The Best 2022

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FROM THE PRESIDENT | Andrew Grasby, Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers..................................................3

Our cover on this side of the Magazine features Landscaping Victoria Master Landscaper Member, Lisa Ellis Gardens, the recipient of the 2021 Residential Landscape of the Year Award, with their "Skyline" Melbourne Project. Read more about it on page 11.

MORE THAN MEETS THE EYE: The inspiration behind the show garden | Ian Firth, Warners Nurseries............ 4 THE LATEST: products that "wow" in your garden..................7 CONNECTING GARDENS TO LANDSCAPE: An extract from 'Soulscape" | Peter Shaw............................... 8 2021 INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER: Residential Landscape of the Year.......................................... 11 2021 INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER: Commercial Landscape of the Year....................................... 13 HOW TO IDENTIFY THE BEST OF THE BEST IN THE AUSTRALIAN AQUATICS INDUSTRY | Chris Samartzis, Master Pool Builders Association Australia........................... 14

Our "other" cover page, on the front of our Find a Professional Member section, is by Warrandale Industries, winners of the

A RECYCLING STORY FOR ALL GARDENERS Matt Ross, Greg Carrick and Adam Coyle............................. 16 SO YOU WANT TO BE A LANDSCAPER: Here's what you need to know................................................21

2021 Commercial Landscape of the Year Award with the "Arid Garden" at the Royal Botanic Gardens. More on this winner on page 13.

REVERSE FIND A PROFESSIONAL: The LVML Member Directory......... A

FROM THE PRESIDENT Andrew Grasby, President of Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers Welcome to the 2022 Edition of The Best! If the last two years have taught us anything, it is that while resilience in the face of adversity comes from within, bouncing back is so much easier if you can escape and enjoy the beauty that the surrounding landscape has to offer. They say a man’s home is his castle, but for many of us during the height of the pandemic in Melbourne, spending all day, every day confined to our homes, living and working within four walls, was more than we could handle. And while lockdowns are (hopefully) behind us, the divide between work and recreation remains blurred in the face of continuing work from home arrangements, or indeed choices. What we are now seeing is a growing need to unblur these lines; to define spaces again and create refuge from the demands of the workplace.

Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers members have seen a surge in demand for outdoor spaces that nurture wellbeing, create connection, and inspire creativity. Not to mention, add value to the family home. As an industry, we are overjoyed by this groundswell of appreciation for value of outdoor spaces – both on an emotional and financial level – but this heightened demand is not without its drawbacks. While homeowners are keen to invest in the garden haven of their dreams, and we are ready to build it, the realities of delivering these ambitions in a postCovid economy is challenging. While we celebrate the immense vision and talent that is showcased at Melbourne International Flower and Garden Show, we are also battling with material shortages, price rises, and unprecedented resourcing constraints in the Australian job market.

That said, our passion and commitment is untarnished. We believe in the power of landscapes to improve the quality of life of Australians, and we know that a garden, no matter the size, can transform a home into a sanctuary for its owners. Our member landscape designers, builders, gardeners, and maintenance crews are poised to ensure that every landscape transformation is completed to the exemplary standard of professionalism and workmanship that you can expect from a Landscaping Victoria Master Landscaper – but we ask to you to be patient, as we navigate the complexities of our ‘new way of working’ in a post-pandemic world. I hope you enjoy this edition of The Best. We are delighted to be able to bring you this collection of inspired ideas by Landscaping Victoria Master Landscaper Members, to help make your dream garden a reality.

The Best is published once a year. For all advertising and editorial enquiries please contact the editor. Publisher: Editor: Design: Print:

Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers | w Megan Flower t 03 95667284 e Pufferfish Marketing | www. HMS Print Management |

The Best ©2022. The material contained in this publication is general comment and is not intended as advice on any particular matter. No reader should act on the basis of any article. Readers should consult professional advisors. All care is taken in the preparation of the publication but no responsibility is accepted by Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers for the accuracy of the published information.


