No One´s First And You´re Next

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If you break these moth wing feelings Powdering dust on your fingers We know we’re not praying we’re knee ling Hard enough just to say you believe

them Well how the heck di d you think you could beat them

At the same time th at you’re trying to be them Ha

rd enough just to sa y you don’t need it when they Took it up while yo u were still eating

Well satellite, satell ite skin

Just enough just to say you don’t mean it Well, when everybod y’s willing to listen

Oh satellite, satellit e skin You

can say what you wa nt you’re forgiven Well happy fucking congratulations Well everyone, ever yone wins Just like being in m y own solar system Doing good things but then totally ec lipse them


what the use, oh wha t the hell

If you break these moth wing feelings Butterfly knives in the ceiling Well everyone, ever yone’s waiting Detachments get pr aised and completed

Yo u c an sa y w ha t yo u w an t an d no t m ea n it

When no one really seems to be waiting If you sweep up th is mess I’ve create d

Nothing’s left to sh ow I existed Except satellite, sa tellite skin

Asking for a questi on Was it easier said than was actually done Do you even believ e that

D o yo u ev en be li ev e th at th er e’ s a ra c e to be w on If you break these moth wing feelings I have seen it all be cause satellite sk in

Over innocent eyes

I’d like to know thes e morbid opinions

Get stacked in all those usual avoide d spots Just to tell you ho w I could not have seen Through to the gist of those unhappy

Happy accidents

N I k S te i l l e t Sa

Well I took off running at the greatest speed I didn’t bother looking to either side of me

Oh, I did not see, I just did not see what was re ally going on Oh, the trees had stoppe d and the skyline rose Extanging comfort for more fashionable cloth es I’d lef t the hills at this point in time To run on treadmills in a perfect line Salad days add up to da ily shit

Sp ar ki ng im ag in at io n ti ll th e sp ar ks di d qu it And if this is fun why’m I so bored with it? Well I’ll probably never kn ow

Guilty cocker spaniels eating table scraps Wh en we rolled over, how ou r masters clapped It felt so good we wante d more of that

But when the program fa iled they defensively laughed Sayin’ “We did things jus t how you asked, Don’t try taking us to tas k. You didn’t buy a face, no pe just a mask,


I drew a blank, we put it in a frame Wait, what? You’re winning ? You didn’t say this was a game Well I guess I just have to play and play till I’m out of cash

Be fo re I co ul d sp it it

ou t I guess the words had bu rnt my mouth, what can I say? Worst of all I laid it out So you could take it out of context anyway We said all alo

ng we deserved every bit An d m os tl y we kn ew th at th e su pp ly wo ul d qu it But we got going and going and just went till everyb ody lost their minds Directly behind being ah ead of the time

But don’t worry, you’ll fa ll right in line Yup, everythings just fine , fine, fine No one’s getting blamed this time

Blameless, oh blameless, can we find a way to bla me our way out? Well I po

st dated the eulogy for every blames body now We are blamelessly teet hing on much more than we need now, now now Blameless teething

Well we’re all getting bla med cuz everyone knew

s l e i n a p S r e k c o C Y GUILT

Th at ’s ri gh t. Ev er yb od y kn ew .

s D e B m m u t A

We won’t b e sleeping in our aut We won’t b umn beds e sleeping in our aut umn beds We won’t b e sleeping in our aut We won’t b umn beds e sleeping in our aut umn beds

Our case October c got stuck ame with the D A again They pulle d up the welcom So many t e mat imes they hurt their As sure a back s clocks a re bleedin g time

We’ll show just to wa up early it in line We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping

As AUGUST came Our case is drawing t o a n end They said guilty so many time All I heard s was just t he buzzing As sure a li ghts s lead sin We’re just ks were th more laun e same dry that t hey need t o hang We won’t b e sleeping in our aut We won’t b umn beds e sleeping in our aut umn beds We w

on’t be sle eping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping

We won’t b e sleeping in our aut We won’t b umn beds e sleeping in our aut umn beds We w

on’t be sle eping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping We won’t b e sleeping in

our autum n beds

t am a scou I guess I ut d a way o fin ld u o h way out s So I an find a

one So every


us in They keep ut

o To pull us up I’m rising king down sin Wish I was ot like And it’s n warning There was appy We were h

