6:47 PM
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RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER Postmaster: Dated Materials
INSIDE FEATURES 24 A Little About Us: LARPD Foundation
5 Aquatics: Scuba Camp & More 39 Adult Sports: Leagues & Tournaments 40 55+Activities: 10 Preschool: Fun and Games Play More 18 Youth Interests: Find A Hobby!
C2_01 TOC:F&W
4:26 PM
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California District 57 hosts the
Intermediate Division Little League World Series
Registration .................. 2-3 Aquatics........................ 4-8 Preschool.................. 10-11 Preschool Special Interest.......... 11 Youth Dance............. 12-13 Youth Gymnastics.... 14-15 Youth Martial Arts.... 16-17 Dog Parks....................... 18 Youth Special Interest.....18-19 Youth Sports.............. 20-21 Teens......................... 22-23
July 29 – August 4, 2014 Max Baer Park
Livermore, CA
Teams from around the world
SPECIAL EVENTS Parties...................................... 9 Ravenswood.......................... 17 Rentals.................................... 17 Youth Triathlon.... Inside Front Cover
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District an independent special district
Full schedule of events and information: intermediateworldseries.org
Scan for website
About LARPD Foundation................. 24-25 SPECIAL SUMMER CAMP PULLOUT INSERT Online Learning ................ 27 Outdoor Recreation..... 28-29 Adult Dance.................. 30-31 Adult Fitness................. 32-33 Adult Martial Arts............. 34 Adult Special Interest........ 35-37 Adult Sports................. 38-39 55+ Services................. 40-41
55+ Programs................... 42-43 55+ Classes................. 44-45, 47 55+ Trips................................. 46 Activity Index........................ 48
Robert Livermore Community Center District Offices 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550 • 925.373.5700 Email: info@larpd.org
Website: www.larpd.org Like us on Facebook: Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Administrative Office Hours: M-Th-8:00 am-6:00 pm; F-8:00 am – 5:00 pm General Manager: Timothy Barry Board of Directors: Bob Coomber, Maryalice Faltings, Steve Goodman, David Hutchinson and Beth Wilson Mission Provide the people of this area with an outstanding system of parks, recreation areas and facilities. Provide recreation programs that will stimulate, educate and enrich the lives of people within the District.
5–6 yrs 7–8 yrs 9–10 yrs 11–12 yrs 13–14 yrs
25 yds (1 lap) 50 yds (2 laps) 50 yds (2 laps) 100 yds (4 laps) 100 yds (4 laps)
1 mi 2 mi 2 mi 3 mi 3 mi
Run /4 mi 1 /2 mi 1 /2 mi 1 mi 1 mi 1
Register early. Limited space available in each age group. Bring your own bike, helmet & swim gear For more information, contact Zack Silva, 925.373.5733 or zsilva@larpd.org
S u n d a y, M a y 18 Registration Opens March 26
at the Robert Livermore Community Center 4444 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550 $25/person thru May 9 (includes T-shirt) $35/person after May 9 (if space available)
No registration on the day of event
7 am – Noon
Register online at LARPD.org or call 925.373.5700
Board Meetings and Communicating with LARPD The public is invited to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings, held the second and last Wednesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at the Robert Livermore Community Center, 4444 East Ave. in Livermore, and comment on any topic concerning local parks and recreation services and facilities. In addition, if the public has a concern or question about District services or facilities, they can be addressed to the General Manager, at info@larpd.org. Board meetings are recorded and broadcast on Cable TV Channel 29 the week following each Board meeting. Activity Guides The LARPD Activity Guide is published three times per year: Summer, Fall/Winter and Winter/Spring. Readers can also view the LARPD Magazine online at www.larpd.org. Any changes that take place after the print guide is published can be found in the online guide edition. Photo Policy LARPD reserves the right to use photos taken of visitors while they are visiting LARPD facilities or special events or participating in any department programs. Such photographs may be used by Livermore Area Recreation and Park District for publicity purposes. Summer Holiday Closures The District Offices are closed on: April 18, May 26, Jul 4, Sept 1, 2014.
Message from the
General Manager
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” This quote from Ben Franklin was the hallmark of our agrarian society in his day. While sleep is important, we do many more things to try to be “healthy, wealthy, and wise” these days. LARPD provides the “healthy” and “wise” pieces through our many fitness and enrichment programs, classes and camps for all ages. You’re on your own for the “wealthy” piece! Part of our mission is to “…stimulate, educate and enrich the lives of people within the District.” We do this by offering the many sports, fitness, swimming, and social activities listed in this summer edition of “Parks & Play.” And while these activities are all good for your heart, by featuring the LARPD Foundation in our center spread story, we hope you will also “have a heart” and donate needed funds to the many good works this Foundation does. From providing activity scholarships to low income families to providing needed park features and facilities enhancements, the LARPD Foundation continues its long history of raising funds to benefit the community. Our Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan is nearly complete. This updated Master Plan will guide the District for years to come and we appreciate your giving us your feedback. Shea Homes is now building Cayetano Park near Las Positas College. The park, planned with LARPD and city staff and paid for from Shea Homes development fees, will be turned over to LARPD to operate. It will feature a dog park (our 7th!), playground, synthetic turf lighted field, restrooms, picnic areas and basketball court. Watch for a grand opening announcement this fall. The declared drought has changed the appearance of over 40 park areas we maintain for you, and we don’t like it one bit. However, we are doing our part for water conservation, with a 20% cutback in water usage. With thousands of sprinkler heads and miles of irrigation pipe to manage, it “takes a village” to be sure it is working efficiently. So, please report any water issues to park maintenance at (925) 960-2440. Finally, take time to find something new in here just for you. A healthier and happier “you” makes others around you healthier and happier, too! Now, get out and play, enjoy your summer!
Tim Barry General Manager
C2_01 TOC:F&W
4:26 PM
Page 2
California District 57 hosts the
Intermediate Division Little League World Series
Registration .................. 2-3 Aquatics........................ 4-8 Preschool.................. 10-11 Preschool Special Interest.......... 11 Youth Dance............. 12-13 Youth Gymnastics.... 14-15 Youth Martial Arts.... 16-17 Dog Parks....................... 18 Youth Special Interest.....18-19 Youth Sports.............. 20-21 Teens......................... 22-23
July 29 – August 4, 2014 Max Baer Park
Livermore, CA
Teams from around the world
SPECIAL EVENTS Parties...................................... 9 Ravenswood.......................... 17 Rentals.................................... 17 Youth Triathlon.... Inside Front Cover
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District an independent special district
Full schedule of events and information: intermediateworldseries.org
Scan for website
About LARPD Foundation................. 24-25 SPECIAL SUMMER CAMP PULLOUT INSERT Online Learning ................ 27 Outdoor Recreation..... 28-29 Adult Dance.................. 30-31 Adult Fitness................. 32-33 Adult Martial Arts............. 34 Adult Special Interest........ 35-37 Adult Sports................. 38-39 55+ Services................. 40-41
55+ Programs................... 42-43 55+ Classes................. 44-45, 47 55+ Trips................................. 46 Activity Index........................ 48
Robert Livermore Community Center District Offices 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 94550 • 925.373.5700 Email: info@larpd.org
Website: www.larpd.org Like us on Facebook: Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Administrative Office Hours: M-Th-8:00 am-6:00 pm; F-8:00 am – 5:00 pm General Manager: Timothy Barry Board of Directors: Bob Coomber, Maryalice Faltings, Steve Goodman, David Hutchinson and Beth Wilson Mission Provide the people of this area with an outstanding system of parks, recreation areas and facilities. Provide recreation programs that will stimulate, educate and enrich the lives of people within the District.
5–6 yrs 7–8 yrs 9–10 yrs 11–12 yrs 13–14 yrs
25 yds (1 lap) 50 yds (2 laps) 50 yds (2 laps) 100 yds (4 laps) 100 yds (4 laps)
1 mi 2 mi 2 mi 3 mi 3 mi
Run /4 mi 1 /2 mi 1 /2 mi 1 mi 1 mi 1
Register early. Limited space available in each age group. Bring your own bike, helmet & swim gear For more information, contact Zack Silva, 925.373.5733 or zsilva@larpd.org
S u n d a y, M a y 18 Registration Opens March 26
at the Robert Livermore Community Center 4444 East Ave., Livermore, CA 94550 $25/person thru May 9 (includes T-shirt) $35/person after May 9 (if space available)
No registration on the day of event
7 am – Noon
Register online at LARPD.org or call 925.373.5700
Board Meetings and Communicating with LARPD The public is invited to attend the monthly Board of Directors meetings, held the second and last Wednesdays of the month at 7 p.m. at the Robert Livermore Community Center, 4444 East Ave. in Livermore, and comment on any topic concerning local parks and recreation services and facilities. In addition, if the public has a concern or question about District services or facilities, they can be addressed to the General Manager, at info@larpd.org. Board meetings are recorded and broadcast on Cable TV Channel 29 the week following each Board meeting. Activity Guides The LARPD Activity Guide is published three times per year: Summer, Fall/Winter and Winter/Spring. Readers can also view the LARPD Magazine online at www.larpd.org. Any changes that take place after the print guide is published can be found in the online guide edition. Photo Policy LARPD reserves the right to use photos taken of visitors while they are visiting LARPD facilities or special events or participating in any department programs. Such photographs may be used by Livermore Area Recreation and Park District for publicity purposes. Summer Holiday Closures The District Offices are closed on: April 18, May 26, Jul 4, Sept 1, 2014.
Message from the
General Manager
“Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise.” This quote from Ben Franklin was the hallmark of our agrarian society in his day. While sleep is important, we do many more things to try to be “healthy, wealthy, and wise” these days. LARPD provides the “healthy” and “wise” pieces through our many fitness and enrichment programs, classes and camps for all ages. You’re on your own for the “wealthy” piece! Part of our mission is to “…stimulate, educate and enrich the lives of people within the District.” We do this by offering the many sports, fitness, swimming, and social activities listed in this summer edition of “Parks & Play.” And while these activities are all good for your heart, by featuring the LARPD Foundation in our center spread story, we hope you will also “have a heart” and donate needed funds to the many good works this Foundation does. From providing activity scholarships to low income families to providing needed park features and facilities enhancements, the LARPD Foundation continues its long history of raising funds to benefit the community. Our Parks, Recreation and Trails Master Plan is nearly complete. This updated Master Plan will guide the District for years to come and we appreciate your giving us your feedback. Shea Homes is now building Cayetano Park near Las Positas College. The park, planned with LARPD and city staff and paid for from Shea Homes development fees, will be turned over to LARPD to operate. It will feature a dog park (our 7th!), playground, synthetic turf lighted field, restrooms, picnic areas and basketball court. Watch for a grand opening announcement this fall. The declared drought has changed the appearance of over 40 park areas we maintain for you, and we don’t like it one bit. However, we are doing our part for water conservation, with a 20% cutback in water usage. With thousands of sprinkler heads and miles of irrigation pipe to manage, it “takes a village” to be sure it is working efficiently. So, please report any water issues to park maintenance at (925) 960-2440. Finally, take time to find something new in here just for you. A healthier and happier “you” makes others around you healthier and happier, too! Now, get out and play, enjoy your summer!
Tim Barry General Manager
6:30 PM
Page 2
Important Registration Information Non-Residents
Online Registration
Waiver A Participant Agreement Waiver, signed by a parent or guardian, is required for participants under 18 years. It is up to the participant to give this form to the instructor on the first day of class. Your child will NOT be able to participate without this form. Download the form at www.larpd.org. Click on "Forms" from the menu on the right. All adults will sign a waiver form at class.
• Once you have logged on and are in the system, click the Search button located in the right hand corner of the page. • A box with Key words will appear. In the Key words box, type in the first few words of a class title or one general term such as “camp” and then click on Show list. • Typing in a few words or a general term such as “camp” will return the largest number of class options. • For online help, please call us at 925-373-5700.
Class Refund Policy
Access and Inclusion Do you or a family member have special needs or require an accommodation to make classes and programs accessible? Let us help! Please call 925.373.5700 so that we can meet with you and discuss options and/or accommodations to create your customized recreation and park experience. LARPD supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and stands ready to help you participate in our services.
New LARPD Customers: Follow the instructions to create a new account and get your new ID and password. Then login, set up your account and you will be ready to register.
for Online Registration
Transfer requests made less than 7 (seven) days prior to first class meeting are considered cancellations and cannot be completed. Failure to attend class or "no shows" will not be granted a refund/credit.
Returned Checks
2. Click 2
Search Tip
7-Day Transfer Policy
A $20 fee is charged for any check returned by your bank.
1. www.larpd.org 1
By Phone In Person
Call 925-373-5700 Hours:
How Does Mail-in Registration Work?
Summer 2014
Wednesday March 26, 8 am
Non-District residents may register for activities on the same dates and times as residents. Non-residents will be charged 20% more per activity than the listed activity fee.
1. LARPD reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or combine classes, or change instructors. If insufficient enrollment causes a class to be cancelled, notification will be given and a full refund granted. 2. Please choose your activities very carefully. If you must cancel your registration, we require notification at least 7 (seven) days before the first meeting of that class. 3. You may request either a credit or a refund check (less a $5 service charge) PER class. 4. Any cancellation received less than 7 (seven) days prior to the start date will not receive a refund/credit. For a refund, call 925-373-5700. No emails please.
Mail-In Registration
Registration Opens
Form MUST be COMPLETED and SIGNED. Incomplete forms will be returned. Please Print. PRIMARY ADULT CONTACT NAME or ADULT PARTICIPANT’S NAME First Name
1. Fill out the registration form completely. Incomplete forms will be returned unprocessed. 2. Please list your second choice for the same activity.
Last Name 3. Payment method – Check Only.
Home Ph.(
Work Ph.(
4. If friends want to register for the same activity, put registration forms and payments in the same envelope.
Other (
5. Signatures are required.
E-mail address Emergency Contact
Phone (
6. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed, legal sized envelope.
7. Mail to:
Relationship to Participant
LARPD Summer 2014 Registration 4444 East Ave. Livermore, CA 94550-5053
• Please Note: Online registration is the best method to register for the greatest number of classes.
• Mail-in Registration will be opened in random order beginning March 24, 2 pm. • If a mail-in registration is hand carried to the LARPD District Office, it will be opened with the NEXT business day's mail. • Please refer to the 7-day refund and transfer policies on opposite page.
1st Choice
Participant's First & Last Name Sex
Danny Montoya
Activity Name Swimming
2nd Choice
A 6/23–6/27
B 7/7–7/11
M-Th 8 am–6 pm; F 8 am–5 pm
Robert Livermore Community Center 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA Hours: M–F 8 am–6 pm; Sat, please call
By Mail
LARPD Fall Registration Robert Livermore Community Center 4444 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550-5053
Satisfaction Guarantee Guarantee is based on the fulfillment of our promise to deliver quality programming. If you are not satisfied, we kindly request your input in the form of suggestions, comments and ideas on changes for improvement. If, after attending the first day of class/camp, you are not completely satisfied, please let us know within 24 hours after the first day of class and we will: • Issue a credit (less $5) to your LARPD account that can be applied to any other class within one year from date of issue, (provided you attended the first class and were dissatisfied. We are not liable for a participant who fails to attend class.) Your receipt, canceled check, or proof of I.D. may be required. Sorry, we CANNOT issue credits for missed classes, swim passes, facility rentals, adult sports leagues, tickets and transportation costs to entertainment, sporting events, amusement parks, ski trips, or meals that are part of an LARPD event. No emails please! Please check the online version of this brochure at www.larpd.org. There are always last minute changes after this document has been printed. The online catalog will be the most current version.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Add Non-Resident Fee of 20% per activity if you do NOT reside within the District.
Children may only be registered by their parents/guardians.
Waiver, Medical Release, and miscellaneous forms All youths who register will be mailed the necessary waiver and release forms. A parent, or legal guardian, must complete AND sign the form(s) for youth participants. The registered person MUST bring the form(s) to their first class meeting. WITHOUT these forms the person WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the activity. When someone is registered for more than one activity, we will send set(s) of forms for each activity. J I have a special need
Your signature certifies you have read and understand all of the instructions and information on this page. Print Name
Signature of PARTICIPANT (Parent must sign for child under 18 years)
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
02_03 REGISTRATION updated:F&W
6:26 PM
Page 2
Important Registration Information Non-Residents
Online Registration
Waiver A Participant Agreement Waiver, signed by a parent or guardian, is required for participants under 18 years. It is up to the participant to give this form to the instructor on the first day of class. Your child will NOT be able to participate without this form. Download the form at www.larpd.org. Click on "Forms" from the menu on the right. All adults will sign a waiver form at class.
• Once you have logged on and are in the system, click the Search button located in the right hand corner of the page. • A box with Key words will appear. In the Key words box, type in the first few words of a class title or one general term such as “camp” and then click on Show list. • Typing in a few words or a general term such as “camp” will return the largest number of class options. • For online help, please call us at 925-373-5700.
Class Refund Policy
Access and Inclusion Do you or a family member have special needs or require an accommodation to make classes and programs accessible? Let us help! Please call 925.373.5700 so that we can meet with you and discuss options and/or accommodations to create your customized recreation and park experience. LARPD supports the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and stands ready to help you participate in our services.
New LARPD Customers: Follow the instructions to create a new account and get your new ID and password. Then login, set up your account and you will be ready to register.
for Online Registration
Transfer requests made less than 7 (seven) days prior to first class meeting are considered cancellations and cannot be completed. Failure to attend class or "no shows" will not be granted a refund/credit.
Returned Checks
2. Click 2
Search Tip
7-Day Transfer Policy
A $20 fee is charged for any check returned by your bank.
1. www.larpd.org 1
By Phone In Person
Call 925-373-5700 Hours:
How Does Mail-in Registration Work?
Summer 2014
Wednesday March 26, 8 am
Non-District residents may register for activities on the same dates and times as residents. Non-residents will be charged 20% more per activity than the listed activity fee.
1. LARPD reserves the right to cancel, postpone, or combine classes, or change instructors. If insufficient enrollment causes a class to be cancelled, notification will be given and a full refund granted. 2. Please choose your activities very carefully. If you must cancel your registration, we require notification at least 7 (seven) days before the first meeting of that class. 3. You may request either a credit or a refund check (less a $5 service charge) PER class. 4. Any cancellation received less than 7 (seven) days prior to the start date will not receive a refund/credit. For a refund, call 925-373-5700. No emails please.
Mail-In Registration
Registration Opens
Form MUST be COMPLETED and SIGNED. Incomplete forms will be returned. Please Print. PRIMARY ADULT CONTACT NAME or ADULT PARTICIPANT’S NAME First Name
1. Fill out the registration form completely. Incomplete forms will be returned unprocessed. 2. Please list your second choice for the same activity.
Last Name 3. Payment method – Check Only.
Home Ph.(
Work Ph.(
4. If friends want to register for the same activity, put registration forms and payments in the same envelope.
Other (
5. Signatures are required.
E-mail address Emergency Contact
Phone (
6. Enclose a stamped, self-addressed, legal sized envelope.
7. Mail to:
Relationship to Participant
LARPD Summer 2014 Registration 4444 East Ave. Livermore, CA 94550-5053
• Please Note: Online registration is the best method to register for the greatest number of classes.
• Mail-in Registration will be opened in random order beginning March 24, 2 pm. • If a mail-in registration is hand carried to the LARPD District Office, it will be opened with the NEXT business day's mail. • Please refer to the 7-day refund and transfer policies on opposite page.
1st Choice
Participant's First & Last Name Sex
Danny Montoya
Activity Name Swimming
2nd Choice
A 6/23–6/27
B 7/7–7/11
M-Th 8 am–6 pm; F 8 am–5 pm
Robert Livermore Community Center 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA Hours: M–F 8 am–6 pm; Sat, please call
By Mail
LARPD Fall Registration Robert Livermore Community Center 4444 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550-5053
Satisfaction Guarantee Guarantee is based on the fulfillment of our promise to deliver quality programming. If you are not satisfied, we kindly request your input in the form of suggestions, comments and ideas on changes for improvement. If, after attending the first day of class/camp, you are not completely satisfied, please let us know within 24 hours after the first day of class and we will: • Issue a credit (less $5) to your LARPD account that can be applied to any other class within one year from date of issue, (provided you attended the first class and were dissatisfied. We are not liable for a participant who fails to attend class.) Your receipt, canceled check, or proof of I.D. may be required. Sorry, we CANNOT issue credits for missed classes, swim passes, facility rentals, adult sports leagues, tickets and transportation costs to entertainment, sporting events, amusement parks, ski trips, or meals that are part of an LARPD event. No emails please! Please check the online version of this brochure at www.larpd.dst .ca.us. There are always last minute changes after this document has been printed. The online catalog will be the most current version.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Add Non-Resident Fee of 20% per activity if you do NOT reside within the District.
Children may only be registered by their parents/guardians.
Waiver, Medical Release, and miscellaneous forms All youths who register will be mailed the necessary waiver and release forms. A parent, or legal guardian, must complete AND sign the form(s) for youth participants. The registered person MUST bring the form(s) to their first class meeting. WITHOUT these forms the person WILL NOT be allowed to participate in the activity. When someone is registered for more than one activity, we will send set(s) of forms for each activity. J I have a special need
Your signature certifies you have read and understand all of the instructions and information on this page. Print Name
Signature of PARTICIPANT (Parent must sign for child under 18 years)
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
04_05 AQUATICS_0326:F&W
6:17 PM
Page 2
Institute of Diving Technology
M-F 6/23-6/27
May Nissen Swim Center
Prices are result of a grant from Kaiser Permanente. Entry
12-14 yrs This camp is made possible through
Swim Fees and Seasonal Passes (MAY NISSEN ONLY)*
Monday-Friday 1-4pm Saturday: 1-5pm Sunday: CLOSED
Aquatic Adventure Camp
685 Rincon Ave., Livermore, CA 925-960-2451
Hours of Operation
Learn about oceans and its critters, use diver hand signals, practice special diving skills, map and explore a wreck, discover tips and tricks only Seal Team Divers know. Become a certified PADI AWARE Kid and a PADI Seal Team Member. All SCUBA equipment is provided.
Recreational Summer Swimming
2014 Season: 6/17-8/19
Public Swim
Swim Pass
$0.25 $0.25
$15 $15
2-7 years Adults
a grant from the Department of Water Resources. Emphasis is on Water Safety. Participants introduced to three aquatic environments: pool, stream, and lake. Two field trips taken, one to Veteran’s Park and one to Del Valle Regional Park. Camp is for low-income families. Scholarship application required. Online registration not available for this program. Call 925-373-5751 for more information.
Children 24 months & younger FREE with an adult admission
Lap Swim (12+ yrs)
For adults and students interested in working out on their own. Beginners to experts welcome. Lanes may be assigned and circle swimming is required. Annual Lap Swim Pass 6/1/14-5/31/15 $475 NOTE: 6/4-6/12 there will be NO Mid-Day Lap Swim.
Robert Livermore Community Center Pools
Lap Swim Schedule
4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 925-373-5751 Schedule
NOTE: Use the Loyola Way parking lot for direct access to pools.
2014 Season: 6/17-8/31
Mornings Mid-Day
Swim Fees and Seasonal Passes Entry Under 48” Over 48” Spectator
Swim Pass
20 Visit Swim Pass
$3 $5 $4
$50 $90 $70
Children 24 months & younger FREE with an adult admission
Evenings Saturdays Fees Adult Youth/Seniors
Swim Passes
Activity Pool MTWThF Saturday Sunday
1-7pm 11am-6pm Noon-6pm
Lap Pool 1:30-5pm 11am-6pm Noon-6pm
Activity Pool Closed 6/16 Lap Pool Closed 6/16, 7/26
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Enjoy unlimited use of the Robert Livermore Community Center Pools and May Nissen Swim Center during recreational swim times. Family pass is valid for up to five (5) immediate family members living at the same address. Add $25 for each additional family member living at your address. A limited number of family passes will be sold on a firstcome, first-served basis. Adult................ $125 Child (2–4)......... $50
Summer 2014
Youth (5–17)........ $100 Senior (55–69).... $100
Days 6/17-8/22
$4 $3.50
Drop in at the special “toddlers only” swim time. Enjoy the zero entry pool with other little ones without the bustle of older children. Swim diapers required for children not yet potty trained. Adult must be within arm’s reach of their child at all times while in the water. Up to two children per adult. This is a non-structured swim program. No Toddler Time 5/26, 6/2-6/13, 9/1.
MWF, No 6/16, 7/4 M-F, No 6/16 MWF, No 6/16, 6/27, 7/4 & 7/11 Sat, No 7/26 Single Admission
Toddler Time (6 mos-5 yrs)
6-9am 10am-1:25pm 5:30-8pm 7:30-10:30am Swim Passes 15 for $55 50 for $172 15 for $50 50 for $150
Senior (70+) ......... $50 Family ................. $300
5/12-5/30 6/18-9/29
$2 /person
Splashball (6 - 10 yrs) Aquatic Staff
Splashball is a “T-ball” version of water polo designed to introduce the sport of water polo to boys and girls. Learn basic skills and understanding of water polo in a recreational format, while providing social development through participation in a team sport.
No Lap Swim 9am-1:25pm 6/4-6/12
(Valid 5/3 Till Activity Pool Closes in Fall)
Hours of Operation 6/17-8/22
Seal Team Kids Scuba Camp 8-12 yrs
• An hour of vigorous swimming can burn up to 650 calories... more than walking or biking. • Works out all the body’s major muscles. • Has been compared to yoga and meditation for its soothing effect on the mind and body. • Great heart and lungs workout, moving against water’s resistance (10 times more than that of air). Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
04_05 AQUATICS_0326:F&W
6:17 PM
Page 2
Institute of Diving Technology
M-F 6/23-6/27
May Nissen Swim Center
Prices are result of a grant from Kaiser Permanente. Entry
12-14 yrs This camp is made possible through
Swim Fees and Seasonal Passes (MAY NISSEN ONLY)*
Monday-Friday 1-4pm Saturday: 1-5pm Sunday: CLOSED
Aquatic Adventure Camp
685 Rincon Ave., Livermore, CA 925-960-2451
Hours of Operation
Learn about oceans and its critters, use diver hand signals, practice special diving skills, map and explore a wreck, discover tips and tricks only Seal Team Divers know. Become a certified PADI AWARE Kid and a PADI Seal Team Member. All SCUBA equipment is provided.
Recreational Summer Swimming
2014 Season: 6/17-8/19
Public Swim
Swim Pass
$0.25 $0.25
$15 $15
2-7 years Adults
a grant from the Department of Water Resources. Emphasis is on Water Safety. Participants introduced to three aquatic environments: pool, stream, and lake. Two field trips taken, one to Veteran’s Park and one to Del Valle Regional Park. Camp is for low-income families. Scholarship application required. Online registration not available for this program. Call 925-373-5751 for more information.
Children 24 months & younger FREE with an adult admission
Lap Swim (12+ yrs)
For adults and students interested in working out on their own. Beginners to experts welcome. Lanes may be assigned and circle swimming is required. Annual Lap Swim Pass 6/1/14-5/31/15 $475 NOTE: 6/4-6/12 there will be NO Mid-Day Lap Swim.
Robert Livermore Community Center Pools
Lap Swim Schedule
4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 925-373-5751 Schedule
NOTE: Use the Loyola Way parking lot for direct access to pools.
2014 Season: 6/17-8/31
Mornings Mid-Day
Swim Fees and Seasonal Passes Entry Under 48” Over 48” Spectator
Swim Pass
20 Visit Swim Pass
$3 $5 $4
$50 $90 $70
Children 24 months & younger FREE with an adult admission
Hours of Operation 6/17-8/22 Activity Pool MTWThF Saturday Sunday
1-7pm 11am-6pm Noon-6pm
Lap Pool 1:30-5pm 11am-6pm Noon-6pm
Activity Pool Closed 6/16 Lap Pool Closed 6/16, 7/26
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Seal Team Kids Scuba Camp 8-12 yrs
Evenings Saturdays Fees Adult Youth/Seniors
Swim Passes
Enjoy unlimited use of the Robert Livermore Community Center Pools and May Nissen Swim Center during recreational swim times. Family pass is valid for up to five (5) immediate family members living at the same address. Add $25 for each additional family member living at your address. A limited number of family passes will be sold on a firstcome, first-served basis.
Summer 2014
Youth (5–17)........ $100 Senior (55–69).... $100
MWF, No 6/16, 7/4 M-F, No 6/16 MWF, No 6/16, 6/27, 7/4 & 7/11 Sat, No 7/26 Single Admission $4 $3.50
Drop in at the special “toddlers only” swim time. Enjoy the zero entry pool with other little ones without the bustle of older children. Swim diapers required for children not yet potty trained. Adult must be within arm’s reach of their child at all times while in the water. Up to two children per adult. This is a non-structured swim program. No Toddler Time 5/26, 6/2-6/13, 9/1.
6-9am 10am-1:25pm 5:30-8pm 7:30-10:30am Swim Passes 15 for $55 50 for $172 15 for $50 50 for $150
Senior (70+) ......... $50 Family ................. $300
5/12-5/30 6/18-9/29
$2 /person
Splashball (6 - 10 yrs) Aquatic Staff
Splashball is a “T-ball” version of water polo designed to introduce the sport of water polo to boys and girls. Learn basic skills and understanding of water polo in a recreational format, while providing social development through participation in a team sport.