Achillea millefolium Terracotta - Flower


Within weeks of arriving in Australia in March 1914, William Richard Warner (known as W.R.) had set up and opened a nursery business in the Melbourne suburb of Auburn. Soon he was writing for the local paper and encouraging Melbournians to select good quality plants, understand what they needed to grow and take the time to do it right. Warner’s Nurseries have been an integral part of MIFGS since the seeds were sown in 1925 at the inaugural Melbourne Garden Week, when W.R. Warner exhibited with the aim “to further the love of horticulture in the community.” Warners’ continued involvement with MIFGS remains unchanged in the desire to foster the love of the garden. Bringing together Warner’s Nurseries and Robert Boyle to design a show garden celebrates a fifty-year relationship between the two in creating spaces of wellbeing and enjoyment for numerous families. It represents the Warner’s story, contributing to the greening of Victoria, of promoting the importance of gardens and why plants are an essential part of human existence. Rudyard Kipling wrote in 1911 “the glory of the garden lies in more than meets the eye”.

This garden represents unity, with six distinct zones coming together as one and the plants as the focus. The gardens are linked by the bay hedge, providing a backdrop, and screening our view to what is on the other side. It gradually reveals the four main gardens; a Traditional Parkland, Mediterranean, a shaded Urban Woodland and a Food Garden with each area highlighting a distinctive look and feel with its diversity of plantings. The Arbour provides the perfect backdrop to view along the Avenue to the spire of the majestic Exhibition building. Though temporary in nature the garden sits well placed in the landscape and recalls historic European influence. Yet it evokes childhood memories of suburban timber slatted fences and invites questions with its extensive repurposing of materials and borrowed elements. These conscious thoughts to reduce waste continue with the minimal built structures and in the very symbols of self-sufficiency, its plentiful plantings of fruit, vegetables, and other edibles. This garden demonstrates how plants can be used to create various and almost unlimited garden styles and endeavours to tell the story that plants can transform a bare area into a beautiful place in just a few days. ‘More than meets the eye’ is praise to the plants that ultimately create a garden.

Plants create places of beauty that enrich our lives, giving health, food and sustenance to our bodies, minds, and spirits. Plants can evoke memories of happy and sad times, of places and people. We use them in our traditions and anniversaries and as gifts of celebration, love, gratitude, and sympathy. Plants can transform the character of our cities, making our neighbourhoods more liveable and helping to improve the health of our communities and our planet. Gardens have always been a place of refuge. From the broad open spaces of established public parks to our own back yard or balcony garden, plants have provided a sanctuary of wellbeing. So much more can be said about the immense benefits and uses of plants, the undeniable fact is, we cannot live without them. When just looking at a garden the benefits are not always immediately apparent. It is when you immerse yourself and become involved that the real benefits of a beautifully designed garden are revealed. This garden invites you to explore its rooms, take time to discover its subtleties, immerse your senses, and discover ‘More than meets the eye.’


Ginkgo fastigiata - Autumn foliage

Agastache x Blue Boa - Flower

Acca sellowiana Feijoa - Flower

Loropetalum Plum Gorgeous - Flower

Olea Cloud - IPM Box


Path Light Dome 110. Plume Studio. Complete Landscape Solutions. Mitch Lyons Photography

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THE LATEST Natural tones such as copper, bronze and rust provide a stunning contrast to compliment the lush greenery of your garden. These products are now available from Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers Supplier Members.





Ginkgo Piedmont Pillar – we love the vibrant autumn colour on this gorgeous tree and the fact it is referred to as a “living fossil”. West Pot- these light weight bowls can be used inside or outdoors, 3 different colours & 4 different sizes: xsmall, small, medium & large $49- $299 _ 5



4. 5.

