Lash Inc USA-Canada 1

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LET’S TALK STYLING! By Michelle Rath






GUY LASH LIFT By Jodi Jolley




























An important part of becoming a successful lash artist is understanding how to give the client what they ask for while mastering the art of lash mapping. Put the right style on your client and she will be your client for life. Aside from being a wholesale eyelash extension company Sinful Lashes has a salon in Los Angeles where we see 160+ clients a week. Our #1 request is a Kardashian style. Most clients ask for a version of one the famous sisters’ dramatic style. If you have tried to recreate this look then you know the difficulty in doing this styling successfully. We have worked hard to create our Celebrity Crush lash map that creates the extreme wispy look the Kardashians are so famous for while keeping it realistic for clients daily wear. Some important tips when doing this style: 1. Use either a tight fan or flat lash for longest lengths in your map to maintain the spiky look. 2. When Mapping, start by marking where the longest lengths are going to be on your pad. Place them first on both eyes to create symmetry before moving on to your shorter lengths. 3. After creating the bones (longest lengths), mark the shorter lengths on your pad and fill in until you have finished. 3. If you are working with a client that has 3 layers to her lash line, start with the longest lengths and use the same length on all three layers bottom to top. For the shorter lengths in your map use the longest lengths in the map on the bottom layer and go 1-2mm shorter for top layers. This will maintain the wispy/spiky look while creating a dark, lush lash line. Following these tips will help you fulfill your clients celebrity lash crush!

Happy Lashing Lash Lovers!


W H E R E B E A U T Y, S T Y L E , A N D PA S S I O N I S M A D E Lash and Brow Academies, Luxury Products Shipped Globally. Our Retail Location is at: 12266 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 Phone: 818-508-6544



Our cover look for Lash Inc USA-Canada Issue 1 features Fantasy Lash Art by Jill Heijligers-Peloquin that achieved the 1st place Artwork prize for Lash Champions League Online Competition: theme “BARBIE”. This look is a recreation or interpretation of one of Bob Mackie’s famous Barbie designs, the 2001 Sterling Silver Rose™ Barbie® Doll.

At first, I thought, ‘No. I won’t enter this one. I have no idea how to make the theme Barbie come to life in a heightened reality, elaborate fantasy art design.’ And then I bolted up-right, out of bed, remembering that celebrated costume designer Bob Mackie did a series of special edition Barbie designs – all elaborate, all “fantasy-worthy”! And then my new problem began to be ‘How can I just pick ONE o interpret?! 8


My favorite model, Lauren So, was perfect for this bombshell Barbie, and I loved that the look and feel could evoke a bit of Marilyn Monroelike attitude – all wrapped into my favorite color: purple! Lauren has been my model since I first learned Russian Volume technique in 2013. 10

Working with Amanda Tucker of Modified Minds Clothing Design and photographer Larry Alan completed my “Dream Team”. This whole shoot came together in a whirlwind. Amanda created the lilac side bustle and the gorgeous fabric rose, adding them to an dress, cosplay wig and evening glove purchase (thank you Amazon Prime!). I found the perfect backdrop and chandelier from a wedding supply store – and all we needed to complete the winning look was LASHES!

I ran out to get fresh, lavender colored Baby’s Breath flowers for her eyebrows, and applied her lilac, royal purple and black layers of Mega-Volume lashes the morning of the shoot! The lightest colored lashes are very difficult to shoot great photos of, if you ask me, so I applied deeper colors as I moved upward through the lash layers. I was inspired by some beautiful pink and black layered lashes shown on social media by Lash Master Alena Skodic (AS Lashes, Slovenia) whom I greatly admire. I went for a glamor girl type of beauty makeup, adding stripped feather extensions to the bottom layer volume lashes. You can never go wrong with feathers and little touch of rhinestone! That hair was fun to do, and I channeled an old friend Eva Zacharias, who once told me she was called the “Beehive Queen”. The wig was simply a very long cosplay wig with bangs – it had all the ‘bones’ I needed to work with! I pinned a stack of “bun donuts in a cone shape to her crown and wrapped and pinned my way to glory. Then I prayed it would stay on her head and not fall on the drive to Larry’s Photography Studio in the heart of the Art Walk District in old Tempe.


Amanda and I, as design collaborators and concept artists, love asymmetry and we purposely plan our design work to embrace it, even enhance it. Larry is super to work with on these shoots. He and Amanda have worked on many shows, films and done editorial work together. The “hivemind’ works for this incredible team in a very fun and effective way. Our shoots take about 90 minutes max, and that is good, because it is exhausting for the model! Lauren is our perfect subject. She is beautiful, funny and athletic – so she has climbed trees and braved bees(!) for us to “get the shot” in some of our shoots. (I will do her lashes for free FOREVER because she walks through the fire and back with me for all my dreams and schemes!)

VIP Subscribers to Lash Inc USACanada can see bonus content footage of the four of us as we bring our Dragon Queen to life for the next shoot! I hope Lauren won’t fall off the fetish boots she’ll have to perch on for us to create the wild dragon feet we have conceptualized! If you would like to see your brand or your work featured on the cover of Lash Inc, please contact! “Now go and Lash your ART out!”


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Grabbing the skinny paper tape right off the trolley and trying to find the beginning (or is it the end tab off the roll, depending on how you look at it), my frustration mounted. I pulled off an extra long strip to tear into two equal pieces 14

with the hopes that the sticky adhesive backing would not come in contact and end up sticking together. Success! I use the two strips to gently apply to each eyelid and pull back slightly to see the base of the lash line easier.

As I’m working on a lash fill on one of my clients, I’m asking myself, “Why do we have to use so many different tapes for one lash service? Isn’t there a better way?” The first question is asked more out of annoyance, as I already know the reason. The answer is that each type of tape has its own sticking properties and depending on the technique, I have to use a specific type of tape. From pulling back and lifting the eyelid to using the tapes to stretch the skin sideways to get into the corners, it all depends on my client’s skin. The second part of the question is the question we should always be posing to ourselves. “Isn’t there a better way?” Then it hit me- why don’t I just have a tape dispenser to hold all my tapes near my working area that keeps the tape rolls clean, easier to tear out and dispense? Excited about the idea of no longer wrestling with tape, I went online and purchased a tape dispenser that would fit my skinny tape and the ½” standard medical tape, unfortunately it didn’t fit my other third tape. This wasn’t perfect but it was definitely an improvement in my practice. So it would seem the problem was solved, yet there was more to come.

When I traveled, I would bring two tape dispensers to trade shows and meetings to display the tapes and I learned that “my” problem with tape handling, was something that EVERYONE had to deal with. People were just as interested in purchasing the tape dispenser as much as the tapes to go with it, to the point people were offering money for a used tape dispenser displayed on the table, even after I told them where to buy the same one online.

Separation tweezers were specifically created to to conform over and around the client’s brow area to find and isolate one natural eyelash at a time. While this tool is perfected for this task it’s suitable for all skill levels to utilize. We even went a step further and sourced the highest grade of Japanese steel to ensure the optimum blend of durability and value for such an exquisite tool. You’ll find Japanese steel is more rust free and more corrosion free than other materials we sourced and is ideal for the task at hand. We’re confident you’ll be using this on a daily basis.


Crane tweezers. We’re also releasing a new style of volume tweezers, the “Crane Tweezers”, which are also made of the highest quality Japanese steel. You’ll discover these to be super light weight as well as extremely durable. These tweezers were sculpted after the shape of the birds that are ever present in illumino’s headquarters in Oakland; however aside from paying homage to our base of operations, the aesthetics also have a functional use will help make volume lash easier. By mimicking the shape of the bird’s head, it’s the actual curves of the metal that are perfectly contoured to pick up lash fans easily.

At these events I learn so much about the market trends and got to meet many wonderful people who would come to me with a questions and by getting to listen to their stories and experiences, I got to hear first hand what the demands of each lash professional may potentially be looking for. And as I knew from my own experiences as a lash professional I saw a lack of eyelashfocused products. Most of us have had to use products from the nail, dental; and hobbyists type tools and supplies to work with. By addressing problems and challenges I face as a lash professional directly, instead of working around them, I can craft solutions that apply to all lash artists. My main focus has been to create products innovated for the impassioned lash extension artist. After attending the last few events, I couldn’t wait to go back to the drawing board and redesign a new style of tape dispenser that will be able to fit three of my favorite tapes. I was motivated to build a tape dispenser anyone could use during their lash service. While inspiration may hit you, fleshing out an idea from concept to execution is whole other process. Think of it like communication ping pong entailing emailing, Skype and phone contacts across different vendors, engineers and industry professionals in a wild assortment of global locations. As I’m writing this article, I am now on the


fourth reiteration of the triple tape dispenser and waiting to hear from my vendor to see if they can make the changes I requested after receiving a few samples. Not only has it been hard to find someone who would listen to me so that I could make a tape dispenser from scratch to learning about types of materials, on how to use a design software, to investing in learning how to use Adobe Illustrator; all to save money and time. I can tell you that it’s quite a rewarding feeling when the product is reciprocated with just as much appreciation and excitement from a fellow lash artist. As much as I loved the journey in creating something from the beginning to the end, I never expected all the bumps, hiccups, delays, and mistakes that have to be made along the way. When you see the end product, as a consumer you see only the most refined and polished version we could get to production. We strive to get something to look like nothing ever happened but perfection. There is this insatiable hunger to continually create a unique product. From this one thought to feeling the physical product sitting in my hands is an almost indescribable feeling. The process demands flexibility and a lot of give and take. There are refinements, lots of fine tuning to the shape and size, learning the costs that go into designing, shipping, sample fees, raw materials costs, the templates, modeling charges, labeling,

legalities, all the R&D to learn. It’s all quite worth the educational experience. What I have really learned when I’m holding the finished product is that an inventor’s mind is never satisfied, it’s always reaching for the next thing to create.

The best part was that I never thought that I was this person who could do this, I just did it cause no one else was creating lash products that were better than what I was used to having.

Professional Lash Products and Training (510) 836-7732 17






GUY LASH LIFT BY JO DI JO L LE Y / OWNER O F M Y ABSOLUT E BEAUTY Jody Jolley is the founder of – the home of Elleebana USA. She works closely with trainers nationwide to help promote and grow the lash lift movement.


Who says guys can’t lift? Lash lifts for men are becoming the HOT new thing. For the longest time men getting lash extensions or modifications were a thing of taboo in the cooperate world. That is no longer the case with lash lifting. With this quick and easy two step process you can get a masculine look without the artificial feel. No longer will men have to say “my eyes are up here”. Their eyes will be the focus point. We all want to come across as put together and on point with every inch of our body. This gives the ability to perform this with little to no maintenance, and better yet it actually strengthens their lashes. The industry has turned towards a gender neutral ability. With lash lift this was an easy transition. Men are able to brighten their natural features wile getting those lashes out of their eyes. Everyone is looking to enhance their look in subtle ways. Elleebana for Men has done just that. Guy lifts not only enhance their eyes and but also their features. Lash lifts for men is not to soften their features but to give them more definition with a crisp look. From Wall street to Main Street Elleebana for men has taken off.

Lash lifts have no gender.



As many of you know, concerns regarding the respiratory health of nail technicians and hair stylists have been on the rise. With the introduction of the hottest hair treatment or funkiest nail art, an invisible, and often unwelcome addition is added to the air we breathe. You’ve heard the letters before, “V-O-C”. VOC stands for volatile organic compound. Many products in the beauty industry, be it keratin smoothing treatments, or nail polishes, contain these compounds that can easily evaporate into the atmosphere and ultimately enter our bodies through our respiratory system. I know what you’re thinking though, “I don’t do hair or nails. I’m a lash artist, so I don’t have to worry”. This is not necessarily true… The cyanoacrylate glue used in eyelash extensions contains the very same VOC’s found in nail and hair products, and is easily evaporated and released into the air.

According to Doug Schoon, a leading cosmetic scientist, “Vapors from eyelash adhesives can be irritating to the eye, nose and throat, but this is easily avoided. Irritation occurs when cyanoacrylate monomer vapors concentrations become 22

too high, so it makes sense to lower exposure. Reduce the concentrations of these vapors and you’ll reduce problems.” But how can we lower exposure to vapors created by eyelash adhesives? It’s easy, but first we must understand the concept of the “breathing zone”. Think of the breathing zone as a beach ball sized sphere that surrounds our head from which we take every breath. When lash artists are working their magic, vapors from the adhesive is released into the breathing zone and inhaled. Ok, so now that we know what the breathing zone is, what can we do to lower the exposure to cyanoacrylate vapors?

According to Mr. Schoon, there are a few ways: “1. Use the correct amount of adhesive. Many use too much- less is best! 2.Wear magnifying eye wear so you can work further from the client’s eyes. The closer you work, the higher the

concentration of monomer vapors in your breathing zone. Also, avoiding hunching over the eyes will save your back and neck from injury. 3. Use source capture ventilation to remove monomer vapors from your breathing zone. This is a highly effective way to ensure good quality breathing air, and to eliminate irritation�. (Doug Schoon) Good advice, no? To help reduce exposure to VOCs, let’s focus on the most effective method: using a source capture ventilation system. Wait a minute, a source-what-now? A simple way of thinking of a source capture ventilation system is comparing it to a regular, run-of-the-mill air purifier, but instead of being designed for home use, this system is designed specially to remove vapors and dust from the breathing zones of workers in the beauty industry.

By using 1 or 2 positional extraction arms, a source capture system sucks out the harmful vapors from the breathing zone before they can be inhaled. The pollutants are then pulled through a multi-stage system that uses high grade activated carbon and HEPA filtration to trap the contaminants and return clean, purified air to the salon space. A common misconception in the beauty industry, especially in nail salons, is that a mask worn over the face will protect the breathing zone from vapors or fumes. This is not the case! Many times, the masks used are designed to keep contaminates from transferring from the person wearing the mask to a second party and are not rated for preventing the inhalation of microscopic dusts or VOCs. There are masks on the market that are rated at a higher threshold for particulate matter and contain a small amount of activated carbon for absorption of VOCs, but they are commonly overlooked. This type of mask is a good start, but a more effective and permanent solution is the use of a source capture system. Source capture systems are available on the market that are highly effective, very low noise and have a very small footprint, thereby maintaining the aesthetics and tranquil environment of your lash studio.


Ok, now that we know how to best protect the breathing zone by using a source capture ventilation system, let’s move on to the next “zone” in your salon or studio. Let’s call this the “room zone”. While source capture ventilation is highly effective at removing vapors at their source, there will always be factors that prevent it from being 100 percent effective. Some of these factors include cross-drafts in the salon caused by people entering and exiting the building, movement of the lash artist or client, even your HVAC system cycling on or off. This secondary zone in your space, or “room zone” can be infiltrated by VOC’s that the source capture system does not catch. These migratory vapors can prove irritating to other


people in the salon, and even harmful to salon workers that are exposed to them at a higher rate due to the time they spend at work.

