20 minute read
Faith & Religion
LOS SEGUIDORES DE CRISTO CHRISTMAS RIDE: Annually, Los Seguidores de Cristo collect toys and gifts for parish families in need. The group arrives with music, Christmas cheer and bless those families. ¡Mil gracias!

CELEBRATION OF THE VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE: St. Elizabeth held their mass in observance of the Virgen de Guadalupe. Pictured are Rev. Robert Perry, O.P., Deacon Benny Brito, and Rev. John Restrepo, O.P. Pastor. (Photo by Margie Aguilar)

OLG KOC FOOD DRIVE: In preparation for the winter and holiday season the Knights of Columbus 11807 held their annual canned food drive! The group is committed to serving their church community. We appreciate you!

COMMITTED TO SERVICE: The Knights of Columbus 8097 held their annual Christmas gathering as well as prepared for their New Year's Dance, which returned almost back to normal post Covid-19. Great job guys!
Make Plans for Día de la Candelaria Mass
Día de la Candelaria (Day of the Candles or Candle Mass) happens on February 2, and is a Mexican celebration that is fusion of the Catholic influences and native Mexican tradition. It falls forty days after Christmas, and is celebrated by Catholics as the "Feast of Purification" or as the "Presentation of Christ at the Temple." According to Jewish law it was customary to bring a baby to the temple after that period of time had passed. So Jesus would have been taken to the temple on February second. Another custom is for families to own an image of the Christ child, a Niño Dios. At times a godparent is chosen for the Niño Dios, who is then responsible for hosting various celebrations between Christmas and Candlemas. First, on Christmas Eve the Niño Dios is placed in the Nativity scene, on January 6th, King's Day, the child is brought presents from the Magi, and on February 2nd, the child is dressed in fine clothes and presented in the church.
In addition, children receive a second round of Christmas presents on
Jan. 6, Kings Day. Día de la
Candelaria is a follow-up to the festivities of King's Day and Tamales are a favorite food of choice.
Forward in Chris
The philosopher, Socrates said, “man know thyself!” He taught that knowledge of self is the basis for a true understanding of who we are to others. Self-awareness is, “conscious knowledge of one’s character, feelings, motives, and desires.” Being self-aware is an important reflection that can define where we are in our own lives. It’s not being self-centered; it’s being well-centered. Here are four healthy practices for self-awareness. 1. Learn to BE with Jesus. If I’m not connecting with Jesus on a regular basis, it’s usually because I’m running from dealing with something that WILL catch up to me. 2. Fire the Liar. You can’t lead yourself if you are lying to yourself. 3. Use Your Energy on what you Value. (A key to this, is hearing the voice of God) My spiritual father’s definition of maturity is, “learning to hear the voice of God & obey it”. You cannot lead yourself well until you know what God values & what He calls you to do. 4. Surround Yourself Well. You don’t get anywhere alone. Your direction and quality of life will reflect the people you are surrounded by. Take a good look! Matthew 7:3 ~ "Why do you see the speck that is in your brother's eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?"
Joshua Ramirez is the Campus Pastor of the Lubbock Dream Center and has been in ministry for 31 years.
Get vaccinated! ¡Vacunarse!
Church Bulletins
DEVOTIONS January 6-7, 2023, continues a Novena of Nine Months in preparation for the 40th Anniversary Celebration of the establishment of the Diocese of Lubbock. First Friday and First Saturday all-night vigils in the Lubbock Deanery at Christ the King Cathedral (begin at 6:30 p.m. with Mass); and in the Snyder Deanery at St. Elizabeth Church (begin at 7 p.m. with Mass); continuing through First Saturday morning. Check the diocesan calendar at catholiclubbock.org/Calendar.html for January – June 2023 dates and save the dates on your own digital calendar.
ASSOCIATES will begin January 7, 2023, plan to join in spreading the spirit of St. Francis in the Diocese of Lubbock. Call Sister Patricia Esparza at (806) 863-4904 for more information.
COUNTER January 27-29, 2023, in English. Engaged Encounter is a weekend where couples planning marriage have the time together to concentrate on each other, free from the tensions, pressures, and interruptions of daily life. Call (806) 792-3943 or find the application with more 2023 dates at catholiclubbock.org/FamilyLife.html.
TRAINING Parish volunteers & staff remember you can take your safe environment training through the diocese’s website at www.CatholicLubbock.org/ SafeEnvironment.html LAS ESTACIONES Presented by Our Lady of Grace Church for persons 60 years and older, meets the 3rd Wednesday of the month, 10 a.m. - 1:30 p.m. Join for prayer, fun and fellowship.
Father Piña’s Bible Study in English will be held on Wednesdays, at 7 pm. at 1120 52nd St. El Estudio Bíblico en Español con Emilio Abeyta estará los Miércoles, a las 7pm. YOUTH BIBLE STUDY at Our Lady of Grace, every Wednesday and Friday, 5:30 pm - 7 pm, at Buxkemper Hall, 3111 Erskine St. DIVINE MERCY Chaplet online at https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/novena PRAY THE ROSARY ONLINE at https://www.cathedralofmary.org/faithformation/resources/pray-the-rosaryonline
SCRIPTURES online at https:// catholicboard.com/
Community - communidad
The Three Wise Men
After New Year’s Day, many Latino families still have a very special date to commemorate and enjoy. On January 6, most of the Hispanic world celebrates El Dia De Reyes, the Epiphany, remembering the day when the Three Wise Men following the star to Bethlehem, arrived bearing their treasured gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh for the Baby Jesus.
On the night, of January 5, the figu - rines of the Three Wise Men are added to the nativity scene. Some families still encourage their children to put out old shoes so that the Wise Men will leave them presents. At some homes, hay and water are left out for the animals, and snacks are left for Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar. The evening of the 6th is when the Merienda de Reyes, a Spanish based tradition of celebrating the Epiphany with a dinner is held. Friends and families celebrate the Epiphany and indulge in tamales, the Rosca de Reyes, an oval sweetbread, decorated with candied fruit, and hot chocolate. Whoever gets the baby figurine hosts another celebration on February 2, the day of the Candelaria or Candle mass day. On this day the host also gets a new Ropón, or dress for the Baby Jesus of the Nativity scene. That night, families gather again to put away the nativity and to close the Christmas season.