Rain Shower - The ultimate centre piece Copper Rain Shower stands 2.0m tall and creates a curtain of wall between its frame this beautiful feature can be customised to suit your garden design. SHAPESCAPER Hexagonal Modular Planter Gentong L Water feature Package simple & timeless, available in charcoal/natural can be used above or below ground



CONNECTING GARDENS TO LANDSCAPE AN EXTRACT FROM 'SOULSCAPE' by Peter Shaw Photography by Claire Takacs How do you build a garden that belongs where it is planted? You take notice. We often rush with our minds already made up. This way of being works when we need to just get things done, but when we slow down, we foster an unrushed, inquisitive awareness. When we take notice, our mind has time to explore and to fully take in all that there is to be discovered.

In today’s busy world, getting your mind to this point can take discipline and practice and permitting yourself to take your time to work things out is not always our first instinct. Building a garden invites you to slow down. It’s a lifelong practice when you stop and think about it. There is no other way to go about it. When out for a walk I often find myself naturally slowing down. I sometimes go the long way. I linger. I find myself taking longer than normal to get to my destination and not knowing where the time went. As a small boy, I was often told to stop dawdling. Hurry up and let’s get going! I have also repeated these words to my children. Dawdling and meandering seem to have lost their place in our lives.


Having time at hand to linger will influence how you process a garden’s structure. Allowing time to meander at your own pace will let you discover more. Slowing down will allow you to take notice of the wider landscape that surrounds you. Our default setting is to look from the inside out but in a landscape setting, we should be looking from the outside in. Go out into your neighbourhood and down its streets. Look and take notice. Write down what you see, draw what you like and of course, take photos. Then come back to your own place to see it from the outside in. You often hear garden designers say they look to the borrowed landscape for inspiration. This is a good practice and essentially the same thing. A broader borrowing should go beyond just what you may see from the perspective within your garden. It’s more about finding the spirit of the place and finding the meaning behind the way things are. I encourage you to take inspiration from what can’t physically be seen, to look behind and beyond the obvious. Observing nature can influence the way we build landscapes. Accepting the difficulty of creating a garden in a competitive environment, such as on the coast, allows us to lean into what is already happening naturally. This can be as simple as plant selection by observing

THE BEST MAGAZINE | 2022 what is growing nearby in nature, and using the same plants in the garden; knowing that they will grow well. When we look closely, nature’s influence can go even further than this and encourage the layout and form of our garden designs. Natural shapes seem to blend in, with their curves, mounds, meandering lines and layering. Materials need to belong as well. Weathered timbers, subtle colours, sandstone and limestone, all seem to blend into a coastal landscape setting. Not every site though, will be as responsive to the local landscape with many areas being predominantly suburban in nature. This shouldn’t be ignored. A suburban garden can be softened and designed without the need to recreate a poor version of nature. There is a lot to celebrate in an urban landscape that can be picked up on in a garden. In a garden setting we love looking at things up close; appreciating a flower blooming or a tuft of new growth, admiring a handmade seat or a stacked stone wall. But in a natural landscape, beauty can be seen at different scales and nature is often viewed from a distance. The way the hills roll down to a valley or the way cliffs abruptly rise from the flat sea. The way trees grow low and clumpy by the shore then rise to be tall and graceful moving further away. On the coastline itself, we can view the way the sea’s edge is formed along and around the land. It’s rarely straight but meanders in and out. In some places, the ocean seems to be the dominating influence and in others, the land tells the sea where it should finish. It’s a balance of land and sea. A melding of earth, rock, sand, tufting grasses, tussled trees and low wind -clipped shrubs. All this creates a coastal landscape that sits in equilibrium. This incredible natural world that manages to offset itself with competing demands yet find its innate harmony.

We must think beyond our homelands and look to a global place. Once we’ve done this we can slowly come back to our own landscape, to our home town, to our neighbourhood, to our place in our street and finally to within ourselves. Looking from the outside in will bring a greater understanding of where our garden sits in the grand scheme of things.

All too often, gardens are built in isolation. There is little or no reference to the greater environment in which the garden sits. The surrounding landscape is often ignored at best or even opposed.

Within balance, a garden can be a place that meets many of our needs without letting greed, ego or competition drive our decisions and our budget. A great design will respond to its place and it’s our job to see what the place is calling for. The thing is, there is no end to seeing. There is no end to landscape and there is no end to a garden.

