11 minute read
"Latino Lubbock Magazine Celebrating 17 Years"
Another year to celebrate of achieving 17 years for Christy Martinez-Garcia and her publication Latino Lubbock Magazine! She said that this year was probably one of the most significant - overcoming all of the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic that impacted her business she is proud to have overcome many of the challenges, and still serving Lubbock and 23 rural communities, including areas of Midland & Odessa - strong! Anyone that know Christy knows she is passionate and tenacious. She started Latino Lubbock Magazine in 2006. During the pandemic Christy focused on the business aspects of Latino Lubbock Magazine becoming HUB certified, achieving an LLC, and preparing to become a Minority Business Enterprise, as well as a Woman-Owned business. The pandemic also made her realize the need for marginalized communities, as such she decided to run for the District 1 city council seat. "I love my community and it disappointed me to see how neglected our aging neighborhoods are... so, I ran for office." Incidentally, she won! And while the victory allows her to advocate for and keep the community informed she also had to sacrifice the business Latino Lubbock Magazine did with the City of Lubbock. "I truly believe that God prepares us for opportunity and hurdles. I trust His timing and I think the discipline of practicing objectivity in media helps me to make fair decision for the public," she said. It's no secret that Christy is also outspoken. You may recall that when the Covid surge was at its peak, she kept her readers and social media followers on informed - sharing factual news and information about the pandemic. No doubt that Christy is strong. She was influenced by her grandparents. She grew up next door to her grandfather Don Juan Martinez, as well as grandparents Juan E. & Frances Castro in the Arnett Benson neighborhood. Daily she visited her Grandma Castro who was very important to her. She also said her Grandfather Martinez influenced and impacted her life in many significant ways but one thing he told her has always stuck with her. "First God, then family, and never, never forget your community," is what her grandfather would tell her. Martinez-Garcia said she had her calling when she received her first camera at the age of 10 years-old, for Christmas, and she began taking pictures of everything. Soon she began pretending to hold mock interviews in front of the bathroom mirror. Her father Jose J. Martinez was an avid newspaper reader and attended college while she and her siblings were in elementary school and always instilled the importance of reading from a young age. She said she got her gift of gab from her mother Janie Castañeda, who could sell anything. Their influence led to her future career. At 18, she began working as a sales representative at West Texas Hispanic News for the late Ernest F. Barton, who died in 2018, and served as her mentor, before transitioning into writing for the publication. She did this while she attended Texas Tech University. She would go on to get a public relations and marketing degree. She worked as a Public Information Officer (PIO) for the City of Lubbock, serving in many capacities and volunteering to take on many projects to learn and connect with all citizens. “My goal was to put a face on what is often considered to be a faceless bureaucracy,” she said. Christy did other work but was also committed to public service. Eventually, she would land a dream job as the assistant vice president of communications for National Council of La Raza (NCLR) in Washington D.C. She met many people and experienced so much, more so she learned of many resources. However, the job's schedule and commute time were taking away from valuable time with her husband and daughter, eventually, she decided to relocate back to Lubbock. Upon her return, she noticed that local news outlets often did not report positive news about the Hispanic community or include them as experts of topics. This frustrated her because in her previous job she saw first-hand the positive contribution of Hispanics and the role they held in impacting national decisions. "I wanted to showcase the contributions of Hispanics to Lubbock. Having worked with media, print seemed the best platform to do so," she said. More so, her own upbringing and being surrounded by many active Hispanic role models drove her to assure that her own daughter Amaris Garcia and generations following would take pride in the footprint left by their families in their contribution to Lubbock. Thus, Latino Lubbock Magazine was born. She began to conceptualize the publication. Holding