 RTGs. There will also be a stacking area of some 50 hectares. Phases Two and Three may be concurrent with completion by 2019. Funding for this major project is being provided through Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) with construction being carried out by Toyo Construction Ltd.


The Second Container Terminal is a further expansion of the port’s capacity; and it will be brought into service in phases. It will have three berths (21, 22 and 23) totalling 900 metres with a depth alongside of 15.0 metres.

Capacity improvements are also being achieved by improving dwell times for containers in the port. Based on a seven-day dwell time, the port’s capacity after Phase One will be 1 million teu. Actual dwell time in 2013 was 5.2 days, so the theoretical capacity is closer to 1.5 million teu. This assumes the container freight stations are still in operation.

Phase One is scheduled for completion by 2016. Berth 21 will be 350 metres in length, along with a side berth, Berth 20, of 210 metres and 11.0 metres depth. Berth 21 will have a capacity of 450,000 teu with two

By 2020 the port expects to be handling more than 2 million teu, so this expansion is vital if the Port of Mombasa is to remain a competitive and viable option in the future. By then, the port’s capacity will be about 2.5 million teu.




Container growth driving port development strategy


ontainer traffic has long been the dominant cargo stream at the Port of Mombasa. In 2013 the port handled just under 900,000 teu, representing a 30 per cent increase over the previous five years. In fact, container numbers are increasing by 10 per cent per year and are forecast to go on rising for the foreseeable future. Container throughput accounts for nearly 40 per cent of the port’s total throughout by tonnage. Throughput outstripped the port’s installed capacity many years ago; but by diligent planning and the introduction of container freight stations, the port has kept up with demand, although, with an average of 2,500 containers passing through the port every day, the regional infrastructure has been severely tested. The opening of Berth 19 has increased the port’s installed capacity to some 800,000 teu. When the first phase of the Second Container Terminal is opened, this will rise to 1 million teu; and when it is fully completed, to 2.5 million teu. In addition, new roads and the long-awaited standard gauge railway to Nairobi and Uganda – work on which has now commenced – will ease the current strain on the roads and allow the port to operate at maximum efficiency.


Despite the constraints, the port has improved its productivity ratings dramatically in recent years. Dwell time has been reduced from 11 days to an average of just 5.2. Transit times to Malaba, on the Uganda border, have been reduced from 10 days to five. Local containers are being delivered three days after entering the port. Bottlenecks such as weighbridges and roadblocks have been removed and all agencies are now coordinated by the Kenya Ports Authority. All these measures are improving the efficiency of the port. Waiting time for vessels has been virtually eliminated, so turnround times are now generally two days or less. Productivity is reaching international standards, with rates of up to 22 moves per crane hour.

Transhipment traffic has remained at less than one per cent of the total, mainly by choice because the port simply did not have the space to handle extra containers within the port. However, with the Second Container Terminal coming into service in 2016, the expansion of this sector is a distinct possibility. KPA’s ambition is for Mombasa eventually to become one of the largest transhipment ports in the Indian Ocean. It would be ideally located to serve the many smaller ports – such as those in Seychelles, Mauritius, Madagascar and Zanzibar – that cannot handle the larger containerships coming into service.

Facilities Containers are handled mainly at the Mombasa Container Terminal, which span Berths 16 to 19. It is served by seven ship-to-shore gantry cranes of 40 tonnes capacity and 22 rubber tyred gantry cranes. Containers are also handled across Berths 12 to 14 using ship’s own gear and mobile harbour cranes.

additional capacity Since the opening of Berth 19, stacking space has been increased by 60,000 square metres to add to the existing 137,000 square metres,

leading to an additional yard capacity of 200,000 teu each year. The KPA also owns and operates two inland container depots (ICDs) in Nairobi and Kisumu. These ‘dry ports’ are linked by rail with Mombasa Port and provide shippers with dry port facilities. The major objective of the ICDs is to bring port services closer to shippers in the hinterland while decongesting the Port of Mombasa. Inland Container Depot Embakasi (ICDE) covers 29 hectares and has a stacking area with a capacity of more than 180,000 teu per year. There are two rail sidings to allow two trains to be offloaded simultaneously. Inland Container Depot Kisumu (ICDK) is located at Kibos in Western Kenya on the shores of Lake Victoria and again is rail linked to Mombasa. ICDK covers 17.5 hectares with a stacking area with a capacity of 15,000 teu per year. These ICDs offer a number of benefits to importers and exporters, including secure transport, through bills of lading, reduced dwell time and storage of empty containers awaiting shipment. Both facilities handle containerised and loose cargo, with stuffing, stripping, consolidation and storage services also available.




Private-sector operations boost port throughput T

he Port of Mombasa benefits from having a wide range of private operations both inside and outside the port area handling everything from car imports to grain and flour. These cargoes account for a significant share of the port’s cargo throughput. In addition, there are container freight stations at off-port locations as well as various sheds leased to other companies and organisations including the World Food Programme. Land is also leased to oil companies for storage and transfer of petroleum.

Principal cargoes n Soda: Tata Chemicals Magadi has been exporting soda ash – used to manufacture glass, detergents and industrial chemicals – through the Port of Mombasa since 1934. Each year, the terminal handles about 400,000 tonnes of soda ash, which is the largest export commodity (by volume) handled at the port.

The soda ash is shipped in handysize bulk carriers as well as in containers. n Grain: The towering grain silo of Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd (GBHL) is a landmark in the Port of Mombasa, although it is located outside the port gates. A conveyor system takes grain from vessels to the company’s silos and processing facilities. GBHL can discharge vessels at rates of up to 900 tonnes per hour. n Cement: The Bamburi Cement Company operates a dedicated facility at Mbaraki Wharf for loading bulk cement for export. The plant produces up to 1.1 million tonnes per year and has a concession from KPA to manage its own operations and to carry out its own refurbishment. n Liquid bulks: Mbaraki Bulk Terminal Ltd (MBTL) is a liquid bulk facility, equipped to handle diesel (automotive gas oil), edible oil (palm oil), heavy fuel oil, bitumen and dual purpose kerosene (DPK). It has 50,000 tonnes of storage capacity for diesel, DPK, edible oil and heavy fuel oil and an underground tank for fuel oil with a total capacity of 10,000 tonnes. Louis Dreyfus also operate a liquid bulk storage terminal within the port. The terminal has 26,000 tonnes of storage capacity for vegetable oils, oil derivatives and related chemicals in dedicated tanks. It is equipped with ship-toshore offloading pipelines as well as overhead loading gantries for rail wagons and road vehicles. n Fluorspar: Kenya Fluorspar Company Ltd (KFC) is a large-scale mining and metallurgical operation and one of Kenya’s leading foreign exchange earners.




Behind-the-scenes dedication keeps port operating T

he responsibility for keeping the Port of Mombasa operational at all times falls on the engineering department of the Kenya Ports Authority (KPA). Proper maintenance and timely replacement of the port’s large fleet of equipment is vital for the smooth operation of the port. Everything from the smallest component to major items like gantry cranes and tugs must be working correctly for the port to serve its customers best; and that is no easy task for this dedicated and conscientious segment of KPA employees. The Engineering Division has three main areas of operation: container terminal equipment; conventional terminal equipment; and marine craft.

Equipment The KPA operates over 400 items of large cargo handling equipment.

The conventional quay equipment includes:

The container terminal equipment includes:

n 12 heavy duty and 12 light duty fork-lift trucks

n Seven ship-to-shore (STS) gantry cranes

n Five mobile cranes

n 22 rubber tyred gantry (RTG) cranes

n Six portal cranes (these are being phased out and replaced with mobile harbour cranes)

n Two rail-mounted gantry (RMG) cranes serving the container yard n 17 reach stackers n 95 terminal tractors n 125 trailers

n Three mobile harbour cranes

n 12 trailers. In addition, RTG cranes from the container terminal can be moved around if required.

n 99 low bed trailers

In addition, the Marine Department is responsible for:

n Five empty container handlers.

n Four pilot boats n Four mooring boats n Four tugs.



Maintenance All three departments have their own workshops including machine shops for making components. Most components are fabricated on site, but external contractors are used for some items, such as large motors,. Members of the engineering staff are responsible for modifications to existing equipment as well as for procuring new equipment and providing specifications and proposals when items need to be replaced. This information is passed onto the procurement office for tendering or purchase. Maintenance of equipment is an ongoing process. Some items, such as terminal tractors and reach stackers, are serviced every 250 hours, equivalent to about twice a month. Other items such as RTG, STS and RMG cranes are serviced every month. The KPA aims to achieve 90 per cent uptime on all its equipment. Failures and accidents do occur, although thankfully not often; otherwise, downtime is required mainly for scheduled maintenance. While some items of equipment can be maintained above this target, the average across the port is 92 per cent, an indication of the professionalism of the KPA Engineering Division.


In order to deal with the newer, larger ships now calling Mombasa, three STS cranes are usually needed per vessel, so further purchases have been made to allow the port to perform at maximum efficiency. Three more STS cranes are on order for June 2015 as well as 12 RTGs in January 2015. In addition, 20 terminal tractors and 11 reach stackers are scheduled for delivery early 2014. Meeting the demands of the larger containerships now calling Mombasa is a vital priority.

Training With all new equipment comes the need for new skills that must be learned. The KPA is already favoured with a team of skilled operators, but further training is provided when required, especially for new equipment. Most equipment comes with a training package included. While technical skills such as repair and maintenance procedures are carried out at the manufacturer’s premises or factory, operational training is conducted in the port. In addition, the port’s affiliated training school, Bandari College, is taking a regional lead in acquiring a full simulator that has been designed specifically around the equipment used in the Port of Mombasa. Thus, employees will have the benefit of training to operate, for example, ship-to-shore cranes, RTGs and mobile harbour cranes without taking time away from their day-to-day operations. This simulator will be operational from early 2014.