What can we take and turn to good?

Completion is an illusion; all the ground might be covered and there may be no space left to work with but this is not the end. In fact, this Soulscape: is more like an opening, Connecting Gardens to Landscape how you can take inspiration from the beginning ofshows the next part. As a the landscape in creating your garden. The in this book serve as a primer for gardener, this is gardens a good stage towitharrive at. gardening enthusiasts and anyone a deep love of nature. The hard work is done and now you can enter into some sort of caretaker mode. A new space where you can simply be without feeling the need to do or to make M all of the time. ISBN 978-1-925556-69-8

A garden is like this. There will be the big anchor things that lock you in from the start and then there will be the light touches that surround you here and there that hold it all together. A garden is never finished. It’s simply moving into the next phase.

connecting gardens to landscape

9 781925 556698


Peter Shaw's book 'Soulscape: connecting gardens to landscape" published by Melbourne Books is available from all good bookshops and

sou l scap e Peter Shaw

When we create landscapes, we must first think beyond ourselves; beyond our home, beyond our neighbourhood, beyond our suburbs, towns and cities.

If we simplify our human needs beyond relationships, beyond nurturing, beyond love and companionship, all we need is shelter, pr otection, easy intimacy with our home, clean air, a garden, a community, good stories and great food. A garden will provide us with the lot. These basic human needs can help simplify a garden design. Do I have shelter and clean air? Can I create an edible garden to nurture, just as the food that I grow will nurture me and the people around me?

I imagine an artist standing in front of a seemingly finished canvas, and then she is tempted to add just a little more. So she gets out a fine brush and adds a tiny dark line here and a lighter line there. She stands back and observes, and then keeps adding small fine touches. Hours later she stands back to find that the work has been transformed by the lightest of touch.

sou l scap e

How can we modify our values for the better? Giving back to the natural world through gardening, and not taking from it, is one way we can contribute. We must ask ourselves, what is the landscape requesting from us? What will matter more in time? Our ideas driven by ego, or our ability to honour what is left of the natural world?

Global ecology begins in our backyard. It begins in our hearts and minds and in our ability to think beyond ourselves.

The secret though, is to stay open to new possibilities and to not shut down the creative work. This still needs to take place and it can be the difference between having a nice finished garden and having a space that continually inspires and that keeps evolving.

Peter Shaw







Last year, Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers saw the highest number of entries seen in over 7 years for the Annual Industry Awards. 23 Awards in total were presented. Lisa Ellis Gardens were the recipients of the Residential Landscape of the Year Award, with their "Skyline" Melbourne Project. Lisa Ellis reflects on the journey from design brief to garden build.

We had the first meeting with our client only a few months prior to the commencement of the build. We knew that the challenge was a considerable one: more than 400 square metres or rooftop garden on the 18th floor, the build of which was scheduled to be carried out with the apartment fit-out.

One of the client must-haves was a lawn. So we conceived the idea of an ‘infinity lawn’ on the eastern side of the rooftop to anchor the view to the Dandenongs in the morning. Most people who visit the garden cannot believe that it’s possible to have a lush green manicured lawn seemingly in the sky.

Plant selection was a big component of this project. It was to be through planting that the different zones would be created- and also the emotional response our client sought would be achieved.

Our client explained that she wanted to feel an emotional response from her garden. An avid gardener, it made sense that there would be a key focus on plants. We recognised that the views to the Dandenongs, the view across the city skyline, and then north west to Port Philip Bay and Albert Park Lake needed to be safeguarded. So our design response needed to frame those key views.

Generally speaking the biggest challenge for plants on a rooftop or terrace is wind tolerance. It’s also important to note that many plants that may be highly wind tolerant do not necessarily sit under the drought tolerance banner. Therein lies one of the interesting and nuanced quirks of plant selection!

The design of this rooftop garden In our design we created ‘zoned’ areas of the garden where we would change the feel and the tapestry of planting material.

