Lash Inc USA-Canada Issue 4

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LETTER FROM THE EDITOR By Jill Heijligers-Peloquin



PUNK FUTURIC. OUR COVER SHOT Interview with Ekaterina Ulyanoff by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin









SPRING VIBES. FEATURED LASH ARTISTS MAY Edited by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin




LASH ARTISTS INTERNATIONAL. LAI 2018 Edited by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin







©Copyright 2018 Lash Inc USA-Canada 3317 S Higley Road suite 114-336, Gilbert, AZ 85297 USA All rights reserved. The views and opiniowns printed herein are not official expressions of Lash Inc USA-Canada nor presented as factual or accurate claim, unless so stated. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means for any reason without specific written permission from Lash Inc USACanada.





May 2018 brings our Lash Inc community “The Education Issue”. Each magazine in the Lash Inc family of publications will concentrate in some part on lash education, and perhaps even shine a light on the issue of lash education. What exactly is “the issue”?

Our beloved niche in the multi-billion-dollar beauty industry is experiencing vast growth (and growing pains), awareness (and ah-ha moments), and the shifting paradigm of best practices refinement. There is a definite pattern disruption as educators are committing to continue their own education and dealing with how to explain why we are embracing new examples, concepts or thought patterns. Instead of simply educating, we are now busting myths and having to cite where our new theories came from; why there were misconceptions in the first place; and how to make these new best practices work for your lash practice. This shift will quickly differentiate

educators from one another How do we explain the why on these newlylearned theories, research methods, postulates, and standards without fully embracing them ourselves? To do that would mean practicing what we preach in integrity – even when no one else is looking! That is “the issue”. Change (even change for the better) is chaotic, expensive, risky and messy before it becomes comfortably effective, cost efficient and universally accepted. We cannot “be the change” we seek if we do not “walk the walk”. This invites spirited debate! This ruffles folks’ feathers. And that is a good thing; a real opportunity. We can no longer teach our students one way and then perform in another, contradicting manner, sharing that different advice and dropping those “well I personally” truth bombs on the forums and chat groups. We do not want that disconnect between what is taught in the classroom and what is performed as standard in our daily workflow. A fluent sense of expertise and safe, creative options should be taught in every lash class.



This issue of Lash Inc USA-Canada also brings me to a fork in the road in my professional journey. I am taking this opportunity to give you each a fond hug – all of you who have read, subscribed, purchased, contributed and been part of my year as editor of Lash Inc USA-Canada. Thank you, friends! Thank you, Louise Tierney, and to the entire (quickly growing!) #teamlashinc. I really love you all – IRL! It is time for me to take the scenic route. This is not a shift in my ‘hustle’ maneuver, or a ‘work smarter, not harder’ move. For me, “taking the scenic route” means letting go of the busy-ness of being a businesswoman. Oh, I’m still in business. You will still hear from me, and I will continue to advocate, support and mentor lash artists and educators. I will simply be less busy at it, and therefore, healthier, happier and much more effective when I do throw my hat in the ring. So… thank you for your readership and I hope you have enjoyed every one of these first 4 issues of Lash Inc USA-Canada as much as I have. There is an always unsung hero here. This is someone who I would never have been able to pull off such a passion project without: Vincenza Santangelo of Ultrafine. She has become the visual aspect to my voice in the lash industry.



For quite some time now (over 6 years?), she has visually set the tone and impact of my courses and marketing endeavors, always holding my ideals to graceful and even higher standard. I would devote a four-page spread to this Italian beauty and mastermind, but she is as introverted as she is talented. So I will just write my heart into a paragraph! Thank you Enza, Bella, for all the gorgeous layouts, image magic and polish you have brought to my brand Lash FX® Global, the Global Lash Summit events, Lash Artists International, Educators Collective, Lash FX® Academy and Lash Inc USA-Canada. You’re the bomb, baby!

Professional Lash Products and Training (510) 836-7732 ISSUE 4









LI: Katrina! Thank you so much for your gorgeous makeup and lash mastery to grace cover #4 of Lash Inc USACanada! It is a real pleasure to share your work with our readers. Does the cover look/photoshoot have a name or title?

my artistic ideas. Not to mention that red is one of my favourite colours!

LI: Did you do all the concept and application?

LI: In Fantasy Lash Art it is tremendous fun to combine high concept, avant-garde makeup with lash artistry – do you ever compete in lash art competitions? If so, can you tell us about the experience you’ve had?

EU: Yes I definitely did everything on this look – from handmade eyelashes to the makeup. Apart from the lash extensions part of my business, I am originally a makeup artist working in the makeup industry since 2009, specializing in special occasion makeups and also editorial fashion. We often do photoshoots for editorial publications.

LI: What was it like on this particular photoshoot? Had you worked with this photographer before?

EU: Yes, this photoshoot title was PUNK FUTURICA

w LI: What was your inspiration? Was this particular creation/ photoshoot for any special assignment or occasion? EU: I am often very inspired by designer runway collections, from Paco Rabanne to Karl Lagerfeld. Every year during Paris, Milan or NY Fashion Weeks I watch all the shows. That gives me lots of inspiration and motivation. I always liked futuristic direction when it comes to creating avant-garde makeup looks, and these days we find more and more editorials in fashion magazines that have a futuristic touch.

LI: It’s a bold color palette – and application. Do you like to do a favorite style or theme, or do you prefer to work in as a makeup artist and lash artist? EU: On a daily basis when I do lashes or makeup for my clients, it usually has a natural touch to the looks – from natural but fluffy eyelashes to bridal looks that are soft and settled. When it comes to editorial photoshoots, I love to express all my artistic ideas, so the bold color palette in this photoshoot was a natural result of

EU: I have never competed in lash art competitions, but I am certainly considering it – I have a few very creative ideas which I’ll leave out of this issue :-)

EU: In fact, the photographer of this photoshoot is my husband, Ara Sassoonian, who happens to be a very talented fashion photographer who has worked with fashion and beauty professionals all across North America. We met through work and since then we’ve been working together on lots of editorial publications. But I just wanted to mention how important it is to have a good understanding and work chemistry with the photographer whether you are a makeup artist, hairdresser, stylist or a model. You can do the most beautiful work, but if there is no understanding between you and the photographer, you will not reach the outcome that you were striving for.

LI: Where can our readers find you on the web and social media, so they can like, share and follow your amazing work? EU: Yes, of course, I would be more than happy to welcome all the readers to my Instagram page – also on my website And If someone is interested to have a look at my professional



makeup page, feel free to follow me on I’ve been recently trained by Bordeaux. kz as a licensed trainer of patented lash extensions techniques such as “Mega Volume“ and “Lash Gaps Cover”, so I am available to give training all across North



America. Thank you, LASH INC magazine, for featuring my work on the cover of May 2018 issue. I am very honoured and happy to share my work with all of the talented lash artists in North America!

Make up: Ekaterina Ulyanoff – Lash Royals Photography: Ara Sassoonian



The Education ISSUE What our pollsters WISHED they learned in their initial lash class 38% MORE THEORY!



21% Less about the "host brand"




8% MORE health, safety, regulation info! 7% HOW to work like a PRO from the start

Poll information courtesy of THE EDUCATORS COLLECTIVE



28% WHY we should or should not do





Before You Hire Your First Employee Paul oversees the business operations at Integrity Lash while also co-hosting the “LashCast Podcast” which is aimed at educating lash stylists. Integrity Lash has been chosen as one of the best lash salons in Southern California by LA Magazine, Vanity Fair, Pasadena Magazine, Pasadena Weekly, Brides. com and others. For three years running, Salon Today as chosen Integrity Lash as one of the Top 200 salons in North America. ––––––– IG: @integritylash, @integritylashbootcamp, @lashca



The beauty of running your own lash business is you get to be your own boss. You work when you want. You dress the way you want. You run things your way. Working for yourself as an entrepreneur equals “freedom”. But does it? I’d argue that as long as you work for yourself with no employees, you do have a lot of freedom, but that all changes when you hire staff. You will find yourself dealing with so many new issues once you hire that first employee. When you hire help, you now are responsible for another person’s well-being. There is a lot more at stake than just you paying for yourself now. If your business has grown to the point where you need more help, here are 5 questions you need to ask yourself before you take the plunge into being a “lash boss”.

01. Are you okay not being a service provider? The day you decide you hire an employee is the day you have decided to no longer just do lashes for a living. When you work for yourself, you do have to wear many hats like marketing, ordering, and finances…as well as a myriad of other small tasks. That said, since it’s only you, most of these tasks take very little time, but once you have employees, things scale up very quickly. Marketing for yourself might only mean needing to get a couple new customers a week, but if you have four employees who need to have their books full, you’re going to have to work a lot more in marketing your company to increase the traffic. Once you hire 3 or 4 employees, you will need to cut back your service hours severely. Your job will continue to evolve from being a service provider to being a manager who needs to lead and take care of a team. I’ve seen many owners continue to focus on being a service provider and then they wonder why their staff never sticks around more than 12 months. If you really love lashing compared to managing people and growing a business, you might want to rethink hiring employees.

02. Do you love numbers? If you are going to successfully run a business, you need to understand what numbers to track that will help you know if your business is healthy or not. You need to understand what a P&L is, how to read a balance sheet, how to calculate your retention rate (not talking about lash retention here) and a handful of other numbers. When you work for yourself, you can get by without needing to know too much. As long as you are making enough to pay your bills, you can survive. Once you have employees, you need to get on top of your numbers so you can see if your company is staying healthy. You need to able to answer the question, “what is my cost per hour?” If you can’t answer that, there’s no way for you to know what to

charge. You might be charging too little for your services and barely breaking even or losing money. The most important skill you will need to learn is how to make a budget and stay in budget. There are budgeting best practices out there that help you know what you’ll make in a month so that you can stay in budget, but you need to love to work with

spread sheets and numbers if you going to be able to do that. If you are used to just looking at your checking account to make sure you have enough money to pay a bill, you will run your company into financial trouble. You need to love numbers and want to understand them if you are going to grow a healthy business. If numbers scare you or



make you want to call in “sick” to your own salon, being an employer might not be the best path for you.

03. Are you okay with conflict? If you manage employees there is going to be conflict. Working with people will always be messy. If you are a people pleaser who hates conflict, leading a team will be very difficult for you. Being just “nice” to your employees will not be enough for you to be a good boss…you need to deal with problems immediately and keep your staff accountable. If you don’t, your staff will lose respect for you, and over time they will be the ones who run your business. There’s a saying I’ve heard many times in business podcasts, “What you permit, you promote”. If an employee comes to work late every day and makes clients wait, what are you going to do? If you hate conflict, you’ll just avoid the conversation and allow



the employee to be late and hurt your company’s reputation. You need to be able to see the bigger picture and how you hold your team accountable is going to grow them and your business. You don’t have to be a jerk when you run a company, but as the leader of your team you need to be fearless in addressing issues and keeping your team on task. If you don’t see these traits in you, you might just be walking into a world of business hurt.

04. Are you willing to work long hours? When you work for yourself, you can limit your office hours and make your work life fit around your personal life. That gets much more difficult when you manage a staff. Most salon owners still work as service providers (because they can’t afford to just manage…that’s another issue to cover another time) and when they are done with their clients, they still have to

do all the other jobs that are required to run a business. So maybe you’ll spend 20-30 hours taking care of guests in a week and then spend another 20-30 hours taking care of your team, ordering product, interviewing new staff, dealing with customer complaints, talking to potential vendors and the list goes on. Tara Walsh (Aka: The Lashpreneur… someone you should follow on Instagram) once told me that the reason most lash stylists want to have employees is so they can work less. If that is true (and sadly I believe it is), there are lot of future employers in our industry who have no idea what they are about to get into. If you want to have employees and run a successful business, you will need to outwork your staff. If that doesn’t sound like fun to you, then you should continue to just work for yourself and not focus on growing a lash salon.

05. Are you a leader? Before you answer yes to this question, you need to take a moment to look at your life outside your lash business and see if this is true in other aspects of your life. When you were in high school or college, did you lead any clubs or groups? Were you in student government or when you volunteered in organizations, were you given leadership positions? Have you ever overseen a group of people? When you are with you friends are you the one who organizes what you are going to do on a Friday night? When you look at your life, do you see yourself regularly taking leadership roles or do you tend to be a follower? There is nothing wrong being a follower‌but if you have spent your whole life following, you may be severely underequipped to lead a team of employees that are looking to you to take them to the lash promise land. You know you are a leader when you look behind you, and you see people following you. If all your life you have looked over your shoulder and seen no one following you, leading a company might not be in your DNA. I have been in the lash industry for over 12 years and have gotten to know a lot of beauty salon owners as well as lash salon owners. Most owners I have gotten to know will admit they had no idea what they were getting into (including myself) when they decided to hire staff to work for them. Many of them just thought that because they were good with hair, nails or lashes, that they would also be a great business owner. The E-Myth Revisited by Michael E. Gerber is a great book that deals with this issue. He explores what it means to go from being a great baker, mechanic, or lash stylist,



and then to transition from a craftsman or artist into what it takes to run your own business. It’s a must read if you are thinking of hiring a staff and building a business. Hiring employees is a serious matter, and it’s not something you should jump into until you count the costs and evaluate your skills. When you are hiring people, you are making a promise to take care of them and anyone else who relies on them. You should never take this responsibility lightly. It’s a great honor to be an employer and to help other people reach their professional and personal dreams.

This last year, one of our staff was able to buy a house and she told us one of the reasons she was able to that was because she worked at our salon. For me that is one of my proudest moments as a salon owner. There are great rewards in being a salon owner, but just make sure you are aware of and ready for the challenges. Aside from raising children, for me, running a lash salon has been the most challenging and rewarding task I have ever taken on. I hope that others can share in that joy as well. Be equipped!

Finally…a podcast for Lash Techs! Finally…a podcast for Lashologists! Finally…a podcast for Lash Artists! Finally…a podcast for Lash Stylists! However you identify yourself… you have a home. LastCast is all about the world of lash extensions. We discuss ideas, explore trends, share secrets, debunk myths and encourage one another. Join us today on iTunes, Google Play or Stitcher and make yourself home in our lash tribe.



You Have a Friend In The Lash Industry

MaiLash & Brows Eyelash Extensions & Semi-Permanent Makeup



There’s so Much More TO LEARN BY LISA MAGEE

Lisa Magee is Lash Educator and Owner of Lash Riot Salon in Denver, CO. ––––––– IG: @lashriot

A little while ago I was talking with a web designer we hired. As we were discussing the needs of the site she asked me if I worked in the web design business. I laughed and said, “No, I only know enough to be dangerous.” I realized later how often this was the case early in my “real” profession. A few years ago, I was going through some social media feeds and saw a post in April 2015 by Ria Hountas-Hart. It was a lash map she used for Kelly Ripa at the Oscars that year. It contained 96 different lashes in a variety of curls, diameters, and lengths. She had used the layers of lashes in a way I’d never even imagined. I thought, “Oh my, I know nothing.” I was a good lash artist, my sets looked beautiful. Technically I had a strong background. It wasn’t that I didn’t know how to do lashes. It simply never entered my mind to do what she was doing. At that moment I knew I had to branch out in my learning. Practice and becoming better at the skills I already had wasn’t enough. I began studying from a variety of places and sources, so I could grow. This industry changes so rapidly. The technology improves, lashes change in color, texture, diameter and weight as a result. When I started doing eyelash extensions .25 and .30 were the norm. A full



set was 40-50 lashes because we couldn’t put an extension on every lash. Now It’s been years since I’ve purchased anything in a diameter larger than .18. “Volume” for me at first was classic lashes capped. Then I took a course and started hand creating fans. New techniques in fan creation are being developed all the time. Mega Volume lashes are a new art form in and of themselves. Over the past year alone I have completely changed how I perform lash services from start to finish. When I started lashing we primed with rubbing alcohol before application. Now we thoroughly cleanse the lashes with a specially designed lash shampoo. We used to use a blower to “dry the glue”. Now the glue sets pretty much instantly. The advances in adhesive properties and understanding are amazing. For a long time, we were taught that we couldn’t get lashes wet for 24 hours after lashing. Now we know we should get them wet. The glue needs humidity and moisture to polymerize properly. I often use a nano-mister while lashing to raise the humidity around my work area. We can minimize potential reactions for our clients by washing immediately after application. Since learning more about cyanoacrylate adhesive science, my retention has improved. The way I apply lashes has changed subtly to maximize contact while minimizing exposure and irritation to myself and my clients.

I am constantly realizing new things I need to learn such as: developing my artist eye in lash styling, technical skills, volume lash fan techniques, ergonomics, business skills like marketing, customer service, accounting or even decorating and organizing my salon space. I started keeping a running list of skills I need to develop. One the best things I have learned is that time and practice aren’t enough. I need to learn from other professionals. I didn’t know that creating so much texture in lashes was possible until I saw Ria’s post. I didn’t know you could completely bridge holes in lash lines until I saw it done by Leanne Harbor. I no longer feel like I know nothing, but there’s still so much more to learn.





1-800-288-2023 ISSUE 4



Note from the Editor In previous issues of Lash Inc USA-Canada, we talked with Dr. Pham about the importance of the eyelid margin and dry eye syndrome. He also participated as a featured keynote speaker and workshop educator at Lash Artists International 2018, where lash artists and educators asked him great questions. Popular themes running through many of the questions prompted the following subjects of focus for ‘Eye Expertise’. In this issue, we’re going to dive more deeply into what exactly the eyelid does that’s so important, and shine light upon the misconceptions the lash industry has about water and oil as they relate to our lash extension bonds.



What do the eyelids do for the eye? Before we can begin to discuss the primary functions of the eyelids, it’s helpful to review some basic eyelid anatomy. Each eye has two eyelids – the upper eyelid and the lower one. Both lids share similar anatomy. As figure 1 shows, the eyelid has two “sides”. The front (anterior) part that we can touch and see is composed of skin and the muscles that are attached to the skin. The wrinkles on the skin are from the muscles

pulling on the skin and causing them to fold. Botox injections work by paralyzing these skin muscles so they no longer can contract to form folds or wrinkles. The back side (posterior) of the eyelid is composed of a stiff plate of cartilage that gives the eyelid its shape. Right behind the cartilage is a thin and smooth membrane called the conjunctiva. This conjunctival membrane extends to cover the front part of the eye. Within the tarsal cartilage lie

the meibomian, or oil glands of the eye. Both the upper and lower eyelid share this similar anterior (front) and posterior (back) side anatomy. The primary purpose of the eyelid is to protect the most vital sense we have, our eyesight. It’s easy to see how a closed eyelid serves as physical protection by preventing branches, rocks, insects, and debris from striking the eye. But the eyelids do more than just serve as physical barriers. Each blink helps to clear away dust, dirt, and bacteria by acting as “windshield wipers” for the eyes. But unlike windshield wipers on an automobile window that serve to clear away moisture,

each blink of your eye leaves a new coat of tears across the clear cornea while removing a layer of old tears to help us see better. The excess tears collect in a narrow channel called the tear meniscus on the bottom eyelid. This channel drains into a tiny hole on the lower eyelid near the nose called the lacrimal punctum. The eyelid is so good at cleaning the eye that infections on the eye are quite rare, except when there’s

something that disturbs this elegant natural process. A common cause of eye infection is prolonged contact lens use. The eyelid continues to clean the eye effectively with each blink. But the back side of the contact is not cleaned, and bacteria can slide underneath the contact lens where it grows and grows the longer a contact lens is kept on the eye. For this reason, it is always a good idea to remove contact

lenses daily to allow the eyelid to truly clean the eye, or more specifically the cornea. Another common reason for eye infection is lacrimal obstruction. All the dirt, bacteria, and debris are collected in a channel on the bottom eyelid that drains into the lacrimal system. Any blockage in drainage will increase the risk for infection. There are some neurologic disorders like Bell’s palsy that

can cause the eyelid not to blink. In severe cases, there is almost no blink movement and surgery may be required to physical close the eyes for weeks to months until the eyelids can blink again. The eyelid secretes a continuous supply of meibum or oil to help stabilize the tear film. The clogging and inflammation of these meibomian oil glands are the most common reasons why



we develop dry eye symptoms. Speaking of oils, we often hear that eyelash artists need to advise their clients to avoid any products that contain “oil” in the ingredient list, since oil can ruin the cyanoacrylate glue.

