KU Landscape Planning - Group 14 - Proces Diary

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d e pa rt m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t university of copenhagen

L a n dscap e Pl anni ng 2013


// GROUP 14 //

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 14 WEEK ONE

City on the edge

View from the wetlands; Capturing the existing identity of the city by the canal, whilst introducing a new city character where wetlands meet the forest. Paradoxically the city grows in-between the encroaching nature. 3 Themes; 1) Concentrate and strengthen existing potentials. 2) Identify and tighten a central core, whilst allowing the surrounding nature to fill the spaces in-between. 3) Find a catalyst for transformation. The first group dialogue found a way to combine individual thoughts and analysis of the site. Discussing the metaphorical approach of using ‘succession’ as a means to analyse and to create focus for a strategic plan. Frederiksværk is a city undergoing transformation; it is a city in succession. Through the process of succession the city is growing and evolving to it’s surroundings through increasing complexity. Us-

ing this framework we identified areas and characteristics that are already in growth and worked on improving the environmental conditions to make it most optimal for urban life to thrive. A channel of density became evident running from the shopping street to the harbour. However a lack of clear centre made the

“Tighten the core, whilst open to context” spaces hard to orientate. Our focus is to tighten up the core of the city and strengthen the central strategic points. Thus creating a hierarchy and clearer organisation through the city.

Whilst tightening up the city core Frederiksværk needs to open up and utilise it’s surrounding landscape. Bring the unique identity of its nature in-between the buildings.

Genius Loci It is important to capture the essence of Frederiksværk which lies in both its cultural history and surrounding nature. Creating a city that is able to adapt to new challenges whilst maintaining its unique identity and history. This focus is represented in the conversion of the canal from a monument into a functional element in the city.

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Group 14

Model photos; 1) View from wetlands, nature reaching into the city. 2) Arrival from the north, forest opening up. 3) View from above, connecting the many characters of the city. 4) A central node, clear orientation within the city.

Focus development to tighten the core of the

Concentrate the canal character through a

Integrating the forest with the city and vice

Refining the character of the wetlands so they

city. 4 strategic points link the city yet hold

central axis and extend its role in the city.

versa. Breaking the barrier, dissolving the

become more accessible and sophisticated.

individual character and create hierarchy



university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 14 WEEK TWO

City on the Edge

Plan showing the new city framework where the zone lies in-between the existing city structure and encroaching nature.

Frederiksværk is a complex city built upon many different historic, social and natural layers. The new zone creates a space where these layers meet and interact to form a new city structure. The zone runs along the edge of the existing city structure. It respects the historic north-south axis but creates a new connection between the more modern city centre and working harbour. It is a space where; nature meets industry, history meets social, and where the past meets the present and the future. We see this zone translate structurally into a path. A path that will hold many different functions and that will respond to the existing qualities of Frederiksværk.

Path line

The path will function as a bike connection, running track, walking route, recreational spaces, water handling, and as a buffer zone between the city east and nature west. As an individual element it creates a unique spatial experience but it will also be responsive to the existing qualities of Frederiksværk. At certain points along the path; the forest will break in and invite exploration, the wetlands will emerge and tempt a rest, the historic remains will reveal themselves and call for reflection, and the recreational spaces will generate activity.

idea of revealing the unique qualities of Frederiksværk. It is reusing existing structures and interjecting new functions so that they city can be seen in a new perspective. Minimal intervention but meaningful spatial relationships should be formed to invoke interpretations of site and place.

“What is, is the greatest guide to what ought to be ” Quote by 18th century Landscape Architect Joseph Spence.


Our approach is not focused on creating new structures but the

By Anine, Carolina, Maxim, Laura

u n i v er si t y of c ope n h age en n

landscape planning



pa g e


Group 14

1) Inside the path where the forest and city are meeting. 2) Showing the connection between city and harbour. 3) Path holds the form of the existing city . 4) Diagram showing the different layers of focus meeting to create a new element.

By Anine, Carolina, Maxim, Laura

university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e



City on the edge

Plan showing the new city framework where the zone lies in-between the existing city structure and encroaching nature. Forest walk

The introduction of a zone between the wetlands where nature rules and the urban fabric where man rules, is an attempt to create a spatial communication between the two.

City scuare

Shared Family Housing

FrederiksvĂŚrk, Denmark

The zone

The zone starts to take form as different segments are identified and developed. The large road is redirected and is placed west of the powder museum. This intervention gives opportunity for the space near the curve of the canal to unfold its potential. Here a shopping/center segment of the zone appears.

Ball Sports Pitch


Portland, Usa Community Housing

The current mall is split up and allows a viewpoint from the road all the way through the existing shopping street, to reveal itself. Crossing the canal the zone becomes a space where new family houses are

Zona del Banos, Spain Waterfront Promenade

placed along its edge and curving terrain formations is appearing. The zones narrows down and squeezes itself in between the existing English garden and the orchard, which is expanded. The zone crosses the road and becomes a sport segment where tennis and other sport activities in accordance with the current features takes place. The following segment is integrated with a new Community housing area. This area is unique due to the opportunity the water boidies have. Here the families will live a life integrated within wetlands and nature. Then the zone narrows in again and continues its appearance as the existing path today. This southern segment is located next to the industrial area where alternative sport activities are possible. The curent enclosed waterfront is transformed into a public space which exploits the opportunities of the water.

Intervention zone By , Caroline, Laura, Anine, Maxim

university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e


Group 14


Chanel and wetland

Road system

Forest,road and intervention zone

Water management

The part of the canal, which lies in the urban fabric, is kept in a strict style and made more dominant. On the other side of the zone, the former canal becomes a part of the wetlands by being transformed into water bodies, which leads excess water. The wetlands also holds solely water bodies. Intentional the wetlands shall work as a large detention pond in case of heavy rains and flooding. In worst-case scenario in the case of sea level rise.

Visualization, community housing

By , Caroline, Laura, Anine, Maxim

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 14 WEEK FOUR

City on the edge Viewpoint

New shoppimg center Open mill museum Artist workshop

Alternative housing

Forest walk

City scuare

Hills Shared family housing Community orchard


Shopping street Copper factory



Traning Sports

Historic garden

Single storyhousing

Historic center

Community housing

Mixed family housing

Industrial charecter Train station


Plan showing the new city framework where the new city-landscape lies in-between the existing city structure and encroaching nature.

A new landscape element for Frederiksvaerk

Finding the shape

The urban structure of Frederiksvaerk has an edge running along a diagonal axis from north to south. Today this border is a backspace, and the city seems to turn away from the beautiful landscape around it. Although several potentially important spaces can be found along the edge, such as the mill museum, sports fields, natural wetlands and hills with hiking paths, the spaces remain unconnected and empty. A new landscape element in Frederiksvaerk can connect these spaces. Through this ”space between” the nature and the urban city structure starts to relate to each other It becomes a spatial invitation to either move along the edge experiencing culture, history and sport activities, or to cross it enter-

ing the nature, which gets reintroduced into the lives of the people of Frederiksvaerk. This new body, the new landscape element of Frederiksvaerk is reviving the city. Closed





















By , Carolina, Laura, Maxim, Anine

u n i v e r si t y of c ope n h age n

landscape planning



pa g e


Group 14

By , Carolina, Laura, Maxim, Anine

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