Our light rod garden on the northern side pairs sculptural light rods powdercoated bronze to pick up and enhance the city skyline. The light rods comprised three different heights to bring about a playfulness through the ephemeral long flowering perennials and grasses.

...continued next page Images by Eric Holt Photography


2021 INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER: RESIDENTIAL LANDSCAPE OF THE YEAR ...continued from previous page Considerations of rooftop design

Judges Comments:

Generally speaking, the design for a rooftop or terrace garden carries a great deal more thought and consideration than on true ground.

Rooftop gardens pose many complexities and this garden showed all the hallmarks of an incredibly well orchestrated space, cleverly using luxurious and uniquely chosen plants to create a visual journey directing you through distinct zones for both relaxation, and entertaining.

The biggest issue is the loading- the dead load and the live loads. In our design studio we call this ‘design by numbers’. Even if the design is to feature planting only, the larger the plantsincluding large shrubs or small treesthen the greater the soil mass is required. We design many rooftop gardens and in doing so, we prepare ‘back of the envelope’ calculations before we forward these to a structural engineer for review. We do this at concept stage and before working drawings- and this project was no exception.

Logistics must also factor in the planning stage. A crane may be possible in some but not all situations. The design of hardscape elements might need to be manufactured in such a way that they can be assembled or welded on site.

It’s also possible to spread the load across the rooftop with bracing beneath the paving and the polypads which can open up more possibilities, but with additional costs.

Drainage is also key to the success of the garden. Ensuring that optimum drainage is safeguarded whilst still providing plants with the growing conditions in which they thrive, is key to a successful gardenwhether it is a rooftop or elsewhere.

A visually stunning outcome, the garden cleverly extends the living areas of the apartment an provides privacy where needed. The spectacular views are cleverly embraced and framed and the "light rod" installation (which separately took out the 2021 Award for Feature in the Landscape) extends the view by emulating city skyline buildings. Lisa Ellis Gardens have delivered a masterclass in rooftop design, plant selection, and execution. Congratulations to Lisa and the team for taking out the award for Residential Landscape of the Year - Proudly presented by StrathAyr.



COMMERCIAL LANDSCAPE OF THE YEAR Warrandale Industries were the recipients of the Commercial Landscape of the Year Award, with the "Arid Garden" at the Royal Botanic Gardens. We spoke to Michael Billson, Operations and Estimating Manager at Warrandale about the project.

Warrandale Industries has been partnering with the Royal Botanic Gardens Melbourne (RBGM) since 2014. Through the successful delivery of several major projects within the gardens during this time, we have become a trusted contractor of choice. To then be trusted to build and deliver the complex Arid Garden Project works within the 4-month period was the greatest expression of confidence from the RBGM team in Warrandale. The scope required our team to be creative, thoughtful, and innovative to deliver such a high-quality result.

The challenging and complex nature of the design lead us to construct all aspects of the works in house, ensuring the successful outcomes and the quality of finish. For over 50 years we have delighted in constructing many of Melbourne’s iconic landscapes. The legacy of The Arid Garden and our association with the RBGM will remain at the forefront of Warrandale’s achievements.

Warrandale Industries' execution of the "Arid Garden" impressed the judges with its challenging site conditions, execution of trade skills and complex planting needs. Strict requirements within the Royal Botanic Gardens impacted heavily on every aspect of construction, and the attention to detail needed for the transplant and installation of prized cacti & succulents was superb, providing variation in heights, textures and sightlines across the landscape. From the stonework of the steps to the custom stenciled and sandblasted seats, high quality finishes have been delivered to illustrate both an innovative result and exceptional trade skills.

The historical significance of the site and the fragility of the cactus collection required detailed planning and management. In addition, the design complexity required daily problem solving to deliver on the project outcomes for the client. Our team skilfully managed the extraction and salvage of historic stone pitchers laid by returned service men. The installation of complex concrete form work and the planting of the impressive century old cactus collection were integral to the magnificent result.

Judges Comments:

Well done to the team at Warrandale Industries, winners of Commercial Landscape of the Year, proudly presented by StrathAyr.