How does oil affect the cyanoacrylate glue we use for lash extensions? There seems to be a lot of confusion about oil and cyanoacrylate. I think this comes from a misinterpretation of the complex chemistry of cyanoacrylate and the physical characteristics of oil as it pertains to the eyelids. Cyanoacrylate requires moisture to set or harden through a process call polymerization. Polymerization is like putting together pieces of Lego in chains and on top of each other. While one Lego block “chain” may not be tough, a stacked chain of Lego blocks is very hard to break apart. What’s often not talked about is the same water molecules that help to harden cyanoacrylate will also lead to its decomposition. The underlying chemistry for this has to do with something called the “polarity” of molecules. Acetone is very polar and will quickly break apart the 28


cyanoacrylate glue like a jackhammer. Water is also polar, but in comparison to acetone, is more like a small hammer. Most oils are nonpolar and are like sheets of plastic with very little destructive potential against the chemical bonds in cyanoacrylate.

Wow, this is something that many lash artists have not heard about – oil, polarity, polymerization. But can oils negatively affect the cyanoacrylate we use? There are at least two ways whereby oils can adversely affect the attachment between the lash and the glue. This may be where much of the confusion of oil comes from. The first way oil will decrease bond strength is if there’s a coat of oil on the lash itself. The oil acts as a physical barrier between the lash and the glue to prevent adhesion, similar to the way our shoes act as a barrier to the shards and pebbles on concrete pavement. Shoes themselves have very little ability to break concrete apart, just like oils will not break apart cyanoacrylate. The second reason oil seems to compromise the bond strength between

lash and glue has nothing to do with oil’s effect on the chemical bonds in cyanoacrylate. It has everything to do with something we all know about oil – its slipperiness. The underlying cause for why there’s decreased bond strength between the lash and the glue is due not to oil but to WATER! As we’ve discussed, it’s water that weakens the bond and as the bond weakens, microscopic spaces develop between the glue and the lash that allow oil to literally slip in. The oil increases the slipperiness to allow the lash extensions to fall off. But where does all the oil come from? Oil is continuously produced by the eyelids. This is why it’s doubly important to cleanse the eyelashes at least once daily to remove all the oil that’s accumulating on the lash extensions!

What can we do to maximize lash extension bonding? Bond strength can be increased many ways, but they all follow some basic principles. This is often why primers are used. One strategy is to increase the surface area for bonding. “Scratching” or “roughing up” smooth surfaces helps to increase the total surface area onto which



Ophthalmologist developed Optimized for lash extension protocol to maintain bond strength, and improve lash hygiene Zokrex platform with activated okra complex Soothing Minimize red, dry-eyes Preferred by eye doctors and surgeons MICELLAR ZOCUSOME TECHNOLOGY IN ACTION (844) ZOCULAR ISSUE 4


cyanoacrylate can adhere to. This can be done mechanically with something like sandpaper or with chemicals. Another method is to increase the chemical bond strength between the substrate (natural lash) and glue. This can be done by applying plasma torches or electroplating the substrate. Luckily there’s no need to send hot gases, toxic chemicals, or electricity to our eyelids. The human eyelash is made of proteins called keratin, which is already a great substrate for cyanoacrylate adhesion. Many of the amino acids in keratin already have a charge (no need for electricity here) and under microscopic examination, the lash surface is not smooth but rough. Both these properties naturally help to increase bond strength. All we need to do is to is cleanse the surface of the lashes thoroughly, exposing the lash surface as much as possible. Prior to lash extension application, it’s important to cleanse the eyelids and eyelashes with a lash product that’s specifically developed for the eyelids and eyelashes. The Zocusomes in ZocuFoam™ are microscopic micellar capsules. They latch onto the oil, dirt and makeup residue on and between the lashes to gently remove them, while the okra complex in the formulation helps to refresh and rejuvenate the eyelids. (SPECIAL NOTE: micellar water, which is a water-based suspension of lipid cleansing micelles, is not rinsed off. ZocuFoam™ SHOULD be rinsed off the eyes and eyelids. For more information on how micellar water works and what exactly a micelle is and does, check out this video from Lab Muffin: The Science of Beauty Explained Simply https:// ). Once lash extensions have been applied, it’s critical for your client to clean their lashes at least once a day to remove the daily accumulation of oil that is naturally secreted. Some clients will need to clean their lashes twice daily as everyone is different! It’s impossible to remove the sweat and water that our skin and tear glands make. Nor can we eliminate the moisture or humidity in the air. But we can effectively remove the excess oil buildup with daily lash cleansing.

Thank you for helping to clarify the issues and misunderstanding surrounding oil, water and cyanoacrylate.



The take-home message is that oil doesn’t directly affect the molecular bonds created when cyanoacrylate polymerizes. It’s water that degrades glue over time. Equally as important, we need to cleanse the eyelids and eyelashes with an eye care product that’s specifically tailored for lash artists and eye doctors. We now know that removing eyelid oil helps to prevent premature degradation of lash bonds. Can oil removal help in other ways as well? We’ve discussed in previous issues of Lash Inc USA-Canada that inflammation of the eyelid is really the underlying cause for dry eye symptoms. This inflammation is caused by both the blockage and the type of oil (also known as “meibum”) on the eyelid margin. Besides helping to optimize lash extension bond strength, lid and lash cleansing helps to reduce dry eye symptoms, assuming the right product is being used.

Another important fun fact is that inflammation is not ALL bad. Inflammation can both heal and harm. It’s just a signaling mechanism that the body uses to recruit the cellular processes to kill bacteria, neutralize viruses, envelope foreign bodies, and lay down new skin or liver cells. Things go awry when the body, instead of calling the police and fire department, to address a small bacterial infection, sends out signals to recruit an army division and artillery garrison to battle the bacterial infection. The aftermath of this overreaction is swelling, pain, redness, and scarring. Steroids are very effective at inhibiting inflammation. They’re too good for the job in many cases, especially when used for prolonged periods of time. A small scratch can lead to a horrible infection with steroid use, since the body doesn’t send any signals to the cells needed to eliminate the bacteria before it grows into an unstoppable force. In future articles and education collaborations with Dr. Peter Pham, we’ll delve into further details about the mechanics of inflammation and how we can use knowledge of inflammation to our advantage.

W W W . 3 D - B E A U T Y . C O M ISSUE 4



Photos courtesy of Lash Artists International and Larry Alan Photography



Kristie Golla is the beauty expert at the Daylight Company. As the Sales Account Manager, her passions for the lash and beauty industry combined with her expertise in the equipment is the perfect mix to bring the highest quality service and tools on the market. –––––––

You buy all the best tools and supplies to create a one of a kind service, but what about lighting? The right light can make all the difference in the outcome of your work. It helps you see the fine details of your lash work while being easy on the eyes.

What makes the right light? Let’s break it down: • Design, you love our unique products that take your work space from pish to posh creating an instant upgrade to your salon. Daylight lamps are uniquely designed with a fashion forward look that enhances your studio. • Flexibility, getting the light where you need it most is not an issue with a Daylight. The Daylight range offers a selection that gives you light where you need it most.

• Color temperature, the right mix of blue and yellow hues will deliver the most natural, high contrast and color correcting light available. We provide stress free lighting for your eyes, so you can work longer with more comfort. • You replenish many products from eye patches, lashes, glue and tweezers. Don’t stress about the light you use. Daylight lamps use top quality LEDs lasting 50,000 hours, are durable and flexible to give you years of use, when it comes to the lights you use...we’ve got you covered.



“Lighting is crucial when it comes to lashing! Without good light, how can an artist create the perfect look for their client? Not only does it help with lashing but for taking fabulous photos after your work is complete. It’s so helpful when trying to achieve a full look for my lash dolls and allows me to lash even the smallest lashes!” Brianna Porras, BeLash’d, North Arlington, NJ



Everyone at The Daylight Company feels inspired by our clients; the clients who explain how our lamps have changed the feel of their business, and the clients who say their work has never been more precise, accurate and more creative because of our lights. Daylight lamps and magnifiers offer specialist lighting that was designed for the needs of beauticians. We think about the alchemy, magic, synergy, and creative spark that happens when the right light illuminates the right muse. The right light is bright, clear and balanced. It looks elegant and is easy to set up. It is cool to the touch and easy to work with. The right light is a Daylight! When you invest in yourself, your business and your tools, you choose the best. When you invest in lighting…Choose Daylight.

The next generation of lash lighting is


FLEXIBLE with true color matching all while emitting NO HEAT



LOUPES Changing the way you see lashes BY KATHRYN POPPLESTONE

Founder & CEO of Flutter UK. Kathryn lives in London and travels the globe, offering Flutter Lash services to international clients, while managing and training the Flutter UK Franchise team. –––––––



Loupes changed my Lash life! I had always thought I could see well when lashing. I used a light that attached to my beauty bed and always managed to achieve work that was neat with full isolation & no stickies. Being lucky to have 20/20 vision I believed I could see all the natural lashes. I now know this wasn’t the case at all...

It was during a visit to my dentist that I learned about loupes. He used them to do his dental work and couldn’t sing their praises highly enough, reeling off a list of benefits including super magnified vision, improved posture and the option to attach a light directly to their frames. I decided I needed to investigate these special types of glasses further.

I contacted a few different companies who sold loupes & they explained that they work in a very different way to magnifiers. They enlarge what you are viewing & make it appear significantly closer to you without changing your vision like prescription glasses do. They sounded like something I needed if I want to up my Lash game to the next level. The only issue was the cost. As they are mainly used in the medical & dental industries and prices were $2000 & up. This obviously makes them a very expensive purchase for a Lash artist. However, after further research I found the The Loupe Company. They don’t spend large amounts of money on marketing & give details instructions on how to take your own measurements for the custom loupe, eliminating the need for fitting appointments with reps. This means they are able to offer customised loupes at a very affordable price. They offer interest free payment plans & a money back guarantee which encouraged me to take the plunge and invest in a pair. To place my order, I followed their simple instructions for taking my measurements. You just need to know your working distance & then send the photos, so they can

determine your pupillary distance. They loupes take around 4 weeks to manufacture so I waited patiently for them to arrive.

On first use they felt a little disorienting, however I straight away I realised how much more clearly I could see the natural lashes. There were so many more baby hairs than I had even seen before! Plus, the extensions on my Lash board had become supersized! The 0.10s now looked like 0.2s & I quickly realised this made fanning much easier. ISSUE 4


It took a week to get used to the loupes but after that time I have never looked back. My work is much neater as the imperfections I see in reality are tiny once you remove the magnification. I also realised that I had been working by touch before when separating & checking for stickies. Either the tweezers would catch the baby hair, or I could tell from the tension as I wiggled the extension if it was caught on more than one lash. With the loupes all those hairs were visible making the lash application cleaner & more accurate. Once I was used to the loupes I then ordered the attachable light & this has made just as significant difference to my work as the loupes. It gives you illumination specifically where you are working, so there is no shadowing like with a free-standing light.



I feel the loupes & light combo have made a significant difference to my health as well as my work. Not only is my posture greatly improved but my eyes aren’t strained or tired even after a full day of Lash clients. So, if you want to up your Lash game & look after your health, it’s time to invest in a pair of loupes.

W W W. E Y E L A S H A D D I C T. C O M




a lash educator BY LEVI SHEPARD

Most lash artists know Levi as the President of NALA™. The National Association of Lash Artists offers support to the lash industry by establishing much-needed regulatory guidelines, as well as offering International Accreditation, Educator Certification, NALA Memberships and Industry Awards.



Are you interested in training others in the art of eyelash extensions? Changing roles from artist to educator is a natural transition for some of you. With years of lashing experience, and so much industry expertise, it seems like a logical step in your career. Some might even say it’s your duty to pass the torch to aspiring new artists and take your place at the teacher’s desk.

Educating others can be a very rewarding career. But before taking the leap here are some things you should consider:

1. Do you have what it takes?

Knowledge about the lash industry is NOT enough. Not everyone is a good teacher. If you don’t have experience training or educating, you need to take a class or two to learn how to be a great teacher. Your student’s success will depend on it. If you are unable to guide them and mentor them to success your training academy will ultimately fail. Before you commit time and money into creating your program be sure you have what it takes to effectively teach others.

2. Do you have enough experience to become a lash educator?

There is not really any magic number here. Experience is not based on the number of years you have been certified. It’s based on – quite simply – what you have experienced. To qualify as an educator you should have an abundance of knowledge (in many aspects of the job) to share with your students. Ideally, you should hold multiple certifications from a variety of lash schools and you should have a certification as an educator. Your knowledge and experience is what makes you valuable as an instructor and a mentor. Therefore, the more experience you have the greater you are qualified to teach others.




Teaching others is a great responsibility. Students will be committed to your student’s success? counting on you to show them the As an educator you need to be prepared to hold your student’s hand while they are practicing their new craft. They will need to way and teach them everything know you are there for them for as long as it takes. If you are not they need to know to be successful prepared to commit your time to your students after graduation you should not become an educator. as a lash artist. It is vital that you are committed to providing the Why do you want to become a right information and supporting lash educator? all of your students throughout If you love to share your knowledge with others; If you are passionate about helping others succeed; If you are dedicated to their career.


living your life as a mentor; If you are committed to changing the future of our industry by offering quality education to new lash artists; You are EXACTLY what the lash industry needs. Creating and managing a successful Lash Training Academy requires a lot of hard work and a great deal of liability BUT if you truly love what you do – it won’t feel like work at all!



The NALA Educator's Certification Course

Cindy D. Kandis R.

Sharon A.

Hiromi B.

Cassandra B.





USE LASHINC20 FOR 20% OFF U N T I L J U N E 3 0 , 2 0 1 8 AT W W W. L A S H F X . C O M ISSUE 4










Lashes, decoration, make up and photography: Radmila Woll, San Diego, California Model: Olivia Hawkins IG: @lash_extensions_solana



Lashes: Beauty Poetry Photographer: Laurynas Miskinis Concept – Beauty Poetry Make up: Anna Mua Model: Melanie Jane Wiggins








Eyelash extensions: Mindy-Tuyen Luong / Mindy Lash Studio / Tucson Az Photographer: Nathan Sakura Make up: Siera Cuesta Models: Siera Cuesta & Stephanie Nemecek Contacts: FB: Mindylashstudio – IG: @mindylashstudio



Lashes: Nicola Wellman / Belinda Wellman Make-Up: Lexi Harmer Hair: Jenna Aielo Model: Alex Periu Photography: Nicola Wellman

















The LAI18 Awards celebrated our Classic and Open Volume Competition winners with some special entertainment treats, and special awards from our judges to participants who stood out with special and exceptional efforts. Our LAI Competition winners!

1st Place Creative Classic Pixie Ambler – Australia 2nd Place Creative Classic Ly Nguyen – USA 3rd Place creative Classic Katie Smith – United Kingdom 1st Place Open Volume Pixie Ambler – Australia 2nd Place Open Volume Katie Smith – United Kingdom 3rd Place Open Volume Leslie Kroeker – Canada Our winners were rewarded for their exceptional attention to the Lash Artists International competition criteria, and our panel of international judges held each and every participant to the highest of standards. Congratulations goes to our winners, as well as everyone who threw their hat into the ring – each entrant received a detailed, comprehensive Competition Analysis so they can learn from the experience.

MARCH 16-17-18







Please plan ahead. Make room for conferences and competitions as an important way to enrich your continuing education efforts,

to challenge and stretch your ideas of what is possible as a lash artist, and to step safely outside your comfort zone with the support of your lash community!

MARCH 16-17-18







Conferencing makes time for learning, networking, growing professionally, but also holds a special space; a moment in time to make friends and memories to last until next time!

MARCH 16-17-18







There’s always time to celebrate each others success and make room for FUN in the LASH LIFE! MARCH 16-17-18







There is nothing quite like the bonds you make when you live, learn and laugh together in person at live events. Behind the scenes and in the months leading up to industry events, every detail is planned and curated towards your special experience – all that is missing is YOU!

MARCH 16-17-18




ISSUE 18 > MAY 2018 > £12.99


Education Issue Every day’s a school day

Allergies Be ready to react



from your lashes! Finally a Convenient After Care for Professional Eyelash Extensions • • • •

Strip Lashes Cluster Lashes Single Lashes olume Lashes Volume

Dermastart Inc



Welcome 19 Letter from The International 1 Editor 25 2 Meet Team Lash Inc. Lashes 9 Lash Art for Mental Health 11 Meet The Editors How to Learn from Y our 13 Mistakes and Get Better 15 17


Enchanted's H idden Treasure Salon Focus: M aya's Lash Studio

Reader Gallery How to Win Your First Lash Art Competition


Competition Results Lash Challenge , Croatia, 2018


Introducing the Eyelash ToupĂŠe by Anuschka GroĂ&#x;


Featured Lash Artist: M ichelle Ellis (Beauty by Chelle)


The Royal Canadian Lash Championships

33 35

Bringing Y our Product to Life Eyelash Extensions Swedish Masters 2018


Are Permanent Eyebrows the right choice for me?

38 39

Latest B row News


The Science behind Henna Brows Learning the Finger Technique

Business 51 How to Win Business Awards the Right Balance 53 Finding between Work and Life


Breakdown: A lways 55 Business Growing and Always Learning

Allergies 43 Ask the Expert: A llergies The Importance of Daily Eye 45 Hygiene 47

How to Identify an A llergic Reaction to Lash Extensions


The Difference Between Allergic Reactions and Irritations



Building your Successful Lash Business

It’s All About Y our Timing: 59 Working on Your Business, Not in Your Business. Ask The Expert: Can I Raise My 60 Prices?

61 62 65 67

Events Calendar Lash Inc Accredited Directory Training Directory Supplier Directory


Welcome to issue 18 of

Lash Inc. International Letter from

The International Editor

This issue is the education issue this theme will be carried through all regional issues of Lash Inc. This quarter we are launching Lash Inc. Hungary, Lash Inc. Luxembourg and Lash Inc. Spain. Look out for more translated versions later in 2018 and early 2019 as we expand Lash Inc. globally. We intend to reach every Lash Artist in the world. Where would you like to see Lash Inc next? This issue we have features from our new senior journalists, many of the names you will recognise and a few new people for you to become familiar with. We hope you enjoy this fresh content. I will personally be at the Hollywood Lash Conference with various editors from the Lash Inc USA / Canada, Australasia, UK and Ireland. This is one of the few events that most of the current editors and many senior journalists will be in attendance and we would love to network with you, please come and say hi. We have some important updates which won’t make this issue of the magazine so please follow us on Instagram @lash_inc so you don’t miss our announcements. Check out our new ‘Who to follow’ mock social feed page in this issue, could you be featured next? Just tag us on Instagram so we can find you. My very best wishes to all our readers for the forth coming months. If you need to get in touch remember you can chat from our website, email us or schedule a call. 1 - Welcome


Meet Team

Lash Inc.

Cover Image

Louise Tierney

Miranda Tarpey

Kelly Storer

Jill Heijligers-Peloquin


Editor, UK

Editor, Australasia

Editor USA/Canada

Leanne Harber

Lana Slatina

Henrietta Orosz

Renata Fodor-Csuti

Editor, Ireland

Editor, Spain

Editor, Luxembourg

Editor, Hungary

Photography - Cindy Nicholls Lashes - Cindy Nicholls Gabriella Gerardi

Chloe Elizabeth

Andi Ramsay

Sarah Gibb

Assistant Editor, UK

Beauty Editor, Ireland

Lead Designer

Intl Exec Assistant

Alena Skodic

Angelina Salacinski

Charlene Hatfield Nutter

Daisy Krikemans

Ellie Malmin

Hanna Putjato

Kristina Dovbijenko

Michelle Meredith-Rath



Published by:

Chrysalis House Publishing Department - Lash Inc Kemp House, 152 - 160 City Road, London, EC1V 2NX

Contact Name: Louise Tierney Contact Email:

/LashInc Miko Owada

Nikki Huebner

Sarah Humphreyson

Signe Langeberg

@LashInc @Lash_Inc Issuu

Stefani Altieri

Teresa Ilaria Guida

Wendy Kirkham

Yasemin Dursen

Welcome - 2

Lashes Lashes - 4

W O R L D L A S H D AY W O R L D L A S H D A Y . C O M

23rd October 2018 What will you be doing to promote the Lash Industry? #worldlashday

The NALA Educator's Certification Course

Cindy D. Kandis R.

