KU Landscape Planning - Group 13 - Proces Diary

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d e pa rt m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t university of copenhagen

L a n dscap e Pl anni ng 2013


// GROUP 13 //

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group / Line Berglund Petersen, Christian Thunarf , Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Żołnierczuk WEEK 13 ONE

The Filter



Directions, landscape connections, densification The filter is a flexible implementation on Frederiksværk. It creates a new concentrated city center, through which all the important ingredients are filtered, refined and connected. In particular, it strengthens the sense of direction in the city, densifies the scattered community by making functions more visible, and reconnects the natural landscapes with the man-made.

LARGE SCALE In a larger scale, the concept can be explained by seeing the city’s main elements as spine, heart and lungs.

The protective green lungs

all the way from Arresø lake to the coast and ocean.

In a half circle around the city, the green connections are as most visible and uninterrupted. The relationship between the natural landscape (Arresø lake, fields, hills, forest, wetlands and ocean) and the urban structures (canals, industry, history, culture) is to be strengthened by making the green structure more comprehensible and accessible.

The centered heart

The blue spine The east-west stretch of the canal is to be made the main water element in the city, thus enhancing the connections between hills/forest and the wetlands/ocean/coastline. It is connecting the city functions, history and culture and strengthening the west-east direction of the city and creating a recreational path

By implementing a completely new scheme in the existing city structure of Frederiksværk, the city core gets emphasized. It also enhances the crossing equally important directions in the city. The flexible densification provides many different possibilities; the structures could be parks, parking spaces, houses, trees, whatever – depending on needs.

eriksværk, making a clearer distinction between open and closed space; thus making the city more comprehensible.

The infiltrating forest The natural landscape almost seems to invade the city, to flow from the hills and filter through the urban environment towards the wetlands and the ocean.

The water

Is used to strenghten the east-west direction.

SMALL SCALE The cross Strengthening directions from west-east and north-south and giving them equal opportunity of development. The purpose is to densify the central parts of FredBy XXXXX, XXXX, XXXX, XXXXX

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Group 13 / Line Berglund Petersen, Christian Thunarf , Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Żołnierczuk






U nN iI vV eErRsSiItTyY oOfF cCoOp Pe En Nh H u ag A eGnE N

L AlNaDn SdCs Ac Pa Ep eP Lp lAaNnNnI iNnGg 22001133


PA p aG gE e 1 4

Group 13 WEEK TWO

Crossing Frederiksværk

Perspective from the urban line, sightline from west towards the church. The densification of central Frederiksværk provides a more comprehensible flow within the town and creates small scale urban spaces aswell as adding new housing. Frederiksværk has a unique location with water on both sides. Denmark’s largest lake Arresø and Roskilde Fjord are connected by canals that run through Frederiksværk and play an important role in the town. It is filled with old historical buildings, which stand as a reminder of the town’s role as a prominent industrial site. The many well-preserved and identity-giving urban environments are scattered all over the area, thus lacking coherency. The overall vision of the design is to connect

“Attract people to visit, use and live.” these different parts and create a sustainable urban environment that should attract people to visit, use and live. By creating coherency,

densifying areas and working with small scale spaces the town will gain an improved identity.

The Cross / Crossing

The city is surrounded by forest and wetlands, but lacks a continuing connection. Nørregade, which serves as the main shopping street, divides the green connection between east and west. Heavy traffic on Peder Falsters Vej / Nørregade also acts as a barrier, disconnecting town areas from eachother. The two big lines, the urban line and the green line, will cross eachother and provide the well needed coherency. This structure forms an urban extension between important main targets of the city as well as beween the forest and the wetland. Access to nature areas will be improved, and a network of pedestrian friendly urban streets will be reclaimed, thus integrating them. The urban line connects the for-

est in the east (and further even Aresø lake) with the wetland in the west. It contains mostly rectangular shapes, which are adaptable to existing urban structures. As an example, the shapes could be pocket parks, squares, new housing, parking lots or allotment gardens. These elements are used to densify the centre and enhance the distinction between open and enclosed space

“Create a new comprehensible flow.” within the town. The green line provides an improved connection beween north and south Frederiksværk. Massive tree lines are used to enforce the existing connection (Peder Falsters vej, Hermannsgade and Jernbanegade), stretching from the railway station to the Gunpowder Works. Unique spaces will be created

among the trees, and at the same time provide an accessible flow within the town. The urban line and the green line contain different elements, thus fulfilling separate functions. A tension is created and the differences strengthen eachother. The meeting point between the two lines is of particular interest. The main purpose of Crossing Frederiksværk is to create a new comprehensible flow within the city, strengthening the experience of the town’s cultural and natural heritage, and attract new inhabitants. Recreational areas, improved pedestian paths and biking lines further improve the living qualities of Frederiksværk. The lines are easily extended and flexible for future development.


