2017-2018 Passport Magazine

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Catherine Middleton ‘18

Passport 2017-2018

Passport Editors

Chinese: Huang Laoshi

Head Editor: Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18

Kelsey Nakagawa ‘19

Grace Grange ‘20

Spanish: Señora Ratzi

Head Editor: Georgina Rose D’Sanson ‘18

Pearl Lattanzi ‘19

Arisa Ching ‘20

French: Madame Schlesser

Head Editor: Catherine Middleton ‘18

Arianna Bow ‘19

Ginger Link ‘20

Table of Contents

11 My Family

Ami Evans ‘22


Self Introduction

Gavriella Graves ‘22


About Me

Dayna Nakagawa ‘22


I Love My Family

Kaya Heimowitz ‘20


Pleasure of Learning Chinese

Daphnee Kobatake ‘21



Grace Grange ‘20


Why I Study Chinese

Yu Ishii ‘21


Learning Chinese

Makenna Kinsler ‘21


Universities in the U.K.

Gretchen Felten ‘20


Trip to Korea

Kelsey Nakagawa ‘19


My Favorite Place

Emily Richardson ‘18


My Education

Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18


Aubrey Plaza


Aubrey Plaza

Machaira Christopher ‘22

Lin Manuel Miranda


Lin Manuel Miranda

Mia Cormack ‘22

Pancho Villa


Pancho Villa

Sloane Shapiro ‘21




Shansley Glenn ‘22

Soy Yo


It’s Me

Rachel Hartenstein ‘21

Los Abuelos


The Grandparents

Pearl Lattanzi ‘19

Crujido de Calabaza


Pumpkin Crunch Cake

Dynah Tuia’ana ‘20

Una Conversación


A Conversation

Ann Marie Tobin ‘23, Lauren Gillespie ‘23, Mehana Byrne ‘23 Valencia



Maddielynn Bee ‘20




Sydnie Sambueno ‘19


Café d’Océan


Ocean Café

Noa Menjo ‘22

Lettre d’Amour


Love Letter

Arianna Radona ‘19

Rêver ou Vivre


To Dream or to Live

Tiffany Taketa ‘20

Haiku Français


French Haiku

Victoria Gronwald ‘20

La Planète du Marin


The Planet of The Sailor

Arianna Bow ‘19

Pas de Connection


Without Connection

Janzyn Tupuola ‘22

Dernière Information: Une Vache sauve Alyzée


Latest Information: A Cow Saves Alyze

Savannah Ames ‘21, Jada Araki ‘21, Angelina Capobianco ‘21,

Kuali’i Copp ‘19, Vianca Dacumos 21, Ferrari Hiraga ‘19, Ginger Link ‘20,

Holly Ogata ‘21, Hannah Owen-Mendonca ‘21

Lettre d’Amour


Love Letter

Victoria Gronwald ‘20

Ma Routine Quotidienne


My Daily Routine

Riley Jackes ‘21

Café de la Plage


Beach Café

Emma Rolland ‘22


49 Japanese Food Advice

Sarah Holland ‘21

‘Ōlelo Mākuahine ma ko’u Ola


The Hawaiian Language in my Life

Kuali’i Copp ‘19

Patungkol sa akin


All About Me

La Dayne Pascua ‘22


Tehara Anata ‘20

My Family

Hello everyone! I am called Gao Qiao Yong Shi. My Japanese last name and my Chinese last name are the same. My family is half American and half Japanese. My family consists of two people, my mom and I. My mom is a business person, I also like to eat all kinds of food, especially Japanese food. After school today, I will go watch a movie with my mom. I am very happy. I think the movie trailer is interesting. I will go meet with my friend at the movie theater. I haven't seen her in a long time. She lives in Japan. She and I will chat and have fun together. Hello everyone! My name is Gao Ri Sheng (sunrise). My English name is Gigi. I am 13 years old. I am from Hawaii. I am a student at La Pietra. I am studying Chinese 1. I have 4 people in my family. My dad, mom, little sister, and me. My little sister also is a student at La Pietra. She is 11 years old. We all like to cook vegetarian food together. This is a little bit about me. I like to watch movies on Netflix, and go to the beach. I also like to go shopping at the mall. When I grow up I want to study business and fashion. I also want to travel the world. I want to graduate from college soon.

Ami Evans ‘22

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Self Introduction

Gavriella Graves ‘22 Gigi La Pietra


La Pietra ,

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About Me

Dayna Nakagawa ‘22 My name is Dayna Nakagawa. My birthday is May 25, I am in 8th grade and am 13 years old. I like to eat Chinese food in particular Chow mein, I also like Japanese food. On my free time I like to go to my friend’s house and chat. Sometimes I drink tea and coffee. If I had to choose one to drink, I would choose tea. Every Friday I have piano lessons. I have 4 people in my family, my dad, mom, older sister and me. My dad is an engineer, my mom is a manager, my sister and I are both students. We are American, and live in Hawaii. We have a dog, he is brown and black. He is very big and runs really fast. I love my family and my dog. One day I want to travel to South Korea and Vietnam.

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I Love My Family

Kaya Heimowitz ‘20 ,

My name is Kaya. I attend La Pietra. I am American. I am learning Chinese and French. I live in Honolulu. There are four people in my family: my dad, mom, younger sister, and me. My parents both do business. My younger sister is also a student. We have a dog; his name is Coconut. I like to drink Jasmine boba tea.

La Pietra :


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Jodi Inouye ‘22


Pleasure of Learning Chinese Daphnee Kobatake ‘21

My name is Ke Da Fen. I am fourteen years old and live in Hawaii. I go to high school at La Pietra, I am in ninth grade. This is my second year learning Chinese. I think learning Chinese is difficult, but learning Chinese is interesting. I think grammar is a little bit difficult and hard to understand, speaking Chinese is also hard. I also speak Chinese very slow. My Chinese teacher often helps me. Her name is Teacher Huang. She teaches Chinese really well. Everyday I practice speaking Chinese in class. I listen to recordings, practice speaking, practice writing Chinese characters, and review grammar. I think I write Chinese characters well. I practice listening to recordings, but it’s hard to understand. They speak Chinese too fast. I sometimes go to Teacher Huang’s classroom to practice Chinese. My classmates and I often practice speaking and writing Chinese characters. I sometimes don’t sleep until 11:30pm, because I am studying for tomorrow’s test. My mom speaks Chinese, but she cannot write Chinese characters and read Chinese characters. She speaks Chinese really well. My mom sometimes speaks Chinese with me. Me and my mom practice speaking, but she says my pronunciation is bad. I want to practice my pronunciation so she can understand what I say. My dad, older sister, and younger sister cannot speak Chinese. So in my house my mom and I are the only ones that can speak Chinese. I really like learning Chinese. I hope my mom and I can go to China and practice speaking Chinese.

