7 minute read
Lubbock Compact Awarded Air Quality Study Grant Lubbock City Council Announces
Retirement of City Secretary Becky Garza
One of the Lubbock Compact Foundation's projects was awarded a grant that will possibly improve the air quality in Lubbock. Being nearly $483,000, the funds will help the Environmental Protection Agency conduct a three-year air quality study in the Hub City; the first of its kind in the area. The Lubbock Environmental Action Project, or LEAP, has been following up on a 2021 study by Texas Tech and others that revealed some concerning numbers of people with asthma in the city. Especially those who live in Northeast Lubbock. LEAP Project Manager, Joshua Shankles explained, “Maybe it’s best described in that, in taking on this project, it kind of lets the genie out of the bottle. We don’t know what the ultimate outcomes are, we’re going to follow the science wherever that leads us.” The threeyear project will start as a network of 40 air quality monitors across the entire city. Samples will be taken, and in year two, scientists will analyze the data and look for hotspots. In year three, they’ll have a robust community engagement strategy and inform the people of the information discovered. For more information, email them at comms@lubbockcompact.com. The Lubbock City Council announced the retirement of City Secretary Becky Garza, while recognizing her more than 26 years of service to the City. "The City Council and I are very appreciative of the loyalty, leadership and vision Becky has given the City and its citizens. She has been an integral part of all important Council business, its meetings and City elections since the turn of the century," said Mayor Tray Payne. "Her contributions to the City are immeasureable, and will benefit the organization for years to come. We thank her for her work ethic and service; and wish her the best in her next chapter." Garza started with the City of Lubbock in August of 1996 as a Senior Accountant in the Accounting Department, before being named the City's first Assistant City Secretary in 1998. She was appointed Lubbock's 16th City Secretary in February 2001, and has served a population of 270,000+ citizens. Her wealth of knowledge stems from over 26 years of municipal service. She has shared her expertise by coauthoring the eighth, ninth, tenth, and eleventh editions of TMCA’s Texas Municipal Clerks Handbook. She has volunteered for many years as a speaker and panel member for TMCCP’s Election Law Seminar, where she has also served as a convener. Ransom Canyon City Manager Maria Elena Quintanilla, said, “Becky is often contacted by other City Secretaries across the state who request advice and expertise on areas such as redistricting, election law, recounts, and petitions, which often pose challenges for Texas cities. Becky has also advised other women on how to pursue comparable pay in their organizations.” "Garza has gained statewide recognition and has shared extensive expertise at seminars as an instructor and participation in TMCA that have not only impacted individuals at the local level, but they have served as resources to individuals across the state of Texas." Becky is active in TMCA where her committee service includes the Certification Committee (2007-2008, chair 2009-2011), the Advisory Management Committee, and many others. She is a member of the South Plains Chapter where she has held the positions of director and historian, and served on and chaired several committees. Becky has been a member of TMCA for 24 years. She earned her Texas Registered Municipal Clerk Certification in 2003 and has recertified three times. "It has been my honor and privilege to serve the City organization, the City Councils, and especially, the citizens of Lubbock," said Garza. Her retirement will be effective February 28, 2023.
Peña and Carrizales Retire
Latino Lubbock Magazine would like to wish some retirees all the best as they enjoy their new chapter. Juan Peña is retiring from High Plains Underground Water Conservation (HPWD) as Permit Supervisor. He was there 16 years. This is actually his second retirement. Prior to working at HPWD he was a Lubbock Police Officer and retired after 25
Juan Peña years. He later started at HPWD. He began as a Permit field technician and was then promoted to Permit Supervisor. He plans are to take it easy, relax and enjoy life. He added that his granddaughters will keep him busy! Anna Carrizales is retiring after 23 years employment with the AT&T Business Office. She started working with them in 1999. Per her retirement, she has started a new career in Real Estate as a licensed realtor for Exit Lubbock Realty. Her plans include taking time for herself, traveling and enjoying life. She also plans to spend more time with family, as well as to get involved in the community. Congratulations Juan and Anna on your retirement from Latino Lubbock Magazine!
Anna Carrizales
Happy New Year 2023!
¡Feliz Año Nuevo 2023!

Business & Opportunity Updates

FREE PRACTICE EXAMS Study guides for tests Learn-a-Test, a database of practice examinations, is available at the Lubbock Public Library, 1306 9th St. Hundreds of practice examinations, including SAT, ACT and elementary, middle school and high school skills improvement tests, plus graduate entrance exams, available. TAX FORMS AT LIBRARIES they have forms 1040 and 1040-SR in English and Spanish available at all locations. You can also access all available forms and instructions from home at www.irs. gov. BUSINESS COUNSELING Small business owners and aspiring entrepreneurs can discuss their business ventures and get expert advice from the SBDC staff. All information will be held in strict confidence. For a counseling sessions call (806) 745-1637.
CLINIC The TTU School of Law operates a “FREE” Low Income Taxpayer Clinic year around to provide assistance relating to issues involving controversies with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). For more info call (806) 834-7972 or toll free (800) 420-8037.
Spring 2023 West Texas Small Business Summit
Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs of West Texas – Get ready, because the South Plains Association of Governments/Caprock BFC are planning a resource and educational event for small businesses coming this May 2023! In order to best prepare, they are asking participants to complete an online survey to better gauge what area small businesses need. There are several regional partners working together – SPAG/Caprock BFC, The High Ground of Texas, TTU Innovation Hub, Lubbock Economic Development Alliance, Small Business Development Center & TMAC, City of Lubbock, Lubbock Chamber of Commerce, SBA – Lubbock/ West Texas District Office, area banks and more – in order to provide the best in information, resources, and connections to help your small business get started or grow! Small businesses are urged to please answer the online questionnaire at https:// www.surveymonkey.com/ r/3NLLJJQ. Feel free to add in additional information that will better help them plan the perfect content for this event.
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City Accepting Boards, Committees Applications
The City of Lubbock is now accepting applications for several boards and commissions. This is a chance for Lubbock citizens to be an active part in their city’s future. The term for these positions start June 1, 2023, and the deadline to submit an application is Saturday, December 31, 2022. If you have previously submitted an application as of January 1, 2021, your application will be considered. It is encouraged that you login and update your application to ensure the City of Lubbock has the most up-to-date information on file. The boards and commissions with upcoming vacancies are:
• Animal Services Advisory Board - 2 Citizen Position, 1 Animal Shelter Employee Position • Audit and Investment Committee - 1 Citizen Position • Board of Health - 3 Citizen Positions • Capital Improvements Advisory Committee - 1 Citizen Position • Junked Vehicle Compliance Board - 2 Citizen Positions • Keep Lubbock Beautiful Advisory Committee - 4 Citizen Positions • Lake Alan Henry Board of Appeals - 2 Lake Alan Henry Property Owner Positions • Parks and Recreation Board - 3 Citizen Positions • Public Transit Advisory Board - 2 Citizen Positions

• Veterans Advisory Committee - 4 Citizen Positions •Water Board of Appeals - 1 Citizen Position, 1 Public Education Position, 1 Water User Position Applications can be submitted at www. mylubbock.us/ cityboards