A company limited by guarantee. Registered in England & Wales company no: 8828584. Charity no: 1155156. Registered in Scotland. Charity no: SC040180. VAT no. 9912541 09. Perennial’s Debt Advice Service is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (fca.org.uk). toPerennialTHEWHATEVERPROBLEMisherehelp Helpline: 0800 093 8543 perennial.org.uk Know someone who works with plants, trees, flowers or grass who is struggling physically, financially or personally? Our friendly and experienced team can help families through life-changing events with health, money and family support. Please spread the word that Perennial is here with free, confidential and personal support.

LANDSCAPE is organised by: LANDSCAPE Show Limited PO Box 3049 London SW1V 3XG t: +44(0)20 7821 8221 e: info@landscapeshow.co.uk : www.landscapeshow.co.uk#Landscape2022@landscapeeventlandscape.show+44
© Landscape Show Limited 2022 All rights reserved. Designed and published by Landscape Show Limited
The LANDSCAPE Show is back for another year at the NEC in TheBirmingham.industry’s most valuable trade show is supported by all of the major media titles from the UK and overseas, making LANDSCAPE a truly global phenomenon. This year’s show is shaping up to be the best yet as we welcome hundreds of exhibitors, with a vast collection of industry-leading products and services ranging from living plants, trees & turf to lighting & furniture, from stone to irrigation, and artificial grass to green roofs. There is absolutely something for everyone at the show this year, whether you are a designer, an architect or a contractor. This is the complete Guide to give you a taste of all the wonderful programmes, seminars and exhibitors you can expect to see at LANDSCAPE this year. We can’t wait to welcome you to the NEC on Wednesday the 28th & Thursday 29th September 2022. See you there!
(0)20 7821 8221 Whilst due care and attention has been taken ensuring the accuracy of the details contained in this publication Landscape Show Limited cannot be held responsible for errors or omissions. No section of this publication can be reproduced, photocopied, recorded, stored or transmitted by any means whatsoever without the expressed written permission of the publishers.
Jeremy Storey-Walker Event Director

LANDSCAPE is proud to be able to say that we work closely with 90 different Media Partners and Trade Associations from across the world! They cover a wide range of overlapping industries including interior design, architecture as well as, of course, landscaping itself. The LANDSCAPE Show is the only event of its kind to be so widely supported by the industry that we serve and we would like to say thank you to all of our supporters and Partners this year.

GETTINGTOTHEWatch the world go by and travel in style and let someone else worry about watching the roads. TAXI Getting to us by train is brilliantly easy as the NEC is located a five-minute walk away from Birmingham International Railway Station. TRAIN Over 120 National Express and Megabus coach services run daily across the UK to Birmingham Airport. BUS AND COACH Located bang in the middle of the UK’s motorway network, jumping in the car is the ideal way to get to the NEC. BY CAR Live locally and want to get to us under your own steam? BY BICYCLE & ON FOOTBirmingham Airport is right on our doorstep, so it’s hardly surprising we attract thousands of international visitors every year. PLANE For detailed directions please check the NEC website: www.thenec.co.uk/visitors/getting-here

10:00 TIMETABLESHOW WEDNESDAY 28th SEPTEMBER Show Opens! Seminar Sessions Start10:30 Meet the Designer | How to Session11:15 Seminar Sessions Start11:45 Meet the Designer | How to Session12:30 Seminar Sessions Start13:00 Meet the Designer | How to Session13:45 Seminar Sessions Start1514:15:00 Meet the Designer | How to Session 15:30 Seminar Sessions Start 1716:15:00 PechaKucha Begins Show Closes Product Presentation – Suns Lifestyle14:00 Product Presentation – Suns Lifestyle12:45
10:00 TIMETABLESHOW THURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER Show Opens! Women in the Industry Networking Morning10:15 Seminar Sessions Start10:30 Women in the Industry | How to Session11:15 Introduction to Perennial11:30 Seminar Sessions Start11:45 Women in the Industry | How to Session12:30 Introduction to Perennial13:0012:45 Seminar Sessions Start Women in the Industry | How to Session14:0013:4514:15 Women in the Industry | How to Session15:00 Introduction to Perennial15:15 Introduction to Perennial 15:30 Seminar Sessions Start 17:00 Show Closes Seminar Sessions Start
Andrew Fisher Tomlin - LCGD Samuel Moore - Consilium Hortus Will Williams - Will Williams Garden Design Max Parker-Smith - Maximillian Design the New Business with London College of Garden Design
Design Starting
B3 11:45 - 12:30
B1 11:45 - 12:30
C3 13:00 - 13:45 Adam VetereAdam Vetere Landscape & Garden an Awards
Andrew Fisher TomlinLCGD The Future Design Business
C1 13:00 - 13:45 Maggie Fennell - GRO Kay Davies - Oxford Green Roofs Getting Going in Green Roofing Where, Why 10:30 - 11:15 Gill Groombridge, Jonathan Sheppard & Vicki Cooke - Plant Heritage What National
Georgia LindsayGeorgia Lindsay Garden Design ‘All the World’s a Stage’Garden Design as Theatre 10:30 - 11:15
Guidelines B4
Michael Gorman - Johnsons Wellfield Natural Stone: The Ideal Material for Delivering Sustainable
A4 10:30 - 11:15
Jeremy King - Boningale Ryan Simpson - Viridis Plants Horticulture - Investing for a Changing Landscape 13:00 - 13:45
Karl Harrison - Decking Network Phil Tremayne - APL Regulations, Best Industry Practice and 11:45 - 12:30 TBC 13:00 - 13:45 Ian Jelley Warwickshire- Wildlife Trust How the Landscape Sector Can Play Their Part in Nature’s Recovery
Michael GrubbMichael Grubb Studio Lightplay
B2 11:45 - 12:30
and How A2
Plant Collections and Why do They Matter?
10:30 11:45 13:00 2ROOM3ROOMROOM1 SEMINAR SESSIONS A1 10:30 - 11:15

14:15 15:30 /POINTSGAINHOURSWEDNESDAY 28th SEPTEMBER D1 14:15 - 15:00 Richard MiersRichard Miers Garden Design ‘With Love’ - the Story of a RHS Chelsea Flower Show Garden E1 15:30 - 16:15 Stephen HerringtonThe Newt Creating and Restoring a Somerset Garden D2 14:15 - 15:00 Benjamin PopeThe Working Garden Embracing the Seasons with “What to Sow, Grow and Do” E2 15:30 - 16:15 Phil Tremayne - APL Holly & Mark Youde - Urban Landscape Design Karl Harrison - Decking Network Rupert Keys - TASK Industry Question Time D3 14:15 - 15:00 Andrew Fisher Tomlin - LCGD Rachel Reynolds - Langdale Landscape Tina Worboys - Tina Worboys Landscape & Garden Design Adam Vertere - Adam Vetere Landscape & Garden Design Celebrating the New Creative Generation with London College of Garden Design E3 15:30 - 16:15 Tina WorboysTina Worboys Landscape & Garden Design Starting a Show Journey D4 14:15 - 15:00 Lee GunnerLightPad Reinforcing the AspirationLandscape and Public Realm Lighting E3 15:30 - 16:15 Paul Hervey-BrookesPaul Hervey-Brookes Associates Following Creativity

G4 10:30 - 11:15
Richard Mcintosh - DEFRA John Parker - The Arboricultural Association Diseases and How to Combat Them
Jilayne Rickards - Jilayne Rickards Garden Design Rae Wilkinson - Rae Wilkinson Design Ltd SGD - Sustainability in Garden Design
Amanda McFarlane - McFarlane Horticulture Laurence GaleThe Advancement in Landscape Consultancy
H2 11:45 - 12:30
Sarah Wilson - Roots & All
Lee WilcoxOn the Tools No Tradesperson Left Behind: How Does the Construction Industry Embrace the Web3 Revolution? 11:45 - 12:30 Gary Edwards - The Gardeners Guild
G2 10:30 - 11:15
Kate GouldKate Gould Gardens Colour, the Marmite of the Plant World…
2ROOM3ROOMROOM1 10:30 - 11:15
Rachel Bailey - Rachel Bailey Garden Design Ltd
J2 13:00 - 13:45
J3 13:00 - 13:45 Niki-Marie Jansson - NM Jansson Akil Scafe-Smith - RESOLVE Infrastructure as Built Landscape
Kenny Raybould & Nikki Markham MBEGrown That Way Yve Metcalfe-Tyrrell - University of Plymouth The Roots of Food Flowers and Medicine Within the Landscape
H1 11:45 - 12:30
John WyerBowles & Wyer InsideOut
Emily Erlam - Erlam Studios
Andrew Fisher Tomlin - LCGD Harry Holding - Harry Holding Garden Design Steve Williams - Steve Williams Landscapes
Celebrating the New Environmental Generation with London College of Garden Design
Sarah WilsonRoots & All Designing for Wildlife H3 11:45 - 12:30
10:30 11:45 13:00
J1 13:00 - 13:45
J4 13:00 - 13:45
Emma MazzulloMazzullo + Russell Landscape Design Philippa O’BrienPhilippa O’Brien Garden Design Small is Beautiful
Phil AskewPeabody Thamesmead’s LandscapeThe Extraordinary Ordinary G3 10:30 - 11:15