, La Pietra

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Kelaiah Araki ‘21



Grace Grange ‘20 December 19, 2017 Subject: How are you? Xiao Feng,

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Hi! Long time no see, how have you been recently? How were your finals? I studied and prepared, so I didn’t do too badly. I’m embarrassed about my Chemistry final, I didn’t do too well. I’m happy because it’s winter break this week. I’m resting everyday, I don’t wake up until 9 am. Although I have free time, I’m not able to see my friends. My other friends are all on trips for winter break. My parents are usually at work, so I’m at home often. I often watch TV. My cat is the only person I eat lunch with. Lately, life has been pretty boring, but next week, my parents and I are going to go to Portland. My mom tells me that Portland is colder than Hawaii, so I’ll need a winter coat. It’s been raining a lot here lately. Portland also has a lot of rain and snow. I’m really excited! When I go shopping in Portland, my two brothers will drive me around. I want to get a pair of pants, because my pants are a little small. I also want to get a jacket. How is Canada? Has it snowed? Is your family okay? Are you cold? If you haven’t gone ice skating, I would be shocked. I really hope I see snow in Portland. The new year is coming up. Happy new year! When you have some free time please text me.

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See you next year! Fu Yuan

Alexandra Strack ‘18 14

Why I Study Chinese Yu Ishii ‘21

My name is Yu Ishii. This year, I am fourteen years old and I live in Hawaii. I go to school at La Pietra and I am in ninth grade. This year I am studying Chinese, and we studied Lesson 7, Lesson 8, and Lesson 9. I think that Chinese grammar is hard but I think that reviewing Chinese vocabulary is a little bit easy. I speak Chinese very slowly and my pronunciation is bad. However, my writing is very fast. Every day we studying grammar and class starts at 9:20. My friends usually help me. Sometimes when I am wrong, my friends help me to review. My friends and I often eat lunch and practice speaking Chinese at the same time. Before we did not know a lot of Chinese but now we can help 8th graders. Sometimes we review for our Chinese test together. My teacher is Teacher Huang, she teaches Chinese very well. She can speak Chinese and English so I understand Chinese class. She writes Chinese characters very beautifully. Usually, in Chinese class, we listen to the recordings and review for the Chinese test. This semester I am very busy. I usually write in my Chinese journal. Before I go to school, I eat breakfast and drink water and at the same time, I listen to Chinese recordings. At home, my mom, dad, and brother all do not know how to speak Chinese, so they cannot help me practice speaking Chinese. But at school, my teacher and Chinese classmates are able to help me practice pronunciation. Studying Chinese is hard, but I really enjoy learning Chinese. Next year I hope I will be able to talk to my friends in Chinese more fluently.

, La Pietra



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Alexandra Strack ‘18


Learning Chinese

Makenna Kinsler ‘21 I like learning Chinese, because everybody says that it is difficult. I am Chinese, so I think learning Chinese at school is useful. I also think learning Chinese is cool. I often go to Chinese restaurants. So I already know how to order food in Chinese. My friends and I practice speaking Chinese. I like Chinese class because my teacher is very nice. I think grammar is hard, but my teacher always helps me practice grammar at school. My Chinese class is interesting. We write characters, practice grammar, learn new vocab and watch dialogue videos. I like writing Chinese characters, but I am slow. We also listen to recordings. My classmates write characters neatly and speak Chinese well. They do well on tests and they help me study before tests. I chose Chinese class because I wanted to learn a difficult language. I also think that understanding Chinese characters is cool. My family cannot understand Chinese characters. I began learning Chinese in 7th grade. I really like my Chinese teacher and this class. Writing characters and speaking Chinese makes me feel smart. Chinese pronunciation is also rather hard. I now understand more new words and take tests well. I am now good at Chinese because I study a lot and ask my teacher for help. I often use my computer to help me to practice Chinese. I hope to continue learning Chinese in college. This is why I like learning Chinese, because it is difficult and I want to challenge myself. I like speaking Chinese and writing characters. Learning Chinese is really cool!

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Konalani Kamaka ‘20


Hello everyone! My name is Gretchen and my Chinese name is Fen Chen Chen. I’m going to talk about universities in the U.K. university in the U.K. is different to university in the U.S. First, for most universities in the U.K, it takes 3 years to get a Bachelor’s degree compared to 4 years in America. In the U.K., there are no basics in the first year of university, so if Math is not your major, you don’t need to take a Math class. Second, doing a Master’s in the U.K. in your chosen major can take only 9 to 12 months and it only takes 3 years to finish your PhD. Third, the cost of education in the U.K. is generally lower than in the U.S. Usually for most universities in the U.K. the cost per year is $13,400. Students need to buy their own textbooks, which are kind of expensive. Fourth, it is more common in universities in the U.K. to have your own dorm room than sharing a dorm room with someone else. Some dorms in British universities can be quite large, with two main rooms, and a little room where you have your own kettle, microwave, sink, and other necessities. In addition to the bed, your bedroom may have two or more closets and even a sink. In your other room, apart from a desk and chair, and sometimes a sofa, you may even have a mini fridge and/or a fireplace. Maid service is common in most British universities, some of which charge for this service. I think that university dorms in the U.K. have a washer, dryer and the bathrooms are shared. A final difference between universities in the U.K and the U.S. is that a student's grades in British universities are based mostly on the final exam of the term, which can be good because there are less reading and writing assignments throughout the term. I really want to go to university in the U.K. because I would have the opportunity to visit famous museums, film festivals, and even go to West End shows in London. It is really easy to travel around the U.K. on the train and you can even take a train to Paris for the weekend!

Universities in the U.K.

