KU Landscape Planning - Group 11 - Proces Diary

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d e pa rt m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t university of copenhagen

L a n dscap e Pl anni ng 2013


// GROUP 11 //

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 11 / Roy Straathof / Monia Kalicinska / Jannik Rosenlind / Maja Aarup WEEK ONE

Reframing Frederiksværk

Visualisation of main concepts. The structure of the town becomes more clear by reframing and making a gradual transition between dense urban areas and dense nature areas. The town of Frederiksværk is divided into scattered islands of townscape, and the identity is still closely connected to the steelwork. This project reframes the town, connects the urban elements and stresses the town centre by creating a gradual transition between the townscape and the surrounding landscape and nature. The identity of Frederiksværk has been closely connected to industry throughout history. During the days of glory two thousand people were employed at the steelwork. Back in time the unique location by the former coastline, between the lake Arresø and the Roskilde Fjord has been used deliberately in order to create natural water power for the industry, and in order to ensure this development a canal was dug by man. Today the town finds itself at a crossroads; because of the closure

of the steelwork it is difficult to create jobs and to attract inhabitants – this project redefines the identity of the town by restructuring the urban elements and by using the existing landscape.

Islands of townscape

Frederiksværk has developed into scattered islands of townscape, and without a structure combining these islands the town appears structureless and confusing. By using a geometric form – a square – our main concept is to frame the town. This frame is placed in order to grab the surroundings – the scattered islands – and the inside of the frame is to be accentuated as the centre of the town. By using the frame the different islands gain enhanced connectivity and access to the town centre.

Potential of existing landscape and surrounding nature

Frederiksværk has developed at its location because of its inherent potential for water power as well as the potential for exportation of goods on Roskilde Fjord. As part of the main concept of reframing the town we will bring out the qualities of the existing nature and water bodies. We want to emphasise the main canal routes, perhaps widen them and make the banks accessible for pedestrians – and we want the surrounding forest to be sucked into the town creating a gradual transition between dense urban and natural areas. To sum up the main concept is to frame the town creating a more dense and urban town centre, to emphasise the canal routes and the forest and letting these nature elements fade out and become more

natural as it reaches the fjord. The geometric frame functions as an element that stresses the most dense urban area as well as a gathering element between the Arresø, the forest, the canal, the town, the wetlands and the fjord.

“This project redefines the identity of the town by restructuring the urban elements and by using the existing landscape.” Em doloresequo cus into eos ut maiore odignisci abor reriae exerum aut magnimil ius eliqui simus et la culparc ipidere caectiore ni dicto voles et qui officab orehent. ex expliqui ipicium aliciur amus reperro rporatis a nim conem non conseque nobit aut magnis quiam. In rest, anis et quunto volore audae By Roy, Monia, Jannik & Maja

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Group 11 / Roy Straathof / Monia Kalicinska / Jannik Rosenlind / Maja Aarup

reperumMinihilit dolum di optat. Harchil molute aut volest officipsam volore doluptat arum nestiis conem fugiti ut fugita dolupta tentemquis entibus del molut vendit eiciis es etAbo. Igent quia qui offictur? Quiant ulparum endam, qui denitate mod moloreperum experfero beaquoditae veliqui bustemporpos as et estrum qui namusant laborro vitiam, quiditendunt omnimos. Discita erernatist vellabo reptiant iur am suntia comnim cum eum amus ducipsant ad et alibusdam serum sinctus doluptatur? Non pe volupta sperfer spicaborit lacepuditi amusciti odis exeritis rerum eatus volestrum et ea doluptas vendiorit verum reicipsanist explacea expelendenit quia volestia si odissum quat experiantium volupta ecabore roviti cuptas qui doloreculpa pos evelente es apedis aspit eriasitatur, sequid ut autemqui officiet. Labor rerore, testor sit exeritis. Doluptae officimodia consendi nis eum quia voloreptatum earchil ignimus.

The geometrical frame – a square – gathers as the main concept scattered urban areas and the surrounding nature elements both stressing a centre of the townscape and creating a gradual transition and link between urban areas and nature.

“Fuga. Et voloratusda et voluptios quis” Sus et rerferum idit moloria dis simos et eosti doloresti sus, si cus ea vere pratur moluptat ea dunt eostionest, consequo. Occus et omnis molupti odit, non poria quam nones ipsusdam ut el imporei umquis ipitionet labore coreraestiat doluptas et es eario. Ut mi, cuptat lit la quam, nonsend ignihil imagnatur rerferum quisquatur, nima nus, toreperis idigendae vitius moluptatur, comnima iorerum est ea volutem porestia perspel lestem autetur? Quis aliberitat vollupt atiatia que voloremque dit rectotatet exerum a nonsequi ullest, quatem rescia dolum nit aut apisit voluptatus, od unt.