Sharon A.

Hiromi B.

Cassandra B.

Lash Art for

Mental Health

by Claudia King

Mental health awareness is so important, whether you are a parent, partner, friend, neighbour… With today’s environment being so stressful and mental health being a hot topic it’s interesting that it is still so taboo.

Anxiety is worrying about the future, but depression is worrying about the past. It means that you can be oh so tired but yet still unable to sleep.

Dealing with severe anxiety myself for in excess of 25 years, where I am unable to travel further than 20 minutes from my home, having family with anxiety, self-harm, suicidal thoughts and depression I wanted to do something, anything to help raise awareness. Lashing is my “mindfulness” so it made sense to use this skill. I gave myself what I thought was more than enough time, 6 months, to do a series of lash art pictures depicting emotions of mental health, I only just made the deadline. As far as I am aware, no one has done a series of lash art before and certainly not on the subject of mental health. There were many challenging aspects to this project. Not being an experienced photographer myself was difficult and the biggest concern I had was to accurately portray such a sensitive subject, that I made sure each picture was worthy of the title of the series. Did I really think I could pull this off.

The struggle of not being able to speak about how you feel, knowing that the YOU have the key to unlock the words but just not being able to.

What the world sees, the happy smiling face BUT when that same person looks at themselves in the mirror, the broken mirror, there is sadness, tears, troubled thoughts.

Awareness is key in our society, where over working is normal, skipping lunches and breaks are every day occurrences and booking just one more client. How can we step out of this trap and ensure we don’t drown? We can certainly help ourselves to ensure we minimise the stress we have in our working life. We can take responsibility for our health with a few simple things that we cannot underestimate. The power of exercise, drinking water, regular healthy snacks, ensuring you have lunch breaks and The words that often go around one’s head that you can only see if you remembering to say NO to that extra client, it may mean more money, but are looking closely, paying attention, really caring to see. if you burn out you won’t be earning anything. If your mental health has gone beyond these simple steps, a trip to your doctor, talking, expressing Full of possibilities. It shows that how you feel and not being embarrassed to ask for help is imperative. even though some days are too There is no shame in medication, whether it be long term or just until you dark to cope, others have hope, get back on your feet, of course there are many avenues to securing help laughter, love. It shows that your and all that information is just a few keyboard taps away. mental illness is lying to you when it says there is no way forward. Social media gives us easy access to others' beautiful work but often Don’t believe the lies. makes us feel less than worthy. Most mental health illnesses affect the perfectionist more and when we are always striving to create what we perceive as the best set ever on social media and to our peers, this can seriously damage our self-esteem. Yes it’s important to do your best but to also be happy with your best as well. Anxiety, depression all other mental health illnesses are lying to you when it says you cannot possibly get better, be better, be worthy! Remember, you have survived 100% of your worst days, that’s pretty good odds!

9 - Lashes

The whole project was a King Family affair. Model: Harriet King; Props, Encouragement and Hand Models: Elspeth and Mark King; Lashes, Makeup, Hair, and Photography: Claudia King; Editing: Hanton.

Featured Lash Artist - E mily Lee Lashes - 10


The Editors

by Louise Tierney International Editor

This quarter we are excited to launch three new regional versions of Lash Inc. Read a mini bio about our new editors below. Throughout 2018 & 2019 we will continue to produce regional versions of the magazine for as long as lash artists are still hungry for knowledge and inspiration.

Lash Inc Luxembourg - Henrietta Orosz Henrietta’s Story My name is Henrietta Orosz, and I’m a Hungarian living in Luxembourg. I’m a lash & makeup artist, state authorised beauty expert as well as an economist. You might ask yourself how I went from economics to the beauty business… During my university internship, I felt that I needed to find a hobby that could colour my boring days at the office. That’s how I came to makeup, and there everything started. I liked the fact that I could create something beautiful and unusual and loved to see the transformation that I could provide. During this time, I did make up for movie productions, too. Shortly after, I completed my first lash course with the lovely and inspiring Edina Horkai in Budapest. Her passion and professionalism made me fall in love with this profession immediately. Since 2015, I’m a full-time lash artist and have attended several courses by lash artists from all over the world. In 2017, I won 3rd place in Dramatic volume - Master category in Vienna, and 2nd place in the Fantasy category at Lash Festival. This made me Luxembourg’s first and only award-winning lash artist. My dream came true this year in February when my friend and I opened our own photography and beauty studio in Luxembourg. Also, from this year on, the amazing and inspiring Louise Tierney gave me the opportunity to be part of the Lash Inc. family, and I can’t wait to create Lash Inc. Luxembourg’s first edition. I believe that professionalism and perfectionism are essential parts of our job, and I am delighted to share the best of my knowledge with the world. “I came into contact with Henrietta after she submitted her work to Lash Inc readers gallery, she then appeared a few times as a contest winner in articles we were featuring, and we again featured her work, I contacted Henrietta when we were looking for an editor as believe her creativity would make her an excellent editor for our new magazine. I look forward to our first issue”. – Louise Tierney (Lash Inc International Editor).


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11 - Lashes

Henrietta Orosz

Lana Slatina

Lash Inc Spain - Lana Slatina - Practicing lash artist since 2012

Renata Fodor-Csuti

Lash Inc Hungary – Renata Fodor-Csuti • Founder and owner of Best Lashes&Brows® Academy - founder of Best Lashes&Brows® brand - in Hungary and in Slovakia

- President of the Spanish Association for Eyelash Extensions Professionals • International master lash stylist and trainer - Official Representative and trainer of the Russian Queen Lashes Academy in Spain - Distributor of the Russian Queen Lashes products in Spain

• Eyelash stylist since 2009 • Author of their own lash&brow courses which are recognised in the United Kingdom

- Speaker at the international lash conferences in Kaunas (Lithuania), November 2016, in Stockholm (Sweden), March 2017, in Madrid, (Spain) • Organiser of the first international conference & competition in Hungary, June 2017 Lash Lovers Award 2017 - Organizer of the international lash and brow courses and events in Spain (First Lash & Brow Conference in Spain, June 2017)

• Participant of Lash & Brow trainings in the UK • International Speaker and Judge

- Judge at the First On-line Championship of eyelash extensions in Spain (2017) “I met Lana at a conference and since then we have attended many conferences together and I was invited as a speak to the first Lash Conference in Madrid. Lana is a passionate and hard-working woman. Always looking for a way to better the industry in Spain, I look forward to Lana’s first issue which I am sure will be excellent.” – Louise Tierney (Lash Inc International Editor).

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• Sponsor of many Lash Competitions worldwide “I first met Renata when I was invited as a speaker at the first conference and contest in Hungary which Renata had organised. Renata was a lovely woman and showed huge passion for the development of the industry in Hungary. Renata was an obvious choice to have as an editor as she is already raising the bar in education in her country. “ – Louise Tierney (Lash Inc International editor)

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Lashes - 12

How to Learn from

Your Mistakes

and Get Better

by Hanna Putjato, Darja Striletskaja, & Veronica Rich

So when I started to do eyelashes on a daily basis, my main goal was not to become a ‘good lash technician’ - I wanted to become a beauty specialist who makes women the most beautiful version of themselves, a specialist who makes them feel good. I didn’t want just to place fake lashes on the natural lashes - I wanted to give my client the perfect look that will make them feel beautiful and confident. I wanted to give them lashes which will complement their face/brow shape and of course their personality!

Hanna When I first started working in a beauty salon, I noticed that an overwhelming majority of Beauty Therapists focus far too much on the treatment they are completing, instead of on the end result for their customer. For example, when shaping and tinting brows, girls in the salon were trying to create the textbook perfect HD shapes with a strong eyebrow arch, not considering the fact that it might not suit this client and she may not even like it. Similarly, when doing nails I noticed that therapists can do beautiful nail art, which is absolutely stunning when you look at the nail, but if the client’s individual hands are not taken into consideration, this can make the fingers look shorter -eek! Something else I noticed was that quite often, it is the clients who are asking for a look which might not benefit their appearance - for example they often ask for lashes which are too full/long, eyebrows which are too dark, or bright nails which might not look good on their hands. These will result in a look which might not suit them, and will mean they are not happy with the outcome of the treatment even though they asked for it. In these cases, it’s not always good to follow your client’s wishes blindly, but to consider whether the end result of treatment will suit your client, and then give them careful advice if you think the look they’ve chosen won’t benefit their appearance.

13 - Lashes

I had some make-up experience and had a good understanding of face structure, including eyebrow shapes etc. so I started experimenting with lash styling. This was 8 years ago when the industry was just developing and there was very little information about it at all, so most of the information on styling I managed to get was through experimenting with application and analysing clients’ photographs later. I noticed that the biggest mistake I was making was overloading the outer corner of the eye with lashes that were too long. The popular “cat eye” or “fox eye” effect unfortunately often spoiled rather than benefited the clients’ appearance. 25-30% of women have downturned eyes and another 50% have ‘regular’ eyes BUT their eyelashes at the outer corners are growing down. So placing long lashes at the corners of the eyes often drags the eyes down and makes the eyes look sad.



When I attended my Volume training at London To avoid making mistakes with styling I always Lash I remember Hanna saying: We are not recommend that my students follow a few simple just doing extensions here, we make women rules: look and feel beautiful. We are not builders - we are architects of the face. I’ve attended many 1. Always make sure 6. training courses and this view was different you have a good to any other lash schools. The majority of lash consultation with schools were concentrating on actual technique the client where rather than on the result of the treatment, but you can observe London Lash concentrated on both - technique your client’s eyes and outcome. Today I’m one of the leading by sitting right trainers at London Lash and styling is one of the opposite them most important topics of my course. your eye should be on the same level. I would say there are 3 main styling mistakes therapists make: 2. Clearly understand which eye shape your client has, if their lashes grow upwards or 1. Using “Cat eye” downwards. on the clients whose la she s 3. Decide on the styling and length of are grow ing extensions keeping in mind the effect it will dow nwards at give to the client’s eyes and face - ensure 7. the outer corners. it will not make their eyes look heavy, sad, It drags the eye surprised etc. down and makes them feel sad. 4. Decide on the density of the set - will your client feel confident and comfortable 2. Using a Dolly wearing these lashes? Remember style and lashes sometimes less is more, and some clients 8. which are too will prefer a lighter set rather than a full, long/curly on heavy set. the clients who have rounded 5. Always “map” the or bulbous lashes - write the eyes - it makes lengths/curls you eyes look even are using on the more rounded eyepatches, then and gives them make sure you “surprised” look. copy the same map into customer’s record card. 3. Using extensions which are too full and too dark for clients with small eyes as it makes their eyes look heavy.

After the t r e at me nt is done - ask client if you can take a photo of her full face - this photo will be used for further analysis. Make sure you take a photo from the distance of 50-60cm from the face and zoom if needed. Taking close up picture will create the appearance of wide set of eyes and incorrect face proportions and you won’t be able to use it for revision of your styling. Look at the photo and consider what could be done better in order to improve the look. Don’t worry if you are not happy with the look you created - it might take a few treatments to come up with the best style for the client. If you are struggling to find the best shape for this client - feel free to drop us an Insta message at @london_lash_pro or email to - our trainer team will be very happy to help to choose the right look for your client!

Lashes - 14


Hidden Treasure by Kelly-Marie Storer Enchanted SPA, Australia

What is your name and job title? My name is Tasha Rowe and I work full time as an eyelash extension technician. How long have you been lashing? I have been lashing for 4 years now.

What inspires you when lashing?

Tell me about your lash journey

I think being able to help improve somebodies self-confidence is a really moving ability. Sometimes eyelash extensions can really alter someone’s perception of themselves and to me that’s easily the most rewarding part of my career! I’ve had the chance to lash ladies who’ve undergone chemotherapy and not seen themselves with eyelashes for a number of years, it is the best feeling in the world seeing how happy those clients are with their new lashes!

I first began lashing at the age of 16. I actually never wanted to work in the beauty industry, but I was working as a receptionist at a lash salon and the salon owner wanted me to do the eyelash extension course. At first, I was quite reluctant and didn’t want to do it. However, I did the course, and I really struggled and found it difficult. I only did one or two clients each week at the start and I didn’t want to pursue it.

Who inspires you? After two months of lashing, the salon I worked for had their senior eyelash technician leave and I was given the opportunity to take over her clientele and begin lashing full time. After that I fell in love with the art of applying eyelash extensions. I really wanted to expand my knowledge so between 2014 and 2017 I undertook another four courses in eyelash extensions, including a course with Agnieszka Kwiatkowska from Star Lash Academy. In 2016 I was given the opportunity to travel Australia as an eyelash extension educator. I fi rst started as an assistant working in beauty colleges in Melbourne and after about 6 months I got the chance to fly to Sydney and teach the course entirely on my own. Teaching has to have been one of the best parts of my career, I loved getting to work one on one with other aspiring eyelash artists and help them start their own journey with eyelash extensions. In March 2017, I decided to start my own business in eyelash extensions called Elite Eyelashes. I’ve now been in business for just over one year and I’m looking at hopefully expanding and opening my own salon in the next 6 months. Long term I would absolutely love to start a Lash Academy that is based purely around eyelash extensions and develop a really intense, long term course that gives students a really extensive and in-depth knowledge of eyelashes. What tasks do you do on an average week? In an average week I have a really broad range of tasks that I complete. I’m currently a sole trader which means I do everything from booking clients to ordering stock and managing all of my accounts as well. In an average day I’ll lash between six and nine ladies sometimes it’s less if there are a few full sets booked in for that day!

My mum inspires me more than anyone. Not just with my career but with life in general. She’s overcome some enormous hurdles and is easily one of the strongest women I know. She demonstrates to me every single day that it doesn’t matter where you come from or what you’ve been through you can always succeed if you put your mind to it. Have you had to overcome anything with lashing? I think the most challenging obstacle I’ve had to overcome would be taking the leap to start my own business at the age of 19. I became a business owner with absolutely no idea what I was doing, no experience in being a business owner and I had just three weeks to set up everything from scratch and start lashing clients. Working out business plans and juggling my finances was really difficult at the start. It’s taken some time and a lot of help from my amazing accountant to finally have everything sorted and comfortable. Are you family supportive of the work that you do? My family are all incredibly supportive, in every way they can help me they do. My mum and my sister have just been amazing. Every time I’ve felt like giving up they’ve always given me the boost I need to get back on track and regain focus. What advice can you give our readers? My advice would be to take a chance. You never know what can eventuate from taking that first little step. It was the best thing I ever did! Anything funny, embarrassing or interesting ever happen to you while lashing?

15 - Lashes

I’ve had a few interesting little things happen throughout my time as an eyelash technician. My favourite would have to be once I had a client fall asleep which is usually fine, except on this occasion she happened to be a sleep talker. Half way through the appointment she sat bolt upright, opened her eyes, looked at me and said “Mum, I’m hungry.” After that she just went back to sleep. It was so difficult to contain my laughter and maintain a professional attitude. Have you won any awards or entered any comps? If not, will you be entering? If not, why not? I actually haven’t entered any competitions just yet. I definitely will be in the future, but I really wanted to perfect my sets before I entered. I’m a bit of a perfectionist! Anything else you think may be interesting or you think the world should know about you? An interesting fact about myself is I’m actually studying for my bachelor’s degree in social work as well as lashing. I love being a lash artist but one day I would like to take a step back from lashing and reduce my hours to part time and do some more social work. I’m really passionate about helping people and making a difference in people’s lives. I’m lucky that I get to incorporate a lot of that with lashing as most of my clients see me as not just their “Lash Lady” but also a bit of a therapist. Some days my clients come in and they’ve had a horrible day, or a rough week, and they really get to lay down, relax and vent all of their emotion and frustration to me and I love being able to help them through that!

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Salon Focus:

Maya's Lash Studio

Glitz and glamour were on the menu as a new beauty salon and academy celebrated its grand opening in Paisley. Maya’s Lash Studio and Academy opened its doors in Paisley, Near Glasgow, Scotland on 30th March 2018. Maya’s salon is located in a beautiful listed building with spectacular high ceilings, stained glass windows and details throughout the property. The business specialises in luxury eyelash extensions and brows and has more than nine years of experience in the beauty industry. As well as extensions, visitors can also have an eyelash lift, tint, have their nails done and get holistic therapies. The grand opening invited people from the local area to come and enjoy a pamper day and try out some of the treatments on offer. Maya Rehman, CEO and awardwinning eyelash extensions expert, said: “The grand opening was a great success and I want to thank everyone for joining us. I also want to thank my wonderful staff for taking care of everyone and for all the wonderful cards, presents and wishes from all those who have been with us since the beginning and those who are now joining us.” Maya recently became the Scottish training centre for The UK Lash Institute. Offering classic and volume eyelash extension training. “I often visit Maya for my eyelash extensions before attending conferences, so I can highly recommend her services. My next appointment is a set of hybrid lashes and I have booked a reflexology treatment at the same time by one of Maya’s team, bliss! – Louise Tierney – Owner Lash Inc Magazine

Maya’s Lash Studio is open — at Mirren Court One, 119 Renfrew Road, Paisley, PA3 4EA, Scotland — from 9 am to 7 pm on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 9 am to 5 pm on Friday and 9 am to 3 pm on Saturdays.

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Featured Lash Artist - Jazmin Zayas Lashes - 18

Reader Gallery Jill Lagasse

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Agneta Obolevičiūtė Lashes - 20

Hannah Barrett

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Urszula Pałka

Jovita Vereniute-Michael Lashes - 22

Karen Kirby

Jenna Matt

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Daria Popović

Anna Badalewska

Natasha Gallier

Laura Faul

Kimberley Haworth

Krystal Lea Hall

Samantha Smith

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How to Win Your First

Lash Art

Competition by Alena Skodic

Lash Art... Lashes, colour, fantasy and crazy ideas! It is all about the WOW-effect when you look at the picture! Some of our clients allow us to use some colour or ombrĂŠ lashes to give the lashes a light accent. But what should we do when we have so many ideas, we love colours and want to create something classy beautiful and show everyone? The answer is simple, Lash Art Competitions. There are so many Lash Art competitions at the moment where you can show your talent. What is very important you are not under stress as you have enough time to think your ideas over, to prepare all the accessories and a costume. And you have so much time for creating a look you need. Participating in such competitions raises your professional level. Each participation, even if you do not win, bring you experience and a step forward. As a judge of many competitions, I saw hundreds of different Lash Art works. And as I wish you all to win, I would like to share with you my experience and give you some tips. If it is allowed by organisers, have a professional team (make-up artist, hairdresser, photographer). So, you can concentrate on the lashes and accessories.

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Photos - Tanja Nicklaus

If it is not allowed to have a team and you are planning to participate in many Lash Art competitions, I advise you to take some additional courses (make up, hairstyle, photography). You can be a perfect Lash Artist with great ideas, but if you cannot realize them, you will not win.

Read the criteria with care!

Make perfect photos!


What brings more points: classic or volume lashes?


Make such photos that can be judged according to the criteria


Are strip lashes allowed?


Light up the model and the lashes perfectly


Will you get extra points for lower lashes?


What is better to use one colour or more?


Complexity of lash decoration


Any extra points for hair, make-up, face or bodypainting and costume?

Let me give you some tips: GG

Use as many colours of lash extensions as possible according to your look. Combine different layering techniques and, of course, do not forget how the colours match each other


The judges appreciate it more when all the accessories (lash/face/ hair decoration, costume, shoes and so on) are handmade. So, take time and do it yourself.


Do not forget about nails. They can complete your look perfectly


Before creating the look, think over the whole concept. Not just total look (lashes, hair, costume), but also the background for your photos. A white wall is boring. Think over what you would like to show the public, what is the idea of the whole concept?

If the judges do not see anything or not clearly enough, they cannot give you full points! If you work with a professional photographer, control their work and tell them what you are expecting and what you need. Since the pictures for lash competitions are something different from the pictures for beauty magazines. Usually the photographers do not have focus on lashes or see it differently from lash artists. So, control their work. I hope my tips will be helpful for you and will forward you to your victory. I wish you inspiration, amazing ideas, crazy Lash Art looks, satisfaction with your works and of course only top-places!

