Full page ad space available in every issue. There are multiple packages available to meet your marketing needs. Rather you want to run it in one issue, for the entire year or in every issue. Email us at: info@lasum.org
Express Me, Express You, Embrace We Cover Story 9 Married To Ministry
with Apostle Willingham
Featured Indigo Blues 13 with Artist Lisa Sacarri 19 Pretty Girls Can Cook
with Canita & Ronica Copes
21 Hustlegirl
by Author Cara Inspires
Voices of LASUMXP & Guests Dysfunctional Functioning 65 Karmen Booth 7 Spring Fling with Fashion Ms Mo’ 16 Natural Nailz GlamHer and More Shana Sanders
18 From A Test To A Testimony Vivian Ware
To share your story or advertise with us, send an email to: mzmoministry@gmail.com
Are we really ready for what we desire? For that matter are we ready for what God has in store for us? The scripture tells us that eyes have not seen, ears have not heard and neither has it entered the hearts of man, what God has in store for us. So how can we prepare for it? Life daily is an ongoing process and working of our inner being. Every encounter is an introduction to a different measure of Christ. This is why we must be mindful of the exchange. How much do you know about those you’re entertaining, even if for a split second? What does he or she carry and what was intended to transpire during the encounter? What is your life preparing you for? Who and what is part of the training? Each encounter is an opportunity packed full of potential. The tools, time, effort and commitment required to turn potential into power varies per exchange. How much are your desires or your destiny truly worth to you? Put your works where your faith is and manifest your hope. You know the saying, “No guts, no glory”? It’s the same as faith without works is dead, only one is spelled out Biblically. It takes guts, courage and determination, to go after what you want, especially when nothing is laid out for you, except for the permission from God to go after it. It’s one thing to fake it until you make it, but faith-ing it until you make it is a whole other level, coupled with a whole lot more. LASUMXP’s May issue has a focus on “Maximizing Your Moments”. Get the most and best out of every moment of your life. Learn where you can and don’t forget to share. Sow great seeds, to reap the harvest of your dreams. Sow your time, talents and treasures (coins). Sowing makes room for more, as it tends to your soil, when you sow into others. I’m not talking about supporting others. I’m talking about being a distribution center, so that God can entrust you with more. Way too many people see support as a unspoken form of bondage, indebting those who received it, to return it. Sowing says, I release into good fertile soil, expecting God to bring forth my increase, one even greater than the seeds I’ve sown. Today’s support mentality limits me to receiving at the mercy of man and hearts aren’t as gracious and giving as times of old. God moves through man, but man is obeying God and not grudgingly returning a favor. Let’s not forget what one won’t do, God will raise up another or a whole army that will. Take charge of your destiny. Rise daily and command your morning. Extract what is meant for you in every encounter. Don’t be stingy! Impart, sow what is within you. He placed it there to be released. Loose it and be refilled! Share your story with others. He wasn’t good to you, for you to keep it to yourself. Tell of God’s greatness and all He has done for you. If you’re going to brag, brag on Him. If you’re struggling in your faith or in life in general, seek a partner that will go to war in the spirit realm for and with you. Be a participant in your deliverance and healing. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. It isn’t a sign of weakness. Weakness is suffering in silence out of fear of what others might say. If you don’t know how to activate your discernment, keep asking until you reach the right person and then ask them to add that to the list too. David slayed his giant, so remember you have the slayers ability too. Fear not! Draw your sword and slay. Rise, Pray & Slay! Your destiny is worth it and life is worth living.
In This Issue… We are switching things up a bit more. I told you in the beginning that we would be expanding. LASUMXP is a platform for women to share what they are doing. I wanted to feature more women walking out their measure. So we have way more features than before. Between brothers and sisters is still to come. We want to thank Lady VDub for sharing her journey as she conquered death, sickness and many challenges. She is bold, strong and living life out loud. Pretty Girls Can Cook, we thank you for giving us tips on adding a little twist on what can be routine and uneventful for some...good old fashioned cooking. I love food and there are times when I do just what you suggested and actually have a ball cooking. Thank you for sharing. Cara Inspires, thank you for what you do! I can’t wait to get my copy of the book and implement all of the nuggets you packed in there. To our May artist, Lisa Sacarri, I have a few ideas I want for my place. I sure do hope you do custom pieces. Thank you for allowing us in your world ladies. Apostle Crystal….thank you, thank you, thank you for pulling back the curtains, opening up the window, pulling up a seat and allowing us in, as you shared a portion of your Married To Ministry journey. I guess you may have noticed in this issue that “Married To Ministry” has become our cover story. Yep...Stay tuned and keep up (smile). To my beautiful sisters who put pen to pads, fingers to keyboards, thoughts to sound and show up issue after issue, releasing new and great pieces. I love y’all! I know some have gone on to do some more great things, but I am ever grateful for the time you graced us with your measure. LASUMXP wouldn’t be the same without all of you lending your sound. Ladies who journey through these pages, just like I do, keep rocking out with us. As a matter of fact, help us go to the next level and share with us. Not a writer? It’s ok, I actually am one. I would love to chat with you, hear your story and pen it for you. Email me and lets get to it! I actually need to do some interviews, so be the first. Love, hugs and fabulous blessings queens!