¡Ya Vienen Los Reyes Magos!
Una de las tradiciones más arraigadas en la cultura española es la celebración de la noche de reyes, cuando niños y mayores se llenan de ilusiones y esperanzas. La Cabalgata es un desfile que cada 5 de enero se representa en las grandes y pequeñas ciudades españolas. Representa el camino que recorrieron los Reyes Magos hasta Belén para encontrar al Niño Dios siguiendo la estrella que les marcaba el camino. Esta fiesta reúne a muchas personas en las calles y plazas de las ciudades para ver pasar a los reyes y sus pajes quienes regalan caramelos a los niños, es una noche donde se mezclan las tradiciones y la fe. Según el Evangelio de San Mateo, los tres Reyes Magos de Oriente ofrecieron al Niño Dios oro, incienso y mirra. Durante años y siglos, la tradición popular ha representado a tres importantes personajes que adoraron al Niño Dios y le ofrecieron regalos. En España e Hispanoamérica existe la tradición de entregar a los niños regalos en la noche del 5 al 6 de enero. Esa noche, largamente esperada por los niños, los tres Reyes Magos llegan a la ciudad con todo su séquito, donde son recibidos por las autoridades. Montados en sus camellos o en carrozas, los reyes desfilan por la ciudad para dis-
frute y deleite de los niños que les miran con ojos de asombro e ilusión. La Cabalgata de Reyes es una representación festiva de la adoración de los tres Reyes Magos al Niño Dios. Las ciudades se llenan de luces y color, y comienza el largo recorrido, que en ocasiones dura horas; las carrozas, los camellos, los pajes reales y los más variados y exóticos personajes desfilan ante los ojos atónitos de niños y mayores. Según la tradición española, la tarde del día 5 de enero los tres Magos de Oriente recorren la ciudad lanzando a los niños caramelos y mostrando todo su esplendor. La Rosca de Reyes
People go to the markets and stores to get the needed ingredients to prepare the Rosca feast. All over the country, in every city and in every little town, bakeries offer the Rosca de Reyes, an oval sweetbread, decorated with candied fruit. The Merienda de Reyes is truly a multicultural event. The Spaniards brought the tradition of celebrating the Epiphany and sharing the Rosca to the New World. The Rosca is served along with Tamales, made of corn which was the pre-Hispanic food per excellence, and hot chocolate. Hidden inside this delicious Rosca, a plastic figurine of the Baby Jesus. The Baby is hidden because it symbolizes the need to find a secure place where Jesus could be born, a place where King Herod would not find Him. Each person cuts a slice of the Rosca. The knife symbolizes the danger in which the Baby Jesus was in. Whoever gets the baby figurine shall be the host, and invite everyone present to a new celebration on February 2, Candelaria or Candle mass day, and he also shall get a new Ropón or dress for the Baby Jesus of the Nativity scene. The Mexican Christmas season is joyously extended up to February 2nd when the nativity scene is put away, and another family dinner of delicious tamales and hot chocolate is served with great love and happiness. ¡Feliz ańo nuevo y buen provecho!

