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Dónde celebrar el 4 de Julio en Memphis
Where to Celebrate the 4th of July in Memphis
del 30 de junio al 3 de julio con los Memphis Redbirds en el AutoZone Park. Después de cada juego habrá un gran espectáculo de fuegos artificiales con música patriótica. Para horarios y más información, ir a: https:// www.milb.com/memphis/tickets/ 4th-of-july
“Graceland’s All-American Weekend”:
Celebra la independencia de Estados Unidos de América en Graceland con la música de Elvis, fuegos artificiales y BBQ.
En honor a la festividad, Graceland tendrá el 1 y 2 de julio varios eventos y fiestas especiales, aunque no todos son gratis. Además, la icónica Mansión de Graceland estará bellamente iluminada en rojo, blanco y azul durante todo el fin de semana.
Los fuegos artificiales para celebrar el 4 de Julio al estilo de Elvis serán llevados a cabo el domingo, 2 de julio, a partir de las 8 p.m., en Elvis Presley’s Memphis. La entrada para este evento sí es gratis.
Para más información, visita: https://www.graceland.com/july-4
“Memphis Fireworks Festival”:
Organizado por la Ciudad de Memphis y Downtown Memphis Commission, este festival del “Día de la Independencia de los Estados Unidos” es gratuito para toda la familia y será llevado a cabo el 3 de julio en el Liberty Park (335 S. Hollywood St.). Comienza a las 5 p.m. Habrá música en vivo, comida, bebidas y fuegos artificiales (9 p.m.). El estacionamiento también es gratis.
“City of Bartlett Fireworks Extravaganza”:
Esta celebración, que será totalmente gratis, se llevará a cabo el 3 de julio, de 6 p.m. a 9:30 p.m., en el Bobby K. Flaherty Municipal Center (3730
Appling Road, Bartlett, TN 38133). Habrá entretenimiento en vivo, comida, bebidas y juegos para toda la familia. El show de fuegos artificiales empezará a las 9:10 p.m.
Celebración del Día de la Independencia en Collierville, TN:
Este evento ofrecerá música en vivo, comida, bebidas, juegos y un emocionante espectáculo de fuegos artificiales (9:30 p.m.). Es totalmente gratis y se llevará a cabo el lunes, 3 de julio, en el H.W. Cox Park, situado en el 440 W. Powell Road, en Collierville, TN. Horario: 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Día de la Independencia en Olive Branch, MS:
El evento de “Celebrate Your Independence Day” con la Ciudad de Olive Branch será el 3 de julio en el Parque de la Ciudad de Olive Branch (Olive Branch City Park - 8267 Goodman Road, Olive Branch, MS 38654). Comienza a las 4 p.m. y culmina con los fuegos artificiales a las 9:15 p.m. Habrá música en vivo, comida, bebidas y mucha diversión para todos.
“Germantown Fireworks Extravaganza”:
Esta celebración familiar incluye comida, bebidas, entretenimiento (juegos, brincolines, etc.), música en vivo y fuegos artificiales. Siendo totalmente gratis, este evento será llevado a cabo el martes, 4 DE JULIO, de 5 p.m. a 10 p.m., en el Parque Municipal (1900 S. Germantown Road).
Del 4 De Julio
Según narra la historia, el “Día de la Independencia” no tenía que haber sido el 4 de julio, sino el 2 del mismo mes. En la primavera de 1775, después de más de una década de agitación contra las políticas inglesas y las primeras batallas de la Guerra de la Independencia, las 13 colonias esta- dounidenses enviaron a sus representantes al primer Congreso Continental celebrado en Filadelfia. Después de mucho debate acerca de cortar los vínculos con Gran Bretaña, los representantes votaron unánimemente por la independencia el 2 de julio de 1776.
Al día siguiente, en una carta a su esposa, el representante de Massachusetts, John Adams, dijo que la fecha “debía hacerse solemne con pompa y desfiles, con demostraciones, juegos, deportes, fusiles, campanas, fogatas e iluminaciones de uno a otro confín de este Continente de ahora en adelante y para siempre jamás”.
A muchos de los representantes que asistieron al Congreso Continental les preocupaba que el voto por la independencia no fuera suficiente; querían explicar su decisión al mundo. Así que dos días después de su importante voto, el Congreso Continental aprobó la Declaración de Independencia y envió copias a todo el país. La declaración tenía la fecha del 4 de julio.
El “4 de Julio” rápidamente se caracterizó por los desfiles, conciertos, comidas y fuegos artificiales. Hoy en día, la celebración sigue siendo la misma, miles de personas se reúnen cada año en distintos festivales, en cada región del país, para disfrutar juntos de la gran fiesta nacional.