No Lap Swim 9am-1:25pm 6/4-6/12
(Valid 5/3 Till Activity Pool Closes in Fall)
Adult................ $125 Child (2–4)......... $50
Days 6/17-8/22
Toddler Time (6 mos-5 yrs)
• An hour of vigorous swimming can burn up to 650 calories... more than walking or biking. • Works out all the body’s major muscles. • Has been compared to yoga and meditation for its soothing effect on the mind and body. • Great heart and lungs workout, moving against water’s resistance (10 times more than that of air). Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
2:35 PM
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Swim lessons can be taken at both RLCC and May Nissen. Find lesson descriptions on the LARPD website: larpd.org/aquatics/lessons.html or use the QR code.
SwimClasses/Times for RLCC
Robert Livermore Community Center Swim Lessons Schedule
9:30am 10am 10:30am 11am
All classes meet M-F the first week and M-F the second week. $50 for nine 25-minute classes. *8 lessons for $45. No lessons 7/4.
SESSIONS: (A) 6/17-6/26* (B) 6/30-7/10* (C) 7/14-7/24 (D) 7/28-8/7
at RLCC at May Nissen
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
6/23-6/26 6/30-7/3 7/7-7/10 7/14-7/17 7/21-7/24 7/28-7/31 8/4-8/7 8/11-8/14 8/18-8/21
1. Mail-in/Internet registration: March 27. Use the registration form on page 31. 2. Walk-in registration: Registration for all aquatic classes held at RLCC and May Nissen accepted for both swim facilities any time the pools are open during lessons and/or public swim. RLCC Aquatic Building beginning March 27. May Nissen Swim Center beginning June 18. Lesson refunds: Refer to the 7-day cancella-tion policy on page 30.
Private Swim Lessons
(D) 7/28-8/7
Adult/Teen Swim Lessons 9:15am
One-to-one instruction available for both children and adults. Excellent for those who want more individualized attention. Lessons scheduled M-Th for 30 minutes each day. $100 for four 30-minute lessons.
SESSIONS: (A) 6/17-6/26* (B) 6/30-7/10* (C) 7/14-7/24
Deep Water Exercise RLCC Pool
Non-impact, intense aerobic, exercise class which challenges cardiovascular endurance, develops muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. Participants should feel comfortable in deep water. Floatation equipment and hand buoys provided for used in class. Limited to 20. Classes may be cancelled for low participation.
PUNCH CARDS $60 for 10 classes
(Drop-in fee $7 per class)
$115 for 20 classes $170 for 30 classes
MW Sat
5:30-6:25pm 8:15-9:10am
ShallowWater Exercise May Nissen Pool 6/17-8/14
No 9am exercise 6/4-6/12 No Class 6/16, 7/4, 7/26
RLCC Lap Pool Introductory program designed for swimmers who have limited or no synchronized swimming experience. Learn and perfect basic skills and figures such as Eggbeater, Sculling, Ballet Leg, and a synchronized swimming routine. Show off talents to parents/friends at an end-of-session presentation. Must be able to swim 25 yards front crawl. 12 classes. There will be a performance the evening of 7/30.
Private Swim Lessons 5+ yrs
Beginners Welcome! Adult/Teen lessons offered for all skill levels from very beginner (those afraid of the water) to advanced swimmers. Course emphasis on individual skill improvement and endurance. Students allowed to progress at their own pace with hands-on instruction and encouragement provided by the instructor. $55 for nine 30-minute classes. *8 lessons for $45. No lessons 7/4. First week all classes meet M-F, second week all classes meet M-Th.
• Deep Water Exercise
Synchronized Swimming (8+ yrs)
Adult/Teen Swim Lessons 13+ yrs
Low-impact water exercise class can help build cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility. No swimming ability required.
Parent/Child Preschool Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
SESSIONS: (AA) 6/2-6/11* evening lessons only, Parent/Child, Preschool-Level 1, Level 2 (A) 6/17-6/26* (B) 6/30-7/10* (C) 7/14-7/24 (D) 7/28-8/7
All classes meet M-F the first week; M-Th the second week. $47 for nine 25-minute classes. *8 lessons for $45. No lessons 7/4.
Deep/ShallowWater Exercise RLCC Pool
Designed for all ages. These exercise programs use water as resistance to displace 90 percent of your body weight, eliminating stress on the joints. Develop increased flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle tone in a refreshing environment.
• Shallow Water Exercise
Swim Classes/Times for May Nissen
May Nissen Swim Center Swim Lessons Schedule
Parent/Child Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Water Exercise
Aquatics Swim Lessons
MW 1-2:30pm 6/23-7/30
Lifeguard Training (15+ yrs)
RLCC Pool The American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course covers the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emer-gencies in the swimming pool environment. Victim recognition, surveillance and equipment-based rescues are emphasized. Certifica-tions received upon successful completion: CPR for the Professional Rescuer–valid for one year, Lifeguarding and First Aid–valid for three years. Prerequisites: Participants must be 15 years of age by the end of the course and pass the pre-course swim test. Fee includes books and materials. Attendance at all classes required for certification.
M-F 1-5pm 6/17-6/26
Thank You Swim FREE SWIM for lesson participants at RLCC Pools. Bring your lesson registration receipt to the front desk and sign up for a special free swim from 10 am-noon on 8/16. Children 6 years and under must be accompanied by an adult (adult admitted free.)
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
2:35 PM
Page 2
Swim lessons can be taken at both RLCC and May Nissen. Find lesson descriptions on the LARPD website: larpd.org/aquatics/lessons.html or use the QR code.
SwimClasses/Times for RLCC
Robert Livermore Community Center Swim Lessons Schedule
9:30am 10am 10:30am 11am
All classes meet M-F the first week and M-F the second week. $50 for nine 25-minute classes. *8 lessons for $45. No lessons 7/4.
SESSIONS: (A) 6/17-6/26* (B) 6/30-7/10* (C) 7/14-7/24 (D) 7/28-8/7
at RLCC at May Nissen
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
6/23-6/26 6/30-7/3 7/7-7/10 7/14-7/17 7/21-7/24 7/28-7/31 8/4-8/7 8/11-8/14 8/18-8/21
1. Mail-in/Internet registration: March 27. Use the registration form on page 31. 2. Walk-in registration: Registration for all aquatic classes held at RLCC and May Nissen accepted for both swim facilities any time the pools are open during lessons and/or public swim. RLCC Aquatic Building beginning March 27. May Nissen Swim Center beginning June 18. Lesson refunds: Refer to the 7-day cancella-tion policy on page 30.
Private Swim Lessons
(D) 7/28-8/7
Adult/Teen Swim Lessons 9:15am
One-to-one instruction available for both children and adults. Excellent for those who want more individualized attention. Lessons scheduled M-Th for 30 minutes each day. $100 for four 30-minute lessons.
SESSIONS: (A) 6/17-6/26* (B) 6/30-7/10* (C) 7/14-7/24
Deep Water Exercise RLCC Pool
Non-impact, intense aerobic, exercise class which challenges cardiovascular endurance, develops muscle strength, endurance and flexibility. Participants should feel comfortable in deep water. Floatation equipment and hand buoys provided for used in class. Limited to 20. Classes may be cancelled for low participation.
PUNCH CARDS $60 for 10 classes
(Drop-in fee $7 per class)
$115 for 20 classes $170 for 30 classes
MW Sat
5:30-6:25pm 8:15-9:10am
ShallowWater Exercise May Nissen Pool 6/17-8/14
No 9am exercise 6/4-6/12 No Class 6/16, 7/4, 7/26
RLCC Lap Pool Introductory program designed for swimmers who have limited or no synchronized swimming experience. Learn and perfect basic skills and figures such as Eggbeater, Sculling, Ballet Leg, and a synchronized swimming routine. Show off talents to parents/friends at an end-of-session presentation. Must be able to swim 25 yards front crawl. 12 classes. There will be a performance the evening of 7/30.
Private Swim Lessons 5+ yrs
Beginners Welcome! Adult/Teen lessons offered for all skill levels from very beginner (those afraid of the water) to advanced swimmers. Course emphasis on individual skill improvement and endurance. Students allowed to progress at their own pace with hands-on instruction and encouragement provided by the instructor. $55 for nine 30-minute classes. *8 lessons for $45. No lessons 7/4. First week all classes meet M-F, second week all classes meet M-Th.
• Deep Water Exercise
Synchronized Swimming (8+ yrs)
Adult/Teen Swim Lessons 13+ yrs
Low-impact water exercise class can help build cardiovascular endurance, strength and flexibility. No swimming ability required.
Parent/Child Preschool Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
SESSIONS: (AA) 6/2-6/11* evening lessons only, Parent/Child, Preschool-Level 1, Level 2 (A) 6/17-6/26* (B) 6/30-7/10* (C) 7/14-7/24 (D) 7/28-8/7
All classes meet M-F the first week; M-Th the second week. $47 for nine 25-minute classes. *8 lessons for $45. No lessons 7/4.
Deep/ShallowWater Exercise RLCC Pool
Designed for all ages. These exercise programs use water as resistance to displace 90 percent of your body weight, eliminating stress on the joints. Develop increased flexibility, cardiovascular fitness, and muscle tone in a refreshing environment.
• Shallow Water Exercise
Swim Classes/Times for May Nissen
May Nissen Swim Center Swim Lessons Schedule
Parent/Child Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6
Water Exercise
Aquatics Swim Lessons
MW 1-2:30pm 6/23-7/30
Lifeguard Training (15+ yrs)
RLCC Pool The American Red Cross Lifeguard Training Course covers the skills and knowledge needed to prevent and respond to aquatic emer-gencies in the swimming pool environment. Victim recognition, surveillance and equipment-based rescues are emphasized. Certifica-tions received upon successful completion: CPR for the Professional Rescuer–valid for one year, Lifeguarding and First Aid–valid for three years. Prerequisites: Participants must be 15 years of age by the end of the course and pass the pre-course swim test. Fee includes books and materials. Attendance at all classes required for certification.
M-F 1-5pm 6/17-6/26
Thank You Swim FREE SWIM for lesson participants at RLCC Pools. Bring your lesson registration receipt to the front desk and sign up for a special free swim from 10 am-noon on 8/16. Children 6 years and under must be accompanied by an adult (adult admitted free.)
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
08_09 AQUATICS & AD_6:F&W
6:20 AM
Page 2
• 14 &Under Level I WP Team
LARPD has a United States Water Polo team (USWP) governed by USWP, which encourages high standards of play and good sports-manship. All practices and competitions sanctioned, requiring all participants to be currently registered with USWP. Become a member at www.usawaterpolo.org. No practice on 6/12, 6/13, 6/16, 6/27, 7/4, 7/11. Drop-In Fee is $20.
Designed for boys and girls 8th grade and under, who are beginner or are inexperienced water polo players. Must be able to swim 50 yards without stopping. Coaches may move players to Level II depending on skills. Scrimmages and weekend tournaments are being arranged.
TTh 4-5:30pm 5/27-7/24
• 14 &Under Level II WP Team
Designed for boys and girls 8th grade and under, who have intermediate to advanced water polo skills and are able to swim 50 yards, with a strong stroke. Coaches may move players to Level I depending on skills. Scrimmages and weekend tournaments are being ar-ranged.
MWF 4-5:30pm 5/28-7/25
• 15 &Up WP Team
Go beyond the basics. Improve conditioning. Develop team skills. Scrimmages and weekend tournaments are being arranged.
BOYS: TThF 5:30-7:30pm 5/27-7/25 GIRLS: TThF 7:30-9pm 5/27-7/25
LARPD Electric Eels Swim Team
Eels Workout Schedule at May Nissen
(5-18 yrs)
The Electric Eels are part of the Valley Swim League! LARPD's summer recreational swim team open to youth who are able to swim one pool length (25 yds) continuously, using any of the four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly). Focus is on stroke development and an introduction to the sport of swimming. Swimmers encouraged to sign up for LARPD's condition-ing class to improve their strokes, starts, and turns. SWIM TEAM SPECIAL: sign up for swim team, add May Swim Conditioning for $40. No practice day of swim meets. Sat Sat
4/26 4/26
9-11am 11am
Sat Sat F F Sat
6/7 8am 6/14 6/20 8:30am 6/27 & 7/11 7/26
Registration & Tryouts Parent’s Meeting / Coaches meet swimmers Time Trials First Swim Meet Team Pictures Eels hosts swim meets at RLCC Pool League Championship at RLCC Pool
Water Polo Conditioning (14-18 yrs)
Get in shape for the start of high school water polo at RLCC Pool.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
$250 $225
Days (6/2-6/12)
5-8 yrs 9-12 yrs 13-18 yrs
3:30-4:15pm 4:15-5:15pm 5:15-6:15pm
$175 $175 $175
Eels Workout Schedule at RLCC Pool Ages
Days (6/13-6/26)
5-8 yrs 9-12 yrs 13-18 yrs
Times 9:15-10am 8:15-9:15am 7-8:10am
Fee -
No Practice 6/16, 7/4
Valley Swim League Opponents: Castlewood Barracudas, LVTC Fireballs, PVC Dolphins, Rhonewood Sharks, Ruby Hill Riptides, San Ramon Aquabears, and Sunset Sunsets.
GIRLS: M-F 5-7pm 8/4-8/8 BOYS: M-F 7-9pm 8/4-8/8
Summer 2014
$50 $50
08_09 AQUATICS & AD_6:F&W
6:20 AM
Page 2
• 14 &Under Level I WP Team
LARPD has a United States Water Polo team (USWP) governed by USWP, which encourages high standards of play and good sports-manship. All practices and competitions sanctioned, requiring all participants to be currently registered with USWP. Become a member at www.usawaterpolo.org. No practice on 6/12, 6/13, 6/16, 6/27, 7/4, 7/11. Drop-In Fee is $20.
Designed for boys and girls 8th grade and under, who are beginner or are inexperienced water polo players. Must be able to swim 50 yards without stopping. Coaches may move players to Level II depending on skills. Scrimmages and weekend tournaments are being arranged.
TTh 4-5:30pm 5/27-7/24
• 14 &Under Level II WP Team
Designed for boys and girls 8th grade and under, who have intermediate to advanced water polo skills and are able to swim 50 yards, with a strong stroke. Coaches may move players to Level I depending on skills. Scrimmages and weekend tournaments are being ar-ranged.
MWF 4-5:30pm 5/28-7/25
• 15 &Up WP Team
Go beyond the basics. Improve conditioning. Develop team skills. Scrimmages and weekend tournaments are being arranged.
BOYS: TThF 5:30-7:30pm 5/27-7/25 GIRLS: TThF 7:30-9pm 5/27-7/25
LARPD Electric Eels Swim Team
Eels Workout Schedule at May Nissen
(5-18 yrs)
The Electric Eels are part of the Valley Swim League! LARPD's summer recreational swim team open to youth who are able to swim one pool length (25 yds) continuously, using any of the four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke, butterfly). Focus is on stroke development and an introduction to the sport of swimming. Swimmers encouraged to sign up for LARPD's condition-ing class to improve their strokes, starts, and turns. SWIM TEAM SPECIAL: sign up for swim team, add May Swim Conditioning for $40. No practice day of swim meets. Sat Sat
4/26 4/26
9-11am 11am
Sat Sat F F Sat
6/7 8am 6/14 6/20 8:30am 6/27 & 7/11 7/26
Registration & Tryouts Parent’s Meeting / Coaches meet swimmers Time Trials First Swim Meet Team Pictures Eels hosts swim meets at RLCC Pool League Championship at RLCC Pool
Water Polo Conditioning (14-18 yrs)
Get in shape for the start of high school water polo at RLCC Pool.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
$250 $225
Days (6/2-6/12)
5-8 yrs 9-12 yrs 13-18 yrs
3:30-4:15pm 4:15-5:15pm 5:15-6:15pm
$175 $175 $175
Eels Workout Schedule at RLCC Pool Ages
Days (6/13-6/26)
5-8 yrs 9-12 yrs 13-18 yrs
Times 9:15-10am 8:15-9:15am 7-8:10am
Fee -
No Practice 6/16, 7/4
Valley Swim League Opponents: Castlewood Barracudas, LVTC Fireballs, PVC Dolphins, Rhonewood Sharks, Ruby Hill Riptides, San Ramon Aquabears, and Sunset Sunsets.
GIRLS: M-F 5-7pm 8/4-8/8 BOYS: M-F 7-9pm 8/4-8/8
Summer 2014
$50 $50
10_11 Preschool:F&W
8:20 PM
Page 2
Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Preschool programs offer parent participation for children 3 mos–6 yrs of age. Programs are located at the Christensen and Croce Schools, Jane Addams House, Little House, May Nissen Park and the Robert Livermore Community Center. To register, or for more information, call the Preschool Office, 960-2486. Additional classes may be added in the future. If classes do not meet minimum enrollment they may be cancelled. Enrollment continues until classes fill, at which point you will be placed on a waiting list. No class during the week of spring break, Thanksgiving, winter break and holidays. Fees subject to change. For information or to register call: 925-960-2486.
Baby& Me (3 -12 mos)
Toddler Time (18-24 mos)
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
This weekly gathering is for babies. There will be time to discuss normal development and common concerns about child rearing in a relaxed environment. Circle time fun, finger plays, sensory experiences and motor development opportunities are included during class time.
Th 9/11-11/13 11:00am-Noon $80
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
This class provides an opportunity for parents with toddlers to work on developing language, cognitive and social skills through fun activities based on art, music, story time and other sensory activities. Class time is 90 minutes, one day per week.
Th 9/11-11/13 9-10:30am $121
Terrific Twos (24-36 mos) Wonderful Ones (12-17 mos) Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
The class fosters perceptual motor skills and encourages children to explore, socialize and play in an open area. The class offers opportunities for parents to sing along; do simple finger plays, while introducing children and parents to group play. Class time is 45 minutes, one day per week.
T 9/9-11/18 9:00-9:45am $73 W 9/10-11/12 9:00-9:45am $73
With the same socialization and play opportunities as the Wonderful Ones, children will be introduced to activities that address the ability to start interactive socialization with other children and develop increased motor skills. Parents are encouraged to move, do finger plays and participate throughout the class. Class time is 60 minutes, one day per week.
T 9/9-11/18 10-11:00am $80
Mommy & Me (2-3 yrs)
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd
Mommy and Me – where your child can learn the routines of preschool with the comfort of a parent or guardian. Parents enjoy being with their child as they experience circle time, music and movement, art and outside play on the playground. Pack a healthy snack each day. Class time is 2 hours, one day per week. *Evening class is 1.5 hrs.
M 9:30-11:30am (Little House) 9/8-11/10 $156 W 10-Noon (Little House) 9/10-11/12 $156 W* 6-7:30pm (Little House) 9/10-11/12 $100
Tiny Tots (3 -4 yrs) Classes geared to the developmental needs of 3 year olds. Playbased class offers theme related play, social experiences and opportunities to make choices and begin to develop self-control. Children must be 3 years of age by 12/1/14 and potty trained. Parent participation is valued and encouraged.
Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 yrs) Class designed for 4 year olds who will enter Kindergarten the following year. Class provides opportunities for children to develop independence, self-control, a positive self-image and age-appropriate skills. Children are encouraged to engage in dramatic play, art, music, math, science and pre-reading activities, with free time to explore the variety of toys and play with friends. Children must be 4 years of age by 12/1/14 and potty trained. Parent participation is valued and encouraged.
Call the Preschool Office at 925-960-2486 for more information. 10
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
9-11:30am 9am-Noon
$130/mo. $235/mo.
Croce School, 5650 Scenic Ave, Rm #35 Tiny Tots Pre-K
9-11:30am 8:45-11:45am
$130/mo. $235/mo.
Robert Livermore Community Center Recreation Bldg, Poppy Room Tiny Tots Pre-K
9-11:30am 9am-Noon
$130/mo. $235/mo.
Jane Addams, 1310 Murdell Lane Tiny Tots Tiny Tots Pre-K Pre-K
9-11:30am 9-11:30am 9am-Noon 9am-Noon
$130/mo. $130/mo. $235/mo. $235/mo.
May Nissen, 685 Rincon Ave. Tiny Tots Pre-K
Noon-2:30pm 9-11:30am
$130/mo. $195/mo.
Preschool NEW
Toddler Tune-up
(1.5-3 yrs) Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R
To register: LARPD.org or call 925-373-5700
Just like your car or truck, sometimes all children need is a "tune" up. Let music be the grease to your gears this summer, as you and your child sing, play and move together in a fun-focused workshop that’s enjoyable for mommy and daddy and toddlers! Explore the elements of music - rhythm, melody, harmony - using familiar songs from traditional, classical and popular music. 4 classes.
T 11:30am-12:30pm Ses I 6/3-6/24 Ses II 7/8-7/29
NEW In this new FREE program funded by First 5 Alameda County for low income families, parents/caregivers will enjoy a variety of activities with their child focusing on PLAY as a tool for learning. Parents and caregivers will find new activities to share with their children, enjoy informative adult conversation and learn about resources available in the community.
Tiny Tots Pre-K
Special Interest
F 9-11am (Little House) 9/12-11/14 $156
PLAY TO LEARN (2.5-4 yrs) Jugar para Aprender
Christensen, 5611 Bridgeport Circle
Tiny Tots and Pre-K classes begin the week of September 1, 2014. (925-960-2486) Classes below, Locations
$62 Ses III 8/5-8/26
Preschool Pick-up
(3.5-5 yrs) Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R Much like a "pick-up" note that leads into a song, this course is a fantastic way to lead preschoolers into the wonderful world of music. In addition to learning musical movement and vocalization, students explore different musical instruments. Children introduced to basic music concepts of rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics and tempo through popular and familiar music from across the globe. 4 classes.
Session I 7/7-7/28
Register Now 925.373.5700
Session II 8/4-8/25
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
10_11 Preschool:F&W
8:20 PM
Page 2
Livermore Area Recreation and Park District Preschool programs offer parent participation for children 3 mos–6 yrs of age. Programs are located at the Christensen and Croce Schools, Jane Addams House, Little House, May Nissen Park and the Robert Livermore Community Center. To register, or for more information, call the Preschool Office, 960-2486. Additional classes may be added in the future. If classes do not meet minimum enrollment they may be cancelled. Enrollment continues until classes fill, at which point you will be placed on a waiting list. No class during the week of spring break, Thanksgiving, winter break and holidays. Fees subject to change. For information or to register call: 925-960-2486.
Baby& Me (3 -12 mos)
Toddler Time (18-24 mos)
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
This weekly gathering is for babies. There will be time to discuss normal development and common concerns about child rearing in a relaxed environment. Circle time fun, finger plays, sensory experiences and motor development opportunities are included during class time.
Th 9/11-11/13 11:00am-Noon $80
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
This class provides an opportunity for parents with toddlers to work on developing language, cognitive and social skills through fun activities based on art, music, story time and other sensory activities. Class time is 90 minutes, one day per week.
Th 9/11-11/13 9-10:30am $121
Terrific Twos (24-36 mos) Wonderful Ones (12-17 mos) Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd.
The class fosters perceptual motor skills and encourages children to explore, socialize and play in an open area. The class offers opportunities for parents to sing along; do simple finger plays, while introducing children and parents to group play. Class time is 45 minutes, one day per week.
T 9/9-11/18 9:00-9:45am $73 W 9/10-11/12 9:00-9:45am $73
With the same socialization and play opportunities as the Wonderful Ones, children will be introduced to activities that address the ability to start interactive socialization with other children and develop increased motor skills. Parents are encouraged to move, do finger plays and participate throughout the class. Class time is 60 minutes, one day per week.
T 9/9-11/18 10-11:00am $80
Mommy & Me (2-3 yrs)
Little House, 85 Trevarno Rd
Mommy and Me – where your child can learn the routines of preschool with the comfort of a parent or guardian. Parents enjoy being with their child as they experience circle time, music and movement, art and outside play on the playground. Pack a healthy snack each day. Class time is 2 hours, one day per week. *Evening class is 1.5 hrs.
M 9:30-11:30am (Little House) 9/8-11/10 $156 W 10-Noon (Little House) 9/10-11/12 $156 W* 6-7:30pm (Little House) 9/10-11/12 $100
Tiny Tots (3 -4 yrs) Classes geared to the developmental needs of 3 year olds. Playbased class offers theme related play, social experiences and opportunities to make choices and begin to develop self-control. Children must be 3 years of age by 12/1/14 and potty trained. Parent participation is valued and encouraged.
Pre-Kindergarten (4-5 yrs) Class designed for 4 year olds who will enter Kindergarten the following year. Class provides opportunities for children to develop independence, self-control, a positive self-image and age-appropriate skills. Children are encouraged to engage in dramatic play, art, music, math, science and pre-reading activities, with free time to explore the variety of toys and play with friends. Children must be 4 years of age by 12/1/14 and potty trained. Parent participation is valued and encouraged.
Call the Preschool Office at 925-960-2486 for more information. 10
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
9-11:30am 9am-Noon
$130/mo. $235/mo.
Croce School, 5650 Scenic Ave, Rm #35 Tiny Tots Pre-K
9-11:30am 8:45-11:45am
$130/mo. $235/mo.
Robert Livermore Community Center Recreation Bldg, Poppy Room Tiny Tots Pre-K
9-11:30am 9am-Noon
$130/mo. $235/mo.
Jane Addams, 1310 Murdell Lane Tiny Tots Tiny Tots Pre-K Pre-K
9-11:30am 9-11:30am 9am-Noon 9am-Noon
$130/mo. $130/mo. $235/mo. $235/mo.
May Nissen, 685 Rincon Ave. Tiny Tots Pre-K
Noon-2:30pm 9-11:30am
$130/mo. $195/mo.
Preschool NEW
Toddler Tune-up
(1.5-3 yrs) Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R
To register: LARPD.org or call 925-373-5700
Just like your car or truck, sometimes all children need is a "tune" up. Let music be the grease to your gears this summer, as you and your child sing, play and move together in a fun-focused workshop that’s enjoyable for mommy and daddy and toddlers! Explore the elements of music - rhythm, melody, harmony - using familiar songs from traditional, classical and popular music. 4 classes.
T 11:30am-12:30pm Ses I 6/3-6/24 Ses II 7/8-7/29
NEW In this new FREE program funded by First 5 Alameda County for low income families, parents/caregivers will enjoy a variety of activities with their child focusing on PLAY as a tool for learning. Parents and caregivers will find new activities to share with their children, enjoy informative adult conversation and learn about resources available in the community.
Tiny Tots Pre-K
Special Interest
F 9-11am (Little House) 9/12-11/14 $156
PLAY TO LEARN (2.5-4 yrs) Jugar para Aprender
Christensen, 5611 Bridgeport Circle
Tiny Tots and Pre-K classes begin the week of September 1, 2014. (925-960-2486) Classes below, Locations
$62 Ses III 8/5-8/26
Preschool Pick-up
(3.5-5 yrs) Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R Much like a "pick-up" note that leads into a song, this course is a fantastic way to lead preschoolers into the wonderful world of music. In addition to learning musical movement and vocalization, students explore different musical instruments. Children introduced to basic music concepts of rhythm, melody, harmony, dynamics and tempo through popular and familiar music from across the globe. 4 classes.
Session I 7/7-7/28
Register Now 925.373.5700
Session II 8/4-8/25
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
12_13 Yth Dance:F&W
8:08 PM
Page 2
Ballroom Dancing for Kids (7-14 yrs)
Xtreme Force Dance 847 Rincon
Shake It Up Beach Dance (2 -12 yrs)
Hristo Minev RLCC
Learn basic steps and techniques for different dances. All levels from beginner to advanced. Class includes preparation for competitions and stage performances. Dance Categories: Latin (Rumba, Chacha, Samba, Jive, Paso Doble), Ballroom (Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Viennese Waltz). No partners required. 8 classes. No class 5/26.
M 4-5pm
Session I: 5/5-6/30
Session II: 7/7-8/25
Hula-Keiki “Children” Hula
(12+ yrs) Desiree Elder
RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness and memory. Learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands” in this 55-minute class. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 6 classes. No class 7/5.
RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness and memory. Learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands” in this 55-minute class. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 6 classes. No class 7/5.
Sat 9:30-10:25am 6/7-7/19 $73
Sat 10:30-11:25am 6/7-7/19 $73
(7-11 yrs) Desiree Elder
Fairy Tale Ballet (4-5 yrs) Th
Ballet 2 (8+ yrs) T
Focus is on jazz and hip hop skills. Dancers work on terminology stretch and more.
Ballet/Jazz/ Tap Combo (2-5 yrs) Focus is on jazz, ballet and tap skills. Dancers work on terminology stretch and more.
5:45-6:15pm 5-5:45pm
7/9-9/10 7/9-9/10
$102 $122
5-7 YRS: 7-9 YRS: 9-12 YRS:
M T M Th
6-6:45pm 3:45-4:30pm 4:45-5:30pm 5:45-6:30pm
7/7-9/15 7/8-9/9 7/7-9/15 7/10-9/11
$122 $122 $122 $122
2-3 YRS: 3-4 YRS: 3-5 YRS:
Th M Th W
4:30-5pm 5:30-6pm 5-5:45pm 4:15-5pm
7/10-9/11 7/7-9/15 7/10-9/11 7/9-9/10
$102 $102 $122 $122
Ballet 4 (10+ yrs) Teacher approval T
Pointe (11+ yrs) Teacher approval T Th
3:45-4:45pm 4:45-5:45pm
7/1-8/5 7/3-8/7
Livermore Public Library
2014 Summer Reading Program June 1 – August 2, 2014 Prizes • Shows • Story times Shows and crafts continue through August 15, 2014
for all ages
Ballet 3-4 (9+ yrs) Teacher approval
Summer 2014
Jazz/Hip Hop Combo (5-12 yrs)
6-8 YRS: 9-13 YRS
Fairy Tale Ballet (3-4 yrs)
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Focus is on hip hop technique and skills such as isolations, stretch, coordination, rhythm and more. Wear comfortable clothes and clean tennis shoes.