Nina Baxter - Nina Baxter Garden Design
Lynne Marcus - Lynne Marcus Garden Design David Stevens - David Stevens International John Wyer - Bowles & Wyer Emma Mazzullo - Mazzullo + Russell Landscape Design
Debbie Carroll - Step Change Design Vanessa Hoch & Rachel PocockVaRa Garden Design
Debbie CarrollStep Change Design The Stories that Changed Designing for Care Homes and Dementia 14:15 - 15:00
Paula WarmanLandscaper’s Circle The Reality of Being a Woman in Landscaping 15:30 - 16:15 Mark Gregory - Landform Consultants
14:15 15:30 /POINTSGAINHOURSTHURSDAY 29th SEPTEMBER K1 14:15 - 15:00
SGD - Fundamentals of Design 15:30 - 16:15
Alex Bittiner & Emily BedweiLighting Design International How Lighting Can Transcend Everything 14:15 - 15:00
Sarah Morgan - Sarah Morgan Gardens
Gemma Jerome - Building with Nature Elaine Cresswell - reShaped Andy Spargo - The Landmark Practice How Can a Landscape-Led Approach Help Industry to Deliver Great Places for People and Wildlife? 15:30 - 16:15 Becca Cranfield & Lisa NunnWomen in Natural Stone Women in Natural Stone: Paths to Success in the Construction Sector
Celebrating the New Wellbeing Generation with London College of Garden Design 15:30 - 16:15
George Hudson - Evening Standard An Audience with Mark Gregory
K3 14:15 - 15:00

Join us at the Central Bar from 16:15 on Wednesday the 28th of September for an informative experience full of entertainment, along with complimentary drinks. Adam White Landscape Architects Presenters include: Wednesday 28th September 2022 | 16:15 Central Bar Area | The NEC Birmingham Things That Make Me Go “Wow!” PechaKucha derives from the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, it provides a lively and informal format to enlighten and inspire. It is a simple presentation format where landscaping professionals will be showing 20 images, each for 20 seconds (hence the 20x20!) Returning for 2022 is the PechaKuchaLANDSCAPE20x20! …but what PechaKuchadoesmean?Alistair Bayford Maylim Andree Davies Landscape Architects

Come and see who will win!
We asked both professionals and non-professionals alike to design a Wildlife Friendly Garden that makes space for nature and increase bio-diversity. Designers were asked to create a wildlife-friendly garden design for a small urban garden. The design should maximise opportunities for urban wildlife to thrive and utilise sustainable, recyclable and local materials and resources where possible. This year we launched a brand new garden design competition in collaboration with Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust –The Wildlife Friendly Design Competition!
The shortlisted designs will be on display at The LANDSCAPE Show and the winners will be announced on the afternoon of the first day of the show! The winner of the professional category will get the chance to have their design brought to life at a Wildlife Trust visitor centre in early 2023!
This year we launched a brand new garden design competition in collaboration with Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust and Warwickshire Wildlife Trust –The Wildlife Friendly Design Competition!

On Wednesday the 28th of September the Theatre is being sponsored by Perennial (the Gardeners Royal Benevolent Charity). They will share with us their ways on how to save money, how to look after yourself and how to support your colleagues. They will feature some top tips on how to achieve your own wellbeing goals and how to avoid injury at work as well as how to improve your physical strength and conditioning. 11:15 - 11:45 Fiona PolandMental Health First Aid England FIRST AIDNOT AS YOU KNOW IT Matt KnightPerennial HOW TO SAVE YOURSELF £600 A YEAR 12:30 - 13:00 Kathryn GillWe Are Wellbeing THE SEEDS OF CHANGE - 8X6 13:45PRINCIPLE-14:15 Claire DuffieldConnect Health STAY IN (PEAK) SHAPE FOR THE 15:00LANDSCAPE-15:30

LANDSCAPE has launched a new theatre! At this year’s LANDSCAPE Show we have introduced a new Theatre covering a series of topics all with a ‘How to..’ theme.
15:00 - 15:30
On Thursday the 29th of September the Theatre will be a truly inspirational day featuring speakers from The Stone Federation, The RHS, The Evening Standard and the Association of Fencing Industries.
Topics will include how to deliver long lasting projects and how to approach the press for the most media success. The RHS will talk about how to apply for a show garden and the AFI will be talking about how to use other materials to enhance the design and characteristics of fencing.
Brand new for 2022,

The Best in Show competition is back again this year at LANDSCAPE 2022! We’re giving our exhibitors this fantastic opportunity to highlight a particular product from their innovative ranges to showcase to our visitors. These are the shortlisted entries which will be displayed at the exhibition on the 28th & 29th of September. To vote for your favourite ‘Best in Show’ come along to LANDSCAPE and have your say… EASYJointMoasure®️MOASUREONE™️AZPECTSSelectRange

FlexlineSTRAIGHTCURVE/Rigidline/HardlineFANDANGOKindlingCrackerDELTAEdgeSTEINFIXProfilesLIGHTOonoPHOENIX SAMUEL Luxury Fire DeckingBARRETTINETablesCleaner

On achieving CPD certification for the programmes, Event Director Jeremy Storey-Walker says: “Being accepted as a member of the CPD Certification Scheme also reinforces the quality of LANDSCAPE’s seminar programme and the real value that delegates can gain from attending these sessions.”
LANDSCAPE’s original CPD accredited programme continues. Filled with seminars to inspire, educate and connect people to new ideas and solutions to take towards future projects.
For the first time ever, visitors can enjoy a more instructive setting with some brand new demonstration ‘How To’ seminars. Over the two days visitors can enjoy two different seminar programmes, over 60 seminars and 100 top industry professionals sharing their thoughts on the leading topics of 2022.
The accreditation means that attending any of the Seminar Sessions in the main theatres all count towards delegates’ Continuing Professional Development hours (CPD). Keep an eye out on social media as topics continue to be released over the coming months. The full programme will be available to view online nearer the time of the show at www.landscapeshow.co.uk
looks to continue the ongoing commitment towards uniting the industry and enhancing professional qualifications of its practitioners, this year introducing a brand-new seminar programme.
Attendees will receive their Certificates of Attendance at the end of each session they attend. Register for your FREE tickets to attend by visiting

Dr. Gemma JeromeBuilding With Nature 15:00NETWORKING10:15WOMEN15:15INSTONE-10:30MORNINGWITH#YESSHECAN
11:15LANDSCAPINGWOMEN11:30IN Holly YoudeUrban Landscape Design 12:30WOMEN12:45INLIGHTING Emily Bedwei & Arianna Ghezzi - Lighting Design International 13:45ENVIRONMENTALWOMEN14:00INPLANNING
LANDSCAPE’s Women in the Industry Day was so well received in 2021 that it’s back again, bigger and better than before plus it’s all free to attend!
Start off Day 2 of the Show at the Women in the Industry networking morning at 10:15am, run proudly in conjunction with #Yes She Can! Enjoy a coffee and a catch up as you network and listen to shared stories from others championing diversity. The networking morning will be followed by a full day of interviews led by #Yes She Can and leading women from different specialties. With so many amazing career opportunities in the Landscaping industry, come and listen to inspirational women as they talk about their experiences,how they push forward in their respective fields and what they hope for the future. Join ladies from all aspects of the industry as they come together to support, talk, share and celebrate their achievements and continued drive to push forward.
Becca Cranfield - Women In Natural Stone

The Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) is a long-standing Partner of The LANDSCAPE Show and we’ve come together to put on display some of the wonderful work of the APL Winners.
Each year since 1995 the APL have been proud to recognise and reward the high standard of landscape contracting carried out by APL registered members. They use the APL Awards to promote members’ commitment to quality landscaping and keeping their customers completely satisfied. Come and meet some of the winners across the 2 days. See the winning works on display, network with the contractors behind the projects and make some new connections

George Hudson, writer for the Evening Standard will be interviewing the King of Chelsea, Mark Gregory at LANDSCAPE!
Join them on the afternoon of Day 2 at LANDSCAPE and have the chance to ask your own questions too!
This is your opportunity to learn from the very best, find out what lessons he’s learnt from the past few years, his views on the conflict of being a contractor and a designer as well as his thoughts on the future of his business.