Jeff Cardarella is President of Aerovex Systems, Inc. and a leading expert in the field of salon ventilation.

This “room zone” should be protected with a room air purifier that is designed specifically for salons, not one that is for home use. A unit that provides a recirculating airflow pattern, or “fountain-flow” of air that takes in contaminated air, pulls it through a filter and at least 8 pounds of high-grade activated carbon, thereby removing migratory VOCs, is a highly effective method of solving the problem of migratory vapors in the room space.

You can follow his blog at:

So that’s it in a nut shell! By taking the steps of reducing exposure to VOC’s in your breathing zone and room zone by implementing proper ventilation control measures, lash artists can protect the respiratory health of themselves and their clientele, and use this advantage to build their client base by offering their services in the safest, most healthy way.

1-800-288-2023 25

AN INSIDER’S VIEW: JUDGING LASH COMPETITIONS We asked a few well-known International Lash Championship Judges to pull back the curtain and let us get a sense of what it’s like to be a Competition Judge, and what one can do if they wish to break into the world of Jurors. Lash Inc: Why do you think that US and Canadian Lash Artists are not as active in competitions as the European Artists? What can we do to ignite that passion? And what are the benefits of throwing your hat into the ring, and competing?

Emily Chu-Lee: I get numerous messages from lash artists saying how much they would love to compete, but don’t feel like they are ready or good enough yet. In my opinion, a lot of what’s holding people back is not a lack of passion, but a lack of confidence, especially when it comes to a volumetric category. I think a way to alleviate this is to shift the thought process from competing for the purpose of winning and showing our talent, to competing for the educational benefits and to improve. That’s what we have been promoting for four years at Lash Wars, and I hope it’s starting to catch on.

Courtney Buhler: I think North American lash artists are a bit less daring than the Lash Artists across the pond. There is a definite mindset difference in how competitions are perceived. In Europe and surrounding areas, contestants view competing in lash


competitions as a prestigious thing to do. It shows their clients and their peers that they are confident, skilled, and take their craft seriously. Of course, they want to win, or even place in their category, but there is also pride in showing up, doing their best, and taking a risk. North Americans tend to look at things differently. They think that if they don’t win, there’s no value in it for them or their business. However, it couldn’t be further from the truth. When you push your comfort zone, and take risks is when you grow -not only as a lash artist, but as a person! Secondly, anytime you are competing your Lashing senses are heightened. You’ve NEVER paid such close attention to each and every bond, adhesive control, lash direction, and isolation. I would even venture to say competing is essentially a self-led lash training and you’ll come out a better lash artist on the other side of your set.

Megan Bradley: The quickest way to excel in anything is to surround yourself with the best. Seeing firsthand what others are capable of and seeing them utilize ideas and techniques you never could have thought of is a perk of all competitions. These competitions are not just a way to judge who the best is. They are also a way to learn from your mistakes and to push yourself. Having only one winner leaves everybody else to reflect on their work and improve. Also, if you do win, coming home with an award will separate you from your competition.

What I have noticed most with the European conferences and competitions is that they are treated as a social gathering for all lash artists worldwide. They don’t only focus on the competing but on the networking of artists as well. I have made multiple lifelong friendships and business partners through the gatherings they host. To me the networking aspect is integral to keep this business growing. And let’s not forget the unbelievably fun parties they throw afterwards!

Laura Kaminskiene: For the Lash Masters who live in the USA and CANADA, I think the biggest problem is traveling. There are not enough events yet, and there are so many states and a huge distance to travel. So many girls have families and children, and it’s heartbreaking to leave them to go for competition somewhere in Europe. It is also quite expensive, because you must pay for your flights, hotel and food. I also think the lash masters don’t yet trust themselves. In Europe, I have met so many strong (confident and skilled) girls and multiple championship winners. They are courageous, even if nervous to compete. YOU NEVER KNOW - maybe your success; your moment, is just beyond you, and you are allowing the opportunity to go without having it in your hands. Put more trust in yourselves. A person who can compete at a high level, who can accept his loss, is the real winner! So, there are 2 reasons: the EMOTIONAL SIDE and the ECONOMIC SIDE.








Cherise Morris: In my opinion, Eastern European and Russian classes focus a lot more on styling (artistry) and troubleshooting. Competitions are bigger and are taken a lot more seriously compared to the USA. I really like that in Europe and Russia there are several categories based on experience so that a newer Lash Artist isn’t competing against another with many years of experience. Competing is a great way to build your business. Winning/placing gives you so much exposure not only on social media but in industry magazines as well. In addition, you receive valuable feedback from the panel of judges. This is very important. You learn exactly what your strengths and weaknesses are. Competing is a great way to network with likeminded Lash Artists. I have seen successful competitors gain the confidence to start training new Lash Artists, become mentors and/ or grow their business. Gaining confidence is a big deal. Competing makes you a badass. You put yourself out there and give it your best shot. This shows the world that you are ready, willing and able to be your very best. Lash Inc: For those Last Artists in North America that are interested in becoming judges one day, what is it like, judging an international competition? Is it all champagne and score cards at the judges’ lounge? Or do they take this as seriously as the contestants? Do judges feel any pressure?

Emily Chu-Lee: This may come as a surprise, but judging can be stressful! Depending on the event and what you are judging, it can be long hours of dissecting every last detail of each model. You want to make 100% sure that you are fair, consistent and thorough, but you have to do it fast! Some competitions have hundreds of contestants in one category, so you want to be thorough, but not so much that you are holding up the line and running behind schedule. Despite the stressful nature of the job, it is also fun and rewarding, and I am always grateful to be invited to judge a competition. For more details on being an international judge - behind the scenes, read the article “5 Elements of Being an International Judge That May Surprise You”. Courtney Buhler: I think one of the best ways to break into judging or branching out in your lash career is to win multiple awards first! The most successful lash artists out there are all about risk and reward. Winning a competition will ALWAYS have a dramatic positive impact on your business whether that is launching a lash brand, your own education, or becoming a judge. The more accolades you have, the more you will be sought out. I won’t lie... there is almost always champagne at lash conferences and competitions. Forget the water, pass the bubbly...but, of course it’s AFTER the hard work is done! Judging is extremely taxing on those marking the criteria. Each judge does take marking very seriously and needs to be on their A-game to ensure that everyone is judged consistently and fairly. Personally, I make sure to get a good night’s sleep the night before, eat a healthy breakfast, and coffee-up before judging! Cherise Morris: Yes, it is hard at times, being a judge. You cannot make suggestions to a contestant and it is hard to watch them loose much needed points. As a judge, you want the contestants to score as 28

high as they can. When you compete, every single point counts, and as a contestant you must be sure to familiarize yourself with the rules and show up prepared. Every competition is different and some rules change annually. As expected, there is some pressure. It comes with a lot of responsibility. As for becoming a judge: First consider why you want to be one. Keep in mind that a high level of integrity is required, and that judging is not as glamorous as it looks. Network, network, network. How many competitions have you volunteered for? How many industry events have you attended? Do you give more to the industry than you take from it? How are your people skills? In some cases, sponsorship is a way in the door. Make your intentions known to your peers in a tactful way. Please do not post on Instagram or email competition organizers begging, just begging to be a judge. Do that and instead of being a judge, you’ll be judged.

Laura Kaminskiene: To be a judge… that was one of my dreams too, and I made it, but it takes even bigger responsibility for those girls who are competing. I have to be honest. I must be strict. It is necessary to be right, with no emotional situations, because any mistake you make as a judge can ruin everything for the placements of prizes. Me, personally, as a judge, I always try to give tips and constructive feedback to the competitors. When I am judging the models, I speak with them, explaining their lash artist’s mistakes. Doing this gives the best support and advice for the future. I think all judges should do this because we are there, not only to judge, but to help the competitors improve their skills too. Competitions are a scary thing, I know, but it helps you to become stronger, have more confidence in yourself. I am one of the examples: just never give up! Megan Bradley: It’s hard work keeping a competition fair and square, and well, beauty is subjective. What one artist does might not be the other judge’s cup of tea. However, sanitation and technique is not subjective. If a workspace is kept untidy, this is an automatic deduction. Furthermore, a set of lashes can look flawless, but if upon further inspection you see clumps, capping, or technique errors, this can separate the winners from all who are competing. What is really comes down to is how well the set of lashes were executed. If you want to be a judge, the only advice I can give is to get involved in the community. Find who past judges have been and reach out to them. Ask they how they got there and what steps it took. You should always be showing off your best work! Market yourself in a way that shows you deserve to be judging others work. For our VIP Lash Inc USA-Canada subscribers, we have some fun bonus content to share with you in between our quarterly publications. In September, you will be able to watch some of our interviewees from this article in a fun video chat: “All About Judging Competitions”.




Lash artist, idea: Hanna Babanakava (Montreal, Canada) Model, makeup, costume: Alisa Vysotskaya (Moscow, Russia) Photographer: Tori Tolkacheva (Moscow, Russia)Â



Lash artist: Hanna Babanakava (Montreal, Canada) Model, idea, costume: Margarita Ivahnenko (Grodno, Belarus) Hair, makeup: Anastasia Chernik (Grodno, Belarus) Photo: Inna Glod (Grodno, Belarus)



MAD HATTER Photography: Ryan Stushnoff Styling: Jess Jasa @jessjasa.artistry Lashes: Leslie Angela Model: Hennasey Zimmerman





Lashes, Makeup, Hair, Headpiece & Concept: Jill Heijligers-Peloquin Costumier & Concept Collaboration: Amanda Tucker, Modified Minds Photography: Larry Alan Photography Model: Lauren So



Photography: A la carte photography Model: Rafaelle Mazzeone Makeup: Michelle Aubin Lash: Roxy canty-currie, Roxycils & beautĂŠ



Model: Lauren So Makeup, Hair, Lashes: Jill Heijligers-Peloquin Costume, Head Piece: Amanda Tucker, Modified Minds Photography: Larry Alan Photography Location: Stone Grove, The Farm at South Mountain





Photographer: Felix Lee Model: Jane Mallonga Hair/Makeup: Jane Mallonga and Emily Lee Styling: Emily Lee Lash Artist: Emily Lee


Photographer: Felix Lee www. Model: Kiomi Pyke Hair/Makeup: Emily Lee Styling: Emily Lee Lash Artist: Emily Lee




Hair, makeup, lashes and photography by Jill Lagasse







With so many environmental eye allergies, glittered eye make-up (that can cause microscopic cuts on the eyelid), eye shadows, pollutants and pollen in the air, the skin around our eyes is becoming itchy and red. The texture is changing, and even a form of dermatitis can occur. Many clients choose to go to the doctor for a Cortisone cream and steroids. However, Cortisone can thin out the tissue around the eye area, making it further susceptible to irritation. Other clients use products with retinols and glycolic acids in them, causing the eye area to become even more sensitive, even if they are not using directly on the eye area. These products migrate. Irritated skin and dry itchy eyes due to makeup, skin treatments and pollution has become more and more common. As lash artists, our services include extensions, lash lifting, tinting and more. Caring for our client’s eyes is part of our job. Keeping the integrity of the natural lash and skin around the eyes should be our top priority. When we first learned to do eyelash extensions, we would never lash without patching down the bottom lashes so that when we are lashing we did not hook the bottom lashes and glue them to the top lashes. Now that we’ve been lashing 10+ years, we’re seeing a lot of sensitivities on the upper eyelid. Obviously, the tissue of the eye area is being compromised by makeup or allergies.

PROTECT THE EYELID BEFORE SENSITIVITY OCCURS The key is to spot the problem before it occurs, and protect the upper eyelid skin area. Adhesive used near the sensitive eye area can certainly inflame and even cause a reaction on its own, but in those circumstances, we had no options except to discontinue service. Now there IS an option: Lashologist Choice™ Barrier Cream - the first of its kind to aid in protection of the eyelid skin from irritating molecules that can settle on the eyelid skin and cause further irritation around the eyes. Lashologist Choice™ Barrier Cream is a must for anyone who performs eyelash extensions services, tinting or lash lifts. If a client is allergic to the adhesive, reactions can be severe - so it’s imperative that we always use precautionary measures in protecting the delicate eye tissue area. Lashologist Choice™ Barrier Cream is a unique product that has many properties to help shield and sooth the skin tissue. Using new technology and all natural ingredients, the Lashologist™ Barrier Cream is a cream that has numerous applications. First, cleanse the upper eyelid with Lashologist Choice™ Silicone Remover. Second, the lashes are washed with the Lashologist Choice™ Shampoo and rinsed with eye wash. Third, the Barrier Cream is applied from the lash line to the eyebrow. After you have done the eyelash extensions, remove the cream with the Lashologist Choice™ MakeUp Remover (there will be a thin film that

remains on the eye to continue to protect it). This film will not compromise the adhesive. For all extension applications, I recommend Lashologist Choice™ Barrier Cream as an essential product. Lashologist Choice™ Barrier Cream is also used when tinting lashes and eyebrows as a barrier to avoid staining the skin if tine gets on the skin. It is great to apply after a lashlift perm or on the eyelid after the adhesive and silicone shield is removed. When using henna products on the eye brows it is great to keep the brow shape intact so the henna does not run out of the eyebrow area where you apply it. It can also be used after waxing to remove wax residue. Apply and simply wipe off. Why have the barrier cream stop there? It makes a great retail item that your clients will love to use on a nightly basis. Distributers are welcome. For more information contact us at:




Photo credit to @ryanstushnoff Lashes by Christine Gerretsen Mega Volume Lashes from

Do long eyelashes equal strong eyelashes? When determining sizes of lashes to use, it’s easy to get caught up in the styling of the eye, and the desired look of the client. Often, we see long (10mm+ naturally) lashes and think we can do whatever the client desires, and they come back for their fills only to have slightly damaged lashes. The damage can also occur long-term. Gradually over time you may notice the thinning of your client’s lashes. We troubleshoot and sometimes blame the client, because nobody else is having issues; so why is this person? You might say to yourself: “I didn’t go more than 2mm longer than the client’s natural lashes, so this damage must be selfinflicted by picking or not cleansing” or “The client must have an underlying health condition causing lash breakage” Sometimes we get caught up in the things we know about: Blepharitis, Mites, Eye infections, dry eyes, thyroid conditions, and immediately want to throw a diagnosis at the client (by sending them to the Ophthalmologist). These scenarios are possible; and do happen frequently, however there is another theory which is vastly overlooked in the eyelash industry, and that is Trichology.

same growth stages and cycles. So, to overlook the very basic nature of hair can be very damaging to a client’s natural lashes. Think about it! When you go to the hair salon, does your stylist look at the length of your hair and say “WOW, your hair is so long! It must be very strong!”? No… In fact, sometimes long hair is very brittle and breaks easily and must be treated delicately. A hair stylist wouldn’t perform a strong chemical process (bleach out) on weak, brittle hair. And so, we must consider the actual strength of our clients lashes before we determine how heavy the extensions can be without causing damage. The hair shaft is comprised of three main parts: 1. The cuticle. Consists of several layers overlapping each other such as roof shingles 2. The cortex. Contains Keratin and is the thickest layer. Contains hair pigment. 3. The medulla. Different in each person’s hair – sometimes doesn’t exist – is a disorganized, open, porous area at the center of the hair fiber.