The Engineering Division also plays a central role in the upgrading and acquisition of new equipment, most recently for Berth 19 and for the new container terminal. Equipment is replaced when it has reached the end of its useful life and new equipment is brought in to meet the ever-growing demands of the expanding port. In Phase 1 of construction of the Second Container Terminal, two ship-to-shore cranes and four RTGs are being acquired.




Container freight stations take weight off Mombasa port C

ontainer freight stations (CFS) continue to play a vital role in the daily activities of the Port of Mombasa as they take the strain off the port’s ever-growing container handling operations. Since the introduction of CFS facilities in 2007, throughput and efficiency have improved significantly while congestion has been reduced in the Port of Mombasa. Before 2007, the port received more inbound containers than it had space available to stack or handle them. Independently operated off-port container freight stations were introduced, as extensions to the port area, as an alternative way to remove containers from the port quickly so they could be processed and sent on to final destination without undue delay. There are now more than 20 CFS facilities at the Port of Mombasa including 10 appointed by the KPA and even one operated by a Ugandan company for Uganda-bound cargo. Otherwise, transit cargo is handled by the port directly with the CFS units handling mainly domestic cargo.

cleared Inbound containers are discharged from vessels and taken quickly by truck or tractor to the designated CFS. Each container can then be cleared for oncarriage to final destination or, in the case of LCL containers, stripped into a warehouse for customer collection or groupage. Each CFS is a self-contained facility with government agencies on site including Customs, police, the standards authority and sanitary inspectors. As well as handling containers, freight stations can be used for all types of unitised cargo including machinery and vehicle imports. Most operate round the clock and they must comply with KPA tariffs and regulations. Cargo owners benefit from a faster, more efficient service at no additional cost. Container freight stations include: â– Mombasa Container Terminal (MCT), wholly owned by the BollorĂŠ Group, is a stateof-the-art facility located at Port Reitz, off the Airport Road, in Changamwe, Mombasa, 3.5 km from the Kilindini Port Gates. It has


a container stacking area of 35,000 square meters and 1,785 square meters of warehousing. MCT has its own transport fleet and cargo handling equipment which guarantees high quality of service to our customers. It is amongst the first operators in the industry to be ISO 9001;2008 certified. ■ Compact Freight Systems provides a modern, secure and efficient transhipment facility within Mombasa, as a customs gazetted yard for motor vehicles and other self propelled cargo. Complete with all government customs and KPA officials available, the company provides storage services for containers, bulk cargo and loose cargo. It is the preferred container freight station for transit cargo for the major landlocked countries in the region. ■ Awanad Enterprises is located at Mikindani, on the Mombasa to Nairobi road. The Awanad CFS is about 6 km from Mombasa Port and provides 162,000 sq ft of open storage for containers and vehicles as well as over 4,000 sq ft of warehousing for stripping operations. As well as standard containerised cargo, the freight station handles refrigerated containers, containerised and loose vehicles, bulk cargo and groupage and has extensive warehousing for bulk cargo. ■ Focus CFS, just 500 metres from the port gates, has 13.5 acres of hardstanding for 3,000 cars and 5,000 teu simultaneously. There is also 11,000 sq ft of warehousing for container stripping and repacking operations. The modern yard is equipped with four reach stackers and two fork-lift trucks of 3 and 7 tonnes capacity. As an added benefit to customers, Focus has extended the free dwell time from five to 10 days.

■ Mitchell Cotts CFS is a modern inland container terminal depot located at Kibarani along the Makupa Causeway. It comprises 22 acres of open yard including a truck marshalling yard and 40,000 sq ft of warehousing. The facility can accommodate 6,000 teu and offers efficient handling, clearing and delivery of cargo from a secure site. A second facility comprising eight acres of open yard and 160,000 sq ft of warehousing in the Shimanzi area of Mombasa. The two facilities are equipped with five modern top loaders and six 3-ton fork-lift trucks complemented by modern ICT installations to ensure fast and efficient cargo handling. ■ Portside Freight Terminals operates a well equipped CFS of 10 acres at Shimanzi, 1 km from the port gates. It has over 245,000 sq ft of warehousing for both customs controlled and freehold storage facilities, including a transit shed located within the port and a Nairobi air terminal for Jomo Kenyatta International Airport. An on-site customs station makes the legal aspects of import and export easier and faster, with goods being secured and stored under customs control at the bonded warehouse. The whole facility is protected by Kenyan customsapproved fencing; both the interior and exterior are fully alarmed including CCTV monitoring of entrances and interior.



G R A I N han d l in g

First-rate handling of bulk grain for East Africa G

rain Bulk Handlers Ltd (GBHL) operates a state-of-the-art dry bulk discharge and handling terminal for grain imports such as wheat, maize and soya beans. It is located on a 15-acre site in the Shimanzi industrial area, close to the Port of Mombasa. A privately owned common-user terminal, licensed by Kenya Ports Authority, it serves a large customer base including commercial millers in Kenya and the Great Lakes Region, traders and relief agencies. GBHL began operating in 2000 and handles a large number of bulk grain vessels from across the world. The company operates a vessel handling facility, a bulk transit terminal, a bulk storage terminal, a bagged warehousing facility and a local transport fleet. It has transit and long-term storage silos for 140,500 tonnes of bulk cargo, plus warehousing for 75,000 tonnes of bagged cargo.

Grain is discharged from vessels using three Buhler Portalino ship unloaders with two fixedbelt conveyors linking the berth to the transit silo terminal. The bulk transit terminal has 24 silos with a total capacity of 67,500 tonnes; plus a flat-store shed of 18,000 tonnes capacity. It also has four bagging plants with a combined capacity of 400 tonnes per hour. There is also a bulk storage terminal with 55,000 tonnes of long-term storage capacity in 14 silos and a bagging shed with four bagging lines. A further 87,000 tonnes of storage with a further four bagging lines will be commissioned in early 2014. In addition, there is a 75,000 tonne capacity warehouse for long-term storage of bagged cargo. The company is registered as a customs area and can receive bonded cargo for its customers. GBHL gives top priority to staff welfare and regards its employees as its greatest asset.

Services include: n Discharging of vessels via conveyors into silos at a rated capacity of 900 tonnes per hour, equivalent to 21,600 tonnes per day n Daily deliveries by road and rail using its fleet of 15 trucks n Fumigation and bulk delivery of grain n Bagging of grain into polypropylene and jute bags.


It supports education and health based programmes for its staff and for local communities. This is reflected in its human resources (HR) practices, which are dedicated to social awareness and skills training at all levels of the

organisation. GBHL strives to achieve fair social conditions for all its employees. GBHL is a member of the International Association of Ports and Harbours (IAPH) and complies fully with the ISPS Code and ISO Standards, published from time to time by the IAPH, to ensure the safety of cargo, employees and customers. Terminal operations are eco-friendly through the use of industrial dust extractors and continuous maintenance and fumigation programmes using high-tech equipment. The company uses industrial weighing machines and stringent procedures to minimise cargo spillage, thus benefiting its customers. GBHL has revolutionised the handling of bulk grain trade for the whole region. Its vision is to transform the Port of Mombasa – and Kenya in general – into a hub where relief agencies, millers and traders can stockpile grains in order to provide a rapid response to regional food emergencies.

Mackenzie Maritime (EA) Ltd GBHL also provides road haulage services through a wholly owned subsidiary, Mackenzie

Maritime (EA) Ltd. The company specialises in transport of cargo from the port to inland destinations and offers the following services:


HANDLERS LTD G r a i n Te r m i n a l

n Clearing and forwarding n Local shunting to destinations in Mombasa and its outskirts n Warehousing of bagged and general cargo n Local shunting of containers to various depots n Transport of bulk and bagged cargo to destinations outside Mombasa n Transport of specialised cargoes, liquid products, containers and other cargo. The company has invested heavily in good quality trucks and equipment. It operates 40 trucks, 20 tipping trailers, 20 high-side trailers and a range of escort vehicles. Mackenzie Maritime (EA) Ltd is committed to providing first-rate services and adopts quality improvement processes in order to identify and fulfil its customers’ needs.




Port security upgrade gives boost to customer confidence T

he Port of Mombasa has become one of the most secure ports in East Africa following the installation of an integrated security system (ISS). Funded jointly by the Kenyan government and the World Bank, the US$ 21.4 million ISS project was designed to automate a large part of the security processes in order to comply with the International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code. It also allows the port to monitor cargo passing in and out of the port’s gates. The system includes optical character recognition and licence plate recognition so that containers and trucks can be identified for documentation purposes. In addition, 400 cameras have been installed at strategic locations around the port to provide 24-hour surveillance. There are also thermal imaging cameras near the waterside to detect illegal activities and pilferage. Each of the port’s five zones has its own security centre, while the main control centre provides overall monitoring. The recent investment includes 10 km of perimeter intrusion detection fencing (so-called smart fencing). The ISS allows KPA to monitor and respond electronically, reducing the need for physical security.


Access control One of the most visually obvious changes to the port’s security, and perhaps the most important, is the growing use of access control throughout the port. The main gates are now automated with vehicle barriers, swipe cards and recognition systems. These not only limit access to authorised personnel, but also record all entry and exit movements so that, at any given time, Port Security has an accurate record of people and vehicles within the port area. Time management of KPA staff has also been automated and all members of staff have been issued with swipe cards to gain access to secure areas. The swipe cards are biometric, which means there must be fingerprint verification before access is allowed. Training has formed a key part of the process; and 180 staff from the security department are now fully trained to operate the Main Control Rooms, the Gate Control Rooms and the Local Control Rooms. These combined enhancements have reduced pilferage within the port to almost zero. The same enhancements are also being introduced

at the two inland container depots at Nairobi and Kisumu.

