KU Landscape Planning - Group 8 - Proces Diary

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d e pa rt m e n t o f g e o s c i e n c e s a n d n at u r a l r e s o u r c e m a n a g e m e n t university of copenhagen

L a n dscap e Pl anni ng 2013


// GROUP 8 //

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


WEEK 18: Group 8 / A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker WEEK ONE

Forming and finding the way

Sharing and picking each others mind...

Different models but more or less the same ideas. Focus and direction of work and concept was in progress. The first group assignment. Product; Model, Title and problem formulation (three issues) and make the first visualization of your choice. Use your Paper and upload as much as you can. The model should be available in the studios for the Exhibition Wall. The first group meeting was all about introducing each other to our individual concept models, the thoughts behind them and why

“How to exploite the potential...” the look like they did. All in all we had different models but more or less the same ideas. After sharing out thoughts and initial opinions

about which issues that need to be addressed in Frederiksværk, the group discussed which focus we, “Group 8”, will have in the future process with our work with the case area. We went through the different issues that we identified in Frederiksværk: • City without a center. • Drag the city closer to the coast. • Strengthen the connection between the different centers. • How to stimulate the natural flow of the dweller. • Connection to the station. • How to exploit the potential sea views that the city could facilitate. • “Tourist-route” revealing the city in a way that the current dweller would appreciate. • Historic route through the city and along the channels and streets. • The connection between of the water the lake and the fjord. • Facilitating squares.

Foto @ C.T.Münster

• Water connections, raising awareness, making the water touchable. • Manmade vs. nature. • Include SUDS. • Water as story teller. • Increase information about the city’s history (branding the city). • Etc…

The focus-points

After talking about the above and some other issues, we decided to have the following working title: Frederiksværk, the city without a center. And to address the issues that we found most important/urgent, we decided to have the following focus-points: - The new axis (East - West) - The old axis (North – South) - How to combine the two axes’ to unite an evident center of the city where the water functions as a structural frame.


Monday is for model-making. We want our first model to resemble our issues. We chose to show the buildings that are important for the axes on an individual level and some of the large buildings connected till the steel industry. The surrounding residential area is shown as masses rather than individual buildings. This makes sense to us and hopefully it will communicate our intentions (or we will have the time to do it better for the next hand-in).


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WEEK 18: Group 8 / A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker





Ro maionse siminum dolut quo exceptatem re pratum fuga. Ut eturesequam, consequam electatur asperessequi quam ent inturenem voloriost, sinctus vente consequ aspedi blabo. Et vitature molupta spitibus et qui cor sunt, est RECREATIONAL


Visualisation Consept sketch



university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 8 WEEK TWO

Merge and exaggerate?

The plan

After a week of studying parks in Barcelona and Girona, our minds are filled with raw inspiration and countless references of design solutions and different concepts. And when moving from conceptual to structural real life inspiration is an advantage. The second group assignment: Product; model should with a more precise and with a dedicated structure. The models that we made on our fieldwork meetings are the ones that should be developing for this model, not totally new concepts. Choose materials with care; it is a working model and it should give spatial information about the urban

landscape of your ideas.

The focus-points

Tuesday morning the 7th of May in the hostel in Girona we made a plan… As mentioned in the earlier edition of the paper, the working-title of group 8 is “Frederiksværk, the city without a center”. And to address the issues that we found most important/urgent, we decided to have the following focus-points: The new axis (East - West) The old axis (North – South) How to combine the two axes’ to unite an evident center of the city where the water functions as a structural frame. Initially to work with “The new

axis” we looked at the pedestrian street and the squares in each end of this street. We still work with the axes but our perception of the meeting and connections between the axes’ of the city have moved further to the west. “The old axis” has been stretched to start at Arre Sø and go all the way out to Roskilde Fjord. To unite the axes’ we want to apply a round element in form of a park area that will pick up the infrastructure (roads, cyclelanes and pedestrians) and then redistribute the flow of movement of Frederiksværk. Through our fieldwork in Spain, we have moved our overall effort and focus to the large green area

framed by the channels in order to address the division of Frederiksværk. We have found some specific parks in Spain very important to how our future process and the design of the master pan turned out for now. The parks are: Parc del Clot Parc Miro’ Parc Trinitat