Gretchen Felten ‘20

Gretchen, ,

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, “West End”

Gretchen Felten ‘20


I want to go to South Korea during winter vacation. I want to eat fresh Korean food and authentic Korean street food. In addition to eating Korean food I also want to go to a sauna and see some temples. I would also like to see natural scenery and go shopping. I plan on taking a plane to Gimhae International Airport and take a taxi to my hotel from the airport in Busan. From Busan I will take about a three hour subway ride to Myeongdong. From Myeongdong I will take a one to two hour taxi ride to Seoul. In Busan I want to go to the Busan Christmas Tree Festival because the Christmas lights and decorations are very pretty. I could go and see the Haedong Yonggung Temple. It is open all year round, and although it is cold in the winter, it is very pretty. It is right by the ocean, so I could also get lots of pretty sunset pictures. I heard that Busan’s winters are cold but sunny, so I could take lots of good scenery pictures. Busan is also famous for saunas, so I want to go there to keep warm and rest. I'd like to have some boiled eggs in the sauna. I heard they are even tastier than regular boiled eggs. After enjoying scenic views and relaxing in Busan I want to go to Myeongdong. Myeongdong is a famous shopping city. I plan on shopping at stores that aren’t in Hawaii. For example, Skin Food, Innisfree, and Aritaum. I want to buy clothes and face masks that I wouldn’t find in Hawaii. I cannot speak Korean very well, so I hope that some people can speak English. Otherwise I could speak in some Chinese because I heard that some of the service staff in the stores can speak Chinese. I will probably have an easier time finding people who can speak some English in Seoul. I want to visit Seoul because lots of concerts are held there. I could go see my favourite bands perform live. I also want to eat more street food. For example, roasted chestnuts, ondeng, and hotteok. I also want to eat jajangmyeon. I want to visit Changdeokgung Palace because it’s one of Seoul’s most famous historical sites and scenic spots. If I can go to South Korea this winter break it will be the best winter break ever!

Trip to Korea

Kelsey Nakagawa ‘19

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Of all the places in the world, Hawaii is definitely my favorite. The weather is always so pretty and it generally does not get too cold. I also love the culture and famous scenic spots and historic sights, everything here is just so beautiful. I love the people, they are all very happy and kind to one another. I also love how there are so many fun things to find within the island; beaches, activities, there is so much to do in Hawaii. Although I love Hawaii I have a lot of allergies but I also have a way of dealing with them. I also love my school here, I feel really prepared for when I go off to college next year. I love all of my friends here at La Pietra because they welcomed me with open arms. The food in Hawaii is also really delicious and there are so many good restaurants. I never thought I would get the opportunity to visit Hawaii but I am so glad I got the opportunity to live here. I also love California, the weather is similar to Hawaii’s and next year I will be going to college there. California has a lot of great vegetarian food, making my life a lot easier. I am very excited to move up there. I love both California and Hawaii, both places are very similar but I can do more theater in California. I am very excited to have my own place but I will also miss my parents a lot. I am very grateful that I have gotten to travel the world like I have with my family, I am very lucky to have gotten the opportunities I have. Even though I love both places, Australia will alway be my home.

My Favorite Place

Emily Richardson ‘18

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, La Pietra





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Mae Sebastian ‘19 19

I have always worked very hard as a child to be a good student. My parents have been saving since I was born to send me to a good college. My grandparents wanted me to get a good education, so they sent me to La Pietra. My parents and grandparents worked hard to make it possible for me to go to La Pietra. I am very grateful to them because without their help I would not be able to go to La Pietra. When I was younger I wanted to be a writer, but I realized I would not be able to make a lot of money. I wanted to be able to repay my family so I decided I would become a doctor instead. I took as many hard math and science classes that I could. I also took on many extracurriculars to make sure I took advantage of all the opportunities. It is a lot of hard work, but I am inspired by how hard my parents work and this helps to motivate me. Now I am a senior and I am getting ready for college. I have a lot of criteria for college; good teachers, friendly students, and most importantly good financial support. My parents and I disagree sometimes because I feel too much pressure to do well and go to a good college. I realize my parents want the best for me. I am working hard to apply to colleges that fit my criteria and provide me financial support. My parents don’t want to have to take out a loan and owe a lot of money, so I am also applying to get scholarship money. My parents and I also worked on getting government financial aid. Once I get to college I will work a part-time job to pay for college tuition and to pay for my daily necessities. I would like to be able to use the work study option a lot of colleges offer. I could work at admissions office helping with customer service, tutor, or even work at the cafeteria. I even have the option to intern with a professor. This would help me to gain experience. I want my job to pay well and have reasonable hours. I feel like once you are a college student you have a lot more free time. I am not too worried about balancing my studying and working. My parents and grandparents have a large influence on me. I hope to be able to pay them back once I graduate. I want to be able to do this through achieving my dreams, so, for now, I will study and work hard to get there.

My Education

Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18 ,


La Pietra ,


La Pietra

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Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18


Arisa Ching ‘20

Aubrey Plaza Aubrey Plaza

Machaira Christopher ‘22 Aubrey Plaza es una actriz y comediante famosa. Ella trabaja en Parks and Recreation, Ingrid Goes West, y Monsters University. Me gusta su carácter en Parks and Recreation, April Ludgate. Su cumpleaños es el veintiséis de junio de mil novecientos ochenta y cuatro. Tiene treinta y tres años. Su padre es David Plaza. Su madre es Bernadette Plaza. Sus hermanas son Renee y Natalie Plaza. Su novio es Jeff Baena. Ella es morena y alta. Su pelo es de longitud media. Su familia es puertorriqueña. Ella vive en los Estados Unidos. Ella es tonta y interesante. Le gusta trabajar.

Aubrey Plaza is a famous actress and comedian. She works on Parks and Recreation, Ingrid Goes West, and Monsters University. I like her character in Parks and Recreation, April Ludgate. Her birthday is June 26, 1984. She is 33 years old. Her father is David Plaza. Her mother is Bernadette Plaza. Her siblings are Renee and Natalie Plaza. Her boyfriend is Jeff Baena. She is a brunette and tall. Her hair is of medium length. Her family is Puerto Rican. She lives in the United States. She is silly and interesting. She likes to work.


Lin Manuel Miranda Lin Manuel Miranda Mia Cormack ‘22

Lin-Manuel Miranda es compositor, actor y cantante. Su cumpleaños es el dieciséis de enero de mil novecientos ochenta. Él tiene treinta y siete años. Él es de Nueva York. Él vive en Nueva York con su esposa, su hijo y su perro, Tobillo. La esposa de Lin-Manuel es Vanessa Nadal y su hijo es Sebastian. Tiene un padre, Luis, y una madre, Luz. Ellos son puertorriqueños. Él es famoso porque él tiene dos musicales famosos. “En la alturas” es su primer musical. Tiene cuatro Tonys. “Hamilton” es su segundo musical. Tiene once Tonys y dieciséis nominaciones. Lin es simpático, creativo, tonto y moreno con ojos marrones. Le gusta “Weird Al” Yankovic y películas de Disney. Va a ser en la nueva película de Mary Poppins en dos mil dieciocho.