Ballet 1 (5-8 yrs)
Hip Hop (6-13 yrs)
LBS offers the following classes:
Livermore Ballet School (3 yrs & up) April Wagner RLCC Professional instruction for ages 3 to adult, beginning to advanced levels with performance opportunities for all. A 16-year veteran ballet instructor, April Wagner received her early training with Sherida Sullivan at the Danse Boutique and professionally trained with Contra Costa Ballet. She received scholarships to Joffrey Ballet, Pacific Northwest Ballet and Pennsylvania Ballet and spent three consecutive summers with School of American Ballet at Lincoln Center in NYC. Livermore Ballet School (LBS) performs two annual performances: June and December. Students placed by age, no exceptions. 6 classes.
High energy dance classes where participants learn summer dance routines to their favorite summer music! The 10-week session prepares dancers for a special dance performance at the LARPD Children’s Fair, September 13. Work on performance routines: opening and class routine, and grand finale. No costume required, dancers wear their own Hawaiian attire. Each class learns routines to songs from summer favorites including teen beach movie. Classes offered listed below by age and specialty. No class on 9/1.
Xtreme Force Dance
$70 $70
Civic Center Library 1188 So. Livermore Avenue Rincon Branch 725 Rincon Avenue Springtown Branch 998 Bluebell Drive for details www.livermorelibrary.net 925.373.5500
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
12_13 Yth Dance:F&W
8:08 PM
Page 2
Ballroom Dancing for Kids (7-14 yrs)
Xtreme Force Dance 847 Rincon
Shake It Up Beach Dance (2 -12 yrs)
Hristo Minev RLCC
Learn basic steps and techniques for different dances. All levels from beginner to advanced. Class includes preparation for competitions and stage performances. Dance Categories: Latin (Rumba, Chacha, Samba, Jive, Paso Doble), Ballroom (Waltz, Tango, Foxtrot, Quickstep, Viennese Waltz). No partners required. 8 classes. No class 5/26.
M 4-5pm
Session I: 5/5-6/30
Session II: 7/7-8/25
Hula-Keiki “Children” Hula
(12+ yrs) Desiree Elder
RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness and memory. Learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands” in this 55-minute class. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 6 classes. No class 7/5.
RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness and memory. Learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands” in this 55-minute class. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 6 classes. No class 7/5.
Sat 9:30-10:25am 6/7-7/19 $73
Sat 10:30-11:25am 6/7-7/19 $73
(7-11 yrs) Desiree Elder
Fairy Tale Ballet (4-5 yrs) Th
Ballet 2 (8+ yrs) T
Focus is on jazz and hip hop skills. Dancers work on terminology stretch and more.
Ballet/Jazz/ Tap Combo (2-5 yrs) Focus is on jazz, ballet and tap skills. Dancers work on terminology stretch and more.
5:45-6:15pm 5-5:45pm
7/9-9/10 7/9-9/10
$102 $122
5-7 YRS: 7-9 YRS: 9-12 YRS:
M T M Th
6-6:45pm 3:45-4:30pm 4:45-5:30pm 5:45-6:30pm
7/7-9/15 7/8-9/9 7/7-9/15 7/10-9/11
$122 $122 $122 $122
2-3 YRS: 3-4 YRS: 3-5 YRS:
Th M Th W
4:30-5pm 5:30-6pm 5-5:45pm 4:15-5pm
7/10-9/11 7/7-9/15 7/10-9/11 7/9-9/10
$102 $102 $122 $122
Ballet 4 (10+ yrs) Teacher approval T
Pointe (11+ yrs) Teacher approval T Th
3:45-4:45pm 4:45-5:45pm
7/1-8/5 7/3-8/7
Livermore Public Library
2014 Summer Reading Program June 1 – August 2, 2014 Prizes • Shows • Story times Shows and crafts continue through August 15, 2014
for all ages
Ballet 3-4 (9+ yrs) Teacher approval
Summer 2014
Jazz/Hip Hop Combo (5-12 yrs)
6-8 YRS: 9-13 YRS
Fairy Tale Ballet (3-4 yrs)
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Focus is on hip hop technique and skills such as isolations, stretch, coordination, rhythm and more. Wear comfortable clothes and clean tennis shoes.
Ballet 1 (5-8 yrs)
Hip Hop (6-13 yrs)
LBS offers the following classes:
Livermore Ballet School (3 yrs & up) April Wagner RLCC Professional instruction for ages 3 to adult, beginning to advanced levels with performance opportunities for all. A 16-year veteran ballet instructor, April Wagner received her early training with Sherida Sullivan at the Danse Boutique and professionally trained with Contra Costa Ballet. She received scholarships to Joffrey Ballet, Pacific Northwest Ballet and Pennsylvania Ballet and spent three consecutive summers with School of American Ballet at Lincoln Center in NYC. Livermore Ballet School (LBS) performs two annual performances: June and December. Students placed by age, no exceptions. 6 classes.
High energy dance classes where participants learn summer dance routines to their favorite summer music! The 10-week session prepares dancers for a special dance performance at the LARPD Children’s Fair, September 13. Work on performance routines: opening and class routine, and grand finale. No costume required, dancers wear their own Hawaiian attire. Each class learns routines to songs from summer favorites including teen beach movie. Classes offered listed below by age and specialty. No class on 9/1.
Xtreme Force Dance
$70 $70
Civic Center Library 1188 So. Livermore Avenue Rincon Branch 725 Rincon Avenue Springtown Branch 998 Bluebell Drive for details www.livermorelibrary.net 925.373.5500
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:09 PM
Page 2
Springtime Staff 5715 Southfront Rd. #D Learn trampoline and tumbling skills on five different trampolines and a super bouncy tumbling strip. Designed for boys and girls of all fitness levels. Instructors are all adults with USA gymnastics safety and trampoline coaching certification. Complete the waiver at www.tumblingandtrampoline.com. Participants must wear sport-type clothing and socks. No buttons, zippers, snaps or jeans.
Springtime Tumbling & Trampoline Gymnastics (18 mos-18 yrs)
Livermore Gymnastic Center (18 mos-12 yrs) Livermore Gymnastic Staff 4039 1st St.
Tumbling & Trampoline Gymnastics offers the following classes:
Explore movement and social interaction in a fun and safe environment. Climbing, swinging, jumping and balancing are just a few of the activities offered in this class. 6/5 classes. Times
Parents participate in a 45-minute class with their child. The instructor leads the age appropriate activities. 5/4 classes. No class 7/5. Times 9:15-10am 9:15-10am 9:15-10am 9-10am
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/17-7/15 6/18-7/16 6/19-7/17 6/21-7/19
7/22-8/12 7/23-8/13 7/24-8/14 7/26-8/16
$128 $128 $128 $110
9:15-10am 9:15-10am 9:15-10am 10-11am
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/17-7/15 6/18-7/16 6/19-7/17 6/21-7/19
7/22-8/12 7/23-8/13 7/24-8/14 7/26-8/16
$128 $128 $128 $110
M M T W Th Sat
$102 $102 $102 $110
Session II - Fee
9-10am 4:45-5:45pm 9-10am
6/16-7/14 $138 6/18-7/16 $138 6/20-7/18 $110
7/21-8/11 $110 7/23-8/13 $110 7/25-8/15 $110
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
7/15-8/12 $105
10:30-11:15am 5:30-6:15pm 10:30-11:15am 9:30-10:15am 4:15-5pm 9:15-10am
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/2-7/7 6/2-7/7 6/3-7/8 6/4-7/9 6/5-7/10 6/7-7/12
7/14-8/11 7/14-8/11 7/15-8/12 7/16-8/13 7/17-8/14 7/19-8/16
$126 $126 $126 $126 $126 $105
$105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105
Cheerleading Tumbling (9-18 yrs) Class concentrates on tumbling that cheerleaders use. Designed for beginner or intermediate tumblers. 4/5 classes.
W Th
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6:45-7:45pm 6:45-7:45pm
6/18-7/16 $138 6/19-7/17 $138
7/23-8/13 $110 7/24-8/14 $110
Summer 2014
Times M T T Th Sat
9:30-10:15am 4:30-5:15pm 5:15-6pm 6-6:45pm 10:15-11am
An exciting class designed for boys just starting out in gymnastics. Instruction covers cartwheels, forward and backward rolls and parallel bars, trampoline, tumble trak and ring work. 6/5 classes. Times W
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/2-7/7 $126 6/3-7/8 $126 6/3-7/8 $126 6/5-7/10 $126 6/7-7/12 $105
7/14-8/11 7/15-8/12 7/15-8/12 7/17-8/14 7/19-8/16
$105 $105 $105 $105 $105
Register Now 925.373.5700
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/4-7/9 $126
7/16-8/13 $105
Junior Girls (6-10 yrs) A great class for girls just starting out in gymnastics. Class covers cartwheels, handstands, forward and backward rolls, and bar, trampoline, tumble trak and beam work. 5 classes. No class 7/5. Sat
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/7-7/12 $105
7/19-8/16 $105
Coed Gymnastics (6-12 yrs) Class covers beginning gymnastics and tumbling skills in a nurturing environment. Students use the four event apparatus, and the tumble trak and mini trampoline. 6/5 classes. Times
Help your child gain body awareness and confidence by learning gymnastic event basics on equipment scaled and designed for their age and ability. 6/5 classes. No class 7/5.
Basic to advanced trampoline and tumbling skills taught in this progressive class. Grouped by age 4-9, 9-13. 5/4 classes. No class 7/4. Session I - Fee
6/3-7/8 $126
Tumblers (4-6 yrs)
School Age TnT (4-13 yrs) Times
Session II - Fee
Rings, balance beam, rope ladder, trapeze are just a few of the apparatus used to challenge your preschooler. This is an excellent class to develop large motor skills needed for Kindergarten. 6/5 classes. No class 7/5.
Children should be ready to participate without a parent and able to follow the instructor. Class develops basic skills in an energetic and safe environment. 4/5 classes. No class 7/5.
T W Th Sat
Session I - Fee
Hotdoggers (3-5 yrs)
$102 $102 $102 $110
Mini Bouncers TnT (3-5 yrs)
Boys (6-10 yrs)
Kindergym (18 mos-3 yrs)
Parent Tot TnT (18 mos-3 yrs)
T W Th Sat
Printing your activity guide... recycled paper... soy ink... voila!
14_15 Youth GYM:F&W
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/3-7/8 $138
7/15-8/12 $115
Beginning Girls (6-12 yrs) Same as Coed Gymnastics, but for girls only. 6/5 classes.
M M W Th
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
4:30-5:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 5-6pm
6/2-7/7 $138 6/2-7/7 $138 6/4-7/9 $138 6/5-7/10 $138
7/14-8/11 7/14-8/11 7/16-8/13 7/17-8/14
$115 $115 $115 $115
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:09 PM
Page 2
Springtime Staff 5715 Southfront Rd. #D Learn trampoline and tumbling skills on five different trampolines and a super bouncy tumbling strip. Designed for boys and girls of all fitness levels. Instructors are all adults with USA gymnastics safety and trampoline coaching certification. Complete the waiver at www.tumblingandtrampoline.com. Participants must wear sport-type clothing and socks. No buttons, zippers, snaps or jeans.
Springtime Tumbling & Trampoline Gymnastics (18 mos-18 yrs)
Livermore Gymnastic Center (18 mos-12 yrs) Livermore Gymnastic Staff 4039 1st St.
Tumbling & Trampoline Gymnastics offers the following classes:
Explore movement and social interaction in a fun and safe environment. Climbing, swinging, jumping and balancing are just a few of the activities offered in this class. 6/5 classes. Times
Parents participate in a 45-minute class with their child. The instructor leads the age appropriate activities. 5/4 classes. No class 7/5. Times 9:15-10am 9:15-10am 9:15-10am 9-10am
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/17-7/15 6/18-7/16 6/19-7/17 6/21-7/19
7/22-8/12 7/23-8/13 7/24-8/14 7/26-8/16
$128 $128 $128 $110
9:15-10am 9:15-10am 9:15-10am 10-11am
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/17-7/15 6/18-7/16 6/19-7/17 6/21-7/19
7/22-8/12 7/23-8/13 7/24-8/14 7/26-8/16
$128 $128 $128 $110
M M T W Th Sat
$102 $102 $102 $110
Session II - Fee
9-10am 4:45-5:45pm 9-10am
6/16-7/14 $138 6/18-7/16 $138 6/20-7/18 $110
7/21-8/11 $110 7/23-8/13 $110 7/25-8/15 $110
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
7/15-8/12 $105
10:30-11:15am 5:30-6:15pm 10:30-11:15am 9:30-10:15am 4:15-5pm 9:15-10am
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/2-7/7 6/2-7/7 6/3-7/8 6/4-7/9 6/5-7/10 6/7-7/12
7/14-8/11 7/14-8/11 7/15-8/12 7/16-8/13 7/17-8/14 7/19-8/16
$126 $126 $126 $126 $126 $105
$105 $105 $105 $105 $105 $105
Cheerleading Tumbling (9-18 yrs) Class concentrates on tumbling that cheerleaders use. Designed for beginner or intermediate tumblers. 4/5 classes.
W Th
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6:45-7:45pm 6:45-7:45pm
6/18-7/16 $138 6/19-7/17 $138
7/23-8/13 $110 7/24-8/14 $110
Summer 2014
Times M T T Th Sat
9:30-10:15am 4:30-5:15pm 5:15-6pm 6-6:45pm 10:15-11am
An exciting class designed for boys just starting out in gymnastics. Instruction covers cartwheels, forward and backward rolls and parallel bars, trampoline, tumble trak and ring work. 6/5 classes. Times W
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/2-7/7 $126 6/3-7/8 $126 6/3-7/8 $126 6/5-7/10 $126 6/7-7/12 $105
7/14-8/11 7/15-8/12 7/15-8/12 7/17-8/14 7/19-8/16
$105 $105 $105 $105 $105
Register Now 925.373.5700
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/4-7/9 $126
7/16-8/13 $105
Junior Girls (6-10 yrs) A great class for girls just starting out in gymnastics. Class covers cartwheels, handstands, forward and backward rolls, and bar, trampoline, tumble trak and beam work. 5 classes. No class 7/5. Sat
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/7-7/12 $105
7/19-8/16 $105
Coed Gymnastics (6-12 yrs) Class covers beginning gymnastics and tumbling skills in a nurturing environment. Students use the four event apparatus, and the tumble trak and mini trampoline. 6/5 classes. Times
Help your child gain body awareness and confidence by learning gymnastic event basics on equipment scaled and designed for their age and ability. 6/5 classes. No class 7/5.
Basic to advanced trampoline and tumbling skills taught in this progressive class. Grouped by age 4-9, 9-13. 5/4 classes. No class 7/4. Session I - Fee
6/3-7/8 $126
Tumblers (4-6 yrs)
School Age TnT (4-13 yrs) Times
Session II - Fee
Rings, balance beam, rope ladder, trapeze are just a few of the apparatus used to challenge your preschooler. This is an excellent class to develop large motor skills needed for Kindergarten. 6/5 classes. No class 7/5.
Children should be ready to participate without a parent and able to follow the instructor. Class develops basic skills in an energetic and safe environment. 4/5 classes. No class 7/5.
T W Th Sat
Session I - Fee
Hotdoggers (3-5 yrs)
$102 $102 $102 $110
Mini Bouncers TnT (3-5 yrs)
Boys (6-10 yrs)
Kindergym (18 mos-3 yrs)
Parent Tot TnT (18 mos-3 yrs)
T W Th Sat
Printing your activity guide... recycled paper... soy ink... voila!
14_15 Youth GYM:F&W
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
6/3-7/8 $138
7/15-8/12 $115
Beginning Girls (6-12 yrs) Same as Coed Gymnastics, but for girls only. 6/5 classes.
M M W Th
Session I - Fee
Session II - Fee
4:30-5:30pm 6:30-7:30pm 5:30-6:30pm 5-6pm
6/2-7/7 $138 6/2-7/7 $138 6/4-7/9 $138 6/5-7/10 $138
7/14-8/11 7/14-8/11 7/16-8/13 7/17-8/14
$115 $115 $115 $115
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
16_17 Yth M Art:F&W
8:09 PM
Page 2
Aikido of Livermore Shinrei Dojo 3985 First St. Suite C
Aikido for Kids
Ravenswood Annual
Victorian Tea Sunday, April 27 2–4:30 pm
(7- 15 yrs)
Class offers a learning environment that teaches respect, careful instruction in the technical and philosophical aspects of Aikido e allowing the children to have fun. Sometimes the children practice rolling, falling and coordination skills by playing games. At other times, the focus is on skills to foster awareness and concentration. Goal: Offer an alternative to situations involving conflict and conflict resolution. Ongoing 7-9 YRS M 6-7pm $52/mo 10-15 YRS Sat 9:30-10:30am $52/mo monthly class, registration taken anytime.
Aikido Beginners Course
Presented by: Ravenswood Progress League and Livermore Area Recreation and Park District
Benefits the Ravenswood Furnishing Fund • $40 per person Reservations Required
(13+ yrs)
Aikido is a non-violent, Japanese martial art that teaches students to blend with the power of an attack, neutralize it and bring the attacker under control without inflicting serious injury. Aikido principles foster positive ways to deal with conflict and provide an alternative to our natural response of power verses power. Training promotes proper posture, good balT 7-8:30pm 6/10 - 7/15 $72 ance, centering, and improved physical coordination. Safe rolling and falling skills covered. 6 class sessions
Shinkendo, Samurai Swordsmanship (13+ yrs)
2647 Arroyo Road • Livermore, CA 925.443.0238 Public Tours: Located in the heart of the Livermore Wine Country, Ravenswood Historic Site is open for free public tours from noon–4 pm on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Docents give hour-long guided tours starting every 20 minutes. The last tour begins at 3 pm. Tours not offered on April 27.
Shinkendo teaches authentic Japanese swordsmanship and is a comprehensive study of the sword once practiced by the Samurai in ancient Japan. Shinkendo founder Kaiso Toshishiro Obata Sensei studied extensively with some of Japan’s best-known sword teachers and created this modern Budo based upon his experience, knowledge and historical research. This introductory class covers training in sword etiquette, basics sword swinging drills, combative sword drawing forms and an understanding of classical Japanese Th 7-8:30pm 6/12 - 7/17 $72 martial arts. 6 class sessions
Be Our Guest
Let us host your special event
Ninja Turtles Jujitsu/Judo (3- 6 yrs) Prof. Rory Rebmann 847 Rincon Ave In this energetic highly specialized class, learn everything from whole body coordination, confidence, independence, self-defense skills, falling safely, wrestling to tumbling. Students develop strength, flexibility and self-discipline in a positive, age appropriate learning environment. All classes lead to nationally ranked belt promotions. Ongoing monthly class and registration taken anytime.
T TTh Sat
4:15-5pm 6-6:45pm 10:30-11:15am
$45/mo $45/mo $45/mo
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Jr. Samurai Jujitsu/Judo (5- 10 yrs)
Prof. Rory Rebmann
847 Rincon Ave
Traditional mixed martial art, practiced internationally. Jujitsu incorporates techniques from Karate, Judo and Aikido. Class instruction is individualized and age appropriate. Students become more physically fit and learn whole body coordination, safe falling, self-defense techniques, tumbling and grappling. Instructor holds a 10th degree Black Belt. Ongoing monthly class; registration taken anytime.
M T W Th Sat
Summer 2014
5:30–6:30 pm 5:30–6:30 pm 5:30–6:30 pm 5:30–6:30 pm 10-11 am
Veterans Hall
Weddings Business Meetings Birthday Parties Quinceañeras Dances Luncheons Fund Raisers
Any size event, any occasion, choose from four facilities Ravenswood Historic Site Robert Livermore Community Center Veterans Hall The Barn
$72/mo $72/mo $72/mo $72/mo $72/mo
LARPD Facility Rentals
The Barn
Robert Livermore Community Center
925.373.5700 facilities@larpd.org
16_17 Yth M Art:F&W
8:09 PM
Page 2
Aikido of Livermore Shinrei Dojo 3985 First St. Suite C
Aikido for Kids
Ravenswood Annual
Victorian Tea Sunday, April 27 2–4:30 pm
(7- 15 yrs)
Class offers a learning environment that teaches respect, careful instruction in the technical and philosophical aspects of Aikido e allowing the children to have fun. Sometimes the children practice rolling, falling and coordination skills by playing games. At other times, the focus is on skills to foster awareness and concentration. Goal: Offer an alternative to situations involving conflict and conflict resolution. Ongoing 7-9 YRS M 6-7pm $52/mo 10-15 YRS Sat 9:30-10:30am $52/mo monthly class, registration taken anytime.
Aikido Beginners Course
Presented by: Ravenswood Progress League and Livermore Area Recreation and Park District
Benefits the Ravenswood Furnishing Fund • $40 per person Reservations Required
(13+ yrs)
Aikido is a non-violent, Japanese martial art that teaches students to blend with the power of an attack, neutralize it and bring the attacker under control without inflicting serious injury. Aikido principles foster positive ways to deal with conflict and provide an alternative to our natural response of power verses power. Training promotes proper posture, good balT 7-8:30pm 6/10 - 7/15 $72 ance, centering, and improved physical coordination. Safe rolling and falling skills covered. 6 class sessions
Shinkendo, Samurai Swordsmanship (13+ yrs)
2647 Arroyo Road • Livermore, CA 925.443.0238 Public Tours: Located in the heart of the Livermore Wine Country, Ravenswood Historic Site is open for free public tours from noon–4 pm on the second and fourth Sundays of each month. Docents give hour-long guided tours starting every 20 minutes. The last tour begins at 3 pm. Tours not offered on April 27.
Shinkendo teaches authentic Japanese swordsmanship and is a comprehensive study of the sword once practiced by the Samurai in ancient Japan. Shinkendo founder Kaiso Toshishiro Obata Sensei studied extensively with some of Japan’s best-known sword teachers and created this modern Budo based upon his experience, knowledge and historical research. This introductory class covers training in sword etiquette, basics sword swinging drills, combative sword drawing forms and an understanding of classical Japanese Th 7-8:30pm 6/12 - 7/17 $72 martial arts. 6 class sessions
Be Our Guest
Let us host your special event
Ninja Turtles Jujitsu/Judo (3- 6 yrs) Prof. Rory Rebmann 847 Rincon Ave In this energetic highly specialized class, learn everything from whole body coordination, confidence, independence, self-defense skills, falling safely, wrestling to tumbling. Students develop strength, flexibility and self-discipline in a positive, age appropriate learning environment. All classes lead to nationally ranked belt promotions. Ongoing monthly class and registration taken anytime.
T TTh Sat
4:15-5pm 6-6:45pm 10:30-11:15am
$45/mo $45/mo $45/mo
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Jr. Samurai Jujitsu/Judo (5- 10 yrs)
Prof. Rory Rebmann
847 Rincon Ave
Traditional mixed martial art, practiced internationally. Jujitsu incorporates techniques from Karate, Judo and Aikido. Class instruction is individualized and age appropriate. Students become more physically fit and learn whole body coordination, safe falling, self-defense techniques, tumbling and grappling. Instructor holds a 10th degree Black Belt. Ongoing monthly class; registration taken anytime.
M T W Th Sat
Summer 2014
5:30–6:30 pm 5:30–6:30 pm 5:30–6:30 pm 5:30–6:30 pm 10-11 am
Veterans Hall
Weddings Business Meetings Birthday Parties Quinceañeras Dances Luncheons Fund Raisers
Any size event, any occasion, choose from four facilities Ravenswood Historic Site Robert Livermore Community Center Veterans Hall The Barn
$72/mo $72/mo $72/mo $72/mo $72/mo
LARPD Facility Rentals
The Barn
Robert Livermore Community Center
925.373.5700 facilities@larpd.org
8:10 PM
Page 2
Art for Children: Paint, Draw & Sculpt like Famous Artists
(5 -17 yrs) Thomasin Dewhurst RLCC Learn the techniques of famous artists as the course introduces the works of various artists from early to late art history including Greek and Roman, Renaissance, and Modern art from around the world. Students practice drawing with charcoal, pastels and pencil, learn shading, proportions and perspective, paint with oils on canvas, watercolors and acrylics, make clay sculptures, and create structures out of found objects. 6 classes.
Music Galina’s Music Studio
Galina's Music Studio Staff 1756 First Street, Livermore (Vine Center)
Our main focus is to enhance each individual’s musical talents and expressions while exposing the individual to a variety of musical styles Piano and voice instruction to students of all ages and levels.
Kids on Guitar! (7-12 yrs) Learn to play the guitar immediately! Students receive a guitar course book and learn from three irresistible guitar experts – a clever, classical dog, one cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator who loves the blues. Take the first, best step toward a lifetime of musical enjoyment! Bring your own guitar (or available for purchase). 6 classes. No class 7/4. Age 7-9 yrs 10-12 yrs
First Aid & Safety
American Sign Language (8-11 yrs)
Child & Babysitting Safety (12-18 yrs)
American Safety Academy RLCC Babysitting is not just “watching” children, but being responsible for their safety and well-being. Course focuses on setting up your babysitting business, safety and emergency response, diapering, playtime, bedtime, interacting with parents and more. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a bag lunch to class. 1 class.
Sat Th T W
10am-2:30pm 10am-2:30pm 10am-2:30pm 10am-2:30pm
6/14 or 7/12 or 8/2 6/26 7/22 8/13
$63 $63 $63 $63
Pet First Aid (12+ yrs)
American Safety Academy RLCC According to the American Animal Hospital Association, 25% more pets could be saved if just one Pet First Aid technique were used before getting emergency veterinary care. Come learn the essentials of pet rescue in a enjoyable, low-stress, hands-on environment. Join other pet lovers and learn about such topics as: recognizing an emergency, performing pet CPR and First Aid, stocking a Pet First Aid Kit, and treating common illnesses. 1 class.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Sheila Holmes RLCC ASL makes it easy to sign through a closed window or communicate across a crowded room. Learn finger spelling, numbers, basic vocabulary, simple sentences and experience deaf art projects. No experience necessary. 8 classes.
LARPD DOG PARKS LARPD has six park facilities where dogs may be off leash. These areas are perfect for training, exercise, catch or frolicking. Each area is fenced and includes a water spigot. * Please conserve water. *
Bruno Canziani S. Charlotte Way Marlin A. Pound 2010 Bluebell Max Baer Park 1310 Murdell Lane May Nissen 685 Rincon Avenue Robertson Park 3200 Robertson Park (restricted) Vista Meadows Park 2450 Westminster Way
Summer 2014
Day F F
Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R
11am-Noon 1-2pm
6/20-8/1 6/20-8/1
$122 $122
Music Time Academy specializes in high quality, affordable music instruction for all ages and skill levels. Classes available in private and small group settings, with professional musicians guiding students on most instruments, including: piano, keyboard, voice, guitar, bass, drums, violin, viola, cello, trumpet, clarinet, flute, saxophone, trombone, baritone, tuba, banjo, mandolin and ukulele. Independently owned/operated by a local professional musician, MTA has been serving the community since 2002, and is the number one destination for private music lessons in the greater Tri-Valley area. Classes provided below.
Teaches easy step-by-step piano instruction for beginners. Students can play satisfying and entertaining pieces from the first lesson. Lessons taught in a supportive environment for easy learning the fundamentals of music notation, music theory and rhythm. 6 classes. 5-7 yrs 8-12 yrs 13-17 yrs
Day Th Th Th
10-11am 11am-Noon 1-2pm
6/19-7/24 6/19-7/24 6/19-7/24
$132 $132 $137
Ukulele (8-12 yrs)
Learn to play the ukulele immediately! Students receive a ukulele course book and learn from three irresistible ukulele experts – a clever, classical dog, one cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator who loves the blues. Take the first, best step toward a lifetime of musical enjoyment! 6 classes. No class 7/5. Age
8-12 yrs
Vocal Lessons (8-17 yrs) Class covers songs ranging from folk to popular hits; including music from the popular show Glee and Disney favorites. Lessons intro-duce students to ear training, breathing techniques, vocal and diction exercises and harmonizing with others. 6 classes. Age 8-12 yrs 13-17 yrs
MusicTime Academy (7 -17 yrs)
Piano for Beginners (5-17 yrs)
18_19 Yth SI:F&W
1-2pm 2-3pm
6/18-7/23 6/18-7/23
$147 $147
Instrument Discovery (7-10 yrs)
Are you looking for a music class, but not exactly sure where to start? In this unique, exploratory workshop, children can try new instruments each week on the way to discover the one that fits them best. Explore the basics of both popular and obscure musical instruments heard in many styles of music, including classical, jazz, rock, blues and pop. 4 classes. Day
Session l
Session ll
Band & Orchestra Prep Course (13-17 yrs)
Get a head start on playing a new instrument, preparing for school auditions, or keeping up skills during the summer break. One-on-one lessons help students learn valuable skills (proper technique and sight reading) at their own pace from a professional musician. Private music lessons offered on all school band and orchestra instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, per-cussion, violin, viola, cello, and bass. Call to schedule at 456-3460. 4 classes-Monthly.
