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2 Del Gobierno De M Xico
ITALY (AP) --- Four temples from ancient Rome, dating back as far as the 3rd century B.C. stand smack in the middle of one of the modern city’s busiest crossroads.
But until Monday, June 19, practically the only ones getting a close-up view of the temples were the cats that prowl the so-called “Sacred Area,” on the edge of the site where Julius Caesar was assassinated.
With the help of funding from Bulgari, the luxury jeweler, the grouping of temples can now be visited by the public.
For decades, the curious had to gaze down from the bustling sidewalks rimming Largo Argentina (Argentina Square) to admire the temples below. That’s because, over the centuries, the
Behind two of the temples is a foundation and part of a wall that archaeologists believe were part of Pompey’s Curia, a large rectangular-shaped hall that temporarily hosted the Roman Senate when Caesar was murdered. What leads archaeologists to pinpoint the ruins as Pompey’s Curia?
“We know it with certainty because latrines were found on the sides” of Pompey’s Curia, and ancient texts mentioned the latrines, said Claudio Parisi Presicce, an archaeologist and Rome’s top official for cultural heritage.
The temples emerged during the demolition of medieval-era buildings in the late 1920s, part of dictator Benito Mussolini’s campaign to remake the urban landscape. A tower at one edge of Largo Argentina once topped a medieval palace.
Por/By Frances D’Emilio Foto/Photo: Domenico Stinellis/AP
Mexico’s President Appoints Young Woman to Top Cabinet Post
MÉXICO (AP) --- Una joven abogada mexicana, exlegisladora y quien ha sido la titular de Trabajo en la administración del presidente Andrés Manuel López Obrador, es ahora la número dos del gabinete, tras ser nombrada el lunes, 19 de junio, secretaria de Gobernación.
Luisa María Alcalde, de 35 años, sustituye a Adán Augusto López, en el más reciente ajuste del gobierno mexicano motivado por las renuncias de los altos cargos que, como López, aspiran a la candidatura presidencial del partido oficialista, Morena, en las elecciones del 2024.
Alcalde destacó su trabajo para aumentar el salario mínimo en cuatro ocasiones desde el inicio de la actual administración, en diciembre del 2018.
Inició su actividad política en apoyo de López Obrador desde antes de su primera candidatura presidencial en el 2006. En el 2012, fue elegida diputada por Morena, el entonces recién creado partido del actual mandatario, cargo que desempeñó hasta 2015.
En el 2018, se convirtió en la mujer más joven en ser Secretaria de Estado en el México moderno, según el gobierno.
MEXICO (AP) --- Mexico’s president announced on Monday, June 19, the appointment of a 35-year-old lawyer as interior secretary, considered the country’s top Cabinet post.
Luisa María Alcalde previously served as secretary of labor. In that post, she oversaw the implementation of reforms meant to ensure fair and transparent voting procedures and free organizing in Mexico’s corruption-riddled union sector.

Alcalde will become the second woman to be interior secretary, which is the Mexican government’s top domestic affairs position.
Early in his administration, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador named Olga Sánchez Cordero to the post, but she left to return to the Senate.
Alcalde was appointed to replace Adán Augusto López, who resigned as interior secretary last week in order to compete in the primary race for the 2024 presidential nomination of López Obrador’s Morena party.
Foto/Photo: Rebecca Blackwell/AP