Monique Strong
LASUMXP Editor In Chief
Dysfunctional Functioning By Karmen Booth
I was watching a Stand Up special called Dysfunctional Family by Eddie Griffin. The jokes about his family were hilarious. The truth is, the humor comes from being able to relate and I can definitely relate with some dysfunctional mess in my family.
happen, because that’s what had been narrated to me, all my life.
By the age of 33, I had been proposed to six times. I struggled with using the word engaged as opposed to proposed, because the word engaged means the both of I was raised in a single parent home. I lived with my mom, you have agreed to marry. Maybe I just agreed to the idea with once a month visitations with my dad. And by of getting married. None the less, the sixth request is visitation, I mean 10-20 minutes with him, accompanied where I made my commitment. with a child support payment. This explains a lot of my previous relationships with men (Time = Money). My This is where I start to heal my dysfunctional family. This parents were never married. I have a few siblings that I is where I begin to break generational curses of rarely visited with. I have a nephew and niece by my dysfunctional living. I have one daughter, my oldest, that paternal siblings, which are older than me. On the other has only experienced a “normal” operating family for a hand, I have a nephew that grew up as my brother, by my few years of her life, while the youngest has only known maternal sibling (12 years my senior). I think I can say, I life as such. know a little about dysfunctional families. Dysfunction means not operating normally. The prefix is My mom, by the time she had me, was very particular in from a Greek term dys, meaning bad or difficult. I her relationships. I could count on one hand the number of challenge you to take a look at some areas in your life female friends she had, and there were fewer male over the next month where you know you aren’t acting friendships. In fact, she never dated (at least that I know normally, where some things aren’t working normally. of) while I was growing up. Pounding into my memory Bad functioning in your finances, in your friendships, in her quote “When you are a parent, there are sacrifices you your different roles as mothers, sisters, evangelist, etc. Let have to make”. She repeated that until after my first child us address what needs works and put a plan in place one was born. Thus, I never actually saw how a man and a day at a time. woman operate as husband and wife, or even boyfriend or girlfriend. For my mom a part of that sacrifice meant her personal life! All I knew is that I was supposed to get married and have children. My teaching on how to become a good wife came from The Cosby Show, Good Times, and Erica Cane on All My Children. I dreamed of a big fancy wedding with all my friends and family. I imagined my life with my husband and how he would come and ride off with me on the back of his horse, as my Knight in shining armor. I’m no fool. I knew it wouldn’t be a horse. It would be a foreign, custom made, vehicle. The shining armor… well that would be a Givenchy suit, with Gucci loafers. He wouldn’t be a Knight of course, but he would be a man of great importance. Right??? That’s what my Grandmother and mother led me to believe. As a child, I didn’t know any better. I didn’t know the right questions to ask. I just knew that it was going to
Spring Fling with Fashion With Ms. Mo’
Our Keep IT Kingdom tees have been doing well. With Spring in the air and all things blossoming, we have added some new colors to the mix. It is time to spruce up our wardrobes. These tees will go well with your capris, shorts, long skirts, shoe of choice, a bad bag and shades, sister! Yes! Bling shirts and tanks will also be available for the summer. There will be a whole new line of tees to rep and rock with your fashion this spring and summer. I know you have style and our girl Natasha, has been keeping us on point, in every fashionable way. She told you all about shoes in our last issue. Now marry all of that fashionable advice with these new KIK colors and create a Fashion Spring Fling that will keep them starring at you in awe.