Register Now 925.373.5700
Anytime Between Noon-9pm June, July & August
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:10 PM
Page 2
Art for Children: Paint, Draw & Sculpt like Famous Artists
(5 -17 yrs) Thomasin Dewhurst RLCC Learn the techniques of famous artists as the course introduces the works of various artists from early to late art history including Greek and Roman, Renaissance, and Modern art from around the world. Students practice drawing with charcoal, pastels and pencil, learn shading, proportions and perspective, paint with oils on canvas, watercolors and acrylics, make clay sculptures, and create structures out of found objects. 6 classes.
Music Galina’s Music Studio
Galina's Music Studio Staff 1756 First Street, Livermore (Vine Center)
Our main focus is to enhance each individual’s musical talents and expressions while exposing the individual to a variety of musical styles Piano and voice instruction to students of all ages and levels.
Kids on Guitar! (7-12 yrs) Learn to play the guitar immediately! Students receive a guitar course book and learn from three irresistible guitar experts – a clever, classical dog, one cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator who loves the blues. Take the first, best step toward a lifetime of musical enjoyment! Bring your own guitar (or available for purchase). 6 classes. No class 7/4. Age 7-9 yrs 10-12 yrs
First Aid & Safety
American Sign Language (8-11 yrs)
Child & Babysitting Safety (12-18 yrs)
American Safety Academy RLCC Babysitting is not just “watching” children, but being responsible for their safety and well-being. Course focuses on setting up your babysitting business, safety and emergency response, diapering, playtime, bedtime, interacting with parents and more. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a bag lunch to class. 1 class.
Sat Th T W
10am-2:30pm 10am-2:30pm 10am-2:30pm 10am-2:30pm
6/14 or 7/12 or 8/2 6/26 7/22 8/13
$63 $63 $63 $63
Pet First Aid (12+ yrs)
American Safety Academy RLCC According to the American Animal Hospital Association, 25% more pets could be saved if just one Pet First Aid technique were used before getting emergency veterinary care. Come learn the essentials of pet rescue in a enjoyable, low-stress, hands-on environment. Join other pet lovers and learn about such topics as: recognizing an emergency, performing pet CPR and First Aid, stocking a Pet First Aid Kit, and treating common illnesses. 1 class.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Sheila Holmes RLCC ASL makes it easy to sign through a closed window or communicate across a crowded room. Learn finger spelling, numbers, basic vocabulary, simple sentences and experience deaf art projects. No experience necessary. 8 classes.
LARPD DOG PARKS LARPD has six park facilities where dogs may be off leash. These areas are perfect for training, exercise, catch or frolicking. Each area is fenced and includes a water spigot. * Please conserve water. *
Bruno Canziani S. Charlotte Way Marlin A. Pound 2010 Bluebell Max Baer Park 1310 Murdell Lane May Nissen 685 Rincon Avenue Robertson Park 3200 Robertson Park (restricted) Vista Meadows Park 2450 Westminster Way
Summer 2014
Day F F
Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R
11am-Noon 1-2pm
6/20-8/1 6/20-8/1
$122 $122
Music Time Academy specializes in high quality, affordable music instruction for all ages and skill levels. Classes available in private and small group settings, with professional musicians guiding students on most instruments, including: piano, keyboard, voice, guitar, bass, drums, violin, viola, cello, trumpet, clarinet, flute, saxophone, trombone, baritone, tuba, banjo, mandolin and ukulele. Independently owned/operated by a local professional musician, MTA has been serving the community since 2002, and is the number one destination for private music lessons in the greater Tri-Valley area. Classes provided below.
Teaches easy step-by-step piano instruction for beginners. Students can play satisfying and entertaining pieces from the first lesson. Lessons taught in a supportive environment for easy learning the fundamentals of music notation, music theory and rhythm. 6 classes. 5-7 yrs 8-12 yrs 13-17 yrs
Day Th Th Th
10-11am 11am-Noon 1-2pm
6/19-7/24 6/19-7/24 6/19-7/24
$132 $132 $137
Ukulele (8-12 yrs)
Learn to play the ukulele immediately! Students receive a ukulele course book and learn from three irresistible ukulele experts – a clever, classical dog, one cool jazz cat, and a friendly alligator who loves the blues. Take the first, best step toward a lifetime of musical enjoyment! 6 classes. No class 7/5. Age
8-12 yrs
Vocal Lessons (8-17 yrs) Class covers songs ranging from folk to popular hits; including music from the popular show Glee and Disney favorites. Lessons intro-duce students to ear training, breathing techniques, vocal and diction exercises and harmonizing with others. 6 classes. Age 8-12 yrs 13-17 yrs
MusicTime Academy (7 -17 yrs)
Piano for Beginners (5-17 yrs)
18_19 Yth SI:F&W
1-2pm 2-3pm
6/18-7/23 6/18-7/23
$147 $147
Instrument Discovery (7-10 yrs)
Are you looking for a music class, but not exactly sure where to start? In this unique, exploratory workshop, children can try new instruments each week on the way to discover the one that fits them best. Explore the basics of both popular and obscure musical instruments heard in many styles of music, including classical, jazz, rock, blues and pop. 4 classes. Day
Session l
Session ll
Band & Orchestra Prep Course (13-17 yrs)
Get a head start on playing a new instrument, preparing for school auditions, or keeping up skills during the summer break. One-on-one lessons help students learn valuable skills (proper technique and sight reading) at their own pace from a professional musician. Private music lessons offered on all school band and orchestra instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, per-cussion, violin, viola, cello, and bass. Call to schedule at 456-3460. 4 classes-Monthly.
Register Now 925.373.5700
Anytime Between Noon-9pm June, July & August
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:10 PM
Page 2
Youth 3-on-3 Basketball Clinics (8-13 yrs) LARPD Staff RLCC Gym
Focus on improving basketball skills in an entertaining, low-stress environment with healthy competition. All players participate in 3-on-3 fundamentals and improve at every skill level. Learn shooting, passing, defense, rebounding, pick and roll, moving without the ball, transition, and more. After a 30-minute clinic, participants divided into teams to play 3-on-3 games where skills rehearsed during the clinic can be practiced. Co-ed. Led by LARPD staff and volunteers who have experience coaching and playing competitively. For more information or to volunteer, email zsilva@larpd.org or call 925-373-5733. Ages
8-9 yrs 10-11 yrs 12-13 yrs
Th Th Th
6/19-8/14 6/19-8/14 6/19-8/14
5-6pm 6:15-7:15pm 7:30-8:30pm
$50 or $8 daily drop-in $50 or $8 daily drop-in $50 or $8 daily drop-in
Kidz Love Soccer (2-6 yrs) Kidz Love Soccer Staff
Flag Football Summer Instructional League (8-14 yrs) LJFL Staff Robert Livermore Park In collaboration with the Livermore Jr. Football League, pplayers cover the basic concepts of the game, and play on a recreational team without full contact football. Fee includes instruction by experienced coaches, a football jersey, and certificate of completion. Bring molded multi-cleat (non-metal) athletic shoes, water, and towel. Final meeting concludes with a special combined session Jamboree on Wed. 7/23. Go to www.LJFL.org. 12 meetings.
Just for Kicks Soccer (3-9 yrs) Just4Kicks Soccer Staff
Almond Park Just4Kicks conducts instructional lessons that develop skills and emotional development required for the game of soccer. Each session focuses on a particular aspect of the game, utilizing specifically designed activities. Typical session includes a warm-up, topic introduc-tion, demonstrations, activities to learn, practice on a certain skill, recreational games and a soccer match. Emphasis on learning and having fun, because we put the PLAY back into playing soccer.
Pre-K Soccer (3-4 yrs) Explore all the exciting skills you can learn with a soccer ball. The dreaded “bunch ball” play typical at this age worked on through devel-opment and learning of group dynamics. Skills such as dribbling the ball, stopping, passing and social skills taught in a fun atmosphere. 6 classes.
T Sat
4:40-5:10pm 4:45-5:15pm
7/8-8/12 7/12-8/16
Since 1979, Kidz Love Soccer has been dedicated to teaching children the world’s most popular sport within a nurturing, recreational environment. A typical session experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, games, and instructional scrimmages. Young players experience soccer in a safe, non-competitive environment. Kidz Love Soccer…”Where the score is always FUN to FUN!” Includes soccer jersey. 7 classes. No class 7/5.
Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer (2-3.5 yrs)
Introduces you and your toddler to the “World’s Most Popular Game”! While participating in age appropriate activities, your child develops his/her large motor and socialization skills. In Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer, parents are part of the action instead of watching from the sidelines!
5:10-5:45pm 4:10-4:45pm
7/8-8/12 7/12-8/16
$47 $47
Little tykes enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids! Encourages large motor skill development through fun soccer games and introduces small children to the group setting. Shin guards required after the first meeting.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Participants enjoy advanced skill building: dribbling, passing and shooting in a team play format. Each class will focus on scrimmages that emphasize application of finer technical points. All levels welcome to come enjoy the world’s most popular game! Each participant receives a soccer jersey. Shin guards required.
The Real Games Begin. Through the guidance and direction of Just4Kicks staff, playing and learning in a relaxed atmosphere with learning and growing being the main focus. Players work their skills by utilizing a practice method of game play. Scrimmages part of each class. Sportsmanship, fun and increased knowledge of the sport of soccer are part of K-1 Soccer. 8 classes.
Skillz & Scrimmages (7-10 yrs)
Teaches the basic techniques of the game and builds self-esteem through participation and fun soccer activities. Children learn to follow instructions in a nurturing, age appropriate environment. Shin guards required after the first meeting.
Players learn dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, age-specific defense, etc. Fun skill games played every session, and every participant will have a ball at his/her feet. Small-sided soccer matches gradually introduced. Shin guards required after the first meeting
Pre-Soccer (4-5 yrs)
T 5:45-6:30pm 7/8-8/12 $47 Sat 3:25-4:10pm 7/12-8/6 $47
Soccer 1 (5-6 yrs)
Tot Soccer (3.5-4 yrs)
Time to practice your soccer and get ready for a month of the world’s best soccer. The quadrennial tournament takes place June 12-July 13 in Brazil.
K-1 Soccer (5-6 yrs)
Learn to love soccer with the expectation of having fun. Skills introduced and built upon, while working on the team concept of soccer. Recreational games guide learning through play, so all those skills and drills begin to make the game and strategies of soccer really come together. 6 classes.
T Sat
May Nissen Park
$47 $47
K Soccer (4-5 yrs)
20_21 Yth Sports:F&W
2-4 Soccer (7-10 yrs) Passing, shooting, dribbling, GOAL! Player development emphasizes on putting it all together, individual skills with team play. Instruction conducted through play and fun activities. Participants visually learn the “how and why,” as the team works through scrimmages and game situations. Defensive and offensive tactics and strategies built on, through small-sided games. Individual and team skills equally important at this level. Expectations of each position in a small-sided game format explained and developed for a truly exceptional soccer experience. 8 classes.
T Sat
Register Now 925.373.5700
6:30-7:30pm 2:25-3:25pm
7/8-8/12 7/12-8/16
$47 $47
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:10 PM
Page 2
Youth 3-on-3 Basketball Clinics (8-13 yrs) LARPD Staff RLCC Gym
Focus on improving basketball skills in an entertaining, low-stress environment with healthy competition. All players participate in 3-on-3 fundamentals and improve at every skill level. Learn shooting, passing, defense, rebounding, pick and roll, moving without the ball, transition, and more. After a 30-minute clinic, participants divided into teams to play 3-on-3 games where skills rehearsed during the clinic can be practiced. Co-ed. Led by LARPD staff and volunteers who have experience coaching and playing competitively. For more information or to volunteer, email zsilva@larpd.org or call 925-373-5733. Ages
8-9 yrs 10-11 yrs 12-13 yrs
Th Th Th
6/19-8/14 6/19-8/14 6/19-8/14
5-6pm 6:15-7:15pm 7:30-8:30pm
$50 or $8 daily drop-in $50 or $8 daily drop-in $50 or $8 daily drop-in
Kidz Love Soccer (2-6 yrs) Kidz Love Soccer Staff
Flag Football Summer Instructional League (8-14 yrs) LJFL Staff Robert Livermore Park In collaboration with the Livermore Jr. Football League, pplayers cover the basic concepts of the game, and play on a recreational team without full contact football. Fee includes instruction by experienced coaches, a football jersey, and certificate of completion. Bring molded multi-cleat (non-metal) athletic shoes, water, and towel. Final meeting concludes with a special combined session Jamboree on Wed. 7/23. Go to www.LJFL.org. 12 meetings.
Just for Kicks Soccer (3-9 yrs) Just4Kicks Soccer Staff
Almond Park Just4Kicks conducts instructional lessons that develop skills and emotional development required for the game of soccer. Each session focuses on a particular aspect of the game, utilizing specifically designed activities. Typical session includes a warm-up, topic introduc-tion, demonstrations, activities to learn, practice on a certain skill, recreational games and a soccer match. Emphasis on learning and having fun, because we put the PLAY back into playing soccer.
Pre-K Soccer (3-4 yrs) Explore all the exciting skills you can learn with a soccer ball. The dreaded “bunch ball” play typical at this age worked on through devel-opment and learning of group dynamics. Skills such as dribbling the ball, stopping, passing and social skills taught in a fun atmosphere. 6 classes.
T Sat
4:40-5:10pm 4:45-5:15pm
7/8-8/12 7/12-8/16
Since 1979, Kidz Love Soccer has been dedicated to teaching children the world’s most popular sport within a nurturing, recreational environment. A typical session experience includes age appropriate activities: skill demonstrations, games, and instructional scrimmages. Young players experience soccer in a safe, non-competitive environment. Kidz Love Soccer…”Where the score is always FUN to FUN!” Includes soccer jersey. 7 classes. No class 7/5.
Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer (2-3.5 yrs)
Introduces you and your toddler to the “World’s Most Popular Game”! While participating in age appropriate activities, your child develops his/her large motor and socialization skills. In Mommy/Daddy & Me Soccer, parents are part of the action instead of watching from the sidelines!
5:10-5:45pm 4:10-4:45pm
7/8-8/12 7/12-8/16
$47 $47
Little tykes enjoy running and kicking just like the big kids! Encourages large motor skill development through fun soccer games and introduces small children to the group setting. Shin guards required after the first meeting.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Participants enjoy advanced skill building: dribbling, passing and shooting in a team play format. Each class will focus on scrimmages that emphasize application of finer technical points. All levels welcome to come enjoy the world’s most popular game! Each participant receives a soccer jersey. Shin guards required.
The Real Games Begin. Through the guidance and direction of Just4Kicks staff, playing and learning in a relaxed atmosphere with learning and growing being the main focus. Players work their skills by utilizing a practice method of game play. Scrimmages part of each class. Sportsmanship, fun and increased knowledge of the sport of soccer are part of K-1 Soccer. 8 classes.
Skillz & Scrimmages (7-10 yrs)
Teaches the basic techniques of the game and builds self-esteem through participation and fun soccer activities. Children learn to follow instructions in a nurturing, age appropriate environment. Shin guards required after the first meeting.
Players learn dribbling, passing, receiving, shooting, age-specific defense, etc. Fun skill games played every session, and every participant will have a ball at his/her feet. Small-sided soccer matches gradually introduced. Shin guards required after the first meeting
Pre-Soccer (4-5 yrs)
T 5:45-6:30pm 7/8-8/12 $47 Sat 3:25-4:10pm 7/12-8/6 $47
Soccer 1 (5-6 yrs)
Tot Soccer (3.5-4 yrs)
Time to practice your soccer and get ready for a month of the world’s best soccer. The quadrennial tournament takes place June 12-July 13 in Brazil.
K-1 Soccer (5-6 yrs)
Learn to love soccer with the expectation of having fun. Skills introduced and built upon, while working on the team concept of soccer. Recreational games guide learning through play, so all those skills and drills begin to make the game and strategies of soccer really come together. 6 classes.
T Sat
May Nissen Park
$47 $47
K Soccer (4-5 yrs)
20_21 Yth Sports:F&W
2-4 Soccer (7-10 yrs) Passing, shooting, dribbling, GOAL! Player development emphasizes on putting it all together, individual skills with team play. Instruction conducted through play and fun activities. Participants visually learn the “how and why,” as the team works through scrimmages and game situations. Defensive and offensive tactics and strategies built on, through small-sided games. Individual and team skills equally important at this level. Expectations of each position in a small-sided game format explained and developed for a truly exceptional soccer experience. 8 classes.
T Sat
Register Now 925.373.5700
6:30-7:30pm 2:25-3:25pm
7/8-8/12 7/12-8/16
$47 $47
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
22_23 Teens:F&W
2:36 PM
Page 2
Teen Adventures
Band & Orchestra Prep Course (13-17 yrs) (12- 15 yrs) LARPD Staff
Teen Adventure Days are specifically geared towards students entering 7th, 8th and 9th grade. Campers experience a variety of activities including trying new adventures, making friends, taking special tours, and learning how to kayak.
Disc Golf and Sunrise Kayak Center at Lake Del Valle
Meet at Robertson Park and begin the day playing on LARPD's own Disc Gold course. Then go to Lake Del Valle and rent kayaks or stand-up paddle boards for a couple hours before returning to Ernie Rodriguez for Disc Golf and batting cages. 1 day.
Exploratorium Come explore with us! We will tour the Exploratorium in the new San Francisco location. Will arrive at noon and have over 2.5 hours to explore the museum. LARPD Staff will bus and chaperone participants.
Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R Get a head start on a new instrument, prepare for school auditions, or simply keep up your skills during the summer break. One-on-one lessons help students learn valuable skills (proper technique and sight reading) at their own pace, from a professional musician. Private music lessons offered on all school band and orchestra instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, per-cussion, violin, viola, cello, and bass. Call to schedule at 925-456-3460. 4 classes-Monthly.
M-Sun Anytime between Noon-9pm June, July, August $122
Galina’s Music Studio
Galina's Music Studio Staff 1756 First Street (Livermore Vine Center) At Galina’s Music Studio, our main focus is to enhance each individual’s musical talents and expressions to his/her fullest extent while exposing the individual to a variety of musical styles. From classical to jazz, blues to pop, GMS offers comprehensive piano and voice instruction to students of all ages and experience levels in a nurturing, relaxed learning environment.
Piano for Beginners (13- 17 yrs) Teaches easy step-by-step piano instruction for beginners. Students can play pieces from the first lesson. Lessons taught in a supportive environment for easy learning the fundamentals of music notation, music theory and rhythm. 6 classes.
(15 yrs & up) ALOHA Staff 1857 First St.
Learn the rules of the road and how to be a safe driver from DMVcertified instructors. Class provides 25 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of behind the wheel training* and certificates for Classroom Course Completion, Behind the Wheel Proof of Enrollment and Behind the Wheel Course Completion. *Students must pass DMV permit test at a DMV office prior to beginning Behind the Wheel Training.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Class covers songs ranging from folk to popular hits; including music from the popular show Glee and Disney favorites. Lessons introduce students to ear training, breathing techniques, vocal and diction exercises and harmonizing with others. 6 classes.
Leadership In Teen Experience (L.I.T.E.)
Driving School ALOHA Driving School
Vocal Lessons (13- 17 yrs)
(13-16 yrs) LARPD Staff
F-M M-Th M-Th M-Th M-Th Sat-M
8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm
Summer 2014
5/23-5/26 6/16-6/19 7/7-7/10 8/4-8/7 8/18-8/21 8/30-9/1, 9/6
$400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
Designed for motivated teens who are interested in developing leadership skills while working with children in summer camp programs. Participants trained by LARPD staff and assist in implementing camp activities. Participants required to attend two mandatory class meetings at the RLCC. The first meeting, 5/7 at 6–7 pm to turn in participation packets and the second meeting, 5/21 at 6–8 pm to receive camp assignments, T-shirts, and participate in orientation. Participation packets can be downloaded from the website or picked up at the Youth Services office at 71 Trevarno Rd. Indicate T-shirt size when registering. Program runs 6/17-8/16. For more information call 925-960-2483. Fee: $40. Limited enrollment.
Register Now 925.373.5700
Middle School – Before- and After-School Program, Entering 6–8th grades A before- and after-school program for middle school students located on middle school campuses – Christensen, East Ave., Junction, and Mendenhall. PAL is a year-round program available Mon through Fri from 7 am until school starts and after school until 6 pm; and during the summer from 7 am–6 pm Mon through Fri. The program provides a safe and fun environment, including field trips, recreational games and activities, homework time, and community service projects. Financial assistance is available for qualified participants. For more information, call 925-960-2483. Year round fee: $260 per month. $50 non-refundable registration fee. Summer-only care: $395/mo summer only, plus $50 non-refundable registration fee.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
22_23 Teens:F&W
2:36 PM
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Teen Adventures
Band & Orchestra Prep Course (13-17 yrs) (12- 15 yrs) LARPD Staff
Teen Adventure Days are specifically geared towards students entering 7th, 8th and 9th grade. Campers experience a variety of activities including trying new adventures, making friends, taking special tours, and learning how to kayak.
Disc Golf and Sunrise Kayak Center at Lake Del Valle
Meet at Robertson Park and begin the day playing on LARPD's own Disc Gold course. Then go to Lake Del Valle and rent kayaks or stand-up paddle boards for a couple hours before returning to Ernie Rodriguez for Disc Golf and batting cages. 1 day.
Exploratorium Come explore with us! We will tour the Exploratorium in the new San Francisco location. Will arrive at noon and have over 2.5 hours to explore the museum. LARPD Staff will bus and chaperone participants.
Music Time Academy 2155 Las Positas Ct. Suite R Get a head start on a new instrument, prepare for school auditions, or simply keep up your skills during the summer break. One-on-one lessons help students learn valuable skills (proper technique and sight reading) at their own pace, from a professional musician. Private music lessons offered on all school band and orchestra instruments: flute, clarinet, saxophone, trumpet, trombone, baritone, tuba, per-cussion, violin, viola, cello, and bass. Call to schedule at 925-456-3460. 4 classes-Monthly.
M-Sun Anytime between Noon-9pm June, July, August $122
Galina’s Music Studio
Galina's Music Studio Staff 1756 First Street (Livermore Vine Center) At Galina’s Music Studio, our main focus is to enhance each individual’s musical talents and expressions to his/her fullest extent while exposing the individual to a variety of musical styles. From classical to jazz, blues to pop, GMS offers comprehensive piano and voice instruction to students of all ages and experience levels in a nurturing, relaxed learning environment.
Piano for Beginners (13- 17 yrs) Teaches easy step-by-step piano instruction for beginners. Students can play pieces from the first lesson. Lessons taught in a supportive environment for easy learning the fundamentals of music notation, music theory and rhythm. 6 classes.
(15 yrs & up) ALOHA Staff 1857 First St.
Learn the rules of the road and how to be a safe driver from DMVcertified instructors. Class provides 25 hours of classroom instruction, 6 hours of behind the wheel training* and certificates for Classroom Course Completion, Behind the Wheel Proof of Enrollment and Behind the Wheel Course Completion. *Students must pass DMV permit test at a DMV office prior to beginning Behind the Wheel Training.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Class covers songs ranging from folk to popular hits; including music from the popular show Glee and Disney favorites. Lessons introduce students to ear training, breathing techniques, vocal and diction exercises and harmonizing with others. 6 classes.
Leadership In Teen Experience (L.I.T.E.)
Driving School ALOHA Driving School
Vocal Lessons (13- 17 yrs)
(13-16 yrs) LARPD Staff
F-M M-Th M-Th M-Th M-Th Sat-M
8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm 8am-3pm
Summer 2014
5/23-5/26 6/16-6/19 7/7-7/10 8/4-8/7 8/18-8/21 8/30-9/1, 9/6
$400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400
Designed for motivated teens who are interested in developing leadership skills while working with children in summer camp programs. Participants trained by LARPD staff and assist in implementing camp activities. Participants required to attend two mandatory class meetings at the RLCC. The first meeting, 5/7 at 6–7 pm to turn in participation packets and the second meeting, 5/21 at 6–8 pm to receive camp assignments, T-shirts, and participate in orientation. Participation packets can be downloaded from the website or picked up at the Youth Services office at 71 Trevarno Rd. Indicate T-shirt size when registering. Program runs 6/17-8/16. For more information call 925-960-2483. Fee: $40. Limited enrollment.
Register Now 925.373.5700
Middle School – Before- and After-School Program, Entering 6–8th grades A before- and after-school program for middle school students located on middle school campuses – Christensen, East Ave., Junction, and Mendenhall. PAL is a year-round program available Mon through Fri from 7 am until school starts and after school until 6 pm; and during the summer from 7 am–6 pm Mon through Fri. The program provides a safe and fun environment, including field trips, recreational games and activities, homework time, and community service projects. Financial assistance is available for qualified participants. For more information, call 925-960-2483. Year round fee: $260 per month. $50 non-refundable registration fee. Summer-only care: $395/mo summer only, plus $50 non-refundable registration fee.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
3:02 PM
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Donations can be earmarked by a donor for a specific purpose or these gifts can go to the general fund for a variety of projects and events. Some recent Foundation accomplishments include: • Sponsor low-income individuals and families for 55+ programs, Aquatics and Water Polo.
LARPD FOUNDATION “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” ~Arthur Ashe Tennis Player, Activist
LARPD Foundation Research out of the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center confirms the positive benefits of giving. The Center advocates that giving is good for your well-being, happiness and health, promotes community connectedness, generates gratitude, and is contagious. And sowing and nurturing philanthropic opportunities is what the LARPD Foundation has been doing for over 20 years. The official partner organization to the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District (LARPD), the LARPD Foundation serves
as the charitable avenue through which Livermore area residents can support valuable programs and services provided by LARPD.
Who We Are Established in 1993, the LARPD Foundation is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit that champions a wide
range of LARPD services, programs, and facilities. The organization is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees. Foundation trustees are Anita Thompson (President), Chris Wilson (Vice President), Simona McCartney (Secretary), Delma Kline (Treasurer), Courtney Michels, Randy Schlientz, and Ralph Sherman. Each board trustee generously donates resources, time, expertise, and passionate advocacy, which means that less than 1% of your donation ends up in administrative costs and 100% in good hands.
What We Do The LARPD Foundation fosters the development of existing recreation and park facilities and programs in the Livermore area, complements activities of LARPD, and helps raise funds so everyone has the opportunity to play, learn, and grow in a healthy environment. Foundation sponsored Trikke vehicle
Foundation sponsored Holiday Brunch
• Fulfill donations given in someone’s name for programs, trees, benches and other park and recreation ammenities. • Underwrite equipment purchases such as AEDs and a Trikke vehicle for the Rangers. • Award funding for LARPD special events.
Commemorative Bricks Walkway at Robertson Park Sports Fields
Who Benefits
Get Out and Play!
Everyone benefits – especially children, teens, students and seniors through LARPD’s life-enriching activities and programs. The LARPD Foundation supports LARPD in developing interpretive, recreational, educational, environmental and community service programs throughout the community.
Play keeps us young at heart. Giving makes us happy and healthy at heart. The LARPD Foundation provides a way for neighbors to help LARPD continue to provide an outstanding system of parks, recreation areas and facilities, and programs that stimulate, educate and enrich the lives of our citizens. So we invite you to stop by, visit, and learn about how you can make a difference.
A Gift From the Heart You can help through volunteering or writing a check, honoring a loved one by purchasing commemorative bricks at Robertson Sports Park, using affiliated stores’ rewards cards, by establishing an endowed fund or supporting an existing one, or through a specially tailored program.
By giving time or financial support to the LARPD Foundation, contributors help our parks and recreation thrive today and for tomorrow.
And then get out and play…with all your heart!
Foundation donated AEDs for Rangers
3:02 PM
Page 1
Donations can be earmarked by a donor for a specific purpose or these gifts can go to the general fund for a variety of projects and events. Some recent Foundation accomplishments include: • Sponsor low-income individuals and families for 55+ programs, Aquatics and Water Polo.
LARPD FOUNDATION “From what we get, we can make a living; what we give, however, makes a life.” ~Arthur Ashe Tennis Player, Activist
LARPD Foundation Research out of the University of California, Berkeley’s Greater Good Science Center confirms the positive benefits of giving. The Center advocates that giving is good for your well-being, happiness and health, promotes community connectedness, generates gratitude, and is contagious. And sowing and nurturing philanthropic opportunities is what the LARPD Foundation has been doing for over 20 years. The official partner organization to the Livermore Area Recreation and Park District (LARPD), the LARPD Foundation serves
as the charitable avenue through which Livermore area residents can support valuable programs and services provided by LARPD.
Who We Are Established in 1993, the LARPD Foundation is an independent 501(c)3 non-profit that champions a wide
range of LARPD services, programs, and facilities. The organization is governed by an all-volunteer Board of Trustees. Foundation trustees are Anita Thompson (President), Chris Wilson (Vice President), Simona McCartney (Secretary), Delma Kline (Treasurer), Courtney Michels, Randy Schlientz, and Ralph Sherman. Each board trustee generously donates resources, time, expertise, and passionate advocacy, which means that less than 1% of your donation ends up in administrative costs and 100% in good hands.