Come along to these special events at the Central Bar between 11:15 – 15:15 and get the chance to get to know some major names in the business!
What do you want to know?
15:00 - 15:15
The line-up features Andrew Fisher Tomlin from Fisher Tomlin & Bowyer, James Scott from The Garden Co., John Kenny from John Kenny Garden Design and Richard Miers from Richard Miers Garden Design.
A Registered Member of the SGD and also BALI, James founded The Garden Company where, he and his team of designers and landscapers bring clients’ dreams to life with bespoke, handcrafted places that people love. James is highly committed to sustainable gardens and grounds that celebrate nature and have a positive impact on the environment.
Ever wondered how the biggest names in garden design got to where they are now?
11:15 - 11:30
LANDSCAPE is giving you the chance to ask the questions to prominent Garden Designers in the industry with their ‘Meet the Designers’ sessions.
Andrew Fisher Tomlin leads one of the UK’s leading garden design offices with commissions for gardens and parks worldwide. He is also Director of the London College of Garden Design based in the Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, widely recognised as one of the leading colleges for training in garden and planting design.
John Kenny’s practice has undertaken high profile work for; Hammersmith Hospital in London, Matsu Moto University in Japan, estates in Greece, Germany and New Zealand and has designed an RHS Gold Medal winning garden. John Kenny studied at the University of Hertfordshire, Writtle University, Merrist Wood and Norwood Hall. He holds a Degree, HND, RHS General and City and Guilds. Richard’s wide range of projects include an RHSChelsea Main Avenue garden and winner of the People’s Choice Award, a dacha in Moscow, a villa in Sardinia, country gardens for Grade1 listed houses, a 15 acre garden for a new build Palladian mansion in Surrey and countless town gardens and roof terraces in London. Richard’s gardens are clean and classically contemporary in style, with a strong sense of geometry.

The synergy between these two shows is undeniable. We both work to promote great products and innovation within the outdoor industry. This partnership will be sure to bring a new level of excitement to both events. For the first time in its history, the LANDSCAPE Show and LOFA (Leisure & Outdoor Furniture Association) are collaborating. This partnership is a coming together of two great organisations with the common goal of championing the outdoor industry. By joining forces, we will be able to offer an even wider range of benefits and services to our visitors and members. This collaboration is an exciting step forward for both the LANDSCAPE Show and LOFA’s bespoke exhibition SOLEX (Summer Outdoor Living Exhibition). We are looking forward to working together to support the continued growth and success of the landscape and outdoor leisure industries.
Be sure to check out the LOFA stand at The LANDSCAPE Show this year! You’ll be able to see some of the best products from some of the most innovative members of LOFA. And if you’re looking for more reasons to visit SOLEX, be sure to check out the LANDSCAPE Show Garden Exhibit at SOLEX in July 2023.


LANDSCAPESHOW.CO.UK@landscapeevent#Landscape2022 23
ESSE LANDSCAPES Being seeded by knowledge, weeding out misinformation and always rooted in science, they aim to support small and micro businesses to upskill and evolve with new technologies and climate-sensitive growing that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The collective will support people and the planet, reinforce the importance of the environment with mental health, and be a pillar in the horticultural community, all the while leading the charge against the growing climate emergency and flowering a possible future.
A leading supplier of hedging plants, dispatching direct from their 16 acre nursery site. As a specialist hedging retailer they offer a vast range of hedging species, in a choice of root type ALL year round. From seasonal bare root and rootballs through to pots and containers. And from individual plants to instant troughs and screens. Additionally, they also have a wide selection of shrubs plus specialist lines of topiary, trees and garden essentials.
ESSE Landscapes offer a multi award-winning, comprehensive design and build service covering the private and commercial sectors. Construction work is undertaken by their team of experienced specialists to the highest industry standards.
At Your Garden Needs, they seek to provide a bespoke, garden management and soft landscaping service achieving the highest of standards, catering to the homeowner and garden designer. With a wealth of knowledge and experience, they employ qualified, passionate, horticulturists to guarantee an outstanding and tailored service within the garden sector and are the sole contractor of a handful of award-winning gardens. With a great network of suppliers and a load of experience behind their belts, they’re able to provide services within the garden, from annual lawn care schedules, the development of organic fruit and vegetable plots, to specialist pruning projects, irrigation installation and maintenance, to planting mature trees and entire gardens. YOUR GARDEN NEEDS
Cannock Gates and Burbage Iron Craft are premier suppliers of quality metal and timber garden gates, fencing and railings. Manufactured in the UK with nationwide delivery. Wide range of traditional or contemporary designs in standard or bespoke sizes to suit all requirements and budgets.
They supply high-end outdoor lighting to many award-winning garden designers, landscapers and contractors. They specialise in key areas namely: Professional Solar Lights & Street Lights, Bollard Lights, Dusk to Dawn (photocell lighting) and their well-regarded ‘VERSA’ 12v Garden Lighting range. Mains garden lighting, including path lights, external wall lights, spike lights and pergola lights are also available. Lights are crafted from durable, high-quality materials, including solid brass, natural copper, aluminium and 316 stainless steel; designed with durability and sustainability in mind.
HEDGES DIRECT Europe Grass is a complete provider for a variety of specialists and retailers - large and small - with artificial grass in their assortment. High or low volumes: they’re there for you. They already provide their extensive product catalogue and services to hundreds of companies in close to 30 countries.

Withprovides.over 32 years’ experience in the industry, Europlanters are a leading manufacturer of plant containers for the home, office, gardens, roof terraces and landscapes. They also offer a large range of park and street furniture. If you cannot find what you are looking for they also specialise in bespoke products and have a team of experienced estimators on hand to help.
Stone Federation is the official trade association for the natural stone industry. They have over 100 years’ experience in connecting landscape architects, garden designers and specifiers with the very best materials and companies. They also have a wealth of free design and technical resources to help design professionals take full advantage of the potential that natural stone
THERMALUX A new concept in materials handling which allows excavators as small as 1 ton to offload from lorries, and handle 1000 kg pallets, and 2.2 ton excavators to handle 2000kg pallets. It can access narrow sites inaccessible by telehandlers - ideal for landscapers as it can be transported with the excavator behind a 4x4, effectively carrying a forklift and excavator on one load. It reduces lifting injuries, saves time and money when handling materials. A patent application has been lodged. Create beautiful and safe outdoor spaces with Gripsure, manufacturer and supplier of nonslip decking. Unlike other decking, Gripsure can be enjoyed all year round. Safe underfoot, and with the natural beauty of timber, Gripsure offers a range of decking boards to suit any commercial or residential project. With the highest safety ratings on the market, you can rely on Gripsure to deliver the highest safety performance, without having to compromise on style.
The Leisure and Outdoor Furniture Association is a proactive organisation representing the very best brands within the UK gardening industry, all adhering to the LOFA Code of Practice. Established in 1967, their goal is to support and promote the commercial trading and industrial interests of its members.
GRIPSURE UK LTD Run by fencers for fencers - the AFI represents their members across the UK fencing industry, promoting safety, quality and professionalism. AFI members are kept up to date with industry news, technical information and business opportunities available within the association network. The AFI is committed to the future of fencing, supporting advances in materials, equipment and most importantly encouraging the next generation of fencers to join a fantastic industry and receive the highest level of training.
LOFA members offer a variety of products ranging from garden furniture, barbecues, fire pits, chimeneas, spas, lighting, shading and associated accessories.
LOFA One of the UK’s leading garden design colleges providing inspirational training from their home in the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and online. Learn from the best in our profession.
Thermalux UK Premium Outdoor Saunas redefine the concept of home wellness. Experience the luxury of unwinding from the comfort of your own garden. With an endless number of sauna combinations available, you are bound to find a solution that meets your dreams and wellness needs. Their UK outdoor saunas are available in a wide variety of sizes and models, and all models can be combined with other options such as a shower, whirlpool, steam room, pool house, in fact anything you imagine is possible.
Just a taste of what you can see...