I would like to invite you to participate in our online lash competition, Lash Pro Contest 2018. We have an amazing theme: It’s showtime! More information on:

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Competition Results ,

Lash Challenge

Croatia, 2018

Spring is definitely the best time to organise a lash event. Right before the summer lash madness starts, lash artists can take some time off, refresh their knowledge, compete or just hang out with their lash colleagues. This year, Lash Challenge, Croatia prepared a FREE night conference for the attendees of the competition. After the first day of stress and breaking the ice for some of the contestants who came for the first time, there was a relaxing night of 5 VIP speakers (Kei Kim, Korea; Marta Wiatr, UK; Frankie Widdows, UK; Kasia Szelagowska, Poland; Ksenija Karabegović, Croatia), dinner, champagne, DJ, dancers and fun games with prizes. It was definitely a fun evening with the exact amount of information that everybody could handle considering we all know how stressful competition can get. Second day (again with perfect timing, not too early in the morning) went quickly and girls were competing in light volume and colour play category. As the hotel is located in the heart of Zagreb, on the main square, you could bump into judges and contestants enjoying the city walk and could see lash models with crazy colour lashes walking the streets. The evening was short and sweet. The award ceremony showed us one more time that Polish girls are definitely queens of competitions. It's really cool to see that Poland has so many talented lash experts. Altogether, this was a really classy event, where the organiser (Martina Kallos) thought of every detail, trying to make it enjoyable for everybody (contestants and judges). Not to forget to mention that the number of prizes and sponsors was unbelievable. With 25 different sponsors, trophies, medals and certificates, every participant went back home with their bags full.

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So, no matter who lost or who won, this was a perfectly organised weekend and we definitely are looking forward seeing what Martina will prepare for us next year. Lash Challenge Croatia 2018 was a the second annual lash competition & VIP night conference which took place on the 7th & 8th of April 2018, in Zagreb, Croatia. The event was organised by Martina Kallos of Kallos Lash Academy and judging was by Kasia Szelagowska, Ogla Sharipova, Frankie Widdows, Kei Kim, Laura Kaminskiene, Marta Wiatr, Irina Ronite, and Loredana Atanasiu.

Winners: Classic

Light Volume


Aneta Klimowska


Asia Radko Budzynska


Marija Krželj


Alina Voronkova


Tamara Jerković


Ana Lonjak


Other Sections


Asia Radio Budzynska

Colour Play: Arta Witas


Klaudia Uchto

Lash Lift:


Marinela Durdov

Online B&W: Marie-Line Brusa Pasque

Polonca Trček

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Introducing the

Eyelash Toupée

by Anuschka Groß by Yaesmin Dursen Lash Inc Senior Journalist

After a glue intolerance, my CFB Cosmetics trainer Anuschka Groß, decided the training center in Saarland had to stop offering eyelash extensions. She worked for months on her idea to make an Eyelash Toupee that was equal to professional eyelash extensions and did not look like those currently available from conventional eyelash bands. Specifically, the Eyelash Toupee had to be better in appearance, comfort and durability. In the autumn of 2017 she went public at the Beauty Fair in Munich for the first time with her Eyelash Toupée and was so happy about the positive reactions. No one noticed that it was a handmade Eyelash Toupée and thought that it was professional eyelash extensions that had been applied to the natural eyelashes. After that it was clear for her that she must help people with the same problems and share this solution with them. People who have a glue intolerance or developed one over time were able to wear eyelashes again, because the Eyelash Toupée is only tightened after curing of the adhesive and thus there are no glue vapors to cause more irritation to the eye. Also, people suffering from conditions, such as alopecia areata or who have lost their eyelashes through chemo treatments are able to wear eyelashes again with this idea and thereby improve their quality of life. The Eyelash Toupée is precisely measured for each eye and prepared as a unique piece. An optimal result is to match the eye of the customer as a natural look or volume or mega volume can be reached with the length, the curl and the stocking of the Eyelash Toupée. Each Eyelash Toupée can be put on and taken off as required and worn for a long time . It needs to be cleaned and maintained to achieve this, but with good care, has a durability of up to 8 weeks. After that the Eyelash Toupée can be repaired/refilled with good care. Meanwhile, more and more areas are opening up, in which an Eyelash Toupée can accepted as a welcome "garment", for example for Lash Art, Events, Dancers and many more.

Currently our trainer is offering workshops for Eyelash Toupée by Anuschka Groß Germany-wide, for Switzerland and Austria, and she is on tour to help as many people as possible to fulfill their wishes of beautiful eyelashes..

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Featured Lash Artist:

Michelle Ellis

(Beauty by Chelle) My Lash Journey

What are your Eyelash Emporium product picks?

I started my journey back in 2004. Training at my local college. I attended a few VTCT I’ve been using The Eyelash Emporium products beauty courses over several years, which then since I fi rst trained in lashes in 2011. I love encouraged me to setup a mobile beauty business. the depth in colour of the lashes. I’m currently using the Blockbuster Ultra Platinum Adhesive One afternoon in 2008, I noticed my Mum's – this is defi nitely one of my favourite Eyelash lashes looked longer – she’d had extensions and Emporium products because of the consistently I was intrigued, so intrigued about the lashes good lash retention I get from it. I also like the I booked myself an appointment. After the Dissolve Adhesive Gel Remover – it’s so good, treatment, I absolutely loved the way they made I’ve never tried another remover! me feel and the way they looked. I wanted to offer this treatment to others! What’s your favourite thing about eyelash extensions, and what’s your favourite treatment? In 2011 I took a course in eyelash extensions and loved every minute of it. Since taking the course, those who were having other beauty treatments from me soon converted to wanting lash treatments too! In 2016, I trained in Russian Volume lashes with Vicky Rugg. I’m keen to keep learning more, so have since attended workshops with Bryony Barclay and Leanne Harber. I love to learn, also the industry is always changing with new products, so I find workshops useful to keep in the know.

My favourite treatment is Russian Volume. The results of eyelash extensions are amazing and it's a great feeling to see how confident and happy it makes our clients feel. Lashes completely change our appearance and enhances our eyes. What are your future ambitions? I’ve just completed an L3 award in education and training. I’m looking forward to teaching others. Behind the lash artist Michelle Ellis is a Mum to three children, located in Essex. Michelle works from her home studio offering Russian Volume, Individual and Hybrid lashes.

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All photos by Felix Lee Photo

Royal Canadian

Lash Championships by Cherise Morris

On February 25 and 26, 2018, Vancouver, Canada saw its very first eyelash extensions competition, the Royal Canadian Lash Championships. It was hosted by Vivian Ko Gooch from Vancouver-based lash supply company, Lash Beautique Pro Distribution and in partnership with the Esthetique Spa International show. The two-day championships kicked off with a Lash Lift and Tint category, a first for Canada, and was followed by Classic, then Salon Style Volume (3-4D) categories to round out the first day. The second day consisted of the Competition Style (6-10D) category, followed by the awards ceremony. “We differentiated the volume styles as ‘Salon’ and ‘Competition’ style because we wanted to emphasize the difference between an everyday wearable volume versus a one-off, for special occasion or competition only style of heavier volume, that when worn and fi lled long term, may cause undue stress on the natural lashes.” Says Emily Lee, RCLC’s Competition Director. To date, the Vancouver resident and founder of BeautyPro Media has directed six live eyelash extension competitions, including four years of Lash Wars, North America’s very fi rst live competition for the lash industry in which Ko Gooch won first place in the Fantasy category in 2014. “I saw the impact and importance of having floor judges to evaluate infection control protocols, so when I decided to create RCLC, I wanted to make sure that we included that aspect.” says Ko Gooch “I also knew that I wanted Emily to help me create and direct the event because her experience is such an asset for any new competition. She has had years to refine her procedures and rules, and it was so helpful to have a blueprint!”

RCLC Judging Panel: L-R Levi Shephard, Ellie Malmin, Vivian Ko Gooch, Emily Lee, Lori Wunsch, Linh Nguyen, Cherise Morris, Lia Juhas.

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Along with infection control, some of the other criteria for the RCLC scores included isolation, adhesive control, direction, and technical execution for the extension categories and clean work, difficulty, and lash and skin health for Lash Lift/Tint. The judges write notes and advice right on the scoresheets so that when the competitor receives it, it becomes an invaluable source of feedback on what areas the competitor excels at, and what areas need more attention. “The whole purpose of competitions” says Lee, “is that they are an educational tool. It’s not all about showing off, it’s about continual improvement, so that whether or not you placed, you still win.” The judging panel boasts a whopping 80 years of combined lash experience, and included mainly Canadian judges, along with two from the United States of America. “We thought it was about time for Canada to carve out its name in the lash industry, and wanted to shine the spotlight on some of the amazingly talented Canadian judges we have here.” Ko Gooch replied when asked what her vision was for the panel. “There are so many competitions now in the USA that I really wanted Canada to finally get some focus.” The Floor Judges, who evaluated infection control protocols during the competition, were Cherise Morris of Elite Lash Studio in Boston, and Levi Shephard from the National Association of Lash Artists in Edmonton and the Blind Judges who evaluate the finished work were Lori Wunsch from The Lash Collective in Winnipeg, Linh Nguyen from Beyond Beauty Salon in Toronto, Lia Juhas from Lia Lash in Toronto, Ellie Malmin from Lashologists’ Choice Barrier Cream in West Palm Beach, and our very own host, Vivian Ko Gooch. “We take the integrity of blind judging very seriously. During each competition, we went as far as confiscating and locking up the judge’s mobile phones so that they couldn’t accidentally come across any photos of the competitors working on their models on social media, and render themselves compromised. It’s something I’ve been wanting to do with all my competitions, and will do moving forward.” Says Lee of the unorthodox precautions taken to keep the blind judges completely impartial. During the awards ceremony, the four champions (Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze) of each category were overloaded with so many gifts, prizes, and a gorgeous trophy, that many of them had to purchase extra suitcases just to bring home all the goodies, which included two swag bags for every participant and an RCLC tee shirt. It was an incredulous sight watching the champions juggle the goods for the photographs. Some resorted to placing items on the floor for the photos.

Royal Canadian Lash Championships 2018 Champions Lash Lift/Tint Grand Platinum Champion

Stefani Chies

Gold Champion

Julia Lam

Silver Champion

Angie Bui

Bronze Champion

Above: RCLC Champions Photo: L-R Sonyda Khoun, Angie Bui, Julia Lam, Stefani Chies, Danna Bell, Sadie Welder, Cassie Mayer, Willow Lee, Liz Bussey, Doriana Rama, Stephy Le. Missing: Jules Ferguson, Rachael Kado. Below: Judges and Sponsor with Lash Lift Winner Photo: L-R Emily Lee, Jason McKinstry, Levi Shephard, Ellie Malmin, Lori Wunsch, Vivian Ko Gooch, Stefani Chies (Lash Lift Grand Platinum Champion), Cherise Morris, Lia Juhas, Linh Nguyen, Sarah Pennington, Kimberly Mcconnell-Newsted, Hilaree Brand.

Jules Ferguson

Classic Look Grand Platinum Champion Gold Champion Silver Champion Bronze Champion

Danna Bell Cassie Mayer Liz Bussey Rachael Kado

Salon Style Volume 3-4D Grand Platinum Champion Gold Champion Silver Champion Bronze Champion

Cassie Mayer Liz Bussey Doriana Rama Sadie Welder

Competition Style Volume 6-10D Grand Platinum Champion Gold Champion Silver Champion Bronze Champion

Willow Lee Stephy Le Sadie Welder Sonyda Khoun

After such a successful event launch, there are already excited inquiries on whether or not the RCLC will continue as an annual event. At time of writing this article, no definitive answers were given, but in my humble opinion, the event went so well that it would be a shame if it didn’t continue.

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Your Product

to Life

by Nikki Huebner Lash Inc Senior Journalist April 2, 2018-11 months after launching my company, Endure Beauty — better known in the lash extension world as Endurelash! Here I am, writing my very first contribution to Lash Inc. International Magazine!

can do it-say yes, then learn how to do it later!” -Richard Branson, Founder of Virgin Group

Wow! This journey has been surreal, it has flown by quickly, continues Tell us a little bit about Nohbo. How did you come up with the concept to thrive, with equal challenges and successes along the way, such is life, behind the company? right? I’ve met some amazing artist in the lash and beauty industry, but when I thought about the perspective I wanted to bring to my first ever Nohbo, founded in 2014, was created to eliminate excess plastic waste in story, I wanted it to stand out, but still benefit the lash artist reading my showers worldwide. After watching documentaries covering the ins and column. Most people that know me already understand that I like to be outs of the plastic bottling industry, and hearing that 4 out of 5 people different, side swipe you with how my brain is thinking, which is always admit they don’t consistently recycle any items outside of the box! So instead of tracking down the celebrity lash artist to from their bathroom, I knew I wanted to tackle interview, or the latest trend to write about in the industry, I chose Ben this challenge. I’m not a fan of the philosophy Stern, the 18-year-old founder and CEO of Nohbo! Yes, he’s 18 years old, reducing, reusing and recycling, since replacing that’s not a typo! Nohbo, is an eco-friendly personal care company, that’s all around seems to be the most effective option. been featured on TV shows such as Shark Tank and has been on the radar Hence, Nohbo was born. Nohbo Drops are a of the prestigious Forbes Magazine. single use water-soluble pod for a variety of personal care products. They eliminate excess waste, and one Drop instantly melts in your hands to reveal a luscious solution of shampoo. How does he fit into this whole lash world? It’s quite simple, he’s an Back in September of 2017, we opened Nohbo entrepreneur, an innovator, and he’s helping me, also an entrepreneur and Labs to assist in not only making and bringing innovator, reach the full potential of my next product to launch, Endure my product to market, but also to help other young entrepreneurs with Organic Under Eye Gel Therapy Pads! I searched high and low for months simple or challenging projects bring their products to market in the beauty before fi nding Ben. I had already pitched my idea for the gel pads to and personal care space! multiple suppliers and manufacturers who either denied me, or politely just tried to sell me a private label of an eye patch they were already How old were you when you first started inventing? Were you one of creating. I refused, I had a vision in my head that I knew could help the those little boys building your own creative outlets with Lego, mixing up lash industry, raise revenues for lash artist, and innovate and upgrade the food in the kitchen, or cosmetics and cleaners in the bathroom to create current lash services in general. a new version of something?

So why Ben?

When I pitched my idea to Ben, he paused, then with his boy like charm and young raspy voice, he replied, “I can give it a shot!” And that’s the positivity this world, and this booming lash industry needs! If you as the lash artist, have an idea, go for it, give it a try, don’t let fear ruin you! Here I am, I’m not a lash artist, I’m continually learning from artists around the world, and I’m helping to broaden the industry offerings in every way I know how! It’s being patient, persistent, and partnering with courageous and crafty people like, Ben Stern, that can help you stay positive, create, and innovate! I hope you enjoy this interview just as much as I did! He may be young, but he’s got the right attitude and determination to make it big in the world! “If somebody offers you an amazing opportunity but you are not sure you

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Ben Stern, CEO Nohbo, LLC

I have been inventing for as long as I can remember. I used to be the kid who bought loads of materials from [American craft store] Michaels, carving all day long to make a prototype of an invention. My product started out by creating a mess in the kitchen with a bunch of different ingredients ordered, scavenged through for hours, after researching wiki pages online. It’s truly the best (and most frugal) way to start. What’s been the biggest hurdle so far? My biggest hurdle is having enough time in the day to make sure my product is growing, alongside dealing with all the other customer inquiries, and overseeing fi rst-hand the Nohbo Drop’s growth in the hotel market. I truly hate getting behind, and with a heavy workload sometimes, it gets extremely hard to keep up.

Fortunately, I have the absolute best team backing me and helping to grow Nohbo in the best trajectory towards success... What’s been your most interesting project? Ha-ha, we take on a lot of projects that many factory’s and laboratory’s turn down. It’s sort of like a mini Shark Tank, since I get the luxury of seeing new projects first-hand pre-release all the time. We’ve worked on these Endure Organic Eye Pads for you, which has been something new, and fun to make in the lab. We’ve also worked on a deodorant that lasts up to 7 days, so our spectrum is broad. And of course, the Nohbo Drops has been the most time-consuming and personally exciting project for me to create to date.

What’s the next big thing for Nohbo? Nohbo Drops is launching retail packs this July! I’m personally excited to see it come to market very very soon! f a lash artist has an idea and wants to connect with you to help them create a new project, how can they find you? See the contact information below: Benjamin Stern, CEO and Founder of Nohbo, LLC

What’s been your greatest success so far? Opening the Labs’ was my greatest success so far. It’s such a rewarding feeling to see other people’s products go from the lab, to production, to sales. I consider each undertaking our baby, and when we commit to a new project, we recognize the undertaking, and how each product’s success is directly related to our ability to follow through with our commitments. Also, developing the Nohbo Drop has been extremely exciting, and a whirlwind of hurdles/accomplishments. Lastly, our appearance on ABC’s Shark Tank impacted me and the company greatly, especially when we secured the investment from notable investor Mark Cuban. I obviously have chosen you to help me create and formulate the newest Endure Beauty Product, the Organic Under Eye Gel Therapy Pads, set to launch May 10th, because I immediately noticed you brought a fresh perspective to the table! What other offering do you bring to the beauty and cosmetic world in general?,, (425) 223-0705, Melbourne, Florida, USA The Endure Under Eye Gel Therapy Pads that Ben and I have been working on will be launching May 10, 2018, Chyler’s Birthday! They will serve as an upgrade to a lash service, or they can be retailed at any beauty location for the consumer to treat themselves at home! Innovation doesn’t have to be a person of a certain culture, age, religion, or status. Innovation comes from the person within, the person with a goal, a mission, a calling, and a passion. So yes, I chose an 18-year-old passionate innovator and creator for my next big Endure Beauty Project, because he wasn’t afraid to ENDURE next to me in my MISSION! Choose from your heart, make the business markers work, adapt, choose to see past the exterior of anyone, and you will be led in the direction you were meant to go….

With Love, Endure in Pink! xx

Thank you, it has truly been a pleasure to work with you. I think Nohbo Labs ventures into territories where others avoid, due to the initial challenge and time constraints it takes to launch a product. We cater to small entrepreneurs, and like to grow with them, offering low Minimum Order Quantities. We believe our partners jobs should only be to focus on growing and selling the product, over having to worry about the back-end logistics. We offer the capabilities to take that over, so you can grow the company and have an impact in the industry you cater too. On average how long does it take someone to go from concept to reality when they come to you with an idea? It really depends on the complexity of the product. Some private label companies can form and start selling in a matter of weeks, while other projects take thousands of hours of research and development. Typical personal care products take 3-4 weeks to formulate and a 3-4 week to do a production run. I’ve seen it take anywhere between 2-6+ months overall. Tell me a little about your quality of standards your company finds most important regarding ingredients, or preservatives, etc... 95% of our clientele values the natural claim and aims for USDA organic wherever possible. Nohbo Labs is a cruelty free facility, and sources vegan alternatives when available. Ingredients and the quality thereof mean everything to a product, and can make a huge difference on the quality, consistency, and overall user experience a product has on the end consumer.

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Eyelash Extensions

Swedish Masters


by Daniel Olssen To tell the story about Swedish Masters we will have to go back to the autumn of 2015. After Jane had competed in her first big championship Europe Lash 2015 in Poland an idea started blossoming in two lash artists’ minds; GG

What would it take to organize a mastership in Sweden?


Would anyone be interested?


Could it be done by only 2 people?

As the Swede´s we are, we carefully considered it over a typical Swedish “fika” (Coffee and cookies) and came to the conclusion that we really have nothing to lose and no matter what it would at least be a great opportunity for people to come together and meet in real life instead of just seeing posts in Facebook groups. So, starting with slim to none budget, no previous event planning skills we started marketing the event for 2016, we rented a venue, reached out to a few of the judges we met in Poland and the ball was rolling! Right from the start we ha d a huge interest and when we released the tickets on December 13th, 2015 our website actually crashed from all the people wanting to buy a ticket to compete! As you can probably figure, we freaked out! This was going to be huge! That year we sold 105 tickets and all of a sudden, we got inquiries from schools and shops all over Sweden wanting to exhibit and sponsor the competition which in turn lead into us having a competition and a small exhibition and people loved it!