What We Do The LARPD Foundation fosters the development of existing recreation and park facilities and programs in the Livermore area, complements activities of LARPD, and helps raise funds so everyone has the opportunity to play, learn, and grow in a healthy environment. Foundation sponsored Trikke vehicle
Foundation sponsored Holiday Brunch
• Fulfill donations given in someone’s name for programs, trees, benches and other park and recreation ammenities. • Underwrite equipment purchases such as AEDs and a Trikke vehicle for the Rangers. • Award funding for LARPD special events.
Commemorative Bricks Walkway at Robertson Park Sports Fields
Who Benefits
Get Out and Play!
Everyone benefits – especially children, teens, students and seniors through LARPD’s life-enriching activities and programs. The LARPD Foundation supports LARPD in developing interpretive, recreational, educational, environmental and community service programs throughout the community.
Play keeps us young at heart. Giving makes us happy and healthy at heart. The LARPD Foundation provides a way for neighbors to help LARPD continue to provide an outstanding system of parks, recreation areas and facilities, and programs that stimulate, educate and enrich the lives of our citizens. So we invite you to stop by, visit, and learn about how you can make a difference.
A Gift From the Heart You can help through volunteering or writing a check, honoring a loved one by purchasing commemorative bricks at Robertson Sports Park, using affiliated stores’ rewards cards, by establishing an endowed fund or supporting an existing one, or through a specially tailored program.
By giving time or financial support to the LARPD Foundation, contributors help our parks and recreation thrive today and for tomorrow.
And then get out and play…with all your heart!
Foundation donated AEDs for Rangers
26_27 ADS updated:F&W
6:27 PM
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Robertson Park Sports Complex LARPD FOUNDATION About the Foundation
Site of the Commemorative Bricks Program
Hundreds of Topics
Read more about the LARPD Foundation and the wonderful programs you can help support on pages 24-25.
Affordable Learning that Fits Your Schedule
The LARPD Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation supporting Livermore area parks and community resources, nature programs, special events, Ravenswood Historic Site and community beautification efforts. The LARPD Foundation's primary objective and purpose is to aid, sponsor, promote, advance and assist in the provision of public parks, recreation and community services in the Livermore area.
Instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. Get a head start on your career. These are only some of the courses we offer. Visit ed2go.com for a complete listing. All courses run for six weeks. Summer beginning dates are: 5/21, 6/18, 7/16, 8/20. All classes are $95. To enroll, see full descriptions of courses, and view a syllabus, visit www.ed2go.com/larpd. Open to high school students through Adults.
Robertson Park Sports Complex
Career Id C Ideas
Dreamweaver Learn to use Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Become a Veterinary Asst. Practicing veterinarian prepares stu- to design, create, and maintain userdents to work in a veterinary office or friendly Web sites full of professionalquality Web pages. hospital.
Commemorative Brick Program
The LARPD Foundation invites you to participate in the commemorative brick campaign. When you buy a brick, you support community sports and athletics in the Livermore Valley. With a donation of $250 or more, the LARPD Foundation will: Inscribe a brick with your name, the name of someone you would like to honor, or the name of your brand or company. Install your brick in the donor appreciation centerpiece area of the newly renovated Robertson Park Sports Complex.
brick campaign
Real Estate Investing Build and protect your wealth by investing in real estate. Get Paid to Travel Learn everything to start your new and exciting career as a professional tour director.
Accounting Fundamentals Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more.
Celebrating Our Future
LARPD Foundation 4444 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 Contact: Sandra Kaya 925-373-5786 skaya@larpd.org Scan the QR code to go to the donation catalog or visit h p://www.larpd.org/documents/Donation_Catalog.pdf
Languages Speed Spanish Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences. Engage in conversational Spanish in no time. Beginning Conversational French Discover how easy it can be to learn common words and phrases for both leisure and business.
Business Microsoft Powerpoint Learn how to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 to create impressive, professional-looking slide presentations.
Marketing your Business on Internet E-commerce expert helps students develop an Internet marketing plan for any business.
Effective Selling Learn the secret to converting a potential customer into a longterm asset. Find out how to lay the groundwork for repeat business and your future success.
Start your Own Small Business t Stop dreaming and learn how to start a successful small business.
Personal Finance
Wine Appreciation for Beg. Real Estate Investing Master and enjoy the secrets of fine Build and protect your wealth by inwine. vesting in real estate.
Losing Weight & Keep it Off Discover how to establish a healthy Photoshop Elements approach to successful weight loss Master the most advanced features of and weight maintenance for a lifetime. Photoshop Elements for Windows and take photo editing skills to the next Assisting Aging Parent level! Be prepared to handle the challenges of aging while learning to cherish the Microsoft Publisher transition. Hands-on, project-oriented class for beginners. Learn how to design, Ready, Set, Read! create, and publish a wide variety of A learning specialist shows students stunning documents using Microsoft how to raise a successful reader and Publisher 2007. writer.
Intro. to Criminal Law An in-depth look at criminal law and the real world of prosecutors, defense attorneys, and the paralegals. Intro. CSS & XHTML Learn to create state-of-the-art Web Pharmacy Technician sites using modern CSS and XHTML Master the skills for an entry-level techniques. position as a pharmacy tech or clerk. Learn the steps to take to become a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT).
For more information about the LARPD Foundation and the commemorative brick program, please visit our website at www.larpd.org and look under Foundation or use the QR code (pictured) to take you straight to the donation form.
Family & Friends
Easy English In this easy and interactive course, learn the basic English skills for reallife activities including shopping, job-hunting, and handling medical emergencies.
Debt Elimination Learn specific, powerful, and proven strategies to get completely out of debt and live a stress-free lifestyle. Stocks, Bonds and Investing: Oh, My! Make wise investment decisions so you have enough to live comfortably through retirement. Building Wealth Certified financial planner shows you how most wealthy people build their fortunes.
Web Design Creating Web Pages Learn the basics of HTML to design, create, and post on the Web. Creating Web Pages II Learn to develop polished and interactive pages complete with tables, forms, frames, audio, and CSS.
Networking/ Troubleshooting Wireless Networking Industry expert shows students how to plan, deploy, and connect to wireless networks. In Introduction to PC Security What you don’t know can really hurt W you. Learn what you can do to protect yo yo yourself. M More classes available on line at www.ed2go.com/larpd.
26_27 ADS updated:F&W
6:27 PM
Page 2
Robertson Park Sports Complex LARPD FOUNDATION About the Foundation
Site of the Commemorative Bricks Program
Hundreds of Topics
Read more about the LARPD Foundation and the wonderful programs you can help support on pages 24-25.
Affordable Learning that Fits Your Schedule
The LARPD Foundation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit foundation supporting Livermore area parks and community resources, nature programs, special events, Ravenswood Historic Site and community beautification efforts. The LARPD Foundation's primary objective and purpose is to aid, sponsor, promote, advance and assist in the provision of public parks, recreation and community services in the Livermore area.
Instructor-facilitated online courses are informative, fun, convenient and highly interactive. Our instructors are famous for their ability to create warm and supportive communities of learners. Get a head start on your career. These are only some of the courses we offer. Visit ed2go.com for a complete listing. All courses run for six weeks. Summer beginning dates are: 5/21, 6/18, 7/16, 8/20. All classes are $95. To enroll, see full descriptions of courses, and view a syllabus, visit www.ed2go.com/larpd. Open to high school students through Adults.
Robertson Park Sports Complex
Career Id C Ideas
Dreamweaver Learn to use Adobe Dreamweaver CS5 Become a Veterinary Asst. Practicing veterinarian prepares stu- to design, create, and maintain userdents to work in a veterinary office or friendly Web sites full of professionalquality Web pages. hospital.
Commemorative Brick Program
The LARPD Foundation invites you to participate in the commemorative brick campaign. When you buy a brick, you support community sports and athletics in the Livermore Valley. With a donation of $250 or more, the LARPD Foundation will: Inscribe a brick with your name, the name of someone you would like to honor, or the name of your brand or company. Install your brick in the donor appreciation centerpiece area of the newly renovated Robertson Park Sports Complex.
brick campaign
Real Estate Investing Build and protect your wealth by investing in real estate. Get Paid to Travel Learn everything to start your new and exciting career as a professional tour director.
Accounting Fundamentals Gain a marketable new skill by learning the basics of double-entry bookkeeping, financial reporting, and more.
Celebrating Our Future
LARPD Foundation 4444 East Avenue Livermore, CA 94550 Contact: Sandra Kaya 925-373-5786 skaya@larpd.org Scan the QR code to go to the donation catalog or visit h p://www.larpd.org/documents/Donation_Catalog.pdf
Languages Speed Spanish Learn six easy recipes to glue Spanish words together into sentences. Engage in conversational Spanish in no time. Beginning Conversational French Discover how easy it can be to learn common words and phrases for both leisure and business.
Business Microsoft Powerpoint Learn how to use Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 to create impressive, professional-looking slide presentations.
Marketing your Business on Internet E-commerce expert helps students develop an Internet marketing plan for any business.
Effective Selling Learn the secret to converting a potential customer into a longterm asset. Find out how to lay the groundwork for repeat business and your future success.
Start your Own Small Business t Stop dreaming and learn how to start a successful small business.
Personal Finance
Wine Appreciation for Beg. Real Estate Investing Master and enjoy the secrets of fine Build and protect your wealth by inwine. vesting in real estate.
Losing Weight & Keep it Off Discover how to establish a healthy Photoshop Elements approach to successful weight loss Master the most advanced features of and weight maintenance for a lifetime. Photoshop Elements for Windows and take photo editing skills to the next Assisting Aging Parent level! Be prepared to handle the challenges of aging while learning to cherish the Microsoft Publisher transition. Hands-on, project-oriented class for beginners. Learn how to design, Ready, Set, Read! create, and publish a wide variety of A learning specialist shows students stunning documents using Microsoft how to raise a successful reader and Publisher 2007. writer.
Intro. to Criminal Law An in-depth look at criminal law and the real world of prosecutors, defense attorneys, and the paralegals. Intro. CSS & XHTML Learn to create state-of-the-art Web Pharmacy Technician sites using modern CSS and XHTML Master the skills for an entry-level techniques. position as a pharmacy tech or clerk. Learn the steps to take to become a Certified Pharmacy Technician (CPhT).
For more information about the LARPD Foundation and the commemorative brick program, please visit our website at www.larpd.org and look under Foundation or use the QR code (pictured) to take you straight to the donation form.
Family & Friends
Easy English In this easy and interactive course, learn the basic English skills for reallife activities including shopping, job-hunting, and handling medical emergencies.
Debt Elimination Learn specific, powerful, and proven strategies to get completely out of debt and live a stress-free lifestyle. Stocks, Bonds and Investing: Oh, My! Make wise investment decisions so you have enough to live comfortably through retirement. Building Wealth Certified financial planner shows you how most wealthy people build their fortunes.
Web Design Creating Web Pages Learn the basics of HTML to design, create, and post on the Web. Creating Web Pages II Learn to develop polished and interactive pages complete with tables, forms, frames, audio, and CSS.
Networking/ Troubleshooting Wireless Networking Industry expert shows students how to plan, deploy, and connect to wireless networks. In Introduction to PC Security What you don’t know can really hurt W you. Learn what you can do to protect yo yo yourself. M More classes available on line at www.ed2go.com/larpd.
8:11 PM
Page 2
For additional information on the following programs, call the LARPD Rangers at 925-960-2400
Recreation 2014 Sycamore Grove Parking Passes available now...
Brushy Peak Group Adventure
Brushy Peak Hikes Steeped in Native American lore, pioneer history, and natural beauty, the magical parkland known as Brushy Peak Regional Preserve is ready for discovery. Hike (about 4-miles) to the top and along the way explore unique sandstone rock formations and see wildlife in natural settings. Due to the preserve’s sensitive nature, tours are guided-only. Call LARPD Rangers at 925-960-2400 for more information. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent. Group tour: No refunds.
July 19
Do you have a group that wants to explore Brushy Peak Regional Preserve? Tour accommodates up to 10 people (see description left). Call LARPD rangers at 925-960-2400 for information.
Sycamore Grove After Hours
2014 Parking passes available now! For the avid park user, a parking pass represents a tremendous savings over the daily parking fee. Senior citizens discounts available (age 60 and older). Resident rates pro-rated monthly. For more information call 925-960-2400.
Join a ranger for two hours of twilight/night-time exploration in Sycamore Grove Park. Learn about nocturnal animals, astronomy and how to exercise all your senses to experience the night. Appropriate for scout and community groups, as an innovative birthday activity or a fun outing for a few adventurous families. Maximum: 20 people. Call 925-960-2400 to schedule your adventure!
Camp Shelly: A Lake Tahoe Adventure
Looking for a special vacation experience for you and your family this summer? Then head on up to Lake Tahoe for a magical camping adventure at LARPD’s Camp Shelly Family Campground. On the south shore of Lake Tahoe, this intimate 25-site campground offers spacious campsites where campers can enjoy volleyball, horseshoes, or Ping-Pong while kids ride their bikes around the paved campground loop. Or just minutes away is Desolation Wilderness where there are opportunities for bicycling, swimming, fishing, horseback riding and hiking. Rangers on-duty daily to assist campers and maintain the camp. Camp Amenities: designated parking, picnic table, fire pit with grill, food locker, level spot to pitch a tent, and a central restroom with flush toilets and hot showers. Select sites can accommodate boats, tent trailers, and motorhomes; or hold vehicles or trailers up to 28 feet long and 10 feet high; or accommodate people with mobility issues.
2014 Camping Season Registration Dates Reservations Accepted
Camp Shelly Open: Friday, 6/13 to Tuesday, 9/2, 2014. Camp Site Fee: $38 per night, up to 8 people per site. Vehicle Fee: First car is included in camping fee, second vehicle $5 per night (max: two vehicles per site).
March 26: Groups. To reserve a minimum of 5 sites for two or more nights, call the rangers at 925- 960-2400 between 8 am-5 pm. An inperson appointment to complete your reservation will be scheduled for Saturday, 3/29. There will be an additional non-refundable early registration fee of $4 per site, per night. April 7: Special Needs. Advanced reservations for mobility impaired or special medical needs patrons (documentation needed). Make reservations in person at the Robert Livermore Community Ctr, 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA. Weekdays 9am-5pm. April 12: Opening Day Reservations. In-person at the Robert Livermore Community Ctr., 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 9 am – Noon. April 14: General Public Reservations Begin. Walk-in, phone-in, mail-in reservations accepted. RLCC/Attn: Camp Shelly, 4444 East Avenue, 925-373-5700, 9am-5pm.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
28_29 Out Rec:F&W
Weekend Nature Walks Wild animals, gorgeous wildflowers, mighty oaks and stately sycamore trees! Join a ranger to explore and experience the wild in your backyard... your local open space parks. Night hikes, star gazing, nature discovery hikes and many more outdoor adventures await on these ranger-led programs. Get news about planned walks and hikes in the Valley Wilds newsletter. For more information or to receive the e-newsletter (includes a schedule of programs and articles about natural and cultural history), call the Ranger Office at 925-960-2400 or email valleywilds@larpd.org. A $3 donation to support the programs requested. There is a $5 parking fee at Sycamore Grove Park.
Little Nature Nuts (3-5 yrs + siblings)
Bring your little ones out for an hour of exploration, fun and learning with a park ranger. Hands-on activities and short walks introduce children to the wonders of the natural world. Activities are geared towards children ages 3-5 but siblings may be enrolled. Parent/caregiver participation required. Fee is per child and includes a parking pass for the day.
Creepy Crawlers Bugs & More
Cool Off in the Creek
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:11 PM
Page 2
For additional information on the following programs, call the LARPD Rangers at 925-960-2400
Recreation 2014 Sycamore Grove Parking Passes available now...
Brushy Peak Group Adventure
Brushy Peak Hikes Steeped in Native American lore, pioneer history, and natural beauty, the magical parkland known as Brushy Peak Regional Preserve is ready for discovery. Hike (about 4-miles) to the top and along the way explore unique sandstone rock formations and see wildlife in natural settings. Due to the preserve’s sensitive nature, tours are guided-only. Call LARPD Rangers at 925-960-2400 for more information. Participants under 18 must be accompanied by a parent. Group tour: No refunds.
July 19
Do you have a group that wants to explore Brushy Peak Regional Preserve? Tour accommodates up to 10 people (see description left). Call LARPD rangers at 925-960-2400 for information.
Sycamore Grove After Hours
2014 Parking passes available now! For the avid park user, a parking pass represents a tremendous savings over the daily parking fee. Senior citizens discounts available (age 60 and older). Resident rates pro-rated monthly. For more information call 925-960-2400.
Join a ranger for two hours of twilight/night-time exploration in Sycamore Grove Park. Learn about nocturnal animals, astronomy and how to exercise all your senses to experience the night. Appropriate for scout and community groups, as an innovative birthday activity or a fun outing for a few adventurous families. Maximum: 20 people. Call 925-960-2400 to schedule your adventure!
Camp Shelly: A Lake Tahoe Adventure
Looking for a special vacation experience for you and your family this summer? Then head on up to Lake Tahoe for a magical camping adventure at LARPD’s Camp Shelly Family Campground. On the south shore of Lake Tahoe, this intimate 25-site campground offers spacious campsites where campers can enjoy volleyball, horseshoes, or Ping-Pong while kids ride their bikes around the paved campground loop. Or just minutes away is Desolation Wilderness where there are opportunities for bicycling, swimming, fishing, horseback riding and hiking. Rangers on-duty daily to assist campers and maintain the camp. Camp Amenities: designated parking, picnic table, fire pit with grill, food locker, level spot to pitch a tent, and a central restroom with flush toilets and hot showers. Select sites can accommodate boats, tent trailers, and motorhomes; or hold vehicles or trailers up to 28 feet long and 10 feet high; or accommodate people with mobility issues.
2014 Camping Season Registration Dates Reservations Accepted
Camp Shelly Open: Friday, 6/13 to Tuesday, 9/2, 2014. Camp Site Fee: $38 per night, up to 8 people per site. Vehicle Fee: First car is included in camping fee, second vehicle $5 per night (max: two vehicles per site).
March 26: Groups. To reserve a minimum of 5 sites for two or more nights, call the rangers at 925- 960-2400 between 8 am-5 pm. An inperson appointment to complete your reservation will be scheduled for Saturday, 3/29. There will be an additional non-refundable early registration fee of $4 per site, per night. April 7: Special Needs. Advanced reservations for mobility impaired or special medical needs patrons (documentation needed). Make reservations in person at the Robert Livermore Community Ctr, 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA. Weekdays 9am-5pm. April 12: Opening Day Reservations. In-person at the Robert Livermore Community Ctr., 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA 9 am – Noon. April 14: General Public Reservations Begin. Walk-in, phone-in, mail-in reservations accepted. RLCC/Attn: Camp Shelly, 4444 East Avenue, 925-373-5700, 9am-5pm.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
28_29 Out Rec:F&W
Weekend Nature Walks Wild animals, gorgeous wildflowers, mighty oaks and stately sycamore trees! Join a ranger to explore and experience the wild in your backyard... your local open space parks. Night hikes, star gazing, nature discovery hikes and many more outdoor adventures await on these ranger-led programs. Get news about planned walks and hikes in the Valley Wilds newsletter. For more information or to receive the e-newsletter (includes a schedule of programs and articles about natural and cultural history), call the Ranger Office at 925-960-2400 or email valleywilds@larpd.org. A $3 donation to support the programs requested. There is a $5 parking fee at Sycamore Grove Park.
Little Nature Nuts (3-5 yrs + siblings)
Bring your little ones out for an hour of exploration, fun and learning with a park ranger. Hands-on activities and short walks introduce children to the wonders of the natural world. Activities are geared towards children ages 3-5 but siblings may be enrolled. Parent/caregiver participation required. Fee is per child and includes a parking pass for the day.
Creepy Crawlers Bugs & More
Cool Off in the Creek
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:12 PM
Page 2
AdultDANCE Beg. Belly Dancing (12+ yrs) Aizubra
Dance for fun, health and fitness! Shake away stress in this exciting class which includes yoga warm-ups with Egyptian, Turkish and Greek movements. Instruction includes basic steps, finger cymbal patterns and dancing with a silk veil. Great for beginning and continu-ing dancers to learn more about Mid-Eastern dance. 6 classes.
Session I: 6/17-7/22
RLCC Beginner: Line dancing is a great way to exercise. Improve coordination, flexibility and balance while learning a variety of exciting dances. Class covers the easier step patterns to help familiarize dancers with the basic techniques of line dancing. 5 classes. Day
ner sessions and are ready to progress. Learn additional step patterns and slightly more advanced dances.
Tatseena, a Bay Area legend in Belly Dance, teaches performance skills and more in this entertaining, shake-it-up class. Learn to perform with veils, canes, swords, zils, skirts and fans and do drills with zils, movement combinations and layering shimmies featuring Raqs Sharqi (Egyptian) and Fusion styles. Gain coordination, strength, grace and insight into the history and cultural roots of this dance. Performance opportunities with the Livermore troupe and more! Performances Abaynot mandatory. For intermediate and advanced dancers. Visit www.tatseena.com for more information. 6 classes.
Line Dance Gary Clayton
Advanced Beginner: Class is designed for dancers who have attended five or six Begin-
Inter./Adv. Belly Dance (12+ yrs) Tatseena
Session II: 7/29-9/2
Intermediate: Teaching pace is quicker in this class, designed for intermediate/advanced dancers who know all the basic step patterns. Dances include mostly newer line dances with some of the old classics. Drop in fee $8 per class. Day
Combination: – A combination of two of the above classes.
Beginner/Advanced Beginner (6:30-8pm) OR Advanced Beg/Intermediate (7:15-9pm).
Hula (12+ yrs)
Desiree Elder
Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness and memory. In this 55minute class, learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands”. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 6 classes. No class 7/5.
(50+ yrs) Desiree Elder RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness, flexibility, endurance, memory. In this 55-minute class, learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands.” Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 4 classes. Th
Beg/Advanced Beg
Advanced Beg/Intermediate
Tango and Latin Dance
Lois Hilton RLCC
Learn the seductive moves of Tango and other Latin dances such as Rumba, Cha-cha, Samba, Salsa and Merengue. BURN THE FLOOR with these action-packed energetic dances. Express your inner self and look like a pro at nightclubs, weddings, cruises and other social gatherings. 8 classes.
• • 30
Summer 2014
East Coast Swing Lois Hilton
Patterns and movements taught to a variety of tempos emphasizing how to lead and follow partners. If you have never danced, think you have “two left feet” or if you’ve danced a little but still are not feeling confident, then this class is for you. All the basics needed to establish a solid foundation for becoming a swing dancer. Partners not necessary. 8 classes. W 6:30-7:30pm $93 7/9-8/27
Dancing helps ward off illnesses like diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Dancing provides the same aerobic benefits of other cardio exercises plus it adds an uplifting emotional benefit.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
30_31 Adult Dance:F&W
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:12 PM
Page 2
AdultDANCE Beg. Belly Dancing (12+ yrs) Aizubra
Dance for fun, health and fitness! Shake away stress in this exciting class which includes yoga warm-ups with Egyptian, Turkish and Greek movements. Instruction includes basic steps, finger cymbal patterns and dancing with a silk veil. Great for beginning and continu-ing dancers to learn more about Mid-Eastern dance. 6 classes.
Session I: 6/17-7/22
RLCC Beginner: Line dancing is a great way to exercise. Improve coordination, flexibility and balance while learning a variety of exciting dances. Class covers the easier step patterns to help familiarize dancers with the basic techniques of line dancing. 5 classes. Day
ner sessions and are ready to progress. Learn additional step patterns and slightly more advanced dances.
Tatseena, a Bay Area legend in Belly Dance, teaches performance skills and more in this entertaining, shake-it-up class. Learn to perform with veils, canes, swords, zils, skirts and fans and do drills with zils, movement combinations and layering shimmies featuring Raqs Sharqi (Egyptian) and Fusion styles. Gain coordination, strength, grace and insight into the history and cultural roots of this dance. Performance opportunities with the Livermore troupe and more! Performances Abaynot mandatory. For intermediate and advanced dancers. Visit www.tatseena.com for more information. 6 classes.
Line Dance Gary Clayton
Advanced Beginner: Class is designed for dancers who have attended five or six Begin-
Inter./Adv. Belly Dance (12+ yrs) Tatseena
Session II: 7/29-9/2
Intermediate: Teaching pace is quicker in this class, designed for intermediate/advanced dancers who know all the basic step patterns. Dances include mostly newer line dances with some of the old classics. Drop in fee $8 per class. Day
Combination: – A combination of two of the above classes.
Beginner/Advanced Beginner (6:30-8pm) OR Advanced Beg/Intermediate (7:15-9pm).
Hula (12+ yrs)
Desiree Elder
Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness and memory. In this 55minute class, learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands”. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 6 classes. No class 7/5.
(50+ yrs) Desiree Elder RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness, flexibility, endurance, memory. In this 55-minute class, learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands.” Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo available for purchase at first two classes). 4 classes. Th
Beg/Advanced Beg
Advanced Beg/Intermediate
Tango and Latin Dance
Lois Hilton RLCC
Learn the seductive moves of Tango and other Latin dances such as Rumba, Cha-cha, Samba, Salsa and Merengue. BURN THE FLOOR with these action-packed energetic dances. Express your inner self and look like a pro at nightclubs, weddings, cruises and other social gatherings. 8 classes.
• • 30
Summer 2014
East Coast Swing Lois Hilton
Patterns and movements taught to a variety of tempos emphasizing how to lead and follow partners. If you have never danced, think you have “two left feet” or if you’ve danced a little but still are not feeling confident, then this class is for you. All the basics needed to establish a solid foundation for becoming a swing dancer. Partners not necessary. 8 classes. W 6:30-7:30pm $93 7/9-8/27
Dancing helps ward off illnesses like diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, and heart disease. Dancing provides the same aerobic benefits of other cardio exercises plus it adds an uplifting emotional benefit.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
30_31 Adult Dance:F&W
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:12 PM
Page 2
Spinning® Kim Brandt, Certified Spinning
Tricia Moore, MSW Iyengar Yoga Certified RLCC
Instructor RLCC Rec. Bldg
Join an exciting class that will burn calories, TTh 6-6:50pm 6/3-6/26 $56 rev up your metabolism, and increase your health. Pedal your way through a 50 minute workout that includes climbs, sprints, intervals, and flats set to motivating music that will encourage you until the end of the ride. This class is great for people of all fitness levels because you control your intensity level. Bring water and a towel. 8/7 classes. No class 6/5.
SPIN with Real Fitness
(18+ yrs) Real Fitness RLCC Rec. Bldg
All-level indoor cycling class that features a 50-minute cardio ride, including a warm-up and cool-down and simulates an outdoor ride by combining various cycling techniques and intervals set to fun, upbeat music. Have a great time burning hundreds of calories in this cardio-intensive, no impact workout. EmphaMW 6:30-7:20 pm 6/2-6/30 $80 sis on providing an enjoyable and effective workMW 6:30-7:20 pm 7/2-7/30 $80 out. Great for all levels of fitness because riders MW 6:30-7:20 pm 8/4-8/27 $71 determine their own intensity level. 9/8 classes. Schwinn certified instructors.
Livermore's Biggest Loser/Real Fitness
(18+ yrs)
Real Fitness RLCC Rec. Bldg Get fit and healthy with the award-winning Livermore's Biggest Loser. Twice a week group fitness training, progress tracking, nutritional guidelines, weekly weigh-ins and challenges. Sessions kickoff with weighin and measurements (optional). Each workout combines new cardiovascular and strength training using various equipment and drills. Wear comfortable workout atTTh 5:30-6:30 pm 6/3-6/26 $67 tire, bring towel and water. Non-scuff athletic shoes only. Locker rooms and showTTh 5:30-6:30 pm 7/1-7/31 $83 ers available. Morning and evening sessions offered. Limited space, early TTh 5:30-6:30 pm 8/5-8/28 $67 registration is advised. Cash prize awarded at the end of each month for the greatest percentage of weight loss. 8/7/8 classes.
RIPPED with Real Fitness
(18+ yrs) Real Fitness RLCC Rec. Bldg
"The One Stop Body Shock" is a "Plateau Proof Fitness Formula" that helps create continuity, consistency and challenge in each and every R.I.P.P.E.D. class. This total body, high-intensity style program, using free weights, resistance and body weight, masterfully combines the components of R.I.P.P.E.D.- Resistance, Intervals, Power, Plyometrics and Endurance with doable diet suggestions. R.I.P.P.E.D. elements provide the basis TTh 6:30-7:30 pm 6/3-6/26 $67 for the One Stop Body Shock System by stimulating both different energy sysTTh 6:30-7:30 pm 7/1-7/31 $83 tems and muscles in each workout segment - focus and activities change every TTh 6:30-7:30 pm 8/5-8/28 $67 6 to 9 minutes. Jam through R.I.P.P.E.D. with smiles, determination and strength. 8/7/8 classes.
Stretch &Tone
Ayn Wieskamp RLCC Enjoy floor exercises to improve body tone, flexibility and attitude. Leg and arm weights may be used to increase workout. On-going classes. Sign up at class. No class 7/4.