Rat qui te nos rempor alia vendign atiuntiusnem exceatatur? By: A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker

unive e r ss i t y o f c o p e n h a g e n

landscape planning


pa g e


Group 8


The second and more structural model is to show the intentions of the intervention that we, group 8, wish to implement in Frederiksværk. We have chosen to make it more detailed to increase the understanding of the cities structural form. As well as to substantiate the augment for a physical intervention on a current “dead space” that contains huge potential.


In this week’s visualization we want to show a variation of levels. During our fieldtrip we repeatedly saw and experienced how the differential in levels between rods and recreational areas positively influenced the perception of the space to reside in. It was not only in the three parks mentioned above, but almost in every single park that we visited, where the manipulation of levels were used consciously.


The cross-section

The cross-section is shoving the current state of the landscape of Frederiksværk going from the west to the east. The yellow color in the middle of the section indicates where our physical intervention will be situated.

The model


By: A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e



Activating Axis’

The preliminary master-plan for the path that wil activateh the axis’. The focus in this paper upload will be the preliminary masterplan. After the fieldtrip in the beginning of May to Barcelona and Girona, our minds are filled with raw inspiration and countless references of design solutions and different concepts. When moving from conceptual to structural real life inspiration is an advantage. This week we strengthened this with one more fieldtrip, but this time it was a trip of planning. We spend two days in Frederiksværk to get reintroduced to our project area. As mentioned in the earlier edition of the paper, to address the issues that we found most important/ urgent, we have the following focus-points: The new axis (East-West) The old axis (North–South) How to combine the two axes’ to unite an evident center of the city where the water functions as a structural frame.

Initially to work with “The new axis” we looked at the pedestrian street and the squares in each end of this street. We still work with the axes but our perception of how to combine the axis have developed. To activate the axis of Frederiksværk, we decided to propose a pedestrian/bicycle path running all the way from Arre Sø in the north east, and to the pier in the south west. This path is not meant to be the fastest route for travelling from the lake to the sea. This path is planned to run through different kind of areas with different characteristics, experiences and potentials. The path will activate both vibrant space and intriguing nature surroundings but also current dead and abandoned spaces. Even though the experiencing individual will move through various spaces there will always be the combining elements leading the way. There will also be informative signage to guide and assist the movement of the individual.

Cross-section A Cross-section B

By: A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker

u un n ii v v eerrssii tt y y o off cc o o pp ee n nh ha ag ge n

l la an nd d ss c ca a pp e e pp l la an nn n ii n ng g


ppa ag ge e



The path - from lake to sea

To illustrate the different spaces along the path we choose fourteen pictures to tell the story for us.

1. The connection to the lake is through an impressive ocean of reed. There is a wooden boardwalk that leads you from the lakeshore to the edg+++e of the forest.

8. The abandoned areas represent potential development zones.

2. The path through the beech forest makes room for both bikes and pedestrians. There will be created viewpoints to the duct.

9. The abandoned areas represent potential development zones.

3. This picture shows the current dramatic transition between the natural and urban. When stepping out of the forest one is met with a large concrete parking lot.

10. This footpath serves as the buffer between the high school area and camping area.

4. The pedestrians and cyclists will on this stretch be separated. The pedestrians will be lead in to the ally after crossing a bridge, and the cyclists will be lead down on the road where there currently are parking lots (they will be removed)

11. The boarder to the preserved nature area was we imagine a similar solution as showed on picture 1. a boardwalk that activates the space and offers the possibility to resign and enjoy the nature just outside the city.

5. This space contains a great deal of potential. It currently has no function. The ground is polluted from the former industries that surrounded the area. It’s a flexible space in close connection to the main pedestrian shopping street.

12. The abandoned areas represent potential development zones.

6. This picture illustrates the close connection between historical buildings and public functions. The path will pass the old “Englishbuilding” and through the connected park activating the space.

