2 minute read
distinctly italian
Often chosen by the Italian government for the gifts it offers at important events, Pineider is a name that exudes the authentic quality associated with the ‘Made in Italy’ stamp. With a rich history dating back to 1774, Pineider has always been adept at charming the nobility; among its famous historical clients, for example, it counts Napoleon Bonaparte and British poet Lord Byron, to name just two.
Although in its earliest days Pineider began as a small manufacturing enterprise, the vision of its founder, Francesco Pineider, took it from small beginnings to global renown. This illustrious history first took shape with a workshop in Florence, an Italian city famous for quality workmanship, from where Pineider's success soon took off. Business cards, writing paper and postcards were among the early items that charmed tourists and VIPs alike. With a second shop opened in Rome in the 1870s, Pineider began supplying the city’s royal court, government ministries and embassies, later adding modern fountain pens to the company’s portfolio of enchanting items. More than 100 years on, today Pineider crafts every item with the same luxurious attention to detail for which it originally gained renown. Using the finest quality materials and traditional craftsmanship, Pineider achieves a level of excellence that makes the items that carry its name – and those who choose them - always distinctly different.
* The Pineider collection can be found exclusively at Fifty One East, Lagoona Mall

زايتماب ةيلاطيإ ةمصب

يتلا لىولأا عطقلا ينب نم ةيديبرلا تاقاطبلاو ةباتكلا قاروأو لمعلا رجتم حاتتفا عمو .ءاوس دح ىلع تايصخشلا رابكو حايسلا تبذج بذتج ”رديانيب" تأدب ،رشع عساتلا نرقلا تاينيعبس في ”امور" في ناث تقو في فيضتل ،تارافسلاو ةيموكلحا تارازولاو يكللما طلابلا دعب ،مويلا .ةيئانثتسلاا اهتاراكتبا ةعوممج لىإ برلحا ملاقأ قحلا مامتهلاا سفنب ةعطق لك ”رديانيب" عدبت ،ماع ١٠٠ نم ثركأ رورم دوجأ مادختسابو .لصلأا في هب ترهتشا يذلا ليصافتلاب رخافلا نم ىوتسم ةيراجتلا ةملاعلا ققتح ،ةيديلقتلا ةيفرلحاو داولما - اهراتخي نم لكو - اهمسا لمتح يتلا ميماصتلا لعجي زيمتلا .تاقولأا لك في ةفلتمخو ةديرف ةموكلحا اهراتخت ام ابلاغ يتلا ةيراجتلا ةملاعلا ،”رديانيب" مسا فداتري ةيلصلأا ةدولجاب ،ةمهلما ثادحلأا في اهمدقت يتلا ايادهلل ةيلاطيلإا ،١٧٧٤ ماعلا لىإ دوعي ينغ خيراتبو .”ايلاطيإ في عنص" متخب ةطبترلما ينب نم ناكف ،يننسلا رم ىلع ءلابنلا بولق رسأ في ”رديانيب" تعرب نويلبان" ،رصلحا لا لاثلما ليبس ىلع ،نيزرابلا ينيخيراتلا اهئلامع .”نورياب" دروللا نياطيبرلا رعاشلاو ”تربانوب
"لوم انوجلا" ،"تسيإ نو يتفيف" يف ايرصح "رديانيب" ةعومجم رفوتت *