Images by Jon Croft Photography


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Enkipools: 2021 winner, Best Residential Concrete Pool - over $100,000

HOW TO IDENTIFY THE BEST OF THE BEST IN THE AUSTRALIAN AQUATICS INDUSTRY The Master Pool Builders Association Australia (MPBAA) are proud of their historic and enduring relationship with Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers (LVML). We have many members in common and share a profound belief that high standards and ethical behaviour underpin consumer trust - driving our members to maintain high standards and exacting expectations on every level. by Chris Samartzis, CEO, MPBAA OAbout Master Pool Builders Association Australia (MPBAA) MPBAA was founded in 1961 at a time when the pool and spa industry in Australia was largely unregulated. This group of industry professionals dedicated themselves to raising the standards within the industry, driving change, building accountability and ensuring the longterm sustainability of the aquatics sector. Innovation and progression became a byproduct of this vision, which was then enthusiastically championed over many decades through the Awards of Excellence Program. After 61 years and multiple name changes (from SPAV, CASPA, SPASA and SPASAVIC) MPBAA have now moved and evolved further to represent the need across Australia for a focused professional body that delivers on our consumer promise – to be the home of creativity, innovation and ethical expert advice within the Australian Aquatics Industry.


Our shared vision The pursuit of excellence is a shared vision that is also embedded in Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers (LVML). Together both MPBAA and LVML are beacons and leaders in their respective industries. These ethical standards now - more than ever – remain fundamental to the core values of both brands and help distinguish our member organisations from others who purport to embrace professionalism but rarely achieve it. Why we are different From the outset - not everyone who asks becomes a member of MPBAA. Both MPBAA and LVML have a vetting process which ensures that members accomplish and maintain strict standards around ethics, workmanship, innovation, professionalism and construction.

Our members across all industry sectors such as Pool & Spa builders, retailers, technicians and pool inspectors represent the best in Australia. They are beacons of professionalism, ethical behaviour and above standard quality - always committed to delivering customer service above and beyond the norm. Our vetting process has evolved over several decades and the level of knowledge we have gained during this time only strengthens our connection with our consumers. Our members’ clients know that they can reach out for ethical expert advice when embarking on their journey to create a backyard oasis. Both MPBAA and LVML members are consistently receiving high award accolades for defining what the humble Australian backyard has become. Everything from the back door to the back fence is now a work of art – a positive investment in the social capital that allows families to enjoy their home to the fullest.

THE BEST MAGAZINE | 2022 The Australian pool, spa and garden is part of the core fabric of our lifestyle. A place of connection and a symbol of progress over generations. As an association with 60 years of history, MPBAA has built a legacy of enduring quality which has sustained and celebrated Australia’s innate connection and love of the backyard. Choosing the best of the best in Australia The alfresco backyard revolution is powering on. When consumers decide to invest in their home, they should look for vetted professionals who are at the top of their profession! A MPBAA and LVML member is the only person you need to bring your dream backyard into reality. Through our organisations, the vetting process has been done for you. An MPBAA or LVML logo on their business is not easy to obtain, so when you see one you know you are dealing with the best of the best in Australia. Our organisations represent the highest standard across Australia. With stronger barriers to entry and greater ongoing responsibility, consumers should feel

comfortable that they can trust our members implicitly. Our members are often immensely proud of their achievements and unsurprisingly, wear our logos with pride. Both LVML and MPBAA are facilitators for our country’s aspired outdoor lifestyle and vital regulators for industry excellence across both segments. Australian Master Pool Builders and Master Landscapers embrace quality in all aspects of their business. They take pride not only in their workmanship, but also in their values of integrity, ingenuity and mastery. Our members represent the best and most respected professionals in the industry.

WE STAND FOR ENDURING QUALITY OF LIFE, CHARACTER, WORKMANSHIP, PRODUCT AND SERVICE and not everyone who asks becomes a member of our organisations.