Headline 2

Volorem vel eos solupitas accum sequiant, sendictem aditatemo qui dest quo verorum restem sequis este dera dolo con pelescimus min et a volorest fugiat. Quiaecus modi di tempedi squisitam vollum eiurerum sequae doluptatis ea nihillaut magnatq uatiant. Nam venisci tatiuntius elitior ereped excearum et at.

The existing forest and the strict manmade structure of the canal entering the town from the lake Arresø. Dae ius modis de ditio volor abore essimag niaturiatate ducimolorum imaio imusam net exerisimo que volor a nonsequ iaectat. Soloria solorru ndaerrum am, quam non ea doluptati quibus peror asped quis velite dolescitis molland antinci officiam aut aut unt que por sinis et pere ad et maxima iusandenest, endipis dipsapero idi arumquae pellor raepudi aut excepuda duntiunt eriorae ceptatium sequat. Omnis dolorio earuptur, eum veliquos de laboribus earia di dolor

aut aut enimolu ptatque cusdandae orectur sint lat officit laborro vidvolore cumquatio. Esciur rempor ebis quis et faci nonempore volendi suntibe rferio beat et omnient. cum quia derrovid eNatem laccupMint res debit, natiatur, ne es- tas sendit vendi dese reperatque pro equiatia id modis doloreped modis qui con conseque sequiam, comniet dit faccuptam sit omnihil labore ius urerrum adiscipsum, ute eos dolupdolore core, simodi ut iur, is aut of- tur. fic tecae. Officto taquossi to es dolorpo reperch ictur? Architem non num ipis re nisquat Otationet aliqui consequ ibusda uribuscium faci nit labo. Itat apinist qui nullignis repelest et fugia- ctatium dolesti con nonse modit aut tias ut aut alitatur, quodipid eius, officaecum int quia comnihiciae offic tem is dolorescia sim que non- vent fugiandus, que dolesti andisiThree diagrams illustrating concepts of nature; the forest is led through secatem. ipsandi mintus maximai the town Eritatio. along theEquiduc canal fading out towards the fjordonsecto (left) – tatiuntius the strict modit, quam et eos quis conseque and manmade canal structure is softened and widened towards the fjord pratenist, ius modita adipsam, officit Rat qui te nos rempor alia vendign atiuntiusnem exceatatur? (above) – and wetlands reaches the urban area creating gradual transimodisqui corro tion between the urban area and the surrounding naturedolenitat elements.landipit harcipsant apiet odigendest, estius, net ab ipieni ut rehenis eume eratur? Arum int lam quis re net fugiam ea duntotate dolores citatem et pedipsunt qui ut quistibus doluptat. Facea sus rehendae minus, vel intios vit, omnisti atendae que nis recepratas eos nonsed expla cusam, ventem aut id quodit fuga. Ut aut rest veriostiur? By Roy, Monia, Jannik & Maja


university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group number 11 / studio JRM2 WEEK TWO

Reframing Frederiksværk EXISTING FOREST








Illustrative plan emphasizing the concept of the structure, existing and implemented nature.

The main tool in the concept of reframing Frederiksværk is a simple form and subtle strategies that provide an easy implementation of the project respecting the existing elements. By refraiming the urban stucture in Frederiksværk we aim on creating a connection between the highly separeted parts of the town. The frame that we introduced provides this main objective. The next step in our design proces involved the integration and clear communication between the new stucture and the excisting features of the site.

We approached a detailed configuraton of the elements that create the frame and synergy with its surroundings. By indicating where to apply hard and soft surfaces, water elements, paths, buildings, vegetation and trees we will proceed in giving substance to what the frame will look like and how it will connect to its context.

Five typologies

The frame structure consists of five different typologies creating different land- or townscapes within the frame providing various functions. The typologies reflect or contrast

the local surroundings creating correlation and synergy between old and new elements. We distinguish the following typologies within the frame; ’cultural centre’, ’retail and living’, ’natural bridge’, ’creative hub’ and ’discovering the forest’. The different typologies are physically distinguished by the density of the buildings, the present natural and man made structures and with nature and the amount of paved surfaces. Furthermore, by enhancing the site specific atmosphere, the parts will represent various experiences within the frame.

By Monia, Maja, Roy & Jannik

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ppa ag gee


Group number 11 / studio JRM2

“Fuga. Et voloratusda et voluptios quis” Visualisation of a meeting point within the Retail and Living area.

