2 minute read
the human element
Precious artisanal techniques make Santoni shoes decidedly different.
When it comes to the colour of shoes, we each have a personal preference. But how important is the process of creating that colour? At Santoni, it makes all the difference and is one component of an extraordinary range of artisanal techniques employed in the creation of the brand’s shoes.

Founded by Andrea Santoni in the heart of Italy’s shoemaking district, Santoni grew in the past four decades to be a leading international player in luxury goods. Led today by Andrea’s son Guiseppe, Santoni perpetuates an authentic passion for true craftsmanship through its range of shoes for men and women that blends a fidelity to tradition with an embrace of innovation.
Superior craftsmanship and savoir-faire are nurtured at Santoni’s ateliers through the passing on of knowhow from older generations of artisans to new. Complex activities - hand-cutting, hand-colouring and hand stitching – are skills that require painstaking dedication and are integral to every Santoni product. This is what Santoni calls the human element: the passion and commitment that elevates craft into the art of excellence. The colouring process, known as velatura, is a particularly meticulous technique. Involving up to 15 different steps and the building up of colour over time in multiple applications with a wool cloth and through slow, careful strokes, velatura results in a beautiful depth of colour and a patina unique to each shoe. From its top of the range formal shoes to more leisurely sneakers, no matter what Santoni creates, it assures its clientele of attire whose excellence is in the making.
* Santoni can be found at Fifty One East, Lagoona Mall
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ةقطنم بلق في ”نيوتناس ايردنأ" دي ىلع ةيراجتلا ةملاعلا تسسأت حبصتل ةيضالما ةعبرلأا دوقعلا في تمنف ،ايلاطيإ في ةيذحلأا ةعانص نبا ةرادإ تتحو ،مويلا .ةرخافلا علسلا لامج في ايسيئر ايلماع امسإ ةيفرحلل ايلصأ افغش ”نيوتناس" دلخت ،”يبيسوج" ،رادلا ةسسؤم يتلا ةيلاجرلاو ةيئاسنلا ةيذحلأا نم اهتعوممج للاخ نم ةيقيقلحا .راكتبلاا ناضتحاو ديلاقتلاب مازتللاا ينب جزتم
نم ”نيوتناس" لغاشم في ناززعتت عنصلا في ةراهلماو ةقئافلا ةيفرلحا لايجلأا لىإ ينيفرلحا نم ةيمدقلا لايجلأا اهتلقن يتلا ةبرلخا للاخ ديلاب نيولتلاو يوديلا عيطقتلا اهنمو ،ةدقعلما تاراهلما امأ .ةديدلجا نم أزجتي لا اءزج دعتو اقاش اينافت بلطتت يهف ،ةيوديلا ةطايلخاو رصنعلاب ”نيوتناس" هيمست ام وه .”نيوتناس" تاجتنم نم جتنم لك نم نف لىإ ةيفرلحاب نايقتري نيذللا مازتللااو فغشلا يأ ،يرشبلا ةقيقد ةينقت يه ،velatura ـب فرعت يتلا ،هذه نيولتلا ةيلمع .زيمتلا نيوكتو ةفلتمخ ةوطخ ١٥ لىإ لصي ام كارشإ للاخ نمف .ةياغلل شامق ةعطق مادختساب تارم ةدع هقيبطت برع تقولا روربم نوللا velaturaـلا حنتم ،ةقيقدو ةئيطب تابرض للاخ نمو فوصلا نم .ءاذح لك ىلع ةديرف ةقبطو نولل لايمج اقمع
"لوم انوجلا" ،"تسيإ نو يتفيف" يف "ينوتناس" رفوتت *