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April Fools' Day

April Fools' Day

On April 1st, we celebrate April Fool’s Day, a day where jokes and pranks are celebrated commemorating one of the most non-religious holidays in the world. It originated in Great Britain, and nobody really knows how it started in the early 17th century, but every year pranks and practical jokes get better and better!

Newspapers, media and websites make up stories and hoaxes to fool readers and gullible audiences. Kids love being fooled and fooling their parents and teachers if everyone is a good sport.

La Revista Binacional wants to give you some ideas about things you can do to fool your family, friends, and co-workers!

For kids:

• Brussels Sprouts lollipops! Carefully take off the wrapper of a lollipop. Cut hard candy and save the stick. Put the stick in a brussels sprout and put the wrapping back on! Kids will laugh and hopefully eat them too!

• Lunch with ants! Invest in fake ants and sprinkle them all over inside your kids’ lunchboxes

• Mint Oreos! Carefully pull apart a few Oreos and scrape the white cream filling off. Use white mint toothpaste between them and put them on a plate to entice your kids (and co-workers!).

For adults:

• Swap sugar for salt, especially in the office break room.

• Send everyone an email or text with the following link:

• WORLD’S BIGGEST FOOL! https://facebook.com/profile. php?=733

• Upside down computer. If your co-workers have their computer on, have them go to another room or when they leave their desk and do the following:

1. For Windows: CTRL + ALT + Down Arrow (everything turns upside down).

2. For Mac: System Preferences. Hold Command and Option while clicking on Display, and then hit the ‘180’ option.

Do you have special tricks and pranks? Let us know!

Stay on the lookout this April 1st! We don’t want you to be fooled.

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