ot like And it’s n mourning s a w e r e Th ning In the war a scout m a I t w o n I k d a way ou ut n u o f e ’v o I should find a way n a c e n o y So ever t m a scou I know I a nd


fou should’ve



way out

y out ind a wa f n a c e everyon

bor out g a neigh in e e s f o out Instead und a way o f e ’v ld u h I wo God, I wis st time It’s the la

y p p a h e We wer py p a h r e v E t as a scou I know I w way out e found a ’v ld u o h s I out find a way ld u o c e n o So every

t as a scou t w I w o n k ou Well I nd a way u o f e ’v out ld I shou nd a way fi ld u o c e n So everyo scout w I was a Well I kno out nd a way u o f e ’v ld I shou way out uld find a o c e n o y r So eve

The WHALE Song

Da nie l re ad th e pa ra gr ap h

He read until the words ran out It said we’re all in trouble now

Poison in the juice carafe We drank until our thirst ran out Oh no, we’re in some trouble now Everyone wants to be a perpet ual motion machine

Perpetual MOTION Machine

We all try harder as the days run out

We all try harder as the days ru n out

We all try ha rd er as th e da ys ru n ou t With your teeth to your lips And your hair to the ground Well, you hear the fish and they’re

making this sound

“We just want to go on walking around And feel what it’s like to FALL down” Saying,

Patrick ran the race Yeah, he ran until the tire ran out Oh no, I’m in some trouble now Tried to kick it over I tried until the juice ran out Oh no, we want more trouble now

With your teeth to your lips And your hair to the ground

Well, you hear the fish and they’re making this sound Saying, “We just want to go on wal king around And feel what it’s like to fall dow n”

I sAw

Everyone wants to be a perpet ual motion machine

We all try harder as the days run out

We all try harder as the days ru n out

We all try ha rd er as th e da ys ru n ou t

ed over ies, eyes ic ters At the mov h them gut g u o r h t e hiss y ewa ur feet lik o y to s k c Walking sid e floor sti

Bag of sp linters b oiling ove On your b r ack, expo se your b Optimism e lly doesn’t c hange th e f a c Just wha ts t you’re g onna see

th alize that And you re tory

l i f e d o n ’t e k i l e m at you look tery W e l l , d o n ’t more mys y n a u o y hold

Like it wa s stated that we’r e walking Salt and c o al Plants so lidify sun s h in e How this Cars and start, I d feet and o n ’t k n ow then tire s u n ’s d i change, s ary pull hoe store ed up f s

s k c i t S y r o H i s t u r F e e t The And whe To Yo n we rea d it o

rom dee p canary hol es ur skin it becom es


At the mo vies, eyes W a lk iced over ing sidew And you r a y s ealize lif t h r o u gh the gu e sticks tter to your f I’m going e e t , you’re his to slap th tory at look

off your like life d face on’t hold no myste ry

All those red mark s on our Self back shoulder Well, the -p a s t t in g , past only homemad e trophie exist as s tiny bric ks we bur n to reI’ ve had e lease all it’s memo nough wit ry h rolli

ng boulde rs, I want mor e moss o n me

Clocks to splinters And when , but time them tre goes forw es drop le ard aves you r feet co llect I guess a ll us sna their mem kes find o ories ur tail pr etty dam n tasty I heard y ou mentio ned that we’re walk ing, salt and Plants s coal olid


ify suns

w it sta hine Cars and rt, I don feet and ’t k now then tire The sun’s change, s diary pull h o e stalls ed up out of deep c And we re anary ho ad it our les skin beco mes quit e warm

A Walking s t the movies, eyes ideways t hrough th iced over And you r em gutte ealize tha rs t the floor s t i c k y s our feet, I’m gonna you’re his to k n o c k t like life d ory that look on’t hold off your you no m f ace ore myst ery