Seeing the huge interest in Sweden for competitions has then led to us having scale up each year and this year we had 175 competitors + 25 live lash art competitors making us one of the biggest competitions in the world. It’s still an amazing feeling releasing the tickets the 13th and seeing the panic when our website crash - yes, it still does, even after moving to a dedicated server and scaling up each year and the feeling after closing the door as the prices ceremony ends is just amazing! All that happiness, excitement packed together for 2 days is just incredible to be part of! It’s now been roughly a month since Swedish Masters 2018 and we are constantly trying to make the competition bigger, better, bolder in every way. It’s a lot of work but seeing the effect of it in the lash industry for Sweden makes it all worth it. A lot of our rules and regulations are now a standard in the industry and all the bigger schools incorporate some or all of the rules for competing into their classes striving to make their students the best they can be. Being such a big competition, it is, we have had to make constant revisions of the rules and by now we have a well functioning system that is from our point, as fool proof as it can get. As we all know, competing is hard, and without clear rules and explanations there will be chaos, this is why we have floor judges with set points to deduct on a separate scoresheet regarding

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hygiene and behaviour during the actual competition and main judges with a set scoresheet that is checked by 2 different persons before the actual scores are being typed into a computer to get the winner selected. All scoresheets are handed out to the competitors at the ceremony and there is full transparency in judging, scores making the chance for mistakes almost impossible. We believe this is what has made the competition into what it is today, a great event that people look forward to a year in advance. Our concept has now been recognized outside of Sweden and we will incorporate all of this into our next project, which will be the Lash Games at Olympia 2018, where we will have the same system for judging, the same system with floor judging and scoresheets. Trying to bring the transparency into a major event that is open for international competitors is a challenge, but we believe it will set a better standard for the business and together with a few other organizers around the world we might actually see a fixed standard for how competitions are carried out and more people willing to take the chance of competing in a large scale competition.

So, what can we expect 2019? Well, we are already making the plans, we picked a new gorgeous venue and our exhibition is growing with our competition. By now we are looking at a venue that’s 3000sqm, with room for competitions in nails, lashes and more. An exhibition area that can be filled with all different things in beauty, tying the knot and incorporating everything into a great weekend of fun, networking and competition is the goal and with the help of our amazing sponsors, judges and our small team we are certain it will be a great event that brings the business even further ahead! And to all of those that want to do the same trip as we did, we can only say one thing: Do it! The feedback you get after a successful event is just amazing! IF you don’t know where to start, reach out, ask other organizers how they did it, what not to do and what to do. This is an amazing industry and there are so many big organizers willing to help you on your way if you just ask! For those of you that hesitates to compete, what do you have to lose? See it as a mini training where you get a scoresheet of what you need to improve to become the best. Just entering and promoting it will give you new clients, the marketing value of going to competitions brings you miles ahead of those that doesn't‌ Dream big, be brave and take the chance!

Warmest hugs - Jane and Daniel Lashes - 36


Permanent Eyebrows

the right choice for me? by Emily Ponte Emily Ponte Permanent Makeup

In the last few years we have seen the rise of Permanent Makeup, also known as Semi-Permanent Makeup or Cosmetic Tattooing. Here we have a solution to suit the individual who wants to simply wake up and go. (Let’s face it, that’s probably most of us.)

What is Permanent Makeup? It is an advanced technique which enhances your natural beauty and adds shape & definition to your features. The procedure involves applying tiny coloured pigments beneath the first layer of the skin, following the same basic principles as tattooing. This pigment will stay in the skin for a number of years, gradually fading with time. The longevity of the results will depend on your age, skin type and lifestyle

Who would benefit from Permanent Eyebrows? Many clients are looking to improve imperfections that may have been caused by either nature, over plucking or trauma. It provides so many benefits for so many reasons, some of which are below: GG

Someone who wants 24-hour-a-day beauty and confidence


Sports enthusiasts, especially swimmers


Someone who is allergic to conventional make-up


People wishing to correct certain facial asymmetry


Anyone suffering from alopecia (loss of facial hair)


People who have had, or are having chemotherapy

Whatever your age or reason, permanent makeup could not only simplify your make up routine but would rejuvenate your confidence, self-esteem and well-being.

Are they fully qualified? Unfortunately, the Permanent Makeup Industry is not the most regulated, therefore it is down to the client to ensure they are going to someone who has full qualifications. Any reputable specialist should be willing to show you any certificates of proof, if you are unsure.

How many years’ experience do they have and does their pricing reflect this? We have all had to start somewhere and at the beginning of our careers we are not usually the most confident or skilled. This is OK. It is not however OK to mislead someone to thinking you are more experienced then you are. If someone is starting out, they should be very clear of this fact and their pricing should reflect this. If someone is doing a half price offer to get more practice, then as long as the client is aware, everyone knows where they stand. As the saying goes ‘You get what you pay for’. It is worth remembering this when looking for a cheap deal.

Do they have full liability insurance? It is very important that anyone practising in this industry should have full public liability insurance cover. This is predominantly to cover the technician if their clients suffer personal injury because of your services. It can pay for the costs of subsequent legal expenses or compensation claims and is an integral cover for businesses that interact regularly with clients. It also gives the clients reassurance that they are going to someone who takes their business seriously and has all the legalities in place, should anything arise.

Have they been inspected by the local authority and been issued a license? Regulations on licensing vary from council to council, but as a general rule, everyone performing a service which involves piercing the skin and producing blood should be working from a clean and sterile environment. The environmental health department inspect the premises you work from to ensure you are abiding by their simple rules. The main things they look for are: hard wipeable floors (no carpets), sink with hot running water and It is essential to find a specialist who has experience and a good reputation. good lighting. They also need to know the technician is following certain Research is imperative in finding someone suitable. The best way is usually health and safety protocols, i.e. wearing gloves, aprons and have a sharps word of mouth. Being recommended by someone you know who has bin for used needles. previously used their services, is usually the best indication of their work. Things to look out for when finding the right person:

Choosing a Permanent Makeup Artist

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Do they provide a mobile service? If so, they shouldn't Due to the above licensing and health and safety regulations, it is extremely important that any tattooing services are not provided as a mobile service. It is very different then doing someone’s lashes or their nails. This is a service that produces blood (however small) and the risks of cross contamination are high, if not keeping up with the hygiene standards. Would you really want someone tattooing your face with kids running around or dog hairs getting in the way?

What are their reviews like and are they genuine? Gone are the days of contacting a business from the yellow pages and not knowing what service you are going to get. Most people now go online to search for a service they want and one of the first things they look for is whether the business has good reviews (or bad). It can be quite easy for someone to write a fake review on their website, but with social media platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn, it has made it easier to sift out the genuine reviews from the fake ones. If someone has been given numerous ratings of 1-2 stars, you have to ask yourself why?

Do they have a website? Nowadays it is easy for some businesses to simply run off social media platforms alone and although this is almost an essential part of running a business nowadays, I believe having a professional website is imperative. It is important when people are researching where to go, that they have enough information provided to them, including an explanation of services and pricing, before and after photos and contact details.

What does their work look like? Lastly, it is important to determine whether the services they provide, and the look of their work suits you and your needs. Eyebrows can be very diverse and not every shape and colour suits everyone. They may tick all the boxes above, but if their eyebrow style doesn't work for you then you may need to go back to the drawing board. The main concern is when you see someone create the same brow for every client. Shapes, colours and general styles should differ per client. Everyone is unique, so should their brows be. The main thing to consider when trying to find the right brow technician for you is: RESEARCH. There are so many great artists out there, but unfortunately just as many bad ones.

Brow News


K.B Pro Launches A Suite of Exclusive Level 4 Qualifications in Microblading & Permanent Makeup K.B Pro has launched a suite of exclusive new Level 4 qualifications, incorporating them into their highly-acclaimed permanent makeup and microblading artist courses. These include; K.B Pro Permanent Makeup Brows training featuring a Level 4 Certificate in Hair Stroke Eyebrows (Machine Method) and K.B Pro Microblading Brows training including a Level 4 Certificate in Hair Stroke Eyebrows (Hand Tool Method). Karen Betts - founder of K.B Pro (part of Nouveau Beauty Group) has been training permanent makeup artists under the Nouveau Contour brand for over fifteen years. Karen explained, “There is an `off-the-shelf` Level 4 qualification available in microblading. However, when we looked at the criteria we felt it wouldn’t give our students the depth and breadth of training needed to become a competent, commercially-successful artist. So, we developed a suite of bespoke training qualifications in conjunction with IQ (Industry Qualifications).” So how does a Level 4 qualification in microblading and/or permanent makeup benefit you? Level 4 is not a legislative requirement. However, some local authority inspectors (especially in London areas) are requesting it – they have been known to withhold licences from new permanent makeup technicians.

The new qualifications ensure K.B Pro artists will satisfy the requirements needed to obtain a treatments licence anywhere in the UK. The RRP for a K.B Pro Level 4 qualification is £750+VAT. However, Nouveau Beauty Group are offering the Level 4 qualifications FREE when you purchase K.B Pro microblading and permanent makeup training as part of any of their core training packages.

For more information about K.B Pro microblading and permanent makeup, including the Level 4 qualifications please call K.B Pro on 01977 655 630 or email

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The Science behind

Henna Brows by Dijana Tošev

Henna is a dye extracted from the Lawsonia inermis plant that grows to the size of 3.5-4.5 metres, it is grown in warm and dry regions, where it has been used since ancient times for dying hair, skin, nails as well as materials like leather, silk or wool. It was used in Ancient Egypt, Northern Africa, in the Roman Empire, Arab countries, India and the Far East.

When the henna plant is warm enough, it contains the largest amount of colour in its leaves, which is where the extract is obtained from, this extract is called ‘lawsone’ and mostly orange in colour. Lawsone undergoes a chemical reaction when it comes into contact with the keratin in hair and skin, which results in a temporary staining that lasts until the skin or hair naturally shed. Henna’s colour can vary from light orange to the brownish orange, and it depends on the conditions in which the plant is grown. Lawsone reacts strongly when faced with UV rays, so it can serve as a strong protectant from the sun (but don’t forget to wear sunscreen too!).

Dangers: Since lawsone produces a chemical reaction, we use distilled water for mixing the paste. Henna has become very popular in the beauty industry so some manufacturers resort to using various chemical additives which can make various brown shades of henna, and even black. This is because the chemicals oxidise due to moisture, making them darker. The most commonly used chemical is Paraphenylediamine (PPD). PPD is an ingredient in almost all non-orange henna products for eyebrows since it helps achieve shades of brown and black. The maximum amount of PPD allowed to be used in cosmetic products, and not considered dangerous for health, is regulated by law. Healthcare institutes have stipulated the permitted levels of PPD and other chemical additives, and the manufacturers are issued health safety certificates for henna according to these rules. Black henna contains the most PPD, since the more there is, the darker the colour. Black henna is never used on its own but mixed with a different colour. Some manufacturers use other chemical substances to replace PPD in their products. Some of these ingredients are diaminophenoxyethanol hydrochloride, para-aminophenol, and many other replacement chemical substances. Each of these ingredients serves the same purpose – oxidising and thus darkening the henna colour –and an excessive dose of any of them leads to allergic reactions and dangerous situations. To avoid these dangerous situations, you should only purchase henna from verified sellers. Tourists travelling to exotic countries are exposed to the highest degree of risk since they are offered black henna tattoos full of chemical ingredients.

Dijana Tošev is a lash and brow educator, and makeup artist based in Zagreb, Croatia. For information about her courses email her:

Progression of henna brow application.

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Learning the

Finger Technique by Teresa Guida

Lash Inc Senior Journalist In my first article for Lash Inc magazine I want to present and describe to all the Lashmakers the Finger Technique, a special technique that I explain and explore in my new training material “Bomb Mega Volume”. Below I will explain the steps to learning this technique. Italy is famous around the World for its artisans, and for me, it’s my duty to start collaboration with Lash Inc with the latest technique to create fans. Finger Technique allows you to create perfect fans with your fi ngers, allowing the fan to open perfectly . The fan will be smooth and ready to be placed. This technique is very easy to learn and in few steps you can reach the perfect effect. Once you try it you wont be able to help yourself!! Fans will be fluff y and learning this technique could shorten the application’s times; you will be faster and more accurate. Finger Technique is at its best with thinner lashes like 0.03 and 0.04: these are the thicknesses most difficult is to work with it. High quality tweezers are essential in this Technique!! They must be sharp and not mismatching: the tweezer’s grip is crucial. I will discuss the topic of tweezers in my next article so stay tuned!

Step 1 Grab your preferred number of lashes from the lash strip with your tweezers (exact number of extensions depends on the thickness used and desired effect).

Step 2 Slide your tweezers towards the tails of the lashes until you are halfway across the lash tray sticky line and then pull the lash group outwards.

Step 3 Grasp the CLOSED fan at the tail between your fingertips.

Step 4 Use small and delicate rolling movements with your finger to open the fan.

Teresa Guida is the founder of the T-Lashes Brand and Academy. For 16 years she has worked in the beauty industry as beautician, nail expert, dermopigmantation operator specialized in browcare, and for 6 years she has worked in the lash industry.

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Education Issue Special Section


Ask the Expert:


with Expert Lashologist™, Ellie Malmin Q: What are some tips that every lash artist could benefit from? A: Did you know that potentially two-thirds of your clients have some degree of sensitivity or allergy, and you don’t know how to recognise it? According to the American College of Allergy Asthma and Immunology, allergies are increasing by 30 percent of adults, and according to the National Centre of Health Statistics, the number of skin allergies in the past 12 months was reported at 8.8 million, and this is just what is reported. This poses a huge problem to a lash artist’s business, as once a client has a reaction they will either blame the lash artist, never come back, and at the minimum will have problems getting lashes henceforth, if ever again. This impacts your bottom line, because less clients means less business. Lash artists should think about this now and start taking preventative measures to prevent the permanent loss of clients and eventually their business. Some of the things every lash artist should think about to reduce the possible effects of sensitivities to their business are as follows:

One - Revise your intake form In your client intake form it should be asking questions like. Do you have seasonal allergies? Do you experience watery or itchy eyes at times? Do you know if you are sensitive or allergic to anything? Foods, drugs, animals, environmental? Any of these can make a client more sensitive to the adhesive. The body is already in high alert and putting any foreign material on it could just put it into overdrive. An allergic reaction occurs when the immune system perceives non-harmful substances as harmful. When this happens a type of antigen called allergen begins to cause an abnormal and vigorous immune response in order for the body to prevent and fight off the perceived threat that would otherwise be harmless.

Diagram 1 - Eye in 'Green Light' Condition What are Skin Allergies? Skin allergies occur when your skin meets an allergen that your skin is sensitive or allergic to. The allergic reaction usually appears within 48 hours after the initial exposure to the allergen. However, sometimes it can appear even after the 48 hours. When a client leaves us, they could experience slight itching 48 hours after the appointment, so sometimes the client doesn’t even connect it with becoming sensitive to the adhesive. Symptoms often include the following: redness, swelling, blistering, itching, hives and rashes, however it could just be a slight itch. The allergen doesn’t have to be new to the client. Therefore, some people can wear extensions and suddenly react.

We also must consider those clients that have Rosacea, eczema, or psoriasis, as they too can be more sensitive. With constant exposure to the extension adhesive, clients and their skin and eyes tend to become more and more sensitive, as the studies show, people are having more and more allergic reactions. With every exposure, it increases the client’s chances for a reaction, or even a full-blown flair up which could translate into becoming permanently allergic to eyelash extensions.

Two - Educate yourself What are Eye Allergies? Eye allergies are common. Eye allergies can be a reaction to indoor or outdoor allergens that get into your eyes. The tissue that lines the inside of the eyelid and outside of the eyeball becomes inflamed and swollen and leads to itching, redness, tearing and irritation, causing the skin on the eyelids and under the eyes to become sensitive. When your client has eye allergies their lashes will not stay on as well, and the client is probably itching them off in their sleep.

Diagram 2 - Eye in 'Yellow Light' Condition

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Diagram 4 - Eyes in 'Red Light' Condition

Diagram 3 - Female and Male Eyes in 'Yellow Light' Condition

Three - Inspect When teaching to recognise sensitivity, I tell the lash artist to use the traffic light diagram. Green, is normal with no visible conditions or issues, and the artist is OK to proceed. See Diagram 1. Yellow, there appears some irritation, and the artist should use caution and extra diligence in cleaning and protecting the eye and skin. See Diagram 2 or 3. Red, there is an obvious problem and the artist should not proceed and recommend the client see a physician. See Diagram 4. Let’s look at the eye we are working on, there are tell-tale signs we should be looking at. Diagram 1 look at the smoothness of the eyelid this is what all eyelids should look like. If not, your client has some sensitivity issues she might not even be aware of. This will eventually create a problem with her with constant repetitive expose to the cyanoacrylate in the adhesive. Now, look closely at the eyelid skin is inner part of the eyelid skin Diagram 2 (outer area of the medial canthus) is this area raised on your client? In this diagram you can see it raised. This eye has a pre-exciting sensitivity sooner or later it will react. Diagram 3 Can you see little tiny microscopic cuts on the eyelid. This is caused from glitter eye shadow or environmental allergies of a client rubbing her eyes. This eye will react with frequent exposure of the adhesive Diagram 4 should not have extensions put on she differently has sensitivity.

Four - Protect As you can see, ALL eyelids need to be protected, if not from the sensitivity they have, but also from the sensitivity they may develop. It’s important we limit the exposure to the molecules of the vapours that settle on the skin that can cause further sensitivity leading to an allergic reaction. Once a client becomes allergic they can never wear extensions again. Therefore, it is so important to protect the skin as well as recognize the slightest bit of irregularity the skin. Lashologist Choice™ barrier cream is the only product on the market that really protects the skin from molecules settling on the skin, at the same time it is extension and other lash processes safe. We must be proactive when it comes to doing eyelash extensions that is if we want to keep our clients in lashes a lifetime.

This Article is one of a series of four. Please submit questions to Ask the Expert with Lashologist™Ellie Malmin at eyeandhealth360@ For more information on the eye you are working on go to, and for information on Lashologist Choice™ Barrier Cream go to

Allergies - 44

The Importance of Daily

Eye Hygiene by Daisy Krikemans

Maybe this sounds familiar to you? During my first years as an eyelash stylist, I often ran into things and problems that I was unfamiliar with. One of them was allergic reactions or a problem with the eyes or skin around the eyes. Clients described very different symptoms that all indicated an "allergic reaction", sometimes determined by a doctor, sometimes through self-diagnosis. While one client had a response within 24 hours after the treatment, the other waited 6 months or even up to a year. In rare cases, one sometimes had a response, and sometimes not. How can we explain this? It drove me crazy! Since I could not question this diagnosis (due to the fact that I did not have any training as a doctor or chemist) I automatically assumed that it could only be the eyelash extensions or glue that caused these problems. Most clients were disappointed that they could not wear eyelash extensions due to their allergies. In turn, I felt bad that they experienced these discomforts and especially because I couldn't help them.

What Causes Blepharitis? Mainly the presence of Demodex (aka eyelash mite), Streptococci and Staphylococci. Demodex is a tiny ectoparasite, not visible to the naked eye, which is found in peoples hair follicles and sebaceous glands, especially in the face (also elsewhere, but I won't go into detail about that). They can become up to 3 mm long! A recent study has shown that they occur in 25% of people in their twenties, 80-95% of adults and 100% of 70+ people (not yet in newborns). These tiny creeps are afraid of the light, which is why they are only active in the night. During the night, they spend their time eating, travelling to other follicles and procreating. We can differentiate between 2 types: G

Demodex folliculorum is usually found on the follicle of the lashes and feeds on epithelial cells. 2-6 mites can be present per follicle.


Demodex brevis is slightly shorter and lives in the sebaceous glands and Meibomian glands. This mite is partly responsible for causing Meibomitis.

In response to the above, I decided to map out all symptoms and complaints, and to study them. "Blepharitis" ... an eye infection of sorts. The more I read, the clearer it became to me; several clients had described these symptoms as an "allergy". I was dumbfounded when I realized almost half of the eyes I provided with eyelashes, I could categorise with this disease.

What Is Blepharitis and How Do You Recognise It? It is a very common inflammation of the eyelids. The symptoms include itching, irritation and red eyelids with a burning sensation, a feeling of pressure. Especially prevalent in older people, this inflammation can be coupled with dry eyes. Many people with blepharitis experience bright light as very troublesome. Symptoms are strongest in the morning, after waking up. The condition can start in early childhood and remain present as a chronic condition throughout the entire life.

