KU Landscape Planning - Group 3 - Proces Diary

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d e pa rt m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t university of copenhagen

L a n dscap e Pl anni ng 2013


// GROUP 3 //

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llaannddssccaappee ppllaannnniinngg





GroupONE 3 / Constantin Boes, Hanna A. Poulsen, Mille E. Muurbech, Karen Claringbould WEEK

Interweaving structures

Visualization of our concept at the moment.

On Thursday the 25th of April we identified the problems: - Aging of inhabitants started out picturing the models we - The rise of the water level made. After putting them up we - Busy traffic north-south found some similarities in the mod- No clear (historical) centre els. - Water is not visible enough The models are called ”Connec- History not shown enough tive landscapes”, ”The blue route”, - Lack of water in canal ”Identity talks” and “Letting the - Car domination water in”. In Constantin’s, Hanna’s - Difficult to navigate and Karen’s model the focus is on - Spaces without quality the space that is surrounded by the - No access to the water canal, it can be compared to ”an island” or “the heart” of the city. In After we drew a map showing Mille’s model the canal flows from east to west and connects the city, the strengths of the area and wrote like veins in a body. In all the mod- them down: - Industrial heritage els the water flow is dominating. - Cultural heritage - Romantic landscape Problems and - Water structure strengths for the site - Natural green circle surrounding Frederiksværk After analyzing the old models we discussed the different models On Friday 26th each of us made and the ideas behind it. We drew a new map which showed the weak- several sketches. In all of the drawnesses of Frederiksværk. We also ings 3 issues came forward as

focus points: • The historic canal • The green circle surrounding Frederiksværk, especially the connection between Frederiksværk and the forest on the hills in the east. • The human made structures that start in the south of Frederiksværk. We discussed some interventions: - Create a route that leads visitors up to the hills to be able to overlook Frederiksværk. - Leading cars around in order to make the town safer. - Improving the connections. - Make the green structure go more into the city. Furthermore we looked at reference images of waterfront areas and wetlands with boardwalks. Finally we made two sketches: In one of them the canal formed a lifeline for the city. In the second

sketch the canals form an organic shaped heart for Frederiksværk. The second sketch became our final model, where the main component is the canal, which has an organic shape and forms the heart of the area. Then the human made structures come up from the south and intervene with the green structure coming from the east continuing to the west. This green structure has a graduation in height and density, becoming lower and less dense towards the west. In the heart of the area different patches will be created. An organic grid will arise. This area will be the central area and the different structures will come together here and interweave.

By Constantin Boes, Hanna A. Poulsen, Mille E. Muurbech, Karen Claringbould

u n i v er si t y of c ope n h age n

landscape planning



pa g e


university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 3 WEEK TWO

Dynamical Frederiksværk

Visualization showing the plaza located next to the Gjethuset

Frederiksværk has a lot to offer, but its qualities can be highlighted more. Many elements in Frederiksværk refer to its industrial history. The main canal forms one of these key elements, also the old workers houses are important cultural heritage. These historical elements help to define the new identity of Frederiksværk.

Postcard from Barcelona

Our postcard send to DK

tion for Frederiksværk. First of all because it is an example of how housing can be integrated in a wellused recreational area. The wooden decks that are organically shaped stand in strong contrast with the strict contour of the buildings in the water. These decks lead the visitors of the park along and over the water and make it accessible. A café and its terrace function as a meeting point and from here the area can be overlooked. Different social groups can meet in this park and children can play along the waterside and on the lawns with groups of trees which will provide shade. The good connection to the surrounding areas and the visible entrance are important for the popularity of this park.

DNA of Frederiksværk Placa del Migdia Placa del Migdia is a very useful reference and a source of inspira-

Frederiksværk is surrounded by green and blue areas. The main canal needs to be redesigned with respect to its historical structure to

DNA of Frederiksværk: 1) History defines the new identity 2) Green and blue structures 3) Heart of the city By Constantin Boes, Hanna A. Poulsen, Mille E. Muurbech, Karen Claringbould

university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e

Group 3

have a function for storm water management and to be more accessible for recreational purposes. The green areas surrounding Frederiksværk can be improved and put into a new larger green structure. Frederiksværk has a working class culture and is a multicultural society; a big accessible urban plaza is needed as a central meeting point for the city. It will connect various public spaces by its strategic placement in the city and its inviting shape.