With Apostle Crystal P. Willingham As a woman we seem to get the raw end of the stick on a lot of matters in the Kingdom and in the secular arena. We’ve come a long way through the years but true victory comes when we allow God to take the reins of our lives, as we allow Him to teach us His ways and lead us in the right direction as women of God. I am a newly married woman who happens to be in ministry alongside my husband. Although we are new in one another’s lives, neither of us are new to the journey of life in ministry or marriage. I am the mother of 4 children (3 beautiful girls & 1 handsome son), and he is the father of 2 (beautiful girls). Having been married before we were familiar with the framework of marriage but now we are experiencing the Glory of God in marriage and is where my true journey as a married woman in and to the ministry began. I was brought up in a Christian home where God and church was our life. My grandparents were saved and my great-grandparents were saved. I came from a line of preachers and pastors on both sides of my family. I gave my heart to the Lord when I was 9 years old at a play on Easter Sunday 1980. A few years later, at the age of 11, the evidence of the Holy Ghost manifested in me through speaking in tongues after hearing an intense message by my bishop on the subject. I had a spiritual jealousy about it because all of my cousins were speaking and I wasn’t. But oh, at my grandmother's house, having prayer for my dad just getting out of surgery one evening, she said, “Crystal, all you have to do is ask for it and you can have it. Open your mouth and the language will flow.” And boy did it ever, I didn’t have stammering tongues, I flowed maturely. Life moved forward for me growing up as a child and then more so after my parents divorced. I didn’t really understand what took place in the transition for them because I was young and had no idea what marriage was all about. I used to think that marriage wasn’t for me because I didn’t understand marriage, nor my parents’ divorce. I then made some very irresponsible relationship choices in the aftermath of their divorce. I just didn’t understand how, two people, with three children, who go to church regularly, prayed together, and took family vacations would all of a sudden call it quits. I didn’t understand it until I went through it myself some 20 plus years later. Keep in mind, when I got married the first time, in my mind, divorce would never be an option. Be it as it may, it happened and I’m the wiser for it. Today I am happily in love with the man of the dreams of my younger adult years. He’s everything I’ve ever dreamed of in a man and more. God did exceedingly, abundantly, above what I asked or thought, in sending me to this awesome man. I didn’t see it coming but, I welcomed it once the journey began. He is very much involved with the inner workings of ministry, in the Kingdom of God just as much as I am. As I stated earlier, although we were familiar with the framework of marriage, having been married before, we knew this was something different and amazing. As my husband and I worked on this journey before the wedding day, we came to realize this was something God ordered in spite of our previous marriage mishaps. He designed our journey this way, knowing the steps we would take in life and manifested purpose out of a painful situation such as divorce. Divorce is not good, it hurts not only your ex-spouse, but it takes a toll on your children too, no matter what their ages are. I was eighteen when my parents divorced. We are constantly praying for our children to see the light of God in all of this. In ministry, my husband and I, separately of course, have ministered to countless men and women who needed healing and deliverance as a result of a failed marriage or lack of one in their childhood. This wasn’t something we would want our own children to experience, therefore we pray for them constantly. My journey from “Married Living Single” (book coming Fall 2016) to divorce was a hard thing to overcome. It brought me to my knees in surrender to God and asking him to FIX ME FIRST before you do anything else through me. After all, truth be told, here I was about to face divorce and do so in front of my family, friends in the ministry, and spiritual children. Nobody knew I cried myself to sleep at night, longing to be in a relationship that would bring me fulfillment. I tried to be “wife” to him knowing I wasn’t the one. I did everything I could to “make it work”. I saw my marriage as a house and I found myself looking at a framework marriage. We had the foundation and all the studs for the walls in place. We even tried to furnish it with all the fixings. One wall would fall down and I’d run to fix it, but after I fixed one wall, another would collapse. Fix the walls, the roof caved in and I had to run and fix that too. After a while the storms came, the house flooded, and the walls came tumbling down, altogether. Scripturally I knew what marriage should look like, but as to the plan of God for my life, this wasn’t it. I knew it, my ex-husband knew, but nobody else did. Those who said they knew didn’t speak to me