Together we commit to delivering inspired, quality pool, spa and garden design solutions that bring Australian family’s enjoyment, connection and wellbeing for years to come. That is what enduring quality means to us. When it comes to all things swimming pool / spa and gardens, make sure you choose a Master Pool Builder Association Australia member and a Landscape Victoria Master Landscaper.

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Plantmark Werribee. Photo: Greg Carrick

A RECYCLING STORY FOR ALL GARDENERS by Matt Ross (NGIV), Greg Carrick (Garden City Plastics) and Adam Coyle (Norwood Industries) In any story there are inconsistencies! The problem with plastic is that it is all lumped together into one category that comes with a negative reputation. But what if the story wasn’t like that? Most of the bad press is simply what the mainstream media has used to push a narrative that is ill-informed, and agenda based. Plastic is not simply going to disappear, but it can definitely be managed correctly. Not all plastics are equal. They are not all the same and they should be treated differently. A supermarket bag is very different to a tag or a plant pot. We can reduce the waste sent to landfill. We can stop importing more bio-products and actually use what we already have at our disposal. In treating plastic as generic, we are wasting opportunities. We need to treat it by code. The fact is plastics already exist. They are part of our everyday lives. We have spent energy making them and turning them into household items. How we dispose of them in order to reuse them is the real issue. It makes perfect sense to take something that already exists and turn it into a product so it can be used again, and again, and again. And that really is our ultimate goal. To create Australian made, Australian bought and Australian consumed closed-loop packaging.


What if there was a group of people and companies that are already doing the right thing? Who are trying to improve the way that we use plastic and how we recycle it. Who can actually take waste and turn it back into a usable product again? Garden City Plastics (Plastic Flower Pots), Norwood Industries (Plastic Plant labelling) and Polymer Processors (Plastic Recyclers) have banded together to ‘Be Plastic Smart’. They are manufacturing, branding, collecting used material and turning back into flower pots again. ‘Plastic Smart’ means recycling the polypropylene (PP5) products already in existence into something functional and beneficial. The horticulture industry has been doing this for decades and has an appetite to do even more. Did you know that Greenlife Industries, Australia wide, are today already keeping over 10 million kilograms of PP5 out of landfill through recycling? Pots, stakes and tags are all PP5.

For every ten plants purchased in Australia, one pot is recycled. And it doesn’t have to be that way; it’s time to close the loop. All that is required is some awareness, co-operation and personal responsibility to be taken by all of us as consumers to ‘do the right thing’. The ‘Plastic Smart’ program begins with simple solutions. The biggest issue facing recyclers is sorting. But if all the PP5 goes in the same bin we have instantly removed the biggest hurdle. In order to achieve closed-loop recycling of PP5 in Australian horticulture, our goal is to place collection bins in garden centres and commercial grower sites across the country. Through a national program in place to collect, recycle and reuse all of the PP5 in circulation.

In Australia, plant pots and labels are predominantly made from PP5 plastic; a plastic that is clean and non-toxic and can be recycled over and over again.

“Our Nursery is working with an active company, in Garden City Plastics, who are aiming to Close the Loop on PP5 plastic, which is terrific. As the plant pot is an integral part of our production process, a recycling program gives us a sustainability footprint in this area and also allows us to promote this to our customers," commented a leading landscape tree grower.

However, currently only eight per cent of PP5 that is found in plant pots and labels is getting recycled; out of the 15,000 tonnes that is manufactured each year.

The program is proving to be a big hit with industry and consumers alike. And as the demand grows, so to does the number of collection points and bins.

THE BEST MAGAZINE | 2022 “Plantmark is proud to be involved in the Plastic PP5 Pot collection system with Garden City Plastics. The new initiative has been well supported by our trade customers, including the wholesale and retail nurseries, landscapers and councils. It provides a much-needed avenue for our industry to be smarter about sustainability.” Said Simon Lindsay, General Manager, Plantmark. And whilst Garden City Plastics, Norwood and Polymer Processors, are driving the program, they’re quick to point out that they couldn’t achieve any of this without the support of the industry. “The bins have been so well received, there’s been so much support for the program from industry. It really goes to show that horticulture is a sector that cares and wants to make a real difference. In Victoria we collected 4.5 tonnes of PP5 in May 2021, by August that year we’re over double that and by January 2022 we collected over 30 tonne. That’s an awful lot of plastic that’s being diverted from landfill and best of all it’s being recycled back into plant pots to fill with beautiful plantlife.” Said Greg Carrick, Sales Manager Victoria and Tasmania, Garden City Plastics.