Mombasa to try accused pirates, which has international funding.

The next stage is to integrate the security and communications subsystems with the vessel traffic management system (VTMS) and the SAP/ERP system.

To limit incidents in its immediate environs, the KPA has established a Maritime Security Zone offshore Mombasa, with Kenya Navy vessels on hand to protect waiting ships. The navy regularly patrols all parts of Kenya’s territorial waters.

Eleven radiation portal monitors were installed in 2011 at strategic locations in the port to cover gates, yards and quay operations as part of the National Nuclear Security Administration’s Second Line of Defense (SLD) Megaports Initiative, following a memorandum of understanding between the governments of Kenya and the United States. Mombasa is one of 100 ports worldwide taking part in the Megaports Initiative, which aims to scan roughly half of all international container traffic by 2015.

Confidence Following Kenya’s commitment to fight piracy, there has been a significant reduction in recorded incidents in the region. Mombasa has been affected more than most regional ports because of its proximity to Somalia. One of the most serious results has been a big fall in the number of cruise ship calls.

Confidence is gradually returning to the region’s shipping industry. Measures by shipping companies such as armed security guards on board, evasive action, blockading of pirates and even less tolerance of piracy from Somalian authorities have all improved the situation.

Zero tolerance The KPA has also taken a ‘zero tolerance’ stance against corruption and pilferage within the port. Divisional corruption committees look at areas of risk, and ways of reducing that risk, in areas such as procurement, finance and recruitment. So-called Integrity Officers act as information sources as well as conduits for intelligence to combat corruption. One of their main tasks is to make the people in their departments more aware of corruption issues – how to spot the danger signs and how to report instances of corruption – as well as implementing an ethical code of conduct.

However, despite the fact that incidents of piracy have dwindled from several hundred a year to a handful, the authorities remain on the alert for a return of piracy. Mombasa is the largest piracy reporting centre on this coast and the Mombasa Rescue Co-ordination Centre (MRCC) is also located there. All incidents are reported to the Mombasa facility and rescue or arrest attempts are co-ordinated from there. In fact, most of the pirates arrested on the high seas are brought ashore in Mombasa. Kenya has introduced strong measures against piracy, including a dedicated court in




High standards of asset protection in challenging environments

across the Indian Ocean and Gulf of Guinea


he challenging security conditions in some areas of the world have produced the need for security services and first-class support to ensure the safety of assets and goods transiting high risk areas. The Salama Fikira Group was set up on the African continent in 2005 to meet this need in East Africa, operating in a professional and safe manner adhering to legal and best business principles. This requirement was well placed to meet the security threats posed by the emergence of large-scale Somali and West African piracy. Since then, the group has expanded to provide a comprehensive range of risk consultancy and mitigation services, often in difficult and complex environments. Salama Fikira’s diverse client base includes governments, corporations and private clients. The Maritime Division of Salama Fikira is a specialist ship protection and marine risk management provider. The division is staffed by professionals from a range of naval and military, merchant marine and commercial backgrounds. Services include armed and unarmed ship protection, vessel security audits, offshore support and security training. The Projects Division co-ordinates the group’s resources and provides assistance such as logistics analysis and support, contingency plans and threat assessments. Areas of operation have included airports, oil and gas installations, mines, ports, pipelines, processing plants and supply chains.

The Oil & Gas Division specialises in assessing and mitigating risk for clients operating in the petroleum industry in Africa. With Africa now firmly established as a major environment for oil and gas exploration and production, international and national companies are continuously seeking new upstream, midstream and downstream opportunities in Africa. In doing so, their operations, resources and personnel are exposed to the region’s unique challenges and complexities. Salama Fikira is committed to local content development and africanisation whilst acting as a fully integrated security support and logistics partner to the oil and gas industry across Africa. The Aviation Division focuses on African-centric matters, but also provides risk management services worldwide. As well as aircraft charter, it offers secure cargo services for freight and personnel. A growing sector for Salama Fikira is the offshore industry, with provision for highspeed support in challenging locations where there is a security risk. All operations are manned continuously and supported by skilled personnel based in East Africa. This ensures maximum efficiency in dayto-day management, crisis support, logistics and 24-hour communication with in-situ personnel, clients and law enforcement agencies. The Salama Fikira Group is widely recognised by the shipping industry as a Tier 1 Private Maritime Security Company (PMSC). Operating from Nairobi, Kenya, Salama Fikira works across Africa as well as overseas. Permanent offices are located in Kenya, Mauritius, Somalia, Tanzania and Nigeria.




Versatile group solutions for marine engineering and logistics clients


s part of the multi-faceted Alpha Group, Southern Engineering Company Ltd (SECO) offers a wide range of marine and offshore engineering, shipbuilding, civil and other general engineering services. The company serves clients across a range of industries in East Africa, with a local presence to enhance its operational and innovative expertise. While the core operations of SECO are focused on shipbuilding, shiprepair and marine engineering, the company provides a wide range of related activities in its extensive shipyard and workshop facility on Mbaraki Wharf in Mombasa.

Key services include: n Dry dock, shiprepair and marine engineering n Shipbuilding n Design and fabrication of steel structures, tanks and pipe works n Onshore container units, custom built containers and camp solutions n Provision of specialised, certified cranes and mobile equipment n Oil and gas exploration engineering (mid-stream and up-stream) n Supply base services for oil and gas industry n Machine shop and technical solutions n Inspection and certification (Non-Destructive Services -NDT) n Civil and marine engineering for remote sites

The impressive waterside facility of SECO is one of the largest and most modern in the East African region. It has a private berth with a length of 160 metres within a shipyard facility covering approximately 47,400 square metres, including 4,000 square metres of covered technical workshops. This fully equipped shipyard has two modern floating docks – the largest of their kind in East Africa – with a combined capacity of 1,200 tonnes for vessels up to 60 metres in overall length. To further enhance its services and continually improve its existing high standards of reliability and efficiency, SECO has invested in inspection testing, certification and quality checking processes to ensure compliant standards are met. The company is also expanding its service network by establishing offices in most of the neighbouring countries to provide on-hand assistance and support.

Exclusive advantage of SECO One of the unique advantages of working with SECO is that it is part of a large multi-faceted group of companies. SECO is able to call on associate companies of the Alpha Group to assist with any related project. The range of services covered by the Group includes logistics, shipping, vessel chartering, export processing zone services, onshore land transport, ship agency, food provision, remote camps and catering solutions, as well as cargo clearing and forwarding services. Each project is handled within the Group in order to provide the client with a perfectly ‘joined up’ service. Thus, SECO is one of the few companies in the region able to provide support and supply base services to the onshore oil and gas industries – everything from design and construction of a custom-built ‘containerised’ base camp to transport and shipping and food provision. SECO is truly a ‘one-stop shop’ in every sense.




ICT upgrade prepares Port of Mombasa for e-port status A

longside the huge investment in infrastructure and equipment at the Port of Mombasa, upgrades to the information and communications technology (ICT) systems have been a vital part of the process. The transformation of KPA to a paperless e-port is now three-quarters complete, with the final stages expected to be concluded in 2014. In 2000, KPA embarked on a 10-year ICT strategy that resulted in a fully integrated enterprise resource planning (ERP) system being launched in 2002 using systems applications and products (SAP) software. Fully web enabled, it included modules to handle human resources management, financial planning and control, material management, plant maintenance, project systems management, payroll and travel management. Then, in 2008, KPA installed the Kilindini Waterfront Automated Terminal Operations System (KWATOS). This allowed key port operational areas to be automated including container, conventional cargo and marine operations in the

Port of Mombasa as well as operation of the Nairobi and Kisumu inland container depots. These two developments were vital steps on the way to becoming an e-port. Further investments in 2010 and 2013 led to the upgrading of both the physical and functional aspects of the systems.

upgrade The functional upgrade to the SAP system included new modules for a general ledger, financial supply chain management (FSCM), employee and manager self-service (ESS and MSS) and supplier relationship management (SRM). These upgrades were launched in March 2013, allowing staff to produce and deal with documentation and paperwork much more quickly. Staff training was a key part of the implementation. All workers now have access to terminals throughout the port. They can access their own human resources (HR) information and payslips online as well as requesting leave. Managers can approve leave in the same way and can access reports promptly via the portal. Other areas such as performance management will be added in the near future.


Through the SRM portal, suppliers receive purchase orders direct and can even participate in tendering processes online. The FSCM module allows port customers to carry out transactions online such as receiving and paying invoices, and lodging claims and disputes. The benefits of these extra modules are many. Processes that used to take days can now be carried out in minutes. HR data is more accurate and available instantly. Not least, of course, is the reduction in time wasted travelling to and from KPA – for example, to pay an invoice – and the significant savings in paper now that payslips, invoices, tender documents and statements no longer have to be printed.

The system provides Kenya’s trading community and stakeholders with a single point of access for all external trade-related services.

Single Window main features are: n Arrival notices n Electronic declaration submission n Payment n Electronic manifest submission n Permits and licences n Access to all trade-related procedures and updates.

Ultimately, these upgrades allow port operations to proceed with greater efficiency and productivity, with the online portals opening the way to improved decision-making, transparency, traceability and visibility.