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Both can cause a bacterial infection due to their own rubbish dump (streptococci and staphylococci).

Factors That Can Make Things Worse G

Conjunctivitis due to contact allergy


Eyelash extensions




Eyelashes that grow inward


Skin conditions such as acne, eczema, rosacea, eczema or seborrhoeic dermatitis, atopic eczema


Exposure to irritants such as smoke and dust


An incorrect lens strength, making you squint to see clearer

Eyelash Extensions And Blepharitis It is a little more difficult to fully clean the eye area when wearing eyelash extensions. Correct aftercare instructions are often not given to the client. In the case of negligent or non-existent eye hygiene, the eyelash extensions form a breeding ground for all Demodex. When there is a clear case of Blepharitis before starting the eyelash procedure, eyelash extensions can NOT be placed. In case of doubt, it is also recommended to first treat the problem, before placing eyelash extensions. Clients who wear eyelash extensions for a long time, have an increased risk of Blepharitis when aftercare is not properly carried out. The general condition of the natural eyelashes decreases strongly in clients who have not cleaned their eyes for a long time, in combination with wearing eyelash extensions. The eyelash becomes thin, brittle and breaks easily. If this problem is not identified in a timely manner, this may lead to permanent damage to the hair follicle, with permanent hair loss as a result.

How To Combat This?

After 5 minutes, use an eyelash brush to loosen the extensions. Impurities will be caught in between the hairs, rinse your brush after use with baby shampoo or Chrissanthie. The extensions are very durable when given proper aftercare. During a cleaning session, it is normal to lose some extensions with maybe an eyelash hair attached to it. After all, you normally lose between 3 to 20 of your own lashes per day. Daily cleaning means Blepharitis does not stand a chance.


Remove any make-up from the eyelid using Chrissanthie or a gentle eye Treating blepharitis is often troublesome. It can take 6 to 8 weeks until the cleaner, and use a disposable lip applicator or wet cotton pad for this. symptoms subside. This is often because treatment is stopped prematurely. Take a small amount of Chrissanthie and brush the eyelid gently using a The main treatment consists of cleaning the eyelid and eyelash edge daily. clean cleaning brush. Stroke gently and vertically across the edge of the eyelash and in between the lashes until all of the GG Daily cleaning using Tea Tree make-up, dirt, dust, sebum and dead skin has Tea tree is a powerful demodex and been removed. Rinse with sterile water and pat bacteria killer. Research has shown that it dry. After a couple of minutes, use a mascara cleaning the eyelids and eyelashes on a wand to loosen the extension. Impurities will daily basis, with good quality tea-tree be caught in between the bristles. Or wash your cleanser, ensures that demodex does not cleaning brush afterwards (using baby shampoo continue to develop, and slowly decreases, or Chrissanthie) and keep it until your next together with all symptoms. appointment with the same client, or use a new GG Warm compresses brush every time. Should the eyes be sealed, it is best to put a warm compress on the eyelids. Close Change your textiles every day in your salon or the eyes and leave it there for 5 minutes. work with disposable materials such as paper, This allows any crusts to become soft, plastic and synthetic for protection. Dental allowing for easier removal afterwards. After soaking, clean using towels are an excellent disposable to cover your Lash pillow. Always Chrissanthie as described under 'cleaning eyelash extensions' thoroughly disinfect your tweezers in between clients. Use a new mascara


Frequently washing bed linen After all, it is full of dead material and supports the demodex utopia.

wand each time.


Artificial tears In case of dry eyes, these may provide relief. There are various types available on the market, ask your pharmacist for advice.



Antibiotics Topical antibiotics in the form of a gel or crème can be applied after cleaning the eyelid. Sometimes the damage is so great, that an oral antibiotic treatment is necessary. Please consult your doctor for a prescription.

Cleaning Eyelash Extensions Client: Clean 2x per day. Remove any make-up from the eyelid using Chrissanthie and a disposable lip applicator. Use a small amount of the product and brush the eyelid softly using a cleaning brush. Make gentle, vertical movements along the edge of the eyelash and in between the lashes, until the eye is clean. Use a brush with soft synthetic bristles. Several wholesalers offer cleaning brushes for sale. Rinse it with lukewarm water and pat it dry.

Create an aftercare kit and calculate this into the price of a new set, this way you can be sure that your client has the right product for cleaning. Do not give up when you notice that your client does not clean; continue to repeat the importance of good eye hygiene. If words do not help, let them read this article.

Join me in the fight against Blepharitis. Chrissanthie is a eyelash aftercare product that helps to prevent and treat blepharitis caused by a number of bacterial problems. More info can be found on

Allergies - 46

How to Identify an

Allergic Reaction

to Lash Extensions

by Charlene Hatfield Nutter Novalash In my 14 years as an Eyelash Extension Stylist and 12 years as a Novalash educator I’ve come across few actual allergic reactions to eyelash extensions and many “reactions” to the extensions being applied improperly. An actual allergic reaction is most likely a reaction to the cyanoacrylate which is in all eyelash extensions adhesives. Both eyes become pink/ red, puff y and very itchy. If this is the situation it is best to remove them immediately. Cyanoacrylate is a very strong bonding agent that emits fumes. Some are affected strongly and there are many who it doesn’t bother at all. There are professional references we can always refer to: https://; methods/organic/org055/org055.html among many others and always have the MSDS of the adhesive we use in our place of employment. We don’t know though, whether a person will have a reaction to the adhesive or not. If there is the slightest possibility, our best action would be to apply

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certification class and continue to apply them incorrectly to trusting clients. Remember Kristin Chenoweth who was on the David Letterman show? She wore sunglasses because she had an allergic reaction to the eyelash extensions that were put on her. The article on ADFEE (Association for Damage-Free Eyelash Extensions ®); is very informative bout cyanoacrylate and “formaldehyde” in the adhesive. We as lash stylists should educate ourselves on the product we’re using, especially where it’s glue near client’s eyes. So many stories, pictures and false statements are all over the website regarding eyelash extensions. Shouldn’t we as professionals who love what we do and the joy it gives our clients be completely aware of not only what is in the adhesive we are using but also how it can affect others and ourselves? How can we avoid and prevent reactions? Going back years the old way was to fan our clients for several minutes, but their eyes would sting when opened and when they got them wet. Today we use a mister whether it’s a nanomister, miniMr or favourite from our supplier. Using a mist of distilled There have been many that have thought they were allergic, but it was water at the end of the lash application is a must. It cures the adhesive so actually the extensions being applied too close and touching the skin, there’s a better bond which gives longer retention. We are also taking away so they were very irritated as the glue/extension is NEVER supposed the stinging our clients feel which causes less irritation to their eyes. Lash to touch the eyelid skin. I supply my students with magnifying glasses Tavern has a great article, If during the eyelash extension class, so they can see first-hand that even we follow these steps and make sure we can see properly, our clients will if you have perfect vision it’s still very difficult to judge .5-1 mm from the be much happier and there will be less risk of having a reaction. eyelid. As eyelash extension professionals isn’t that what we’re offering our clients, to have the lashes applied in a proper, sterile, educated manner? Unfortunately, today 50% of lash stylists have never taken the proper

2-3 extensions on each eye, if they are allergic it’s much easier to remove the few on each eye rather than a full set.

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The Difference Between

Allergic Reactions

and Irritations

by Miranda Tarpey UK Lash Institute It can sometimes be confusing to some lash stylist and clients alike to differentiate between the two, as some symptoms can look similar.

What is an Allergic Reaction? It’s all about our immune system, if our body does not recognise something as safe or something that our body thinks will pose a threat, our immune system will defend this substance and create antibodies to fight what you are allergic to, and this will react causing an allergic reaction. An allergic reaction can come from inhalation, digestion or by touching. The threat of an allergic reaction with lash extensions is usually the inhalation from the adhesive into the cornea, nose, mouth and ears. Clients most at risk of a true allergic reaction will also have other types of allergies, such as: pollen, pets, foods like nuts and shellfish, and perhaps certain plants. When your completing your client consultations take note of any other known allergies they may have, including any auto immune disease.

Allergic Reaction with Lash Extensions The most obvious signs of allergic reaction with having lash extensions will be both of the client’s eyelids will start to swell and in severe cases will swell up so much that their eyes will look swollen shut, her eyes may also be bloodshot, watery, and itchy. She may feel nauseated and may have a pounding headache. If these symptoms happen to your client, do not remove the lashes as you do not want to further irritate the eye, send her for medical assistance immediately.

What is an Irritant? An eye irritation is a reaction to something that the eyes are sensitive to. It could be due to vapour from a chemical product reaching the cornea, or something touching the eye like a gel patch or tape. The eye will look red and sore due to dilated blood vessels on the sclera, the white outer surface of the eye.

How to avoid eye irritation with lashes G

Ensure the under-eye pads are about 2mm away from the lower lid, so that they do not touch or scratch the eye to cause irritation.


Ensure the eye is totally shut when lashing, keep checking especially if you are taping up top lid. It’s great to have a lash mirror handy to keep checking.


Ensure your adhesive is not close to her sinuses, keep away from the ears and mouth.


Avoid any products going into the eyes, such as shampoo, primer etc.


Ensure client does not touch or scratch their eyes.

A client can be more sensitive due to cold or flu-like symptoms, certain medications, and any changes to their health. If a client has a cold or is feeling under the weather she will be more susceptible to irritants, a great tip is to give her a disposable mask to wear, place your adhesive container far away from her sinuses, keep your room well ventilated, ask her to avoid chewing gum or mints, use an extractor fan to draw chemicals away from her and wash her eye area and lashes after treatment. This will help alleviate any added irritation.

What is Contact Dermatitis?

Contact/irritant dermatitis is a point of skin contact irritation, this typically happens if the client has a product applied directly to their skin Recognising an allergic reaction – both eyelids will start to swell. If it that the body does not like, such as under-eye pads, or micropore tape, any is only the top lid and the lower lid is not swollen, this is not an allergic foreign object that comes into contact with skin that the body does not like, reaction, this is an inflamed top lid which could be an infection or irritation. it may show up as a rash in that exact area Patch testing is essential to avoid any serious allergic reactions. If you place around five lashes on each eye, you will be minimising the risk of a severe allergic reaction, these type of reactions are rare but you don’t want to be responsible for such events as a professional.

If you see a raised red, rash area where you used tape or where the gel pads were sitting, this would be contact dermatitis, again a way to avoid this would be to patch test any products that will come into direct contact with the skin.

Can you experience a reaction even after having lash extensions on for years?

We all aim for the same result, to give clients great lashes with no discomfort, learning to avoid any symptoms or recognise any signs will help minimise an unwelcome result.

Yes, you can. At first this may show up very mildly, but repeated exposure to the lash adhesive (or any other product) can develop until it becomes a full blown allergic reaction.

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Any help or questions please feel free to contact Miranda on

Business Business - 50

How to Win

Business Awards by Louise Tierney Lash Inc Editor-in-Chief

This is the third instalment in our series on how to become an award-winning business.

Step 2 - Criteria

It may seem obvious but make sure you obtain the entry criteria in full. If this isn’t readily available, email the organisers or call to request a copy. Have this in front of you and continually refer to it as you write your entry. You must clearly address and answer the award category criteria as fully as you can. The little things may mean a lot, remember!

Deadlines Again, it sounds obvious but don’t forget the deadline. You may have the world’s most amazing entry but if you miss the entry deadline you have missed out on winning. Entry deadlines are usually final and they won’t allow you more time. Make sure you know when your entry needs to be with the organizers, when the presentation is (if applicable) and any other deadlines you need to be aware of.


“Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get Make absolutely sure you are eligible for entry. The last thing you want to if you don’t.” – Pete Seeger do is spend weeks on an entry to find out later on that you can’t enter. e.g. Some awards require you to be trading for 2 years or more – others may want you to be located in a certain geographical location. Always double check and leave nothing to chance. The word count is usually not a suggestion, so if it states, for example, a maximum of 200 words then stick to it. Make it 200 words or just under. However, do not make it 50 words. If you go massively under the word count it looks like you don’t have much to say about your business and you Set out your strategy clearly and simply. You can use the notes near the end will probably not even be considered. Make sure your entry is typed on of this book to help layout your timeline and general plan. Don’t rush this a computer and in a large enough font, so others can read it easily. 14pt as it’s very important. Times New Roman is what I use, as it’s prominent and clear.

Number Of Words

Set Objectives

Schedule The Work

Supporting Info

Schedule in time to write your award and make it a professional task as if meeting an order. If you don’t do this, you probably won’t write it. I found this approach worked well for me. Be disciplined and write a small amount each day or if you prefer, set yourself aside a day to get it all done. You know how you work best.

Demonstrate business impact. Prove your claims without giving away confidential information. Use graphs when possible to show statistical information. Judges have many entries to look through so make it that bit easier for them to clearly see your important information at a glance. Show in a clear manner how you have made an impact in your industry.

“Nothing is more harmful to the service, than the neglect of discipline; for that discipline, more than numbers, gives one army superiority over another.” — George Washington

Anything I need to post I prefer to use Special Delivery or courier rather than recorded delivery or normal post as it gives your submission importance and will be delivered next working day.

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If emailing your entry, make sure you check which format the organisers prefer to receive. For most companies it will be PDF or Microsoft Word .doc format. If it’s in Word format it is best to save in 97-2003 format as most people will have the software to open this. I once sent an entry, which I saved in a later version of MS Word, and as it couldn’t be opened, it was therefore not forwarded to the judges, which I only discovered after the judging has finished. Ask for confirmation that they have received and opened it.

Do Your Homework – Previous Winners & Other Entrants

Be careful not to sound whiny if you have a story about struggle, always tell it with a positive upbeat feel. Pain to pleasure; problem to solution. Remember no one likes to listen to a moaner and you want the judges to feel good about your business. Awards will not be given to companies who have made the judges feel miserable. “Research is to see what everybody else has seen, and to think what nobody else has thought” – Albert Szent-Gyorgyi ‘Doing your homework will pay dividends and certainly make the judges feel valued’ ‘Try and imagine if the situation were reversed – what would you be looking for in a submission?’

Do your research into previous winners; this may reveal information you ‘Judges are human just like you and if they take to you quickly then you’re can replicate to help you win. Any top awards website will usually promote well on the way to success’ and list the awards nominees. They might also provide full details of why they won. Visit your competition’s website and search the Internet to find out any other information giving you an added advantage in the process. Understand all the terms and conditions of your entry. There may be “Research serves to make building stones out of stumbling blocks” – something in there effecting your eligibility or require you not to enter Arthur D. Little similar awards in the same year. Make sure you know all the terms and conditions before you even begin planning. Look at your competition and try to counteract their strengths. If they are strong in one area you must show you are stronger in the same field. If they are weak in one area put extra effort into showing why you are so strong in this area. Back it up with statistics, client testimonials and anything Are you submitting a hard copy by mail or soft copy by email? If posting the else that will get your point across clearly. If you’re not stronger in the said entry send a traceable way to safeguard your application. Take no chances. area, compensate by highlighting other areas that you certainly do excel in.

Terms & Conditions

How To Submit

Judges It might be possible to find out who will be on the judging panel. You might then be able to tailor your entry to relate to the judge’s interests. For example, if you know what industry a judge is from you can look for ways to relate what you’re doing in your business to theirs. This is especially important for very technical companies or like my business, as a beauty company with a make-up judging panel. In many cases I did not sell massive benefits of the product from a female user’s point of view but from a distributor point of view or spoke about the innovative use of ingredients and how an idea for a particular product actually came from researching into the automotive industry. Judges like to hear real stories and are particularly interested in your journey rather than just the product. Here is a something for you to think about. The judges are trying to decide between two companies who both appear to be at similar stages, have had similar achievements, similar turnover and profit. However one started the business with £100 and the other with investment of £100,000. Both have achieved the same but how they started can make all the difference in the judge’s eyes.

Save A Copy Make sure you save a copy or two in case there are any problems and you need to re-submit. Also make a backup elsewhere as your entry can also be used as a good template for future applications.

Timeline Try to stick to your entry schedule and you won’t have many problems or anxieties as the deadline approaches. Give yourself time at the end to have a few people review it before submission. Having a few people read over your entry is good for two reasons. Firstly, for spelling and grammatical mistakes. You cannot proof read your own work as your mind becomes accustomed to mistakes and rectifies them in your mind. Secondly, this enables the other person to pick up on anything missing or anything that doesn’t come across the way you intended. There is sometimes a fine line between telling people about your achievements and being boastful and brash.

If you have a story of overcoming adversity, share it. If it took you 2 years to get the money to start, share it. If you had to make sacrifices – share. If you didn’t, then look for another way to deliver your story. Perhaps the Keep a note of the organiser’s timeline so you know when done etc. Once generation of apprenticeship places, setting up in a deprived area and you’ve gone through this process for the future as you become adept at creating jobs in the community etc. producing applications.

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Finding the

Right Balance

between Work and Life by Genevieve Hickin Beauty by Genevieve Within the beauty and eyelash industry it is so hard to find that work and family life balance when you are also a parent. After conducting a recent poll on Facebook, the results showed that 67% of people asked, still need to find that all important balance. When working in salons you have that important ‘job security’. By working for someone else as an employed member of staff you have paid holiday and set hours. However, the flexibility and low pay can be a handicap when you are a working parent. Not stereotyping that all employed therapists are on a low pay. However, the majority are on a lower wage than that of a self-employed therapist and they are usually working on a commission basis. Sometimes as a parent we need to attend school plays or trips, take family holidays, take unpaid leave last minute and this can be difficult when working for an employer as holiday restrictions can apply. Being that most of us parents with younger children are unable to work full time, holiday is then restricted even further. Childcare I would say is the biggest restriction when it comes to working as a parent. On average childcare in the UK is between £5-£10 per hour. Taking this into consideration if you are on a wage of say £10 per hour you need to work out if paying childcare to work, is worth your while? Being self-employed does have more benefits when also being a parent as you have more flexibility as you are not restricted by holiday allowance or by an employer. When working as a self-employed therapist we do not however get paid holiday, so we must be strict when it comes to the amount of time we take off. On the up side, on average self-employed therapists can earn from £20-£40 per hour in the UK, meaning that the child care costs seem less steep and are more affordable. It is so easy when you are your own boss if your child care is covered to then get sucked into and wrapped up in the industry and keep trying to grow your business, working more and more hours. What is important is that you do not sacrifice your family time and your children’s time with you to do so. As a working parent myself I decided to leave employed salon work after having my first daughter in 2013…. It wasn’t viable to go back to work on an £8 per hour wage and to pay £5 per hour childcare. Starting my own business and taking that leap was a huge risk, but it was the right choice to make for us as a family and with having a mortgage to pay. Very quickly after starting Beauty by Genevieve I built up a very large client base. I was soon working 5 nights a week and 3 days a week, not to mention Saturdays! After two years I became pregnant with our second daughter. I was doing lash infills at 9pm the night before I went into labour and I was back in the chair 2 weeks after having our second daughter. Soon my hours increased and now I was working 4 days, 5 nights and Saturdays. Don’t get me wrong,

the money I was earning was amazing, I didn’t have to say no to anything I wanted. However, family life was starting to suffer. I started to find every night, putting the children to bed was a rush as I needed to start work at 7.30pm, I fell way behind with all of the house work as there was no spare time, I had no ME time, no time for my friends or family as every event that came up I was ‘working’. Paperwork……. This soon piled up as I had no time for admin what so ever! All I cared about was work. My life was an absolute rush and every day was timed to the millisecond. Soon every night I was going to bed at 1am as I just couldn’t switch off or had so much to do, being up again at 6am to start the following days routine. Something had to give. After all, why do we work? Now I fully appreciate that we all have different answers to this question, but I think that the common underlying rule is that we all work to provide for our families. The problem is if we are working so much that we never get to spend time with our families, is it worth it? Last year was a tough one for us as a family as we sadly lost 2 family members and a very close family friend, if I can take anything from this, it’s that time is so precious. Our children are only children for such a short time and time moves ever so quickly. We need to be there for our friends, we need to be there for our family and we need to be there for our children. Yes, we need to earn our living and of course pay our bills, and this is a must. However, it is when we get greedy, and want more, that our family life begins to suffer. Make that change! How can we find the balance? Now, I am still working on this journey myself however, here are a few small things that we can do to help us find that balance.