Trichology is the scientific study of the hair, and causes of hair fallout, breakage and thinning. Why is this important? Ultimately, eyelashes are just like every other hair on the body. They have the


There are 3 determining factors that you need to consider surmising hair strength before deciding how heavy of a lash to use. 1. Density – The amount (number) of eyelashes along the lash line. Look at the lash line very closely. Would you say it is Dense (many lashes), Medium (average number of lashes), or Thin (very few eyelashes)? 2. Texture – The thickness of individual eyelash strands. Look at an individual hair. The thickness can vary from .01mm-.20mm naturally. Would you consider the hair to be Very Thick (.15mm-.20mm), Medium (.07-14mm), or Very Thin (.01mm-.06mm)? 3. Porosity & Elasticity – This is a combined result and determined in two steps. Porosity is what determines how many “holes” there are inside the medulla & cortex of the hair shaft. Elasticity is how “stretchy” the shaft itself is and how much it can bend before breaking.

“How do I determine porosity?” Porous hair is generally weaker (think Swiss cheese or a piece of wood that has been eaten from the inside by termites – looks strong on the outside but full of holes inside). Hair with low porosity is considered healthy and resistant, and can withstand stronger chemicals, adhesives and heavier weights of extensions.


To determine porosity, after eyelashes are freshly washed, blot out excess moisture with a flocked tip applicator. Then take a clean tissue or Kleenex and blot the eyelash again. Feel your tissue with your hands, if it feels very dry already, you have low porosity-your lash expels the excess water quickly, it is “full.” If your tissue feels damp or generally wet, you have normal porosity, meaning the hair gives and takes moisture evenly. If the tissue is still moist after blotting the first or second time then the eyelashes are taking on too much water, and thus, are very porous. Porosity is completely independent of density and texture - You can have dense, thick eyelashes and high porosity, which means they are weaker than they appear. Elasticity is the final step in the analysis and the part that makes your final determination of the eyelash strength. This step is very difficult to determine without pulling out a natural eyelash and trying to stretch it to capacity! You don’t want to do that... But what you can do is look closely at the lashes. Do any look broken? If there are some broken (blunt tipped) eyelashes, they are lowelasticity. If none are broken, they are likely high-elasticity, however, you will want to keep a close eye during fills to make sure the lashes continue to stay strong without any breakage. In addition to the eyelash typing, you can also consider factors such as if the client has curly or straight hairs as well as ethnic

backgrounds. Curly hair tends to be more coarse and dense. Hair of Asian ethnicities are generally about 2x stronger than that of a Caucasian. So now that you have determined the

type of hair you are dealing with, how do you proceed?

You’ll want to watch clients closely who have high porosity and low elasticity, that is your number one priority. Be very wary and conservative with their eyelash hairs as they are much weaker than they look. Keep in mind that strong hairs are sometimes the short, thick & dense hairs, and weak hairs are sometimes the long, wispy and thin hairs. If you’re like me & want a guide to help you determine types and a “Strength Chart”, download Luxe Lash Academy’s Lash Strength PDF (free) at: lashstrengths

The most important thing to remember: Lash Length does not equal Strength.

Lashes, for real life. Use Promo Code "LASHINC" for 15% Off!



Your policies provide the solid foundation that your business will stand on. To have a clear set of policies is beneficial to you, your staff AND your clients. Everything runs smoothly and everyone knows what to expect. Clear policies leave no room for undesirable clients taking up your valuable time.

It is also advised to avoid adding explanations when you publish your policies. As long as YOU know why the reason is irrelevant. Offering friendly, warm, welcoming service is important in our industry, but your policies need to be clear and firm - not friendly. Clients must follow your policies or book elsewhere!

Create policies that make sense to you. No one understands your business better than you do. Be sure your policies support the flow and function of your studio and services.

Here are 10 examples of common policies for lash studios:

Creating The Policies To determine what policies you would like to have for your business, ask yourself these questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

What are some of my current frustrations with my existing clients? What general behaviours are unacceptable to me? What really matters to me during the flow of my work day? What behaviours cost me money? What behaviours affect my other clients? What is working well that I would like to enforce on ALL of my appointments?

Based on your answers you can now describe the desired behaviour of your clients. Write these expected behaviours in VERY CLEAR sentences. It is tempting to use terms like “please” and “we appreciate” but these words can sometimes leave the impression that your policies are suggestions rather than strictly enforced rules.


1. 2. 3.

No pets or children in the studio. We do not perform fills on other studios lash extensions. Clients with existing extensions from another studio are required to book a removal and a full set. 4. Clients who fail to provide a minimum of 24 hours notice to cancel or change an appointment will be charged the full amount of their scheduled service. All future appointments will require advanced payment for booking. 5. Appointments that start late will still finish at their scheduled end time or may be cancelled and rescheduled. Full price of your original appointment value will be charged. 6. No food or drink in the studio. 7. Please turn off your cell phone during your treatment. You caught me - I said “please”. But can you read how this one sounds more like a suggestion? 8. Clients who fail to follow our aftercare guidelines will no longer be accepted for appointments. 9. Clients must be 18 years of age or 16 years with guardian consent. 10. All clients must sign a waiver form.

Creating policies is important. Making sure everyone knows what they are is even MORE important! Your expectations must be clear to the client at the time of booking. Policies need to be published on your website, written into your booking process and added to your clients confirmation and reminder messages. It’s also a good idea to display them in your reception area where they can be easily seen by everyone. It’s important that everyone is aware of the rules BEFORE they book a service with you. Also, having reminders published everywhere will increase compliance. Policies will likely need to be updated over time. Avoid updating them too often. When they are updated it is important that all of your staff and clients are aware of the changes. It is also advisable to give notice of the updates. For example you may want to send a message such as: “Dear clients: As of September 1, 2017 all bookings for “Full Sets” will require a 25% deposit. Please visit our website to review all of our studio’s policy updates.” One month is the recommended notice time but you will determine that based on how big of a change you are making. When setting policies for the first time I would say 1 week or less is acceptable because you need to start implementing them right away. Enforcing The Policies Once your studio policies are clear you must decide how you will enforce them. Without diligently enforcing the rules they just become

meaningless words. Every breach of policy MUST have a consequence and you MUST follow through consistently. Like all aspects of your business it is important to implement a process* for handling clients that do not follow your studio policies. [*I will cover more about creating processes for all aspects of your business in the next issue.] Decide what your process will be regarding your policies by asking yourself these questions: 1. What will the consequences be for broken policies? For example; no-shows are charged full price and must prepay for all future appointments. 2. How many warnings will I give (if any) before I enforce the consequences? For example; with my long-term, regular clients I will waive the no-show fee ONE TIME with a stern reminder. Although I do not recommend waiving the consequences we are in a client-based industry and there will be times that you feel you should allow a mistake from a client now and then. Deciding ahead of time what is forgivable and how many times you’ll forgive it will keep you feeling in control of your policies. 3. Are there any special circumstances where I will waive the consequences? For example; a death in the family, a car accident on her way to the studio, etc. You will likely note this in her file and only waive the consequences ONE TIME.


Deciding the consequences and rules for waiving them is vital to enforcing your policies. Waiving needs to be under extreme circumstances only. It is hugely important to treat each client the same. React to each violation of policy the same way every time. We teach our clients how to treat us. Consistency is a key to changing their behaviour to make your business a better place for all. Not EVERYONE is going to be excited about these new rules. Don’t fret for one minute over the clients that complain about your policies. Those clients are not showing respect for you. Quality clients will gladly comply. I promise! Let the others go elsewhere. In fact, losing a couple of noncompliant clients will make room for better clients to come along! Let’s recap the plan Decide what is important to you for the flow of your business and daily activities. Write very clear policies for ALL clients to follow.


Publish your policies, add them to client correspondence and display them in your studio. Determine your process for enforcing your policies. Determine your few rules for waiving consequences. Plan to stick to your policies. Most importantly remember this; by enforcing policies for your business, you are building an environment that you are excited to work in everyday. You are respecting yourself and your trade. You are honouring the thoughtful and considerate clients by insisting everyone comply. You are allowing yourself to thrive and your business will inevitably prosper in more ways than one. Now do a little happy dance because you are about to change your business in the most amazing way! I am so proud of you for taking this stand and I know you will be glad you did! Have questions? I am always happy to help. Get in touch! I look forward to chatting with you.

Levi Shephard NALA President Check out the next issue of Lash Inc. USA/ Canada Edition to learn how implementing processes for your business will not only make your life easier but will also increase revenue!



Build a business you can be proud of. Don’t sell yourself short! Working from home does not have to mean services that are “less than.” I remember being so excited to get started lashing after my very first lash class, I was begging anyone with a set of eyes to please allow me to do their lashes. It wasn’t long before I stopped begging, started building a real clientele, to no longer being able to accept new clients. Building a business was tough and frustrating. It became a real challenge when a client would expect to pay less for an in- home service versus a salon experience. It didn’t take long before I realized that price point and skill level attracts desirable clientele, as does a premier salon environment.



A solo lash artist can miss out not only on a business momentum level, but can also miss the opportunity to work as part of a team in a dynamic environment. As the lash industry grows and there are more and more choices for clients, your service has to stand out and excel. When a lash artist chooses to remain isolated and static, they can lose sight of how the lash industry is growing and changing and may have difficulty meeting the expectations of their clients. I encourage every solo lash artist to seek ways to stay relevant with this growing industry. Always take the time to continue education in order to be on trend and keep competitive with your skills and pricing. Every new lash artist wonders how much to charge when they are first starting out.

I believe when you can do a full set in less than 2 hours, charge no less than the best lash studio in your area. Never limit yourself, and know when you can offer an outstanding service, your fees should reflect that superior result.

Do not allow fear to be a barrier that hinders you from reaching your fullest potential. Always stay vital by connecting with your peers, make continuing education a priority, and always putting the needs of a valued customer at the forefront of your goals.


your work and your BRAND featured in Lash Inc USA-Canada


Experience Excellence in Lash Education & Lash Supplies





Diffuse vascularization of the lower eyelid

“Acne” of the eyelid margin. Thick, yellowwhite oil secretion with slight pressure on eyelid.

More thick oil secretion from inflamed eyelid margin. Note detached glob od oil on tear film (arrow).


As an accomplished Ophthalmologist, Chemist, published Researcher & Innovator we are so excited to look to you Dr. Pham, to help Eyelash Extension Technicians understand the function (and dysfunction!) of the eyes, as they pertain to our industry. In our foundational trainings, we study a bit of anatomy of the eye structure, some diseases and dysfunction of the eye, but there is always so much more to learn and understand. We are taught to recognize certain symptoms of ill-health or imbalance of the eyes, but would you please talk to us a bit about how a client with Dry Eye Syndrome or MGD should be considered? Dry eye syndrome and MGD (meibomian gland dysfuntion) are often used interchangeably. And while the terms may not be equivalent, the practical implication is the same. This is because over 85% if dry eye syndrome is caused by MGD. What is MGD? It goes by many other names such as “evaporative dry eye disease” or lid margin disease. But the easier and most accurate way to think about dry eyes or MGD is that it’s “acne of lid eyelid margin”. MGD is a very common problem. Over 60% of patients who present to the eye doctor have MGD and the prevalence of MGD in the general population is estimated to be between 15%-30%. Is there a situation where we would consider MGD (or other conditions) a contra-indication to applying lashes? There are many ophthalmic issues that must also be considered prior to any elective lash procedure and it’s very important to ask clients about previous and upcoming eye surgeries. There’s a surgery done for glaucoma called trabeculectomy in which there’s a direct connection from the inside of the eye to the outside of the eye that can be seen as a “bleb”. A bleb looks like a white bulge on the superior portion of the eye above the cornea. Any external trauma to this bleb from a splash to cyanoacrylate to puncture with forceps can cause serious and vision-threatening complications. Even without any direct trauma to the bleb, increased eyelid inflammation due to existing MGD with the added stressor from lashes being applied can cause the bleb to fail. Clients who recently had any type of eye surgeries like LASIK, cataract surgery, eyelid surgery should be advised to wait several weeks until their eyes have recovered from the surgery and clients should ask their eye doctors before proceeding with lash extensions if they’ve had a recent or upcoming surgery. Another example where

caution is highly advised are clients who are monocular or have only one “good eye”. Any elective eye procedure can pose a risk for causing their only remaining eye to lose vision from complications associated with the elective procedure, whether it’s from LASIK, cosmetic eyelid surgery, or lash extension. In my very enlightening first conversation with you, you mentioned that small stressors (perhaps wearing contact lenses or wearing eyelash extensions!) could create a sensation of burning and stinging of the eyes. Is this possibly what could be happening when clients report their eyes sting and/or burn in the shower when they wear eyelash extensions? Despite the large number of people who have MGD and are at increased risk for developing dry eye symptoms, most people with MGD are asymptomatic and do not have watery, burning, or scratchy eyes. It’s only when “stressors” like excessive heat, dryness, contact lens, computer work, or lash extensions are added that the symptoms develop. Therefore, it is very important to accurately assess and treat the eyelid margin prior to any lash procedure.

It’s very important to subjectively assess whether a potential lash client may have dry eye syndrome. There are two other important metrics for subjective assessment besides whether or not a person has dry eye symptoms: frequency and severity. And there are two very easy clinical signs of MGD that can be observed even with a 2-3X lens magnification. Placing slight pressure with your index finger near the lower lid margin will result in a very thick yellow-white secretion that is indicative of MGD. Another telltale sign of MGD is neovascularization, which is the development of small blood vessels around the Meibomian oil gland, just above where the lash line is on the lower lid. It’s much easier to visualize the lower lid than the upper lid margin without the slit lamp microscope that eye doctors use.

How would it be most appropriate for us as Eyelash Extension Artists to advise or instruct our clients who we suspect might be suffering from Dry Eye Syndrome? Many of us have Dry Eye Syndrome as a box to tick off on our Client Consultation Forms, but not much explanation or education has been given us as to how to communicate effectively with a client who experiences dry eyes or MGD. What might we say to the client that they MIGHT experience if the feather-light additional weight of lash extensions affects them?