Vegetation diagram showing the gradient in vegetation from east to west

the vegetation diagram. Towards the west the vegetation will get less dense. When the vegetation struc3 new issues tures meet with human made struc1. History defines the new tures, the vegetation will be more identity structured. In this way different - Maintaining and repeating the old patches will be formed. The more workers houses structured ones within the housing - Steel industry: using and reareas, the more organic patches can peating different steel elements be found outside the built areas on throughout the city the west part of the area. The green - redesigning the canal with respect structure will create different pathof its historical structure ways with different experiences, 2. Green and blue structure atmospheres and viewing direc- Improving existing green areas tions. For example it will create - Combining the existing green arsight lines from the hills towards eas with a new large green structure the wetlands. The northern alley - Creating an accessible and recwill be more open, the southern alreational canal ley will be denser, because it will - Connecting the city to the sea intersect more housing. The alleys 3. Heart of the city will be made recognizable by steel - Creating a big plaza that comelements. The boardwalk followbines important lines in the city. ing the south side of the canal emThe canal represents the new phasizes the route westwards and flow of life that will be present in makes the water here more accesFrederiksværk. The space within sible. the canal will be used for living, A new city plaza is formed on recreation, parking and storm water the southeast of the plan area. It is management. It will be very accesmade out of silver colored material sible by different bridges that form on the model. This plaza forms the landmarks in Frederiksværk. These identity and connection for Fredbridges can be seen throughout the eriksværk it combines important area, as a connective symbol. They lines in Frederiksværk and will be are made out of steel, to accentuate a pull factor for the inhabitants of the cultural heritage of the city. Halsnæs community because of its The greenery meandering visibility. through the space within the canal New housing will be created has different gradients in height as within the area surrounded by the well as density; this can be seen in

canal, old worker houses are maintained and they will be repeated in a pattern. On the model you can see extra houses are filled in within the old housing pattern. The housing will be denser on the east side, towards the west there are less houses, and nature will dominate, the housing will gradually get less dense. The main infrastructure will be placed on the west and east side of the area enclosed by the canal. In this way the area will be safer for children. For example the Peder Falsters vej will be made less dominant. It will still be accessible for cars, but will be made blind ending into a parking area.

Visualization and sections

ferent density. On section b you can see how the Gjethuset will become an attractive area with different groups of trees surrounding it. Also it is visible how the water is made more accessible, making recreational use much easier.

The next process

The path structure forms an imortant part of the plan and will determine how the area will be experienced. There are many possibilities for this structure, more experimenting with these path systems might be helpful. Also studying reference images of neighbourhoods including a lot of water surfaces might give new insights in the design of the Frederiksværk area.

On the visualization you can see the Gjethuset, which is positioned next to the new city plaza. The identity of Frederiksværk becomes clear through the different steel elements used, representing the identity of the industrial town. Also different water elements are located here, which will provide a fun playing environment for children. On section a you can can see the different alleys that will be created by the lines of vegetation. Within these alleys you will experience different atmospheres caused by different use of vegetation and dif-

Section a and b showing the DNA of Frederiksværk, the locations of the sections are visible on the overview map.


a’ Green structure between the houses

b a a’

b’ b




Green structure with different experience


By Constantin Boes, Hanna A. Poulsen, Mille E. Muurbech, Karen Claringbould

u n Ii V vE eR r Ss Ii T tY y O o Ff C cO oP pE eN nH hA aG ge UN En N

l La An Nd Ds Sc Ca Ap Pe E p Pl La An Nn N iI n Ng G


pA aG gE e P



Walk the line Frederiksværk has a lot to offer, but its qualities can be highlighted more. In Frederiksværk we have defined 3 important zones: 1.Forested hills on the east 2.The Roskilde fjord and wetlands 3.The existing cityscape Upon these zones we have built our new model. In the analysis of the area we found out that both the forest on the east side of Frederiksværk, and Roskilde fjord and the wetlands, don’t have a clear connection to the city center of Frederiksværk. In this way the potentials of these zones cannot be experienced to the fullest. In our concept these connections are made stronger, and the areas start interacting with each other. This is done by adding new layers in the landscape.

1)New water lines

A new water line will meander through the center of Frederiksværk. From the north of the shopping street a new water element will run down following the new city structure towards Roskilde fjord. Here the new water element will also meet the southern part of the existing canal. This new blue

line will bring the water closer to the city and will have a function for water drainage during heavy rainfall. It can have a function for ecology and offer a fun playing environment for children. The different blue lines form a dynamic water flow which will create a lot of life in the city and will be easily accessible because of its gradient and the placement of wooden decks.

buildings surrounding it.