Single window On 31 October 2013 the Kenya Trade Network Agency (KenTrade) launched the Kenya National Electronic Single Window (KNESW) system two months ahead of the government deadline of 31 December. The KNESW system is part of the Kenya Vision 2030 initiative to facilitate trade, customs clearance and competitiveness and to reduce the cost of trade, thus promoting the economy. Work on the single window was begun initially by the KPA and the Kenya Revenue Authority (KRA), but it soon became a government project because of its wide-ranging implications for the nation’s trade and logistics sectors. The KNESW single window is based on the highly successful Singapore single window system. Introduction of the single window system has brought huge improvements in efficiency across the port and beyond.

Importers now have to submit only one manifest, online, and clearance can be obtained much faster, so that cargo can be released from the port or other holding areas sooner than was previously possible. Eliminating the former inefficiencies from the clearance process will dramatically reduce the cost of cargo handling because of the reduction in delays. These cost savings can be passed on to the importer or exporter and boost trade throughout the country. Perhaps the most pertinent part of the process was engaging the many stakeholders in the pursuit of a single goal to the benefit of every single stakeholder and every cargo handler in Kenya. It marks the beginning of a new growth in trade within the country.



p o r t p e r f o r ma n c e

Performance figures underline port improvements T

otal cargo throughput at the Port of Mombasa continues to increase year on year. In 2013 the port handled a total of 22.3 million tonnes, an increase on 1.8 per cent over 2012 and a 15 per cent increase since 2009. The largest increase has been seen in the container handling sector. Since the 1980s volumes had been rising, but in 2012 they rose by an unprecedented 17.5 per cent to 903,000 teu. This figure was almost repeated in 2013 with 894,000 teu handled at the port. These figures underline the Kenya Ports Authority’s focus on attracting container business as well as its efforts to increase the port’s capacity. In terms of tonnage, containers accounted for nearly 9 million tonnes or 40 per cent of total port throughput. This percentage share has increased from 35 per cent in 2010. Liquid bulks such as petroleum, oil and lubricants account for just under 30 per cent of all imports. Other major imports are clinker, wheat, iron and steel, plastics, fertilisers, paper products, rice and vehicles. On the export side, the largest commodity is tea, followed by soda ash, coffee and other food products. While exports have risen by 18 per cent since 2009, they account for only 13 per cent of the port’s total throughout. Imports, on the other hand, have grown by 14 per cent in the same period but account for 85 per cent of total throughput.

Cargo throughput 2011-2013 Containerised



(1,000 tonnes)







Dry bulk




Liquid bulk















Dry bulk




Liquid bulk




Total imports EXPORTS Containerised

Total exports Total import/export Transhipment

Transit cargo for neighbouring countries accounted for about 6.6 million tonnes out of all of the cargo imported via Mombasa in 2013. About 70 per cent of this transit traffic goes to Uganda and the rest mainly to South Sudan, Rwanda, Burundi, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania and Somalia.













21,920 22,307

Container traffic (teu) 770,804 903,463 894,000 Total vessel calls




Transit In




Transit Out Total Transit










Infrastructure investments bring hope for improved cargo flow H

uge investment in various infrastructure projects across Kenya and East Africa is expected to improve transit times dramatically for imports and exports through the Port of Mombasa. Mombasa plays a vital role in the transport chain, but delays in moving cargo away from the port in a timely and efficient manner are currently translating into higher costs for end-users. As many as seven countries receive goods through the Port of Mombasa, so the transport chain linking these to the port has come under a lot of scrutiny in recent years; and the huge investment now promised has been welcomed by all players.

Railway Less than four per cent of freight leaving Mombasa goes by rail. This situation is about to change as a result of what has been described as Kenya’s largest infrastructure project for 50 years: a modern standard-gauge railway linking Mombasa with Nairobi and the further hinterland. Kenya’s current rail system dates from the 1890s and its narrow-gauge track is unreliable and too narrow for modern containers. The railway has fallen into disrepair and its replacement marks one of the biggest and most long-awaited infrastructure challenges in recent times.


The first sections of the new line were installed in November 2013 with the contract being awarded to the Chinese state-owned China Road and Bridge Corporation (CRBC) at a cost of US$ 3.8 billion. This has been funded mostly by China, with some funding from Kenya. The new line between Mombasa and Nairobi will take a completely different route to the existing line and is expected to be completed by 2017. It will be used for both passenger and freight services. Journey time for passenger trains will be reduced from 15 hours to just four hours. After Nairobi, the line will be extended to Malaba, on the Ugandan border, and then on through Uganda. There will also be branchlines to Kisumu, Kisangani in the Democratic Republic of Congo, Rwanda, Burundi and South Sudan. This project is expected to have the largest single impact on improving the efficiency of the transport chain across East Africa. It is supported – and partly funded – by all the nations it will serve.

Other projects are under way to transform the region’s road network. The Mombasa-NairobiAddis Ababa Road Corridor is a long-term project co-financed by the African National Bank with a budget of some $500 million to improve transport links between Kenya and Ethiopia. Closer to Mombasa, the Dongo Kundu bypass will link the south coast of Kenya with Mombasa and the main Mombasa-Nairobi Highway. It will also provide a new link to the north of Tanzania. Work is expected to start late 2014. Another 13,000 km of roads are being built across the country, including links to South Sudan and Ethiopia. The total size of the road network is estimated at 160,000 km, of which only 14,000 km is surfaced.

Other new lines linking various parts of the region are also planned, including one from Lamu to Lockichogio, which will connect with Juba in South Sudan. In the long term, a link between Lamu and Douala in Cameroon is also being explored. This will reduce haulage time to four days, compared with 25 days by sea.

Roads The main highway between Mombasa and Nairobi has already been resurfaced and improved, leading to reduced transit times. It was clear, however, that more could still be done and in 2013 the number of police roadblocks and weighbridges was reduced, more than halving the transit time from 18 days to just five.

Tanzania One of the main barriers to increasing trade to and through northern Tanzania has been the lack of adequate road infrastructure. A new road linking Voi, about 150 km from Mombasa along the Mombasa-Nairobi highway, and the border with Tanzania at Taveta, will greatly improve transit times and driving conditions. Currently, this road is unmade, often impassable and tortuous for truck traffic. Tarmacking this 75 km stretch of road will bring these markets closer to Mombasa and will allow the more direct route to the transit cargo destinations of Rwanda and Burundi to be better utilised.

New weighbridges were introduced to speed the flow of traffic. The new technology includes the High Speed Weigh-in-Motion (HSWIM) system, which weighs the vehicle while it is moving. This means only overweight vehicles will be directed to stop, while the general flow can proceed uninterrupted.




Gateway to a perfect African experience T

he multitude of attractions in and around Mombasa, as well as many within a short journey, makes it an ideal port of call for cruise ships sailing along the east coast of Africa and around the Indian Ocean.

For total passenger reassurance, KPA provides 24-hour surveillance of all cruise ships as well as full security measures such as sniffer dogs, police escorts, navy pilot escorts and divers.

Kenya Ports Authority has allocated Berths 1 and 2 for cruise ships because they are the closest to Mombasa Town and the furthest from the busiest areas of the working port. Although these are cargo berths, cruise ships are given priority and the quay has been made level for buses and foot passengers, and can easily be cordoned off securely.

At its peak, the Port of Mombasa was receiving 40 cruise ship calls a year, bringing some 16,000 passengers. With the clampdown on piracy since 2011, KPA remains optimistic that Mombasa will be able to attract similar numbers of cruise ship calls in the future, to join the handful that still call. Mombasa could also serve as a homeport. As well as extensive port services, it has a large hotel capacity and an international airport close by. Plans are also being discussed for a dedicated cruise terminal.

Pre-arrival arrangements, in co-ordination with all the relevant authorities, are made well in advance so that passengers can be disembarked swiftly and directed to their chosen excursion or tour. Most passengers will normally board pre-assigned and numbered seven-seat safari buses.

A lot to offer As a cruise destination, Mombasa has a lot to offer, both for passengers and for ship operators.

spirit of america /

There is easy access to the nearby Tsavo East and West National Parks and to the even closer and smaller Shimba Hills National Reserve. Tsavo is just two hours from Mombasa, an easy day trip. It is an ideal place to view the Big Five as well as other animals. Shimba Hills is more compact and its animals include buffalo, elephant and waterbuck. Mombasa’s main tourism attraction is Fort Jesus, built by the Portuguese in 1596. The fort is surrounded by the Arab quarter, the original part of Mombasa town, with its narrow and busy alleyways. Further afield, operators have the option of calling at the remote island of Lamu, where visitors can explore Lamu Old Town, a Unesco World Heritage Site.




Work begins at Lamu on second transport corridor M

id-term and long-term forecasts of regional growth predict that Kenya’s existing port and infrastructure capacity will be unable to keep pace with demand in spite of the huge expansion currently under way in the Port of Mombasa. Kenya’s rapidly developing neighbours, especially Uganda and South Sudan, will soon require a new and reliable transport corridor connecting with a port facility on the Indian Ocean in order to cope with the expansion in their economies that is forecast in the coming years. Already, throughput in the Port of Mombasa is growing by 10 per cent each year. In response to this, the island of Lamu, in the north of Kenya, was earmarked as the ideal location for a new ocean megaport. Lamu benefits from deepwater access, ample land for development, and closer proximity to Kenya’s northern transit destinations. The proposed new port is just one part of a vast infrastructure plan which, if realised,

will be Kenya’s largest-ever civil engineering project. The Lamu Port and South Sudan Ethiopia Transport (LAPSSET) corridor is huge in scope. It also includes a pipeline to deliver oil from South Sudan to a refinery near Lamu; a tanker terminal to handle the oil shipments; over 1,700 km of highways and railways linking Lamu with South Sudan and Ethiopia; three new airports; and tourist resorts at Lamu, Isiolo and Lake Turkana. The scale is enormous. Lamu will become the main port of entry and exit for cargo to South Sudan and Ethiopia. The project is also expected to generate thousands of sustainable new jobs in the region and to create a new financial and political stability across the northern province. It will be Kenya’s second major transport corridor after the Mombasa-Nairobi-Uganda route.