Your foaming wash, ZocuFoamTM, could be a terrific retail seller for clients that do know they have MGD. What other situations or circumstances would it appropriately sooth or manage? can licensed lash technicians purchase your products wholesale, so they can then re-sell to clients? Since lash extensions will be a “stressor” on the eyelids, it’s very helpful to use ZocuFoamTM daily to maintain the health of the eyelid margin. Only one ZocuFoamTM treatment is needed daily. Any lash professional can order Zocular products in bulk at wholesale to resell to their clients. Just call us at 844-ZOCULAR. In our best practices protocols, we cleanse the eyelids and eyelashes with a gentle foaming cleanser prior to the application of eyelash extensions and again afterwards to make sure no irritants or contaminants remain on the thin, delicate eyelids afterwards. Would we be able to use ZocuFoamTM in both of those steps, or is it best for the afterapplication cleansing? Do you believe any of the ingredients to be something that would weaken the cyanoacrylate bonds between the extension ‘hairs’ (PBT fiber) and the natural eyelashes? ZocuFoamTM can be used as a monotreatment regimen throughout the entire eyelash application cycle. There’s no need to add another cleanser. Simply place one pump of ZocuFoamTM in about 5 ml of saline and use a flocked applicator stick or soft cleansing brush to clean the eyelid margin and lash base. ZocuFoam’s formulation does not compromise the cyanoacrylate bonds. Instead it will actually improve the speed and durability of eyelash adhesives. For clients with observable or symptomatic MGD, ZocuWipeTM really helps to change


the eyelash treatment protocol. Clients can now be started on a simple at-home treatment with ZocuWipeTM for 2-3 weeks prior to lash application to improve the health and vitality of the eyelash margin so that lash extensions can be performed. ZocuWipeTM only needs to be applied once in the morning and requires no rinsing. Once the lashes have been applied, clients can switch to the ZocuFoamTM twice a day as a maintenance regimen. Is there anything wrong with using the same cleansing brush on the same, singular client, but going back and forth between both eyes? The same soft lash brushes should of course not be used on different patients, but there should not be any issue with using the same brush on same client on both eyes. But if there’s an infection or “allergy” like poison ivy on only one eye, the same brush should not be used on the other eye of the same client. However, if this were the case, lash treatment should be deferred until both eyes are back to normal. How did the unique notion of utilizing okra come to you when creating this suite of Zocular® products? As someone who really likes organic chemistry, I was reading some fascinating “sugar” articles about alternatives to steroids and NSAIDs for addressing inflammation. I recognized that the basic molecular chemistry of okra may be useful as an anti-inflammatory platform and it took over 2 years of research and development for the Zocular platform to come to fruition. The usefulness of the Zocular platform has been really gratifying to me since so many Zocular users report back to say that their dry eye, acne, or rosacea has dramatically improved or even disappeared.

May we look forward to more information from you here in Lash Inc USA-Canada in the future? There is so much an Ophthalmologist could “help us see clearly”! Thank you so much for allowing me to help everyone “see more clearly”. I look forward to answering more questions in the future! Dr. Peter Pham is a board-certified eye surgeon and CEO of Okra LLC. He can be reached at


Ophthalmologist developed Optimized for eyelash treatment to maintain bond strenght Novel, patentpending okra platform Sooothing Restorative Preferred by dry eye specialists





Lash artists’ everyday work can get mundane and repetitive. To break free of the shackles of routine, you don’t need to do grandiose lash art fantasy projects. Instead you can add a little TWIST to your everyday work. I’m talking about playing with colors. To do this you don’t have to use complex techniques. Simply take full advantage of the technique that I will discuss here. I call it COLOR TWIST.




NOTE: When taping the lashes down, be sure to only press the tape down on the outer edges. Do not press down in the middle. Now carefully pull out the top-most layer of lashes (Figure 1b).

HELPFUL HINT: when using volume lashes, I highly recommend using 0.05 extensions (4D-6D) as it will give more density preventing the colored lashes from showing through.


The desired effect, and what makes this something exciting and new is that we see one color of lashes from the “front view”, and a surprise COLOR TWIST when the client gazes downwards or closes her eyes. Color Twist can be neutral with a POP of color, using black or brown lashes on the lower lash layers. You can also “go bold”, using as daring a color twist as you like!

Place pads or tapes as usual to protect the lower lashes and skin. Now tape all the natural lashes against the pads/tape.

Before you place the color lashes, you need to choose the length of the black lashes you will use on lowest (hidden) layer. On my model, I used up to 11mm for the lower layer and middle layer up to 10mm. Normally I will use 9mm length on the top layer, but I do not want them to be visible when looked at straight, so I will use an even shorter length for the color lashes. Make color lashes 2mm shorter. Inner and outer corners: I will use 6mm, and in the middle, I will use 7mm. SPECIAL TIP: if your color tray does not contain the necessary short lash lengths you can cut them to suit on the strip with the help of a scalpel or a carpet knife.

Carefully release all the lashes and apply the black/brown extensions as you normally would.




When adhesives are manufactured, they are formulated and distilled in facilities that are aware of the impact that the humidity in the air around us has on it. The chemists who make it don’t just whip it up, toss it into bottles and sell it. There is a very lengthy manufacturing process that hopefully includes multiple distillations, and the environment in which this happens is moisture free.

They are very respectful of the harmful effects the product can have on their health, and are clothed in such a way to protect themselves from harm. Most SDS’s (or MSDS’s, if you haven’t yet gotten the memo that it has changed yet) share some pretty serious outcomes for adhesives that are spilled onto, or inhaled by the chemists who work with large quantities of Cyanoacrylate based products. It is a top notch process which provides us with a product that is virtually foolproof. As long as it in the manufacturers hands, it is being kept at the exact temperature and level of humidity it needs to be to keep from deteriorating. Once it leaves the manufacturers facility, it becomes exposed to heat (at least warmth), light,


and the breathable bottles can also be exposed to minute levels of humidity in shipping. It is the distributor’s job to take that shipment and store it according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. The distributors that I have spoken to and compared notes with all have very strict guidelines for storage and rotation of product. There is very little room for error. The reputable distributors that I have spoken to also have their own method for marking the batches as they come in so they are able to know with certainty that the adhesive they are selling you is fresh. Some distributors (we are one of them) will actually open one bottle of each size, colour, and type and work with it before we start distributing that batch to our clients.

Distributors tend to value their reputation, and do everything in their power to rule out trouble with the adhesives we sell before we ever add any adhesive from a new batch to a customer’s order. They tend to know when a batch was ordered, when it started selling, and when they changed over to the newer product. If you are experiencing difficulty with a particular bottle of adhesive, it is so important to look around at everything that could possibly have been a factor in the loss of retention, and troubleshoot every aspect of it to figure out what the problem is, especially if this is a trusted product that you have used through at least all four complete seasons successfully in the past. If you are new to the adhesive, my first bit of advice


for you is

works differently, and even the best review you get from a trusted friend isn’t enough to make an adhesive behave the way you will be expecting it to. Always try it on a few trusted friends and family first. Get in touch with your distributor, and make time for a voice chat to troubleshoot what might be going on with it. Please don’t assume that you have X number of years trouble free experience with that adhesive and you know it isn’t you or the environment you are working in

. Remember that the

distributor is just as

invested in sorting out your adhesive issues as you are and are ready to work with you to figure it out. I have personally never seen a batch where there was the exact same issue with every bottle. Most adhesive issues are very isolated and can be figured out with a little patience and a little help from your distributor.

Christie Vevoda, Co-founder/Owner of Eyelash Addict LTD in Stony Plain, Alberta is a frequent contributing author to Lash Industry trade publications. She is passionate about equipping future lash Artists to become successful in their new career through education and quality product development.



Let’s face it, picking your outfit can be a challenge. Fit, style, and professionalism are just a few of the things that you must take into account. As for lash artists, whether you own a studio or work for someone else, you are your best advertisement. If you saw a billboard advertising coffee, but there was a picture of a hamburger on it, you would be confused, right? Trust me; nobody would love to wear yoga pants 24/7 more than me. But here’s a few things to consider before you decide to adopt an “athleisure” lifestyle for work.


Hopefully, you’ve experienced that feeling you get when you put on an outfit that fits perfect, looks beautiful and makes you feel invincible. When you feel beautiful, you usually feel confident too. Everybody loves to be around other people who exude confidence and positivity because it’s infectious.


Looking your best sets the tone for your day. When you have an “I’m going to kill it today” attitude, first thing in the morning, you’re setting your intention for the day. When you set an intention of positivity for your workday, it will manifest through every choice you make.


First impressions matter! You’ve heard it before that you only get one chance to make a first impression. Don’t give your clients or potential prospects any reason to think you’re not taking your profession seriously. Your wardrobe should be a direct reflection of your pride in your work and yourself.



What example are you setting for others? If you have employees or a team that looks up to you, keep the bar high. Lead by example and have high standards for yourself as well as your team. Hopefully, everyone will get the hint and know you mean business. Stylish, professional business. ;)


Your style will set you apart. If you live in a market where there is high competition, then taking the extra step to dress professionally can truly pay off. Especially if there aren’t many different services that separate you from other artists in the area. Seeing a clean, welldressed professional could be the difference for a client to choose between becoming a regular of yours or not. Always remember, it’s not about labels, it’s about personal style. You can shop at Forever 21 and look better than someone in a $1,000 outfit. Mix & match, layer, and have fun with your style! Here are a few of my favorite bloggers that you can follow to get some inspiration. They list all their outfit details in their posts. The best part is that (usually) their choices won’t break the bank. Lunchpails & Lipstick Desi Perkins Jessi Malay What Lola Likes

By: Jenelle Paris | CEO & Founder of Lash Affair by J. Paris© Lash Affair by J. Paris© is an eyelash extension retailer that sells to lash professionals worldwide. Lash Affair Academy host trainings in the US and Canada to give high quality certifications to aspiring students. Lash Affair© also provides wholesale opportunities for salons and spas to offer a collection of cruelty-free, lash extension safe makeup to their clientele. For more information, visit



Eyelash Extension Competitions are rapidly growing in popularity. These days, it seems like there is one or two happening every month somewhere on the globe. Hundreds of lash artists from all over the world come to showcase their talent, in hopes of being crowned winner. Of course, you can’t have a competition without judges! The seemingly elite group of Eyelash Superheroes who glide into the room, practically in slow motion, hair blowing perfectly in the wind. We may look at them in admiration and reverence, and hope that one day, we too can join the ranks of becoming an International Judge. How we long for the day we can experience all the glitzy glamour that comes with being an International Judge, but what many may not realize, is that behind all the excitement and thrill, there are also parts of the job that are not so enchanting. Here are five surprising aspects of being an International Judge. .


Let’s face it, many of us don’t enjoy public speaking. Excessive sweating, stuttering, accidentally spitting everywhere, verbal diarrhea, and weird body noises are all possible side effects of nervousness. Now do all of those in front of a camera, or a large group of peers, and that is what nightmares are made of! Some event organizers will ask judges to participate in impromptu speeches or interviews, sometimes with minimal warning. This means you have to be quick on your feet and be able to compose yourself in a moment’s notice, which


sometimes can be difficult, if you are suffering from jet lag. Another thing with being an International Judge, is that sometimes you might need to travel to countries that do not speak your native tongue. This means you’ll either have to learn a new language, hire a translator, or take the chance that you will be able to survive well enough with hand gestures. Luckily for me, all the times that I have travelled to a country where I did not speak the language, there were other judges with me that were able to translate for me, but this isn’t always the case, and it can cause high anxiety in some travellers. If you are new to the judging circuit, you may not know any of the other judges, so there is always that feeling that brings us all back to that middle school fear of “what if the other kids don’t like me?” Self-doubt can be crippling, even for the most outwardly confident professionals. This does get easier after a few events, but I vividly remember my first international event, those insecure thoughts really snowball, and fast! That is, if you even make it to the event! Flight delays and cancellations can make you miss your connections. When you are flying to the other side of the globe, this can cause anything from a minor inconvenience, to a catastrophic misfortune that can completely derail your plans. Not only does this make it extremely stressful for the traveller, it can also cause high anxiety for the event organizer. Worst of all, is that flight issues are completely out of anyone’s control and impossible to avoid!


Although airline ads and social media make air travel look posh and opulent, flying overseas must be one of the most unglamorous experiences ever. It is recommended to arrive at the airport 2-3 hours before your boarding time, but don’t worry, you won’t need to bring anything to occupy your time with, because you will be waiting in queue after queue for the majority of it. Check in lines, security screening lines, restroom lines, food lines, there is a line for anything you can think of. This is not a good time to break in your new stilettos. Even in First or Business Class there are queues, albeit shorter ones, and with more bubbly involved. Then, you get to sit in the plane for several hours. If you are lucky, you got a direct flight,

but if not, then you must go through all the queues again, once you reach your layover destination(s). Depending on which airports you are connecting in, you may need to collect your checked baggage and go through security again, sometimes with very tight connection times. You’ll want to find a happy medium between having to sprint to catch your flight, and having such a long layover that by the end of it, you have been travelling for more than 24 straight hours. At last, you reach your final destination. Time to relax, right? Wrong! Before you can fall into your bed from utter exhaustion, you will need to go through customs and passport control (more queues), and if you have any checked bags, proceed to baggage claim, and you guessed it, wait again! If you are lucky, everything will move quickly and you will not be detained for any sort of questioning or secondary assessments. You are finally cleared to go about your day, so now you go to the taxi queue or other car or shuttle service to transport you to the hotel.

Hopefully, by the time you reach your hotel, you are not delirious from lack of sleep and personal hygiene, and there is not a very long queue to check in. By now, what used to be your day is now night, up is green, left is nine, and you are seeing dancing unicorn hot dogs. Hopefully you don’t need to go and judge right away, and you booked enough time to attempt to get some rest before you need to work. I say “attempt” because jet lag.


So we might see some of these judges, jet setting from exotic location to exotic location and think to ourselves, “Gosh it must be nice to get paid to travel the world!” In other industries, when you invite educational or keynote speakers to your event or conference, there is a standard of compensation that is the expected norm.


Currently, there is no standard when it comes to compensating judges in our very new industry of Eyelash Extensions. This means that many times when you travel to judge lash competitions, you are doing so on your own time, and on your own dime. Not only does it cost you time away from running your businesses, many times, judges are asked to bring prizes to give to competitors and winners, adding to the overall price tag. So why do we do it, you might be asking. Well, likely the very same reasons that anyone would want to cross over from tech to judge. Everyone has different reasons, but some may include notoriety, brand exposure, experience, resume-building, and a big one for me, relationship building. It’s an excuse for me to visit my friends. Some judges will hold training classes in the country they are travelling to, before or after the event dates, as a way to off-set the expenses of travel, so this is likely why we have been able to stick with the status quo for several years. Having said that, we are beginning to see a shift in that thinking where some


event coordinators are starting to offer compensation, whether it be partial flight and accommodation, to full travel expenses, plus remuneration. It’ll be exciting to see that shift continue in the coming years.