Lin-Manuel Miranda is a composer, actor, and singer. He was born on January 16, 1980, and is 37 years old. He is from New York, and he lives there with his wife, son, and dog named Tobillo. Lin-Manuel’s wife is named Vanessa Nadal and his son is named Sebastian. He has a father, Luis, and a mother, Luz, and they are Puerto Ricans. He is famous because he has two famous musicals. “In the Heights” is his first musical, and it has won 4 Tonys. “Hamilton” is his second musical and it has won 11 Tonys and 16 nominations. Lin is nice, creative, silly, and a brunette with brown eyes. He likes “Weird Al” Yankovic and Disney movies. He is going to be in the new Mary Poppins movie in 2018.


Pancho Villa Pancho Villa

Sloane Shapiro ‘21 José o Pancho Villa fue un revolucionario y dirigía un ejército porque no lo gustaba el dictador de México: Porfirio Díaz. Su cumpleaños fue el cinco de junio de mil ochocientos setenta y ocho. Él vivió en México durante un periodo difícil. Él nació en San Juan, México. Él vivía con sus padres y sus hermanas. No sabemos mucho sobre su infancia porque hay varias historias. Luego, él se unió a un grupo bandido y él se llamó Arango. La policía odiaba a Pancho y él se metió en líos con la policía a menudo. Él ayudaba deshacerse del dictador Porfirio Díaz y de la mala gente en el gobierno de México. Tristemente, él mató a mucho gente para hacer ese. Él fue asesinado el veinte de julio de mil novecientos veintitrés. Sus acciones ayudaban el gente pobre y los granjeros cuando Díaz no se cuidaba a ellos. Yo quiero historia y pienso que su cuento fue muy interesante. No sabía su cuento antes de este proyecto y quiero contarles sobre él. Él tenía muchos nombres como Francisco y Pancho. Cuando él nació, su nombre fue José Doroteo Arango Arámbula. José or Pancho Villa was a revolutionary and directed an army because he did not like the dictator of Mexico, Porfirio Díaz. His birthday was June 5, 1878. He lived in Mexico during a difficult period. He was born in San Juan, Mexico. He lived with his parents and his sisters. We do not know much about his childhood because there are several stories. Then, he joined a gang and they called him Arango. The police hated Pancho and he got into trouble with the police often. He helped get rid of the dictator Porfirio Díaz and of the bad people in the Mexican government. Sadly, he killed people to do that. He was assassinated July 20, 1923. His actions helped poor people and farmers when Díaz didn’t help them. I love history and I think that his story was very interesting. I didn’t know his story before this project and I want to tell you about him. He had many names like Francisco and Pancho. When he was born, his name was José Doroteo Arango Arámbula.


Juana Juana

Shansley Glenn ‘22 Juana es de Inglaterra pero ahora vive en California. Su cumpleaños es el dos de abril. Tiene catorce años. Ella tiene dos hermanos, Tomás y Enrique. También tiene una hermana María. Juana tiene pelo anaranjado y ojos azules. Ella es alta y bonita. Ella es inteligente, simpática y trabajadora. Le gusta jugar baloncesto, montar a caballo, y leer unos libros. No le gusta hacer matemáticas. Su clase favorita es arte porque le gusta dibujar. Todas las mañanas ella se levanta y va al baño. Ella se ducha y luego se viste. Anoche Juana fue al baile de escuela. Ella llevó un vestido rosado, unos zapatos rosados y calcetines negros. También llevó una bolsa roja, un cinturón negro y unas gafas negras. El tiempo hizo fresco. Juana y sus amigos comieron unas galletas, unos helados y unas papas fritas. Bebieron agua, jugo y unos refrescos. Juana bailó, cantó y se divirtió. Juana is from England but now lives in California. Her birthday is April 2. She is 14 years old. She has two brothers, Tomás and Enrique. She also has a sister, Maria. Juana has red hair and blue eyes. She is tall and pretty. She is smart, nice, and hardworking. She likes to play basketball, ride horses, and read some books. She doesn’t like to do math. Her favorite class is art because she likes to draw. Every morning she wakes up and goes to the bathroom. She takes a shower and later gets dressed. Last night, Juana went to the school dance. She wore a pink dress, some pink shoes, and black socks. She also wore a red bag, a black belt, and some black glasses. The weather was cool. Juana and her friends ate some cookies, some ice cream, and some french fries. They drank water, juice, and some soda. Juana danced, sang, and had fun.


Soy Yo It’s Me

Rachel Hartenstein ‘21 ¡Hola! Me llamo Rachel, tengo catorce años, y mi cumpleaños es en el mes de diciembre. Estoy dejando este mensaje porque yo quiero poder recordar esto tiempo de mi vida en el futuro. Soy baja, un poco tímida, mexicana, y estadounidense. En mi familia, vivo con mis padres, mi hermano menor, y nuestros cuatro pájaros. Mis padres son simpáticos y trabajadores y mi hermano es tonto. Casi todas las noches, mis padres, hermano, y yo cenamos con mis dos primos menores y mis tíos. A veces estamos muy locos, pero siempre nos divertimos. Estoy en el noveno grado y asisto a la escuela La Pietra Hawaii School for Girls. Una persona interesante en mi clase de español es Aris porque ella es muy inteligente, juega baloncesto, y ella es animadora. Mi parte favorita de escuela es almuerzo porque me divierto con mis amigas y tengo un poco de tiempo libre. Algunos de mis pasatiempos son leer, cantar, y escuchar música. Si yo pudiera tener un deseo, sería por fin arreglar este país roto porque ahora, tenemos problemas que son grandes. En el futuro, yo planeo aprender a dibujar bien porque me está empezando a gustar hacerlo. A la persona quien está mirando este video, yo aconsejo que trates de no procrastinar porque hará la vida más difícil para ti. ¡Gracias por mirar! Adiós. Hi! My name is Rachel, I am fourteen years old, and my birthday is in December. I am leaving this message because I want to be able to remember this time of my life in the future. I am short, a little shy, Mexican, and a United States citizen. In my family, I live with my parents, my little brother, and our four birds. My parents are nice and hard workers and my brother is silly. Almost every night, my parents, brother, and I eat dinner with my two younger cousins and my uncles. Sometimes we are very crazy, but we always have fun. I am in the 9th grade and I attend La Pietra Hawaii School for Girls. An interesting person in my class is Aris because she is very smart, plays basketball, and is a cheerleader. My favorite part of school is lunch because I have fun with my friends and I have a little free time. Some of my hobbies are reading, singing, and listening to music. If I could have one wish, it would be to at last fix this broken country because right now, we have problems that are large. In the future, I plan to learn to draw well because I am beginning to like it. To the person who is watching this video, I advise that you try not to procrastinate because it will make life more difficult for you. Thank you for watching! Goodbye.


