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Latin America Digital Signage Market research Report: How is it done?

Top 50 Digital Signage companies in Latin America: how is it done?

Next, we introduce the 2022 issue of the Latin America Top 50 Digital Signage Companies Market Research Report. In addition, AVI Latin America again presents the Top 50 Ranking of Digital Signage companies in Latin America. In order to highlight the work of the region in favor of the growth of the industry.


This ranking was created as an initiative that other international economic media have also successfully carried out, which, through information collected, feature the most important companies in the region.

This time, we consulted different segment markets, including manufacturers, distributors, associations and experts throughout our Latin American region, who were responsible for legitimizing the work and contributing to the recognition of these companies.


For the election, a complete compilation of information was made in order to consolidate a list with 50 of the most outstanding companies in Latin America, divided into four subregions (Mexico and Central America, the Andean Region, Brazil and the Southern Cone). For this point, the recommendations of the experts and associations were taken into account, which identified the companies with the highest position within the Digital Signage industry, as well as a detailed follow-up by the journalistic team of AVI Latin America.

Subsequently, by collecting information through the EncuestaDatos platform and direct communication with the companies, the data corresponding to the number of managed screens was collected, which allowed us to place them hierarchically in the ranking. The companies that did not provide the data appear in the ranking for their recognition in the sector. However, since they cannot be measured, they do not occupy prominent positions.

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