Take a step back Take a step back and evaluate your situation, if you have a partner at home you need to discuss with them how much you need to be bringing into the home. Once you have worked this figure out you are then able to work out how many hours you need to be working to live comfortably. Whilst your children are young its OK to reduce your spending for a while… Fewer nights out, and do you really need those new pair of shoes? Bring your outgoings down to make it easier for you to work fewer hours. Set your working hours and stick to them. We all know it is hard to turn that client away, when we know that if we worked that extra hour and squeezed them in we could earn that extra £30, but this is something we need to do. If you have a family member who could help you with childcare make sure you utilise them to lower your childcare bills. Some friends I know swap childcare with each other as they work opposite days, this I thought was a very clever way to work childcare.

Switch off

not rushed environment allows for a much calmer house hold. Reading them that extra story or letting them have that 10 minutes extra to play in Social media is the biggest factor in not letting us switch off each evening. the bath is what having children is about. Is working all hours under the It has now become socially acceptable to message people over social media sun to earn all the extra unnecessary income worth sacrificing this time at an obscenely late hour in the evening and we always find ourselves with your children? replying! So, switch it off. When you finish work at night sign out of your business social media accounts. Clients can wait for a reply the following morning. Better yet get a specific ‘work phone’ so you can switch it off. Plan your time. This is essential, get days in the diary booked out to catch up with paper work and on the flip side, get days out with the family booked. Use your time effectively, make sure your bookings are made rolling on When we are employed we make a point of taking all our holiday. Being from one another, so all your available treatment time is allocated to a self employed makes taking holiday harder as we do not get paid for taking client and bringing in an income. time off. Take that holiday with your family! Book the time off and give yourself a break. To work effectively we all need to re-charge our batteries. Give yourself YOU time. Whether its going out with friends or your partner Pop some money away each month to allow for holiday funds and to cover for dinner, going to the gym for an hour or just chilling with a coffee and your time off when you take holiday. Personally, I place 20% of my monthly reading a book, make sure you give yourself some down time. takings into a tax account and at the end of the tax year there is always a couple of thousand left in the tax account after paying my tax bill and By making minor changes it can make a massive difference in your work taking off my expenses. This spare money is then used to pay for and cover and family life balance. From a personal point of view, I have reduced my our holidays. evenings from 5 down to 2, this has given me calmer evenings and more family time as well as time for myself once the children are in bed. I now also only work 1 Saturday a month. Yes, my takings have seen a dip since this change but the family time that I get for reducing my hours means If you are so busy and do not want to take a pay cut but need more family far more to me than the extra income. I used to work throughout all the time then take on a member of staff. Hire someone to help you, be it school holidays and my children went to the childminder. However, now another therapist, lash technician, PA or a receptionist. I am taking half of the school holidays off to take them on days out and to make memories. Plus, the money I am saving on childcare in the holidays outweighs me taking a day or two off work.

Utilise time well

Take time

Lighten the load

Fewer evenings

After school time with our children is so important, whether its taking them to their after-school clubs, the park, helping them with their homework, cooking dinner, getting them ready for bed or just sitting and chilling out with them. Being able to do their bedtime routine in a slow and

Try to work out what it is that you need to find that balance. For me I think I needed more family time.

Business - 54

Business Breakdown:

Always Growing

and Always Learning by Andi Ramsay Lead Designer, Lash Inc

If I had to specify the one thing that keeps me motivated I would have to say, “Learning something new.” From my very first job, right through to the amazing clients I choose to work with in my business today, to putting together each issue of Lash Inc.; I always look for something to learn. Education can be the silver bullet. This magazine never disappoints me. Every single issue I learn a little bit more, things I never knew before are suddenly part of my knowledge, and the Lash world is stuffed full of things to learn. Each issue also brings me opportunities to learn something new about my own profession too. Every article needs its own layout, a way for it to easily communicate its message so that people read it and understand it. If I’ve done my job properly then the design shouldn’t even be noticed because people are absorbed by the content (and I call that “The Ninja Principle”, I’ll be talking about that in another issue!) As many of you may know, I am not a Lash Artist. Im a new-comer to the lash world, so I cannot speak intelligently about lash art, or the practicalities of cyanoacrylates (although I could do a riveting ten minutes on the chemistry and discovery of them!) I do, however, know business. I’ve been running a business in one form or another since 2001. I’ve been a trauma therapist, a photographer, a video producer, and a designer (I’ve retired from therapy, but still do all the rest). I’ve run my business as a sole trader, and then as a VAT registered, limited company. Running a business can seem daunting. If it weren’t for my Gryffindorlike ‘run-in-without-looking’ attitude I would probably never have started a business. Everyone else in business seems to have it together, they know what they’re doing, they probably went to Harvard and got an MBA or

Andi's Book Corner To grow your business you have to grow yourself. Learning more and acquir ing skills is the fastest, most effective way to do that. Here are two books that w ill absolutely help you to levelup in running your business.

55 - Business

something like that. But they're mostly bluffing. Over the years I have come to learn that nearly every business is the offspring of making lots of mistakes and learning from other people.

Don’t be afraid. You’ve got this.

Whatever kind of business you run; just you on your own, working under the umbrella of a larger salon, or running the show and employing other people; you will face many of the same challenges that others face. You will need to do a lot of the same tasks that other business owners do. You will need the same knowledge too. Don’t be afraid. You’ve got this. Look to the people who admit they are always learning (and tune out the ones who tell you they have it all sussed!), learn from those who speak clearly with understanding and experience, talk honestly with your peers and your heroes, ask as many questions as you can (but not all to the same person, respect their time), soak up knowledge at every opportunity.

Kee p growing by con stantl y learning. x

Andi Ramsay is (also) the Creative Director of Lumogenesis, a visual communications agency based in the north of Scotland, creating photo, video, and design that tell powerful stories. @lumogenesis

Watertight Marketing

Profit First

by Bryony Thomas

by Mike Michalowicz

ISBN: 978-1908746344

ISBN: 978-0735214149

Are you wasting your money on marketing? Most businesses are. They’ve got serious profit leaks. So when they run their marketing Taps, revenue simply pours out of a leaky Bucket. Watertight Marketing is no ordinary marketing book. There’s no jargon. And it’s not about the latest over-hyped tactic. This is a book that tackles business fundamentals. It’s the book on marketing that makes all the others make sense. Following the process laid out in this book puts you in control of your business growth.

Conventional accounting uses the logical (albeit, f lawed) formula: Sales - Expenses = Profit. The problem is, businesses are run by humans, and humans aren't always logical. Mike has developed a behavioural approach to flip the formula: Sales - Profit = Expenses. Just as the most effective weight loss strategy is to limit portions by using smaller plates, Michalowicz shows that by taking profit first and apportioning only what remains for expenses, entrepreneurs will transform their businesses from cash-eating monsters to profitable cash cows.

@lash_inc 1,396 posts 19k followers 1,545 following Lash Inc. Instagram is where it’s at these days. Get some #Lashspiration from our handpicked #LashArtist feeds.










Business - 56

Building your Successful

Lash Business

by Michelle Meredith-Rath

How did you do it? This is the number one question I get asked. The short answer, I worked 24/7 in the beginning. The long answer, I did not open a lash business, I opened a business. Building a business is like building a house, you need a foundation, flooring, beams and a roof.

The Foundation - Start with a business plan A business plan doesn’t have to be encyclopedic and it doesn’t have to have all the answers. A well-prepared plan – revisited often – will help you steer your business all along its growth curve. Try to think of your business plan as a living, breathing project, not a one-time document. Break it down into mini-plans: one for marketing, one for pricing, future growth and so on. G

What do you want?


Financial goal


How many clients will it take to get there?


What type of clientele do you want, how to capture them?


Long term goals


Team building


relevant and authoritative. In simple terms your web pages have the potential to rank in Google so long as other web pages link to them. For those new to SEO, the above definition may sound complicated. In simpler terms Search Engine Optimization is a way to improve your website so that it will appear closer to the top positions in the search results of Google, Yahoo, Bing or other search engines. When you perform a search on Google (or any other search engine) the order by which the returning results are displayed, is based on complex algorithms. These algorithms take a number of factors into account to decide which web page should be shown in the first place, second place, etc. A good website company will manage your SEO as most business owners do not have the time to follow the ever-changing algorithms of search engines.

Clicks, Clicks and more Clicks Placement is also based on clicks. So, having your website listed externally can also help your web ranking on all of your social media: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and your live feeds. Live feeds give people a look at who you are as a business person. It can be as simple to expressing your dedication to service, to the types of products you use. Stories Are great ways to keep people engaged. Remember to add a link to your website in your stories and mention them in your feeds.

Building a website is the first step every new business owner should take, you must factor it into your startup costs. No website means you are losing Beauty sites, city sites, anywhere and everywhere you can. Any click is a your business, 85% of potential clients will pull out their phones and good click. search for their service providers. A good website creates trust as well as 24-hour accessibility. Your website is your calling card, what do you want it to say about you? Be clear in who you and your brand are.

Website and Social Media Tips Have quality photos. If you are not a great photographer, you need to become better. Use a light ring, great for lashing as well as taking cleaner photos. Download good photo editing apps. I like Facetune2. You can do so many things with it.

Placement on the first page of search engines is key. Studies show that most people will not search past page 3 for services. You need to have solid SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) to find your ranking on search engines. For your home and service page use professional photos. If you do not have SEO is the name given to activity that attempts to improve search engine them, you can use adobe photo or any professional stock photo page for a rankings. In search results Google™ displays links to pages it considers small fee.

57 - Business

Make attractive posts using apps like: Canva, Word Swag, MOLDIV. It’s easy and helps keep people engaged.

firing the employee, minimum hour and wage requirements, overtime stipulations and more.

Post daily on social media. Like other’s posts, engagement is important. Don’t forget when building your team, you need to be a great leader. As the The more likes you get the more your posts are seen. leader of the team you set the tone of the workplace. If you want a positive work environment, you need to create it and be it. Your work ethic, moods, attitudes towards clients all are important factors to team building. Be a caring and understanding leader. Learn what strengths and capabilities Educate Yourself everyone brings to the table.

Beams - Follow The Money Trail

It starts with looking at your profit and loss statements monthly. Without knowing the details of your money flow, you cannot make educated decisions on expanding.

Your House Your successful Lash Business Is Built!

Separate Personal and Business Finances

Attract More Clients

Always keep your personal and business finances separate. This entails getting a business credit card and putting all related expenses on it. This should help you track your outlays and keep you in control.

That’s a no-brainer, right? But how do you go about doing that? Website! It’s a must! Create a referral program. Look for unique marketing opportunities. Beauty shows, bridal shows, hair salons.

Retail Upsell Existing Clients Think of every inch of your room, salon, lash bar as a return on your investment. You need to educate your clients on the necessity of taking home products. Every location should have 3 or more lash products to retail. If you sell 3 products a day with each having a $10 return your monthly profit is $600, yearly $7,200. Hire Professional Help Everyone needs help, especially a budding entrepreneur interested in making a huge success of his venture. Sometimes, it pays off to engage the services of an expert, even if it is on a part-time basis. They can help you determine where your business is, where it is heading by using and analysing your data. Make sure you hire someone you trust, though. Whether it is tax planning for the next financial year, or payment for the current year, their expertise can go a long way in guiding you and bringing you peace of mind.

Roof When is it time to add your first employee?

New services and products are an easy way to generate more income. Charge More It seems counter-intuitive to try and create more business by charging more but it really isn’t. Salon clientele expect a certain level of service—a certain level of luxury— You can use a higher price point to actually set yourself apart from the low-cost competition and create an air of exclusivity. Identify a Niche and Dig In Whether your niche is organic products, the Zen feel of your storefront, or catering to busy moms who just need to get away from their kids, finding it can mean the difference between success and failure. Ideally, you should do your market research before you ever open your doors. Take a look at the salons that are around your potential business and what they offer. Can you spot any gaps they aren’t filling? Can you compete with exclusive offerings, top-tier services, or price point? Make the effort to really identify what your market is missing and then do your best to fill that hole.

When you are turning away new clients it’s time to add someone to your team When you have reached a place that your schedule is booked out and you find clients getting angry that you don’t have appointments available, Invest in Your Staff you are ready! Your staff are your brand. These people are the ones who are creating What to know before you make your first hire. the experience for your clients, they are the ones that are selling your products, they are the ones on which your business rises or falls. It’s your The cost of adding another person. If you’re only taking salary into account responsibility to cultivate them and reward them for excellent performance. when hiring an employee, you’re failing to account for the myriad of other expenses (and possible expenses) that could come into play. For example, Build on the Best and Forget the Rest you have to pay 6.2 percent of each employee’s salary (up to $118,500) for social security tax. So, if you’re paying an employee $40,000 per year, In order for your lash business to succeed, you constantly need to build its you’re responsible for $2,600 in social security tax. You need workman’s best aspects (customer service, product offerings, and marketing) in order comp insurance, a payroll company, scheduling app, if you’re not already to carve out your market share. Identify the things that aren’t working using one, etc. (outdated scheduling template, improper/broken equipment, outdated products) and fix or eliminate them. The Legalities The people who succeed are not lucky. They are doing something different Some things to think about include employment laws, employment from everyone else! contracts, tax obligations (as previously discussed), the implications of

Business - 58

It’s All About

Your Timing:

Working on Your Business, Not in Your Business. by Katie Godfrey Don’t worry if you’re not where you wanna be yet. Great things take time. I’m working with a few people and businesses at the moment who have big visions and dreams. Some are growing their business and others are trying to start a business. Some want to open their own lash bars and some are just wanting to grow their clientele more.

It’s all about a work and life balance and I didn’t have any when I had a column! All of the above tasks were done outside of my salon hours, which meant I was only actually giving it only 20% of my effort and to say I was exhausted after a salon day is an understatement. But nowadays I give the business side my all, 100% of my dedication. I still work around sixty hours plus a week, but I choose to do this.

Timing is key! One thing I’m not very good at is waiting. Everyone that knows me knows this. That’s because my life runs at a million miles per hour! I don’t like to feel like I’m wasting time. It's important to make time before something big is about to happen. Use this time wisely, research, prepare, read, learn! Keep positive and don’t get down if it’s not happening RIGHT NOW. Because it will happen if you keep working and fighting for it.

This gives me time to go to the salon and see the salon from a customer perspective rather than a therapist, which keeps the customer service in the salon very strong.

I conduct regular training sessions with my wonderful team to ensure they are the best they can be. This also gives me the added advantage to help out the therapists on busy days when needed, so I am always flexible enough to One tip to remember, you are the books you read, the movies you watch, step into my beautician shoes again which I love. the people you spend time with, the conversations you engage with. So choose wisely what you feed your mind with. Enjoy and be grateful for I stepped away from my column nearly three years ago now, but I do still what you have and are doing right now. It’s all a stepping stone for what’s to work on occasional Saturday’s purely because I want to, as I love the come next. Don’t worry if you’re not where you wanna be yet. Great things salon atmosphere. However, last Saturday was my first week stopping take time. my column again due to other on-going business commitments. Instead I worked on the reception which enabled me to still work in the salon but One of the main subjects I am questioned about the most is working on concentrate on the business side of things. I did get itchy feet though and the business side of things rather than working in the actual salon, and I just wanted to pick up my tweezers and lash! but I have to keep focused the business side can be rather daunting at times. I really enjoy doing and concentrate on the bigger picture, that being the business side. treatments as they are my passion and the main reason I started my business, I love talking with my clients, working alongside my team and If you want to know more about how you can move your column over most of all I love lashing and making clients feel beautiful. to your team, start tripling your income and how to start working more efficiently on your business rather than struggling to do treatments and My business would never have grown to what it has if I still had my meet your business objectives, then get in touch today for more details on own column. So for my company to expand and my team to perform as my mentoring services. successfully as they do it was necessary for me to step away from working in the salon full time. With all of the background work there is to do, such as accounting, salaries, staff appraisals, planning team meetings, advertising & marketing, social media, writing magazine articles, working on my other businesses, judging competitions, staff training, mentoring talks for students and writing policies. Plus, an array of other tasks, it would be virtually impossible for me to still lash as well!

Lots of love and success, Katie

The Expert:


Can I Raise My Prices? by Leah Lynch Beautique Salon & Lash Lounge Q: I have never increased my prices but feel it is time. Any advice? A: Whether you are increasing your prices due to supply and demand, increases in your overhead, or the introduction of a new technique such as volume lashes, you should have the knowledge and confidence to implement your price increase correctly and professionally.

Clients understand that prices will increase over the years to account for the rising costs of doing business, and you must have a firm grip on your overhead expenses and supply expenses to make sure your budget isn't going to bust! You will be holding back the success of your business if you “feel bad” or shy away from increasing prices, or, worse, are afraid of doing so. Yes, a price increase can come with some fallout of clientele, but if you understand the rules, you'll see how it works.

more for the time involved. Prices for sets and fills can be arbitrary based on demographic, and we have found the following to be average: Low Income: $175 set/ $50 fill Middle Class: $250-$350 set /$80-$100 fill Upper Class: $450-550 set $100-$150 fill.

Price Increase Due to a Packed Schedule: If you are jam-packed with clients on a wait and are working long days to accommodate, you're going to burn out and that’s a fact. This is not an industry where you can power through 12-hour days and back-to-back clients with no break for any length of time before you throw your tweezers at the wall! Be kind to your eyes, your hands, and your back, or this will be a short-lived career. The Rules: If you are fully booked 80-90% of your available time you should implement a 10% price increase. Most likely, you can expect a 10% decrease in clientele. This will make it so that you can service fewer clients, have more down time, and make the same amount of money--or more. Usually an email blast or a small sign on the desk one month prior to the increase is plenty to “inform” your clientele. There will, of course, be complainers at check out, so arm your desk staff with a scripted line to give to every client for consistency. “Because of the high client demand and lack of availability, as well as the rising cost of business, it was necessary to implement a small price increase.” Don’t spend too much time explaining; you don’t want clients to get the sense that you are doubting your worth! Price Increase Due to Rising Overhead Costs: Let's say you have been servicing clients at home and now you are going to make a switch to a storefront location. Perhaps you have moved to a larger space with higher rent or have switched to a new luxury brand with a luxury price tag. It’s essential to price yourself accordingly so as not to set yourself up for failure. The Rules: You must find what your cost per service is. Calculate all of the things you use in your service, account for laundry if you have washables, costs if you use disposables, costs of pads, lashes (fill vs. set), adhesives, etc. Tally all of those items up and, generally, the cost of the supplies should be 10% of the cost of your service. This rule will allow you room to pay a desk staff member, rent, utilities, and marketing costs... with some left for your pocket! Average cost is between $5-10 per client; therefore, a price of $50-$100would be appropriate. It’s also important to consider the time it takes, so while $50-$100 may be good for your 1-hour fills and a set may only cost you a fraction more in extra lashes and adhesive, it may cost you 1-3 more hours of your time! Therefore, obviously you will be charging

You may have a tough demographic and feel like you have to set your prices a bit lower, but always go for quality of clients over quantity. Trust me. Price Increase Due to Higher Education or New Technique: It only makes sense that, if you are planning to invest thousands of dollars, travel thousands of miles, and practice fanning thousands of lashes, you are GOING to implement a price increase. New techniques like volume lashes have created a new level of service, luxury, and result that need to fetch a premium. Clients can always stay with classic and not be affected by an increase, but once they see and feel the difference they will not think twice about paying the extra bucks for so much bang. The Rules: You can’t make any less for your time than you normally do, right? So, look at it this way: Say your fill is $80 per hour (average). That means you make $20 per 15-minute block of time. You will likely need 1.5 hours for your volume fills so therefore you HAVE to charge $120 for your time. Formulate your response to clients in advance. You want to make your point but also consider their feelings about the increases. Keep it short and simple, and don’t over explain. “I’m so excited to show you the technique I just learned! I made an investment in training with a professional trainer and have some great new luxury products I can use to create amazing looks. I will need some extra time to complete the fills, so I've had to adjust the price of my new volume fill to $$.” Try not to get caught up in price wars with competitors, or to be pushed around by deal-hopping clients. Clients are always going to come and go, and sometimes it can be tough and get you down. But it's important always to know your worth. Remember: you're in business to make money!