8:30-9:30am 8:30-9:30am 8:30-9:30am
Per Week June July August
(2) $29 $29 $29
(3) $41 $38 $41
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Gentle Yoga
Judith Boggs, Yoga Certified RLCC Make every day your best day by adding energy and focus to your life through a gentle yoga practice - excellent class for introduction to beginning yoga. Yoga poses are low impact and promote overall fitness, muscle relaxation and flexibility. Good entry level class for those seeking a slower approach to traditional yoga practice. 6/5 classes.
M M Summer 2014
10:45am-Noon 10:45am-Noon
6/2-7/7 7/14-8/11
$72 $60
Learn the art and science of the basic yoga postures, taught primarily in the tradition of renowned yoga master BKS Iyengar. Flexibility, balance, strength, stressreduction and an increased sense of well-being are benefits of the practice. Consistent yoga practice leads to refined awareness of our potential on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. For more info, go to www.yogadelvalle.com. No class 7/8, 7/10. 10 classes.
T Th
6:40-8:05 pm 9:30-11 am
6/10-8/19 6/12-8/21
$133 $133
Continuing / Intermediate Yoga
Tricia Moore, MSW Iyengar Yoga Certified RLCC For yogis who have learned the basic yoga poses and are ready to deepen their practice with greater connection to body, mind and spirit. Additional inversions, backbends and seated forward bends, and breathing practices introduced. Suitable for new students with prior Iyengar yoga experience. For more info, go to www.yogadelvalle.com. No class 7/4, 7/7. 10 classes.
5:30-7:15pm 9:30-11:15am
6/9-8/18 6/13-8/22
$143 $143
Yoga Drop-in
Beginning Yoga
Healthy Snacks and Drinks are HERE!
32_33 Adult Fit:F&W
Tricia Moore, MSW Iyengar Yoga Certified RLCC Attend a yoga class above on M, T, Th, F $16 per drop-in a per class basis. Contact the instructor to find out which class is suitable for you. Go to www.yogadelvalle.com for more information.
Stop by our new healthy foods and beverages vending machine right outside the RLCC Gym. Tastes great and good for you.
Barbara Van Trease Vets Bldg Ever wonder why students return again and again? Because it’s fun! Performed to today’s hottest music, Jazzercise has fused the art of aerobic jazz dance, with kickboxing, hip-hop, Pilates, strength training and Yoga. Jazzercise will improve your aerobic endurance, muscle tone and flexibility. Leave class feeling relaxed, energized and stress free. Childcare at M-Th AM only. For new student specials, call 925-447-8890 or visit us at www.jazzercise.com. SIGN UP AT CLASS. M-Sat M MW
9am 5:30pm 6:30pm
Regular Body Sculpting Regular
W 5:30pm TTh 6pm
Regular Regular
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:12 PM
Page 2
Spinning® Kim Brandt, Certified Spinning
Tricia Moore, MSW Iyengar Yoga Certified RLCC
Instructor RLCC Rec. Bldg
Join an exciting class that will burn calories, TTh 6-6:50pm 6/3-6/26 $56 rev up your metabolism, and increase your health. Pedal your way through a 50 minute workout that includes climbs, sprints, intervals, and flats set to motivating music that will encourage you until the end of the ride. This class is great for people of all fitness levels because you control your intensity level. Bring water and a towel. 8/7 classes. No class 6/5.
SPIN with Real Fitness
(18+ yrs) Real Fitness RLCC Rec. Bldg
All-level indoor cycling class that features a 50-minute cardio ride, including a warm-up and cool-down and simulates an outdoor ride by combining various cycling techniques and intervals set to fun, upbeat music. Have a great time burning hundreds of calories in this cardio-intensive, no impact workout. EmphaMW 6:30-7:20 pm 6/2-6/30 $80 sis on providing an enjoyable and effective workMW 6:30-7:20 pm 7/2-7/30 $80 out. Great for all levels of fitness because riders MW 6:30-7:20 pm 8/4-8/27 $71 determine their own intensity level. 9/8 classes. Schwinn certified instructors.
Livermore's Biggest Loser/Real Fitness
(18+ yrs)
Real Fitness RLCC Rec. Bldg Get fit and healthy with the award-winning Livermore's Biggest Loser. Twice a week group fitness training, progress tracking, nutritional guidelines, weekly weigh-ins and challenges. Sessions kickoff with weighin and measurements (optional). Each workout combines new cardiovascular and strength training using various equipment and drills. Wear comfortable workout atTTh 5:30-6:30 pm 6/3-6/26 $67 tire, bring towel and water. Non-scuff athletic shoes only. Locker rooms and showTTh 5:30-6:30 pm 7/1-7/31 $83 ers available. Morning and evening sessions offered. Limited space, early TTh 5:30-6:30 pm 8/5-8/28 $67 registration is advised. Cash prize awarded at the end of each month for the greatest percentage of weight loss. 8/7/8 classes.
RIPPED with Real Fitness
(18+ yrs) Real Fitness RLCC Rec. Bldg
"The One Stop Body Shock" is a "Plateau Proof Fitness Formula" that helps create continuity, consistency and challenge in each and every R.I.P.P.E.D. class. This total body, high-intensity style program, using free weights, resistance and body weight, masterfully combines the components of R.I.P.P.E.D.- Resistance, Intervals, Power, Plyometrics and Endurance with doable diet suggestions. R.I.P.P.E.D. elements provide the basis TTh 6:30-7:30 pm 6/3-6/26 $67 for the One Stop Body Shock System by stimulating both different energy sysTTh 6:30-7:30 pm 7/1-7/31 $83 tems and muscles in each workout segment - focus and activities change every TTh 6:30-7:30 pm 8/5-8/28 $67 6 to 9 minutes. Jam through R.I.P.P.E.D. with smiles, determination and strength. 8/7/8 classes.
Stretch &Tone
Ayn Wieskamp RLCC Enjoy floor exercises to improve body tone, flexibility and attitude. Leg and arm weights may be used to increase workout. On-going classes. Sign up at class. No class 7/4.
8:30-9:30am 8:30-9:30am 8:30-9:30am
Per Week June July August
(2) $29 $29 $29
(3) $41 $38 $41
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Gentle Yoga
Judith Boggs, Yoga Certified RLCC Make every day your best day by adding energy and focus to your life through a gentle yoga practice - excellent class for introduction to beginning yoga. Yoga poses are low impact and promote overall fitness, muscle relaxation and flexibility. Good entry level class for those seeking a slower approach to traditional yoga practice. 6/5 classes.
M M Summer 2014
10:45am-Noon 10:45am-Noon
6/2-7/7 7/14-8/11
$72 $60
Learn the art and science of the basic yoga postures, taught primarily in the tradition of renowned yoga master BKS Iyengar. Flexibility, balance, strength, stressreduction and an increased sense of well-being are benefits of the practice. Consistent yoga practice leads to refined awareness of our potential on physical, mental, and spiritual levels. For more info, go to www.yogadelvalle.com. No class 7/8, 7/10. 10 classes.
T Th
6:40-8:05 pm 9:30-11 am
6/10-8/19 6/12-8/21
$133 $133
Continuing / Intermediate Yoga
Tricia Moore, MSW Iyengar Yoga Certified RLCC For yogis who have learned the basic yoga poses and are ready to deepen their practice with greater connection to body, mind and spirit. Additional inversions, backbends and seated forward bends, and breathing practices introduced. Suitable for new students with prior Iyengar yoga experience. For more info, go to www.yogadelvalle.com. No class 7/4, 7/7. 10 classes.
5:30-7:15pm 9:30-11:15am
6/9-8/18 6/13-8/22
$143 $143
Yoga Drop-in
Beginning Yoga
Healthy Snacks and Drinks are HERE!
32_33 Adult Fit:F&W
Tricia Moore, MSW Iyengar Yoga Certified RLCC Attend a yoga class above on M, T, Th, F $16 per drop-in a per class basis. Contact the instructor to find out which class is suitable for you. Go to www.yogadelvalle.com for more information.
Stop by our new healthy foods and beverages vending machine right outside the RLCC Gym. Tastes great and good for you.
Barbara Van Trease Vets Bldg Ever wonder why students return again and again? Because it’s fun! Performed to today’s hottest music, Jazzercise has fused the art of aerobic jazz dance, with kickboxing, hip-hop, Pilates, strength training and Yoga. Jazzercise will improve your aerobic endurance, muscle tone and flexibility. Leave class feeling relaxed, energized and stress free. Childcare at M-Th AM only. For new student specials, call 925-447-8890 or visit us at www.jazzercise.com. SIGN UP AT CLASS. M-Sat M MW
9am 5:30pm 6:30pm
Regular Body Sculpting Regular
W 5:30pm TTh 6pm
Regular Regular
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:12 PM
Page 2
Aikido of Livermore
Aikido of Livermore/Shinrei Dojo 3985 First St. Suite C
Aikido Beginners Course (13+ yrs)
Shinkendo, Samurai Swordsmanship (13+ yrs) Shinkendo teaches authentic Japanese swordsmanship and is a comprehensive study of the sword once practiced by the Samurai Th 7-8:30pm 6/12-7/17 $72 in ancient Japan. Shinkendo founder, Kaiso Toshishiro Obata Sensei studied extensively with some of Japan’s best known sword teachers and created this modern Budo based upon his experience, knowledge and historical research. Covers training in sword etiquette, basics sword swinging drills, combative sword drawing forms and an understanding of classical Japanese martial arts. 6 classes.
Beginners taught the first 18 of the 108 movement forms.
Geoff Lee and Jeff King
Th 7:15-8:30pm Ses I: 4/17-7/10 Ses II: 7/17-10/2 $77
Ses I: 4/17-7/10 Ses II: 7/17-10/2
• Improves cardiovascular health (heart, veins and arteries) because it beneficially stresses the heart. • Improves muscle mass so you have more muscle, look more toned, and increases metabolic rate to burn more calories. 34
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
How to Make Lip Balms/
Tints (14+ yrs)
ThuyMAC Family Holdings RLCC
Do you know that a personal care product is already two years old by the time it gets to you? Hands-on class where students learn how to make 100% natural lip balms and tints. Students have the option to formulate vegan lip products, too. Come and join in making your own lip products fresh and tailored to the color you want. Includes all supplies. 1 class.
How to Make Body Care Products (16+ yrs) NEW
ThuyMAC Family Holdings RLCC Studies show a mass produced personal care product such as lip balm, lotion, mascara, etc. is already 2 years old before it hits our home. Come learn how to make your own body butter and body serum/oil to combat skin dryness, skin sensitivity and enjoy making your own fresh products. 1 class.
Arts & Crafts
Intermediate students work on all 108 movements and concepts that transform movements into a flowing dance of soft energy. Advanced students explore the connections to Qi Gong, Kung Fu, work, relationships and other aspects of life. Prerequisite Beginning.
Intermediate/Advanced Movements/Concepts Th
Do you spend all your time and effort on working out but forget to “workout” and pamper your face? Learn how to use your own movements to help with facial yoga moves to: 1. help reverse signs of aging, 2. lift neckline/jawline, and 3. improve skin texture and firmness. 4 classes.
High-level internal martial art that blends positive and negative, light and dark, active and quiet, yin and yang. Training is slow and relaxed, useful for health meditation and internal breathing. This style has 108 movements; suitable for students of all ages. Class is physical in nature. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Beginning Movements/Concepts
Facial Exercises (16+ yrs)
Bob & Kathy Berger
Tang Soo Do is a Korean Martial Art similar to Japanese Karate. Become proficient in W 6:30-8:30pm 6/4-8/20 martial arts fundamentals and forms while learning self-discipline and self-defense. Gain confidence in martial arts skills by learning sparring techniques and by breaking boards. Advance through the colored belts to become a Black Belt. www.dublin tangsoodo.com. 12 classes.
Tai Chi Chuan
ThuyMAC Family Holdings RLCC
Aikido is a non-violent, Japanese martial art that teaches students to blend with the power of an attack, neutralize it and bring the attacker under control without inflicting serious injury. Aikido principles foster positive ways to deal with conflict and provide an alternative to the natural response of power verses power. Training promotes proper posture, good balance, centering, and improved physical coordination. Safe rolling and falling skills covered. 6 classes.
Karate (18+ yrs)
34_35 Adult MA_ADULT SI:F&W
Woodcarving Tri-Valley Carvers
$4 Drop in
Beginning carvers start with a basic project using a carving knife and progress to a relief project using various chisels and gouges. Or students can bring in a project of their choice and instructors work with each student to develop the skills needed to complete it. Students can attend anytime between 6-8pm.
Health & Safety
Pet First Aid American Safety Academy
CPR, AED & First Aid RLCC
According to the American Animal Hospital Association, 25% more pets could be saved if just one Pet First Aid technique were used before getting emergency veterinary care. Learn the essentials of pet rescue in a low-stress, hands-on environment. Join other pet lovers to learn: recognizing an emergency, performing pet CPR and First Aid, stocking a Pet First Aid Kit, and treating common illnesses. 1 class.
American Safety Academy Staff RLCC
Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest, injuries and sudden illnesses. Learn how to provide CPR for adult, chil-dren, and infants, and how to use an AED. In the First Aid portion, students taught how to respond to emergencies such as bleeding, shock, burns, sprains, fractures, allergic reactions, seizures and more. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a snack to class. 1 class. Day
Ses I
Ses lI
Ses llI
T Sat
9:30am-2pm 9:30am-2pm
6/17 6/28
$82 $82
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:12 PM
Page 2
Aikido of Livermore
Aikido of Livermore/Shinrei Dojo 3985 First St. Suite C
Aikido Beginners Course (13+ yrs)
Shinkendo, Samurai Swordsmanship (13+ yrs) Shinkendo teaches authentic Japanese swordsmanship and is a comprehensive study of the sword once practiced by the Samurai Th 7-8:30pm 6/12-7/17 $72 in ancient Japan. Shinkendo founder, Kaiso Toshishiro Obata Sensei studied extensively with some of Japan’s best known sword teachers and created this modern Budo based upon his experience, knowledge and historical research. Covers training in sword etiquette, basics sword swinging drills, combative sword drawing forms and an understanding of classical Japanese martial arts. 6 classes.
Beginners taught the first 18 of the 108 movement forms.
Geoff Lee and Jeff King
Th 7:15-8:30pm Ses I: 4/17-7/10 Ses II: 7/17-10/2 $77
Ses I: 4/17-7/10 Ses II: 7/17-10/2
• Improves cardiovascular health (heart, veins and arteries) because it beneficially stresses the heart. • Improves muscle mass so you have more muscle, look more toned, and increases metabolic rate to burn more calories. 34
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
How to Make Lip Balms/
Tints (14+ yrs)
ThuyMAC Family Holdings RLCC
Do you know that a personal care product is already two years old by the time it gets to you? Hands-on class where students learn how to make 100% natural lip balms and tints. Students have the option to formulate vegan lip products, too. Come and join in making your own lip products fresh and tailored to the color you want. Includes all supplies. 1 class.
How to Make Body Care Products (16+ yrs) NEW
ThuyMAC Family Holdings RLCC Studies show a mass produced personal care product such as lip balm, lotion, mascara, etc. is already 2 years old before it hits our home. Come learn how to make your own body butter and body serum/oil to combat skin dryness, skin sensitivity and enjoy making your own fresh products. 1 class.
Arts & Crafts
Intermediate students work on all 108 movements and concepts that transform movements into a flowing dance of soft energy. Advanced students explore the connections to Qi Gong, Kung Fu, work, relationships and other aspects of life. Prerequisite Beginning.
Intermediate/Advanced Movements/Concepts Th
Do you spend all your time and effort on working out but forget to “workout” and pamper your face? Learn how to use your own movements to help with facial yoga moves to: 1. help reverse signs of aging, 2. lift neckline/jawline, and 3. improve skin texture and firmness. 4 classes.
High-level internal martial art that blends positive and negative, light and dark, active and quiet, yin and yang. Training is slow and relaxed, useful for health meditation and internal breathing. This style has 108 movements; suitable for students of all ages. Class is physical in nature. Wear comfortable clothes and shoes.
Beginning Movements/Concepts
Facial Exercises (16+ yrs)
Bob & Kathy Berger
Tang Soo Do is a Korean Martial Art similar to Japanese Karate. Become proficient in W 6:30-8:30pm 6/4-8/20 martial arts fundamentals and forms while learning self-discipline and self-defense. Gain confidence in martial arts skills by learning sparring techniques and by breaking boards. Advance through the colored belts to become a Black Belt. www.dublin tangsoodo.com. 12 classes.
Tai Chi Chuan
ThuyMAC Family Holdings RLCC
Aikido is a non-violent, Japanese martial art that teaches students to blend with the power of an attack, neutralize it and bring the attacker under control without inflicting serious injury. Aikido principles foster positive ways to deal with conflict and provide an alternative to the natural response of power verses power. Training promotes proper posture, good balance, centering, and improved physical coordination. Safe rolling and falling skills covered. 6 classes.
Karate (18+ yrs)
34_35 Adult MA_ADULT SI:F&W
Woodcarving Tri-Valley Carvers
$4 Drop in
Beginning carvers start with a basic project using a carving knife and progress to a relief project using various chisels and gouges. Or students can bring in a project of their choice and instructors work with each student to develop the skills needed to complete it. Students can attend anytime between 6-8pm.
Health & Safety
Pet First Aid American Safety Academy
CPR, AED & First Aid RLCC
According to the American Animal Hospital Association, 25% more pets could be saved if just one Pet First Aid technique were used before getting emergency veterinary care. Learn the essentials of pet rescue in a low-stress, hands-on environment. Join other pet lovers to learn: recognizing an emergency, performing pet CPR and First Aid, stocking a Pet First Aid Kit, and treating common illnesses. 1 class.
American Safety Academy Staff RLCC
Learn to recognize the signs and symptoms of cardiac arrest, injuries and sudden illnesses. Learn how to provide CPR for adult, chil-dren, and infants, and how to use an AED. In the First Aid portion, students taught how to respond to emergencies such as bleeding, shock, burns, sprains, fractures, allergic reactions, seizures and more. Wear comfortable clothing, bring a snack to class. 1 class. Day
Ses I
Ses lI
Ses llI
T Sat
9:30am-2pm 9:30am-2pm
6/17 6/28
$82 $82
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:13 PM
Page 2
Computer Classes Lynn Pesonen
Lynn Pesonen has been teaching in the Bay Area since 1996 helping thousands to learn valuable computer skills to be used at work and/or at home by offering quality trainings. Bring you own computer otherwise laptops provided with two students per computer. Take-home class manual provided for each course.
Hands-on Beg. Computer: Excel and Word
You’ve taken digital photos, now what? Learn how to upload, organize and edit pictures with PhotoShop Elements. The concepts you learn allow you to enhance and preserve great photos. One person per computer. 2 classes.
Hands-on Microsoft Excel: Next Step You may know how to work with Excel, but do you know how to make it work for you? Learn the tricks needed to keep up in a fast computer-based world and cut work time! Auto-fill data, create and use formulas and format print ready spreadsheets and charts. 1 class.
Part drum circle, part world music discovery, part music theory, this class designed for anybody with an interest in the most basic and natural element of music: rhythm. Drummers, percussionists, musicians of all instruments, and non-musicians welcomed to gather for an educational rhythmic journey! Percussive equipment provided. 4 classes.
Session I: 6/2-6/23
Session II: 7/7-7/28
Session III: 8/4-8/25
Rock & Blues Garage Band Start Up
Hands-on Microsoft Publisher
Tired of paying someone to create your publications? Learn to make flyers, brochures, newsletters, invitations and more! Don’t start with a blank piece of paper, modify a pre-designed format to produce the design and content exactly how you want it and with impres-sive results. 1 class.
8/5 $63
Hands-on Microsoft Outlook
Learn how to make Outlook work for you! Set up calendar reminders and daily tasks. Schedule it once and plan ahead for those recurring appointments; learn to manage a To-Do List; set up an address book and sync it to your devices. 1 class.
6:30-8:30pm 8/12
Hands-on Microsoft Word: Mail Merge
Impress your audience! Design, enhance and conduct dynamic presentations for a powerful way to communicate information. Learn how to work with design formats, bulleted lists, pictures, objects and apply animation effects to enhance the visual appeal of presentations. 1 class.
Drumming Club
Know the basics of singing or a standard rock band instrument (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard), but do not have folks to jam with? Come join in this garage band start-up course. Under the guidance of a professional musician, students play music together in a supportive and pressure-free setting - and you won't even have to make space in the garage or face neighbors' noise complaints! 4 classes.
Hands-on Microsoft Powerpoint
2155 Las Positas Ct., Suite R
Hands-on Digital Photos & Photoshop Elements
Music Time Academy
If you don’t know them, you need to. Even if you think you do, you probably need to re-familiarize yourself with the basics as everything is moving to Cloud based computing. Stay current and apply your new knowledge immediately. 3 classes.
Session I: 6/4-6/25
Session II: 7/9-7/30
Session III: 8/6-8/27
Galina’s Music Studio 1756 First Street, Livermore (Vine Center)
Piano for Beginners Always wanted to play the piano? Learn how in this easy step-by- step course that teaches the fundamentals of piano playing, including rhythm, music notation and music theory. Beginning adult students find the course easy enough to experience a sense of accomplish-ment while challenged enough to remain captivated. 6 classes. No class 7/4.
Vocal Lessons
Want to learn to sing for your own enjoyment or perhaps pursue a professional career in music? Then learn how the human voice works, warm-up exercises, professional hints/tips and lots of great tunes to sing. 6 classes.
Ever needed to send the same letter to multiple people or print envelopes or labels for a group? Then learn the power of Mail Merge in 6 easy steps. Learn to create a name and address list and how to merge the list onto letters, labels and envelopes for a personalized touch. 1 class.
36_37 Adult SI:F&W
Session I: 6/2-7/7
Session II: 7/14-8/18
Want to play and instrument and sing along? Then the ukulele is the perfect instrument for you. The first lesson teaches basic rhythms and chords and to play a simple song. Additional lessons teach increasingly complex chords and fingering. So pick up that ukulele and join in the fun. 6 classes.
• Research shows that playing music helps your brain understand language. • Listening to music you like releases endorphins from the brain and this improves our vascular health. • There is a correlation between the number of years of instrumental music study and achievement in science, math and language arts, and music can alleviate stress and improve athletic performance.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
8:13 PM
Page 2
Computer Classes Lynn Pesonen
Lynn Pesonen has been teaching in the Bay Area since 1996 helping thousands to learn valuable computer skills to be used at work and/or at home by offering quality trainings. Bring you own computer otherwise laptops provided with two students per computer. Take-home class manual provided for each course.
Hands-on Beg. Computer: Excel and Word
You’ve taken digital photos, now what? Learn how to upload, organize and edit pictures with PhotoShop Elements. The concepts you learn allow you to enhance and preserve great photos. One person per computer. 2 classes.
Hands-on Microsoft Excel: Next Step You may know how to work with Excel, but do you know how to make it work for you? Learn the tricks needed to keep up in a fast computer-based world and cut work time! Auto-fill data, create and use formulas and format print ready spreadsheets and charts. 1 class.
Part drum circle, part world music discovery, part music theory, this class designed for anybody with an interest in the most basic and natural element of music: rhythm. Drummers, percussionists, musicians of all instruments, and non-musicians welcomed to gather for an educational rhythmic journey! Percussive equipment provided. 4 classes.
Session I: 6/2-6/23
Session II: 7/7-7/28
Session III: 8/4-8/25
Rock & Blues Garage Band Start Up
Hands-on Microsoft Publisher
Tired of paying someone to create your publications? Learn to make flyers, brochures, newsletters, invitations and more! Don’t start with a blank piece of paper, modify a pre-designed format to produce the design and content exactly how you want it and with impres-sive results. 1 class.
8/5 $63
Hands-on Microsoft Outlook
Learn how to make Outlook work for you! Set up calendar reminders and daily tasks. Schedule it once and plan ahead for those recurring appointments; learn to manage a To-Do List; set up an address book and sync it to your devices. 1 class.
6:30-8:30pm 8/12
Hands-on Microsoft Word: Mail Merge
Impress your audience! Design, enhance and conduct dynamic presentations for a powerful way to communicate information. Learn how to work with design formats, bulleted lists, pictures, objects and apply animation effects to enhance the visual appeal of presentations. 1 class.
Drumming Club
Know the basics of singing or a standard rock band instrument (guitar, bass, drums, keyboard), but do not have folks to jam with? Come join in this garage band start-up course. Under the guidance of a professional musician, students play music together in a supportive and pressure-free setting - and you won't even have to make space in the garage or face neighbors' noise complaints! 4 classes.
Hands-on Microsoft Powerpoint
2155 Las Positas Ct., Suite R
Hands-on Digital Photos & Photoshop Elements
Music Time Academy
If you don’t know them, you need to. Even if you think you do, you probably need to re-familiarize yourself with the basics as everything is moving to Cloud based computing. Stay current and apply your new knowledge immediately. 3 classes.
Session I: 6/4-6/25
Session II: 7/9-7/30
Session III: 8/6-8/27
Galina’s Music Studio 1756 First Street, Livermore (Vine Center)
Piano for Beginners Always wanted to play the piano? Learn how in this easy step-by- step course that teaches the fundamentals of piano playing, including rhythm, music notation and music theory. Beginning adult students find the course easy enough to experience a sense of accomplish-ment while challenged enough to remain captivated. 6 classes. No class 7/4.
Vocal Lessons
Want to learn to sing for your own enjoyment or perhaps pursue a professional career in music? Then learn how the human voice works, warm-up exercises, professional hints/tips and lots of great tunes to sing. 6 classes.
Ever needed to send the same letter to multiple people or print envelopes or labels for a group? Then learn the power of Mail Merge in 6 easy steps. Learn to create a name and address list and how to merge the list onto letters, labels and envelopes for a personalized touch. 1 class.
36_37 Adult SI:F&W
Session I: 6/2-7/7
Session II: 7/14-8/18
Want to play and instrument and sing along? Then the ukulele is the perfect instrument for you. The first lesson teaches basic rhythms and chords and to play a simple song. Additional lessons teach increasingly complex chords and fingering. So pick up that ukulele and join in the fun. 6 classes.
• Research shows that playing music helps your brain understand language. • Listening to music you like releases endorphins from the brain and this improves our vascular health. • There is a correlation between the number of years of instrumental music study and achievement in science, math and language arts, and music can alleviate stress and improve athletic performance.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
38_39 Adult Sports:F&W
2:37 PM
Page 2
Adult Drop-in Sports
(18+ yrs) RLCC Gym
All participants must buy a drop-in pass. 5 visits $15, 10 visits $25, 20 visits $40. Only non-scuff athletic shoes permitted in the gym. No gum or tobacco allowed. Volleyball
T 6-9pm 6/3-8/26
F 11:30am-1:30pm 6/6-8/22
Women’s Soccer Drop-in
4444 East Avenue, Livermore
For gym rentals, contact Zack Silva at 925-373-5733 or zsilva@larpd.org. LARPD gym rental application can be downloaded at www.larpd.org.
(18+ yrs) RLCC Gym
RENTAL -LARPD Batting Cage
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex, 1717 So. Livermore Ave. The LARPD batting cage can be used for hitting, pitching and catching. The cage is great for teams and individuals looking to improve their baseball fundamentals. Ask about renting the whole facility for your next team party or company event. Call Vicki Wiedenfeld at 925-373-5709 or vwiedenfeld@larpd.org Fees: Without Pitching Machine - $20 hr With Pitching Machine - $50 for 1st Hour - $20 each additional hour
Golf Las Positas Staff 917 Clubhouse Drive The best group lessons in the Bay Area! Classes cover every aspect in the game of golf, from the full swing to playing the golf course, any level golfer can come out and experience a great time out. Clubs and range balls provided during class. Contact Tony Guerrero at Las Positas Golf Course at 925-455-7820 for information. Do you need your first set of golf clubs? All Las Positas Group lesson participants receive a discount on sets of golf clubs! 5 classes. No class 7/5.
6/5-7/3 6/7-7/12
6/4-7/2 6/7-7/12
Calvin Thompson, USPTA Pro 1 Dorothy Svets Tennis Complex Instruction focuses on all strokes, modern techniques, correct grips, footwork and rallying skills. 4 classes. Ses I: 6/3-6/24 Ses II: 7/1-7/22 Ses III: 7/29-8/19
Calvin Thompson, USPTA Pro 1 Dorothy Svets Tennis Complex Instruction focuses on modern techniques, spin, strategy, point play, court positioning and shot selection. 4 classes. Ses I: 6/3-6/24 Ses II: 7/1-7/22 Ses III: 7/29-8/19
$101 $101
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Adult Intermediate/ Advanced Tennis
Poppy Ridge Staff 4280 Greenville Rd. A beginners program for the fundamentals of the golf swing. Learn about Posture, Grip and Alignment and basic practice drills to help you learn how to hit a golf ball. Golf clubs can be provided if needed. All classes held on the grass driving range. 5 classes. No class 7/5.