Alleys of trees will form straight lines starting on the hills in the east, continuing to the west. The dense roof formed by the trees, creates a special atmosphere. At the end of each path you will be surprised by the new dynamic water structure flowing from the northern part of the shopping street down to Roskilde fjord. Behind it an open view into the wetlands will emerge.

The usage of different steel elements throughout Frederiksværk will represent the industrial identity of Frederiksværk. The bridges located on the west side of the shopping street can for example be made out of steal. They also indicate the start of the green connective alleys.

2)Green pathways

3)New city heart

A new city square is constructed on the southeast of the plan area. It will become the new bouncing heart of the city. It touches important lines of the city and will in this way connect, but at the same time lead people into different attractions. The shape of the square is determined by the contour of the

4)New housing

New housing will be implemented in the existing structure of the old worker houses. This placement repeats the pattern of the old houses. The new housing is located close to the water and surrounded by greenery, making it a very favorable location for families with children to live.

Steel elements

the sustainability of the city.

Next step

The infrastructure in Frederiksværk is very complicated right now and needs improvement. The train station is isolated and there are not enough bike paths. When this will be improved, less people will use their car and this will help making Frederiksværk more sustainable. Fewer cars will also greatly improve the atmosphere in the city. A closer look to these different transportation networks is needed. It is important to look into different options for planting as well.


Water supplies in Frederiksværk should be used in a sustainable way; rainwater can for example be caught in the drainage canal or in water squares and pawns and this can be reused. These water catchment areas also have a buffer function in times of heavy rainfall. The new vegetation layer with trees will have a positive effect on the water management and air quality of Frederiksværk and in this way on




Diagrams showing the different layers 1. connection to the heart 2. 3 zones. forest, city, wetland 3. green connecting structure 4. new water lines 5. terrain



Diagram of the city square

D i principle Design i i l ordered d d vs. wild ild When the vegetation structures intervene with human made structures, the vegetation will form a grid. Outside these structures the vegetation will become wilder and more natural.

u Un N iI v V eE r R sS iI tT y Y o O fF c Co O pPeEn Nh Ha Ag GeEn N

lLa An Nd DsScCa ApPeE pPlLa An Nn NiIn Ng G



pPa Ag GeE


Group 3

Plan 1:2500















university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e



Water flow

Section and diagram showing how to handel the water on the site. The water management and a pathway is combined to create an eventful walk that connects the city with the fjord.

model fotos //water management

Frederiksværk has a lot to offer, but its qualities need to be highlighted more. Frederiksværk exists of 3 important zones: 1.Forested hills on the east 2.The Roskilde fjord and wetlands 3.The cityscape In the analysis of Frederiksværk we found out that the forest on the east side and Roskilde fjord and the wetlands on the west don’t have a clear connection to the city center of Frederiksværk. By implementing a new water element connecting

these zones, they will start interacting with each other and the potential of them can be experienced to the fullest. The water element will have a buffer function in time of heavy rainfall, will bring the water closer to the city, have a function for ecology and offer many recreational possibilities. The element is formed by a chain of connected triangular water basins. They are strategically implemented, using the existing height differences in Frederiksværk. The surface water coming from the higher hills in the east will be collected in gutters on the roads and

will be transported to the water basins in the west. The deepest part of each of the basins is impermeable and thus always full. If the water rises, it will flow to the next basin, which lies lower (southwards). From the final basin the water can find its way into the canal. The element exists of terrain walls that will avoid the water from flowing out of the basin on the west side. These walls are accompanied by wooden pathways, which offer possibilities for a recreational walk along the water.

eriksværk is complicated and more data about the water structures and information about elevation in Frederiksværk are needed. Also the transportation networks and the different options for planting need to be thought out more. The city square is starting to get form and water will be the binding factor for it.

Next step

The water management in Fred-

References from Monnikenhuizen, The Netherlands By Constantin Boes, Hanna A. Poulsen, Mille E. Muurbech, Karen Claringbould

university of copenhagen

landscape planning



pa g e


Group 3


housIng AReA

TeRRAIn wAll

wATeR mAnAgemenT wATeR BAssIn BRIdge


elovATed pATh cAnAl

smAll ponds

By Constantin Boes, Hanna A. Poulsen, Mille E. Muurbech, Karen Claringbould

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