Ground-breaking The plan has been discussed since the 1970s, but in 2012 the project began in earnest. In March the official ground-breaking ceremony at Shaka La Paya, in Lamu, was attended by the presidents of Kenya and South Sudan and the prime minister of Ethiopia. In 2013, construction began on the first three berths of the Lamu port. The US$ 488 million contract was awarded to the China Communications Construction Company (CCCC). These berths will have a total length of 1,150 metres with 17.5 metres draught. There will also be container storage areas and related infrastructure. New roads and a causeway are needed to link the port to the mainland. The Lamu Port Corridor feasibility study, carried out by Japan Port Consultants, was the largest


such study ever held in Kenya. The study also addressed the 20-year master plan for development of the corridor and port. Completion of the port, expected in 2017-18, is vital to the whole project because it will be used for importing the construction materials for the rest of the corridor. The port itself will be the largest in Africa and three times the size of Mombasa. The plan includes 32 berths with a total quay length of about 10 km with depths alongside of up to 18.0 metres; so the new port will be able to handle post panamax vessels.

Corridor The master plan includes a corridor 200 metres wide to accommodate a highway, a railway, an oil pipeline and utilities such as electricity cables and sewage pipes. The proposed route is Lamu to Isiolo to Juba in South Sudan and then on to Addis Ababa in Ethiopia. This is one of the key projects in Kenya’s Vision 2030 programme. By 2030 the corridor is expected to be handling some 23.9 million tonnes of cargo on its way to and from the new

port, including most of the oil exports from South Sudan and Uganda via the pipeline. Total cost of LAPSSET is put at $30 billion, of which roughly a quarter is being funded by the Kenyan government. The remainder is being sought from public-private partnerships. As well as construction of berths, work has commenced on the Lamu to South Sudan road and the link to Ethiopia. Work on the railway has yet to begin. On a wider scale, there are plans to make Lamu the Indian Ocean hub for a transcontinental road and rail link stretching more than 4,000 km to Cameroon in West Africa. The LAPSSET corridor will form the first part of the Great Equatorial Land Bridge linking East and West Africa along traditional trading routes from Lamu through Bangui in the Central African Republic to Douala in Cameroon. The land bridge will include a 4,200 km high-speed standard gauge railway. It will have a capacity of 20 million teu per year with a transit time of just three days, compared with 14 days for the sea route via the Cape of Good Hope.



corporate social responsibility

KPA helps enhance life of local community K

enya Ports Authority’s Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programme has brought widespread benefits for communities in the Coast Province, not only in the form of relief and hardship funding but also through physical construction projects.

Birute Vijeikiene /

Since 2000 the KPA has allocated one per cent of its profits to needy causes, generally amounting to over KES 30 million per year. The biggest target is the education sector, which together with health projects is provided with about 65 per cent of the fund. The remaining 35 per cent goes on charities; disaster and relief funds; and financial help for needy causes.

spending Education spending embraces infrastructure projects such as new school buildings as well as computers, books and other essentials. The province has a shortage of modern education facilities, especially in primary schools, and this has been the main focus. The KPA has also incorporated health care clinics and dispensaries into its funding programme. The CSR programme is focused on building and maintaining a strong bond with the community and its various stakeholders. Each financial year, a committee appointed by the managing director considers the applications received, and the successful proposals are overseen through to implementation, monitoring and finally handing over to the community. Since the programme began, the KPA has assisted with the construction or expansion of over a dozen primary and secondary schools, as well as building four dispensaries. For larger projects, the finance is phased over two years.

Communities as far apart as Faza in Lamu County and Mwaluphamba on the south coast have benefited from the programme. Three recent projects include a therapeutic swimming pool for the Association of the Physically Handicapped in Mombasa; the Gede Dispensary in Malindi; and a 40 bed capacity girls’ dormitory at Pwani School for the Deaf in Kilifi. The ports authority’s CSR programme also benefits the lives of hundreds of people daily in Mombasa following the rehabilitation of the historical Uhuru Gardens in the centre of the city. Annual maintenance of the gardens is also funded out of the programme, thus providing a place where people can relax and enjoy the natural environment.



S ta f f

Dedicated workforce is KPA’s greatest asset T

he Kenya Ports Authority is in the fortunate position of being able to attract, retain and nurture a dedicated and highly trained workforce. Like any business, its employees are the interface between operational activities and customers. To make this interface as efficient and as professional as possible, the KPA has made a firm commitment to take care of training and personal development as well as providing staff with a rewarding work environment. The KPA has taken a positive stance, too, on improving its overall image. In the past, the reputation of Kenya and its main port

Corporate image When the new Kenyan government came to power in 2012 one of its first actions was to demand improvements in efficiency from KPA. The ports authority responded immediately with a far-reaching programme of changes to introduce better practice and to keep the media better informed about ongoing improvements to operations and support services. So successful was this programme that about 70 per cent of all media reports on the Port of Mombasa are now positive. This reflects the new esteem in which the KPA is held as well as underlining the improvements. KPA now employs a media agent to assist with and run media workshops in order to engage with both the media and its stakeholders. Furthermore, the new practices are based on better transparency, assisted by the ports authority’s much expanded ICT systems and its wide-ranging corporate and social responsibility (CSR) Programme. The government also asked for stakeholders to work together more efficiently. In response, the Port Community Charter was established by the KPA and its stakeholders to provide a framework for future cooperation.

has been tarnished by reports of slow transit times, congestion and corruption; and despite successful measures to improve the efficiency of the transport corridor, the KPA’s image also needed to be improved. The KPA has about 7,000 employees, all of whom require training and then retraining as technology evolves. Fresh graduates are also taken on each year to replace retiring personnel.


Wajibika Project Operational improvements are just one side of the story, however. The launch of the Wajibika Project in August 2013 marked a seminal moment in the history of the KPA. Port management and union leaders demonstrated their commitment to the future prosperity of the port by fully backing the groundbreaking initiative.

Labelled as ‘Wajibika – our pathway to the future’, the project centred on individuals taking responsibility for the port’s business success and its overall importance within the national economy in order to improve performance and become more customer focused. Wajibika is a Swahili word meaning ‘to be accountable’. As well as placing responsibility on the individual, it also instils a personal and collective obligation to work with dedication and integrity, and to be able to work efficiently and honestly without constant supervision. For many Kenyan workers this is a culture change; but members of staff were guided through the process and adopted it willingly and enthusiastically. At Bandari College, port employees were trained in responsible behaviour to try to eradicate bad practice. With Kenya facing ever-growing challenges from other ports in the region, the programme also attempted to instil in the workforce a sense of collective responsibility for the port’s success. There was particular emphasis on improving customer relations in challenging markets by working hard to retain customers. Wajibika is also about performance management, with a scorecard used as a tool to appraise staff performance.

Training The KPA is fortunate enough to have its own maritime college where it can train members of staff using programmes tailored to their particular needs. Bandari College, located just outside the port’s main gates, has been training port employees since 1980 but now also offers courses to a wide range of outside students, both local and international.

The college also offers courses in driving cranes, fork-lift trucks, terminal tractors and winches and these courses are always in demand with transport and warehousing operators. Special courses are also run in cooperation with other institutions such as Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology and the Kenya International Freight and Warehousing Association. Seafarers wishing to obtain an STCW certificate, as required by the International Maritime Organization, are also catered for by Bandari College. The college is ‘white listed’ to train seafarers, meaning that its qualifications are accepted worldwide. The college also sends its students for training at other colleges worldwide, especially if specialist training is required, including Egypt (Alexandria), South Africa and the UK. There are plans to make Bandari College more autonomous as well as expanding its range of courses and providing more facilities. For example, in 2011 the college installed a pool on campus for use in diving lessons.

For school leavers, the college offers a ninemonth course to obtain a foundation certificate in maritime studies. This can be followed by a diploma course.



d o n g o ku n d u

Dongo Kundu development one step closer T

he long-held strategy to build a free trade zone at Dongo Kundu could soon become a reality. Development of the site depends largely on construction of the Dongo Kundu southern bypass and this is now a step closer as the new container terminal in Mombasa moves nearer to completion. Once the new container terminal is ready, construction of the new road becomes essential to link the port to the Nairobi highway and avoiding the already busy Changamwe area of Mombasa. The Kenya National Highways Authority (KeNHA) has given the go-ahead. The proposed route will pass to the south of Moi International Airport and west of Port Reitz harbour before turning south. It will be about 18 km in length, linking Miritini on the mainland to Ng’ombeni in the south, and will include four bridges. It will also connect the Likoni-Diani and Mombasa-Nairobi highways.


Phase 1 will focus on the highway from Miritini, west of Moi International Airport, to Vumirirani on the A14 Coast Road. Two large bridges will be constructed: a 495 metre span over water at Mkupe and a 1,360 metre span at Dongo Kundu crossing 760 metres of mangrove and mud flats and 600 metres of water. Work is expected to start late 2014.

link road Phase 2 involves the improvement of other roads on the mainland and Mombasa, including the vital 6 km link road from the new container terminal to the bypass. The KES 4 billion highway has been in the pipeline for over 40 years; but when complete it will provide the Port of Mombasa with far better access to markets in the south as well as boosting the tourism potential of the south coast. It is also badly needed by daily

commuters who live on the south mainland and work on Mombasa Island or on the northern mainland and have to rely on the Likoni Ferry, currently the only link between Mombasa and the south coast. At present, the Likoni Ferry handles about 200,000 passengers and 3,500 vehicles a day; and although new vessels were introduced in 2010 to handle these vast numbers, an alternative would be welcomed by all users, especially truck operators and tourists. There is already a smaller link road from the new container terminal to the Nairobi Road, but the bypass will take the majority of freight traffic once it is completed. Construction is expected to start in 2014 with funding provided by the Japan International Cooperation Agency. The bypass is also expected to enhance the growing crossborder trade with Tanzania. The border is just 129 km south of Mombasa, and a coastal highway linking Dar es Salaam in Tanzania with Malindi and Mombasa in Kenya could also be developed.