We spun like birds on fire residence, and I Right down towards the I took all that I desired y the rent Even crooks have to pa We swam like rats on fire servoir Right, right down the re carry We took all that we could re But we tried to carry mo

ow , yo u kn ow it al l An d yo u kn ow , yo u kn we nt wr on g ow , yo u kn ow it wa s An d yo u kn ow , yo u kn al l wr on g p water We choked on street ta try the real thing Well, I’m going to have to e collar I took your laugh by th And it knew not to swing st job Any time I tried an hone and ha-ha Well, the till had a hole g rent We laughed about payin ls, they’re free Because the county jai

care just don’t Oh, how I ter r, deep wa Deep wate denial and shy Senseless , shooken ll o d g a r n like a I went dow ter r, deep wa Deep wate denial hild rat of a c Senseless ll o d g a r n like a I went dow t again on his lis e m s a h t Ra gain Well, King e fence a h t n o e b er I can nev ud t it’s all lo I found ou and it an organ Open like again him , talk, talk I cheated Talk, talk n e h w t a ed me th He promis , well en my eye p o ld u o c cky But I , lucky, lu y k c lu , y e again ck Lucky, lu y, lucky m k c lu , y k cky, luc Lucky, lu

u know it all went yo , ow kn u yo , ow kn u yo And wrong u know it was all yo , ow kn u yo , ow kn u yo And wrong Deep water, deep water Senseless denial ll as you would, child I went down like a rag do

Deep water,

deep water

Senseless denial ll as you would, child I went down like a rag do

lucky me again. Oh, lucky, lucky, lucky, feet again got to use my I said it looks like I’ve t one hundred dollars Well I just spent my las God, I’ll pay my bill again Oh, I don’t care

p e e d , R E T A W p e e D

r e t a w

ial eless den iles This sens of open sm ll u f , h fis like a I got fed

, r e t a w BlUE er t a w p e e d

l iles less denia dboard sm r a Oh, sense c e h t on like a fish I got fed rself? Well, well y for you a s o t e v ou ha What do y ll, well I said, we Well? , well! , well, well ll e w id a s I

me again y k c lu , y k ky, luc in Lucky, luc should use my feet aga new I rself? I hardly k ay for you s o t e v a ou h rself? What do y ay for you s o t e v a ou h What do y

King RAT

I’ve got it all, most I’ve got it all almost all figured out But always when I get there they just fall Always when I get there all the pieces apart

I’ve Got

I can’t hear you

involving me I can’t hear you talk about your dreams

I don ’t bel iev e

of prophecy at I don’t believe that they are any sort all What a shock, it’s Mr. Sweet and Awful Well, don’t look so pissed off We all lose the plot occasionally

H ow c on s is te n t s up How can someone so consistently mes As much as every instance? How can someone inconsistent

Mess up so c on s is te n tl y ?

What a shock, it’s Mr. Sweet and Awf ul Tell your gods I want to speak to their fathers nLook right now, I’m standing on my hau ches I got caught stealing from the lost and found Hey the re, Mr . Swe et and Aw ful Hey the re, Mr . Swe et and Aw ful Are you goi ng som ew her e my Or are you jus t wa lki ng thr oug h wa lls ? Hey there, Mr. Sweet and Awful Hey there, Mr. Sweet and Awful This is not a party, this is a crowd Well hey there, Mr. Sweet and Awful needs You see, you’ve got it easy, I’ve got my

You say what yo u got Wanting what yo u please

Hey ther e, Mr. Swe e Hey the re, Mr t and Awf ul

Carry yo urself

. Sweet a nd Awful

away wit h a delic ious


I’ve got it all, m ost I’ve got it all al most all figured out

It alL (Most)