Los Abuelos

The Grandparents Pearl Lattanzi ‘19

Las vidas cotidianas con los abuelos en Honolulu y con los abuelos de las familias de México tienen algunas similitudes, pero también diferencias importantes. Ambos son amados por la familia. En mi familia y las familias que viven en México, los abuelos viven cerca de sus hijos. Pero en mi cultura, la razón es que mi familia necesita ayudarles. En la cultura de México, los abuelos viven cerca de sus hijos y nietos para cuidar de sus familias. En la familia típica mexicana, la abuela es la matriarca y tiene mucho poder sobre la familia. Ella dice que todos deben hacer. Es una tradición que los abuelos están involucrados, así el papel de los abuelos mexicanos no ha cambiado en las últimas décadas. La razón para vivir cerca de los abuelos en Hawaii es para asegur que ellos están a salvo. Ellos viven cerca de la familia, pero no dicen que debemos hacer. Solo nos miran hacer decisiones. Para otras familias de Honolulu, me doy cuenta de que los abuelos no toman las decisiones para sus hijos y nietos. Con los años, los papeles de los abuelos de Honolulu han cambiado. Solía ser que los abuelos trabajaban con sus hijos y ayudaban con las diligencias en Honolulu. Ellos estaban más involucrados con las vidas de sus parientes que ahora. En México, los papeles han cambiados en que no solían tener tanto poder sobre sus familias como lo hacen ahora. The everyday lives with grandparents in Honolulu and with grandparents in Mexican families have some similarities, but also important differences. Both are loved by the family. In my family and the families that live in Mexico, the grandparents live close to their children. However, in my culture, the reason for this is that my family needs to help them. In Mexican culture, the grandparents live close to their children and grandchildren in order to take care of their families. In the typical Mexican family, the grandmother is the matriarch and has a lot of power over the family. She says what everyone should do. It is a tradition that grandparents are involved, so the role of Mexican grandparents have not changed in recent decades. The reason for living close to my grandparents in Hawaii is to assure that they are safe. They live close to the family, but they don’t say what we should do. They only watch us make decisions. For other families in Honolulu, I realize that the grandparents don’t make the decisions for their children and grandchildren. Over the years, the roles of the grandparents of Honolulu have changed. It used to be that the grandparents worked with their children and helped with errands in Honolulu. They were more involved with the lives of their relatives than now. In Mexico, the roles have changed in that they did not use to have as much power over their families as they do now.


Crujido de Calabaza Pumpkin Crunch Cake Dynah Tuia’ana ‘20

Hola, hoy haremos un Crujido de Calabaza, que es muy fácil y divertido. Este plato sirve a veinte personas. Recuerden lavarse los manos antes de empezar. Los Ingredientes Ustedes necesitarán… ● Una lata de 100 por ciento de calabaza pura ● Una lata de leche evaporada ● Tres huevos ● Una taza de azúcar ● Cuatro cucharaditas de especia de tarta de calabaza ● Una media cucharadita de sal ● Una taza de nueces picadas ● Una taza de mantequilla derretida ● Una caja de mezcla amarilla para pastel ● Molde para hornear de 13x9x2 pulgadas Medidas 1. Precalienten el horno a trescientos cincuenta grados Fahrenheit. 2. Cubren el molde para hornear con papel de aluminio. 3. Unten el papel de aluminio con mantequilla. 4. Combinen la lata de calabaza pura, la lata de leche evaporada, los tres huevos, las cuatro cucharaditas de especia de tarta de calabaza, y la media cucharadita de sal en un tazón. 5. Viertan la mezcla que han hecho en el molde. 6. Espolvoreen la mezcla amarilla para pastel en la mezcla calabaza. 7. Añadan la taza de mantequilla derretida por encima. 8. Salpíquenla con mantequilla derretida. 9. Hornéenla a trescientos grados por cincuenta minutos o hasta que esté dorada. 10. Dejen que se enfríe, entonces pongan un plato de servir al revés en el molde para hornear y voltéenla al plato. 11. (opcional) Sirvan la tarta con crema batida. Elegí hacer este plato porque es el plato favorito de mi madre para agradecimiento. Yo solía odiar este plato, pero miré lo divertido que era hacerlo. Aprendía quererla. En mí opinión, crujido de calabaza prueba el mejor con leche tibia.


Hi, today we will make a Pumpkin Crunch Cake, which is very easy and fun. This dish serves twenty people. Remember to wash your hands before starting. The Ingredients You will need… ● A can of 100 percent pure pumpkin ● A can of evaporated milk ● Three eggs ● A cup of sugar ● Four teaspoons of pumpkin pie spices ● Half a teaspoon of salt ● A cup of chopped walnuts ● A cup of melted butter ● A box of yellow cake mix ● A 13x9x2 inches baking pan Measurements 1. Preheat the oven to three hundred fifty degrees Fahrenheit. 2. Cover the baking pan with aluminum foil. 3. Brush the aluminum foil with butter. 4. Combine the can of pure pumpkin, evaporated milk, three eggs, four teaspoons of pumpkin tart spices, and half teaspoon of salt in a bowl. 5. Pour the mixture that you have made in the pan. 6. Sprinkle the yellow cake mix in the pumpkin mixture. 7. Add the cup of melted butter on top. 8. Sprinkle it with melted butter. 9. Bake it at three hundred degrees for fifty minutes or until it is golden. 10. Let it cool, then put a serving plate upside down on the baking pan, and turn it over to the plate. 11. (optional) Serve the cake with whipped cream. I chose to make this dish because it is my mother’s favorite thank you dish. I used to hate this dish, but it looked fun to make. I learned to love it. In my opinion, pumpkin crunch cake tastes the best with warm milk.


Una Conversación A Conversation

Ann Marie Tobin ‘23, Lauren Gillespie ‘23, Mehana Byrne ‘23 Camello: Hola, me llamo Camello.

Camel: Hi, my name is Camel.

Stitch: Hola Camello. (shake hands) Me llamo Stitch.

Stitch: Hi Camel. (shake hands) My name is Stitch.

Rana: (enter) ¡Hola! Me llamo Rana. (wave)

Frog: (enter) Hi! My name is Frog. (wave)

Camello: Mucho gusto, Rana y Stitch.

Camel: Nice to meet you, Frog and Stitch.

Rana: Y tú. (point to Camello)

Frog: And you. (point to Camel)

Stitch: ¿Cómo estás, Camello? (point to camello with confused arms)

Stitch: How are you, Camel? (point to Camello with confused arms)

Camello: ¡Muy bien! ¿Y tú, Stitch?

