2016-2017 Passport Magazine

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Table of Contents Passport Editors





Madison Lee ‘21 Rafael Nadal


Rafael Nadal

Mehanaokala Leafchild ‘21




Cessna Spears ‘19

Soy Yo


I Am Me

Mia Birk ‘20

Luis Walter Álvarez


Luis Walter Álvarez

Azana Queen ‘20




Mary Watts ‘19

Frida Kahlo


Frida Kahlo

Jessica Ostrov ‘18

Salma Hayek


Salma Hayek

Sloane Shapiro ‘21

Conquistar el Imperio Azteca


Conquering the Aztec Empire

Claire Lee ‘17




Trinity Ung ‘19

Desi Arnaz


Desi Arnaz

Melia Hardin ‘20


Bonjour monsieur


Hello sir

Victoria Gronwald ‘20

Chère usine locale


Dear local factory

Tiffany Taketa ‘20

Ma Planète


My Planet

Jocelyn Pham ‘17

Les Douleurs de Demain


The Pains of Tomorrow

Kaya Heimowitz ’20

Le système métrique


The metric system

Erika Lee ‘17




Jessica Kolinski ‘20




Emily Pham ‘19

Si Nicolas avait ramené un chat à la maison


If Nicholas had brought home a cat

Catherine Middleton ‘18

Bonjour Monsieur


Hello sir

Arianna Radona ‘19

Restaurant de Banane


Banana’s Restaurant

Kuali‘i Copp ‘19

Où sont Les Escargots?


Where are the snails?

Savannah Ames ‘21

La Pause De Midi


The Lunch Break

Ginger Link ‘20 4

你好 Hello Grace Grange ‘20




My Life in China

Emily Richardson ‘18


我和我的家人 My Family and I

Angelina Agufa ‘19


我在北京生活 My Life in Beijing

Gretchen Felten ‘20


去日本的旅行 A Trip to Japan

Kelsey Nakagawa ‘19


我的家人 My Family

Mae Sebastian ‘19


我的家庭的中国新年 My Family’s Chinese New Year

Savanna Ton ‘19



Discussing the Future

Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18 and Alex Strack ‘18


我的宿舍 My Dorm

Naomi Sano ‘17 and Tracy Chuc ‘17


我最喜欢的中国城市 My Favorite Chinese City in China

Mari Harwit ‘17

Mein Name ist Lara Holtkamp My Name is Lara Holtkamp Lara Holtkamp ‘19 Thư cho gia đình tôi Letter to my Family Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18 한국어 하세요? Can You Speak Korean? Lanihuli Gilbert ‘18

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Passport Editors




Juana Juana

Madison Lee ‘21


Rafael Nadal Rafael Nadal

Mehanaokala Leafchild ‘21


Patagonia Patagonia

Cessna Spears ‘19


Patagonia is very beautiful, and I want to visit it a lot. It is a region at the bottom of South America that has a lot of national parks. It is in two countries, Argentina and Chile, but the majority is in Argentina. Bring jackets to Patagonia because it is cold. During the summer months the temperature only reaches as high as 72 degrees. The winter months are as cold as 32 degrees. See Glacier National Park, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Patagonia. Don’t forget to see Perito Moreno Glacier, a glacier that is 5 kilometers wide. While you are in the national park, stop at Monte Fitz Roy, a very famous mountain because it is the same mountain that is on the logo of Patagonia clothing brand. Torres del Paine National Park is on the Chilean side of Patagonia. It is the home of many different animals like the guanaco, the puma, and the south Andean deer. The archipelago Tierra del Fuego is a group of islands at the tip of South America. While you are here go to see Mount Darwin; it is a part of the Andes Mountains. Mount Darwin is named after Charles Darwin who explored Tierra del Fuego from 1826 to 1830. In Tierra del Fuego, the Beagle Channel is a strait at the southernmost tip of South America. Don’t forget your boats so that you can sail. The Beagle Channel is named for Charles Darwin’s ship. In Patagonia, stop at General Carrera Lake, the second largest lake in South America and see one of its many caves. On the Argentine side, the Argentinian Peso is used and on the Chilean side, the Chilean Peso is used. Drive a car! Take a bus or a plane! You can also go backpacking in Patagonia. Eat a lot when you are in Patagonia. Taste curanto, a traditional dish in southern Chile and Argentina. It is a mix of different seafoods prepared on hot stones. Don’t forget to taste chipe centolla, a popular dish with crab. Now go out and see Patagonia!