Sustainability will be a major focus, if not already, for every business in the near future. Along with growing media (soils, potting mixes etc.), fertilizer and chemical use, one of the inputs into the Australian Nursery Industry is the PP5 pot that carries the plant and label that identifies the product to the end user. Garden City Plastics, Norwood, Polymer Processors are all excited by the opportunity to take more responsibility for the role they each play in the process, and to be a part of this great initiative and to exceed Australia’s 2025 National Packaging Targets. Working side by side, together, on something as organisations, not because it is good business, but because it is the right thing to do, further stimulates this industry partnership towards the prevention of unnecessary landfill, for the benefit of all of us.

Velisha Farms Photo: Greg Carrick

To recycle your used plastic pots and labels, head to the website and search for a recycle bin in your location.


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David - Business Owner, after completing Apprenticeship

Molly - Apprentice in Commercial Landscaping

Fraser - mature-age Apprentice

SO YOU WANT TO WORK IN LANDSCAPING? Here's what you need to know. A very important role Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers' (LVML) plays as an industry body is to raise awareness to the general public of industry standards and regulation requirements. That's why we insist our Members hold all the necessary qualifications in order to become a Master Landscaper. LVML works with training providers by offering industry consultation on relevant skills and knowledge required for landscape courses and also provides support to student members enrolled in those courses. LVML also provides support to student members and works with training providers by offering industry consultation on relevant skills and knowledge required for landscape courses. Study Opportunities Today, there is more scope for those interested in landscaping to gain a landscaping qualification or, for existing landscapers, designers and horticulturalists to undertake further study to update their qualifications and skill sets. There are many pathways at a wide range of training providers, including flexible delivery of courses and government assistance available. Most landscape courses do not require any prerequisites, including past experience or training, and there are options for part time or full time study.

In some courses, students may be able to shorten the length of their chosen course by demonstrating skills acquired through their work, or prior qualifications obtained from formal studies or training. Apprenticeship Pathway to Landscaping The Certificate III in Landscape Construction qualification is a nationally endorsed Training Package and provides the most common entry to the industry. Delivery: Most students undertake the three year full time course, attending their training provider one day a week and working with their registered employer, with whom they have a formal training agreement, four days a week. Students need to complete 10 Core Units and 7 Electives chosen by the training provider. RTO's offer flexibility with varying start dates, on site assessments offered by some, and evening courses to fast track achieving a qualification. Pathways: In addition to the Certificate III in Landscape Construction, other pathways leading to a career in the Landscaping Industry delivered at TAFE Institutions in Victoria include: • Certificate III in Landscape Construction • Certificate IV, or Diploma in Horticulture • Certificate IV, or Diploma in Landscape Design • Certificate IV, or Diploma of Parks & Gardens Management

Courses delivered at Victorian Universities include: • Graduate Diploma in Urban Horticulture • Bachelor of Design and Bachelor of Environments • Associate Degree in Urban Horticulture • Master of Landscape Architecture and Master of Urban Design Where can a Landscaping qualification take you? With the right qualifications, the Landscaping industry offers a range of roles that can be hands on or office based, with great scope for creativity and career progression. Landscaping Victoria Master Landscapers encourages both school leavers and those looking for a career change to consider pursuing a career in the landscaping industry which offers a broad range of job options, skills and lifestyle choices. Check our website for further advice, support and information to get started today! Free LVML Membership for Students, Teachers & Apprentices Are you a Landscaping student, educator or apprentice? Visit the LVML website to complete the online Education Membership application form & enjoy the benefits of membership at no cost. That's right! No fees! None, zip, zero, zilch! 21

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