Camel: Very good! And you, Stitch?

Stitch: Más o menos. ¿Y tú, Rana? (point to Rana questioning)

Stitch: Alright. And you, Frog? (point to Frog questioning)

Rana: Muy mal. (cry)

Frog: Very bad. (cry)

Camello: Lo siento. (pat back)

Camel: I’m sorry. (pat back)

Rana: Está bien. (still crying)

Frog: It’s okay. (still crying)

Stitch: ¡Adiós!

Stitch: Goodbye!

Camello: ¡Hasta mañana!

Camel: Until tomorrow!

Rana: Buenas noches. (wave, still crying)

Frog: Good night. (wave, still crying)

Madeleine Heckman ‘23


Valencia Valencia

Maddielynn Bee ‘20

¡Hola a todos! Vamos a tomar un viaje a Valencia, España. Valencia está en España y es muy hermosa. La población es aproximadamente setecientos noventa mil personas. Es la tercera ciudad más grande de España. Valencia está al lado del mar Mediterráneo. Tiene veranos cálidos e inviernos fríos. ¡Traigan sus chaquetas! Enero es el más fresco de los meses, y agosto es el más cálido. Yo recomiendo que vayan en el verano cuando hace calor para que puedan nadar. El arroz es muy popular en Valencia. Paella de marisco es el más popular de los platos. Paella es un plato de arroz preparado con mariscos. ¡He oído que es muy deliciosa! Otros platos de arroz incluyen arroz a banda, arroz negro, arroz al forn y muchos más. Bodega Casa Montaña es famosa por sus tapas y vino. La Pappardella es conocida por su pasta. Una de las plazas más bonitas de Valencia es la Plaza de la Reina, donde hay muchos restaurantes. Mientras ustedes están allí, yo recomiendo que visiten este lugar hermoso. Hay arte hermoso en la catedral. Si ustedes son religiosos, el Santo Grial es una visita obligada. Este mercado es principalmente un mercado de alimentos. Aquí se puede ver las vidas de los Valencianos. Las Fallas es una fiesta que se celebra en marzo por una semana. Por toda Valencia, pueblos de personas pasan un año haciendo estatuas, y luego ellos las exhiben en las calles. Las familias lanzan fuegos artificiales. Las mujeres se visten en vestidos de moda antigua. Yo sugiero que usen el transporte público como autobuses y el metro o taxis. También siempre pueden caminar. ¡Traigan su dinero! En Valencia, se usa el euro. Valencia fue fundada por los Romanos. No se convirtió en una ciudad importante hasta el tercer siglo. El Rey Jaime primero derrotó a los Moros y reconstruyó la ciudad. Valencia fue la capital de España durante un corto tiempo del gobierno de Joseph Bonaparte y la guerra civil española. Valencia vino de la palabra Valentía que significa fuerza. El puerto de Valencia es el más grande de la costa occidental del Mediterráneo. ¡Gracias por leer!

Hello everyone! We are going to take a trip to Valencia, Spain. Valencia is in Spain and is very beautiful. The population is approximately seven hundred ninety thousand people. It is the third largest city in Spain. Valencia is next to the Mediterranean Sea. It has hot summers and cold winters. Bring your jackets! January is the chilliest of the months, and August is the warmest. I recommend that you go in the summer when it is hot so that you can swim. Rice is very popular in Valencia. Paella de marisco is the most popular of the dishes. Paella is a rice dish prepared with seafood. I have heard that it is very delicious! Other rice dishes include arroz a banda (rice on the side), arroz negro (black rice), arroz al forn (baked rice) and many more. Casa Montaña Winery is famous for its tapas and wine. La Pappardella is known for its pasta. One of Valencia’s most beautiful squares is the Plaza de la Reina (The Queen’s Square), where there are many restaurants. While you are there, I recommend that you visit this beautiful place. There is beautiful art in the cathedral. If you are religious, the Santo Grial (The Holy Grail) is a must see. This market is mainly a food market. Here you can see the lives of Valencians. Las Fallas is a festivity that is celebrated in March for a week. Throughout Valencia, villages of people spend a year making statues, and then they exhibit them in the streets. Families launch fireworks. Women wear old fashioned dresses. I suggest that you use public transportation like busses and the subway or taxis. Also, you can always walk. Bring your money! In Valencia, the euro is used. Valencia was founded by the Romans. It did not become an important city until the third century. King James first defeated the Moors and rebuilt the city. Valencia was the capital of Spain for a short time during the government of Joseph Bonaparte and the Spanish Civil War. Valencia came from the word Valentía, which means strength. Valencia’s port is the largest on the western coast of the Mediterranean. Thanks for reading!


Lima Lima

Sydnie Sambueno ‘19 Lima es la capital del Perú. Francisco Pizarro estableció Lima el dieciocho de enero de mil quinientos treinta y cinco. En Lima de Perú el clima es generalmente cálido y soleado. Raramente llueve durante todo el año. Lima es una de las capitales más secas del mundo. La temperatura media varía de cincuenta y cuatro a ochenta y dos grados Fahrenheit. La moneda es el Nuevo Sol. Hay billetes de 200 soles, 100 soles, 50 soles, 20 soles, y 10 soles. Un Nuevo Sol es igual a cien céntimos. Hay monedas de uno, dos, y cinco Nuevos Soles, y de cincuenta, veinte, diez, y cinco céntimos. Un dólar estadounidense es igual a tres y dieciséis centésimos. En Lima, hay cuatro tipos de transporte comúnmente usados. A la gente de la ciudad, le gusta subirse al micro, al taxi, al autobús, y a los mototaxis. El transporte más popular es los micros. Micros son muy similares a los autobuses. Los costos de transporte son unos doce Soles. Pero, la gente de la ciudad también monta sus bicicletas. Una atracción es la Plaza de Armas. En inglés significa Parade Square. La Plaza de Armas se considera como el corazón de la vieja Lima. Esta plaza tiene monumentos de arquitectura y edificios muy importantes. Hay una fuente de bronce que fue construida en mil seiscientos cincuenta. ¡Vengan a visitarla! Otra atracción es el Convento de San Francisco. Dentro del Convento de San Francisco, hay una iglesia, una biblioteca, y catacumbas. Las catacumbas son llenas de cráneos que forman formas geométricas. Muchos turistas visitan este lugar todos los días. Vengan a verlas conmigo. Hay muchos restaurantes famosos en Lima. Chef José del Castillo trabaja en Isolina Taberna Peruana. Él da una experiencia de la comida de confort. Isolina Taberna Peruana está en una casa histórica en Barraca. A la gente le gusta porque se siente como en casa. Central Restaurante está en Miraflores, Lima. Ha sido nombrado el mejor restaurante de Latinoamérica durante tres años. Virgilio Martínez Véliz es el chef. El restaurante es conocido por las comidas peruanas, como arañas en una roca con mejillón, cangrejo, y abulones, y un plato de pulpo con yuyo, barquillo y calamar. ¡Cómanlo! Algunas comidas populares en Lima son lomo saltado, Ají de Gallina, y Tacu Tacu. Lomo saltado es un tipo de salteado con solomillo y arroz blanco. Ají de gallina se hace de pimiento picante y ají amarillo con arroz, huevos hervidos y patatas. Tacu Tacu es un plato de frijoles refritos y arroz. Decidí escribir de Lima porque yo siempre he querido visitar esa ciudad. También, he oído que la gente de Lima come comida muy interesante. Informaciones adicionales y interesantes incluyen: hay un parque de gatos que está lleno de cientos de gatos; en la víspera de año nuevo, la gente se viste en amarillo y come doce uvas; y a la gente peruana le gusta beber jugo de rana.