Free zone The Dongo Kundu free trade zone will cover some 3,000 acres of KPA owned land, situated opposite the container terminal, it is expected to have 6,300 sites and to accommodate over 10,000 business units for warehousing, light manufacturing and processing. It is estimated that this will provide some 100,000 new jobs for the region.

Currently, part of the area is used by the Kenya Navy, but with several kilometres of deepwater frontage, it is ideal for a future port development. This is a key development target within the Vision 2030 document, a strategic blueprint for transforming the Kenyan economy, which also includes a free port on the same site. The bypass is a key element in the process because it will provide the necessary infrastructure to develop the free trade zone. Feasibility studies are being conducted to provide a road map for the best way forward for the project. The free zone will be benchmarked against some of the most successful free zones around the world to ensure that it meets the needs of Kenya’s national development plan. It is hoped that the free zone project will be in operation by the summer of 2015. The project has the full support of the government, which will provide incentives to get development under way. A number of major national projects have already been earmarked for the area including a 300 MW coal-fired power station.



U n i t e d n at i o n s

Mombasa is vital link in UN relief supply chain Each year between 6,000 and 10,000 teu are handled through the port. Single shipments can be more than 300 teu. The WFP aims for a minimum dwell time in the port. Cargo is moved quickly from the terminal thanks to close co-ordination with shipping lines, customs and the Kenya Ports Authority.



he Port of Mombasa is the United Nations’ major supply gateway in to East Africa with links by road to the Great Lakes Region and by road and sea to Somalia. These routes support major peacekeeping and humanitarian operations by the UN as well as by the African Union. Mombasa is also one of the world’s busiest ports for handling aid cargoes for the UN’s World Food Programme (WFP). Depending on the need within Kenya and the wider region, Mombasa handles an average of 400,000 tonnes of aid cargo each year consisting mainly of bulk cereals, blended foods, pulses and vegetable oil. Bulk cereals can be discharged and bagged using conventional facilities alongside the berth or via the silo facilities of Grain Bulk Handlers Ltd. A growing trend has been the arrival of new ‘smart’ foodstuffs such as high energy biscuits, plumpy nut and other fortified food items that can be made available in the first stages of an emergency intervention.


Incoming cargoes are predestined for elsewhere as much as possible. Ideally, the WFP will aim for direct transhipment, thus helping to reduce dwell time in port, warehousing, handling and costs. From Mombasa, aid cargoes are taken to Somalia, the eastern region of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda and Burundi as well as to rural arid and semi-arid areas of Kenya, where an average of some 3 million people depend on food aid.

Emergency response The continuation of La Niña in 2011 heavily influenced both the failure of the short rains and the erratic and below-normal long rains in the eastern part of the Horn of Africa. Pastoralist incomes and short rain harvests in the pastoral and marginal agricultural communities of Somalia and northern and eastern Kenya were badly hit, creating a food shortage. This, together with the continuing conflict in Somalia, affects millions of people, drawing on all available resources within the WFP to mount an appropriate response.

The Port of Mombasa played a key role in WFP relief efforts by sea and overland, further augmented by air transport using Mombasa International Airport in the initial stages. In an effort to further reduce lead times for the delivery of vital supplies, the WFP chose the Mombasa corridor to establish a Forward Purchasing Facility, introduced in the second half of 2011.



The WFP uses three modes of transport to get food aid from Mombasa to where it is needed most: rail (most preferred but least used), road and sea. The WFP has over 50 local transport companies proud to be working on its behalf. These operators serve delivery points as far away as the DRC.

To meet growing requirements, the WFP is looking to control more of its own capacity. The WFP has a sizeable operation in Mombasa with 72 dedicated staff, about half of whom are involved directly in warehousing operations. In the coming years, WFP will continue to develop and consolidate its port activities with the aim of establishing a dedicated humanitarian logistics terminal to meet its own special needs. Notwithstanding the often difficult and challenging operational environment, the WFP strives to maintain high quality standards along its entire supply chain. This means a higher demand on performance by WFP’s privatesector partners, continuous training of its own key personnel and conformity with the regulatory frameworks.

In terms of sea transport, the WFP primarily offers transhipment by chartered vessels to Somali ports, which can be done only with a naval escort.

ChameleonsEye /

The WFP has dedicated warehousing with a total capacity of 12,000 tonnes at BP1 shed, which it leases from the KPA. The WFP also rents other dedicated space from private companies and from freight forwarders according to demand. These facilities provide about 60,000 tonnes of dedicated capacity in and around the port area.

The KPA provides the WFP with all its stevedoring services both for containers and conventional cargo. Bagging services are hired from the private sector. Containers are usually cleared inside the port area and, depending on the size of shipment, block stacking is requested to ensure swift movement from the terminal.



Fu t u r e

Period of change will bring greater security and prosperity T

o say that the Kenya Ports Authority is undergoing a period of change would be a bit of an understatement. The KPA’s current investment in visionary infrastructure improvements, a reshaping of its operational methods, huge improvements in ICT and port reform will change forever the way the Port of Mombasa operates and the way Kenya does business. Change always comes at a price; but the price for Kenya of not changing would have been higher. Growing competition from other regional ports and the demand for world-class standards by its existing and potential customers meant that the KPA was obliged to transform the port and its operations to meet the needs of customers both overseas and in the hinterland. The KPA’s responsibility is enormous, serving as it does a population of some 120 million people across seven countries.

Growth By 2006 it was clear that additional capacity was going to be vital for the future well-being of the port. The container terminal had been

designed to handle just 250,000 teu a year. In spite of various reconfigurations that involved removing warehouses and sheds, creating new yards and streamlining activities, there was still a huge capacity problem. The introduction of container freight stations took pressure off the port for a while, although it was still handling three times its nominal capacity. Plans were soon put together for Berth 19 and the Second Container Terminal as well as for further reconfigurations of port areas and infrastructure to maximise capacity. Looking to the future, other changes will also be made elsewhere in the port. The ongoing construction of the Second Container Terminal makes the current location of the Kipevu Oil Terminal unviable. It will therefore be moved across the harbour to the south shore opposite Berth 11 and linked to existing storage facilities on the north shore by an underwater pipeline. This is expected to be completed by 2017. Another development on the horizon is a liquefied natural gas (LNG) terminal at Dongo Kundu. This will be a government project located on 200 acres of land provided by the KPA. It will include a jetty for vessels to discharge and a 500 MW power station built by Kenya Electricity Generating Company (KenGen). Also being considered are underground pipes linking the terminal to other power plants in the area, which could be converted to run on LNG. The East African Community has also investigated the possibility of installing a natural gas pipeline from Dar es Salaam to Tanga and Mombasa following the discovery of an estimated 47 trillion cubic feet of natural gas off Tanzania.


Challenges The KPA faces many challenges in the years ahead. It has met the capacity challenge headon, but now faces the equally important task of reducing congestion and improving delivery times through faster clearance processes. The hinterland infrastructure is improving rapidly, and that will help; but such projects are largely out of KPA’s hands. Responding to global maritime trends will be a key priority for the authority, not just in dealing with operational matters and embracing new technologies, but in doing so while maintaining a safe, secure and environmentally friendly operation. Another challenge will be to lessen the environmental impact of port activities. The KPA is developing a ‘green’ port policy in partnership with a consultant to look at areas such as air quality, water quality, sulphur emissions, pollution levels and emergency response. The port’s carbon footprint will be assessed and monitored.


2030 the port will be at the limits of its capacity once more. As the trend continues towards larger vessels, the new port at Lamu will come into play. Mombasa can handle vessels of up to 6,000 teu; but Lamu, with depths of 16.0 to 17.0 metres alongside, will be able to receive the largest vessels in service, transforming the port into a new hub for the wider region. This is an ambitious vision; but given the development already seen over the past five years, it is an achievable ambition for the new-look Kenya Ports Authority.

By 2016 the port’s installed capacity will be 1 million teu a year. In 2013 it was already handling 900,000 teu, while its goal for 2018 is 1.6 million teu. This means the port has to almost double its container throughput over the next five years; and this will require an aggressive approach to efficiency, productivity and staff motivation. The signs for this are positive. By 2020 the port’s capacity will be 2.5 million teu. This will mark the completion of the current strategic development plan at Mombasa. But by



P o r t d e ta i l s




Includes Kilindini Harbour, Port Reitz, the Old Port and Port Tudor. The port is the main outlet for the landlocked East African countries of Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Lamu, 2 km (light aircraft only).

ACCOMMODATION Secure port with three anchorages for vessels of 91.43 metres LOA and 5.18 metres draught to enter the harbour at LWST. Spring tide rise is 3.35 metres. Depth at anchorage: Shella 6.4 metres, Lamu South 5.8 metres, Lamu Upper 8.8 metres. Loading and discharge by dhows of 5 to 60 tons capacity.

DEVELOPMENT Construction of the first three berths (of 23) for a new mega port for the Indian Ocean started in 2013 for completion 2017-18.