No problem, so you made it all the way to your event, semi-delirious from the jet lag, but still functional; your baggage arrived safe and sound; you did not get detained too long at customs, nor did you get deported, and you are ready to judge! The hard part is behind you and there is nothing else that can spoil your trip, right? Wrong! Depending on what type of judge you are, whether you are a blind judge or a floor judge, there may be some very strict guidelines on judge behaviour and conduct. Judges are expected to take the competition rules very seriously, before, during, and after the event. Even the most insignificant oversights can completely disqualify a judge

from maintaining competitor anonymity, thus destroying the integrity of an objective judging process. Each event has different rules and guidelines, so judges must always be familiar with the rules for every event he or she attends. If you are a floor judge, it is important to be aware of the rules that pertain to hygiene and safety. If you are a blind judge, the most vital factor is to maintain contestant anonymity. This means never seeing the competitor with their models together. If you are a judge that has a friend, employee or student who has entered the competition, you must refrain from any type of dialogue or exchange in which you can find out who the model is, prior to, or during the competition. The onus is placed upon all parties involved – the judge, competitor, and even the model. The competitor and model must be vigilant not to discuss or post publicly on social media, photos of them together, in a way that a judge may accidentally stumble upon it. The judges are expected not to be seen fraternizing with competitors and models, even if they are friends, until after the competition is over and scores are final. This

is to protect the judge from being accused of unfair bias or preferential treatment, should that competitor score favorably. Some events go as far as to isolate the judges in a designated area for the duration of the competition to avoid any accidental missteps.

5. IT’S NOT ALL FUN AND GAMES Sure, a competition is considered a type of game, and games are generally fun, but to judge a competition is serious business, as you have a job to do. You need to remember to be professional at all times because you are there representing your company, and brand. In addition, if a judge behaves in a manner that can be construed as unethical, those actions can have a negative effect on the entire competition and its organizers. Sometimes this can be challenging and at times, you can be labelled as cold or standoffish if someone’s first impression of you is while you are working as a judge.

Depending on what you are assigned to do, you could be on your feet (or chair) for very long hours, and expected to maintain fair and consistent judging from start to finish. It can be tempting to rush through the last few models just so you can all go home, but that would not be acceptable or fair to those contestants, or to the event’s organizer who invited you to be objective throughout. Sometimes there are refreshments in the judges’ room, but you must remember to save the bubbly for after you are finished judging. There is nothing worse than blurry vision or shaky hands while trying to control sharp objects around someone’s eye. Also, as much as all lash artists respect each other, there is no way for everyone to get along with all personalities all the time. There may be times when judges who wouldn’t normally choose to work together can get paired up, and need to be professional about it, even if it isn’t the teammate they would prefer. This is another great reason to save the bubbly for later.

If you can withstand the extra stress on your life, calendar, and wallet, and you are prepared to be scrutinized for anything you say or do, judging international competitions can be extremely rewarding. You learn a lot about other cultures and their preferences on eyelash extensions, you get an excuse to visit a country you may have not otherwise visited, you get to experience delicious food and customs, and best of all, you get to meet and create relationships with like-minded professionals. Priceless! Emily Lee, Founder of BeautyPro Media Award-Winning Esthetician at Queen Bee Spa International Judge/Educator, and Industry Advocate/Influencer

A fun, free online resource for Pros, by Pros. @BeautyProMedia

Be real, Be integrous, Be the change


MARCH 16-17-18, 2018







W W W. M O D I F I E D M I N D S . C O M


ISSUE 15 > AUG 2017 > £12.99


Focus on Fantasy

Expert Lashers Expert Lashers is a website dedicated to the best lash artists in the industry. As an applicant, you will have photographs of your lash work and qualifications reviewed before being accepted to be listed. As a listed member you will have your own unique page which you can use for promotional purposes. Link it to your website, have a link in your email signature. Show your clients you are one of the lash elite. Listings are just $4.99 USD per month! To be listed visit and click on ‘Get Listed’.



Welcome 1

Letter from The Editor

Lashes 5 Anti-smooth Line 7 Enchanted’s Hidden Treasure 9 Meet the Editors 11 London to LA Conference Travels Reviews 15 Ask the Expert: Online 16 Featured Salon Beauty-Lashious 17 Reader Gallery 21 Fantasy Gallery 27 The Art of a G ood Brow 31 Focus on Fantasy Featured Salon Z oe Mizon Lash 33 Academy & Ladies Lounge 35 Eye Shapes & S tyling Tips 37 Interview with L ana Slatina Lash Industry I nspirational Person & 39 Product Awards 2017



Beauty 43 Strictly Come Lashes 47 Training Accreditation

Business 51 Lash Inc Accredited Directory 53 Training Directory 55 Supplier Directory 58 Artist & Salon D irectory

Welcome TO ISSUE 15

OF LASH INC I am delighted to introduce Lash Inc USA/Canada and Lash Inc Australasia to the family. We will be producing these issues on a quarterly basis and the original version of Lash Inc will now be called Lash Inc International. Our regional editions will be under the supervision of editors Kelly Storer in Australasia and Jill Heijligers-Peloquin in USA/Canada. You can read more about these amazing ladies in the meet the editors article in this issue. In the past 3 months, the focus in the industry has increasingly been on lash contests. Competitions are an excellent way to gain feedback and improve your skills. If you win or are placed it is one of the best promotional tools for your business. Surveys of contest winners have shown that 80% of customers are influenced to buy products or services from a business with awards to their name. I hope you enjoy this issue, there will be a number of improved additions to the magazine over the coming issues, we have added a fantasy reader gallery and are looking for beautiful work to showcase for next issue. As always if you have anything to contribute get in touch with me at or look out for editorial calls on the Lash Inc magazine Facebook group. All the best,

1 - Welcome

Louise Tierney

Letter from The Editor

Lash Inc.

7 Newton Place, Lower Ground, Glasgow, G3 7PR Contact Name: Louise Tierney Contact Email:

/LashInc @LashInc @Lash_Inc Issuu


Lashes - 2


Anti-smooth by Olga Volkova

Just like clothes, eyelash extensions have their own trends. It is very important for every lash artist to keep up with all trends and offer the most up-to-date procedures to their customers. Eyelash fashion changes and the changes are usually dramatic.

I remember how popular Marilyn Monroe style false lashes of the same length used to be. Later “Foxy effect” styling with longer lashes in the outer corners became very popular. In 2011 natural eyelash treatments came forward, such as eyelash perming and semi-permanent mascara. However, with the appearance of ultra thin 0.07 lashes (the most in-demand thickness for over 5 years), volume lashes won fame. From light 2D3D to hyper volume eyelash extension. One of the main criteria in volume eyelash extension are smooth transitions between different lash sizes and curls. In other words, smooth upper line of lash extensions is one of the top priority criteria. For many years the world has been revolving around volume eyelash extension techniques and different techniques of forming volume fans. This has led to the fact that highquality volume eyelash extension has stopped being an exclusive offer. Now almost every self-respecting lash artist is learning volume techniques during the very first year of his or her practice. Today lash industry market offers

two very similar procedures – lash-by-lash and volume eyelash extension, which differ only in eyelash density and styling effect. The well-known trendsetting celebrity Kim Kardashian is famous for her glamorous eyelash look. Kim Kardashian’s eyelashes, part of her trademark style, are among the most covered and copied. Big, spiky, dramatic eyelashes that look like sun rays helped turn Kim Kardashian into a reality-show mogul. In 2016 the “Sun rays” effect has spread the world. Me and my team of trainers at the Lash Art University training center are always experimenting and searching for fresh solutions. Inspired by natural trends and Kim Kardashian’s “sun rays” eyelashes, we have set our minds on creating wearable and safe effects (in terms of their durability). During six months we have been trying out different daring combinations and carrying out researches on the effect durability and customer preferences. Now we have an innovative advanced training program, which includes 17 tried-and-tested effects! This is a true bestseller!

Among all the variants of creating antismooth line effect, we have distinguished two main principles. The first principle includes those techniques where thicker and shorter lashes are applied in the eyelash base area to make it look denser, while the upper part of eyelashes acquires a light smoky effect due to ultra light lashes. The second principle includes those techniques where ultra light lashes are applied in the eyelash base area to achieve a denser effect, while thicker lashes create the main length according to certain rules. Here are two ready-made solutions out of 17 effects, taught to our students during their training.

1) Thicker – shorter – denser

In this article I am going to share some of our latest developments.

Anti-smooth line – perfect solution for customers: •

with eye asymmetry;

fans of novelties;

admirers of the natural look;

with thick or medium thickness lashes.

2) Thicker – thinner – denser

Light Effect I

Anti-smooth line effect varies from light “torn” effects to striking “sun beams”. The essence of this effect is naturalness and complete absence of smooth transitions. The principle of this effect is based on the combination of different lash lengths, thicknesses and curls with alternating intervals without making any changes to the rows of natural eyelashes. The full volume creates an effect of grown out eyelashes. Eyelashes look natural and thick without application of hyper volume techniques.

5 - Lashes

Vivienne brand owner. Founder of the Lash Art University. Chief Editor and founder of the Lashmaker magazine. Initiator and coorganizer of the LashBoomWorld

Striking Effect I


Hidden Treasure by Kelly Storer

Kathryn’s obsession with Lash extensions began in 2005 when one of her nail enhancement client’s Debbie asked her if she would she be interested in doing lash extensions but Kathryn had no idea that there was such a service… That was soon to change. She started to research Lash training but it wasn’t until a year later in 2006 that Kathryn found training being offered in Western Australia by Perth Microdermabrasion Academy. Debbie really wanted Kathryn to do her lash extensions and offered to pay for her training in lieu of her nails and lashes. “I found this generous offer very hard to accept as I didn’t want to owe anyone and explained about my fears. She assured me she had faith in my abilities and wanted to see more women have the chance to succeed in business. So I thank Debbie, my client and Settlement agent for being where I am today.” Kathryn has always been home based, although her primary goal is to be as professional as a high

end salon in all aspects of her business. Providing the highest standards in customer service, lash art and salon environment. She has won numerous awards, both locally and internationally, as well as a Business Excellence award in her home town and a Regional finalist in the State. She inspires artists around the world. I get quite mesmerised by Kathryn’s work and I was honoured when she lent us a picture from her Yellow Canola shoot as artwork for the mock up Lash Inc Australasia cover. We needed something to use for advertising until the release of the first issue and straight away my mind went to this shoot of Kathryn’s as it just screams sunshine! “I love competitions for the inspiration and a chance to challenge myself, to step outside my comfort zone. I use this time to experiment with different products, colours, timing and perfecting new techniques. I still find competing daunting and quite overwhelming, but after I’ve had a-go, I am always proud that I challenged myself. I have many thanks to give and am very grateful to my enduring family for their ongoing support. Also to my beautiful lash ladies, lash sisters and friends for helping get to where I am today. X”

Kathryn Leeman Natural Lash Beautique, Geraldton, Western Australia

Kathryn’s Tips: •

Have faith in your abilities

Don’t give up

Be true to yourself

Surround yourself with people who will support you. Especially when you doubt yourself

FUN FACT: Kathryn had a pet octopus she could hand feed.

Yellow Canola photo shoot. Photo - Natasha Gilmartin/Arctic Moon Photography. Makeup - Kendal Mcculloch

7 - Lashes

Meet the

Editors Kelly Storer lives in Perth Western Australia and is well known and respected throughout the global Lash industry. She is the Founder of Enchanted SPA in Australia. •

Multi award winning Artist

International competition Judge

International event speaker

Published Columnist and Lash expert adviser

Featured in Lash Master Book Volume 3

Founding member of ANZEI

Certified Trainer and Assessor and Mentor

Accredited course developer

Editor of Lash Inc Australasia magazine

With over twenty years experience in the beauty industry and successful multi salon ownership, her days are now spent on her passion for teaching

ISSUE 1 > 2017


Australasia Edition Launch 9 - Lashes

Kelly Storer Editor, Lash Inc Australasia others how to professionally, safely and competently perform Lash and Brow services. Kelly’s wealth of knowledge and experience gives Artists and technicians the freedom to create amazing beauty treatments with a true backing of knowledge, confidence, and belief in their selection of products.

Hi Everyone, I am extremely honoured and privileged to be the Editor of Lash Inc Australasia. I have been a huge supporter of all our local artists and am so thankful to have the opportunity to give my local lash sisters and brothers, publicity, recognition and bring them all the latest news, events and industry changes. This magazine has been truly amazing for the Lash Industry and I look forward to working with so many of you on YOUR magazine. Lots of Lash Love Kelly X

Industry partners to create exceptional continuing education conferences and competitions for the Lash Artists to “level up” their own expertise and return to their clients with new and sharper skills to grow their businesses. Speaking as a guest educator at international conferences and judging lash competitions keeps her finger on the pulse of what is trending, lash-wise. It is a privilege and a pleasure that keeps her on her toes and ever-inspired! Jill’s passion for the Lash Industry and desire to experience, grow and share firsthand brings her to join the esteemed team of Industry Influencers at Lash Inc Journal. She hopes to impart her own tradition of excellence while serving as Editor of the US/Canada Edition, but also looks forward to learning from and discovering others’ applied talent, skill and creativity while keeping such talented company!

Jill Heijligers-Peloquin Editor, Lash Inc USA/Canada Jill Heijligers-Peloquin has helped shape the outlook of the Eyelash Extension Industry in the US, and more importantly – a cooperative spirit within the industry, worldwide. She is an internationally-known speaker, master educator and certified Fascinate® advisor and coach.