one-on-one’s, focus groups, doing research, interviews as well as preparing all necessary business requirements to get the publication going. The first issue of Latino Lubbock Magazine was published in January 2007 and was created in the guest room of MartinezGarcia's home. She printed 5,000 issues and placed them around Lubbock and quickly ran out in the first week. The immediate demand for more copies of Latino Lubbock Magazine inspired her. The publication now has 100,000 readers monthly and can be found in Lubbock and 28 rural communities. Christy said Latino Lubbock Magazine uses the Monarch butterfly in the publication because it symbolizes resilience of multi-generations. She believes it is very representational of the things the Hispanic community has withstood. She said the butterfly represents her continued journey as well. "The butterfly impels me," MartinezGarcia said. "I'm passionate about my community and when you love what you do it seems easy, but it is also driven by faith and that spirit of community. And like the Monarch that takes flight on its journey from one region to the next, and arrives at its destination despite all obstacles, I wanted to emulate such tenacity. I'm so blessed to get to do what I do." She said she is grateful to her husband Frank and her daughter Amaris for
CHRISTY always supporting her journey. More so, MARTINEZ-GARCIA she said that she is grateful to her readers and advertisers. And now more than ever is relying on both for their support. "We are blessed to have such dedicated and supportive readers. Our advertisers make it possible for the publication to remain free, and our readers fuel our passion,” she said. Martinez-Garcia discussed progress for Hispanics in the area sharing that she had begun seeing some inclusion and positive recognition for Hispanics in the Lubbock community, but the current administration and other factors have hindered that progress. "I don’t feel like we are where we should be, and we must continue to remind officials to be more inclusive of us," said MartinezGarcia. “I still believe that we must continue to shake at the hems of our community representatives and hold these representatives more accountable - even me - when they don’t seek out our input or if they depend on the voice of one Hispanic to speak for us all.” " As someone in media I must remain objective. My role is to give Latinos a publication reflective of them that they can take pride in; and, the community a tool for better understanding and creating dialogue.” Despite reaching her 17-year mark, Christy said she the industry continues to change, and she recognizes that Latino Lubbock Magazine has had to have a more digital presence, which she continues to encourage readers to utilize the website at www.latinolubbock.net “We are striving to continue growing our digital footprint and continue to be passionate and reflect more current daily news,” she said adding that her website is a great source along with her social media pages such as Facebook and Instagram. She balances Latino Lubbock Magazine and Los Hermanos Familia, a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) organization that she founded, keeps her extremely busy. In addition, she serves as the host of the Latino Lubbock Update that she appears on each Thursday on KLBK’s Trends & Friends. Christy is still exploring the process to launch a podcast in the near future. She also continues to serve on the board of National Association of Hispanic Publication (NAHP) influencing the direction of print and digital media in her industry. In 2019, she also propelled her publication to a new level when she was recognized as the NAHP's 2019 Latina Publisher of the Year! Martinez-Garcia said that 2020-22 were a challenge, but she took every opportunity to grow and assured that the publication will continue to strive despite the pandemic. “We’re passionate about the Latino community. We know our passion is a common thread that many Hispanics posses and we hope to share new stories and cover new events, as well as sustain our traditional readers and dedicated followers, while growing our audience.” "We're excited to continue to grow as we achieve 17 years of Lubbock News from a Latino Perspective!" “Thank you! We're optimistic that God will continue to propel Latino Lubbock Magazine so we can further empower our community.” For more info, visit www.latinolubbock. net or like us on facebook.com/ LatinoLubbock
2023 Adelante Awards
Calling for Nominations