Cultural Centre

Creative Hub

Retail and Living

Discovering the Forest

Natural Bridge


Next steps

Next week we will take advantage of the 1:1 studio on site; we need to study and design the inside of the frame regarding the existing historical yellow buildings, the woodland, the distinctive road and the course of the canal. Simultaneously we will develop the plant/ building succession concept in order to obtain a tool for easy implementation of the concept from day 1. At the same time we will define the five typologies further in order to create a good connection between them within the frame.

By Monia, Maja, Roy & Jannik

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group number 11 / studio JRM2 WEEK THREE

Frederiksværk 1:1 path gallery

shopping mall bird tower

atelier offices residential pottery barn



path to forest

dense forest

outdoor café


dense planting parking lot path to Arresø

school tennis courts football field

acces point

main road

new centre

path to wetlands camping


wooden deck vintage shop new housing dense planting

Illustrative plan emphasizing the concept of the structure, existing and implemented nature.

The focus of this week was to walk in our plan during the workshop on site, to test our ideas in an imaginary 1:1 scale and to be more detailed and precise about the different elements that create the typologies that were introduced last week.

Section 1 shows the specific atmosphere that can be experienced by following the path within the frame into the forest – the path emphasizes the connection with the nearby nature and the rest of the town. Section 2 shows us a subtle transi-

tion between a dense forest that provides various opportunities for activities and recreation and the parking lot belonging to the highschool. Section 3 shows the unique atmosphere of modern residential buildings in combination with cultural

heritage and old industrial buildings. Section 4 shows a part of the central square that connects to the main shopping street and other important cultural areas in Frederiksværk.

Section 1: the atmosphere of the forest path

Section 2: subtle transition forest-parking lot

Section 3: passing through the cultural hub

Section 4: a centre of connectivity and activities By Monia, Maja, Roy & Jannik

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Group number 11 / studio JRM2

Visualisation of the corner of the frame structure looking towards south-west. A broad bridge creates a larger passage over the canal and creates a meeting point.

The frame concept that we have introduced is supposed to solve the problems that we have identified in Frederiksværk. This week we have been challenging our concept to be sure that it actually does make a difference to the site: PROBLEMS


1. town areas can be seen as scattered islands

1. the frame leads through all parts and links them together

2. the different parts of town have poor accessibility

2. the frame opens up the physical urban structure to create acces to various areas

3. no clear centre

3. the frame highlights the cultural area around the Gjethouse and the church and create a new multifunctional main square

4. geographical issues

4. the frame links the surrounding nature with the town

5. demographic issues

5. the frame provides new living areas to attract a diverse spectrum of citizens

Next steps

Next week will go back to the start and show how we came to our concept. It is important to explain the specific design choices that we made in order to understand the proces. Another diagrammatic topic we would like to emphasize on is the proces of the project itself - i.e. how will the frame develop over a certain span of time. The next step will also be focused on obtaining a next level of detail in terms of materials and a recognizable consequent red thread through our project. A reconsideration of the points where the frame meets ´complicated´ areas, for instance the shoping centre and main roads; We might need to design those areas in a clompletely different style.

By Monia, Maja, Roy & Jannik

university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e


Group number 11 / studio JRM2 WEEK FOUR

Re-reframing FrederiksvĂŚrk church square

forest birdstower

housing in the forest


gjethouse stairs

Extension retail area


new planting



orchad housing

alternative retail

path through forest football housing




By Monia, Maja, Roy & Jannik

u n ii v v ee r r ss ii tt y y o o ff c co op e n h a ag e n

landscape planning



pa g e


Group number 11 / studio JRM2

Concept diagram. The main concept of our project is the introduction of a conceptual frame that sometimes becomes strongly physical and recognisable and at other places appears as a gentle patch in the existing landscape. It mainly consists of green structures, buildings, surfaces and paths. The initial frame was a strong and closed shape, but the we exploded the frame to make it less radical and more subtile. Nevertheless, the shape still functions as a link between the existing scattered islands of the townscape in FrederiksvĂŚrk. The frame is divided into different parts that grab on to the existing urban context.

1. The creative corner: Old buildings and plantings Historical references Creative offices and entrepreneurs.

2. The recreational pass: The transition and entrance from urban to nature Area for recreation and leisure Strong relation with existing industrial buildings Access to the canal.

3. The cultural centre: Enhancing the existing atmosphere of historical buildings Emphasizing classical style and materials in the present buildings through subtle landscape interventions. Such as hedges, grass lawns, and tree clumbs.

4. Living in the forest: Modern and urban living area in strong connection to the surrounding forest. Attracts people to enter nature in a close distance from the towncentre Breaks the barrier between urban and nature.

Section showing the connection between the high school and the recreational pass.

By Monia, Maja, Roy & Jannik

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