Business - 60

Events C alendar

July 2018

May 2018

Celtic Lash Conference

2018 Events

Lash Me map-marker-alt Poland, Warshaw Calendar-Alt 18th - 20th May 2018 facebook-square /Lashmemagazine

map-marker-alt Dublin Calendar-Alt 6th - 8th July 2018 GLOBE

August 2018

Super Yacht Lash Conference

Nordic Lash Conference

map-marker-alt Suborn Super Yacht, London Calendar-Alt 20th May 2018 GLOBE

map-marker-alt Tallinn, Estonia Calendar-Alt 24th - 25th August 2018 GLOBE

Lash Master Legends

September 2018

map-marker-alt Rome, Italy Calendar-Alt 26th - 27th May 2018 GLOBE

June 2018

The Lash Social UK 2018 map-marker-alt Stevenage, Hertfordshire, UK Calendar-Alt 16th September 2018 GLOBE

Hollywood Lash Conference

Fantasy Lash Show

map-marker-alt Hollywood, LA Calendar-Alt 1st - 3rd June 2018 GLOBE

map-marker-alt DSTRKT, London Calendar-Alt 23rd September 2018 GLOBE

The International Lash & Brow Conference

October 2018

map-marker-alt Spain, Madrid Calendar-Alt 23rd June 2018 GLOBE

Dream Lash and Brow Campus Calendar-Alt October 2018

Lash Bash Gold Coast

Scottish Lash Conference

map-marker-alt Australia Calendar-Alt 23rd - 24th June 2018 GLOBE

map-marker-alt Edinburgh Castle Calendar-Alt October 2018

Ultimate Conference map-marker-alt Kent, UK Calendar-Alt 30th June- 1st June 2018 GLOBE

61 - Business

2019 Events February 2019 Lash Masters Conference map-marker-alt Romania Calendar-Alt February 2019 GLOBE

The following academies and individual training providers are accredited by Lash Inc. Their training courses and qualifications meet all requirements for approval by our organisation.

Lash Inc United Kingdom & Ireland Accredited E Directory ngland

Beelashfull Ltd

Bianca Harris-Berry Envelope-Open 191 Lewisham Way, London, SE4 1UY Envelope GLOBE

Blink Lashy Tasha Young Envelope-Open Blink Lashy, 31 Rodney Street, Liverpool, L1 9EH Envelope GLOBE

Classic Charm Professional Beauty Academy Silva Petraitiene Envelope-Open March, Cambridgeshire, UK Envelope GLOBE

East Anglian Beauty Training Envelope GLOBE

Gina G Beauty Ltd Envelope

Hello Gorgeous (Kent) Envelope GLOBE

Immaculate Beauty Academy Envelope-Open 8 Tamworth Parade, Elms Park, Essex, RM12 5AS Envelope GLOBE

Institute of Eyelash Excellence

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd

Envelope-Open 25 Hillview Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8EY GLOBE www.eyelashextensiontraining.

Envelope-Open 26 Rutland Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4HY phone-square +44 7554 925 551

Inga Misiute Lash By Francesca Envelope GLOBE

Envelope-Open Dartford, Kent, DA1 5LF Envelope phone-square +44 7988 374 564 GLOBE

Lashworld Silviya Mikova

Samantha Smith

Envelope-Open 122 London Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex phone-square +44 7886 836 448 GLOBE

Envelope-Open 98-100 Lower Galleries, Eastgate Shopping centre, Basildon, SS14 1AG Envelope facebook-square SamanthaSmithLashArtist

Love Beauty Training


Envelope-Open 995 Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green, Buckinghamshire Envelope GLOBE

Love My Lashes

DeviLash Lash Extensions Monika Wojtysiak Envelope-Open 16/1 8 William Street, Galway, Ireland Envelope

Sue Winter

Glam Lashes by Anna

Milton Keynes, MK5 7FJ Envelope

Envelope-Open 21 Fan Aoibhinn, Clonmel, co. Tipperary Envelope

Envelope-Open 7 Bremen Grove, Shenley Brook End, Anna Skowronska

Venus Beauty Patrycja Plaszczymaka

Glamour Lashes Ireland

Envelope-Open 81 St Olaves Rd, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, IP32 6RR Envelope GLOBE

Envelope phone-square +353 872 974 781 GLOBE

VIVI Beauty Lounge

Glamour Look Beauty, Clinic & Academy

Vaida Cepliauskaite

Joanna Kolbusz

Envelope-Open Thanet Tower, 6 Caxton Street North, London, E16 1XE Envelope phone-square +44 7557 272 202 facebook-square vlashesbrows

Envelope-Open Unit 10 Belgrad Square West, Dublin, Ireland Envelope

Business - 62

Lash Studio by Magda Frost

Deluxe Lashes International

Magda Frost

Aleksandra Maniuse

Envelope-Open The Feelgood Centre, Exchange House, Main Street, Ballincollig, Cork, Ireland Envelope

Envelope phone-square +370 6 092 2922 GLOBE

Melena Langford

MB Beauty School

New Zealand

Million Lashes Academy

Laura Kaminskiene

Beata Makowka

Envelope-Open Kaunas, Lithuania Envelope phone-square +370 6 475 2037 GLOBE

Envelope-Open 6B Harts Corner, Finglas Road, Dublin, Ireland Envelope facebook-square MillionLashesDublin

Aida Rusiene Ritzy Eyes Donata Jucyte Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland Envelope phone-square +353 831 040 220

Scotland Caledonian Therapy Academy Envelope-Open 7 Newton Place, Glasgow, G3 7PR phone-square +44 1423 329 251 GLOBE

Envelope-Open Klaipėda, Taikos pr. 51-10, LT 9115, Lithuania Envelope

Envelope-Open Unit 2, Tarlair Business Park, Tarlair Way, Macduff, AB44 1RU phone-square +44 845 022 2233 GLOBE

Europe Lithuania Baltic Beauty School Envelope-Open Kaunas, Vilniaus g.17 / Mapu str. 1 Envelope phone-square +370 6 015 5573 GLOBE

Charming Look A. Jaksto Envelope-Open 9-332, Vilnius, Lithuania Envelope GLOBE

Norway Deluxe Beauty Envelope GLOBE

Poland Star Lash Academy Envelope-Open Jancarza 89, 31–618 Kraków, Poland Envelope GLOBE

Australia & New Zealand Australia Enchanted S.P.A. Envelope-Open PO Box 1483, Joondalup DC, WA 6919 phone-square +61 450 424 739 GLOBE

Komao Kerrie Ann Ditz

63 - Business

Envelope GLOBE

Lashworx Training Academy Lisa Gillanders Envelope-Open 50 Park Road, Greenmeadows, Napier, 4112, New Zealand Envelope GLOBE

VC Lash Ltd

Envelope-Open Canberra, ACT Envelope phone-square +64 275 541 237 Onutė Juršienė GLOBE www. Envelope-Open MB Karališkas Grožis, Kęstučio g. 41a, Vilnius, LT-08143 Envelope North America GLOBE

Sandra Kliokmaniene


Sugarlash Academy of Lash Artistry

Canada Boutique Lash Company Envelope-Open 2115 39 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6L 4G1 Envelope phone-square +1 (780) 266-3875

Flutter Lash Artistry and Training Cheralee Placsko Envelope GLOBE

Lash Line Academy & Supplies Inc Jessi Love Envelope GLOBE

Lashes by Amanda Amanda Fung Envelope-Open 7203 Delwood Road NW, Edmonton, Alberta Envelope phone-square +1 (778) 858-4567 GLOBE

Mesmerizing Minks

San Diego Eyelash Extensions

Vogue Lashes by Adelle Sutton

Sadie Maloney

Envelope-Open 12935 Pomerado Road, Suite C, Poway, CA 92064 Envelope info@sandiegoeyelashextensions. com phone-square +1 (619) 438-5770 GLOBE www.sandiegoeyelashextensions. com

Adelle Sutton

Envelope-Open 22 Organ Crescent, Hamilton, Ontario Envelope phone-square +1 (905) 536-3613

Sugarlash Academy of Lash Artistry

Kylie Chandler

Courtney Buhler

Take Care Beauty

Envelope phone-square +1 (587) 982-5274 GLOBE

Tanya Jones

United States

The Beauty Pro Loft

Benita Lash Studio Envelope-Open 18321 W. Lake Houston Pkwy, Suite 305, Humble, TX 77346 Envelope

LA Lash Academy Lucy Argent Envelope-Open 137 Bay Street #8, Santa Monica, CA 90405 phone-square +1 (424) 200-8278

phone-square +1 (415) 420-1939 GLOBE

Jessica Mogauro Envelope-Open 130 Centre St. Howe Barn #103, Danvers, MA 01923 Envelope phone-square +1 (781) 813-8131 GLOBE

Asia Singapore Lash Institute Singapore

LASH103 Lash Studio

Annie Annabelle Soo

Kelley Jenkins

Envelope-Open 245 Jalan Besar, Level 3, Singapore, 208918 Envelope phone-square +65-8339-5652 GLOBE

Envelope-Open Delta Lash Academy 103 Howard Street, Greenwood, MS, USA Envelope

LASHLAB Academy by PINKLAB & Co. Envelope-Open 545 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017 phone-square +1 (212) 686-0992 GLOBE

Envelope-Open 9 Harvey Street, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001 Envelope phone-square +27 41 583 2530 GLOBE

Africa South Africa Luscious Lashes International

Envelope-Open Hyde Park Corner Shopping Centre, South Wing Offices, Suite 301, Hyde Park, Sandton, JHB, South Africa, 219 Envelope GLOBE

Multi-Country Deluxe Lashes International Aleksandra Maniuse phone-square +370 6092 2922

Worldwide & Online Institute of Eyelash Excellence Envelope GLOBE www.eyelashextensiontraining.

Lash Master Academy Envelope GLOBE

Lessons in Lashes Envelope GLOBE

Silart Lash & Brow Academy Envelope

Lesley?Ann Altree

Love Those Lashes LLC Amy Young phone-square +1 (513)280-6550 GLOBE

Envelope-Open 6 Hutchinson Ave, Table View, 7441, South Africa Envelope phone-square +27 21 557 5279 GLOBE

MaiLash Academy Mai Lee Envelope-Open 1526 N Scottsdale Rd. Tempe, AZ 85281, USA Envelope phone-square +1 (480) 404-0092

Business - 64

Training D irectory UK

Artistic Fur Ksenia Karnejenko Envelope-Open Glasgow, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7411427010 GLOBE instagram @ksenia_karnejenko

AV Passion Beauty Agata Vinckevic Envelope-Open Hampton, London Envelope phone-square +44 7772333995 instagram @agata_lashartist

Best Lashes&Brows (Best L&B Ltd) Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @bestlashesandbrows

East Anglian Beauty Training Maureen Blackman Envelope-Open Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 Envelope phone-square +44 7717 257 756 GLOBE facebook-square /eastanglianbeautytraining

Glam Lashes Marta Wiatr Envelope-Open Norfolk, UK Envelope GLOBE instagram @glamlashes_bymarta

I.Nova Studio Inese Stepanova Envelope-Open Exmouth, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7580 120 587 instagram


Shiny Lashes

Cindy Nicholls Katarzyna Kotlarz Envelope-Open Room 21, West Cornwall Enterprise Centre, Envelope-Open Birmingham, UK Cardrew Ind. Est, Redruth, TR15 1SS Envelope phone-square +44 7843906484 Envelope phone-square +44 7875 436 054 GLOBE GLOBE instagram @shinylashesbirmingham facebook-square /ilashtique Wink Lash Bar instagram @ilashtique Marie Darbyshire Lash & Brow Secrets Envelope-Open Bolton, UK Darja Striletskaja Envelope phone-square +44 7971566985 Envelope-Open Hornsey, London GLOBE Envelope phone-square +44 7926 198 718 instagram @winklashbars GLOBE Frankie Widdows instagram @lashandbrowsectrets Envelope Lash Lady Scunthorpe phone-square +44 7714 638405 Joanna Staniul GLOBE Envelope-Open Scunthorpe, UK Michelle Ryan Envelope Envelope phone-square +44 7881 202 465 phone-square +44 7825 924 920 GLOBE GLOBE instagram @lashladyuk

LASHacademy Envelope GLOBE

London Lash Envelope-Open London Envelope phone-square +44 7495456276 GLOBE instagram @london_lash_pro

London Lash Manchester Ludmila Lazdovska Envelope-Open Manchester Envelope phone-square +44 7874 909 728 instagram @london_lash_manchester

Samantha Rose Samantha Houghton Envelope-Open Blackburn, UK Envelope phone-square +44 7701086502 GLOBE instagram @samantharose_salon

Sarah Humphreyson Envelope-Open 15 Drake Mill Business Park, Plymouth PL6 7PS

Envelope phone-square +44 1752 771 112 GLOBE facebook-square /eyelashqueenplymouth instagram @eyelashqueenplymouth

Ireland Annya Studio Anna Slufirski Envelope-Open Tallagh, Dublin 24, Ireland Envelope facebook-square /annyasstudio instagram @annyastudio

Ms Diva Envelope phone-square 0870 991 991 GLOBE Training Cork & Dublin

Ritzy Eyes Donata Jucyte Envelope-Open Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland Envelope phone-square 0831 040 220

65 - Business



Beverly Hills Lashes

Bambola Lash Beauty

Envelope phone-square +1 (310) 500-0551 GLOBE facebook-square /beverlyhillslashes instagram @beverlyhillslashes TWITTER-SQUARE @bevhillslashes PINTEREST /bevhillslashes

Melissa Vitale Envelope phone-square 647 404 5450 GLOBE

MaiLash & Brows Mai Le Envelope-Open Scottsdale, AZ Envelope phone-square +1 (480) 404-0092 GLOBE

PINKLAB INC. by PINKLAB & Co. Envelope-Open 535 Fifth Avenue, 4th Floor, New York, NY 10017 Envelope phone-square 212-686-0992 GLOBE

San Diego Eyelash Extensions Olga Villarreal Envelope-Open 12935 Pomerado Road, Poway CA 92064 Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 438-5770 GLOBE facebook-square /sdeyelash instagram @sdeyelash TWITTER-SQUARE @sdeyelash PINTEREST /sdeyelash

Sinful Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals Stephanie Frey Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 Envelope phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @skincarefun

Estilo Lash

Lash Sublime Academy Jodie Burwood Envelope-Open Level 1 34 King st Perth 6000 Envelope phone-square +61 402 856 343


Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open Mackenzie, BC Envelope phone-square +1 (250) 615-1232 GLOBE facebook-square /estilolashmobileeyelashextensions


Lash Out Beauty


Amanda Masi Envelope-Open 98 Fermar Dr Vaughan, Ontario Envelope phone-square 416 910 1044

Luxe Lash Academy Envelope-Open Vancouver, British Columbia Envelope phone-square +1 (778) 808–5572 GLOBE facebook-square /luxeacademy

Premium Products and Quality Training Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455

Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Envelope-Open 23 Heather cres , Mackenzie BC Envelope phone-square 1 (250)615-1232

Australia Enchanted S.P.A Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027 Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE

Ex-Import Niche Envelope-Open 5/92 Township Drive, Burleigh Heads QLD 4220 Envelope phone-square +61 7 5576 6388

Envelope-Open Beringsvej 7, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark Envelope phone-square +45 5070 2543 GLOBE

Beauty Queens Daisy Krikemans Envelope-Open Beerse, Belgium Envelope phone-square +32 497899424 GLOBE instagram @daisy_krikemans

Amsterdam BeautyLounge Sthlm Elisabeth Bexter Envelope-Open Sweden, Amsterdam Envelope phone-square +46 8 650 1551 GLOBE instagram @bybexter

Norway Lash Look Ina Helland Envelope-Open Oslo, Norway Envelope phone-square +4795460318 GLOBE instagram @inahelland_lashlook

Greece Beautifeye By Jules- Lash Boutique (glyfada- attikaGreece) Julia Chatzopoulou Envelope-Open Glyfáda, Greece Envelope phone-square 0030 694472 5646 instagram @beautifeye_by_jules

Business - 66

Netherlands Studio Wimperextensions Naomi Rellum Envelope-Open Boven-Hardinxveld, Netherlands Envelope info@wimperextensions-benodigdheden. nl

phone-square +31634812610 GLOBE instagram @wimperextensionbenodigdheden

Slovenia Bella by Nives Nives Spehar Envelope-Open Ljubliana, Slovenia Envelope phone-square +38631777692 GLOBE instagram @bella_by_nives

Nigeria The Beauty Atelier Onyekachi Iroha Envelope-Open Lagos, Nigeria Envelope phone-square +2348 1799 49118 GLOBE instagram @the_beauty_atelier

Romania Simetria Lash Pro Simona Riciu Envelope-Open Bucuresti, Romania Envelope phone-square 00400 765684712 GLOBE instagram @simetria_lashpro

Supplier Directory

Milano Royal Lashes Anna Orlova Envelope-Open Milan, Itlay Envelope phone-square +39 347 044 8332 GLOBE instagram @anna.orlova.royal.lashes

67 - Business

Envelope phone-square +44 7554 925 551 GLOBE

United Kingdom


Best Lashes&Brows®

Elite Lash Academy

Renata Fodor-Csuti Envelope phone-square +44 7555 481 857 GLOBE facebook-square /bestlashesandbrowsworldwide instagram @bestlashesandbrows

Golden Eyelashes Ltd. Envelope phone-square +44 7522 168 750 GLOBE golden–

Lash Heaven GLOBE

Lash Perfect Envelope phone-square +44 208 500 9028 GLOBE

LASHacademy Training & Products Envelope GLOBE

LashBase Envelope-Open Unit 1 Stratfield Park, Elettra Avenue, Waterlooville, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO7 Envelope GLOBE facebook-square /lashbase instagram @lashbase_ltd TWITTER-SQUARE @lashbase

LashBase Ltd


VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd

Envelope phone-square +44 239 225 1425 GLOBE

My Beautiful Eyes Envelope GLOBE

Nouveau Lash Nouveau Beauty Group phone-square +44 844 801 6820 GLOBE

Envelope-Open Mall Road, Monaghan, Ireland Envelope phone-square +353 868 593 699 GLOBE

Glamour Lashes Ireland Envelope phone-square +353 872 974 781 GLOBE

USA & Canada Angel Eyelashes Envelope GLOBE

Boutique Lash Company Envelope phone-square +1 (780) 266–3875 GLOBE

Hot Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (403) 999–4455 GLOBE

Lash Affair by J.Paris Envelope phone-square +1 (800) 608-2420 GLOBE

Novalash Envelope phone-square +1 (866) 430–1261 GLOBE

PremierLash – designer lashes™ Envelope phone-square +1 (877) 366-5274 GLOBE

RevitaLash® Cosmetics Envelope GLOBE

Sinful Lashes Envelope phone-square +1 (818) 970–7151 GLOBE

SkinCare Fundamentals Envelope-Open 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 Envelope phone-square +1 (888) 388-7546 GLOBE facebook-square /skincarefundamentals instagram @skincarefun

SkynLash Academy Envelope-Open NJ USA Envelope phone-square +1 (732) 618–2096 GLOBE

Sugar Lash GLOBE facebook-square /sugarlashPRO

Sweet Lash Envelope-Open 377 Marshall Way N #1, Layton, UT 84041 Envelope GLOBE

The Lashe, Inc. Envelope-Open 6321 N Avondale Ave., Suite 206, Chicago, IL 60631 Envelope phone-square +1 (773) 202-9399 GLOBE facebook-square /thelashe instagram @thelashe TWITTER-SQUARE @thelashe

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc. Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +1 (619) 800-4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa

Netherlands Lash eXtend Envelope phone-square 033–4450323 GLOBE

South Africa Luscious Lashes International Envelope phone-square +27 72 338 7000 GLOBE

The Lash Collection Envelope GLOBE

Bulgaria EBC Limited Envelope-Open 26 Prilep Str, Varna 9000, Bulgaria Envelope phone-square +359 5260 4073 GLOBE

Thailand Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc. Viengsamay Kettavong Envelope phone-square +619 800 4429 GLOBE facebook-square /ultimatelashbrowusa

Australia Enchanted SPA Envelope-Open 1/7 Wise Sreet, Joondalup, Western Australia, 6027 Envelope phone-square +61 1300 113 996 GLOBE

Want to get listed in our supplier directory? Email for details! Business - 68

Australasia and USA/Canada editions also available IS S U E

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la Austra


on FAN h c n TASY Lau n o i t i d ia E Suppor t, Inspir atio for our North A n & Empowerm merica ent n Lash Artists

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