Soy Yo I Am Me

Mia Birk ‘20


Luis Walter Álvarez Luis Walter Álvarez Azana Queen ‘20


Bogotá Bogota

Mary Watts ‘19


Frida Kahlo Frida Kahlo

Jessica Ostrov ‘18


Salma Hayek Salma Hayek

Sloane Shapiro ‘21


Conquistar el Imperio Azteca Conquering the Aztec Empire Claire Lee ‘17


Malabo Malabo

Trinity Ung ‘19



Desi Arnaz Desi Arnaz

Melia Hardin ‘20





Bonjour monsieur Hello sir Victoria Gronwald ‘20 Bonjour Monsieur, J’ai remarqué que la pollution est mal. Les animaux n’ont pas d’eau. L’eau n’est pas potable. Les déchets sont partout! L’environnement est en danger. Je veux résoudre ces problèmes. L’air doit être pur! Le bien-être de l’environnement est menacé. Les gens devraient recycler et aimer la nature. Répondez s’il vous plaît. Ce problème doit être résolu. Merci, Chien Confus Hello sir, I noticed that the pollution is bad. The animals have no water. The water is not drinkable. The trash is everywhere! The environment is in danger. I want to solve these problems. The air must be pure! The well-being of the environment is threatened. People should recycle and love nature. Respond please. This problem needs to be resolved. Thank you, Confused Dog


Chère usine locale Dear local factory Tiffany Taketa ‘20 Chère usine locale, Je parle pour la Terre, l’environnement et les habitants de la région. L’air n’est plus pur. Nous n’aimons pas l’air nuisible que vous faites; il est difficile de respirer. Ce n’est pas bien pour le bien-être de la Terre et l’air. Les habitants de la région ont peur. L’arc en ciel n’apparaît pas. La pollution de la Terre est injuste et un crime. J’appellerai mes avocats et vais au tribunal avec vous. Il faut résoudre le problème! Je veux arrêter la production à l’usine locale. C’est une menace! Dear local factory, I speak for the Earth, the environment and the inhabitants of the area. The air is not pure anymore. We don’t like the toxic air that you make; it is difficult to breathe. It is not good for the well being of the Earth and the air. The inhabitants of the area are scared. The rainbow doesn’t appear. The pollution of the Earth is unfair and a crime. I will call my lawyers and go to court with you. Resolve the problem! I want to stop the production at the local factory. This is a threat!


Ma Planète My Planet Jocelyn Pham ‘17 Ma planète est très belle. Il y a des montagnes, des fleuves, des forêts, des mers, beaucoup de fleurs, et beaucoup d’étoiles dans le ciel. Une artiste habite sur la planète. Elle dessine et peint tous les jours. Elle a un musée avec beaucoup de peintures, mais il n’y a personne pour les voir. Quand le Petit Prince vient à la planète, elle lui montrera se peintures. Elle sera très heureuse et pourra améliorer ses peintures. My planet is very beautiful. There are mountains, rivers, forests, seas, many flowers, and many stars in the sky. An artist lives on the planet. She draws and paints all day. She has a museum with many paintings, but there is no one to see them. When the Little Prince comes to the planet, she will show him her paintings. She will be very happy and will be able to improve her paintings.


Les Douleurs de Demain The Pains of Tomorrow Kaya Heimowitz ’20 Mon coeur, Se casse avec les douleurs, Des nombreux amours Que je n’ai jamais/pas ressentis Mais je suis aujourd’hui, Je ne suis pas demain, Et je n’ai pas les douleurs de demain, Aussi l’amour ma rendra heureuse, J’ai de la joie dans mon coeur pour l’amour de demain. My heart, Is breaking with the pain, Of many loves, I have never/not felt, But I am today, I am not tomorrow, And I do not have the pains of tomorrow, Also the love will make me happy, I have joy in my heart for the love of tomorrow.


Le système métrique The metric system Erika Lee ‘17 Le système métrique est utilisé par de nombreux pays. L’origine du système métrique est la France. Gabriel Mouton est le créateur. Le système employé aux Etats-Unis vient de l’empire britannique. Les avantages du système métrique sont qu’il est plus facile à utiliser. Il y a moins de fractions et de conversions. Cependant, le système employé aux Etats-Unis est plus précis pour les estimations. Fahrenheit est aussi plus précis. Si les Etats-Unis passent complètement au système métrique, il serait difficile pour les gens d’apprendre. Je pense que les Etats-Unis devraient utiliser le système métrique car il est utilisé par plus de pays. The metric system is used by many countries. The origin of the metric system is France. Gabriel Mouton is the creator. The system employed in the United States comes from the British Empire. The advantages of the metric system are that it is much easier to use. There are less fractions and conversions. However, the system employed in the United States is more precise for estimations. Fahrenheit is also more precise. If the United States changes completely to the metric system, it would be difficult for the people to learn. I think that the United States should use the metric system because it is used by many countries.


Lent’ment Slowly Jessica Kolinski ‘20 Lent’ment, pièce par pièce, Elle colle mon petit coeur de Nouveau ensemble Slowly, piece by piece, She puts my small heart back Together again


Pluie Rain Emily Pham ‘19 Je mappelle Pluie et, Je suis la larme des nuages, Naître dans le ciel.