POSITION Lat 2°18’S; long 40°55’E.

TOWAGE Tugs of up to 4,626 hp available from Mombasa.


ACCOMMODATION The port has two harbours: Kilindini Harbour on the south-west side of Mombasa Island and, on the east side of the island, Mombasa Old Port, which is entered between Ras Serani and Mackenzie Point about 0.8 km NNE. The Old Port is used only by dhows, small coasters of 53.33 metres LOA and bulk cement carriers up to 145.08 metres LOA and 7.92 metres draught. These moor off the bulk cement loading installations on the mainland side of the Old Harbour on Ras Kidomoni (English Point). There is a total of 3,284 metres of deepwater quays with depths of 9.45 metres to 15.0 metres LWOST. Berths are numbered from 1 to 19. Two berths for handling bulk/bagged cement at Mbaraki with a total of 315 metres length and 10.5 metres depth. A depth of 10.97

metres may be achieved by placing additional Yokohama fenders. The North and South lighterage wharves, with a total length of 412 metres, are also available. Berth 9 is used for loading of soda ash by conveyor. Two tanker berths and one oil jetty.

AIRPORT Moi International Airport, Mombasa, 6 km.

APPROACH Entrance channel to Old Port has a minimum depth of 11.6 metres. Entrance from the sea to Kilindini Harbour is by an approach channel 7 nautical miles long, 300 metres wide, with 15.0 metres depth, on a transit of 301º (Ras Serani leads), thence directly to the harbour between Ras Mwa Kisenge on the mainland south and Ras Mzimili on the south of Mombasa Island about 0.6 km SW of Ras Serani lighthouse.

ANCHORAGES Kilindini is a fine sheltered harbour with anchorages for oceangoing vessels of between 6.0 and 12.0 metres draught. Anchorage for

coasters and fishing vessels also available. Anchorage outside the port area is not recommended because of poor holding grounds and strong currents.

AUTHORITY Kenya Ports Authority (KPA) PO Box 95009-80104, Mombasa, Kenya Tel: +254 (0)41 211 3999; +254 (0)41 211 2999; +254 (0)41 211 3497 Fax: +254 (0)41 211 1867 Email:;; Web:

BUNKERS Available by barge.

CONTAINER AND RO-RO FACILITIES Mainly at Berths 16, 17, 18 and 19 (total length of 840 metres) with a back-up area for stacking and handling containers. Ro-ro facilities available at Berths 5 and 13.

CRANES Quays and port areas are served by travelling cranes of 5 to 20 tonnes capacity; three electric portal cranes of 5 to 20 tonnes; and 11 mobile cranes. Berths 16 to 19: equipment includes seven rail mounted ship-to-shore gantry cranes – three (new) of 45 tonnes capacity and four (old) of 40 tonnes. Two rail mounted gantry cranes, 22 rubber tyred gantry cranes plus mobile yard cranes of 5 to 35 tonnes. Various mobile cranes and rail mounted cranes from 5 to 25 tonnes operate in the port area.

CRUISE TERMINAL Cruise ships are usually accommodated at Berths 1 and 2. There are plans to build a dedicated cruise terminal at these two berths.

DEVELOPMENT Plans to build a free zone at Dongo Kundu; construction of a new 1.2 million teu container terminal under way – first phase expected to be



P o r t d e ta i l s

completed in 2016; Kipevu Oil Terminal to be relocated; road and rail infrastructure to be built and modernised.

FRESH WATER Fresh water is always available from shore hydrants at Berths 1 to 3. Average rate is 20 tonnes per hour. Fresh water available at anchorage and other berths by barge (max 300 tonnes per trip) and harbour tug ‘El-Lamy’ (max 150 tonnes per trip).

IMPORTS AND EXPORTS Main imports: crude oil, fertilisers, salt, sugar, paper, iron and steel, motor vehicles, farm machinery, wheat, maize. Main exports: coffee, tea, soda ash, cement, canned fruit.

MEDICAL AID Private and public hospitals in the town.

PILOTAGE Compulsory for all vessels except pleasure boats and small fishing vessels. VHF Channels 16 and 12.

POSITION Lat 4°04’S; long 39°41’E.



Fresh meat, fruit and vegetables available. ISSA members on hand.

The port can accommodate vessels up to 13.25 metres draught and 259 metres LOA.



Available 24 hours a day on VHF Channels 12 and 16.

Labour Day (1 June) and Christmas Day are normally the only holidays on which the port is closed, except for necessary pilotage of ships in and out of harbour and for dealing


with mail, passengers, baggage, livestock and perishables. On other public holidays, restricted working may be carried out at overtime rates.

SHIP REPAIR African Marine & General Engineering Co. One dry dock, length 180 metres, entrance width

24.75 metres, maximum water depth HWS 7.9 metres. Most types of repair work undertaken. Southern Engineering Co Ltd also has repair facilities.

STACKING Total stacking area at the container terminal is 137,000 square metres.

STORAGE Eight main quay transit sheds with a total floor area of 62,890 square metres and three other transit sheds with 36,952 square metres of floor area.

TANKER TERMINALS Kipevu Oil Terminal (KOT), at Port Reitz, can accommodate crude oil tankers up to 100,000 dwt and 259 metres LOA. Depth alongside is 13.41 metres at LOWST. Shimanzi Oil Terminal (SOT) can accommodate vessels up to 35,000 dwt, 198.0 metres LOA and 9.75 metres draught. Slop tank facilities available. Cased Oil Jetty between Berth 10 and Shimanzi Oil Terminal can accommodate vessels up to 73 metres LOA and 6.0 metres draught. Currently not in use.

TIDES Tidal range is 4.0 metres maximum at spring tide and 2.5 metres at neap tides.

TOWAGE Compulsory. Tugs up to 4,626 hp (3,450 kw) and 57.8 tons bollard pull available. Marine operations: three berthing tugs, four pilot boats (one for security patrols) and two mooring boats have been acquired. New 55 to 60 ton bollard pull tugs are multipurpose. A fourth tug, ‘El-Lamy’, was refurbished and is also in service.

TRAFFIC The port handled a total of 22.3 million tonnes of cargo in 2011.

WASTE RECEPTION Ships’ agents appoint waste collectors licensed by the National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) and Kenya Ports Authority (KPA).

WORKING HOURS 07.00 to 15.00, 15.00 to 23.00. Extension of regular hours, Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays all constitute overtime.




Company directory USEFUL ADDRESSES KENYA PORTS AUTHORITY (KPA) PO Box 95009-80104, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 211 3999; +254 (0)41 211 2999; +254 (0)41 211 3497 Fax: +254 (0)41 211 1867 Email:

KENYA MARITIME AUTHORITY PO Box 95076-80104, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 8398 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 8397 Email:









PO Box 99209-80107, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 3245 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 8344 Email:


Nkrumah Road, PO Box 86372 Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 246 000 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 524 Email:

off Haile Selassie Avenue PO Box 30121-00100, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 204 476 Fax: +254 (0)20 340 049; 224 156 Email:




PO Box 90681-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 1071 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 2231 Email:

McLarens Toplis, Maritime House Moi Avenue, PO Box 82208, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 1068 Email:

PO Box 90681-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 4711/2 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 5274 Email:




c/o PO Box 99209-80107, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 3245 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 8344 Email:



Mogadishu Road PO Box 83908, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 3742; 202 3529 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 3742 Email:


Mama Ngina Drive PO Box 88502, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 1958 Fax: +254 (0)41 312015 Email:


House 1196, Links Road, Nyali PO Box 95341-80104, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 200 0881; 470 734 Fax: +254 (0)41 470 735 Email: ttca @


PO Box 87820, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 228016 Fax: +254 (0)41 228034

KENYA COMMERCIAL BANK (KCB) PO Box 90254, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 312523/8 Fax: +254 (0)41 228443 Email:



Grain House, Beira Road, Shimanzi PO Box 80469-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)703 011 7000 Fax: +254 (0)41 223 0183-5 Email:

GULF STREAM INVESTMENTS LTD (GSIL) PO Box 1670-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 5420 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 5540 Email:


Mbaraki Wharf PO Box 90147-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 4910, 231 1103, 231 3606 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 7544, 222 3858 Email:


PO Box 97155, Tangana Road Mbaraki Creek, Mombasa 80112 Tel: +254 (0)41 231 7001/2/8/9 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 7010 Email: P0 Box 87126, 80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 9936; (0)20 807 0284/5 Fax: +254 (0)20 807 0281/3 Cell: +254 723 685 317; 736 391 602 Email:


PO Box 90250, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 249 5041 Email:


PO Box 81737, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 220 270 Fax: +254 (0)41 220 085 Email:


6th & 9th floors, Kenya Re Towers Mara Ragati Road, Upper Hill PO Box 10921-00100, Nairobi Tel +254 (0)20) 271 0510; 271 0487-9 Fax: +254 (0)20 271 0581/2 Cell: +254 (0)722 205 001; (0)720 627 000; (0)733 633 333 Email:


1st floor, ABC Place Waiyaki Way, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 445 0560/1/2/3/4/ Fax: +254 (0)20 445 0565

COLD CHAIN MANAGEMENT Southern Shipping Services Ltd

Mbaraki Wharf, near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 4546 GSM: +254 722 203 156

PO Box 89026, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 224 464 Fax: +254 (0)41 229 623 Email:



2nd floor, Sea View Plaza Mama Ngina Drive PO Box 34256-80118, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 3958 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 3936



PO Box 27643-00506, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 201 5775/7 Fax: +254 (0)20 201 5770 Email:

PO Box 97897-80112, Mombasa Tel: +254 0(0)41 249 3100 Fax: +254 (0)41 249 3076 Email:;


