2 minute read

Pi Day

By: Gina Dewar

On March 14th, or 3/14, we celebrate PI DAY. If you remember your math lessons, PI is a mathematical constant equal to 3.1416, with the symbol being

Established in 1988 by Larry Shaw, this day is observed and celebrated in numerous ways.

If you go to grocery stores on PI Day, fruit pies are sold for $3.14.

Pizzas (which are also called pies) are also celebrated on March 14 with great deals and prices.

If you want to go to an extreme celebration, you might want to throw a pie at someone! (Make sure it is not a hot apple pie, though!)

Here is a delicious PIE recipe for you to make during the month of March (No baking required):



– 1 1/2 cups graham cracker crumbs (you can buy them already crumbled)

– 1/4 cup packed light brown sugar (any brand works)

– 1/2 cup unsalted butter, melted

– 3 (8-oz) pkgs cream cheese, softened

– 4 (4-oz) cups of peach and mango canned fruit (any brand), juice and fruit separated into 2 bowls

– 1/2 cup granulated sugar

– 1 tsp vanilla extract

– Finely grated peel of 1 orange


– Mix graham cracker crumbs, brown sugar, and butter until evenly combined.

– Press mixture evenly into the bottom and sides of a 9-inch pie pan.

– Beat together cream cheese, fruit juice, granulated sugar, vanilla, and orange peel until smooth.

– Pour into pie crust and place peach and mango fruit evenly over top.

– Cover and refrigerate until firm, about 6 hours.

Happy PI DAY!

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