My name is Pluie and, I am the tears of the clouds, Born in the sky.


Si Nicolas avait ramené un chat à la maison If Nicholas had brought home a cat Catherine Middleton ‘18 En sortant de l’école, Nicolas a suivi un gros chat. Nicolas a pensé que le chat aime manger et Nicolas a donné au chat un pain de foie. Le chat n’aime pas le foie et il a pensé que c’est pour les personnes pauvres. Il veut les Coquilles Saint-Jacques. Nicolas ne sait pas que le chat veut les Coquilles Saint-Jacques car il ne parle pas la langue des chats. Il a ramené le chat à la maison; peut-être maman sait! Maman aime les chats, et quand Nicolas est arrivé avec le gros chat, elle est allée à la cuisine. Quand Maman est retournée, elle a eu une assiette de Coquilles Saint-Jacques!!! Elle a su ce que le chat a voulu! Le chat n’a pas de collier d’identification, alors Maman et Nicolas ont décidé de garder le gros chat. As he was leaving school, Nicolas followed a fat cat. Nicolas thought that the cat likes to eat and Nicolas gave the cat liver bread. The cat does not like liver and he thought that it is for poor people. He wants scallops. Nicolas doesn’t know that the cat wants scallops because he doesn’t speak the language of cats. He brought the cat to his house; maybe Mom knows! Mom loves cats, and when Nicolas arrived with the fat cat, she went to the kitchen. When Mom returned, she had a plate of scallops! She knew what the cat wanted! The cat didn’t have an identification collar, so Mom and Nicolas decided to keep the fat cat.


Bonjour Monsieur Hello sir Arianna Radona ‘19 Bonjour Monsieur, Le bien-être des habitants de la Terre est important. Le soleil est nuisible et rend l’eau insuffisante. L’incendie est mauvais pour la forêt et les rivières. Le déchet est mauvais pour l’océan. L’eau en plein air n’est pas pure. Le bien-être de la Terre a besoin d’être protégé. -


Hello Sir, The well being of Earth’s inhabitants is important. The sun is harmful and is making the water insufficient. The fire is bad for the forest and the rivers. The trash is bad for the ocean. The water outside isn’t pure. The well being of the Earth needs to be protected. -

Forget-me-not flower


Restaurant de Banane Banana’s Restaurant Kuali‘i Copp ‘19


Où sont Les Escargots? Where are the snails? Savannah Ames ‘21


La Pause De Midi The Lunch Break Ginger Link ‘20




你好 Hello

Grace Grange ‘20


我在中国的生活 My Life in China

Emily Richardson ‘18


我和我的家人 My Family and I

Angelina Agufa ‘19


我在北京生活 My Life in Beijing

Gretchen Felten ‘20


去日本的旅行 A Trip to Japan

Kelsey Nakagawa ‘19


我的家人 My Family

Mae Sebastian ‘19


我的家庭的中国新年 My Family’s Chinese New Year Savanna Ton ‘19


讨论未来 Discussing the Future

Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18 and Alex Strack ‘18


我的宿舍 My Dorm

Naomi Sano ‘17 and Tracy Chuc ‘17


我最喜欢的中国城市 My Favorite Chinese City in China Mari Harwit ‘17




Mein Name ist Lara Holtkamp My Name is Lara Holtkamp Lara Holtkamp ‘19

Hallo, mein Name ist Lara Holtkamp, bin 17 Jahre alt und komme aus der Schweiz, Lenzburg. Ich bin eine Austauschsch​ül​erin und hier f​ü​r zehn Monate in La Pietra- Hawaii School for Girls. Während meinen Monaten in​ La Pietra- Hawaii School for Girls sind meine ​Hobbys an den Strand gehen, hiken oder einfach was mit Freunden unternehmen. Hello, my name is Lara Holtkamp, ​I am 17 years old and I am from Switzerland, Lenzburg. I am an exchange student and here for ten months at La Pietra- Hawaii School for Girls. During my months at La Pietra- Hawaii School for Girls, my hobbies are going to the beach, hiking or just doing something with friends.


Thư cho gia đình tôi Letter to my Family

Malaya Caligtan-Tran ‘18


한국어 하세요? Can You Speak Korean? Lanihuli Gilbert ‘18




This 2016-2017 Passport Publication is dedicated to:

Mrs. Annie Rogers

Thank you Mrs. Rogers for your four decade commitment to La Pietra. You have touched generations of students here. We will forever cherish the time we spent in your classes. Thank you for teaching us about photography and photoshop. We will greatly miss you and your bright smile, always welcoming us into the classroom. Best wishes in retirement.


The Passport ‘Ohana 56


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