CED STONE GROUP British handmade terracotta landscape Yorkshire Flowerpots. Using local clays and shales from their own quarries every Yorkshire Flowerpots is individually stamped and has the uniqueness associated with a handmade product. They will also be showcasing a range of recycled plastic MetroPave grids suitable for domestic and pedestrian settings such as paths and driveways. Units can be infilled with grass or gravel to suit the local environment and are fully SuDs compliant.
At CED Stone Group, they provide the most extensive range of natural stone and hard landscaping products on the market. Fulfilling the needs of an ever-changing industry for over 40 years, they work with their customers, helping them to select the perfect materials for their projects which will look exquisite and stand the test of time. At the very heart of their family business, they want to inspire our customers to create beautiful landscapes that can be enjoyed by generations to come.
Fandango Fire Tools are the European distributor for two outstanding ranges of productsKindling CrackerTM and Espegard.The star of the show is the Kindling Cracker. That’s the patented, Australian made firewood splitter that was invented by Ayla, a 13 year old schoolgirl in New Zealand almost ten years ago. They supply dealers of all sizes - from small individual stores to large chains all over Europe. They also distribute Espegard’s range of wonderful outdoor living products.
EXTERNAL WORKS provides information services to professionals involved in civil engineering and landscaping projects. Free information is delivered online, through weekly digital bulletins and a print edition published every 18 months. Using their products and services will help you find the best products and companies to work with, keep up-to-date with sector innovations and to get the most out of your professional time.
25 Manchester based Landscaping and stonework specialists. Covering a range of stonework, woodwork and bespoke projects. Small team, high quality.
At OASE, they’ve always had a passion for water, aquatic environments and design that meets the highest possible standards of technical precision – since 1949. They are designers by trade and composers at heart, both when it comes to creating fascinating water scenes in gardens, aquariums and in the field of professional fountain and water technology. From idea to implementation, from function to fascination, from technical to biological – they offer innovative presentations, smart products, premium quality and pure convenience.
Refurb Projects launched in 1987 to cater for the expanding Repair, Maintenance, Improvement and Refurb sectors of the UK Building Industry. This represents a massive market, with refurbishment in the Health, Leisure, Education and Social Housing sectors expecting to be the mainstay of the industry for the foreseeable future. Sustainability and the protection of the built environment are essential ingredients of the refurbishment market, and Refurb Projects Journal is a leader in reporting and promoting these ideals. The magazine is distributed on a bi-monthly basis.

PROFILSAGER AG Johnsons Wellfield extracts and works stone from the Pennine hills above Huddersfield and is widely regarded as a leading supplier of Natural Hard Yorkstone. The company provides a range of natural stones however they are best known for their Crosland Hill Yorkstone. This hard, durable material is well known for its consistent warm buff tones however it is also available with grey/brown variations under the name Crosland Hill Multi. The mineral has an excellent technical performance making it highly suitable for both masonry and hard landscaping solutions.
When tasked with finding a timber with a service life of 60 years, is stable , lightweight, easy to use and with an attractive appearance Western Red Cedar ticked all the boxes. Beautiful colour variations from light pink to dark chocolate brown with limited defects and sourced from sustainably managed forests, Western Red Cedar is the landscapers timber species of choice. All their Cedar is obtained from sustainably managed forests and controlled sources on the West Coast of Canada.
Just a taste of what you can see...
Perennial helps anyone who creates or maintains gardens, parks, sports facilities and other green spaces including garden designers, landscapers and landscape architects. If you work with plants, trees or grass, Perennial is your charity and can help you if you need support. Everyone working in or retired from horticulture can receive their free and confidential tailored one-to-one advice, support and financial assistance for as long as extra support is needed. Perennial’s team helps individuals and their families as they deal with life-changing events.
LTD A leading designer and supplier of soil stabilisation and erosion control systems in the UK. Greenfix has developed a comprehensive range of products and systems to combat the complex and diverse problems associated with erosion control and soil stabilisation. The UK stockist of the Presto Geoweb® cellular confinement system, used extensively for tree root protection, load support, slope and channel protection, earth retention and flood defence.
An agile and future-oriented family business and have specialised in the development and manufacturing of plastic profiles and other products for the construction sector. They develop, manufacture and distribute their products for use in shell construction, interior finishing and gardening and landscaping. With their Steinfix edge profiles and joint profiles, they are present throughout Europe and are the standard technology in some countries. This year they have supplemented the range with their wall joint profile - disto - and their versatile variafix for terraces and green roofs.
Event Cycle helps event planners reduce waste and create a positive social impact in the process. They do this by repurposing leftover event materials with charities, community groups, social enterprises as well as placing some items back into the events industry. Bring them in from the beginning of your project to help you design your event with social purpose in mind or call us at the final curtain and they will find a home for everything from graphics to giveaways, planks of wood to plants. Join them on our journey leading the events industry into a circular economy.
A number one magazine for contractors, garden & turf professionals. Spanning the entire landscaping industry from landscape designers to turf maintenance, it equips landscape and turf professionals with the right tools and best ideas to create the perfect spaces. Each copy is read by industry specialists that include members of BALI and APL, grounds teams and turf professionals, those working with local councils and the amenity sector, plus key members responsible for the upkeep of private estates and national heritage sties, town centres and housing developments.
Professional award-winning landscape garden, maintenance and tree care services for properties and estates within Surrey, West Sussex and Hampshire.

Breeding exquisite roses since 1961. David Austin’s English Roses form magnificent shrubs and climbers which make great impact in the garden. As a group, they are reliable and easy to grow, with a vigour which contrasts with the delicate charm and beauty of their many petalled, scented blooms. Wonderful fragrances, beautiful flower forms, the ability to repeat flower over a long season, superb health and disease resistance and highly versatile in the garden.
WESTMINSTER STONE Garden designers, landscape architects and designers use SketchUp to communicate their vision and bring their clients’ ideas to life. Carly Tong Garden Design (awarded Gold at the BBC Gardeners World Event) talks about her design philosophy and using SketchUp as a 3D modelling software: “In 2021, I began incorporating Sketchup in my design process. I have found it extremely versatile to present my ideas to clients from concept sketches through to presenting final visualisations. I use Sketchup alongside my hand”
Deckorators® decking from STORM is a revolutionary decking product set to reinspire and reinvigorate outdoor living one beautiful composite deck board at a time. The unique design of Deckorators® decking and the wealth of accessories make design potential limitless, and the industry-leading warranty guarantees a better future for projects all over the UK. The STORM team is excited to be exhibiting three ranges of Deckorators® composite decking at The LANDSCAPE Show.
NAMGRASS UK Women In Natural Stone (WINS) has been established to provide networking and support for women in the stone industry and wider architectural and construction sectors. WINS is the latest initiative from Stone Federation, the UK’s trade association for the natural stone sector. As well as supporting those within the industry, the group also aims to encourage the next generation of women into construction, and as numbers grow, WINS will be able to establish a system of mentoring.
DAVID AUSTIN ROSES APHA is an executive agency of Defra, the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs in the UK. They work to safeguard animal and plant health for the benefit of people, the environment and the economy. Their stand communicates the importance of plant biosecurity best practice and informs about new and emerging plant pests and diseases. Staff will be available to discuss plant health legislation. Westminster Stone offers strong Trade benefits and works with all professions specifying and buying paving and flooring for residential, commercial and retail projects. They are a leading manufacturer and supplier of traditional reproduction Stonecast paving and flooring and the only retailer of the prestigious National Trust Paving Collection. They also have a comprehensive collection of ethically sourced natural stone and finest Italian porcelain. Visit them and find out about their extensive Trade benefits.
For over 30 years, Namgrass has been designed, developed and manufactured exclusively by them keeping them at the forefront of the artificial grass market. In the UK they operate from a 3 cutting and distribution hubs holding over 100,000m2 of stock at any one time. Each facility has eyewateringly accurate machines allowing us to cut to the nearest 0.1m in length, coupled with their large fleet of delivery vehicles they make sure the grass is with you efficiently and in tip-top condition.
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A Trade Association for UK landscape professionals. BALI represents, supports and accredits the landscape industry, providing training and professional advice. The Association works in partnership with over 900 Accredited members, including landscape contractors, landscape architects, garden designers and suppliers, who have all been vetted to ensure the highest standards of workmanship and skill to give end-clients total peace of mind when selecting a landscaping professional.