CELEBRATING FAITH: Guadalupanas of Our Lady of Grace joined in on the festivities celebrating Día de la Virgen de Guadalupe with a mass and program.

LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE: St. Joseph's Church of Lubbock Guadalupanas and Guadalupanos served breakfast after the observance honoring la Virgen de Guadalupe.

CELEBRANDO LA VIRGEN DE GUADALUPE: Members of the Guadalupanas of St. Patrick's Church posed for a group photo after honoring La Virgen de Guadalupe.

COMMUNITY CONNECTION: Volunteers of Fiestas del Llano's Inc. held Pancho Clos' 50th anniversary visit at the Trejo Center. The group shared fruit & candy bags, toys, hotdogs and activities for kids.

CHRISTMAS GIVING: Members of Los Carnales La Familia Hub City with car club Mi Familia came together to provide Christmas gifts for children of the Boys & Girls Ranch. They participated in the Christmas parade. They have done this for several years and continue to bring smiles to area families. Thanks for your commitment!

CHRISTMAS FOR THE KIDS: The Sheriff's Department were among the participants at the Boys & Girls Ranch Christmas parade December 2022. This is a great activity demonstrating a collective support for the kids. Way to go!

COSA NUESTRA IN THE LBK: Members of COSA NUESTRA MC celebrated their 3rd Annual Christmas party in Lubbock. The group is a Law Enforcement Motorcycle Club that formed in August of 2018, and is made up of members who are Law Enforcement, FIRE, EMS, Business Owners.
Mitch Wright
LULAC & Navy Discuss Suicide Prevention
Washington, DC – The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) held the first of two meetings with the U.S. Navy, a landmark in the organization's 93-year history. LULAC was joined by the authors of the Brandon Act, which was signed by President Biden in December 2021 but has yet to be implemented. The law authorizes mental health resources for service members without prior command approval or fear of retaliation. LULAC and the Brandon Caserta Foundation called for the meeting as deaths by suicide continue to spike in all U.S. military branches. "We are here because we want to work with the military in saving our servicemembers' lives," said Roman Palomares, LULAC Military and Veterans Affairs Chair, in speaking with Robert D. Hogue, Acting Assistant Secretary in charge of Manpower and Reserve Affairs for the U.S. Department of the Navy. "The first step is to learn what the Navy is doing to prevent suicides. From our standpoint in the communities, we don't know. This is why many Latino families are afraid to let their children enlist in the military if they cannot be protected," added Palomares. Teri and Patrick Caserta told the Navy leadership staff that their son Brandon Caserta died by suicide in June 2018 after suffering chronic bullying by toxic leadership. "Our son's death was murder-by-suicide within a Navy command that didn't care about him," said Patrick Caserta. "Despite that, we still love the Navy, and we are here because we want to make a difference," he added. Teri Caserta said she receives calls daily from military moms, wives, and families whose loved ones have died by suicide. "We are the frontline first responders and believe the best way to do that is by building awareness about services they can access, but the Navy must implement the Brandon Act. Our servicemen and women have to see that we care and that they matter," she said. Rafaela Schwan, LULAC
