4 minute read

Bioidentical Hormones

Bioidentical Hormones

By Dr. Michele Dewar Soto.


You are faced with a feeling of suffocation, drowning, nervousness, anguish, shortness of breath, irritability, insomnia, lack of concentration, lack of energy, and mood changes. How to differentiate if you are facing a panic attack or, will it be menopause/andropause?

Most people think menopause is just those panic attacks, hot flashes, sweating, or mood changes (irritability, crying easily) when in reality, we know that it goes much further.

From the age of 35, this decline in hormones begins, and there is no reason why you must wait for symptoms to appear before you are prescribed hormone replacement. There is much controversy in this regard. The ideal would be to maintain a hormonal balance (mainly progesterone, estrogen, and testosterone) before they manifest symptoms of perimenopause.

Hormones are vitally important for the overall health of every human being. These hormones are altered throughout our lives and vary from person to person. Everybody is different. This hormonal imbalance, which we sooner or later go through, depends significantly on our lifestyle and physiological changes. Some signs can be if we had our first period (menarche) at an early age, had one or several pregnancies, or never had a pregnancy. Even the use of oral contraceptives causes a significant hormonal imbalance (they affect progesterone levels and alter brain chemistry).

Menopause is a phase in a woman’s life (andropause in men). It is not a disease, although in many cases, it is accompanied by specific physical and emotional changes

that you should be aware of to avoid losing your quality of life. A significant decrease in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone determines menopause. Its main symptoms are irregular menstrual cycles, hot flashes, night sweats, palpitations, insomnia, vertigo, headache, emotional disturbances, vaginal dryness, dry skin, weight gain, fatigue, and lack of libido, among others, due to a hormonal imbalance.

The decrease in estrogen can cause various diseases such as osteoporosis, cerebrovascular diseases, heart attacks, Alzheimer’s, or cancer. Estrogens have different functions in other organs. In the osteoarticular apparatus, it contributes to the maintenance of bone and calcium fixation. In the arteries, it facilitates the relaxation of the arterial walls, increasing the blood supply to the tissues. At the brain level, it acts on blood flow, the supply of glucose, and the growth of neurons and neurotransmitters with a positive effect on mood, state of mind, quality of sleep, and a feeling of wellbeing. At the urinary level, it acts on the mucosa of the bladder and urethra, maintaining a regular urinary frequency. On the skin, it maintains collagen levels and a healthy skin appearance.

Before reaching menopause, we can avoid the deterioration and diseases that this entails with an adequate hormonal replacement, giving our body what it needs or what it no longer produces, in this case, hormones. Avoid using synthetic hormones (conjugated hormones from the pharmaceutical industry are often associated with heart attacks, cancer, clots, fluid retention, embolisms, varicose veins, etc.) The ideal is to opt for something natural, made from sweet potato and soy protein, known as


Thanks to advances in science on this subject, the opportunity is provided to offer a more natural alternative to this hormone replacement. They are hormones derived from a natural plant source, compounded to be biologically identical to the human form of estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone. Unlike other forms of hormone therapy, bioidentical hormone replacement has few side effects.

There are several forms of application, cream (topical), injection, and the insertion of “pellets” of bioidentical hormones in a simple procedure in the office.

Get the main benefits of using pellets:

1. Cognitive protection and emotional balance

2. Osteoarticular protection

3. Reduction of hot flashes and hot flashes (hot flashes)

4. Improve sexual desire and fulfillment

5. Optimize sports performance

6. Preserve the health of our organs

Keep in mind that the best medicine is preventive—that which prevents, in the first instance, the person from getting sick. We can help you.

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