about it, until after they found out I was divorced, in fear that I would not receive it. I can’t blame them one bit for that. I was married, in the ministry, but my marriage was a mess. I thought I could fix it but when I realized that wasn’t going to happen, I started to think I need to give it all up. Eventually I didn’t care what anyone thought or felt about me in this because, this was MY LIFE and no one else would live it but ME. I’m careful in how I speak about this, exposing this part of my life, because my children adore their father as they should. He is not an evil man, he’s their dad and I will not destroy him or his reputation because our marriage didn’t work for whatever reason. My ex-husband and I both chose to keep our terms of divorce between us and our children and move on with our lives as friends. Going through all of this, and speaking on a personal level, my heart was broken. I was left with even fewer people in my corner than I thought I would. 5 years prior to, we lost our youngest daughter in a tragic car accident, at the age of 4. I didn’t think I was going to live through that. I just knew I’d die of a broken heart, knowing I was driving the car. When I looked up and saw I was about to face divorce, I remember crying one night and said, “Lord I can’t take another hit, I’ve been raped as a child, raped as an adult, homeless, lost everything I own, my baby girl is gone, my marriage is over, my ministry is over and my life is over.” The Lord spoke back to me loud and clear, “You got through all of that and you’ll get through this.” Now mind you, people who said they’d be there for me in this storm, had since then abandoned me but God allowed me to maintain a relationship with just a few, and I mean few, friends who knew the inner and outer workings of my situation intimately. When I tell you GOD USED them for me I mean he surely did! There were many times I stayed up nights praying, or talking to and ministering to people who needed it; and that same measure of grace and loving kindness was extended to me, in these few friends I had left. I didn’t think I was going to make it through any of this let alone my children. I was so afraid for them and how this would shift their entire life. After all, we stayed in this just for them. I didn’t know what others would think of me as well. I was afraid no one would believe in me anymore after I went through this, but I knew I had to do it or else. I just knew after everything else this would destroy my ministry and I was ready to give it up. But God challenged me to have one more ministry conference and this was the conference that changed my entire life. I hosted a prophetic conference in August 2014 where my husband, the man I am married to today, walked into my conference and my life and changed it forever. Here I am today, Married to and in the ministry and loving every single minute of it. As we rebuild the dreams of ministry and business we once had in another life, I’ve discovered the awesome power and glory of God in a divine relationship I never thought possible for me. Being married to a spouse with whom you are in ministry with has its challenges. You have to remember you are his wife at home and in the light of others as well as his co-laborer. You may preach on a platform together or separately, lay hands on the sick, prophesy to the world, and help others reach their full potential, but you, as a wife, better be prepared to rock his world in the intimate space of your home. Neither of you can afford to be intimidated by one another’s gifts to the body or else you will stifle or kill what God has birthed in both of you and you’ll not reach your full potential. My marriage is bringing fulfillment to every part of me. I saw the power of submission work in my life in ways I’d knew it could, but didn’t manifest before. I love giving my husband my heart as his wife and he honors me as his wife in the most immeasurable ways. I’ve given myself totally to God and secondly to my husband and now I’m just not the same woman I once was before. Now when I preach, sing and release the power of God through me, I do so with more confidence than I’ve ever had before. Could I have pursued ministry as a single woman anyway? YES, I believe once I got through this storm, I knew God would still use me and get the glory out of my life. Marriage just puts a totally different twist on it and makes me want to live this life all the more. No matter what happened before, I realize the glory of God in marriage is found in, 1 Cor. 11:3 (MSG), “In a marriage relationship, there is authority from Christ to husband, and from husband to wife. The authority of Christ is the authority of God.” Authority in this order renders a force to be reckoned with in marriage and ministry. No matter if you are single or married in the ministry. Submission to the authority of Christ is the formula for success in life and ministry as a woman. I can’t begin to tell you the freedom I have in a marriage where my submission to God is respected, my submission to my husband is well received, my role as a mother is even more precious and my gift to the world and the body of Christ is polished and refined every single day. I pray as you continue your journey in life, ministry and/or marriage you press towards the mark of the high calling in all of this through Christ Jesus, the son of the living God.