6-7pm 3-4pm
5/30-8/8 No game 7/4
RLCC Gym Registration 3/17-5/16 Closes 4 pm
Robertson Park Turf Fields Registration: 3/26-4/24 Closes 4 pm
Robertson Park Turf Fields Registration: 3/26-5/2 Closes 4 pm
Fees: $495
Fees: $695
Fees: $895
League Info: 10 games + playoffs
League Info: 8 games + playoffs
League Info: 8 games + playoffs
T Summer 2014
SOFTBALL LEAGUES Summer/Fall M, T, W, Th, F 6:30pm, 7:45pm, 9pm 8/4-11/7
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex Registration & Fees: Discounted Registration: 5/19-6/13, $745 Regular Registration: 6/14-7/18, $795
League Info: 10 games + playoffs • M-Men’s D-Open & D3 • T-Bus. Coed, Coed D-Open • W-Coed D-Open • Th-Men’s D1, D2 • F- Co-ed D1, D2
Adult Beginning/ Intermediate Tennis
$101 $101
Poppy Ridge Beg. Golf
W Sat
Sundays 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm 6/22-8/24
Las Positas Get Golf Now
5-6pm 10-11am
SOCCER Coed Adult
Interested in playing soccer? Join the recreational outdoor league, all players of all ability levels to play – that means players who are new to the game, those whose playing days are a distant memory and women who are currently playing soccer are all welcomed. For more information or registration packet, call 925-960-6407.
Th Sat
MTTh 11:30am-1:30pm
Summer Leagues
Zack Silva zsilva@larpd.org
Zack Silva zsilva@larpd.org
Zack Silva zsilva@larpd.org
Jim Carlson jcarlson@larpd.org
LARPD Disc Golf Tournament (10+yrs) LARPD staff
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex, 1717 S Livermore Ave
LARPD is now recruiting players to compete in the 3rd annual summer disc golf tournament. Players can choose from the following 3 divisions: • Youth (ages 10-14) all holes played as Par 4’s Each player plays 3 rounds of 9 holes. Awards to top • Recreational (16+) all holes played as Par 3’s 3 places in each division. For more information call • Competitive (16+) all holes played as Par 3’s 925-373-5731.
Registration 3/26-8/22 Can register day of tourney if space allows
Tournament Date Sunday 8/24 9am-2pm
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex
$20 Per Player
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
38_39 Adult Sports:F&W
2:37 PM
Page 2
Adult Drop-in Sports
(18+ yrs) RLCC Gym
All participants must buy a drop-in pass. 5 visits $15, 10 visits $25, 20 visits $40. Only non-scuff athletic shoes permitted in the gym. No gum or tobacco allowed. Volleyball
T 6-9pm 6/3-8/26
F 11:30am-1:30pm 6/6-8/22
Women’s Soccer Drop-in
4444 East Avenue, Livermore
For gym rentals, contact Zack Silva at 925-373-5733 or zsilva@larpd.org. LARPD gym rental application can be downloaded at www.larpd.org.
(18+ yrs) RLCC Gym
RENTAL -LARPD Batting Cage
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex, 1717 So. Livermore Ave. The LARPD batting cage can be used for hitting, pitching and catching. The cage is great for teams and individuals looking to improve their baseball fundamentals. Ask about renting the whole facility for your next team party or company event. Call Vicki Wiedenfeld at 925-373-5709 or vwiedenfeld@larpd.org Fees: Without Pitching Machine - $20 hr With Pitching Machine - $50 for 1st Hour - $20 each additional hour
Golf Las Positas Staff 917 Clubhouse Drive The best group lessons in the Bay Area! Classes cover every aspect in the game of golf, from the full swing to playing the golf course, any level golfer can come out and experience a great time out. Clubs and range balls provided during class. Contact Tony Guerrero at Las Positas Golf Course at 925-455-7820 for information. Do you need your first set of golf clubs? All Las Positas Group lesson participants receive a discount on sets of golf clubs! 5 classes. No class 7/5.
6/5-7/3 6/7-7/12
6/4-7/2 6/7-7/12
Calvin Thompson, USPTA Pro 1 Dorothy Svets Tennis Complex Instruction focuses on all strokes, modern techniques, correct grips, footwork and rallying skills. 4 classes. Ses I: 6/3-6/24 Ses II: 7/1-7/22 Ses III: 7/29-8/19
Calvin Thompson, USPTA Pro 1 Dorothy Svets Tennis Complex Instruction focuses on modern techniques, spin, strategy, point play, court positioning and shot selection. 4 classes. Ses I: 6/3-6/24 Ses II: 7/1-7/22 Ses III: 7/29-8/19
$101 $101
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Adult Intermediate/ Advanced Tennis
Poppy Ridge Staff 4280 Greenville Rd. A beginners program for the fundamentals of the golf swing. Learn about Posture, Grip and Alignment and basic practice drills to help you learn how to hit a golf ball. Golf clubs can be provided if needed. All classes held on the grass driving range. 5 classes. No class 7/5.
6-7pm 3-4pm
5/30-8/8 No game 7/4
RLCC Gym Registration 3/17-5/16 Closes 4 pm
Robertson Park Turf Fields Registration: 3/26-4/24 Closes 4 pm
Robertson Park Turf Fields Registration: 3/26-5/2 Closes 4 pm
Fees: $495
Fees: $695
Fees: $895
League Info: 10 games + playoffs
League Info: 8 games + playoffs
League Info: 8 games + playoffs
T Summer 2014
SOFTBALL LEAGUES Summer/Fall M, T, W, Th, F 6:30pm, 7:45pm, 9pm 8/4-11/7
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex Registration & Fees: Discounted Registration: 5/19-6/13, $745 Regular Registration: 6/14-7/18, $795
League Info: 10 games + playoffs • M-Men’s D-Open & D3 • T-Bus. Coed, Coed D-Open • W-Coed D-Open • Th-Men’s D1, D2 • F- Co-ed D1, D2
Adult Beginning/ Intermediate Tennis
$101 $101
Poppy Ridge Beg. Golf
W Sat
Sundays 6:30pm, 7:30pm, 8:30pm 6/22-8/24
Las Positas Get Golf Now
5-6pm 10-11am
SOCCER Coed Adult
Interested in playing soccer? Join the recreational outdoor league, all players of all ability levels to play – that means players who are new to the game, those whose playing days are a distant memory and women who are currently playing soccer are all welcomed. For more information or registration packet, call 925-960-6407.
Th Sat
MTTh 11:30am-1:30pm
Summer Leagues
Zack Silva zsilva@larpd.org
Zack Silva zsilva@larpd.org
Zack Silva zsilva@larpd.org
Jim Carlson jcarlson@larpd.org
LARPD Disc Golf Tournament (10+yrs) LARPD staff
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex, 1717 S Livermore Ave
LARPD is now recruiting players to compete in the 3rd annual summer disc golf tournament. Players can choose from the following 3 divisions: • Youth (ages 10-14) all holes played as Par 4’s Each player plays 3 rounds of 9 holes. Awards to top • Recreational (16+) all holes played as Par 3’s 3 places in each division. For more information call • Competitive (16+) all holes played as Par 3’s 925-373-5731.
Registration 3/26-8/22 Can register day of tourney if space allows
Tournament Date Sunday 8/24 9am-2pm
Ernie Rodrigues Softball Complex
$20 Per Player
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Young AT
Office Hours: M-Th, 9 am-Noon, 12:30-4 pm Holiday Closure: July 4 Phone: 925-373-5760 Fax: 925-960-2457 Senior Hotline: 925-373-5702 ext. 5 Website: www.larpd.org Programs and services are subject to change. Age requirements vary for services such as Spectrum meals, Wheels passes, BART tickets, etc. • Billiards • Bingo • Card Groups • Consults • Dial-A-Ride tickets–Only for Seniors • Golden Circle Senior Craft Group • Health Insurance Counseling (HICAP) • Health Screening / Blood Pressure / Footcare • Information and Referral • Legal Assistance for Seniors (LAS) • Newsletter • Senior Support of the Tri-Valley Case Management • Travel 9-13Training-Wheels YEARS • Wiesner Memorial Fund
Our Senior Services office offers consultation appointments. If you have questions or need help with issues such as defining various levels of housing and placement needs, Medicare and Medi-Cal information, legal assistance, Health Care Directive information, financial emergencies, etc., the Senior Services office is an information and referral source. For information or an appointment call Senior Services office, 925-373-5760.
Financial Emergency Assistance for Seniors The Wiesner Memorial Fund is a special fund for seniors, 60 and older, who need financial assistance in the event of an emergency. The fund is administered by a nonprofit board of directors. To request assistance, call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760 for the application. Staff will immediately notify a Wiesner Board member to contact those in need.
Health Insurance Counseling (HICAP)
Need help understanding your Medicare or other health insurances? A trained HICAP counselor can help. Call Senior Services office at 925-373-5760 to schedule an appointment for the first or third Wednesday of each month.
Legal Assistance for Seniors (LAS)
Legal Assistance for Seniors provides a lawyer for phone consultations once a month. Seniors 60 and over and persons assisting a person 60 or over may use this service. No wills. Call the Senior Services office 925-373-5760 for more details.
For your enjoyment–Lending Library - Free
Vintage Lounge Yes, some things in life are free. Take advantage of the free lending library in the Vintage Lounge at the Robert Livermore Community Center. Books featured include mysteries, suspense, western, romance, science fiction and more! Borrow up to 6 books during operating hours. Dedicated volunteers keep the books organized and labeled by category. Enjoy reading your selection in the lounge by the fireplace. Call the Senior Services office 925-373-5760 to donate paperback books.
Senior Scholarships
Persons 60 and older residing in Livermore Area Recreation and Park District who are unable to participate in the LARPD senior programs due to financial hardship may contact Maureen Gandara-Swinbank at 925-373-5765 for scholarship information. Senior Scholarships funded through LARPD Foundation.
Helpful Phone Numbers LARPD Senior Services Center.... 925-373-5760 Ombudsman................... Spectrum Lunch Program.......... 925-373-5764 HMO Complaint Hotline. Wheels Dial-a-Ride.................... 925-455-7510 Senior Hotline................ LARPD District Office.................. 925-373-5700 Wheels (bus).................. Senior Support of the Tri-Valley.. 925-931-5379 Social Security.............. Elder Care Locator (www.eldercare.gov)........................................................ CRIL (Community Resources for Independent Living)................................... Alameda County Senior Programs Adult Protective Services......... 866-225-5277 Area Agency on Aging.............. 800-510-2020
40 Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Dining with Spectrum Daily Lunch M-F
510-638-6878 800-400-0815 925-373-5702 ex 5 925-455-7500 800-772-1213 800-677-1116 925-371-1531
Conservatorship............ 510-636-8820 Public Guardian............. 866-658-5820 LARPD Hotline............... 925-373-5702
RLCC–Vintage Lounge New to Livermore? Newly retired? Never been to the Robert Livermore Community Center? Here is your chance to meet the staff and learn about senior programs and services. Tour the state of the art facility. Call the Senior Services office, 925-373-5760, at least 3 days in advance to make an appointment for a tour. Stay for lunch by calling the Spectrum Nutrition Program office 925-373-5764 at least 24 hours in advance to reserve your space. Lunch donation is $3.75 for persons 60+, persons under 60 pay $6.00.
Phil Woerner, Spectrum Meal Site Coordinator Larkspur Room Monday-Friday come out for lunch. Choose from the regular menu or enjoy a chef’s salad. Soup days: If soup is on the menu you may order a bowl of soup for $2.00. Order a hamburger or a veggie burger instead of the main course (order in advance). Reservations required by 1pm, 24 hours in advance. Call Meals-on-Wheels for information or reservations at 925-373-5764 from 10am-2pm M-F. Menus available in the Spectrum and Senior Services offices. LARGE PRINT MENUS available with advance notice. Adults under 60 pay $6.00 per person.
Special Luncheons & Afternoon Socials
Reservations required Enjoy our summer celebrations! Register online or by phone 925-373-5700 by dates listed in advance (no refunds). For more information, see the Prime Time newsletter or call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
For Meals-on-Wheels information or general meal program information, call 925-373-5764 from 10 am–2 pm Monday – Friday. Menus available in the Spectrum and Senior Services offices.
Country Western BBQ Luncheon
June RLCC Cresta Blanca This week is Livermore’s “Cowboy Experience”, 96th Annual Rodeo. So pull out your cowboy hat and boots and join our downhome catered BBQ buffet, games and door prizes. Reservations are required by Th 6/5 by 4:00 pm. Entertainment: TBD.
$3.75 suggested donation for 60+
4th of July Celebration
July Sycamore Join in an afternoon of fun and festivities, celebrating July 4th, with our finger food buffet, games, door prizes and fun. Reservations are required by Th 6/26, 4:00 pm.
Hot August Nights Ice Cream Social August Sycamore Join in the fun and festivities of celebrating The 4th of July, with our finger food buffet, games, door prizes and fun. Reservations are required by Th 8/7, 4:00 pm.
End of Summer - Hawaiian Social September Sycamore Celebrate the end of summer in your best Hawaiian shirt or with a flower behind your ear. Have a fun afternoon with Hawaiian festivities, lite buffet, games, door prizes and fun. Reservations are required by Th 9/18, 4:00 pm.
Festivities at the Senior Center
Watch for Additional Programs
Check the newsletter, Prime Time, or the LARPD website www.larpd.org for additional programs. Program suggestions welcomed. Call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
Teaching Opportunities
LARPD-Senior Services is seeking volunteer or paid instructors to teach classes that enrich and stimulate our mind, body and mental outlook on life. Experience or knowledge of adult learning is preferred. Call the LARPD-Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Young AT
Office Hours: M-Th, 9 am-Noon, 12:30-4 pm Holiday Closure: July 4 Phone: 925-373-5760 Fax: 925-960-2457 Senior Hotline: 925-373-5702 ext. 5 Website: www.larpd.org Programs and services are subject to change. Age requirements vary for services such as Spectrum meals, Wheels passes, BART tickets, etc. • Billiards • Bingo • Card Groups • Consults • Dial-A-Ride tickets–Only for Seniors • Golden Circle Senior Craft Group • Health Insurance Counseling (HICAP) • Health Screening / Blood Pressure / Footcare • Information and Referral • Legal Assistance for Seniors (LAS) • Newsletter • Senior Support of the Tri-Valley Case Management • Travel 9-13Training-Wheels YEARS • Wiesner Memorial Fund
Our Senior Services office offers consultation appointments. If you have questions or need help with issues such as defining various levels of housing and placement needs, Medicare and Medi-Cal information, legal assistance, Health Care Directive information, financial emergencies, etc., the Senior Services office is an information and referral source. For information or an appointment call Senior Services office, 925-373-5760.
Financial Emergency Assistance for Seniors The Wiesner Memorial Fund is a special fund for seniors, 60 and older, who need financial assistance in the event of an emergency. The fund is administered by a nonprofit board of directors. To request assistance, call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760 for the application. Staff will immediately notify a Wiesner Board member to contact those in need.
Health Insurance Counseling (HICAP)
Need help understanding your Medicare or other health insurances? A trained HICAP counselor can help. Call Senior Services office at 925-373-5760 to schedule an appointment for the first or third Wednesday of each month.
Legal Assistance for Seniors (LAS)
Legal Assistance for Seniors provides a lawyer for phone consultations once a month. Seniors 60 and over and persons assisting a person 60 or over may use this service. No wills. Call the Senior Services office 925-373-5760 for more details.
For your enjoyment–Lending Library - Free
Vintage Lounge Yes, some things in life are free. Take advantage of the free lending library in the Vintage Lounge at the Robert Livermore Community Center. Books featured include mysteries, suspense, western, romance, science fiction and more! Borrow up to 6 books during operating hours. Dedicated volunteers keep the books organized and labeled by category. Enjoy reading your selection in the lounge by the fireplace. Call the Senior Services office 925-373-5760 to donate paperback books.
Senior Scholarships
Persons 60 and older residing in Livermore Area Recreation and Park District who are unable to participate in the LARPD senior programs due to financial hardship may contact Maureen Gandara-Swinbank at 925-373-5765 for scholarship information. Senior Scholarships funded through LARPD Foundation.
Helpful Phone Numbers LARPD Senior Services Center.... 925-373-5760 Ombudsman................... Spectrum Lunch Program.......... 925-373-5764 HMO Complaint Hotline. Wheels Dial-a-Ride.................... 925-455-7510 Senior Hotline................ LARPD District Office.................. 925-373-5700 Wheels (bus).................. Senior Support of the Tri-Valley.. 925-931-5379 Social Security.............. Elder Care Locator (www.eldercare.gov)........................................................ CRIL (Community Resources for Independent Living)................................... Alameda County Senior Programs Adult Protective Services......... 866-225-5277 Area Agency on Aging.............. 800-510-2020
40 Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
Dining with Spectrum Daily Lunch M-F
510-638-6878 800-400-0815 925-373-5702 ex 5 925-455-7500 800-772-1213 800-677-1116 925-371-1531
Conservatorship............ 510-636-8820 Public Guardian............. 866-658-5820 LARPD Hotline............... 925-373-5702
RLCC–Vintage Lounge New to Livermore? Newly retired? Never been to the Robert Livermore Community Center? Here is your chance to meet the staff and learn about senior programs and services. Tour the state of the art facility. Call the Senior Services office, 925-373-5760, at least 3 days in advance to make an appointment for a tour. Stay for lunch by calling the Spectrum Nutrition Program office 925-373-5764 at least 24 hours in advance to reserve your space. Lunch donation is $3.75 for persons 60+, persons under 60 pay $6.00.
Phil Woerner, Spectrum Meal Site Coordinator Larkspur Room Monday-Friday come out for lunch. Choose from the regular menu or enjoy a chef’s salad. Soup days: If soup is on the menu you may order a bowl of soup for $2.00. Order a hamburger or a veggie burger instead of the main course (order in advance). Reservations required by 1pm, 24 hours in advance. Call Meals-on-Wheels for information or reservations at 925-373-5764 from 10am-2pm M-F. Menus available in the Spectrum and Senior Services offices. LARGE PRINT MENUS available with advance notice. Adults under 60 pay $6.00 per person.
Special Luncheons & Afternoon Socials
Reservations required Enjoy our summer celebrations! Register online or by phone 925-373-5700 by dates listed in advance (no refunds). For more information, see the Prime Time newsletter or call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
For Meals-on-Wheels information or general meal program information, call 925-373-5764 from 10 am–2 pm Monday – Friday. Menus available in the Spectrum and Senior Services offices.
Country Western BBQ Luncheon
June RLCC Cresta Blanca This week is Livermore’s “Cowboy Experience”, 96th Annual Rodeo. So pull out your cowboy hat and boots and join our downhome catered BBQ buffet, games and door prizes. Reservations are required by Th 6/5 by 4:00 pm. Entertainment: TBD.
$3.75 suggested donation for 60+
4th of July Celebration
July Sycamore Join in an afternoon of fun and festivities, celebrating July 4th, with our finger food buffet, games, door prizes and fun. Reservations are required by Th 6/26, 4:00 pm.
Hot August Nights Ice Cream Social August Sycamore Join in the fun and festivities of celebrating The 4th of July, with our finger food buffet, games, door prizes and fun. Reservations are required by Th 8/7, 4:00 pm.
End of Summer - Hawaiian Social September Sycamore Celebrate the end of summer in your best Hawaiian shirt or with a flower behind your ear. Have a fun afternoon with Hawaiian festivities, lite buffet, games, door prizes and fun. Reservations are required by Th 9/18, 4:00 pm.
Festivities at the Senior Center
Watch for Additional Programs
Check the newsletter, Prime Time, or the LARPD website www.larpd.org for additional programs. Program suggestions welcomed. Call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
Teaching Opportunities
LARPD-Senior Services is seeking volunteer or paid instructors to teach classes that enrich and stimulate our mind, body and mental outlook on life. Experience or knowledge of adult learning is preferred. Call the LARPD-Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Eyeglass Cleaning
Free minor adjustments & repairs, including lens cleaning by optician. 1st Tue of each mo.
Diabetes Self Management Marisa Castaldini, RD CDE RLCC-Sycamore Learn how to manage diabetes and Pre-diabetes with exercise and healthy eating. Learn about prevention, new medications and coping with complications. Open to all adults who have Pre-diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. 7 classes.
Adults over 50 can feel • better immediately and
AARP Smart Driver Course American Assoc. of Retired Persons (AARP) Sycamore Covers the aging process and how it affects the mature driver. Course completion allows seniors 50+ to get car insurance discounts. Pre-registration with payment required. Only checks made payable to AARP accepted. No cash or credit card. Call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760 for more information. AARP member/Non-member
1-5:30pm 8 am-5:30pm
6/12 &19 8/23
$15/$20 $15/$20
American Assoc. of Retired Persons (AARP) Sycamore For people who have taken the 8 hr. class within the last 3 years. Condensed content version of full-day class. Certificate of completion provided. Pre-registration with payment required. Only checks made payable to AARP accepted. No cash or credit card. Call the Senior Services office at 925-3735760 for more information. AARP member/Non-member
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
stay healthy for the future by choosing healthy foods. A balanced diet and physical activity contribute to a higher quality of life and enhanced independence
Taxes, etc. Estate Planning: Trust vs Wills
Jennifer Thaete, estate planning and probate attorney RLCC Review the primary options in creating an estate plan including: Trusts, Wills, Financial and Health Care Powers of Attorney. Review what a Will is and how a Will works versus a Trust and how a Trust works. A general overview of Probate and Estate Taxes will be discussed. Questions welcomed.
W Th
7-8:30pm 6/18 7-8:30pm 8/7
$13 $13 Come on down to the Community Center and check out the Senior Center, located at 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA.
Drop-In Programs RLCC–Arroyo Rm
Enjoy these fun, social, stimulating activities year-round while challenging your brain. A drop-in fee of $2 applies for the day. New players welcome. Days vary and subject to change. Some activities require advance RSVP. See Prime Time newsletter for more details or call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
Pinochle Bridge
Mon, Wed Thurs
1-4pm 1-4pm
varies by day
Bingo for Fun Larkspur Room
More Movie Madness
RLCC Vintage Lounge Showtime is 1 pm. Enjoy movies ranging from favorites to recent releases. For more information, call Senior Services, 925-373-5760. Date
AARP Smart Driver Course
M-Th 10:30am 7/7-8/28 $15
Fun with Veggies Cooking Demo!
6/17, 7/8
Open Enrollment through May 2014 Designed to be flexible. All levels of walkers welcome. Walk at a comfortable pace! Groups leave from RLCC lobby to walk around the park and surrounding area. Focus is on Time not Distance. Goal is to walk a minimum of 15 minutes. Start your healthy new year with weight bearing outdoor exercise.
Sponsored by Senior Support of the Tri-Valley through grants Sheri Berger, RD RLCC-Larkspur South Join Sheri for an entertaining cooking demo that will provide you with practical ways to increase veggies in your diet. Come for the tips, socialization and taste testing! 1 class.
Th Sat
Walking with Purpose
Public Transit Travel Training Jan Cornish from Wheels Sycamore Room Wheels offers free transit instruction and coaching for seniors and individuals with any disability.Learn how to access the freedom, choices, and convenience available through your local public transit system.
Health & Safety
M 6/2
The Lone Ranger 2013 (PG-13) Action/Adventure
Th 6/19
Gravity 2013 (PG-13) Drama/Sci-Fi
M 7/7
Nebraska 2013 (R) Drama
Th 7/17
Philomena 2013 (PG-13) Drama
M 8/4
12 Years A Slave 2013 (R) Biography/Drama
Th 8/21
August: Osage County 2013 (R) Comedy
M 9/1
Th 9/18
Saving Mr. Banks 2013 (PG-13) Biography/Drama
This game is low key for those who want a casual afternoon of bingo. Drop-in fee of $2 plus 5 cents a card with a limit of 6 cards per game. New players welcome.
$2 Drop-in fee
Golden Circle Craft Group
Larkspur South Enjoy working in a social setting with other Golden Circle members on sewing, knitting, crocheting and other textile projects--all to benefit various charities in Livermore! This group meets weekly 11 months out of the year working on handmade projects that are sold at the group’s annual Holiday Boutique! New members welcome.
No Fee
Mahjongg (American Version)
Larkspur South Looking for a partner to play this ancient tile game? Great for improving memory and thinking skills.
$2 Drop-in fee
Viewers are advised to consider the film ratings, which may be based on language, violence or sexual content.
Summer 2014
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Eyeglass Cleaning
Free minor adjustments & repairs, including lens cleaning by optician. 1st Tue of each mo.
Diabetes Self Management Marisa Castaldini, RD CDE RLCC-Sycamore Learn how to manage diabetes and Pre-diabetes with exercise and healthy eating. Learn about prevention, new medications and coping with complications. Open to all adults who have Pre-diabetes or Type 2 Diabetes. 7 classes.
Adults over 50 can feel • better immediately and
AARP Smart Driver Course American Assoc. of Retired Persons (AARP) Sycamore Covers the aging process and how it affects the mature driver. Course completion allows seniors 50+ to get car insurance discounts. Pre-registration with payment required. Only checks made payable to AARP accepted. No cash or credit card. Call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760 for more information. AARP member/Non-member
1-5:30pm 8 am-5:30pm
6/12 &19 8/23
$15/$20 $15/$20
American Assoc. of Retired Persons (AARP) Sycamore For people who have taken the 8 hr. class within the last 3 years. Condensed content version of full-day class. Certificate of completion provided. Pre-registration with payment required. Only checks made payable to AARP accepted. No cash or credit card. Call the Senior Services office at 925-3735760 for more information. AARP member/Non-member
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
stay healthy for the future by choosing healthy foods. A balanced diet and physical activity contribute to a higher quality of life and enhanced independence
Taxes, etc. Estate Planning: Trust vs Wills
Jennifer Thaete, estate planning and probate attorney RLCC Review the primary options in creating an estate plan including: Trusts, Wills, Financial and Health Care Powers of Attorney. Review what a Will is and how a Will works versus a Trust and how a Trust works. A general overview of Probate and Estate Taxes will be discussed. Questions welcomed.
W Th
7-8:30pm 6/18 7-8:30pm 8/7
$13 $13 Come on down to the Community Center and check out the Senior Center, located at 4444 East Avenue, Livermore, CA.
Drop-In Programs RLCC–Arroyo Rm
Enjoy these fun, social, stimulating activities year-round while challenging your brain. A drop-in fee of $2 applies for the day. New players welcome. Days vary and subject to change. Some activities require advance RSVP. See Prime Time newsletter for more details or call the Senior Services office at 925-373-5760.
Pinochle Bridge
Mon, Wed Thurs
1-4pm 1-4pm
varies by day
Bingo for Fun Larkspur Room
More Movie Madness
RLCC Vintage Lounge Showtime is 1 pm. Enjoy movies ranging from favorites to recent releases. For more information, call Senior Services, 925-373-5760. Date
AARP Smart Driver Course
M-Th 10:30am 7/7-8/28 $15
Fun with Veggies Cooking Demo!
6/17, 7/8
Open Enrollment through May 2014 Designed to be flexible. All levels of walkers welcome. Walk at a comfortable pace! Groups leave from RLCC lobby to walk around the park and surrounding area. Focus is on Time not Distance. Goal is to walk a minimum of 15 minutes. Start your healthy new year with weight bearing outdoor exercise.
Sponsored by Senior Support of the Tri-Valley through grants Sheri Berger, RD RLCC-Larkspur South Join Sheri for an entertaining cooking demo that will provide you with practical ways to increase veggies in your diet. Come for the tips, socialization and taste testing! 1 class.
Th Sat
Walking with Purpose
Public Transit Travel Training Jan Cornish from Wheels Sycamore Room Wheels offers free transit instruction and coaching for seniors and individuals with any disability.Learn how to access the freedom, choices, and convenience available through your local public transit system.
Health & Safety
M 6/2
The Lone Ranger 2013 (PG-13) Action/Adventure
Th 6/19
Gravity 2013 (PG-13) Drama/Sci-Fi
M 7/7
Nebraska 2013 (R) Drama
Th 7/17
Philomena 2013 (PG-13) Drama
M 8/4
12 Years A Slave 2013 (R) Biography/Drama
Th 8/21
August: Osage County 2013 (R) Comedy
M 9/1
Th 9/18
Saving Mr. Banks 2013 (PG-13) Biography/Drama
This game is low key for those who want a casual afternoon of bingo. Drop-in fee of $2 plus 5 cents a card with a limit of 6 cards per game. New players welcome.
$2 Drop-in fee
Golden Circle Craft Group
Larkspur South Enjoy working in a social setting with other Golden Circle members on sewing, knitting, crocheting and other textile projects--all to benefit various charities in Livermore! This group meets weekly 11 months out of the year working on handmade projects that are sold at the group’s annual Holiday Boutique! New members welcome.
No Fee
Mahjongg (American Version)
Larkspur South Looking for a partner to play this ancient tile game? Great for improving memory and thinking skills.
$2 Drop-in fee
Viewers are advised to consider the film ratings, which may be based on language, violence or sexual content.
Summer 2014
Register Now 925.373.5700
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Tai Chi for Seniors Level 1
Barbara Reynolds RLCC–Sycamore Opportunity to enjoy a gentle exercise that integrates mind and body. Proven through scientific study to increase flexibility, muscular strength and fitness. Promotes correct body posture, improved breathing, blood pressure, balance. Developed for people with arthritis but anyone can benefit. Chairs available as balance aid. 7 classes. No class 7/4.
Sign up in advance to avoid cancellations
Hula Desiree Elder RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness, flexibility, endurance, memory – all while having fun! In this 55 minute class, you will learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands”. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo is available for purchase at first two classes). 4 classes.