Internationally recognised as a leading gardening book publisher. Its books and authors have received numerous international awards, and currently has 375 books in print - spanning gardening, horticulture, landscape design, the natural world, and popular science.
Adam is a multi award-winning garden and landscape designer and a member of the APL (Association of Professional Landscapers) who has been honed from a unique background in horticulture, graphic design, practical landscaping and business design. He is enthused by his continued passion for plants, inspirational design and clever solutions to outdoor spaces.
Bergs Timber (UK) Ltd is a trading company and distributor of wood products to the UK. Bergs offer a wide range of wood products with a focus on Wood Protection, Garden & Landscaping Innovation and Wood components for furniture manufacturing. The business is focused on timber sales and distribution from sawmills and production facilities in Sweden, Latvia and Estonia.
For over 20 years the leading trade platform for professionals within Garden Retail to share news and information.
Just a taste of what you can see...
TIMBER PRESS Roger Gladwell Landscaping and Construction is a multi-award winning family business with over 25 years’ experience creating beautiful gardens for the distinctive landscape and architecture of East Anglia. From initial consultation to completion, everything is done in-house by their own skilled team of garden designers, landscapers and craftsmen so they can assure the highest quality of service. Whether you want to create a new garden or bring new life to a historic garden, you will find ideas in their comprehensive portfolio. A business support service for self-employed gardeners. Gardeners are accepted for membership on the basis of their professional qualifications. Finding a qualified electrician or plumber is easy - just look for the NIC EIC or Gas Safe logo. In a similar way, their national Member Register of Qualified Gardeners makes it easy to find a qualified gardener. Members benefit from many other practical services including legal advice lines, document templates, legislation updates, gardeners forum and much more.
For over 140 years, DIY Week has been the DIY, Hardware, and Garden Centre industry’s main news source. DIY Week has the welldeserved reputation of being essential for anyone who needs to keep abreast of what’s happening across the entire market, from small independent hardware and garden retailers to major multiples, and online retailers.
Best-selling books by leading exponents in the garden design arena, including Piet Oudolf, Rosemary Alexander and Jo Thompson.
At Azpects Ltd, they specialise in developing and manufacturing products to create and maintain homes and gardens. Their mission is to deliver products that make typical construction and care challenges EASY and less frequent. Their comprehensive range includes products to help establish surfaces – including patios, paths and driveways - and products to help clean and protect surfaces - including paving, decking and ornaments. They launched EASYJoint in January 2010, and it has fast become the UK’s leading product for joining patios, paths and paving.

For over 50 years, they have been supplying garden centres, designers of RHS award winning show gardens, landscapers, royal parks, environmental agencies and many others. They grow over 300 varieties of aquatic and moisture loving plants including a fantastic range of instant impact specimens. Both existing customers and those new to aquatics can be confident that they will guide them in the right direction.
Delta Light designs and manufactures architectural lighting for both interior and exterior applications. With an extensive suite of solutions, Delta Light has the capabilities to deliver any desired effect for any project. From subtle to dynamic, classic to modern and sophisticated to playful, Delta Light offers an unrivalled choice in architectural lighting. With a longstanding history of collaborating with architects, designers, contractors, and investors to integrate light into their projects, Delta Light luminaires can be found in high-profile installations across the globe.
Aydın Flouray is one of the oldest landscaping stone processors and exporters in Turkey. They process Natural Landscaping Stones for both domestic and foreign markets and Sand, Soils & Fertilisers for only the domestic market. The whole processing activities and stages are actualised in their own factory with noticeable capacity and knowledge. The brand ‘Flouray’ has gained market recognition for a good selection of stones over these years. They supply tons of products to their customers and assist them in fine projects.
The Young People in Horticulture Association (YPHA) was created to unite the scatterings of under 35s working in horticulture, to better facilitate collaboration, education and innovation. YPHA’s primary focus is to consider how the industry might evolve to appeal to a younger demographic than has previously been the case both in terms of future horticultural employees and future garden centre and landscaping customers.
Grundon Sand & Gravel is one of the UK’s leading suppliers of sands and aggregates to the building, construction, landscaping, decorative and leisure markets. Their range of aggregates include path gravels, decorative stones, rockery stones, soils and rootzones, sand, and clays. They regularly update our portfolio of products to provide you with the finest materials available, and have recently added recycled aggregates and carbon negative aggregates to their product range.
Karl Harrison professionally designs and landscapes gardens. For the last 20 years
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Oxford Green Roofs Ltd are a family run, specialist green roof company who design and build bespoke living roofs which are beautiful, bio-diverse and sustainable. They specialise in the domestic market for both new build and retro-fit living roofs as well as providing a consultancy service to others. Set up in 2009 we have a wealth of experience in creating roofs that adapt to their environment and provide a bio-diverse habitat.
The first choice for Digital Marketing in landscaping. From branding & websites to SEO & PPC, Adtrak are an award-winning fullservice agency who are focused on achieving business growth for their clients. They have worked with a large number of landscape businesses across the UK, helping these clients to establish a strong digital identity and generate business online. Their personal approach ensures a long-term partnership built on success and they’re proud to deliver value which builds businesses.
Karl Harrison has surrounded himself with like-minded professionals to create beautiful gardens and build stunning creations. Since early 2003 he has been building gardens across the home counties, London, South of France and in Gibraltar. They have proven expertise to offer specialist services to decking terracing and platforms. To date, they have professionally installed thousands of sqm for private gardens, commercial too… they are quite talented.

A garden design and construction company focussed on delivering quality. Taking pride in their staff to execute complex and challenging projects across the East Midlands. Three time winner of the Bradstone national Installer of the Year and recent APL award winner, Alfresco have been fortunate to work with a number of well-known industry designers, more recently building the winning RHS Community Garden scheme for England, featuring on The One Show and ITV’s Love Your Garden. Keeping the UK’s gardeners up to date with the latest news from the world of horticulture.
If you love easy outdoor entertaining, a great barbecue is essential and that is where BeefEater come in. With a functional and stylish design, durability, and a great range of features their BeefEater barbecues will complement any outdoor setting and cook up a delicious meal every time.
Producers of high quality outdoor spaces for over 10 years. Their projects span rural and urban settings and they strive to make each project as imaginative as possible, never compromising on quality. They were delighted this year to have been awarded the Best in Category for a Cheltenham Town Garden and are thrilled to be at LANDSCAPE in the APL Winners Circle. They are proud to be part of the APL and value how they strive to promote the quality of the private domestic landscaping industry. Working with veterans suffering with mental health issues. To combat any sense of isolation veterans are experiencing and the stress and anxiety that can arise from their situation, they are looking to build social relationships. The courses aim to reduce participants’ levels of stress, anxiety, depression and isolation. They seek to establish long-term social connections within the group. They also aim to provide an introduction to a new skill, horticulture, that can be fostered once the course is over to provide a future hobby or possibly career.
Barrettine celebrated 140 years of innovative, high-performing, award-winning; (many UK manufactured), quality products in 2019. They specialise in quality performance woodcare, tile & stone products from large manufacturing sizes down to retail sized. They will be showcasing their traditional woodcare range – preservers, protector and decking together with NEW Hard Wax Oil, UV Cladding protection oil, Ecoprotec Landscape range of environmentally friendly sealers and associated cleaning products use on all exterior stone and porcelain.
Launched in 1980, Construction Plant World Journal is published every two weeks, read by a worldwide audience of buyers and sellers of construction plant and equipment industries. In conjunction with www.ConstructionPlantWorld. com, they offer sellers the most comprehensive, effective and easy to use solution to reach potential buyers globally.
Established as the online supplier for a large aggregate company that has been supplying specialist decorative aggregates for over 150 years. With strategically placed production facilities, they offer national delivery. Their online store provides contractors and garden designers access to their complete product portfolio including – Gravel, Chippings, Slate, Paddlestones, Cobbles, Pebbles, Boulders, Rockery, Paving, Membranes and Gravel Grids.
Just a taste of what you can see...