Interim Chief Operating Officer, told Hogue that the organization's councils across the United States and Puerto Rico offer a safe place for servicemembers in crisis to find support in familiar settings. "As parents, we all accept that joining the military means risk for our children at the hands of an enemy," said Schwan. "However, we cannot accept losing our sons and daughters here at home because we missed the danger signs or didn't know how to help them. LULAC is prepared to work with the Navy or on our own to ensure that our communities' loved ones are valued and protected," she added. The next meeting is scheduled for January between U.S. Navy Secretary Carlos del Toro and LULAC national president Domingo Garcia. James Fukuda, LULAC national board member and vice-president for the northeast United States, said the military's challenge is aligning its practices with presentday youths exposed to a high-tech environment and a myriad of career choices. "The military can still be a very positive experience, but we must work together to develop new ways to attract youths and keep them engaged. LULAC is positioned to help the Navy do that," said Fukuda.
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Hometown Heroes
Kendall Miller received her promotion to Petty Officer Second Class on November 22nd with the US Navy. She is the daughter of Debbie Esparza McClure and Harold McClure, and the granddaughter of Ernest and Paula Esparza. She joined in 2014. From Latino Lubbock Magazine we salute you!
Veteran & Military Connection
▪ Honor Flight Meeting, JAN 2, 6 p.m., at The Message Church 5502 Auburn ▪ Feb. 3, 2023 – Four Chaplains Day ▪ Feb. 19 – Coast Guard Reserve Birthday
MEETINGS 3rd Saturday at 110 a.m., at American Legion, 6628 66th St, in Lubbock. For more info call Steve Oien at (707) 592-4598. VETERAN SUICIDE HOTLINE If you know someone is actively considering suicide, call the veterans' suicide hotline at 1 (800) 273-8255. It's a service rendered by the Department of Veterans Affairs. DISABILITY.GOV This U.S. federal government website gives information on disability programs and services. It helps find information on how to apply for disability benefits, find a job, get health care or pay for accessible housing. www.disability.gov
is a non-profit organization dedicated to providing the military wounded with fully equipped handicapped vehicles. www. helpourmilitaryheroes.org

Important Numbers
Teléfonos de interés para los veteranos
SUICIDE & CRISIS LINE 9-8-8 U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs 806-472-3420 Lubbock Vet Center 806-792-9782 or 877-927-8387 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia Latino Lubbock Magazine 806-792-1212
Neighborhood News & Resources
SOCIATION will have a meeting Thursday, January 19th at 5:30 p.m., at 3200 Amherst St. at Maggie Trejo Supercenter. Speakers will include LISD to discuss closing of Mathews Academy; as well as the RAYO Neighborhood Planning presentation. All are invited.
MEETING meeting are the 2nd Monday of each month, 7 pm, at the Hope Shalom, 2005 Ave. T.
TIONS 2-1-1 is a free help line answered 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, which will link you to health and community services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/
provides citizens with direct access to NonEmergency City Services. NEXTDOOR allows you to keep up with your neighborhood at https://nextdoor.com/ news_feed/

Submit your story online at www.latinolubbock. net/have-a-story For more info call (806)7921212.
Important Numbers for Senior Citizens
Teléfonos de interés para la tercera edad
AARP: 888-687-2277 Social Security: 800-772-1213 Medicare: 800-633-4227 TX Area Agency on Aging: 800-252-9240 2-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 3-1-1 Information and Referral Información y referencia 4-1-1 Voting Information Información de votación Latino Lubbock Magazine (806)792-1212