MEMPHIS, TN (LPL) --- As the “Independence Day of the United States” is one of the most important dates in the nation, this year will be much better, since the “4th of July” falls on a Tuesday and that will allow us to celebrate for six days or so, beginning on June 29 with the festival taking place in Millington, TN.
Next, La Prensa Latina brings you Continúa en la página 4 this list of events that will be taking place in Memphis and its surroundings:
Millington Flag City Freedom Celebration:
This “4th OF JULY” celebration will be taking place on Thursday, June 29. It includes food, drinks, live music, a special area for children, and fireworks. Admission is free, although you would have to pay $5 for parking, which is limited. It is allowed to bring picnic baskets, folding garden chairs and coolers. Hours: 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 pm. Where: Millington Sports Complex (4885 Bill Knight Avenue, Millington, TN 38053).
Independence Day in Arlington, TN:
This free event, called the “Star Spangled Spectacular,” will take place on June 30 at the Arlington Sports Complex (11307 Memphis Arlington Road) from 5 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. There will be live music, food, drinks, and fireworks.
“Red, White, and Boom Celebration!” at AutoZone Park:
Celebrate Independence Day from June 30 to July 3 with the Memphis Redbirds at AutoZone Park. After each game there will be a great fireworks’ show with patriotic music. For hours and more information, go to: https://www.milb.com/memphis/tickets/4th-of-july
“Graceland’s All-American Weekend”:
Celebrate the independence of the United States of America at Graceland with Elvis’ music, fireworks, and BBQ.
In honor of this holiday, Graceland will be hosting several events on July 1 and July 2 – some of these events require paid tickets. Additionally, the iconic Graceland Mansion will be beautifully lit in red, white, and blue throughout the weekend.
• All-American Party & Elvis Fireworks Extravaganza – Fireworks to celebrate the 4th of July will take place on Sunday, July 2, starting at 8 p.m., at Elvis Presley’s Memphis. Admission to this event is free.
For more information, visit: https://www.graceland.com/july-4
Memphis Fireworks Festival: www.facebook.com/laprensalatinamedia
Organized by the City of Memphis and Downtown Memphis Commission, this “Independence Day” festival is free for the whole family and will be held on July 3 at Liberty Park (335 S. Hollywood St.). It starts at 5 p.m. There will be live music, food, drinks, and fireworks (9 p.m.). Parking is also free.
City of Bartlett Fireworks Extravaganza:
This completely free celebration will take place on July 3, from 6 p.m. to 9:30 p.m., at the Bobby K. Flaherty Municipal Center (3730 Appling Road, Bartlett, TN 38133). There will be live entertainment, food, drinks, and games for the whole family. The fireworks show will start at 9:10 p.m.
Independence Day Celebration in Collierville, TN:
This event will feature live music, food, drinks, games, and an exciting fireworks’ show – which is at 9:30 p.m. It’s totally free and will take place on Monday, July 3, at the H.W. Cox Park, located at 440 W. Powell Road, in Collierville, TN. Hours: 6:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
Independence Day in Olive Branch, MS:
The “Olive Branch Independence Day” event will be held on July 3 at the Olive Branch City Park, located at 8267 Goodman Road in Olive Branch, MS 38654. It starts at 4 p.m. and ends with fireworks at 9:15 p.m. There will be live music, food, drinks, and lots of fun for everyone.
Germantown Fireworks Extravaganza:
This family-friendly celebration includes food, drinks, entertainment (games, moon bounces, etc.), live music, and fireworks. Being totally free, this event will be held on Tuesday, JULY 4, from 5 p.m. to 10 p.m., at the Municipal Park (1900 S. Germantown Road).
History Of The 4th Of July
According to American history, the “Independence Day” should have been on July 2, but on July 4. In the spring of 1775, after more than a decade of agitation against English policies and the opening battles of the Revolutionary War, the 13 American colonies sent their representatives to the first Continental Congress in Philadelphia. After much debate about severing ties with Great Britain, the representatives unanimously voted for independence on July 2, 1776.
The next day, in a letter to his wife, Massachusetts Representative John Adams said the date should be “commemorated as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires, and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.”
Many of the representatives who attended the Continental Congress were concerned that the vote for independence was not enough; they wanted to explain their decision to the world. So, two days after their important vote, the Continental Congress approved the Declaration of Independence and sent copies across the country. The statement was dated July 4.
The “4th of July” quickly became characterized by parades, concerts, food, and fireworks. Today, the celebration remains the same; thousands of people gather each year at different festivals, in each region of the country, to enjoy the great national holiday together.

(Fuentes/Sources: IIP
Departamento de Estado de
Unidos / I Love Memphis)