PO Box 86337, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 226 683 Email:


PO Box 90264-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 6677 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 8703 Email:

Louis Dreyfus Commodities

AWANAD LOGISTICS & CFS PO Box 2868, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)20 233 1187 Email:

COMPACT FREIGHT SYSTEMS LTD PO Box 86232-80100, Mombasa Tel: 254 (0)716 430 693 Email:


Refinery Road, Changamwe PO Box 86391-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 343 0265/6/7/8 Fax: +254 (0)41 343 4508 Email: info@consolbase.coke


Pipeline Road, Kipevu, PO Box 43092, Changamwe, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)20 2171576/77/80 Fax: +254 (0)20 2171671 Email:

INTERPEL INVESTMENTS LTD PO Box 86823-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 343 0105/6/7 Fax: +254 (0)41 343 0108 Email:

MITCHELL COTTS FREIGHT (K) LTD Voi Street, Shimanzi PO Box 42485-89100, Mombasa Tel: 254 (0)20 231 5780; 222 5509; 222 9609 Cell: +254 (0)722 880 688 Fax: +254 (0)20 222 6181 Email:


Port Reitz, off Airport Road, PO Box 90253, Changamwe, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)20 232 6854/56/57 Cell: +254 702 252 562/ 0734 550055 Fax: +254(0)20 232 6979 Email:


PO Box 99686 -80107, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)20 2039642 Fax: +254 (0)20 2039643 Email:

CONTAINER HANDLING Southern Shipping Services Ltd

Mbaraki Wharf, Near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162 – 80100, Mombasa Tel: +254-41-2314546, GSM: +254 722 203 156


PO Box 28969, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 531 583/4 Fax: +254 (0)20 531 580 Email:

ENERGY PROVIDERS THE KENYA POWER & LIGHTING CO LTD Electricity House, PO Box 90104, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 225 564/7 Email:


PO Box 95187, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 229 679 Email:


4th floor, Olemonana House Moi Avenue PO BOX 86806-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 220 877/878 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 0875 Email:


PO Box 81728-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 7295 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 4943 Cell: +254 (0)727 737 777; 773 737 777 Email:,


(Mombasa Freight Department) Zanzibar Road PO Box 90631, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)41 231 2461/3; 231 1800 Email:


PO Box 90682, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 227 573 Email:


MSC Plaza, Moi Avenue PO Box 80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 6800/1 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 6115 Email:



Old Airport North Road off Mombasa-Nairobi Road PO Box 90263-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)20 642 1000 Fax: +254 (0)20 824 263 Email:

INLAND TRANSPORT SOUTHERN SHIPPING SERVICES LTD Miritini, Mombasa/Nairobi Rd Jomvu-Miritini/ next to Caltex Petrol Station PO Box 40268, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 7235 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 6029 Email:

LOGISTICS Alpha Logistics

Mbaraki Wharf, Near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 4546 GSM: +254 722 203 156 Email:


PO Box 55953-00200, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 344 272 Email:

OFFSHORE FABRICATION Southern Engineering Company LTD

Mbaraki Wharf, Near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)42 231 4546, GSM: +254 722 203 156 Email:;


Maritime Centre, Archbishop Makarios Close, off Moi Avenue PO Box 89911, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)412221273/6;2220056 Fax: +254(0)412220086;2316260




Makupa Causeway, Kibarani PO Box 42485-89100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 6826; 5780; 222 5509 Cell: +254 (0)722 831 404; 730 111 000 Fax: +254 (0)20 222 6181 Email:

Refinery Road, Changamwe PO Box 90401-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 433511 Fax: +254 (0)41 343 2603 Email:


David Kayanda Road PO Box 611-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 4693/4 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 8251 Email:

SEAFOOD PRODUCTION East African Seafood Ltd

Mbaraki Wharf, near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 4546 GSM: +254 722 203 156 Email:

SECURITY Salama Fikira

PO Box 15544-00509 Langata, Nairobi Tel: +254 (0)20 269 3846 Email:


PO Box 81728-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 7295 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 4943 Cell: +254 (0)727 737 777, +254 (0)773 737 777 Email:,


PO Box 88244, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 223 0835; 231 1096; 222 9993 Cell: +254 (0)722 411 969 Fax: +254 (0)41 223 0835 Email:;

Southern Shipping Services Ltd

Mbaraki Wharf, Near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 4546, GSM: +254 722 203 156

SHIPPING AGENTS AFRICAN LINER AGENCIES LTD Maritime House, Moi Avenue PO Box 43181, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 9485 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 9364 Email:


Delmas Kenya Ltd, Kipevu Rd, Changamwe, PO Box 90262, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)41 343 3430/343 5262 Fax: +254 (0)41 343 5263 Email:



9th floor, Cannon Tower II PO Box 1185-80100 Moi Avenue, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 8810 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 9118 Email:

East Africa Commercial & Shipping Co. Ltd

PO Box 95103, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 343 3430/2 Fax: +254 (0)41 343 4600 Email:

Express Shipping & Logistics (EA) Ltd

6th floor, Bandari Wing Cannon Towers II, Moi Avenue PO Box 1922-80100,Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 4822; 9784/6 Email:


1st floor, Cotts House, Moi Ave PO Box 85593-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)41 231 3776/7; 222 9113 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 4513 Email:



Harbour House, Moi Avenue PO Box 89911, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 0056 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 0086 Email:

MAKEDONIA MARITIME (K) LTD Baggage Hall, Kilindini PO Box 16876, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)41 231 4421; 231 1196 Fax: +254 (0)41 223 0120 Email:


MSC Plaza, Moi Avenue PO Box 80637, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 3446/7 Fax: +254(0)41 231 5886/231 1250 Email:


Motaku House, Tangana Rd PO Box 80419, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 9065 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 0777 Email:


2nd floor, Inchcape House, Mikanjuni Rd PO Box 43050, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 5361 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 5927 Email:

PO Box 88244, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 223 0835; 231 1096; 222 9993 Cell: +254 (0)722 411 969 Fax: +254 (0)41 223 0835 Email:;

Rais Shipping Services (Kenya) Ltd


89 St Edward Close PO Box 84385, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)41 222 2972; 222 7127 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 9095 Email:

3rd floor, Tarachand Plaza Makarios Close, off Moi Ave PO Box 87641-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 9640/1/2 Tel: +254 41 231 9643 Email:

INCHCAPE SHIPPING SERVICES Inchcape House, Archbishop Makarios Rd PO Box 90194, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)412228226/2314245 Fax: +254 (0)42 231 4662 Email:


1st floor, Canon Towers II, Moi Avenue, PO Box 88206-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 4506/23; 700 510 592 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 2158 Email:


Mikindani Road, off Moi Avenue PO Box 87684-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 960 Email:;



Cotts House, Moi Avenue PO Box 83633, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 3776/7; 222 9113 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 4513 Email:

SHARAF SHIPPING AGENCY (K) LTD 3rd floor, Inchcape House Mikanjuni Road PO Box 1125-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 8888 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 1915 Email:



Liwatoni, Ganjoni PO Box 99543, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 9241 Fax: +254 (0)41 704 2328


PO Box 90262, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 343 4542 Fax: +254 (0)41 434 037 Email:

Southern Shipping Services Ltd

Mbaraki Wharf, near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41-231 4546, GSM: +254 722 203 156

SPANFREIGHT SHIPPING LTD Creek Marine House, Nyali Rd PO Box 99760-80107, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 1540 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 092 Email:


PO Box 86725-80100, Mombasa Tel. 254 (0)41 222 2044 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 7701/222 9197 Email:


2nd floor, Harbour House PO Box 80147, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 5589; 231 2662 Fax: +254-041 231 3813 Email:


Liwatoni Complex, Liwatoni Road PO Box 81841, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 222 6479/222 0517/8 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 7577 Email:


Mezzanine floor, MSC Plaza Moi Avenue PO Box 99774-80107, Mombasa Tel. 254 (0)41 231 1071/231 1072 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 1070 Email:

WILHELMSEN SHIPSSERVICE (WSS) Bawazir House, Nyerere Avenue PO Box 84530-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254(0)41 222 7964; 223 0278 Fax: +254 (0)41 223 0277 Email:


PO Box 90462-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254Â (0)41 222 1651/2/3; 222 2407 Cell: +254 733 333 651; 722 203 455 Fax: +254 (0)41 231 3168; 222 0732 Email:

Southern Engineering CO LTD

Mbaraki Wharf, near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)42 231 4546, GSM: +254 722 203 156 Email:;


PO Box 90492-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 5451 Fax: +254 (0)41 222 3681 Email:; *Head office located in Magadi


Mbaraki Wharf, near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 4546 GSM: +254 722 203 156 Email:

TOWAGE & TUGS Alpha Logistics

Mbaraki Wharf, near Likoni Ferry PO Box 84162-80100, Mombasa Tel: +254 (0)41 231 4546 GSM: +254 722 203 156 Email:


PO Box 1, 4200AA, Gorinchem The Netherlands Tel: +31 (0)183 63 99 11 Fax: +31 (0)183 63 21 89 Email:

VEHICLE HANDLING BOSS FREIGHT TERMINAL LTD PO Box 3386 off Mbaraki Road, Mombasa Tel: +254 41 231 8034

Kenya Ports Authority PO Box 95009-80104, Mombasa, Kenya Tel: +254 (0)41 211 3999; +254 (0)41 211 2999; +254 (0)41 211 3497 Wireless: +254 (0)20 357 5880/8 Mobile: +254 (0)72 020 2525; +254 (0)73 431 2211 Fax: +254 (0)41 211 1867 Email:;;

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