White Horse Contractors has evolved from its background as an agricultural and land drainage contractor to become a leading provider of specialist design, construction, drainage and maintenance services. Services include: landscaping; water engineering; land drainage; civil engineering; environmental works; equestrian; natural and hybrid turf sports pitch construction. Clients include Frasers Property, RSPB, Jaguar Land Rover, National Trust, Kier, Environment Agency and the Olympic Delivery Authority.
Creating beautiful gardens and magnificent landscapes for over 20 years. Over the years their landscapers have won awards at Chelsea Flower Show along with winning the Association of Professional Landscapers Supreme awards in 2020 & 2022. They love a challenge and specialise in complicated spaces. The team is equally happy building contemporary & traditional gardens and their aim is to create luxurious spaces that will be enjoyed for many years by everyone that uses a garden built by Simply Green Landscapes Ltd.
More than 70 years of experience in supplying the street furniture and security industry. As a global designer, manufacturer, and supplier, they offer beautifully designed furniture for outdoor spaces and landscape protection. They offer excellence in design, integrating technology, sustainability, recycling, and modern materials to keep them ahead of the competition. ESF is leading the way in the provision of street, secure and smart furniture for local and global markets.
RHS Solus fire and water features are a modern take on the time tested pleasures of sitting around an open fire or listening to the tranquillity of moving water. At Solus they work with industry professionals to provide the best quality fire pits including LPG, natural gas and bio fuel with either manual or electronic ignitions. They also sell some of the finest contemporary self-circulating water features that exist in the marketplace today.
An all-in-one inbox that connects landscape professionals with their customers - helping you attract, convert, and retain clients with ease. Customers can quickly reach their team on the channel of their choice - across WhatsApp, SMS, Facebook, Instagram, email, and more. Faster communication means fewer missed opportunities, resulting in more sales and a better experience for all.
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Measuring complex shapes and areas with traditional tools has so much potential for error. Moasure® ONE™ enables landscape industry professionals to measure complex jobs in a completely new way. Simply move Moasure ONE from one point to another and see your measurement drawn in real-time on your smartphone screen through Moasure’s companion app. Now you can rapidly calculate area, measure perimeters and distance while simultaneously factoring in gradients and elevations – all in a fraction of the time it used to Thetake.Royal Horticultural Society is the UK’s leading gardening charity. They aim to enrich everyone’s life through plants and make the UK a greener and more beautiful place. They are committed to inspiring everyone to grow, and one of the ways we do this is through their world-famous flower shows and gardens.
Fuzey also allows you to get paid with ease and boost your five-star reviews.
Chichester Stone Creations has evolved from a desire to bring more sustainable craftsmanship to a wider audience, providing garden design pieces, stone building products and landscape focal features, whilst simultaneously using the highest quality materials. Chichester Stone Creations combines traditional craftsmanship with state-of-the-art technology using surplus materials from Chichester Stonework’s major projects so that they can offer more products at an affordable price.

Just a taste of
Straightcurve® steel garden edging systems are designed to achieve a quality, lasting finish and installation which is quick and easy. Straightcurve offers a selection of edging systems from Rigid, for straight lines, and geometric patterns, right through to the organic and flowing lines of the Flex options. The products are produced with Weathering Steel. It rusts 4 times more slowly than other steel, developing a fine rust patina on the surface, resulting in the stunningly beautiful, rich, earthy tones of the products.
LTD Since 1964 the Arboricultural Association has been there to support arborists. Their mission is to promote trees and the professionals who enable their sustainable management. Meet like-minded individuals through their branch networks and expand your professional skills with their training, technical advice and online ‘help for arborists’ resources. Visit the LANDSCAPE Show in September to find out more. what you can see...
UltraScape, part of the Instarmac Group plc, has been successfully providing the landscape and building industries with a high quality paving installation system for over 20 years. Their specialist materials are proven to work alongside all stone manufacturers with excellent results every time. The range includes a BS 7533 compliant mortar paving system, permeable paving solutions, environmentallyfriendly alternatives, and joint protection and stone adhesive products.
ULTRASCAPE Discover luxury outdoors with Suns Lifestyle and their exclusive range of premium pergolas, lounge, dining and outdoor lighting collections. Fully weatherproof and designed specifically for life outdoors, their collections combine innovative materials, technology and robust construction to bring you comfort and enjoyment in all seasons. Personalisation is at the heart of what they do, helping you create a considered outdoor space that is an extension of your home and style.
A professional association for garden designers. The champion excellence in garden design, and support their Members to train, work, develop and continually maintain the highest standards. The Society also promotes best practice and continuing professional development through its conferences, workshops and seminars, its Journal and the annual SGD Awards. It represents garden designers within the wider horticulture and landscape industry on important issues, as well as engaging with the public to raise the profile of garden design.
Architecture Magazine (formerly Architect’s Choice) is an established and well-respected professional journal in the industry. Launched over 20 years ago, Architecture Magazine reflects its commitment to delivering informative, timely and intelligent content to an audience of influential architecture professionals. Featuring engaging industry news, product and technology reviews and detailed project case studies, Architecture Magazine serves to highlight the very best of the industry, from the UK’s authority on architectural products.
Langdale Landscapes specialise in designing and building large scale bespoke gardens around the Sevenoaks & Tunbridge Wells area.
Leading suppliers of wholesale plants to the amenity and retail sectors. Their expert horticultural teams sow, grow and nurture robust and healthy plants for amenity landscape contractors, local authorities, foresters and landowners. Tending nearly seven million plants across 777 acres. They supply transplants, field and container trees and shrubs and herbaceous potted plants –offering customers a one-stop-shop.

Wholesale nursery supplying the landscape trade. 20 HA of container production plus the UKs largest hardy plant Cash and Carry. Shrubs, trees, herbaceous perennials, grasses, specimens and much, much more.
Tendercare Nurseries offer more than 100 000 mature plants, specimen trees, shrubs and herbaceous perennials on a 17-acre site situated in Southlands Road, Denham, Buckinghamshire. Because of their unprecedented product range, chances are you’ll fall in love with more than just one plant. Lucky for you, they also offer design and garden installation services to help you make the most of your outdoor space. Why add just one plant when we can help you turn your whole garden into an oasis of green.
The Association of Professional Landscapers (APL) comprises accredited companies who design, build and maintain gardens throughout the UK. Along with the initial inspection, each member is re-inspected to ensure each member has up to date insurances, complies with health and safety law and their quality of work is to the highest possible. The APL is the only landscaping scheme operator of TrustMark, a Government endorsed initiative that promotes professional trades to consumers.
PICS manufacture a full range of products for the decorative concrete industry. Offering full support and training for installers. PICSPAVE is an imprinted concrete system designed to create the aesthetic value and feel of natural stone, slate, cobble, tile, brick or wood.
APL A London based design and build company specialising in bespoke garden and landscape construction. They have gone on to earn a reputation as a high-end landscape gardening company, constructing stylish and contemporary award-winning gardens all over London. Their company is made up of a team that has a wealth of experience and constantly adapts to reflect the latest landscaping techniques. They pride themselves on providing an exceptional standard of work and customer service to all their clients.
WALLCRETE is a very advanced lightweight render, specifically designed to recreate the natural products used in all types of walling, rock carving, sculpting and construction.
Contemporary Gardens are a market leader in contemporary slatted fence panels and pergolas. A dedicated team mean that both standard and painted goods are able to be delivered directly to customers from their warehouse, with super- fast delivery timescales. They are looking to form new partnerships with tradespeople, wholesalers and online retailers.
PICS LTD A leading supplier of British recycled waste plastic wood products with over 25 years’ experience and expertise. They supply their wide range of furniture, profiles and sheet material throughout the UK and beyond, and are renowned for their helpful and friendly customer service. Whatever the size of your project, they would love to be part of it.
They are passionate about helping to create inspiring outdoor spaces by designing and sourcing unique products. Their core range is the Corten Steel collection which includes water features, planters, and retaining walls, and a variety of other products. They offer a bespoke service on a number of items where products can be made to measure to your specifications. They want to offer people a hand selected and handmade range of products that you won’t find in most of the commercial garden centres.
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The Outback brand stands for quality, innovation, and total customer commitment, providing a comprehensive range of cutting-edge British-designed barbecues and accessories that lead the way in quality and value. Simply review their comprehensive range of charcoal and gas barbecues to see how they stand out. They have built their reputation on taking your al fresco dining experience very seriously.
An important manufacturer at the top line of facing bricks and a market leader in clay pavers. Throughout its long history, Brickworks Vande Moortel has always integrated the latest technologies. It was one of the first manufacturers to launch ecological formats at 70mm on a large scale, and was the first European manufacturer to produce Class A and A+ clay pavers. Currently the brickworks produces ca. 95,000,000 bricks and clay paver per year.
Christmas Plus have been helping Town Centres with the design and installation of seasonal displays since 2003. Choose from their extensive library of lighting designs or let their experienced design team create a bespoke display tailored to your own ideas or specific requirements. Their Christmasists will deliver a professional installation service, safely and efficiently throughout the UK from their offices and storage facility in Keighley, West
Just a taste of
Band of Builders is the story of what happens when people unite to help others. It started with one man’s desire to help his friend in his hour of need and has grown into a national Charity run by tradespeople, for tradespeople. Band of Builders is a registered Charity that aim to help members of the construction industry when times get tough, whether that’s through hands-on projects, wellbeing and financial support, or just the sense of community that has grown through the simple act of wearing a BoB t-shirt or hoodie.
Celebrating adding the unusual to outdoor spaces! They are proud to be the go-to supplier for quirky, characterful, rustic furniture and accessories. Their range of hand-carved stone and cast stone statues are a great addition to the garden.
TheyYorkshire.have been growing specialist turf for over 35 years and have developed a reputation for high quality, innovation and excellent service. Based in North Yorkshire, all of their turf is grown on stone-free, sandy loam soils to rigorously high, certified standards. Nine grades of turf are available to suit a wide range of uses, from general lawn turfs to hard wearing racecourses and fine bowling greens. In recent years they have developed a number of exciting and innovative specialist landscaping products such as Lindum Grassfelt and Lindum Wildflower.
TRIPOD HOME The unique GftK Paving Joint Mortars or Grouts, designed for all types of paving and paved areas are exclusively provided in the UK and Ireland by NCC Streetscape Ltd. There are special GftK solutions for domestic patios and terraces, through domestic and commercial driveways and parking areas, to retail and leisure developments, as well as the heavy duty paving requirements of market squares and town centres, including roads and highway systems.
OUTBACK Professional IT company, expert in development and implementation of Ezytreev & Ezyasset systems. The system is designed to support local authorities, public and private sectors to fulfil their commitment to manage and maintain their tree, woodland and landscape resources. Providing management of inspections, maintenance works and budgeting, the system can be incorporated into a wide range of management scenarios with major application areas including trees, physical assets and landscaping features of any shape and size, as well as TPO management. what you can