Apostle Crystal P. Willingham CEO of G.L.A.M. Int’l Co-Founder of Destiny World Vision
Indigo Blues with Ms. Sacarri I’m Lisa Sacarri, an Abstract Artist and Décor Enthusiast in Chicago, Illinois. My passion for Arts stem from teenage years in my room, lol (punishment). My creative mind danced pages of many books and sketch paper. I majored in Commercial Arts for 3 years at Westinghouse Vocational High School. Go Warriors! You’ll have to guess the year (smile). From there I graduated, enrolled myself at Columbia College, Chicago majoring in Musical Theatre. Once I started painting as a hobby I found it put me in a whole other realm from reality. It was my escape; I’d turn on my favorite Music, at the time it was (Miles Davis - Kinda Blue CD). I created my first oil painting and titled it “Indigo Blues”. I placed it in a restaurant and it sold for $600! I was convinced then that its more than a hobby, this is a gift. So I’ve been producing paintings, custom table centerpieces and staging décor ever since, when I can. My goal is to open my own gallery displaying eclectic décor & original artwork from around the world. Currently I am working on my series titled “40 shades of Life” to celebrate my 40 awesome years in this lifetime. This series implements only 40 of my favorite hues, expressing visions that have compelled me over time. I look forward to marketing my gift to help others. Artist: Lisa Sacarri Location: Chicago, Illinois Website: www.Sacarri.com Email: LisaSacarri@gmail.com Phone: 708-288-9332
Natural Nailz GlamHer and More By Shana Sanders
Your favvvvorite Nail Tech is back in the building once again, with knowledge to share and a word or two to spread about nail-care. So with spring being here and summer quickly approaching, I found some affordable gel-like nail polishes that will make every moment last at least for a little more than a week or so. “Model Call Fresh”, is the #allsummer16 motto. So to ensure you are staying on top of your Mani and Pedi game, I tried out a few gel-tech brands recently that stayed fresh, for about 9 to 10 days instead of 4 to 6 days with regular polish. The length of stay may vary with each person depending on what your daily routines and activities are. I also applied the topcoat after 4 days for each brand. The two brands that I put to the test are, L.A. Colors Extreme Shine Gel, which can be found at Family Dollar and Sinful Shine with Gel Tech, which can be found at Wal-Mart. Now tell me that isn’t affordable! You don’t have to always spend a whole lot, to look like a million bucks. These brands are big on shine, while the gel polishes that uses the UV light, after applying each process is big on stay and shine for at least 14 days. The key to always making sure your Mani and Pedi lasts both now and forever, will be to make sure the nail beds are clean, dry and are not oily. 99.9% alcohol can be used to clean your nailbeds. But a little acetone on a lint free nail wipe is better in my opinion. These steps will even make regular polish last on the nails longer. There are beautiful colors in each of these brands. It has been said that you can use these brands with or without a basecoat. But as the true Nail Tech Professional that I AM, I never apply any type of polish without applying a basecoat, PERIOD (in my serious tone and don’t play with me Momma stare). I suggest a basecoat of the same brand if possible, but if not, just make sure a basecoat is applied. Do this especially to natural nails, because you don’t want stains that won’t come out from the polishes. Now go out and give these brands a try and let me know what you think about the DIY Gel-Tech polishes or anything else you want to know about at: NailzGlamHer@gmail.com. Until my pen and paper meet again, Smooches. SHANA
From A Test To A Testimony with Vivian Ware
I am a very private person, and am content with being reclusive. Throughout my life I have experienced loss, grief, heartache, disappointment and much pain. But…I have also experienced immeasurable joy, love, elevation, accomplishments and happiness.
My illness became more apparent which caused me to leave my job. Although symptoms became more dominant, I maintained strength and stamina to take care of my husband (until death parted us), as well as my eldest son with special needs.
After watching The Toni Braxton Story: “Unbreak My Heart”, I was compelled to share a bit of my story, but was reluctant. After contemplating exposing myself, a dear friend, spoke volumes boldly suggesting I stop hiding my truth. She reminded me that my story would not only bless others, but would also show that strength and perseverance pays off. Those words of encouragement have given me the strength to share a brief part of my life.
And so, I began going to college, and received an AAS (Associate of Applied Science) degree; within the last 2 weeks I have received a BS (Bachelor of Science) degree {my graduation ceremony is June 5th} and also was accepted in a graduate Master’s Program (with TWO cash awards) before I completed my Bachelor’s degree.