Susan Wilson RLCC-Sycamore Ever wanted to write stories? Or been told that you should write about your life; write a book? Explore and uncover the moments of life that are uniquely yours and write them into narrative essays and memoir. After all, memoir is French for memories. No class 7/8. 6 classes.
1-3pm 1-3pm
6/3-7/15 7/22-8/26
$63 $63
3D Greeting Cards
Katrin Field
Learn how to make gorgeous 3-dimensional greeting cards. For beginners and experienced paper crafters alike. Supplies provided to make at least 6 all-occasion cards featuring flowers and other summer themes. Materials imported from Germany, Holland and the UK. Bring a pair of scissors and tweezers. Supply fee: $20. 1 class.
1:30-3:30pm 1:30-3:30pm 1:30-3:30pm
6/20 7/18 8/22
Fitness & Exercise
Carol Atkinson RLCC–Sycamore Discover how to do yoga poses with a chair to help increase flexibility, balance and strength while enhancing mind-body awareness and ability to relax. Especially suitable for students who do not want to get up and down from the floor. Let instructor know of any conditions, injuries or limitations. 7 classes.
$3 $3 $3
Susan Wilson RLCC-Sycamore Do you have a story to tell? Interested in writing about your family, childhood, a trip, or some unusual experience? This workshop shows how to write stories and articles based on life experiences. No class 7/3. 6 classes.
Th Th
10am-Noon 10am-Noon
6/5-7/17 7/24-8/28
$63 $63
44 Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Carol Atkinson RLCC–The Studio Discover how to use yoga poses and Iyengar-inspired therapeutic techniques to relieve physical and mental stress, increase flexibility, balance and strength and enhance mind/body awareness and ability to relax. Suitable for students able to get to and from the floor. Inform the instructor of any injuries, medical conditions or limitations. 7 classes.
Tai Chi for Seniors Level 2
Barbara Reynolds RLCC–Larkspur South For those participants who have already taken Tai Chi Level 1 and are familiar with this modified Sun Style. 9 classes.
Summer 2014
$31 $31
5/28-7/9 7/16-8/27
$31 $31
Zumba Gold Basic (Saturday)
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Ready to Zumba? Low-impact fitness exercise class with easy-to-follow moves to Latin inspired music like salsa and cha-cha. It’s an energizing way to burn calories and get fit! No prior Zumba experience necessary. Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes/attire. Drop-in fee $8 per class. 6 classes. No class 6/14, 8/16.
9-9:50am 9-9:50am
5/31-7/12 7/19-8/30
$31 $31
Zumba Gold Basic T/TH
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Always wanted to try Zumba? Great if you are looking for a “quick” workout or just starting your fitness program. Low-impact with easy-to-follow moves. No prior Zumba experience necessary. Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes. Half-hour classes.
T/Th 8:30-9am (30 minute classes) Ses 1: 6/3-7/17 $31 Ses 2: 7/22-8/28 $27
8:30-9:20am 8:30-9:20am
Sat Sat
Zumba Gold Basic
Light & Easy Aerobics
5/28-7/9 7/16-8/27
Zumba Gold Basic Level 2
Yuko Diehl RLCC–The Studio Dance/fitness class with easy to follow steps. Receive a total body aerobic workout. Enjoy dancing and exercising with Latin and international music. Wear workout shoes and bring water. No dance experience necessary. Dropin fee $8 per class. M-7/6 classes, Th-7/6 classes.
Jollene Berghoff RLCC–The Studio Come enjoy a combination of low impact aerobics, strength training and stretch. Dance to soft, motivating music as you decrease your risk of falling and increase functionality with everyday tasks. Bring light weights and water. 9 classes.
9:30-10:20am 9:30-10:20am
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Take it up a notch! Uses the same low-impact and easy to follow Latin-inspired dance steps like salsa and cha-cha but at a higher intensity than Zumba Gold Basic. An energizing way to burn calories and get fit! Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes/attire. Drop-in fee $8 per class. 7 classes.
Tai Chi for Seniors Level 3
Move Easily Again
(The Feldenkrais Method) Carol Atkinson RLCC–Sycamore Reconnect with your natural abilities to move, think and feel. The Feldenkrais Method of Awareness through movement is gentle lessons teaching how to move with less effort, connecting movement and thought, increasing mental alertness along with physical improvement. Most lessons done on the floor. Anyone needing assistance to get to and from the floor should inform instructor for accommodations. 7 classes.
Writing from Personal Experience
9-10:15am 6/9-7/21
Barbara Reynolds RLCC-The Studio For advanced students who have already taken Level 2. Class progresses into Sun Style, 73 forms. 9 classes.
Yoga for Self Care
Chair Yoga
Memoir & Personal EssayWriting Down Your Memories
Want to meet new people, have a good time? Be a volunteer!
Zumba Gold Basic Level 1
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Ready to Zumba? Low-impact fitness exercise class with easyto-follow moves to Latin inspired music like salsa and cha-cha. It’s an energizing way to burn calories and get fit! No prior Zumba experience necessary. Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes/attire. Drop-in fee $8 per class. 7 classes.
Special Interests
Tai chi for Seniors in action at the Senior Center. Register Now 925.373.5700
M M Th Th
9:30–10:20am 9:30-10:20am 9:30–10:20am 9:30-10:20am
6/2-7/14 7/21-8/25 6/5-7/17 7/21-8/28
$31 $27 $31 $27
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Tai Chi for Seniors Level 1
Barbara Reynolds RLCC–Sycamore Opportunity to enjoy a gentle exercise that integrates mind and body. Proven through scientific study to increase flexibility, muscular strength and fitness. Promotes correct body posture, improved breathing, blood pressure, balance. Developed for people with arthritis but anyone can benefit. Chairs available as balance aid. 7 classes. No class 7/4.
Sign up in advance to avoid cancellations
Hula Desiree Elder RLCC Learn the art of the Hawaiian Hula while improving grace, body awareness, flexibility, endurance, memory – all while having fun! In this 55 minute class, you will learn basic hip movements and how to “tell the story with your hands”. Wear comfortable clothing and bring a “pareo” (hip wrap or Hawaiian skirt) to class (Pareo is available for purchase at first two classes). 4 classes.
Susan Wilson RLCC-Sycamore Ever wanted to write stories? Or been told that you should write about your life; write a book? Explore and uncover the moments of life that are uniquely yours and write them into narrative essays and memoir. After all, memoir is French for memories. No class 7/8. 6 classes.
1-3pm 1-3pm
6/3-7/15 7/22-8/26
$63 $63
3D Greeting Cards
Katrin Field
Learn how to make gorgeous 3-dimensional greeting cards. For beginners and experienced paper crafters alike. Supplies provided to make at least 6 all-occasion cards featuring flowers and other summer themes. Materials imported from Germany, Holland and the UK. Bring a pair of scissors and tweezers. Supply fee: $20. 1 class.
1:30-3:30pm 1:30-3:30pm 1:30-3:30pm
6/20 7/18 8/22
Fitness & Exercise
Carol Atkinson RLCC–Sycamore Discover how to do yoga poses with a chair to help increase flexibility, balance and strength while enhancing mind-body awareness and ability to relax. Especially suitable for students who do not want to get up and down from the floor. Let instructor know of any conditions, injuries or limitations. 7 classes.
$3 $3 $3
Susan Wilson RLCC-Sycamore Do you have a story to tell? Interested in writing about your family, childhood, a trip, or some unusual experience? This workshop shows how to write stories and articles based on life experiences. No class 7/3. 6 classes.
Th Th
10am-Noon 10am-Noon
6/5-7/17 7/24-8/28
$63 $63
44 Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Carol Atkinson RLCC–The Studio Discover how to use yoga poses and Iyengar-inspired therapeutic techniques to relieve physical and mental stress, increase flexibility, balance and strength and enhance mind/body awareness and ability to relax. Suitable for students able to get to and from the floor. Inform the instructor of any injuries, medical conditions or limitations. 7 classes.
Tai Chi for Seniors Level 2
Barbara Reynolds RLCC–Larkspur South For those participants who have already taken Tai Chi Level 1 and are familiar with this modified Sun Style. 9 classes.
Summer 2014
$31 $31
5/28-7/9 7/16-8/27
$31 $31
Zumba Gold Basic (Saturday)
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Ready to Zumba? Low-impact fitness exercise class with easy-to-follow moves to Latin inspired music like salsa and cha-cha. It’s an energizing way to burn calories and get fit! No prior Zumba experience necessary. Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes/attire. Drop-in fee $8 per class. 6 classes. No class 6/14, 8/16.
9-9:50am 9-9:50am
5/31-7/12 7/19-8/30
$31 $31
Zumba Gold Basic T/TH
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Always wanted to try Zumba? Great if you are looking for a “quick” workout or just starting your fitness program. Low-impact with easy-to-follow moves. No prior Zumba experience necessary. Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes. Half-hour classes.
T/Th 8:30-9am (30 minute classes) Ses 1: 6/3-7/17 $31 Ses 2: 7/22-8/28 $27
8:30-9:20am 8:30-9:20am
Sat Sat
Zumba Gold Basic
Light & Easy Aerobics
5/28-7/9 7/16-8/27
Zumba Gold Basic Level 2
Yuko Diehl RLCC–The Studio Dance/fitness class with easy to follow steps. Receive a total body aerobic workout. Enjoy dancing and exercising with Latin and international music. Wear workout shoes and bring water. No dance experience necessary. Dropin fee $8 per class. M-7/6 classes, Th-7/6 classes.
Jollene Berghoff RLCC–The Studio Come enjoy a combination of low impact aerobics, strength training and stretch. Dance to soft, motivating music as you decrease your risk of falling and increase functionality with everyday tasks. Bring light weights and water. 9 classes.
9:30-10:20am 9:30-10:20am
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Take it up a notch! Uses the same low-impact and easy to follow Latin-inspired dance steps like salsa and cha-cha but at a higher intensity than Zumba Gold Basic. An energizing way to burn calories and get fit! Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes/attire. Drop-in fee $8 per class. 7 classes.
Tai Chi for Seniors Level 3
Move Easily Again
(The Feldenkrais Method) Carol Atkinson RLCC–Sycamore Reconnect with your natural abilities to move, think and feel. The Feldenkrais Method of Awareness through movement is gentle lessons teaching how to move with less effort, connecting movement and thought, increasing mental alertness along with physical improvement. Most lessons done on the floor. Anyone needing assistance to get to and from the floor should inform instructor for accommodations. 7 classes.
Writing from Personal Experience
9-10:15am 6/9-7/21
Barbara Reynolds RLCC-The Studio For advanced students who have already taken Level 2. Class progresses into Sun Style, 73 forms. 9 classes.
Yoga for Self Care
Chair Yoga
Memoir & Personal EssayWriting Down Your Memories
Want to meet new people, have a good time? Be a volunteer!
Zumba Gold Basic Level 1
Alice Johnson RLCC–The Studio Ready to Zumba? Low-impact fitness exercise class with easyto-follow moves to Latin inspired music like salsa and cha-cha. It’s an energizing way to burn calories and get fit! No prior Zumba experience necessary. Bring water, wear comfortable exercise shoes/attire. Drop-in fee $8 per class. 7 classes.
Special Interests
Tai chi for Seniors in action at the Senior Center. Register Now 925.373.5700
M M Th Th
9:30–10:20am 9:30-10:20am 9:30–10:20am 9:30-10:20am
6/2-7/14 7/21-8/25 6/5-7/17 7/21-8/28
$31 $27 $31 $27
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Trip Registration
RLCC Palo Verde Register you and one other person on a first-come basis. Doors open at 8 am. Flyers with trip details and dates are available one month before sign-ups. Trips are not available through online or phone-in registration. After trip registration dates, sign up in the Senior Services Office in person or by telephone, 925-373-5760.
Summer Fall
Sat Sat
6/21/14 8/23/14
8:15-10:45am 8:15-10:45am
Venture Trips Spring/Summer 2014
Explore the Bay Area and beyond on day and overnight trips in LARPD vans. Day trips must be paid for at the time of signups. Overnight trips require a $25 non-refundable deposit at time of sign-up. A $12 processing fee is charged for day trip cancellations. People under age 50 welcome if space is available. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Sign up in the Senior Services office. Call 925-373-5760 for information. (Trip dates subject to change)
DAY TRIPS 7/8 7/12 7/19 7/26 7/30
JULY 2014 Train to Santa Cruz Boardwalk “Kitchen Kut Ups”/Graton Casino Academy of Sciences in SF “South Pacific” at the Music Circus Beer and Beans in Fairfield
8/13 8/20
AUGUST 2014 Treasure Island Culinary “Sound of Music” at Sierra Rep
W Th T
SEPTEMBER 2014 9/3 Coastal Tour to Half Moon Bay 9/11 Santa Cruz Follies 9/30 Apple Hill
T Sat Sat Sat W
Visit to Air Force One while on the 2013 Rose Bowl Parade Adventure
Bodega Bay and Occidental, August 2014
46 Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
JUNE 2014 5/31-6/11 Japan Cruise AUGUST 2014 8/26-27 Bodega Bay & Occidental
SEPTEMBER 2014 9/7-22 Iceland Cruise
Live and Learn
Monthly community and special interest programs with expert guest speakers.
The History of Livermore’s Rodeo
Anne Marshall Homan Author “Historic Livermore, California: A-Z” RLCC - Vintage Lounge It's "Rodeo Days" the weekend of June 14 & 15. Join Anne Marshall Homan to learn about Livermore's Rodeo history, dating back to 1918. A well-documented author on the history of Livermore, Anne will discuss Livermore’s oldest event.
10:30-11:30am 6/10
Squash LadySummer Cooking Fun
Marlene Campbell - Perry & Son’s Sycamore Room Interested in taste testing summer watermelon and squash recipes? Join in as Marlene "The Squash Lady" demonstrates and shares her many recipes along with nutritional information and how to enjoy summer fruits and vegetables. RESERVATIONS recommended.
LARPD General Managers Past and Present 40+ years of service L to R - Doug Bell (1993-2003), Tim Barry (2003-present) & Bill Payne (1972-1993)
Santa Cruz Board Walk July 2014
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release
LARPD Proactive Water Conservation
It’s not easy being Green in a Drought!
Travels with Paula LARPD’s Paula Woerner - Trips RLCC - Vintage Lounge Our very own travel expert Paula Woerner shares the "ins and outs" of traveling with the LARPD travel group. A good resource for the novice and experienced traveler alike, with many situations and stories to share.
10:30-11:30am 8/12
LIVERMORE - For a number of years, LARPD has sought to reduce the amount of water the district uses and associated costs. Conservation efforts already in place include replacing natural turf areas with synthetic turf, planting more drought-tolerant materials, installing satellite monitored irrigation control systems and improving response time to leaks. New efforts include allowing planted areas to show more stress and not appear as “green” as before and promoting public acceptance that during drought conditions a less “green” and more “dry” appearance will be accepted. Residents who notice any water issues or irrigation problems in the parks and on sports fields are encouraged to call the park maintenance office at 925.373.2440.
Rite Aid’s New Wellness 65+ Program Shannon Dempsey - Rite Aid Wellness Ambassador RLCC - Vintage Lounge Rite Aid's new Wellness 65+ program, created just for seniors, includes a FREE pharmacist consultation to review medications, immunization needs, and FREE blood pressure screening plus more! Join Shannon to learn more.
10:30-11:30am 9/16 Register Now 925.373.5700
Did you know LARPD’s General Manager Tim Barry is also the current President-elect of the California Park & Recreation Society, which is the largest society of park and recreation professionals in the United States with over 3000 members.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Trip Registration
RLCC Palo Verde Register you and one other person on a first-come basis. Doors open at 8 am. Flyers with trip details and dates are available one month before sign-ups. Trips are not available through online or phone-in registration. After trip registration dates, sign up in the Senior Services Office in person or by telephone, 925-373-5760.
Summer Fall
Sat Sat
6/21/14 8/23/14
8:15-10:45am 8:15-10:45am
Venture Trips Spring/Summer 2014
Explore the Bay Area and beyond on day and overnight trips in LARPD vans. Day trips must be paid for at the time of signups. Overnight trips require a $25 non-refundable deposit at time of sign-up. A $12 processing fee is charged for day trip cancellations. People under age 50 welcome if space is available. Visa and MasterCard accepted. Sign up in the Senior Services office. Call 925-373-5760 for information. (Trip dates subject to change)
DAY TRIPS 7/8 7/12 7/19 7/26 7/30
JULY 2014 Train to Santa Cruz Boardwalk “Kitchen Kut Ups”/Graton Casino Academy of Sciences in SF “South Pacific” at the Music Circus Beer and Beans in Fairfield
8/13 8/20
AUGUST 2014 Treasure Island Culinary “Sound of Music” at Sierra Rep
W Th T
SEPTEMBER 2014 9/3 Coastal Tour to Half Moon Bay 9/11 Santa Cruz Follies 9/30 Apple Hill
T Sat Sat Sat W
Visit to Air Force One while on the 2013 Rose Bowl Parade Adventure
Bodega Bay and Occidental, August 2014
46 Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Summer 2014
JUNE 2014 5/31-6/11 Japan Cruise AUGUST 2014 8/26-27 Bodega Bay & Occidental
SEPTEMBER 2014 9/7-22 Iceland Cruise
Live and Learn
Monthly community and special interest programs with expert guest speakers.
The History of Livermore’s Rodeo
Anne Marshall Homan Author “Historic Livermore, California: A-Z” RLCC - Vintage Lounge It's "Rodeo Days" the weekend of June 14 & 15. Join Anne Marshall Homan to learn about Livermore's Rodeo history, dating back to 1918. A well-documented author on the history of Livermore, Anne will discuss Livermore’s oldest event.
10:30-11:30am 6/10
Squash LadySummer Cooking Fun
Marlene Campbell - Perry & Son’s Sycamore Room Interested in taste testing summer watermelon and squash recipes? Join in as Marlene "The Squash Lady" demonstrates and shares her many recipes along with nutritional information and how to enjoy summer fruits and vegetables. RESERVATIONS recommended.
LARPD General Managers Past and Present 40+ years of service L to R - Doug Bell (1993-2003), Tim Barry (2003-present) & Bill Payne (1972-1993)
Santa Cruz Board Walk July 2014
NEWS RELEASE For Immediate Release
LARPD Proactive Water Conservation
It’s not easy being Green in a Drought!
Travels with Paula LARPD’s Paula Woerner - Trips RLCC - Vintage Lounge Our very own travel expert Paula Woerner shares the "ins and outs" of traveling with the LARPD travel group. A good resource for the novice and experienced traveler alike, with many situations and stories to share.
10:30-11:30am 8/12
LIVERMORE - For a number of years, LARPD has sought to reduce the amount of water the district uses and associated costs. Conservation efforts already in place include replacing natural turf areas with synthetic turf, planting more drought-tolerant materials, installing satellite monitored irrigation control systems and improving response time to leaks. New efforts include allowing planted areas to show more stress and not appear as “green” as before and promoting public acceptance that during drought conditions a less “green” and more “dry” appearance will be accepted. Residents who notice any water issues or irrigation problems in the parks and on sports fields are encouraged to call the park maintenance office at 925.373.2440.
Rite Aid’s New Wellness 65+ Program Shannon Dempsey - Rite Aid Wellness Ambassador RLCC - Vintage Lounge Rite Aid's new Wellness 65+ program, created just for seniors, includes a FREE pharmacist consultation to review medications, immunization needs, and FREE blood pressure screening plus more! Join Shannon to learn more.
10:30-11:30am 9/16 Register Now 925.373.5700
Did you know LARPD’s General Manager Tim Barry is also the current President-elect of the California Park & Recreation Society, which is the largest society of park and recreation professionals in the United States with over 3000 members.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
4:27 PM
Page 2
Activities Index
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Preschool Special Interest . . . . . . . . . . 11 Music Youth Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Gymnastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Youth Special Interest Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 First Aid & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dog Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Youth Sports Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-21 Teens Adventure Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Driving School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 PAL Middle School Before & After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Leadership in Teen Experience . . . . . . 23 Summer Camps Special Section and PullOut Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Outdoor Recreation Camp Shelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Brushy Peak Regional Preserve . . . . . . . . . 29 Sycamore Grove Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Kids Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
LARPD Numbers
Adults Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31 Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Adult Special Interest Arts & Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Beauty Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Health & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Computers & Online Learning . . . . . . . . 27, 36 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Adult Sports Batting Cage and Gym Rentals. . . . . . . . . . 38 Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Summer Leagues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 (Basketball, Men’s Flag Football, Soccer, Soccer, Softball, Disc Golf Tournament)
55+ Services Financial, Health, Legal, Notary . . . . . . . . . 40 Lending Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Senior Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Helpful Phone Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 55+ Programs Community Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Luncheons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Health & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Movies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Drop-in Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Live & Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 55+ Classes Special Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 (Arts, Dance, Writing)
Fitness & Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45 55+ Trips Local and Extended/Overnight . . . . . . . . . . 46
LARPD Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 Hotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5702 Sports Fields/Turf Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . Press 1 Aquatics/Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press 4 Senior Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press 5
LARPD Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5786 Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5751 Class Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 Equestrian Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5709 Facilities Rentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5703 Parks Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2440 Preschool Information . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2486 Ranger/Nature Staff . . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2400 Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 RL Community Ctr. . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 Gymnasium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5733 Sports Field Rentals . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5709 Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5765 Youth Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2480
Other frequently requested non-LARPD contacts Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-606-4722 Bankhead Theater. . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-6100 City of Livermore Animal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-371-4848 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5500 Planning/Tree Trimming. . . . . . . 925-960-4000 Police Department . . . . . . . . . .925-371-4987 CPR classes (Red Cross) . . . . . . 1-800-520-5433 Del Valle Dog Club . . . . . . . . . . . . .925-455-4158 Lake Del Valle (EBRPD) . . . . . . . . 925-373-0332 Los Vaqueros Reservoir . . . . . . . . 925-688-8225 School District (LVJUSD) . . . . . . . 925-606-3200
© Phillip Doyle Photography - Livermore, CA
Sports Associations
On the Cover: Campers in the LARPD Aquatics Adventure Camp, sponsored by the Department of Water Resources, enjoy swimming. To learn more about how to sponsor camps so all children can enjoy a summer activity, contact LARPD at 925-373-5700 and check out the article on the LARPD Foundation, pages 26-27.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Basketball (CYO) St. Michael’s St. Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . http://smsccyo.org/ Blue Dolphins Swim . . . . . . . . . . .dolphinswimming.org East Bay Men’s Soccer League . . . . . . . . . . .www.ebmslcup.com/ Fusion Soccer League (LYSL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.fusionsc.org Livermore American Little League . . . . . . . . . . www.eteamz.com/lall Livermore Aqua Cowboys teamunify.com/Home.jsp?team=plac Livermore Girls’ Softball Association . . . www.livermoregirlssoftball.org Livermore Granada Little League . . . . www.granadalittleleague.com
Livermore Junior Football League . www.livermorejuniorfootball.com Livermore National Little League . . . . . . . . . . www.eteamz.com/lnll Livermore Youth Football and Cheer . . . . . . . . . .www.eteamz.com/lyfc Livermore Youth Soccer League – Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.lysl.org Old Saturday Stumblers Soccer League . . . . . . . . . . . www.osssl.org Phantom Lacrosse . . . . . . http://phantomlacrosse.org/ Valley Roller Hockey . . . . . .www.valleyrollerhockey.net West Coast Soccer Club . . www.westcoastsoccerclub.com
Photo Credits: Gloria Jam: Cover. LARPD Preschool: p13-Library ad photo. Emily Ballus: p. 15-printing press, p. 18-Tiny the dog. LARPD Rangers: p. 28-Camp Shelly, p. 29-Brushy Peak, Kids Program. Phil Doyle: p. 38-Pickleball player, p. 39-Basketball player. LARPD Senior Services: p. 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46.
Summer 2014
Rodeo Parade, Cowboy Experience, Livermore Rodeo Dance 3000 Robertson Park Road
96th Annual Livermore Rodeo Saturday, June 14-15, 2014 • 3 pm
Ticket sales begin in May, call 925-455-1550 www.livermorerodeo.org/tickets.html
4:27 PM
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Activities Index
Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8 Preschool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10-11 Preschool Special Interest . . . . . . . . . . 11 Music Youth Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12-13 Gymnastics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14-15 Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Youth Special Interest Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 First Aid & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Languages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Dog Parks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Youth Sports Basketball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Football . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Soccer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20-21 Teens Adventure Programs. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Driving School . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 PAL Middle School Before & After School Program . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Leadership in Teen Experience . . . . . . 23 Summer Camps Special Section and PullOut Poster . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Outdoor Recreation Camp Shelly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Brushy Peak Regional Preserve . . . . . . . . . 29 Sycamore Grove Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Kids Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
LARPD Numbers
Adults Dance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30-31 Fitness . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32-33 Martial Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34 Adult Special Interest Arts & Crafts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Beauty Care. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Health & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 Computers & Online Learning . . . . . . . . 27, 36 Music . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 Adult Sports Batting Cage and Gym Rentals. . . . . . . . . . 38 Golf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Tennis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38 Summer Leagues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39 (Basketball, Men’s Flag Football, Soccer, Soccer, Softball, Disc Golf Tournament)
55+ Services Financial, Health, Legal, Notary . . . . . . . . . 40 Lending Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Senior Scholarships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Helpful Phone Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 55+ Programs Community Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Luncheons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41 Health & Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Movies. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Taxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Drop-in Programs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 Live & Learn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47 55+ Classes Special Interest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 (Arts, Dance, Writing)
Fitness & Exercise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44-45 55+ Trips Local and Extended/Overnight . . . . . . . . . . 46
LARPD Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 Hotlines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5702 Sports Fields/Turf Conditions. . . . . . . . . . . . . Press 1 Aquatics/Pool . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press 4 Senior Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Press 5
LARPD Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5786 Aquatics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5751 Class Registration . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 Equestrian Park . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5709 Facilities Rentals. . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5703 Parks Maintenance . . . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2440 Preschool Information . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2486 Ranger/Nature Staff . . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2400 Recreation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 RL Community Ctr. . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5700 Gymnasium . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5733 Sports Field Rentals . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5709 Volunteers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5765 Youth Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-960-2480
Other frequently requested non-LARPD contacts Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-606-4722 Bankhead Theater. . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-6100 City of Livermore Animal Control . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-371-4848 Library . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925-373-5500 Planning/Tree Trimming. . . . . . . 925-960-4000 Police Department . . . . . . . . . .925-371-4987 CPR classes (Red Cross) . . . . . . 1-800-520-5433 Del Valle Dog Club . . . . . . . . . . . . .925-455-4158 Lake Del Valle (EBRPD) . . . . . . . . 925-373-0332 Los Vaqueros Reservoir . . . . . . . . 925-688-8225 School District (LVJUSD) . . . . . . . 925-606-3200
© Phillip Doyle Photography - Livermore, CA
Sports Associations
On the Cover: Campers in the LARPD Aquatics Adventure Camp, sponsored by the Department of Water Resources, enjoy swimming. To learn more about how to sponsor camps so all children can enjoy a summer activity, contact LARPD at 925-373-5700 and check out the article on the LARPD Foundation, pages 26-27.
Livermore Area Recreation & Park District
Basketball (CYO) St. Michael’s St. Charles . . . . . . . . . . . . http://smsccyo.org/ Blue Dolphins Swim . . . . . . . . . . .dolphinswimming.org East Bay Men’s Soccer League . . . . . . . . . . .www.ebmslcup.com/ Fusion Soccer League (LYSL) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . www.fusionsc.org Livermore American Little League . . . . . . . . . . www.eteamz.com/lall Livermore Aqua Cowboys teamunify.com/Home.jsp?team=plac Livermore Girls’ Softball Association . . . www.livermoregirlssoftball.org Livermore Granada Little League . . . . www.granadalittleleague.com
Livermore Junior Football League . www.livermorejuniorfootball.com Livermore National Little League . . . . . . . . . . www.eteamz.com/lnll Livermore Youth Football and Cheer . . . . . . . . . .www.eteamz.com/lyfc Livermore Youth Soccer League – Fusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . .www.lysl.org Old Saturday Stumblers Soccer League . . . . . . . . . . . www.osssl.org Phantom Lacrosse . . . . . . http://phantomlacrosse.org/ Valley Roller Hockey . . . . . .www.valleyrollerhockey.net West Coast Soccer Club . . www.westcoastsoccerclub.com
Photo Credits: Gloria Jam: Cover. LARPD Preschool: p13-Library ad photo. Emily Ballus: p. 15-printing press, p. 18-Tiny the dog. LARPD Rangers: p. 28-Camp Shelly, p. 29-Brushy Peak, Kids Program. Phil Doyle: p. 38-Pickleball player, p. 39-Basketball player. LARPD Senior Services: p. 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46.
Summer 2014
Rodeo Parade, Cowboy Experience, Livermore Rodeo Dance 3000 Robertson Park Road
96th Annual Livermore Rodeo Saturday, June 14-15, 2014 • 3 pm
Ticket sales begin in May, call 925-455-1550 www.livermorerodeo.org/tickets.html
6:47 PM
Page 2
RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER Postmaster: Dated Materials
INSIDE FEATURES 24 A Little About Us: LARPD Foundation
5 Aquatics: Scuba Camp & More 39 Adult Sports: Leagues & Tournaments 40 55+Activities: 10 Preschool: Fun and Games Play More 18 Youth Interests: Find A Hobby!