Roman Myths

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writes for children and adults. Her most recent novel for adults, Eravamo bambini abbastanza, was published in 2012 by Minimum fax; for children she has written Il licantropo (Feltrinelli, 2002), Cola Pesce (Feltrinelli, 2004), Susan la piratessa (Laterza, 2014), Eneide (laNuovafrontiera Junior, 2015). She teaches writing to adults and children and has two children of her own, Clara, 14 and Nina, 7.

Rita Petruccioli studied at the Accademia di Belle Arti in Rome and the École Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs in Paris. Her works have been exhibited in Italy, France, Germany, Korea. She has worked for publishers in Italy and abroad: Mondadori, ELI, Bao Publishing, Tunué, Il Castoro, Laterza, White Star, Ladybird, Auzou. For laNuovafrontiera Junior she has illustrated Orlando furioso e innamorato (2014) and Eneide (2015). She lives in Rome.

“Juno knew how it would end. She knew Rome would grow big and strong...” From Janus to the founding of Rome, interpretation of signs and omens that marked the origins of the city, and heroic tales that celebrate the freedom and virtus of the citizens of Rome. These myths and legends still produce an echo as we wander through the Eternal City.

ISBN 978-88-98519-31-6

€ 18,00



Aeneas p.


Romulus and Remus p.

Roman Myths

Carola Susani

Roman Myths



Numa p.


ISBN 978-88-98519-31-6

9 788898 519316

Told by

Carola Susani Illustrated by

Rita Petruccioli

The Cumaean Sibyl p.


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Roman Myths by La Nuova Frontiera - Issuu