I’m sharing this to say… No matter what you are going through, mentally, physically or In 2010 my beloved husband, Dennis J. emotionally, and no matter what you face in life, Ware, Sr., was diagnosed with Cancer. Throughout God is there with open arms and He will sustain you his life, he maintained his stance and belief that God and strengthen you, even when you feel you don’t would heal him, whether on Earth or in Heaven. To have the strength to go on. Take it from me, my very say that he was a devout Christian, Minister, small support system of family and friends, much awesome father, beyond loving husband and prayer and my belief in God is what keeps me going, talented gentleman, is an understatement. on a daily basis. And if He can do it for me, He will surely do it for YOU. A year after his diagnosis, I began having outbreaks, was excessively tired, gained, then lost Blessings to you all and remember… “I love you all weight, had severe chest pains, and had bouts of most much!” ~ Lady VDub high and low emotions. Although Dennis’ condition ***remainpositiveandK.I.M.*** “Refreshed, began to elevate, he encouraged me to have a full Renewed & Restored - Live, Laugh & Love friends" examination, blood work, etc. to determine if it was due to my taking care of him and our son with special needs, or if it was more. After much prayer and discussion with my husband, I had a full work up completed and it was determined that I have SLE Lupus. Not only do I have Lupus, but I was also diagnosed with Hyperthyroidism (Graves Disease), and Rheumatoid Arthritis. This was NOT the type of news I had anticipated, but needless to say it explained everything that had began happening to me. With such news, I could have easily gone into seclusion, felt sorry for myself, and gave into all the negative feelings I was beginning to have. Instead, I began to make the best of my situation, take care of my sons and husband and be positive, both spiritually and naturally.
Pretty Girls Can Cook is a full service boutique catering company that was founded in 2013 by sisters, Ronica Copes and Canita Copes. Based out of Long Island New York, these sisters frequently travel for their business, affording them the opportunity to service both intimate and large scale events, with no geographical boundaries. Birthed solely out of a long standing love affair with food, these ladies decided to throw caution to the wind and share their God given gift of cooking, by creating Pretty Girls Can Cook. “We know that our culinary prowess is God given, for neither of us have any formal culinary training, though you’d be none the wiser”. PGCC offers cooking classes in a commercial and or home based setting, as well as trendy, personalized cooking parties for kids and adults alike. “What makes us thrive is our love of the culinary world, and the bridge that it provides to incorporate all walks of life, all the while pleasing the palate.”
of other cultures (known as fusion cuisine). Pretty Girls Can Cook intends to dispel the notion that pretty, modern-day, independent women can't cook. In spite of the business not having met its full potential, these sisters continue to push forward, believing that one day the world will come to know the sexy figure in the red apron, wearing a chef’s hat, just as one knows the logo of their favorite car. It is already aligned that Pretty Girls will undoubtedly ring synonymous with not just the word food, but great food. Our hope is that our delectable dishes continue to put a smile on people’s face, signifying and validating that we have done our job well. These two sisters and their stove are proving to the world, one meal at a time, that pretty girls can cook!
Lastly, always bake it in a cast iron skillet because it presents a nostalgic feeling of Sundays at the dinner table with family, and in the culinary world sometimes presentation is everything.
Tip # 2: We are pretty girls! But we still love to keep the tradition of cooking alive. Why is that so important? Well, food has always brought people together and created endearing family memories. However, cooking should be fun, not dreadful. My suggestion is...do homework with your kids prior to getting in the kitchen, this way there's no distractions, unless of course the kids would like to assist you with cooking, thus forming new memories. In preparing to cook pour yourself a glass of your favorite wine, or sip a nice cup of hot tea/ coffee; Put on your favorite music station to enhance the experience. Who is a pretty girl? Women who Let cooking finally be associated "Prepare Realistic Entrees To Teach with things that relax you; you'll look You". We love to teach things we've forward to being in the kitchen even learned over the years. Here are some as a modern-day woman. savvy kitchen tips. Tip #3: Skip the unnecessary protein Tip #1: Making country cornbread is in macaroni cheese. Although we a method that most grandmothers tend to be set in our ways, "pretty mastered. But for today's woman girls" have the ability to modernize always on the go, you may find that a old recipes and make new rules. Let’s start by omitting eggs from Pretty Girls pride themselves on their box of Jiffy is more convenient. Although we pride ourselves on baked macaroni and cheese. Eggs use of rich flavors, fresh and staying true to our roots and doing were used to hold macaroni & cheese wholesome ingredients, and the fact things "from scratch," I hold the together, but did you know that it that every dish prepared, is always secret to a semihomemade recipe, will eventually mold on its own? from scratch. “We’ve created these where the use of box cornbread has Simply remove (macaroni & cheese) classes and cooking parties, to the ability to taste homemade. First, from the oven once it's done, let it sit re-introduce women to the kitchen, and to show them that it can be a fun substitute milk for double the amount out and become room temperature; with time it will mold. Those of you place. Cooking should be enjoyable of sour cream. This will make the and innovative, not monotonous and cornbread batter fluffy while giving that do not like macaroni & cheese to it a buttermilk taste. Then add a mold until it can be scooped or cut dreadful.” Followers of PGCC can quarter cup of creamed corn to out like a block, should instead dive appreciate their twists on traditional into it-"hot out of the oven", for recipes and popular dishes, as well as sweeten it just a tad - no one will suspect that you hadn't made it from omitting eggs will make it creamier. their practice of combining various scratch once they taste the corn. ingredients and cooking techniques
Cara Inspires is affectionately known as The Marketing Mentor. She's also your Content Marketer, Vlogging Expert, & Creator of the Speak & Inspire Program. She helps leaders go from confused to confident with their marketing! Her mission is to empower millennial women and single mother-prenuers with economic education. Daily, she shares motivation, branding, & marketing tips! Connect with her on Periscope and Instagram. The Hustlegirl Facebook Community is open for all brilliant, motivated, and happy women. It's free and filled with resources, support, and inspiration.
