10 minute read
RAIDERS ROJOS DISTINGUISHED ALUMNI FAMILY 2022: Raiders Rojos held their annual Hispanic Convocation in December. During the event they recognized the Distinguished Alumni Family with alumni of two generations. This included Ruby Gonzales who received her Bachelor of Science in Bilingual Education in 1987; Sierra Honesto , Bachelor of Science in Architecture, 2019 and her Master’s Dual degree in Architecture & Business Administration, 2021. Ashley Valderaz in Kinesiology, Master's pending. Congratulations from Latino Lubbock Magazine!

WARM HEARTS PROJECT: Los Hermanos Familia is proud to announce that this year's Warm Hearts project co-chairs - Velinda Betancur and Amaris Garcia, prepared care kits for three elementary schools, a middle school, and high school! The care kits include new socks, underwear, mittens, scarves, beanies, and other items each school can use at their discretion for emergencies and needs. In addition, Los Hermanos Familia is still collecting care and hygiene kits for teens to distribute throughout the year, as well as shoes for 37 homeless youth. If you would like to get involved or donate please visit www loshermanosfamilia.org or email loshermanosfamilia@gmail.com, or call Christy at (806)792-1212.

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806-791-7643 6002 Slide Rd.-Unit Q
Your Senior Planning Calendar
Some of you have been planning for this year for quite some time, while for others it seems as though it has suddenly appeared from nowhere. Your senior year and your half way through. For college-bound seniors you must get on the ball, it’s a time to narrow down your list of colleges, gather all your necessary test scores and high school transcripts, request letters of recommendation, and complete work on your college admission essays. . . and in reality, for most of you, this process began at least a year ago, if not longer. Don’t fret if you’re late to the game, however, you still have plenty of time to get your college applications in - as long as you’re willing to put the time in to complete them. Don't forget to review the scholarship opportunities listed monthly in Latino Lubbock Magazine's Education page. Now, here’s how your senior year should look, month-by-month. JANUARY · If applying for financial aid, get started on preparations by obtaining a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) form. · Stay focused on grades. FEBRUARY · Complete the FAFSA, if possible. (You'll need your family's/guardian's tax records.) · Keep track of your college applications; be sure all schools have received all your materials.
Girl Scouts of Texas Oklahoma Plains today enters the next century of Girl Scouts selling cookies. The Girl Scout Cookie Program® not only teaches girls essential entrepreneurial skills but also powers amazing experiences for them across the United States. Sales will take place from January 18-February 26, 2023. Cookies are $4 per box. To volunteer, reconnect, donate, or join, call 800-582-7272 or visit www. gs-top.org.
· Stay focused on grades. MARCH · College decision letters begin arriving. · Celebrate your acceptances, decide about your wait lists, and deal positively with your rejections. · Finalize financial aid applications. · Continue searching and applying for scholarships and grants. · Stay focused on grades. APRIL · Make decision about college choice from among the colleges that accepted you. · Notify all colleges (that accepte d you) of your final decision. · Submit tuition deposit to your college of choice. · Continue searching and applying for scholarships and grants. · Stay focused on grades. MAY · Be sure to submit paperwork for room and board. · Continue searching and applying for scholarships and grants. · Stay focused on grades. JUNE · Celebrate your high school success! · Send thank you notes (if you haven't already) to everyone who helped you this year. · Start planning for college. · Watch college's summer deadlines (orientations, housing options, registration, etc.) closely. JULY · Register for fall courses at your college. · Begin preparing for your new adventure.
It's Cookie Season!
Education & Scholarship Updates
is now accepting its next round of scholarship applications. The application will close on February 20, 2023, at 11:59 p.m. These scholarships are designed to assist area students to obtain a higher education and to encourage retention. For more details and to apply go to: www.loshermanosfamilia.org/universityscholarship
Fastweb.com - This website claims to be the most complete source of local, national, and college-specific scholarships on the net. It lists thousands of scholarships. When you sign up, you can get email updates when new scholarships become available. Good and free resource.
ABLE The new 2023–24 FAFSA form is here! Some states and schools have limited funds, so don’t delay! For priority consideration, submit your application by Jan. 15, 2023. Additional forms might be required. Private and two-year institutions may have different deadlines. Check with your financial aid administrator. To begin your application, go to https://studentaid. gov/.
SHIP" Se invita a los estudiantes hispanos del último año de la escuela secundaria que tengan deseos de ir a la universidad, y a sus padres, a que visiten mcdonalds.com/hacer para obtener recursos universitarios adicionales en inglés y en español y para conocer todos los detalles sobre cómo solicitar la Beca Nacional HACER® de McDonald's. El período para solicitar la beca para el próximo año académico comienza el 5 de octubre de 2023 y finaliza el 3 de febrero de 2024. FALLEN HEROES FUND Scholarship to assist with educational expenses of dependent survivors of service men and women and first responders who have died on active duty since September 11, 2001. Dependent survivors would include spouse, sons, and daughters (biological, adopted or step children). The scholarships are available as supplements to financial aid and survivor educational benefits. The applicant may be registered as a full or parttime student. Use the following link to apply: www.grantrequest.com/ SID_6007?SA=SNA&FID=35040
SCHOLARSHIP for Students majoring in Journalism Office of the Dean, School of Mass Communications P.O. Box 43082, Lubbock, TX 79409-3082 COLLEGE BOARD Fund Finder is an online tool to help you locate scholarships, internships, grants, and loans that match your education level, talents, and background. Apply online at: bigfuture.collegeboard.org/scholarship-search COLLEGENET A convenient, speedy site which searches scholarships from categories such as ACT and SAT scores, GPA, etc. Apply online at: www.collegenet. com
Latino Lubbock Magazine Proudly Advocates for Education/La revista latina Lubbock aboga por la educación
Youth Opportunities
TIME Join us for a special Saturday storytime for the whole family! Intended for ages 0-7, but all ages are w e l - come! January 3, 10, 17, 24, and 31st, 10:30 AM to 11:00 AM, at 1306 9th St. LASER TAG Join us for a fun night of laser tag on January 5, 2023, 6:30 PM to 8 PM! Space is limited. Registration begins December 15. Please call the Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th St. to register at 806-767-3733 WINTER SALT PAINTING We will be using glue, salt, and food coloring to make Winter-themed salt painting! This is a family program. To be held January 10, 2023 from 4 PM to 5 PM, at Godeke Branch Library, 5034 Frankford Ave. TEEN TALK Join other teens and let your voice be heard to talk about the things that matter to you and to learn life skills on Jan. 12, 2023, 7 to 8 PM, for Grades 6-12. Please register by calling the Godeke Branch at 806775-3362.
Observations for MLK Day Scheduled in Lubbock
Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is a United States holiday marking the birthdate of Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., observed on the third Monday of January each year, around the time of King's birthday, January 15. King was the chief spokesman for nonviolent activism in the civil rights movement, which successfully protested racial discrimination in federal and state law. He was assassinated in 1968. The Martin Luther King Commemorative Council of Lubbock, Inc. invites the public to celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, from January 13, 2023 thru January 16, 2023. Events for this celebration will be as follows: Friday, January 13th – Individual of Distinction Award Banquet, 6:30 P.M. Lubbock Memorial Civic Center (1501 Mac Davis Lane); Saturday, January 14th – Youth Night, 6 P.M. Civic Center; Sunday, January 15th – Citywide Service, 5 P.M. Civic Center; Monday, January 16th – Gospel Night, 6
P.M. Civic Center . MLK Day of Service will be observed Monday, January 16,2023. For additional information, please contact Karen Brown at (806) 239-6983.