Los Hermanos Familia (LHF) of Lubbock is now accepting nominations for the 7th Annual “Adelante Awards,” a recognition program that will showcase and honor Hispanic men in the Lubbock and surrounding community, who excel in their careers and volunteer efforts. Individuals will be selected in the following categories: Education, Medical, Business Owner, Professional, First Responder, Military/Veteran, Church, Civic/Volunteer, Media, Arts & Entertainment, Athlete/ Athletics Supporter, College Young Adult, and Youth. Members of the community can submit a nomination for an individual in the respective category, and an independent, anonymous panel of judges will determine the recipients. In addition, a Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual who has continuously paved the trail for others. This year, it will honor Monsignor David Cruz. The Adelante Award program is an initiative of Los Hermanos Familia a local nonprofit established in 2008. The organization began with the annual, “Vamos a Pescar, Let’s Go Fishing” event, which uses fishing as a hook to bring families together. The event was inspired when a last request to go fishing with the entire family was filled by Frank Garcia, whose father, the late Gonzalo Garcia Sr., made a day before his death. In 2019, it drew almost 4,000 participants despite inclement weather. This year the event will be cochaired by Christy MartinezGarcia & Rosa Llanas. The Adelante Awards Gala is LHF's largest fundraiser and benefits many of its programs. And this year's gala theme will be in coordination with Cinco de Mayo and will be
held on Friday, May 5, 2023. The theme will follow the observance with a Mexican Fiesta. "As a community it is important to recognize these men who are blazing the trails for others," said MartinezGarcia. They invite the public to consider nominating individuals from their organization, business, workplace, or church communities whom they believe deserve such recognition. Online nominations open January 15, 2023 and can be done at www.loshermanosfamilia. org To be a sponsor or for ticket information, please contact (806) 792-1212, or visit www. loshermanosfamilia.org. David Cruz Named LHF's 2023 Lifetime Achievement Recipient

Los Hermanos Familia (LHF) of Lubbock is proud to announce that Monsignor David Cruz, will be the 2023 Lifetime Achievement Award recipient at the 7th Annual Adelante Awards. The Lifetime Achievement Award honors an individual who has continuously paved the trail for others. This is the only award that is selected by the LHF board. A Lubbock native, Monsignor David R. Cruz completed his theological studies and training for the priesthood at in 1986. Since then, he has provided spiritual care for people in Lubbock, rural communities, and hospitals. In 2009, Monsignor David Cruz was appointed Cursillo Director. In 2014, he authored The Human Face of God which invites the reader to experience the personality and the heart of God. In August 2015, he was the founding pastor of St. John the Baptist Parish, located at 10805 Indiana Ave. It provides space for worship, for up to a 450-person capacity. On December 21, 2020, Pastor, Fr. David Cruz was appointed Chancellor of the Diocese of Lubbock. "Rev. Cruz has been an outstanding faith leader and example for our community," said Christy Martinez-Garcia, LHF President. "We believe his role in the faith community has been an inspiration to many and we hope that the public will join us as we honor him and other nominees at the Adelante Award Gala, May 5th." To be a sponsor or for ticket info, please contact (806) 7921212, or visit www.loshermanosfamilia.org.

FELIZ NAVIDAD FROM LLM & LHF: Staff of Latino Lubbock Magazine, and volunteers of Los Hermanos Familia handed out candy to attendees of the annual Miracles Christmas Parade on 34th Street! The groups decorated their vehicle and float, playing merry Christmas music while walking down 34th to share Christmas cheer. Happy New Year y Prospero año!

WARM HEARTS & TOYS FOR CHRISTMAS: Los Hermanos Familia delivered gifts to children through their Warm Hearts program. The organization partnered with Charli's Tree to get gifts to more than 100 children!
LHF Announces 2023 Events
Los Hermanos Familia announced some of its highlight events coming in 2023 urging the public to save the dates. The Bilingual Financial Literacy Workshop will take place each Tuesday in April. The 7th Annual Adelante Awards Gala will be held Friday, May 5, 2023. The 9th Annual Cinco de Mayo Parade will be held Saturday, May 6, 2023. The 15th Annual "Vamos a Pescar, Let's Go Fishing" Event will be held Saturday, August 5, 2023. The 8th Annual Veteran's Parade will be held Saturday, November 4, 2023. A complete list of calendar events, projects, dates and details or online registration can be found at www.loshermanosfamilia.org. For sponsorship or additional info call (806)792-1212.