news@latinolubbock.net www.latinolubbock.net
Tips to Protect
Your Home & Your Family
Safety is a year-round concern and is especially critical during the holidays when friends and family visit. 1. Set Up a Proper Security System. A professionally installed security system is a great way to feel safe at home, not only when the family is there, but when traveling during the holidays. A system can be installed for less than $1,000. Studies have shown that security systems and well-lit homes deter criminals. 2. Install Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors. These two inexpensive devices save lives, especially during this season when Christmas lights and candles are lit for long periods. There should be one smoke detector and one
carbon monoxide detector or a combination unit on every floor of the home, especially near bedrooms. The average cost is $25-$50 and First Alert and Kidde are two popular manufacturers. 3. Safeguard the Fireplace. The fireplace is the perfect centerpiece to entertain and keep warm. Without proper maintenance and cleaning, however, fireplaces can turn into safety hazards. Call a professional to inspect and clean the chimney every year. More Quick and Easy Fixes: Ensure that all area rugs have antiskid tape or padding to keep them sure-footed. Have a good, strong step-stool to reach items.
Sugerencias para proteger el hogar y la familia
La seguridad es algo que preocupa durante todo el año y es especialmente crítica en la temporada de fiestas cuando amigos y familiares están de visita. 1. Instale un sistema de seguridad adecuadoUn sistema de seguridad instalado profesionalmente es una excelente manera de sentirse seguro en el hogar, cuando la familia esté de visita así como también mientras uno esté de viaje durante las fiestas. Un sistema se puede instalar por menos de US$1,000. Los estudios muestran que los sistemas de seguridad y los hogares bien iluminados pueden disuadir a los delincuentes. 2. Instale detectores de humo y monóxido de carbono. Estos dos aparatos poco costosos ayudan a salvar vidas, especialmente durante esta temporada en la que las luces y velas de Navidad están encendidas durante largas horas. Debe haber un detector de humo y un detector de monóxido de carbono o una unidad combinada en cada piso en el hogar, en especial cerca de los dormitorios. El costo promedio es de $25 a $50 y First Alert y Kidde son dos fabricantes populares. 3. Proteja la chimenea. La chimenea es la pieza central perfecta para entretener y mantener el calor. Sin embargo, sin el mantenimiento y limpieza adecuados las chimeneas se pueden convertir en un riesgo para la seguridad. Llame a un profesional para que inspeccione y limpie la chimenea todos los años. Más arreglos rápidos y fáciles: Asegúrese que todas las alfombras tengan una almohadilla o cinta adhesiva antideslizante para mantenerlas seguras al pisar. Tenga a mano una escalera pequeña.
Get vaccinated! ¡Vacunarse!

NLNA OPEN HOUSE HELPERS: The North Lubbock Neighborhood Association held a Christmas Open House and meet-and-greet to allow neighbors and various organizations to get to enjoy holiday festivities as well as network. The group is now preparing for the 2023 calendar year and urge North Lubbock residents to get involved. Meeting are held monthly and all are invited.

HAW DONATES BOOKS TO LHF: Members of the Hispanic Association of Women (HAW) collected new and gently used books as their holiday project, which they donate to Los Hermanos Familia's (LHF) "Read to Lead, Read to Grow" program. LHF will use the books in their little libraries located around town. The project allows children and families access to books to take a book, leave a book project - at no cost to readers. Both organizations are committed to education. LHF also encourages families to visit their digital library at www.loshermanosfamilia.org/readtolead-readtogrow . Way to go from Latino Lubbock Magazine! En Aquellos Días…
Los años se pasaban tan despacio. Se nos hacia que se pasaba mucho tiempo para los cumpleaños. Cuando cumplí 10 años quería cumplir 15, cuando cumplí 15 quería cumplir 18. Y como decía mi papa,” ahí se va y ahí se va.” Cuando cumplí 21 años me puse a pensar y decía, “Gracias a Dios”. Pero tenia muchas más responsabilidades entre mas años cumplía. Tenía carro, pero también tenía más trácalas. Entre mas años mas dolores de cabeza y los años se empezaron a pasar más y más pronto. En aquellos dias, se me hacía que personas de 30 años estaban ya muy viejos y luego yo tenía 30 y veía personas de 50 y pensaba que ya estaban listos para morir. Ahora quisiera que los años se detuvieron un poco. Me pongo a pensar y me digo que, porque estoy tan vieja, si apenas hace 20 años que cumplí los 50. Pero mi papa decía, “Uno nunca estamos conformes”. Y es tan cierto. Miro la juventud de el presente y digo que yo nunca fui así. Lo mejor es no contar los años. Solamente contémonos las bendiciones. ¡FELIZ AÑO
Editor's Note: Rosario Montez Smith grew up en un rancho in Levelland, and enjoys sharing her memories of living in rural West Texas.