“I am so pleased I chose Jill as the USA/Canada editor. Her enthusiasm and ideas have been amazing. I am looking forward to working with Jill ongoing and extremely excited seeing the future issues of Lash Inc USA/Canada and to learn more about what is happening in these regions.” — Louise Tierney, Editor Lash Inc International


Owner and founder of Lash FX® Professional Eyelash Extension Supplies (established 2007), she has been a mentor and trusted colleague to Lash Artists since 2006. Jill works to create a collaborative spirit of sharing best practices, new ideas, the science behind the art, and raising the bar of safety and quality. Jill pioneered The Be An Amazing Lash Artist Project (BAALA) and the Lash Mastery Group (LMG) in 2010 – the first, complete ONLINE continuing education programs for Advanced Lash Artists and Instructors. Utilizing interactive media, videos, apps and animation, BAALA, the LMG and Volume Mastery Online (est. 2013) can keep lash professionals current with industry trends, product innovations - and fill in the knowledge gaps that were created in the vacuum of one and two day certification trainings. Her passion and focus is to make each Lash Artist an expert in their field; able to accurately answer any question about the chemicals and tools we use, preparing them to teach the next generation of artists the NEWEST best practices and the LATEST applied logic and technology. To date, she mentors students, lash artists and industry educators from all around the globe – from Japan to the Netherlands, Belgium to Switzerland, Sweden, Norway, Australia, Taiwan, Canada, the United Kingdom, the US and Mexico. Her online education platform makes it possible for qualified professionals to log in and learn, no matter what time of day, without travel and without missing precious work to accommodate their thirst for learning. Co-founder of Global Lash Summit Events, and, more currently, as CEO of Lash Artists International Events, she works diligently with Lash

FOCUS on FANTASY Support, Inspiration & Empowerment for our North American Lash Artists

Lashes - 10

London to LA

Conference Travels Written by Kelly Storer

London – The first ever Lash conference on a super yacht! This was amazing! Organised by Louise Tierney of Lash Inc. Magazine, and Miranda Tarpey & Gabriella Gerardi of UK Lash institute; This event was luxurious, informative, and cosy! The vibe in the Auditorium was something I would love to experience again. It was open, friendly and there was an air of professional ease. I had the great pleasure of meeting the beautiful ladies and gents from Borboleta who are now my lash sisters and brothers along with some of the UK’s top artists and educators. It was a dynamic line up of speakers, each with knowledge and wisdom of lashing, business, innovative techniques and each with an aura of approachable friendliness. The whole room was in open conversation and you could feel the passion from each and every attendee.

Courtney Buhler had everyone reaching for their phones as she shared her secrets on building a great Instagram.

This conference was also a platform for the launch of the Lash Inc. Australasian edition!!! Very exciting news for Australia, New Zealand and surrounds. We are very busy down here in our lash world and now we have our own magazine to keep up with everything and showcase our amazing artists

Leah gave the congress a chance to be certified in health and safety with her very informative presentation on industry safety

A live demo from Captain Otto on the Elleebana lash lift system gave a great interactive experience where attendees could see first hand how quick the system is and check the results out for themselves

Stefani Alteri spoke about Adhesive and how to work with it properly which is a very talked about subject in the industry right now.

Leanne Harber spoke about her Bridging techniques and her charity work on cancer patients which left the whole room full of emotion and just sheer awe at the marvellous work she does. Miranda Tarpey gave us an insight into her new app the Volumetric Calculator which is available for purchase from apple and android. THE must have App for safe lashing.

11 - Lashes

Loreta told us a bit of her story and how others can build a successful team. Her cartoons in her presentations always show her fun personality.

Flirties team Michelle Ryan, Britta Krueger and Layla Hinchen gave us an insight into where we go wrong with social media pictures. Liz stole the show with her amazing body art! She literally painted a body throughout the conference I contributed with a presentation on ‘How to achieve full sets at a safe standard’. The weekend was such a great success, they released the date of next year’s conference and sold tickets before the event was over! One of my favourite lash conferences ever and was more than worth my 24 hour travel time from down under.

Miranda Tarpey, MEGA VOLUME Queen, discussed some tips for smoother mega sets and her Volumetric Calculator app. Leanne Harber showed us an insight into her amazing lash reconstruction, if you have not seen this, Google ‘Leanne Harber’ and find it! It is THE next big thing in lashes. Frankie Widdows and her Volume lash perfection presentation and video gave even the experienced artists in the room some food for thought. My presentation was on building a successful team and whether you are a home salon, commercial salon or business school, it takes team work to make the dream work!

Hollywood Then I travelled on to speak at the Hollywood Lash Conference in the Glorious Los Angeles! This conference was organised by Michelle Meredith-Rath and her team at Sinful Lashes. The Glitz and Glamour that you associate with Hollywood, was weaved into every inch of this 2 day conference. The cocktail party on the Friday night, the pool party on the Saturday and the 2 jam packed days of conference including full on buffet lunch had both attendees and speakers feeling like movie stars! Each speaker had featured in the Lash Masters Volume 3 book published by Louise Tierney, and was the perfect opportunity for a book signing session throughout the conference.

As I talked with attendees, it was amazing to see how many people were saying they felt inspired by the chapters in the book, how it had given some direction and some people motivation. It really is a great source of information and its lovely to see inside the minds of some of the lash world’s greatest. Michelle Meredith-Rath spoke about using speciality curls such as L and L+, which is great because a lot of people are too scare to use these. Jill Heijligers-Peloquin; this ladies mind fascinates me!!! We were lucky enough for her to share the fascinator test where we were all able to take part and find out things about ourselves and I can tell you the results are mind blowing!

The gorgeous Ruthie Belle was missed immensely by all her peers and the attendees and I am sure she would have wowed the audience with her Lash Botox presentation. Sadly Ruthie couldn’t join us due to health reasons and if there is one thing you should do in any size business it is look after yourself! Your health comes first over anything. I hope you all look after yourselves and each other. It is a very rapidly growing industry that we are part of and by coming together at events like these, getting to know your lash sisters and forming the bonds helps us all achieve a higher industry standard. We are in the profession of looking after people, servicing people, let’s do the same to ourselves. Lots of Lash Love guys,

Kelly X

Inesa Svetkina shared her celebrity styling with everyone, her presentation delved into the hard to perfect techniques. Loreta Jasilionyte is like Madonna, she only needs introducing by one name and shared with us her Volume styling

Lashes - 12

The nude lashes look is the latest trend, rapidly becoming popular among male clients, from businessmen to male models who seek to express their strong personality. With men’s grooming now a multi-billion pound worldwide industry, this is just another example of how you can expand your business and clientele. Many lash stylists assume that if they only specialise in lash extensions, it could restrict their business growth and potentially lose clients for them. Therefore they feel pressured to expand to other niches such as brows and nails. Loreta Jasilonyte, founder of Flawless Lashes, disagrees; “You can become the master of your field if you focus purely on one or two niches. Your expertise will then give a strong reputation in your business.”

Loreta advises, “Don’t limit yourself, there is so much to offer in the lash mastery. Classic volume, mega volume, nude; just to name a few different styles to suit different clients.” Loreta is a glowing example of how successful you can become when you find the right product, and a service you can dedicate yourself to. Model Tom, styled by lash artist Julija Baltulionene, trained by Loreta Jasilionyte, has used Flawless Nude Lashes, which are of the highest quality, eanabling all lash artists to create flawless masterpieces on both men and women. We also offer brown “nude” lashes to those who have blonde lashes.

To find out more, call or visit: +44 (0) 1293 541444


Ask the

Online Reviews by Leah Lynch

Online reviews are everywhere and gaining in popularity as the main source of decision-making when choosing a beauty professional. Did you know that more than 70% of consumers trust online reviews as much as recommendations from their peers? Don’t miss out on any opportunity to maximize your online persona, presence, and reputation! Sites like Yelp! and Facebook allow just about anyone to voice complaints about a business, but these sites are also avenues for your raving fans to get the word out about your assets. You may find yourself inclined only to respond to the negative reviews that have caught your attention, but responding to all reviews— positive or negative—will show your prospective clients that you are engaged in your business, that you care about your clients’ experiences, and that you have the professionalism and diplomacy to handle difficult situations.

Of course, there are going to be times where you will receive a negative review that is deserved, and this is an entirely separate issue. Usually a comment such as this will suffice: “Thank you for bringing this issue to my attention. I am so sorry to have heard of this experience. I can assure you this is not the way we normally do business and I have spoken to my employee regarding this issue. I will be contacting you personally with a possible solution. Again, my sincere apologies.”

It’s always nice to let clients see you’re a real person, and to get a taste of your personality and flare.

You may find yourself crushed one day by a terrible public review, sitting in front of your computer, steam blowing from your ears as you read a skewed, inaccurate representation of what has happened. You may think, “Oh my gosh; I’m doomed. This review is going to bring my business down!” Well, your best offence here is a good (sane and well thought-out) defence! Resist the urge to act emotionally or to become aggravated by the negative review, no matter how wacky it is. Keep your responses short and to the point, list the ways that you may have already tried to remedy the situation and/ or offer a solution. Your potential clients are smart, and they, like you, can spot an

15 - Lashes

agitated and unreliable reviewer when they see one. It’s likely that they will read the review and then read your response, too; if your response shows that you know how to handle yourself in a tough situation and remain calm and professional, you can gain back your credibility.

It is important not to grovel or beg for their business back or to make discount offers as a review response. You may, of course, contact the reviewer privately if a discount or refund is in order. Always remember: When in doubt, leave it out… or wait it out! Sometimes, letting an email sit overnight before sending it will allow you really to take the time to be sure of your response and tone. Positive reviews are, of course, more fun both to read and to respond to. Make them light and add a personal touch if appropriate:

“Thank you for your kind review, Jane. I’m so happy you loved your service! I used your recipe tip, as well. You’re the best! See you next month.” It’s always nice to let clients see you’re a real person, and to get a taste of your personality and flare. Don’t have a Yelp! page or business Facebook page? Now is the time! As a businessperson, you always want to remain grounded, to be present and engaged. I know, I know; you’re busy. Your life is crazy, but at least try to seem like the present moment is the most important moment of your day. You want to be the person who is willing to accept criticism and to find a solution for issues faced by your clients. By looking at your reviews and making deliberate, well-conceived responses to what people have to say, you will be perceived as a smart, proactive owner who cares about her business and who wants it to thrive and that’s the kind of business that clients return to again and again.

Have a question for Leah Lynch? Let us know at

Featured Salon


Hi, I’m Carly Fitch and my salon is called Beauty-Lashious Beauty & Training Salon in Westcliff, Essex. I offer training courses in the popular brand ULTIMATE lash lift, classic lashes, volume lashes, advanced lash courses, brow shape & design. Plus spraytan, waxing, acrylic nails, gel polish. I started off in nails, then onto level 2 beauty therapy, spray tan, lash extensions then into Russian volume. And then I went on to do my level 3 award in education (PTTLLS) and started teaching for Leanne Harber’s, Hello Gorgeous training academy. With over 12 years’ experience in all. My salon is a friendly, one-stop shop for all aspects of beauty & hair, as well as training courses. We are based in a busy road in Westcliff, Essex, home of the Essex girl.

Beautylashioussalon Beauty_lashious

Lashes - 16

Dijana Tosev

Reader Gallery Martina Krajinovic Gulsun

17 - Lashes

Jess Martin

Vogue Lashes

Merlin Callaghan

Lashes - 18

Merlin Callaghan

Jess Martin

19 - Lashes

Martina Krajinovic Gulsun

Dorota Lesniewska

Lashes - 20

Fantasy Gallery Natasha Gallier

21 - Lashes

Justyna Wieczorek

Lashes - 22

Marta Wiatr

Justyna Wieczorek

Marta Wiatr

Marta Wiatr

23 - Lashes

Justyna Wieczorek

Lashes - 24

Justyna Wieczorek

25 - Lashes



% OFF your next order


Essential supplies and training for professional Lash & Brow artists Brow Henna • Lash Adhesives • Lash Trays • Volume Tweezers Tweezers • Cosmetic Tattoo Supplies • Lash Disposables & Accessories • Glamcor & Selfie Lights • Specialised Training

We have just released our online Brow Henna Masterclass course. Visit our training website at *Use coupon code ALABAMC17. Discount only applies to products & online training. Valid until 31 Oct 2017.

Good Brow

The Art of a

by Mandy Jeffery Australian Lash and Brow Artists

Brows are so HOT right now! And they go perfectly hand-in-hand with the Lash Services you currently offer your clients. 27 - Lashes

We have all seen pictures of amazing lashes but often the brows just take away from the finished result, right? How would you like to create not only perfect lashes, but also perfect brows for your clients and gain NEW clients to your business? Gaining brow clients not only helps your bottom line as brows are high profit services - even more so than lashes as they take much less time and

are much less strain on our bodies. If you are great at brows and offer more than a quick 5-minute wax job, you will create a loyal following of raving fans! Also, I would say 90% of women love brows and having them look great while there are a lot of women who don’t like lashes or can’t wear them due to allergies. By becoming an accomplished brow artist, you open your business up to so many new opportunities! Imagine you have 20 lash clients a week. With a little effort, you can upgrade 50% of them to start a brow journey with you. This will equate to about an extra 10 hours of work with very little financial outlay. You don’t need to win over these clients as they already love their lashes and will be so much happier being able to get their brows and lashes created in the same salon! Win/win for both of you. Most brow artists charge upwards of $50 for a brow design and this can include tinting and henna.

and a lot of people can’t actually see well enough to make their brows look like sisters – they end up with distant cousins drawn on! So make it easy for your clients to have the wow brows that they desire. I get asked a lot about training with Brow Henna and we do offer face to face training all over Australia and have a permanent trainer in Melbourne, Melanie Jane Foley. I have also created an online course www.alabamasterclass. for students who live too far away to come to training or find the expense is just too much to train their whole team in person. If you are proficient in tinting you can try your hand at Brow Henna on your own but it does work quite differently to traditional tints so I do recommend you undertake some training so you can get the best out of your Brow Henna and then we can offer you on-going support to achieve brow success!

When it comes to shaping and design, a lot can go wrong with brows and sometimes those muchneeded hairs do not ever grow back, no matter what growth serums we use. Melanie and I have seen there is a huge gap in the industry for affordable and real-life training in design. We have joined forces to create a comprehensive brow design class with hands-on training by trainers who still actively perform treatments on clients so we can totally relate to any issues you have.

We will be launching this hands on class around Australia by the end of August 2017 and it will complement hands-on Brow Henna Training.

The design process for their first appointment will take a bit longer than normal as you need to consult with your client about their desired outcome and, of course, we need to manage these expectations and let them know what we can and cannot create for them. The majority of my clients have very over-plucked 90s brows (it was a cruel time in the brow world!) so to create a full brow for them with hair and tint is next to impossible. This is where Brow Henna is a saviour for these clients and they will love, love, love you!