13. An existing green stretch from the city of Frederiksværk which are connecting the city to the industrial area.

7. Connection across infrastructure is the challenge here. This road is a large barrier and divides Frederiksværk in two. It is also the buffer between the urban and abandoned area.

14. Finally at the end the large waste water meets us once more and the axis is complete.

By: A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker

university of copenhagen

landscape planning


pa g e



Activating Axis’

Work in progress - planning the path in tempi. The focus in this paper upload will be the preliminary masterplan and the process towards the final master-plan. The focus in this paper upload will be the preliminary master-plan and the process towards the final master-plan. As mentioned in the earlier edition of the paper, to address the issues that we found most important/ urgent, we have the following focus-points: The new axis (East - West) The old axis (North – South) How to combine the two axes’ to unite an evident center of the city where the water functions as a structural frame. Initially to work with “The new axis” we looked at the pedestrian street and the squares in each end of this street. We still work with the axes but our perception of how to combine the axis have developed. To activate the axis of Frederiks-

The movements from East to the West through Frederiksværk are going to kick-start and revitalize the city. Every time a North-South axis is crossing the East-West axis something happens. It establishes a connection and creates a new space of possibilities and potential. The path moves through vibrant space and intriguing nature surroundings but also the current dead-/ forgot-

ten- or neglected spaces. The path raises awareness of these spaces and reactivates them, making them yet again accessible for the inhabitants of Frederiksværk. This path is not meant to be the fastest route for travelling from the lake to the sea. This path is planned to run through different kind of areas with different characteristics, experiences and potentials.

Even though the experiencing individual will move through various spaces there will always be the combining elements leading the way. There will also be informative signage to guide and assist the movement of the individual.

Optae et litisim es di re, ut v

“to kick-start and revitalize...” værk, we decided to propose a pedestrian/bicycle path running all the way from Arre Sø in the north east, and to the pier in the south west.

The full lenght of the path including the points of “greater” interventions. By: A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker

u un n ii v e r s i t y o f c o o pp ee n nh ha ag g ee n n

ll a an nd d ss c ca a pp ee pp ll a an nn n ii n ng g

22 00 11 33


ppa ag g ee



The thoughts about the contents of/along the path within the project area.

We divided this stretch of the path in to five bits. Each person got a bit to draw upon and worked with it. After we shared our thoughts, decided and moved on with the planning. This is the thoughts about the five bits of the path: 1.Parking / Forest (+park) - Path = gravel + asphalt road - Grid like parking lot - Parking / trees / light pavement Bike-parking - Make the forest “infiltrate” in to the parking lot 2.Canal way /Green open space - Flower park– leveled up+sitting - Make another parking solution along the canal - Split up bikes and pedestrians - Flowerbeds in one side, trees in the other - Bike surface - continuous - Open up the access to the shop ping street - Pavement – concrete 3.Park / Activity area - Densify the park at the “Eng lish house” - Safe crossing of Peder Falsters Vej – cross walk, lighting, obstacles to slow down traffic - Open up the stretch from Peder Falsters Vej to the high school - Secure the connection to the

existing areas (extremely important here). - Tennis club – multi court – wa ter management - Temporary community gardens - Bike parking at the high school - Melt the path together with the infrastructure at the high school - Open up some of the edges of the forest meeting the path - Open up to the high schools sports fields - Add places for sitting 4.Wetland / Crossing to the marina - Where should the wooden broad walk start and end? - Shape / size and placement of the platform in the reed? Tree steps up (bird “tower/ plateau”)? - New site for crossing the canal, bridge + seating-stairs down to the canal. - Path to the marina - Swirl the path - Access to the water - Access to see the industry though “windows” in the fence = showing off the industry – part of the history.. - Split up the path at some places.

The process towards a final design of the plateau in the ocean of reed. This will be situated in the protected wetland to the West.

5.Path to the marina -Swirl the path - Access to the water - Access to see the industry though “windows” in the fence, showing off the industry – part of the history. - Split up the path at some places.

By: A. Goncarova, C.T. Münster, L. Rask, V. Steinarsdottir & C.W Juncker

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