ING Join us as we create a tower made of water ice! We will also paint with ice. This is a family program to be held on Jan. 17, 2023, 4:30 to06:30 PM, at Patterson Branch Library 1836 Parkway Dr. ANIME & GAMING Join us as we play card games, board games and video games while we watch anime! Ages 13+, Jan. 21, 2023, from 3 to 5 PM, at Groves Branch Library, 5520 19th St.
& CULTURE FOR ADULTS Learn the basics of Arabic language and culture! In partnership with Texas Tech Professor, Rula Al-Hmoud! Ages 18+., on Jan. 24, 2023, 6:30 to 7:30 PM, at Mahon Library, 1306 9th St MELTED SNOWMEN CRAFT We will be making cute melted snowmen out of felt and other supplies. Ages 18+, Jan. 30, 2023, 7 to 8 PM, at Godeke Branch Library, 5034 Frankford Ave.
Did you know you can watch movies online through the library?!? We've got movies for all ages available through the OverDrive App (not Libby) or on the website lubbock.overdrive.com! OPEN FITNESS Avoid the unpredictable weather of high winds and too hot temperatures. Use our fitness equipment to get fit! Treadmill, bikes and more! Ages 13+ (13-16 yrs. needs guardian) 3 p.m., M-F at the Trejo Center. Free. It’s officially 2023! A whole new year of possibilities and opportunities awaits us. I am so eager to be in this new chapter of my life and have already set some goals of my own. My main goal is to keep a clean and balanced state of mind this year. To me, this means not having unnecessary stress and believing everything happens for a reason. Of course, I also have goals of attaining good grades and not second-guessing myself. With the new year here, setting goals is important in becoming the best version of yourself. It keeps us on our toes. So, I also encourage everyone to set a few goals too and stick with them for as long as you can. For example, strive for happiness. Spend time with people you care about. Also, be easy on yourself as we’re all human and make mistakes - this is part of being a teenager. I hope you take advantage of the new year and live a purposeful life!
Blaise Martinez - is the new youth Writer for a Teen's View. She is a 10th grader at Lubbock High School. She aspires to attend Stanford University, major in computer science, and pursue a career in computer science and app development. Welcome from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
· Apply for FAFSA or get to know it. Stay focused on grades and attendance. · Go online and register for fastweb.com, or look up scholarships during the holiday break. · Make sure to get involved and volunteer.

GIRL SCOUTS Y PANCHO CLOS: The Girl Scout Troop De Colores volunteered to put the annual fruit bags together distributed by Pancho Clos. This is an annual tradition for the troop. Thank you to all the Girl Scouts and helpers!

UMC PARTNERS IN GOOD HEALTH AT BROWN: This year marks 14 years that UMC employees have donated food bags to students at Brown Elementary School! UMC delivered the 160 food bags filled with good food items on December 20th, 2022. Food insecurity is one of the primary social determinants of health. A lack of appropriate food impacts all aspects of a person’s overall physical and mental health,” said Kristi Duske, Senior Vice-President & Chief Legal Officer. UMC has sponsored Brown Elementary, through the Partners in Education program, since 2008.

YOUNG AND FAITHFUL: Reverend Martin Pina of Our Lady of Guadalupe parish thanked this years youth who played the role of Juan Diego - Josiah Santiago; and Bella Diaz who served as the Virgen de Guadalupe. He said it is admirable when youth make time to get involved in the church, along with their jobs and school extracurricular activities. Beautiful job!