The strong structure of the two crossing lines has the ability to

By Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Żołnierczuk, Christian Thunarf & Line Berglund Petersen

L AlNaDn SdCs Ac Pa Ep eP pL lAaNnNnI iNnGg 22 00 11 33




PA paG ge E 52





u U nNiIvVeErRsSiItTyY oOfF cCoOp Pe nE N ha HgAeGnE N

The plan showing the urban line and the green line crossing next to the canal.

expand and create coherency to the important urban environments, such as the shopping street, Krudtværksområdet, Gjethuset and the area around Valseværksstræde and Allégade. It connects the towns functions, historical sites and cultural institutions by creating a path for pedestrians.


The implemented structures of the urban line aim to strengthen the direction and densify the central parts of Frederiksværk. A clear distinction beween open and closed spaces is provided. The dense plantation of trees in the green line function both as orientating elements and create various spatial experiences along the way.

Small scale public spaces

Today there is a lack of small scale recreational spaces in the town. By

Section of the urban line. adding a mix of different elements and densifying the areas along the two crossing lines, small scale public spaces are created. Inspired by the differently shaped niches along the wall of Girona, these public spaces provide well needed small scale spaces for urban dwelling. For instance, the green pocket parks vary in size, level and functions and invite people to stay. Improving the outside living conditions should support the communication between people living in the area

Section of the green line.

By Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Żołnierczuk, Christian Thunarf & Line Berglund Petersen

u nn ii vv eerrssiittyy ooff ccoop pe en nh h u ag a egne n

l alnadn sdcs ac pa ep ep lp laannnni inngg 22001133


pa p ag ge e 1 6


Along the lines



Plan showing the implementations; two lines/systems grabbing hold of key nodes in Frederiksværk.

Frederiksværk has a unique location with water on both sides. Denmark’s largest lake Arresø and Roskilde Fjord are connected by canals that run through Frederiksværk and play an important role in the town. It is filled with old historical buildings, which stand as a reminder of the town’s role as a prominent industrial site. The many well-preserved and identity-giving urban environments are scattered all over the area, thus lacking coherency. The overall vision of the design is to connect

“The line grabs hold of places.” these different parts by focusing on important nodes; thus giving the town a solid foothold and coherency. By creating coherency, den-

sifying chosen areas and enhancing existing overseen areas, the town will gain usable and more qualitative spaces.

Design proposal

The city is surrounded by forest and wetlands, but lacks a continuing connection. Nørregade, which serves as the main shopping street, divides the green connection between east and west. Heavy traffic on Peder Falsters Vej / Nørregade also acts as a barrier, disconnecting town areas from each other. The design proposal implements two big crossing systems/lines. This provides the well needed coherency. The structure forms an urban extension between important main targets of the town as well as between the forest and the wetland. Access to nature areas will be improved, and pedestrian friendly streets will be reclaimed, thus integrating them.

Lines and nodes

One line connects the forest in the east (and further even Aresø lake) with the wetland in the west. The line is crossing different areas of the town. Whenever it is possible the line grabs hold of places and expands forming new areas reminding of nodes on a string. The implementations are directed by the existing city structure. Places along

“Create a new comprehensible flow.” the line enhance the existing qualities by improving their accessibility and strengthening their characters. The new places increase the variation of spaces in the town. At the same time they are connecting the different town districts along the canal. The other line provides a second important connection for the town.

The station is linked to the city centre providing an improved connection between north and south Frederiksværk stretching from the railway station to the Gunpowder Works (Peder Falsters vej, Hermannsgade and Jernbanegade). A pattern of tree lines is used for this purpose. In some places it is just a line of trees in others it is expanding including existing areas to the line. The patterns of trees are adjusted to the present circumstances. By adding those the experience of space changes. Different species are reinforcing the variation of space. Unique spaces will be created among the trees, and at the same time provide an accessible flow within the town. The two lines contain different elements, thus fulfilling separate functions. A tension is created and the differences strengthen each other. The meeting point between the two lines contains a special tension.

By Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Żołnierczuk, Christian Thunarf & Line Berglund Petersen

u u nniivveerrssiittyy ooff ccoop ep ne n ha hgaegne n

l alnadn sdcs ac a p ep ep pllaannnniinngg 22 00 11 33


pa pag ge e 72

Visualisation showing the new integration of the canal. In a similar way other overseen spaces are enhanced and put into new use. The main purpose of the concept is to create a new comprehensible flow within the city, strengthening the experience of the town’s cultural and natural heritage, and attract new inhabitants. The lines are easily extended and flexible for future development.


The strong structure of the two lines has the ability to expand and create coherency to the important urban environments, such as the shopping street, Krudtværksområdet, Gjethuset and the area around Valseværksstræde and Allégade. It connects the towns functions, historical sites and cultural institutions

The cross

by creating a path with integrated nodes for pedestrians.


The implemented structures aim to strengthen the direction and densify the central parts of Frederiksværk. A clear distinction between open and closed spaces is provided. The trees function as orientating element and create a variety spaces.

Small scale public spaces

By adding a mix of different elements and densifying the areas along the two lines, small scale public spaces are created. Inspired by the differently shaped niches

The nodes

Section of the area around the canal. along the wall of Girona, these public spaces provide well needed small scale spaces for urban dwelling. For instance, the green pocket parks vary in size, level and functions and invite people to stay. Improving the outside living con-

ditions should support the communication between people living in the area and increase the outdoor activities.

Adjustment to existing infrastucture. By Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Żołnierczuk, Christian Thunarf & Line Berglund Petersen

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 13 WEEK FOUR

Along the lines

Masterplan showing the concept implementations in Frederiksværk.

Qualities and issues

Frederiksværk attractively location within Denmark, surrounded by water, forest-covered hills and wetlands. Denmark’s largest lake

“Forming extensions between urban nodes” Arresø and Roskilde Fjord are connected by canals that run through Frederiksværk. The canals play a key role in the cultural heritage of the town, as well as the many industrial buildings, which stand as reminders of the town’s history as a prominent industrial site.

The many unique and identitygiving environments are unfortunately scattered all over the town, thus lacking coherency. There are also interruptions in the natural transition from the hills to the sea, separating the different landscapes from eachother. Nørregade, the main shopping street, and the main traffic route Peder Falsters Vej are problematic barriers. There is a big potential in the development of Frederiksværk, but the quality of its ingredients has to be improved as well as the accessibility to the rich landscapes and the coherency between them.

Section | Hills to wetlands “Church Park“


Two uninterrupted development lines are implemented straight through the town heart, creating flow and forming extensions between urban nodes and the separated landscapes. Whenever possible, both lines grab hold of non-functional areas and expand. By doing so, they create improved or new functional spaces. The implementations are guided by and adjusted to the existing city structure, expanding only where enough space is provided and where connections are needed. The lines have common purpose but work with different means. One line connects the natural eastern

“Canal Square”

landscapes with the western landscapes, cutting through the urban industrial landscape along the way. By using one unifying paving material, the character, coherency and

“The lines have a common purpose” accessibility is strengthened. The line follows the canal, thus providing well-needed water contact for public use. Along this line there is possibility for future housing development and densification with for example playgrounds, pocket parks, community gardens, squares and sports areas. The other line connects the train

Node + new bridge

Node + new bridge

Line Berglund-Petersen, Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Zolnierzcuk, Christian Thunarf




university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e


Week 4

Showing the new development along the canal. station with the shopping mall/ street via KrudtvĂŚrksomrĂĽdet. By using mainly vegetation as densifying material, a new connecting green structure is implemented, providing a south-north flow. The flow is strengthened by a fast lane providing orientation along the existing main street, and a slow lane providing a wholesome experience of the many attractions on the sides of the street. Different layers of vegetation is used in the extensions. As an example, in some places fields of grass meets the eye, and in others a massive canopy creates a contrasting experience. The line is held together by the two lanes, designed with a common material.

Coherency, accessibility and quality

Coherency is achieved by densifying, which creates a clear distinction between open and enclosed space. It is further strengthened by the pathways leading through the town heart. Existing overseen areas and nodes are integrated and re-designed, thus providing the town with a better

The Cross | Original conept

The new cross | Densification spread

Connections | Internal

Key nodes | Grabbing hold of the town

overall quality and more usable spaces. By improving connections between them, the accessibility and awareness about the rich landscapes and cultural heritage within the town strengthens. Connections | External

Existing housings/gardens

New housing area

Wetlands experience

Line Berglund-Petersen, Rebecca Hellmann, Maciej Zolnierzcuk, Christian Thunarf

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