Lima is the capital of Peru. Francisco Pizarro established Lima on January 18, 1535. In Lima, the climate is generally hot and sunny. It rarely rains all year round. Lima is one of the driest capitals of the world. The average temperature fluctuates from 54 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit. The currency is the Nuevo Sol. There are bills of 200 sols, 100 sols, 50 sols, 20 sols, and 10 sols. A Nuevo Sol is equal to 100 cents. There are coins of 1, 2, and 5 Nuevo Sols, and 50, 20, 10, and 5 cents. One USD is equal to 3.16 (Peruvian) cents. In Lima, there are four types of transportation that are commonly used. City people like to ride microbuses, taxis, buses, and motorcycles. The most popular mode of transportation is the microbus. Microbuses are very similar to buses. The cost of transportation is 12 sols. But, city people also like to ride their bicycles. An attraction is the Plaza de Armas. In English it means Parade Square. The Plaza de Armas is considered the heart of old Lima. This square has monuments of very important architecture and buildings. There is a bronze fountain that was constructed in 1650. Come to visit it! Another attraction is the Monastery of San Francisco. Inside the Monastery of San Francisco, there is a church, a library, and catacombs. The catacombs are full of skulls that form geometric shapes. Many tourists visit this place everyday. Come to see these places with me. There are many famous restaurants in Lima. Chef José del Castillo works in Isolina Taberna Peruana. He provides a comfort food experience. Isolina Taberna Peruana is in a historical home in Barraca. People like it because they feel at home. Central Restaurante is in Miraflores, Lima. It has been named the best restaurant in Latin America for three years. Virgilio Martínez Véliz is the chef. The restaurant is known for Peruvian meals, like spider in a rock with mussels, crabs and abalones, and a plate of octopus with herbs, wafers and squid. Eat it! Some popular foods in Lima are lomo saltado, Ají de Gallina, and Tacu Tacu. Lomo saltado is a type of sauté with sirloin and white rice. Ají de Gallina is made of hot peppers and yellow chili with rice, boiled eggs, and potatoes. Tacu Tacu is a plate of refried beans and rice. I decided to write about Lima because I have always wanted to visit this city. Also, I have heard that the people in Lima eat very interesting food. Additional and interesting information include: there is a cat park that is full of hundreds of cats; on New Year’s Eve, people dress in yellow and eat twelve grapes; and Peruvian people like to drink frog juice.


Le Croissant à la Confiture

Ferrari Hiraga ‘19

Café d’Océan Ocean Café

Noa Menjo ‘22



Dear Friend, I love you, but I am worried. Do you love me? I want to trust you, but you like to flirt. I want you to leave for good because I don’t like to be depressed when we have a date. I am upset because you do not deserve me. But I don’t want to stop our love. Bleuet

Lettre d’Amour Love Letter

Arianna Radona ‘19

Cher ami, Je t’aime, mais je suis inquiète. Est-ce que tu m’aimes? Je veux te faire confiance, mais tu aimes draguer. Je veux te quitter car je n’aime pas être déprimée quand nous avons un rendez-vous. Je suis contrariée car tu ne me mérites pas. Mais je ne veux pas arrêter notre amour. Bleuet


Rêver ou Vivre

To Dream or to Live Tiffany Taketa ‘20

Vous pouvez rêver. Vous pouvez souhaiter mais, Vous devez vivre. You can dream. You can wish but, You have to live.

Haiku Français French Haiku

Victoria Gronwald ‘20

Je suis déprimée Tu as dit que tu m'aimais mais tu m'as menti I am depressed You said you loved me but you lied to me


La Planète du Marin The Planet of The Sailor

Arianna Bow ‘19 La planète du Marin La 8e planète avait une petite mer et un phare et était habitée par un marin. Le marin regardait par un télescope. - Que cherchez-vous? dit le Petit Prince. - Je cherche mon équipage. - Votre équipage? - Oui. Ils m’ont accidentellement laissé quand ils sont partis, mais ils vont revenir pour moi. J’ai allumé la lumière dans le phare pour qu’ils puissent me trouver. Le Petit Prince regardé le phare. Il était très vieux. - Tu as attendu combien de temps? A demandé le Petit Prince. - Cela n’a pas d’importance. Ils reviendront bientôt. Il était évident qu’il attendait depuis très longtemps. - Tu as toute une planète! Pourquoi tu ne nage pas dans la mer ou relaxes sur la plage pendant que tu attends? - Je ne peux pas. Je dois regarder pour mon équipage. Ils seront ici bientôt. Le Petit Prince est parti doucement de la planète du marin. C’est mieux de te réjouir de ce que tu as maintenant que d’attendre pour des choses qui ne vont jamais venir. The Sailor’s Planet The eighth planet had a small sea and a lighthouse and was inhabited by a sailor. The sailor was looking through a telescope. - What are you looking for? said the Little Prince. - I am looking for my crew. - Your crew? - Yes. They accidentally left me behind when they left, but they will come back for me. I turned on the light in the lighthouse so they could find me. The Little Prince looked at the lighthouse. It was very old. - How long have you been waiting? asked the Little Prince. - It doesn’t matter. They will come back soon. It was obvious that he had been waiting for a long time. - You have a whole planet! Why don’t you swim in the sea or relax on the beach while you wait? - I cannot. I have to watch for my crew. They will be here soon. The Little Prince quietly left the sailor's planet. It's better to enjoy what you have now than to wait for things that might never come.