Regarded a stylish and influential magazine for gardeners, Gardens Illustrated brings together an exciting mix of beautiful gardens, irresistible plants and clever design. With outstanding photography and writing, the magazine offers key horticultural insights to help bring garden dreams to life. Always with an eye to what’s current and what’s new, Gardens Illustrated is a guide to making the right choices when it comes to what’s best for our gardens. Large or small, urban or rural, gardens are celebrated in all their variety and seasonal glory.
Planteria.eu is THE focal news platform for the European Plant sector and beyond! Launched by Phil Evans in October 2013, it rapidly established itself at the forefront of the online news media for this industry. Publishing Editor Phil Evans is well known throughout the Planteria sector having launched Planteria Magazine in the U.K. in 2004. The concept of providing plant news to a specific profile of plant buyers has continued and been developed via Planteria.eu and indeed expanded to include news from around the world.
Bricsys, part of Hexagon, is the global technology company that creates the BricsCAD® family of computer aided design products and the Bricsys 24/7 project collaboration platform. Bricsys is a global provider of the BricsCAD® brand of engineering design software. They are relentlessly committed to the success of their customers. Bricsys offers its software at a compelling price, with industry-leading product support.
Keltec Ltd is a leading producer of high grade industrial and decorative sands in Ireland supplying industries varying from glass manufacturing to Terrazzo flooring production. With over 40 years in the aggregate business Keltec Ltd. has a proven record in sourcing and grading the best quality aggregates available. They pride themselves in the premium products they have developed and manufacture at their plant in Co. Wexford.
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Bramblecrest has combined innovation with strict quality control to produce unique collections that are comfortable, stylish, and durable. They are proud to be a British company with all of their products manufactured using only the highest quality materials to create exceptional furniture. Over two decades of experience have enabled Bramblecrest to establish their reputation as a market leader in the design and supply of exemplary garden furniture. All of these attributes culminate in finished products that bring the ultimate in outdoor leisure.
The company began trading in 1981 and started cushion production in September 1983. Initially producing for their own needs they were soon approached by importers and wholesalers to produce for them, this saw the start of rapid growth. Specialising in Garden and Cane Furniture Cushions their business continued to flourish. Over the years they have increased their colour pallet and designs now offering three collections at different price levels, seventeen fabric designs and nine cushion sizes in each range.
Design, Install, maintain - Commercial and Residential Irrigation projects. From Patios to Palaces: Everything from small residential projects- even urban patios - to irrigating urban commercial projects, public spaces, Living Walls & Green roofs. Recent projects include: The Natural History Museum, Kensington Palace, Kew Gardens and numerous residences from the Grand to the Small.
The Green Roof Organisation (GRO) is an independent not-for-profit Trade Association supporting and developing the UK Green Roofing industry. GRO represents all elements of the UK green roof industry including manufacturers of waterproofing and green roofing, suppliers of green roof systems and components, specialist contractors from the roofing and landscape sectors) and associates including other trade associations, ecologists, designers and architects.

Loknan UK are industry leaders in timber decking, cladding and fencing products. Their range extends from hardwoods and softwoods to modified timber products like their Thermo Bamboo, Thermo Ash or Thermo Wax Pine. They also have our own range of composite decking called LokDeck which is fast becoming the garden designers first choice decking solution! They collaborate closely with garden designers, landscapers, builders and end users to ensure their visions are brought to reality!
Dwarf and tall species; they specialise in growing 65+ different species of Eucalyptus trees; over 30 are sufficiently hardy to grow in most parts of the UK, a few are non-hardy, the remaining 20+ species are happy in the milder part of the UK. Their seed is carefully sourced from known provenances in the coldest parts of the antipodes. All their mature trees are air-root-pruned; grown in the Australianinvented Air-pot container system. Their trees have a vibrant, radial root system leading to a safe and stable tree.
CHECK’NDOUT At # YesSheCan they support women to break their career glass ceiling. They showcase inspirational women and tell their stories within our blog to provide real life role models! They upskill, coach and mentor career focussed women to help them be the best that they can be in their career. They have many different training and workshop opportunities to assist women at any point in their career. Their #YesSheCan Membership was created to give women the space to develop their career with tailored workshops and motivational interviews anytime, anywhere.
Just a taste of what you can see...
Award winning landscape specialists, passionate about gardens for commercial and residential clients. Over the past three decades the Kingston Landscape Group has built a strong reputation as one of London’s leading landscape contractors. Over the 30+ years they have been in existence, it has always been the management’s aspiration to bring all the pre-requisites needed to deliver under “one roof”. To this end they now have their own nurseries; their own transport fleet and specialist up-to-date equipment which is the envy of our competitors.
The HTA welcomes garden retailers, growers, manufacturers and suppliers, landscapers and service providers. They promote, support and nurture our industry to ensure a robust and sustainable future. They do this through representation of members’ interests to government and media and help members develop their businesses through first-class advice. No matter the size or location of your business, if you’re part of the gardening, amenity and landscaping industry, you need to be part of the association that represents it.
SAIL SHADES DIRECT Warwickshire Wildlife Trust are part of a nationwide movement of 46 independent Wildlife Trusts working for nature’s recovery across land and sea. Their work involves protecting, restoring and creating habitats to increase biodiversity, alongside inspiring and empowering communities to develop meaningful connections with nature.
Sail Shades Direct specialise in creating solutions for outdoor spaces; from sail shades to pergolas. They also offer a full range of accessories to include lighting and heating. Their experienced team offer the complete solution from conception through to installation, they take care of it all in-house. Their large production facility in Cornwall offers a quick turnaround on bespoke British made sails.
Remote tracking simplified. With Check’NdOut, managing your remote workforce is a piece of cake. The platform lets you focus on your business and takes away the field staff tracking overhead. Track your teams location at real-time. Determine hours spent by your team members with respect to your job location. Manage full life cycle of scheduled meetings, quotation management, project execution and invoicing.