Brow Henna I have been using Brow Henna daily with my clients for over 3 years now and I am still blown away by the results we can create! Brow Henna is a brow only tint but it differs from traditional brow tinting as it creates a skin stain as well as a hair stain to give the illusion of a full brow. Why is this beneficial to your clients? Many clients will have rounded brows, hooked brows or brows that are too far apart due to out-dated measuring systems from the 90s and early 2000s. We simply didn’t know any better. Times are changing and a full, even, smooth brow is what clients desire. Clients who cannot regrow their natural hair benefit from henna as we can create new brow lines for them and then teach them to draw these lines in as the henna fades. Giving our clients this guide on their skin makes it so much easier for them to follow at home. Stencils are fiddly and often end up in the bottom of the make-up bag

Mandy Jeffrey Lashes - 28

Featured Artist – Cindy Nicholls Lashes - 30


Focus on by Louise Tierney

I have always been a lover of Fantasy Lash Art but had no training in this specialised section of lash artistry. Although I no longer offer lash extension treatments, I would still love to have some projects when time permits. I think of myself as quite a creative person but would this translate into fantasy Lash Art? As a complete novice at this subject, I attended Miranda Tarpey’s class in Los Angeles. The class was full of familiar faces, some well-known lash artists that know the value of attending other classes even though they are experts. There is always something to learn. I loved everything about this class, I felt like a child again playing with lots of glitter, jewels, and embellishments. Miranda took the class through everything from the importance of the colour wheel when working with a concept, to choosing a theme, overall look plus technical aspects of applying lash art. The best thing about the course is that is was taught from the perspective of a Lash Art Judge, so Miranda discussed everything that would need to be done to get maximum points in most Lash Art contests. It hadn’t occurred to me that designs were assessed not only on the lashes but many points are awarded for the overall costume, body paint, make up, from head to toe. Months of

31 - Lashes

planning and preparation can go into a person’s design, costume and recording everything in a portfolio that is hand made for the contest. With my new-found love for the technicalities, you will be sure to see much more Fantasy Lash Work in Lash Inc in the future. Also, keep a look out for a special edition - Fantasy Lash Inc which Miranda will be working on for a very special event coming to London next year. Exciting times!

The course is perfect for those who want to compete in Lash art contests as well as those people who aspire to be judges. Courses are held worldwide http://

Lashes - 32

Featured Salon

Zoe Mizon

Lash Academy & Ladies Lounge Zoe Mizon

I started in the lash industry 10 years ago, I initially trained in lashes when lash extensions were first launched here in the UK and can remember using 0.25 lashes in J curls on literally 90% of my clients. I can’t say I was a lash lover back then although I did do many sets and had a good client base. I never seemed to be that excited about lashing and preferred brows and other

I think I did a few times), My local radio station got in touch and newspapers as they had seen it online and bang my name was kind of out there in the area! I was getting messages from lash artists asking if I did training or mentoring and I thought to myself, Zoe you need to seriously think about this. I love helping and supporting others and am a very patient caring person I just felt it was the right thing to do, so I took the plunge and went for my teaching qualifications and was given a fabulous opportunity to train for a big lash training company. I trained for them for 6 months but found the course to be a bit conflicting to what I believed was the best way of lashing so in my spare time I began writing my own manuals. Once completed I submitted them to insurers and had them accredited and that was the start

beauty treatments.

of Zoe Mizon Lash Academy & Ladies Lounge.

It was when Volume lashes first came on the scene around 4 years ago that the lashing really took off for me, I found a lash tech local to me who was offering the treatment so I booked in to see what all the fuss was about; Oh my goodness that day changed my life! I needed to know who taught this treatment, how I could progress and I finally booked myself on a course. Although at first, I found volume lashing difficult and couldn’t fan for toffee, it became an absolute obsession! You would find me sitting with a sponge trying to fan every opportunity. I was online on every single lash forum asking questions stalking fabulous artists wanting to be just like them. I kept trying to improve and would critique every single set I did, and then one day I saw an advertisement for Lash Festival competition in 2014 so I thought what the heck, took 2 of my best photos of my work at the time and entered them just to see where I ranked. That year I didn’t place but it showed me what standards of work were out there and I knew I had a long way to improve.

I now have a very large Luxurious high-end Training academy and Salon based in South Yorkshire UK and have a team of 10 highly skilled lash artists/beauticians working along side me and a diary that is filled up every day. I am now in the process of launching a big new exciting brand to the lash world and I couldn’t be happier, I feel like I am really living my dream.

We offer beauty treatments, lash treatments, and enhancements. I teach classic, volume and I am the Elleebana Lash Lift Trainer for South Yorkshire and also offer workshops and support for lash artists.

So my next mission was to take the 12 months and improve my sets. The following Year I re-entered wondering if I had improved enough to get into the top 20, to my astonishment I actually came joint 3rd in the competition with Vicky Rugg who was my total idol at the time, I could have cried (in fact

33 - Lashes

What did you do before I started out from school in hairdressing which clearly wasn’t my forte, and to fund me through college I had a part time job in our local printers where my sister worked at the time, I decided to quit hair and I enrolled on a makeup and beauty course which I really loved. I obtained my qualifications and would work evenings and weekends mobile, when I bought my first house, I had a room where I would do the odd treatments but it came a bit of a bind as people don’t seem to respect working hours when you work from home so after a chat with one of my best friends who owned a salon we decided to renovate her stock room into another beauty room for me. I was there 8 years and loved working with her, we are still best friends now and she has been a great support for me opening my own salon/school.

Where are you located

Tell us about your business: We are a luxurious, high-end salon and training school which offers unlimited support to students. I have over 100 students to date. We offer styled to suit you lashes, as well as most beauty treatments, makeup and hair all served with a glass of fizz and a smile! We welcome any lash artist who is looking for venues to be hosted we have recently hosted the gorgeous Helga Halapi and Bryony Barclay. Any Lash Artist wanting to visit Yorkshire please get in touch we would love to have you!

www.zoemizonlashacademy @zoemizonlashacademy

Zoe Mizon Lash Academy & Ladies Lounge, 45 Rooms Lane, Swinton, Mexborough, South Yorkshire S64 8AA

Lashes - 34

Eye Shapes &

Styling Tips With Miranda Tarpey

Wide Set Eyes Wide Set Eyes, have a wider distance from one eye to the other eye (a wider gap between the nose)  Use longer Lengths in the centre  C & D Curls in the centre 

Never use longer lashes on the outer corners

Never use outer flicks or a cat eye style

The Aim To shorten the distance between the eyes, so using longer lashes in the centre will give the illusion that the eyes are closer together. If we add length on the outer corners, we pull the eyes further apart and emphasis wide set eyes.

Closed Set Eyes Closed Set Eyes, have a shorter distance from one eye to the other eye (a narrower gap between the nose)  Longer Lengths on the outer corners  CAT EYE is great 

Never use longer in the centre

Never use dolly style

The Aim To widen the distance between the eyes, so using longer lashes towards the outer eyes will give the illusion that the eyes are further away from each other. This is a great eye shape to use the famous Cat Eye, longer at the ends style, much shorter towards the middle and inners. TIP: always change lengths, 1mm at a time for a smooth transition and change at least 7 times as a minimum for a cat eye effect.

Round Eyes The distance between the centre of Top lid And Lower lid is larger therefore, creating a rounded eye shape.  Longer Lengths on the outer corners  Shorter more relaxed curls in the centre 

Do not use Strong curls D L+ LC in the centre

Do not give a dolly effect style or any rounded lash style to this eye shape.

The Aim To avoid making the eyes look even more rounded, so by adding length to the outer corners we elongate and narrow the rounded eye.

35 - Lashes

Downturned Eyes The outer corners of the eyes falls lower than the inner corners, creating a droopy looking eye shape.  Add Lift and a lot of height in the centre  D Curls and L curls outer corners 

Avoid J B C curls on outer corner

Avoid Cat Eye Styles

The Aim We want to lift the outer corners, so we concentrate on adding length to the centre of the eye, and to avoid highlighting a droopy eye, we add short lengths on the outer corners. Use dramatic Curls like D or LC for the outer corners for that extra lift.

Hooded Eyes Have droopy skin hanging over the lid,  Any curls from the L family or D C CC work best this will disguise the overhang lid  Tape back lid when attaching lashes 

Avoid using very short lashes in the centre or where the overhang eyelid is.

Never use J or B Curls as they are too straight and will not cover the overhang

The Aim We need to disguise the hooded skin that hangs down towards the eye and so we cover with length and curl. As the overhang varies from person to person we must measure individually, whilst your client is sitting up with eyes open, mark the start and end of her overhang with an eyebrow pencil directly on the skin near the brow, this will be your guide when she lies down and you start lashing, this area will need your strong curls and length to cover the hood.

Asian Eyes Have no lid space, no crease on the lid , a monolid eye shape. The lashes are normally very straight and downturned  Any curls from the L family work best These have a better connection to the straight natural lashes  Longer lengths in the middle 

Avoid using dramatic curls like D and CC, retention will be poor.

The Aim Mono lid eyes are typically smaller in the centre so our aim is to open up narrow monolids, and make their eyes bigger. To disguise a monolid we would ideally use any of the L curls and don’t be afraid to use length in the middle and towards the inner eye, the only eye shape that you could start with a 9mm or 10mm length on the inners, (ensuring your clients natural lash length can support this). Keep longer length in the centre of the eye, shorter at the outers.

Lashes - 36

Interview with

Lana Slatina Let me introduce myself; My name is Lana Slatina, I have been living in Madrid since 1997, where some family circumstances brought me, and I stayed in this gorgeous, sunny city which became my home for the past 20 years. I graduated from Moscow State University for International Relations, I got a profession of international economist. I had exciting and enriching experiences working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia and later for some famous multinational companies.

We are proud to host 11 top-professional experts from 9 different countries of the world. Our event has been supported by 13 sponsors not only from Europe but also from Latin American countries, who gave a good response to the idea of the first lash and brow congress in Spanish language.

Since I moved to Madrid, I decided to give a radical change to my professional life and started my beauty career, taking course after course, in different academies and countries of Europe.

The Conference is going to be a very intensive day. We do not only plan speeches but also live demonstrations, questions-and-answers session, and at the end of the day we will announce the winners of our first international online competition, as well as each Conference participant will be given a personal Certificate.

I have been a practicing eye lash technician since 2012. I always try to increase my professional level, that is why I take the new advanced course at least one or two times a year. Two years ago, I started to host international eye lash stars here in Madrid with their courses. At the same time, I started to collaborate with the Russian Queen Lashes, and later was appointed an official representative and trainer of the Russian Queen Lashes Academy in Spain. Our Spanish branch is located in Madrid. People from all corners of Spain come to take our courses and always say that they really feel the big difference after our trainings. The eye lash extensions came to Spain around the year of 2010, and since then things have not change a lot in the sphere of a quality formation trainings. It is necessary to emphasize the eye lash education based on the philosophy of “not damaging” the natural client´s lashes. It is necessary to reinforce teaching the basics of the profession, such as the anatomy and hygiene of eye-lashes, and of course the correct application techniques. There are lots of eye lash extensions salons in Spain, that offer the volume service but they actually do not open the fans! Now the Russian volume is starting to be very popular here. But due to the lack of the correct professional education this service is on a very poor level in the country on general. That was one of the reasons why I decided to bring to Spain the practice of international eye lash extensions congresses. I have been planning it for about one year and a half, and I am very happy that our First-in-history International Lash and Brow Conference is coming true on the 10th of June, 2017 in Madrid.

37 - Lashes

The event will be closed with the announcement of the foundation of the Spanish Association of Eye Lash Extension Professionals. The objective of this association is to increase the professional education level of lash designers in Spain. We will introduce the common European sanitary and hygiene standards to this profession, as well as respect the common rules of the correct eyelash extension application. We have plans for a permanent professional follow-up for the members of the Association, organization of multiple professional events, and cooperation with other similar associations.

Lashes - 38

Lash Industry

Inspirational Person

& Product Awards 2017

The lash industry awards recognise people from We are happy to announce this year’s winners for the International Awards. Look out for future voting for regional nominations and voting later this the industry who are standing out in the lash year. community, nominated and voted for by lash Find the Awards group on Facebook: professionals. Lash Industry Inspirational Person Awards

Most Inspirational

Most Inspirational

Trainer Frankie Widdows

Industry Influencer Jill Heijligers Peloquin

Second Place

Third Place

Second Place

Third Place

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Hanna Putjato

Frankie Widdows

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Congratulations to all winners. Certificates have been sent and we will announce regional awards nominations soon. Thank you for all the support of the industry for taking the time to nominate and vote. 39 - Lashes

Most Inspirational

Most Inspirational

Most Inspirational

Speaker Frankie Widdows

Industry Personality Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Fantasy Lash Artist Pixie Ambler

2nd Place Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

3rd Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Hanna Putjato

Frankie Widdows

Hilaree Brand

Claudia King

Inna Kharlamova

Most Inspirational

Lash Conference League of Lash Masters

Most Inspirational

Most Inspirational

Lash Artist Frankie Widdows

Industry Publication Lash Inc

2nd Place

3rd Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

2nd Place

3rd Place

Lash Vision

Lash Master Legends – Rome

Agnieszka Kwiatkowska

Daria Ziolkowska

Lash Stylist Magazine

Lash Maker

Lashes - 40

W H E R E B E A U T Y, S T Y L E , A N D PA S S I O N I S M A D E Lash and Brow Academies, Luxury Products Shipped Globally. Our Retail Location is at: 12266 Ventura Blvd. Studio City, CA 91604 Phone: 818-508-6544


Beauty - 42


Come Lashes The first Strictly Come Lashes Championship was help in Midlands area of England organised by owner of the Lash Vault shop and Prestige Lashes Academy - Eliza Holmes. Judges and participants travelled from all over the world to be part of this contest, which was the first of its kind in this part of England.

43 - Beauty


Online Entry Winners

Classic 1:1

Lash Art

Junior 1


Natasha Gallier

2nd Natalie Osminova


Jo Hayward

Master 1st

Joanne Hayward


Maya Andreea Rehman

Expert 1st

Jolita Shishmanova

Kim Kardashian Look



Marta Suwinska


Bianca Harris


Marita Michalak


Axinia Ungureanu


Natasha Gallier


Silva Petraitiene

2D-3D Volume Junior 1st

Katarzyna Kotlarz

Master 1st

Olga Kijewska


Karolina Kosa

Expert 1st

Natasha Gallier


Axinia Ungureanu


Marta Suwinska

4D-6D Volume Junior 1st

Katarzyna Kotlarz

Expert 1st

Marta Suqinska


Axinia Ungureanu

3rd Yvonne Ng

Colour Lashes 1st

Jolita Shishmanova


Andreea Rehman


Joanna Piecharczyk

Lash Lift 1st

Natalia Osminova


Yvonne Ng


Natasha Gallier

Mega Volume Master 1st

Karolina Rosa

Expert 1st

Axinia Ungureanu


Marita Michalak


Natasha Gallier

Beauty - 44


Accreditation Lash Inc are offering accreditation of eyelash training courses. The accreditation will show potential students your materials are of a set standard and that your qualifications have been verified. Students are looking for peace of mind and accreditation can help with this.

Training Accreditation Benefits 1.

Potential students know that your qualifications have been verified and your training courses and materials are of a set standard. Valid for 12 months.


Accreditation logo issued for you to use on stationery and website.


Accreditation certificate issued to display on your premises.


Up to 6 courses accredited for a single fee (£150 or $250 USD) (Additional courses £25 per course)


CPD points and certificates can be allocated to your students.