The Present Your Brand Agency "It's Time to Make your Mark & Money" www.carainspires.com Connect with me: Instagram: http://instagram.com/carainspiresme/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CaraInspires Twitter: https://twitter.com/CaraInspires
Reader’s Lane
My name is Cara Inspires - I’m a Content Marketer for my company “The Present Your Brand Agency”. My team and I help new leaders go from confused to confident in their marketing. These leaders range between stay-at-home moms, who want to begin a business, to professionals needing to advance their careers. I’m also the author of Hustlegirl: How to be Brilliant & Get Things Done. When ladies work with me, they are ready to brand their hustles and build their legacies. I love what I do, but this wasn’t always my story.
No matter what I teach my clients about their brand, by the end of the conversation, there are tasks which need to be completed. There’s work to do and I teach women to move swiftly. For us, swiftly is a focus solely on personal progress. We focus on progress because most Hustlegirls have someone depending on them to make life “better”. The Hustlegirl community is filled with moms, caregivers, and leaders who are determined to succeed. I also host a group on Facebook called “Hustlegirl”- it’s a social community where ambitious women can share, I went to college, without knowing exactly what to connect and relate with other bosses who are on a focus on. I’m a natural learner and enjoy a variety of mission to “better”. We need this- we need positive things. During undergrad, my majors jumped from accountability and relationship with other brilliant Mortuary Science to Anthropology to Performing Arts. women. We all have burning desires that create a I knew early on that I was “out of the box” and force inside that move us closer to our goals. That became curious to explore that about myself. As a “moving” process is sometimes painful, pleasurable, young woman, I learned to take time and consider all predicted, unexpected-you name it…but it moves of my talents and which ones I wanted to share with you. Women need support and community when others to earn a living. Now, as an entrepreneur I’ve they’re living better and growing their brands. branded those assets and share them daily. In addition to helping women build bankable brands, I This is an important practice I share with my clients, empower them with inspiration. In my new book, “Explore who you are then share it with the world”. Hustlegirl: How to be Brilliant & Get Things Done, I Just imagine if Dr. King hadn’t “shared” his dream? It share wealth, health, and spiritual principals with may sound cliché but notice the power. When you ambitious women, who want better in life. It’s talk about someone “great”, you have to share their perfect for female leaders looking for community and story. That’s what I do. I’m like “The Story clarity on their goals. The book is interactive and Whisperer”, I get to learn about brilliant, clever, and filled with resource links, action plans, and wealthy women and help them monetize their interviews with successful women who also know talents. I love what I do! what it takes to hustle. Stories are easy to tell, but aren’t the same when you’re developing it. Entrepreneurs, authors, and other leaders of influence are often visionaries and have difficulty “narrowing down” their passions in copy (written content). What I do is show them how to package their gifts for profit- this is what I affectionately call their “hustle”. Why Hustle? hus·tle /ˈhəsəl/ verb – 1) force (someone) to move hurriedly or unceremoniously in a specified direction.
The book is available for pre-order at www.carainspires.com and there will have a book tour scheduled this summer. Hustlegirl spreads a message of community and collaboration for women who want a better life. It rings a story that all women are unique and it’s time for them to make their mark in money. For more info, go to www.carainspires.com.