GINIQUE RotoSpa is the UK’s only manufacturer of spa pools and is proud to be known as the nation’s favourite home brand. Step into a RotoSpa and you’ll understand why! Passionate about what they do, they’re a family firm with nearly 20 years’ experience building multi-awardwinning spa pools that are durable, reliable, and affordable.
An international not-for-profit association dedicated to the advancement of women in the construction industry. Their aim is to support women in construction through their careers, to celebrate and platform their accomplishments and to inspire the next generation of women into construction related roles. They organise site visits, networking events, topical industry seminars, workshops for personal development, business know-how and more, providing opportunities to meet other construction professionals in a formalised yet relaxed and friendly environment.
ROTOSPA One of the UK’s largest and fastest growing premium outdoor furniture brands, committed to delivering style, comfort, and quality. They understand how important our outdoor spaces are, so they’re passionate about developing collections that enhance consumers’ outdoor living whilst reflecting their personal style. Their range includes products suited to all outdoor spaces, with Rattan, Aluminium, Rope Weave, and Weatherproof fabric furniture collections to choose from, plus a growing range of outdoor living products and accessories.
Frognal gardens are expert and helpful gardeners who design, install and maintain water features, green roofs, and all outdoor spaces. Their speciality is chemical – free, wildlife friendly gardening, and they are famous in London for growing, planting and maintenance of their own unique collection of wildflowers, and developing wildlife ponds.
MAZE RATTAN At Oxford Planters, they never compromise. Every piece they create is handmade to order in their own Cotswolds workshop. Their skilled and experienced team of joiners combine the finest natural materials with time-honoured techniques. As a result, they have built an unrivalled reputation for quality planters, tables, benches and obelisks that will retain their beauty and function for many years. Custom-made solutions come as standard. Their aim is quite simply to bring perfection to your outdoor space.
Boot & Dart Nurseries combine two of Holland’s oldest, largest and best respected nurseries. Offering their UK and EU customers a highly organised ‘one stop shop’ service, they provide a full range of plants including trees, specimens, shrubs, perennials, hedging, bulbs, grasses and ferns. Their R&D department develops new varieties of low maintenance Landscape Roses, perennials and shrubs, most of which have wildlife benefits. Contact their highly experienced UK sales team at LANDSCAPE 2022.
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Ginique are the exclusive UK distributor of Glowbus a Belgian manufacturer of Corten steel fire sculptures. Each piece in the Glowbus collection is a handmade, functional work of art. The unique design makes an eye-catching and beautiful garden structure. When lit the design and light play, takes an evening around a crackling fire into a completely different dimension. Its unique and eccentric design makes it the eye-catcher in any outdoor space. This outdoor fire sculpture is a real statement piece.
The TDCA is an independent, not-for-profit advisory organisation, established to influence and promote good industry practice. The recognised voice for guidance on creating high performance, fit for purpose timber decking and cladding structures. TDCA is supported by members who have undergone surveillance audits of their Quality Management Systems, demonstrating a commitment to supplying excellent products and/or services.

LifestyleGarden® started with the launch of the recycled plastic chair DuraOcean®, and continued with Nassau, powered by Social Plastic®. LifestyleGarden® works with the very best designers and leading manufacturers to create exciting new furniture collections that hold at their very heart the importance of sustainable living and look to encourage a circular economy that protects people, the planet and vulnerable communities.
Just what you can see...
Different by design, eos Lighting Solutions support lighting designers, engineers and architects with interior and exterior lighting solutions. A manufacturer with a strong sense of purpose, eos believes in raising standards, quality lighting and quality of life. They take projects on that others won’t. Including retrofitting new technologies such as LED and lighting control to ensure end-of-life products can be recycled back into the economy.
a taste of
reselling, and maintenance of premium hot tubs. They take care to design products that are comfortable to use while being harmless to health and extremely durable. They believe that relaxation is an important part of a healthy balanced lifestyle. Their hot tubs offer a premium quality spa experience that is affordable for families with children, active sportsmen as well as couples, that want to enjoy simple peaceful moments in each other‘s company.
Responsible manufacturing processes are the only way we can truly protect our planet.
Viridis plants is a leading wholesale plant supplier, dedicated to delivering a premium plant supply service. Operating from their midland’s nursery they reliably service elite garden designers and landscaping companies nationwide. Supported by a large range of quality production over four growing sites and a network of UK and continental suppliers.
Genus Plant Sourcing is now offering a Cash and Carry option where they will be stocking a range of signature plants, along with a few more unusual lines for the discerning plants person - perfect for all those maintenance jobs or for adding instant volume and interests to ongoing projects. They are also expanding into contract growing, so feel free to ask them about how they can help you to in this area. They work with over 50 specialist growers to bring together a huge and continuous range of excellent hardy nursery stock and offer you the very best in quality and choice.
New modern solutions for external glazing systems around the world. Their products & Pergolas meet all the highest standards and the highest expectations of their customers. They are a leading company in metal and glazing fabrication and specialised in delivering quality Aluminum, Glass, Steel, and Stainless using reputable international systems. Their products are best integrated into any architecture. It is capable of both attracting attention and being an unobtrusive exterior detail.
The Bath Garden Company provides clients with a fully comprehensive garden service from start to finish. They can arrange a free consultation to provide you with a range of options best suited to your garden. Throughout their 30 years of working in the garden and landscaping industry they have gained a great deal of knowledge and experience in constructing practical, enjoyable and beautiful garden spaces. They have an extensive portfolio of a range of landscaping and garden design projects available for you upon request.
Butek Ponds offer high quality materials manufactured by their class leading production technicians. With bespoke flat sheet liners and bespoke box welded liners available we can cater to every project no matter how big, small, simple or complex, their team of engineers can assist in making your dream pond a reality! Their bespoke Butyl box welded liners are always fully welded (never taped or glued) to allow for easy and stress-free installation whether you’re a pro landscaper or a complete beginner taking on a new DIY Importing,project.

At Rattan & Teak, they want to help your clients stand out from the crowd. That’s why they sell high-quality, unique and beautiful furniture that will add a touch of class to your client’s garden, conservatory, or patio. They love what they sell and care about their customers, so for many of their products, they provide bespoke delivery and offer the kind of expert assembly and installation service that generalised carriers cannot provide. Register to become a design trade partner and benefit from a 5% discount on orders over £5,000 and a 10% discount on orders over £10,000.
BLUE TREEHOUSESFOREST Birmingham and Black Country Wildlife Trust are part of a nationwide movement of 46 independent Wildlife Trusts working for nature’s recovery across land and sea. Their work involves protecting, restoring and creating habitats to increase biodiversity, alongside inspiring and empowering communities to develop meaningful connections with nature.
A world leading treehouse consultancy, renowned for designing buildings that reflect the environment in which they are built. Their award-winning team ensure their schemes are at the forefront of sustainable luxury design and construction. They have designed and built everything from treehouse hotels to blissful family retreats, adventure play areas and canopy walkways. Their vision is to help clients create extraordinary experiences inspired by nature.
The Phoenix Samuel empire is shaping its future by setting trends with timeless pieces and refined elegance. Daring design and technology are symphonies created in producing the highest quality outdoor furniture. Phoenix Samuel gives you the opportunity to tailor and build personalised aesthetic ambiences. Phoenix Samuel offers luxuries crafted in the heart of Nottingham, England. Using noble materials and finishing’s where customisation blossoms as brand capital.
Bowood Landscapes was established in 1992 to create beautiful and unique outdoor living spaces for private and commercial customers. They have won many awards for their excellent landscaping and planting work. Their team of qualified and experienced landscape gardeners and associate designers strive to provide perfect outdoor havens. They aim to exceed your expectations whatever kind of garden you’re looking to create.
We Are Wellbeing LTD specialise in workplace health & wellbeing support. They cover all four pillars of wellbeing; Physical, Mental, Social & Financial through their range of education and health screening services. If you have any questions about workplace wellbeing pop over and say hi to Rachael & the Team. A free and easy to use reference website for all your plant and fresh flower needs. With an up to the minute price and availability on over 8000 products from around the world. Use as a reference or price guide or as a source for immediate delivery. Live and available 24hrs a day. Constantly updated with all products and quantities availability to buy.
Manufacturers of high-quality luminaires and Architectural lighting poles with a deep-rooted pursuit for excellence. Their objective is to put a new spin on lighting products, keeping quality, sustainability, and energy efficiency at the core of everything they do. A registered trademark in India, UK and Europe, K-LITE works with the mission to add tangible value to the world of lighting. K-LITE EUROPE

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