Free listing in Lash Inc training directory (print and online versions), saving you £200 per year.


Free digital subscription to Lash Inc.


Accreditation recognised by various insurance providers worldwide.


Free listing on Accredited training provider section of website.

10. Discounts on insurance (Currently UK & Ireland only).


i Reg r fo n o i t a it d e r Acc day! to

11. Invitation to sign up for Lash Inc Ambassador program, your students will receive a 1 year subscription to Lash Inc plus you as a school can gain extra rewards. * Extra Bonus: Free VIP Membership to website: Read current Lash Inc, back issues, e-books, exclusive discounts and video content. No risk application, if we can not accredit you for any reason your application fee will be returned promptly. 47 - Beauty


Business - 48

USA/Canada - Issue 1 ISSUE 1 / AUGUST 2017

FOCUS on FANTASY Support, Inspiration & Empowerment for our North American Lash Artists

Coming August 2017

The following training academies and individuals are accredited by Lash Inc. Their training courses and qualifications meet all requirements for approval by our organisation.

Accreditation Lash Inc Accredited Directory

United Kingdom & Ireland Accredited Training Providers.

England Love My Lashes Sue Winter 7 Bremen Grove, Shenley Brook End, Milton Keynes, MK5 7FJ


Lash By Francesca


LASHacademy Training & Products

Caledonian Therapy Academy

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd 26 Rutland Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 4HY +44 7554 925 551

Immaculate Beauty Academy

Unit 2, Tarlair Business Park Tarlair Way, Macduff, AB44 1RU +44 845 022 22 33

8 Tamworth Parade, Elms Park, Essex, RM12 5AS

East Anglian Beauty Training

Inga Misiute

Hello Gorgeous (Kent)

Gina G Beauty Ltd

Institute of Eyelash Excellence 25 Hillview Road, Canterbury, Kent, CT2 8EY

51 - Business

Dartford, Kent, DA1 5LF +44 7988 374 564

Lashworld Silviya Mikova 122 London Road, Bognor Regis, West Sussex +44 7886 836 448

Love Beauty Training 995 Wycombe Lane, Wooburn Green Buckinghamshire

7 Newton Place, Glasgow, G3 7PR +44 1423 329 251

Flirties Unit 2, Tarlair Business Park, Tarlair Way, Macduff, AB44 1RU +44 845 022 22 33

Ireland: Monika Wojtysiak DeviLash Lash Extensions Atelier & Training Centre, 16/1 8 William Street, Galway, Ireland

Glamour Lashes Ireland +353 872 974 781

Donata Jucyte Ritzy Eyes Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland +353 831 040 220

United States of America Accredited Training Providers. Jessica Mogauro The Beauty Pro Loft, 130 Centre St. Howe Barn #103, Danvers, MA 01923 +1 (781) 813–8131

Benita Lash Studio 18321 W. Lake Houston Pkwy, Suite 305, Humble, TX 77346

Amy Young Love Those Lashes LLC +1 (513) 280–6550

Lucy Argent LA Lash Academy 137 Bay Street #8, Santa Monica, CA 90405 +1 (424) 200–8278

Take Care Beauty Tanya Jones +1 (415) 420-1939

Canada Accredited Training Providers. Sugarlash Academy of Lash Artistry Courtney Buhler +1 587 982 5274

Lash Line Academy & Supplies Inc Jessi Love info@lash– www.lash–

Boutique Lash Company 2115 39 Street NW, Edmonton, Alberta, T6L 4G1 +1 780 266 3875

San Diego Eyelash Extensions 12935 Pomerado Road, Suite C, Poway, CA 92064 +1 (619) 438–5770

LASHLAB Academy by PINKLAB & Co. 545 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017 +1 (212) 686–0992

MaiLash Academy Mai Lee 1526 N Scottsdale Rd. Tempe, AZ 85281, USA +1 480 404 0092

Australia & New Zealand Accredited Training Providers. Sugarlash Academy of Lash Artistry Melena Langford

South Africa Accredited Training Providers. Lesley–ann Altree Luscious Lashes International 6 Hutchinson Ave, Table View, 7441, South Africa +27 21 557 5279

Vogue Lashes by Adelle Sutton 9 Harvey Street, Summerstrand, Port Elizabeth, 6001 +27 41 583 2530

Worldwide & Online Accredited Training Providers. Deluxe Lashes International Aleksandra Maniuse +370 6 092 2922 www.deluxe–

Lash Master Academy Online

Institute of Eyelash Excellence – Online


Lessons in Lashes – Online

Canberra, ACT, AUSTRALIA +61 2 4761 59717

Star Lash Academy

Kerrie Ann Ditz

Jancarza 89, 31–618 Kraków, Poland

Enchanted S.P.A

Silart Lash & Brow Academy

PO Box 1483, Joondalup DC, WA 6919 0450 4247 39 / 1300 113 996


Business - 52


Directory UK

LASHacademy Training & Products The LASHacademy supply products that are of the highest quality and most affordable to professional lash technicians. We ship worldwide. Training Dates: Ongoing

Frankie Widdows +44 7714 638405 Master lash artist Frankie Widdows is head trainer at the Institute of Eyelash Excellence. She provides outstanding training from foundation level through to advanced lash techniques and Russian volume eyelash extensions. She also provides continued online support and tutorials as well as 24/7 access to her for the rest of your lash career. Training Dates: Ongoing

Michelle Ryan +44 7825 924 920 Michelle Ryan is an experienced and passionate lash technician who has a wealth of knowledge that she loves to share with her students. As a trainer for Flirties, she constantly strives to improve the standard of eyelash extensions across the board. Being a busy therapist herself gives Michelle the ability to support students not just with training but to also offer help and advice in other areas of setting up and running a business.

Sarah Humphreyson 15 Drake Mill Business Park, Plymouth PL6 7PS +44 1752 771 112 Accredited training in purpose built facility from classic to mega volume, also providing courses in waxing, threading and more.

Best Lashes&Brows (Best L&B Ltd) Renata Fodor-Csuti +44 7555 481 857 Best Lashes&Brows® is a company offering a large variety products for professional eyelash extension and eyebrow building. We are not only promoting and selling professionally recognised high quality specialist products, but we also offer professional courses and trainings to beginners and experts in the industry.

iLashtique Cindy Nicholls Room 21, West Cornwall Enterprise Centre, Cardrew Ind. Est, Redruth, TR15 1SS +44 7875 436 054 I entered some lash art competitions in 2016 and won 3rd in London Lash Battle and 2nd in a Christmas lash art competition. I have just become a lash trainer for the Cornwall area, under Leanne Harber’s Ultimate brand of beautiful products at reasonable prices.

East Anglian Beauty Training Maureen Blackman Norwich, Norfolk, NR6 +44 7717 257 756 Professional, bespoke accredited lash & brow training for beginners, and technicians wanting to expand on their skills. Not affiliated to any particular brand.

Ireland Ms Diva Training Cork & Dublin 0870 991 991

Annya Studio Anna Slufirski Tallagh, Dublin 24, Ireland

List in our training directory for just £50 GBP per quarter ($80 USD) Email to be included in our next issue 53 - Business

Donata Jucyte

Beverly Hills Lashes

Ritzy Eyes Unit 45, Coolmine Industrial Estate, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15, Ireland 0831040220

+1 (310) 500-0551 bevhillslashes Intensive hands-on certification trainings in the Keratin Lash Lift and Eyelash Extensions- helping you build a strong foundation, leading to success in the eyelash industry.

Denmark MYLASHCOMPANY Beringsvej 7, 7500 Holstebro, Denmark (0045) 5070 2543 Brands: MYLASH and MYTWEEZER. High quality product with a unique patented formula. Worldwide fast shipping. High level lash courses. We teach Classic, Volume and our unique course Lash Medic. This course is the first in the world, which focus are on clients with a medical condition. The course will be taught by a licensed nurse with over 8 years’ experience in lashes and 5 years working with oncology patients.

USA Sinful Lashes

San Diego Eyelash Extensions Olga Villarreal 12935 Pomerado Road, Poway CA 92064 +1 (619) 438-5770 I’m Olga Villarreal, award-winning Master Lash Artist, eyelash extension trainer, aesthetician, and owner of San Diego Eyelash Extensions. My mission is to help every woman I serve to feel confident, radiant, and empowered.

Luxury Products and Quality Training. +1 (818) 970–7151 Luxury products at competitive prices. Featuring our Red Ruby Volume Adhesive. Quality, in-depth training located in Los Angeles. We also travel the US bringing our Classic and Volume training to you.



Vancouver, British Columbia (Canada) +1 (778) 808–5572 Classic and Volume Certification, Advanced Volume Techniques, Re–Certification & Refresher Courses

by PINKLAB & Co. 545 Fifth Avenue, 8th Floor, New York, NY 10017

MaiLash & Brows Mai Le Scottsdale, AZ +1 (480) 404-0092

SkinCare Fundamentals Stephanie Frey 200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 +1 (888) 388-7546 Exceptional certified EE workshops plus the highest quality eyelash extension products available in the market. SCFLash Store has it all and at great prices.

Premium Products and Quality Training +1 (403) 999–4455 Canada’s Premium Quality Products shipped World Wide

Luxe Lash Academy

Estilo Lash Kim Helgesen-Fuentes Mackenzie BC +1 (250) 615-1232 Providing training in eyelash extensions, microblading, threading and lash lifts.

Business - 54


Directory USA & Canada SkynLash Academy NJ USA +1 (732) 618–2096 Training Courses, Continuing Education at it’s Finest, Skype Training Available, Basic Lashes to Advanced Volume, Lashcoat & Lashbrow Training, SkynLash Shop for the Finest Lash Supplies

Novalash +1 (866) 430–1261

RevitaLash® Cosmetics

Sinful Lashes - Luxury Products and Quality Training +1 (818) 970–7151 Luxury products at competitive prices. Featuring our Red Ruby Volume Adhesive. Quality, in–depth training located in Los Angeles. We also travel the US bringing our Classic and Volume training to you.

PremierLash – designer lashes™ +1 877 366 5274 (Toll Free US & Canada) +1 801 463 4868 (Local & International)

Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc. Eyelash Supplier to Professionals

Viengsamay Kettavong 619 800 4429 ULB® The Ultimate Lash and Brow Destination! We specialize in the art of eyelash and eyebrow enhancement products!

Boutique Lash Company

SkinCare Fundamentals

Angel Eyelashes

+1 (780) 266–3875

Hot Lashes +1 (403) 999–4455 Canada’s Premium Quality Products shipped World Wide

Sugar Lash Eyelash extension & training provider

Sweet Lash 377 Marshall Way N #1, Layton, UT 84041

Lash Affair by J.Paris +1 (800) 608-2420 We sell Luxury Lash Extension Products & Global Certifications. We ship and train globally as well 55 - Business

200 Parker Avenue, Rodeo, CA 94572 888-388-7546 Exceptional certified EE workshops plus the highest quality eyelash extension products available in the market. SCFLash Store has it all – and at great prices.

The Lashe, Inc. 6321 N Avondale Ave., Suite 206, Chicago, IL 60631 +1 (773) 202-9399 The Lashe has been developing premium application products for eyelash extension stylists since 2007. From our exclusive adhesive, to Lashe extensions, to The Lashe Technique.

United Kingdom & Ireland Flirties BeautyTrix +44 845 022 2233

Lash Perfect +44 208 500 9028 Professional and accredited training available from expert trainers at competitive prices throughout the UK. Internationally renowned and available worldwide through over 30 overseas distributors.

Nouveau Lash Nouveau Beauty Group +44 844 801 6820

LashBase Ltd +44 239 225 1425

My Beautiful Eyes Mylash, Myscara, Mybrows

Golden Eyelashes Ltd. +44 7522 168 750 golden– We supply high quality eyelash extension and accessories.

Lash Heaven - Luxury Lash Supplies Official distributor of VOGUE LASHES By Adele Sutton and Chrissanthie

LASHacademy Training & Products Products - The LASHacademy supply products that are of the highest quality and most affordable to professional lash technicians. We ship worldwide.

VZ Hair and Glamour Ltd International Distributor – Affordable Beauty Supplies +44 7554 925 551 Professional LashBlack 3 Week Semi, Permanent Mascara: Made in England & EU Certified, Eyelash Extension Medical Grade Glues made in England – Ultra Diamond Pro: fast drying – Senses for Sensitive eyes: low vapour odour, perfect for trainers and beginners , Individual Mink Eyelashes 100% Real Siberian Handmade Lashes

Want to get listed in our supplier directory? Email for details! Best Lashes&Brows® (Best L&B Ltd.) Renata Fodor-Csuti +447555481857 Best Lashes&Brows® is a company offering a large variety products for professional eyelash extension and eyebrow building. We are not only promoting and selling professionally recognised high quality specialist products, but we also offer professional courses and trainings to beginners and experts in the industry.

LashBase Unit 1 Stratfield Park, Elettra Avenue, Waterlooville, Hampshire, United Kingdom, PO7 +44 2392 251 425 Award winning, premium quality lash supplies. Experienced staff, the highest quality products and unrivalled customer service. Samples available.

Ireland Glamour Lashes Ireland +353 872 974 781

Elite Lash Academy Mall Road, Monaghan, Ireland +353 477 2580 +353 868 593 699

Bulgaria EBC Limited 26 Prilep Str, Varna 9000 Bulgaria +359 5260 4073 European Beauty Concept (EBC Limited) is a lead manufacturer of high quality professional eyelash extensions and Permanent Makeup supplies Business - 56

Netherlands Lash eXtend 033–4450323

South Africa The Lash Collection

Luscious Lashes International +27 72 338 7000

Thailand Ultimate Lash And Brow Inc. Viengsamay Kettavong 619 800 4429 ULBÂŽ The Ultimate Lash and Brow Destination! We specialize in the art of eyelash and eyebrow enhancement products!

57 - Business

Artist & Salon

Directory USA

Lightwork Aesthetics Kristy James +1 (207) 592-4787 Kristy has been an Advanced Novalash Maine artist since her certification in 2013, applying hundreds of full sets on women of all ages.

United Kingdom Lash Lust Jenna Nye 66 York Road, Weybridge, Surrey +44 1932 950 950 Friendly Lash studio in the heart of Weybridge. Experienced Lash Master/Trainer, 3 Lash Techs and a Lash Artist plus HD brows.

Simona Riciu London Lash Trainer


F O R M O R E I N F O R M AT I O N A N D L O C AT I O N tel: +4 0731.334.525 / +4 0765.684.712 email:

Business - 58

Australasia and USA/Canada Coming Aug 2017 IS S U E

17 1 > 20 ISSUE

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la Austra


on FAN h c n TASY Lau n o i t i d ia E Suppor t, Inspir atio for our North A n & Empowerm merica ent n Lash Artists

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