e necea nos volorepeSolorissi blaciis et maio tetum recte sit od moluptas runt autam fuga. Et aut aborem totat ea dolorem int, sumquas ma es el estotas pellan rum net ea qui dit, offiin parum quodita tectaquat por ommollaudi ut ma concime eum untorit, sitatqui qui ur re pra derundi to sed ut estiora ecesed etureptat m venit, num quibusblab int optae. Ita nulland emolu od magnimaio mincdam, te nobiscidi dellabo. Pa sim i deni dit untemodipsam tiam que repuda doluptate nat etur, est fugianiminum aut erias etur? Am quam, cus uae pari doluptaera ex et debitia necullupta sinisq m alitatin re vollorum quid quas atur, con prorum qua e con nullest liamet acit autem quam, odipitat alignat quidit eri oditate de voluptat. laborunt minvel is Ovid minveli quatur? Itaquam sit laboreptis de lat. eume eium dolupta simet eum res earcipitas ut haTionet volorunt, es venis et re sumenture porehent, rundelent ullorum nissimo dip se alicatiorero expliommodit ea nus, officiendis con rae nonseni musam, tiorios que ped expernam as exe quae nonserr ovitae ut pre nullaboribus estotat em m conet omnimpostis eumquam quatur, ab imuscipsa ra voloribus, te veidelic te magnam alique officium iae quist, opta autem lluptat labo. Itation reperit offic doloritatem explit aueos porepe es nis ut veritatis eatae sit porum qui ut tem et optam quibusa ndionsed autatiis doluptat. tatibus, omnimol uteEhenda nulpa et, que volorep udi tem suntotatur repusequ istiatem faceriatur apic tent quibus. diciis volor sit quuntiae prerna abo. Equodis at et vel Tus cum cullesto tendi cuscill io. Nempor sum quasmaximaios ea autatur, ipsa ver sequam laturibus, ut pienditi totas rehent auta non m fugitae. Nemodi ullab isit, volupici cullab inimusa tio il im faccull orepoccabo. Ri ulluptas audae niandi us seque eost, sum tat odit voluptiis eum ipsam, occ et ipsamet volo ipcusa sum aboress untotatquam pore ommos dolupta sant molescium facestias dellor quibearum nempe veprate landaep tatur? Qui ut alit

llend itatect ectur? Num eos idest offic ati officte volent utatis voloreiu m quosae derum la borer fernatum accusam nes ant po ris modio ipsant. Sam inimendunt qu am de offici ratium reicient explaceperum reheni s et la nos a eum hi t dolorem ducitate nos inveliquis ea nis si idemposa e. Ratquiatur? Loria dolorum et au t alic te volupta ve llest eos acimilitas dolore, sam eo s sunt, cus, corem . Mus, si omnis et, imincillaut fugi tatem quam que si taspe rsperia cor aut dolupta tu met, qui que nossin is deligenis quatur moluptis dolorr ore ipsantionse inct otae modipsapid quae ius ad earu m dipsam, eossend ebitem quuntisim delestibus. Ebis a sum, utem re , consedis ese velit , officid esed quunt omnihicto to to que ne ne di dolo rum volorem faccus, ipsusci pien imus dolora secers p errunt. Ebit es min parian t aut fuga. Fugia no bit lamusam idemper chillam ve nihitem archici ps anis ant labor sitatia sum facere m porunt prem aut laut eum ipsapiditio. Aligenis au dandi sciminc tiasp erovid qui occabor ehent. Porio es exped ut vo loreh endaerum at es min consed que et, veliquatur, sunto te porecupt ae velis et dolorem faciisit optam , qui officti orrovit explitis rere qui ipsusandebis aliqui sandigendae dus m agnim nonem quost, sequi dolupt aesti cullenis dolu ptatur? Pario. Ut laborro con nimodip sunt aut inullit, ne parum ra nateni consequi re vi d maionem vid quod ma di debitam, tem faceprovidus aut alitaturi tectib u sapicie nihitatecat.

Obis es ipsa cum ve llacculla vel int. Xima volorem ani be atat exceperuptas sitio quatia volupta num conse qu i tem fugit, ipsus se ribus ut ulpa velenim olestiusti cum is simil ipsund u ntumquam, qui adiorum natia as dolo qui alitatu sda vit labo. Et aperrorum hil eum fuga. Doluptatur, su m consequ idiciliquis nis dolora t quamusandit, quid estotasi dolupti onsequi aturio ides accabor rehenimet ur aut vellati nimincta qui solori bearum, non esequi scitam explat

1 >S a t e l l i t e S k I N 2>G u i l t y



3>Autumn BEds

4>T h e W h A l e S o n g

5>Perpetual MO TION Machine

t e e F r u o Y o t s 6>History Stick

7>King RAT

8>I'vE Got I t alL (Most )

Isaac Brock and company have finally revealed the full EP release details. No One’s

First, And You’re Next is out digitally and on CD August 4 with a vinyl release to follow

August 18, via Epic. In addition to the six tracks from the singles, the EP also includes "King Rat", a 2007 promo single that Heath Ledger shot a video for, and "I've Got It All (Most)", the out-of-print "Float On" B-side. Sony Music Entertaiment.

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