Pas de Connection Without Connection Janzyn Tupuola ‘22


Dernière Information: Une Vache sauve Alyzée Latest Information: A Cow Saves Alyze

Savannah Ames ‘21, Jada Araki ‘21, Angelina Capobianco ‘21, Kuali’i Copp ‘19, Vianca Dacumos 21, Ferrari Hiraga ‘19, Ginger Link ‘20, Holly Ogata ‘21, Hannah Owen-Mendonca ‘21 La semaine dernière Madame et ses filles ont voyagé au Japon. Madame a acheté plus de chaussures tandis que les filles ont visité les cafés de chats. Elle sont devenues amies avec une poule rose. Le nom de la poule était Ikaika Jr. Ikaika a dit aux filles qu’il y avait un temple qui avait une ancienne vache qui parle. Elles allaient à la gare quand Alyzée s’est échappée. Elles ont cherché mais Alyzée manquait. Elles sont allées au poste de police quand l’ancienne vache parlante est passée. Elle a expliqué où Alyzée était. Alyzée conduisait la vache et tout monde a été heureux. Last week, Madame and her girls travelled to Japan. Madame bought more shoes, while the girls visited cat cafes. She became good friends with a pink chicken. The chicken’s name was Ikaika Jr. Ikaika told the girls that there was a temple with an ancient talking cow. They went to the train station where Alyzée escaped. They looked, but Alyzée was missing. They when to the police station when the ancient talking cow passed by. She explained where Alyzée had been. Alyzée was found riding the cow and everybody was happy.


Lettre d’Amour Love Letter

Victoria Gronwald ‘20

Mon amour, Je t'aime de tout mon coeur. Pourquoi m'as-tu quitté? Je suis déprimée à cause de toi. Tu ne me mérites pas. Je ne peux que rêver que tu vas m'aimer à nouveau. Je te souhaite le meilleur. Ne m’oublie pas. Ton amour My love, I love you with all my heart. Why did you leave me? I am depressed because of you. You do not deserve me. I can only dream that you will love me again. I wish you the best. Do not forget me. Your love

Ma Routine Quotidienne My Daily Routine Riley Jackes ‘21

À 06h35 je me lève. Je m’habille. Après je me lave les cheveux. En plus je me brosse les dents et les cheveux. Puis je mange le petit déjeuner. Après je vais à l’école. Après l’école je vais à ma maison ou danser. Puis je fais mes devoirs. Et après je me couche. At 6:35 am I wake up. I get dressed. After I wash my hair. I also brush my teeth and hair. Then I eat breakfast. After I leave for school. After school I go home or go to dance. Then I do my homework. And after I go to bed.


Café de la Plage Beach Café

Emma Rolland ‘22



Georgina Rose D’Sanson ‘18

Japanese Food Advice Sarah Holland ‘21

Arisa Ching ‘20 When you hear the word Japan, you most likely begin to think about the delicious food that the country offers, otherwise known as “washoku.” Washoku is the name used for Japanese food. Each prefecture in Japan has different foods that are unique to their prefecture. Hokkaido- Seafood, Ramen, Jingisukan (Japanese grilled mutton dish) Tokyo- Monjayaki (Like Okonomiyaki but the batter is made differently), Sushi, Tokyo Banana (Type of snack) Kyoto- Tofu, Matcha, Pickled foods Osaka- Osaka style Okonomiyaki, Takoyaki, Kushiage Hiroshima- Hiroshima style Okonomiyaki, Oyster, Momiji Manju Fukuoka- Ramen, Motsunabe, Cod eggs In the year of 2020 the Olympics will take place in Tokyo, Japan. I recommend to go out and eat “washoku” if you are in Japan at this time.


‘Ōlelo Mākuahine ma ko’u Ola The Hawaiian Language in my Life Kuali’i Copp ‘19 Aloha, O Kuali‘i ko‘u inoa. No Kailua mai au, a noho au ma Nu‘uanu i keia manawa. He 17 makahiki o‘u. Ke kākau nei au i kēia leka no ka wehewehe ‘ia e pili ana ko‘u a‘o ‘ia i ka ‘ōlelo Hawai‘i. Ma ka papa ‘ēha, ua hele au i ke kula ‘o Samuel Mānaikalani Kamakau. Ma laila, ua a‘o au e pili ana na mo‘olelo like ‘ole o kēia ‘āina nani ‘o Hawai‘i. I na ‘a‘ole au i hele ma ke kula kaiāpuni, ‘a‘ole au i maopopo i ka ‘ōlelo mākuahine a me nā kumu no ka pono e kama‘āina ia ‘oe iho ma ‘ō kou mo‘okū’auhau. Kēia lā, hau‘oli au no ka mea maopopo au i ka ‘ōlelo o kā kākou mau kūpuna. Aloha, My name is Kuali‘i. I am from Kailua, but I live in Nu‘uanu now. I am 17 years old. I am writing this paper to explain to you guys about how I learned the Hawaiian language. In the fourth grade, I went to the school of Samuel Manaiakalani Kamakau. There, I learned about the different stories of our beautiful Hawai‘i. If I hadn’t gone to an immersion school, I would not know about our mother tongue and the reasons why it’s important to know yourself through your genealogy. Today, I am happy because I know the language of our ancestors.

Patungkol sa akin All About Me

La Dayne Pascua ‘22 Ako si La Dayne Pascua, ipinanganak sa Honolulu, Hawaii. Meron akong isang kapatid na babae. Siya ay sampong taong gulang . Nag-aral ako ng elementarya sa paaralang publiko. Mahilig akong mamasyal sa pamilihan. Tuwing Biyernes at Sabado ay meron akong karate. Wala akong hilig pumunta sa baybay maski na nakatira ako sa Hawaii. Pangatlong taon ko na sa La Pietra. Hangarin kong makapagsalita ng mas magaling sa Tagalog. I am La Dayne Pascua, born in Honolulu, Hawaii. I have a sister. She is 10 years old. My elementary school was a public school. I like to go shopping at the mall. Every Friday and Saturday I have karate. I don’t like to go to the beach even though I live in Hawaii. It’s my third year here at La Pietra. I wish to speak Tagalog better.


This 2017-2018 Passport Publication is dedicated to:

Dr. Josh Watson

Thank you Dr. Watson for making your first year at La Pietra a great one. We appreciate all the hard work and dedication you have put into this school. Thank you for taking time to get to know each and every one of us. We always know that your office door is open and that you are there to listen, even when you are busy. We wish you many more wonderful years to come. Love, The Passport ‘Ōhana


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